def writeBands(ispin, what, bands): # Write output if HS.nspin > 1: sspin = ['.up', '.down'][ispin] else: sspin = '' Graphs = [] for jj, elem in enumerate(what): f = open(general.DestDir + '/' + elem[0] + sspin + '.dat', 'w') xx = N.array(range(elem[3]), N.float) / (elem[3] - 1.0) iColor, Datasets = 1, [] for ii in range(len(bands[jj][0, :])): # Choose bands within +-5 eV from Ef if N.sum((bands[jj][:, ii] < general.eMax)*\ (bands[jj][:, ii] > general.eMin)) > 1e-5: f.write("\n# Band %i \n" % (ii)) for kk, data in enumerate(bands[jj][:, ii]): f.write("%i %e\n" % (kk, data)) Datasets += [XMGR.XYset(xx, bands[jj][:, ii], Lcolor=iColor)] iColor += 1 f.close() g = XMGR.Graph() for data in Datasets: g.AddDatasets(data) g.SetSubtitle(what[jj][0]) g.SetXaxis(label='', majorUnit=0.5, minorUnit=0.1, vmax=1, vmin=0) if jj == 0: g.SetYaxis(label='eV', majorUnit=1, minorUnit=0.2, vmax=general.eMax, vmin=general.eMin) else: g.SetYaxis(label='', majorUnit=1e10, minorUnit=0.2, vmax=general.eMax, vmin=general.eMin) Graphs += [g] p = XMGR.Plot(general.DestDir + '/BandStruct.agr', Graphs[0]) for ii in range(1, len(Graphs)): p.AddGraphs(Graphs[ii]) p.ArrangeGraphs(nx=len(Graphs), ny=1, hspace=0.0, vspace=0.0) # Finally, write the plot file p.ShowTimestamp() p.WriteFile() p.Print2File(general.DestDir + '/BandStruct.eps')
def PlotElectronBands(filename, dk, elist, ticks): # Make xmgrace plots if len(dk) > 1: x = N.array([dk]) else: x = N.array([[0.0]]) e = N.concatenate((x, elist.T)).T es = XMGR.Array2XYsets(e, Lwidth=2, Lcolor=1) ge = XMGR.Graph(es) ge.SetXaxisSpecialTicks(ticks) ge.SetXaxis(vmax=dk[-1], majorGridlines=True) ge.SetYaxis(vmin=-20, vmax=20, label=r'E-E\sF\N (eV)', majorUnit=5.0) pe = XMGR.Plot(filename, ge) pe.WriteFile()
def WriteDOS(outfile, bands, emin, emax, pts, smear): egrid = N.linspace(emin, emax, pts) id1 = N.ones(bands.shape, N.float) id2 = N.ones(egrid.shape, N.float) dE = N.outer(egrid, id1) - N.outer(id2, bands) # [e,kn] w = N.exp(-dE**2 / (2 * smear**2)) / (smear * (2 * N.pi)**.5) # [e,b] dos = N.sum(w, axis=1) / len(bands) # sum over bands # Write plot ps = XMGR.XYset(egrid, dos, Lwidth=2, Lcolor=1) gp = XMGR.Graph(ps) gp.SetXaxis(label='E (eV)', vmin=emin, vmax=emax, majorUnit=emax / 5) ymax = N.max(dos) gp.SetYaxis(label='DOS (states/eV)', vmin=0, vmax=ymax, majorUnit=ymax / 5) #gp.SetSubtitle(ncfile) pp = XMGR.Plot(outfile, gp) pp.PutText('smear = %.3f meV' % (1e3 * smear), 0.20, 0.75) pp.PutText('kpts = %i' % len(bands), 0.20, 0.70) pp.WriteFile()
def WriteMPSH(fn, options, DevGF, DOS, ev0): """ Projected density of states onto MPSH eigenstates (at Gamma) """ import xml.dom.minidom as xml import gzip doc = xml.Document() mpsh = doc.createElement('mpsh') doc.appendChild(mpsh) xmladd(doc, mpsh, 'nspin', '%i' % DevGF.HS.nspin) xmladd(doc, mpsh, 'norbitals', '%i' % (DevGF.nuo)) xmladd(doc, mpsh, 'energy_values', myprint(options.Elist + DevGF.HS.ef)) xmladd(doc, mpsh, 'E_Fermi', '%.8f' % DevGF.HS.ef) for ii in range(DevGF.nuo): orb = doc.createElement('orbital') mpsh.appendChild(orb) orb.setAttribute('index', '%i' % ii) xmladd(doc, orb, 'data', myprint(DOS[:, :, ii])) doc.writexml(gzip.GzipFile(fn, 'w')) # Make plot g = XMGR.Graph() for ii in range(DevGF.nuo): for iS in range(DevGF.HS.nspin): g.AddDatasets( XMGR.XYset(options.Elist, (-1)**iS * DOS[iS, :, ii], legend='', Lwidth=2)) # Set axes and write XMGR plot to file g.SetXaxis(label='E-E\sF\N (eV)', autoscale=True) g.SetYaxis(label='DOS (1/eV)', autoscale=True) # Add MPSH eigenvalues to plot after axis scaling g.AddDatasets(XMGR.XYset(ev0, 0 * ev0 + 1, Ltype=0, Stype=3)) g.SetTitle(fn, size=1.3) g.ShowLegend() p = XMGR.Plot(fn + '.xmgr', g) p.WriteFile()
def WritePDOS(fn, options, DevGF, DOS, basis): """ PDOS from the surface Green's function from electrode calculations NOTE! The DOS is a sum over the atoms of the unitcell. NOTE! The outfile contains the DOS divided into s,p,d,f shells. This decomposition is not perfect since polarized basis orbitals will end up in L+1 part, i.e., 6s polarized orbital = 6p """ import xml.dom.minidom as xml import gzip # First, last orbital in full space and pyTBT folded space. devOrbSt = DevGF.HS.lasto[options.DeviceAtoms[0] - 1] pyTBTdevOrbSt = devOrbSt - DevGF.HS.lasto[options.DeviceAtoms[0] - 1] devOrbEnd = DevGF.HS.lasto[options.DeviceAtoms[1]] - 1 doc = xml.Document() pdos = doc.createElement('pdos') doc.appendChild(pdos) xmladd(doc, pdos, 'nspin', '%i' % DevGF.HS.nspin) xmladd(doc, pdos, 'norbitals', '%i' % (DevGF.nuo)) xmladd(doc, pdos, 'energy_values', myprint(options.Elist + DevGF.HS.ef)) xmladd(doc, pdos, 'E_Fermi', '%.8f' % DevGF.HS.ef) for ii in range(DevGF.nuo): orb = doc.createElement('orbital') pdos.appendChild(orb) io = devOrbSt + ii orb.setAttribute('index', '%i' % (io + 1)) orb.setAttribute('atom_index', '%i' % basis.ii[io]) orb.setAttribute('species', basis.label[io]) orb.setAttribute( 'position', '%f %f %f' % ([io, 0],[io, 1],[io, 2])) orb.setAttribute('n', '%i' % basis.N[io]) orb.setAttribute('l', '%i' % basis.L[io]) orb.setAttribute('m', '%i' % basis.M[io]) xmladd(doc, orb, 'data', myprint(DOS[:, :, ii])) doc.writexml(gzip.GzipFile(fn, 'w')) # Make plot atoms = list(set(basis.label)) lVals = list(set(basis.L)) plots = [[atoms, lVals, 'Tot']] plots += [[atoms, [lVal], 'Tot L=%i' % lVal] for lVal in lVals] plots += [[[atom], lVals, atom + ' Tot'] for atom in atoms] plots += [[[atom], [lVal], atom + ' L=%i' % lVal] for lVal in lVals for atom in atoms] g = XMGR.Graph() for atom, lVal, name in plots: nspin, ee, PDOS = SIO.ExtractPDOS(fn, None, FermiRef=False, llist=lVal, species=atom, Normalize=True) for iS in range(nspin): g.AddDatasets( XMGR.XYset(ee - DevGF.HS.ef, (-1)**iS * PDOS[iS], legend=name, Lwidth=2)) # Set axes and write XMGR plot to file g.SetXaxis(label='E-E\sF\N (eV)', autoscale=True) g.SetYaxis(label='DOS (1/eV/atom)', autoscale=True) g.SetTitle(fn, size=1.3) g.ShowLegend() p = XMGR.Plot(fn + '.xmgr', g) p.WriteFile()
x = N.linspace(-x0, x0, 1e5) gauss = -1j * N.pi**-0.5 * N.exp(-x**2) # Output from our Hilbert function: Hg, ker = mm.Hilbert(gauss) # We can compare with this: # Hilbert transform of a Gaussian function is related to Faddeva/w(z) functions: # ex = -1j * N.pi**0.5 * ss.wofz(x) # Collect data in a plot data1 = XMGR.XYset(x, gauss.imag, legend='Gauss', Lwidth=2) data2 = XMGR.XYset(x, ex.real, legend='Faddeva', Lwidth=2) data3 = XMGR.XYset(x, N.pi * Hg.imag, legend='Inelastica', Lwidth=1) graph1 = XMGR.Graph(data1, data2, data3) graph1.SetXaxis(autoscale=True) graph1.SetYaxis(autoscale=True) graph1.ShowLegend() # Compute error/difference between the two methods: err = ex.real - N.pi * Hg.imag data4 = XMGR.XYset(x, err, legend='Difference', Lwidth=2) graph2 = XMGR.Graph(data4) graph2.SetXaxis(autoscale=True) graph2.SetYaxis(autoscale=True) graph2.ShowLegend() plot = XMGR.Plot('test.agr', graph1) plot.AddGraphs(graph2) plot.ArrangeGraphs(nx=2, ny=1)