def spawn_basis_projection(self, mother, child, component):
        Update the superposition coefficients of mother and
        spawned wavepacket. We do a full basis projection to the
        basis of the spawned wavepacket here.
        c_old = mother.get_coefficients(component=component)

        # Mother packet
        c_new_m = np.zeros(c_old.shape, dtype=np.complexfloating)
        c_new_m[:self.K,:] = c_old[:self.K,:]

        # Spawned packet
        c_new_s = np.zeros((child.get_basis_size(component=component),1), dtype=np.complexfloating)

        # The quadrature
        quadrature = InhomogeneousQuadrature()

        # Quadrature rule. Assure the "right" quadrature is choosen if
        # mother and child have different basis sizes
        if mother.get_basis_size(component=component) > child.get_basis_size(component=component):

        # The quadrature nodes and weights
        q0, QS = quadrature.mix_parameters(mother.get_parameters(), child.get_parameters())
        nodes = quadrature.transform_nodes(mother.get_parameters(), child.get_parameters(), mother.eps)
        weights = quadrature.get_qr().get_weights()

        # Basis sets for both packets
        basis_m = mother.evaluate_basis_at(nodes, prefactor=True)
        basis_s = child.evaluate_basis_at(nodes, prefactor=True)

        max_order = min(child.get_basis_size(component=component), self.max_order)

        # Project to the basis of the spawned wavepacket
        # Original, inefficient code for projection
        # R = QR.get_order()
        # for i in xrange(max_order):
        #     # Loop over all quadrature points
        #     tmp = 0.0j
        #     for r in xrange(R):
        #         tmp += np.conj([self.K:,0], basis_m[self.K:,r])) * basis_s[i,r] * weights[r]
        #     c_new_s[i,0] = self.eps * QS * tmp

        # Optimised and vectorised code (in ugly formatting)
        c_new_s[:max_order,:] = self.eps * QS * (
                                np.sum(c_old[self.K:,:] * basis_m[self.K:,:],axis=0)
                            ) ,(-1,1)
                    ) * (basis_s[:max_order,:] * weights[:,:]), axis=1
                ) ,(-1,1)

        # Reassign the new coefficients
        mother.set_coefficients(c_new_m, component=component)
        child.set_coefficients(c_new_s, component=component)

        return (mother, child)
class HagedornWavepacketInhomogeneous(Wavepacket):
    This class represents inhomogeneous vector valued wavepackets :math:`|\Psi\rangle`.

    def __init__(self, parameters):
        Initialize the ``HagedornWavepacketInhomogeneous`` object that represents :math:`|\Psi\rangle`.

        :param parameters: A :py:class:`ParameterProvider` instance or a dict containing simulation parameters.
        :raise ValueError: For :math:`N < 1` or :math:`K < 2`.
        #: Number of components :math:`\Phi_i` the wavepacket :math:`|\Psi\rangle` has got.
        self.number_components = parameters["ncomponents"]

        if self.number_components < 1:
            raise ValueError("Number of components of the Hagedorn wavepacket has to be >= 1.")

        # Size of the basis from which we construct the wavepacket.
        # If there is a key "basis_size" in the input parameters, the corresponding
        # value can be either a single int or a list of ints. If there is no such key
        # we use the values from the global defaults.
        if parameters.has_key("basis_size"):
            bs = parameters["basis_size"]
            if type(bs) is list or type(bs) is tuple:
                if not len(bs) == self.number_components:
                    raise ValueError("Number of value(s) for basis size(s) does not match.")

                self.basis_size = bs[:]
                self.basis_size = self.number_components * [ bs ]
            self.basis_size = self.number_components * [ GD.default_basis_size ]

        if any([bs < 2 for bs in self.basis_size]):
            raise ValueError("Number of basis fucntions for Hagedorn wavepacket has to be >= 2.")

        # Cache the parameter values epsilon we will use over and over again.
        self.eps = parameters["eps"]

        #: Data structure that contains the Hagedorn parameter sets :math:`\Pi_i` of each component :math:`\Phi_i`.
        #: The parameter values are initialized to the Harmonic Oscillator Eigenfunctions
        self.parameters = [ GD.default_Pi for i in xrange(self.number_components) ]

        #: The coefficients :math:`c^i` of the linear combination for each component :math:`\Phi_i`.
        self.coefficients = [ zeros((self.basis_size[index],1), dtype=complexfloating) for index in xrange(self.number_components) ]

        #: An object that can compute brakets via quadrature.
        self.quadrature = None

        self._cont_sqrt_cache = [ 0.0 for i in xrange(self.number_components) ]

    def __str__(self):
        :return: A string describing the Hagedorn wavepacket.
        s =  "Inhomogeneous Hagedorn wavepacket with "+str(self.number_components)+" components\n"
        return s

    def clone(self, keepid=False):
        # Parameters of this packet
        params = {"ncomponents": self.number_components,
                  "eps":         self.eps}

        # Create a new Packet
        other = HagedornWavepacketInhomogeneous(params)
        # If we wish to keep the packet ID
        if keepid is True:
        # And copy over all (private) data
        other._cont_sqrt_cache = [ cache for cache in self._cont_sqrt_cache ]

        return other

    def get_parameters(self, component=None, aslist=False):
        Get the Hagedorn parameters :math:`\Pi_i` of each component :math:`\Phi_i` of the wavepacket :math:`\Psi`.

        :param component: The index :math:`i` of the component whose parameters :math:`\Pi_i` we want to get.
        :param aslist: Dummy parameter for API compatibility with the homogeneous packets.
        :return: A list with all the sets :math:`\Pi_i` or a single set.
        if component is None:
            result = [ tuple(item) for item in self.parameters ]
            result = self.parameters[component]
        return tuple(result)

    def set_parameters(self, parameters, component=None):
        Set the Hagedorn parameters :math:`\Pi_i` of each component :math:`\Phi_i` of the wavepacket :math:`\Psi`.

        :param parameters: A list or a single set of Hagedorn parameters.
        :param component: The index :math:`i` of the component whose parameters :math:`\Pi_i` we want to update.
        if component is None:
            for index, item in enumerate(parameters):
                self.parameters[index] = item[:]
            self.parameters[component] = parameters[:]

    def set_quadrature(self, quadrature):
        Set the ``InhomogeneousQuadrature`` instance used for evaluating brakets.

        :param quadrature: The new ``InhomogeneousQuadrature`` instance. May be ``None``
                           to use a dafault one with a quadrature rule of order :math:`K+4`.
        # TODO: Put an "extra accuracy" parameter into global defaults with value of 4.
        # TODO: Improve on the max(basis_size) later
        # TODO: Rethink if wavepackets should contain a QR
        if quadrature is None:
            self.quadrature = InhomogeneousQuadrature(order=max(self.basis_size) + 4)
            self.quadrature = quadrature

    def get_quadrature(self):
        Return the ``InhomogeneousQuadrature`` instance used for evaluating brakets.

        :return: The current instance ``InhomogeneousQuadrature``.
        return self.quadrature

    def evaluate_basis_at(self, nodes, component, prefactor=False):
        Evaluate the Hagedorn functions :math:`\phi_k` recursively at the given nodes :math:`\gamma`.

        :param nodes: The nodes :math:`\gamma` at which the Hagedorn functions are evaluated.
        :param component: The index :math:`i` of the component whose basis functions :math:`\phi^i_k` we want to evaluate.
        :param prefactor: Whether to include a factor of :math:`\left(\det\left(Q_i\right)\right)^{-\frac{1}{2}}`.
        :return: Returns a twodimensional array :math:`H` where the entry :math:`H[k,i]` is the value
                 of the :math:`k`-th Hagedorn function evaluated at the node :math:`i`.
        H = zeros((self.basis_size[component], nodes.size), dtype=complexfloating)

        (P, Q, S, p, q) = self.parameters[component]
        Qinv = Q**(-1.0)
        Qbar = conj(Q)
        nodes = nodes.reshape((1,nodes.size))

        H[0] = pi**(-0.25)*self.eps**(-0.5) * exp(1.0j/self.eps**2 * (0.5*P*Qinv*(nodes-q)**2 + p*(nodes-q)))
        H[1] = Qinv*sqrt(2.0/self.eps**2) * (nodes-q) * H[0]

        for k in xrange(2, self.basis_size[component]):
            H[k] = Qinv*sqrt(2.0/self.eps**2)*1.0/sqrt(k) * (nodes-q) * H[k-1] - Qinv*Qbar*sqrt((k-1.0)/k) * H[k-2]

        if prefactor is True:
            sqrtQ, self._cont_sqrt_cache[component] = cont_sqrt(Q, reference=self._cont_sqrt_cache[component])
            H = 1.0/sqrtQ*H

        return H

    def evaluate_at(self, nodes, component=None, prefactor=False):
        Evaluete the Hagedorn wavepacket :math:`\Psi` at the given nodes :math:`\gamma`.

        :param nodes: The nodes :math:`\gamma` at which the Hagedorn wavepacket gets evaluated.
        :param component: The index :math:`i` of a single component :math:`\Phi_i` to evaluate. (Defaults to 'None' for evaluating all components.)
        :param prefactor: Whether to include a factor of :math:`\left(\det\left(Q_i\right)\right)^{-\frac{1}{2}}`.
        :return: A list of arrays or a single array containing the values of the :math:`\Phi_i` at the nodes :math:`\gamma`.
        nodes = nodes.reshape((1,nodes.size))

        if component is not None:
            # Avoid the expensive evaluation of unused other bases
            (P, Q, S, p, q) = self.parameters[component]

            basis = self.evaluate_basis_at(nodes, component, prefactor=prefactor)
            phase = exp(1.0j*S/self.eps**2)
            values = phase * sum(self.coefficients[component] * basis, axis=0)
            values = [ zeros(nodes.shape) for index in xrange(self.number_components) ]

            for index in xrange(self.number_components):
                (P, Q, S, p, q) = self.parameters[index]

                basis = self.evaluate_basis_at(nodes, index, prefactor=prefactor)
                phase = exp(1.0j*S/self.eps**2)
                values[index] = phase * sum(self.coefficients[index] * basis, axis=0)

        return values

    def get_norm(self, component=None, summed=False):
        Calculate the :math:`L^2` norm of the wavepacket :math:`|\Psi\rangle`.

        :param component: The component :math:`\Phi_i` of which the norm is calculated.
        :param summed: Whether to sum up the norms of the individual components :math:`\Phi_i`.
        :return: A list containing the norms of all components :math:`\Phi_i` or the overall norm of :math:`\Psi`.
        if component is None:
            result = [ norm(item) for item in self.coefficients ]

            if summed is True:
                result = reduce(lambda x,y: x+conj(y)*y, result, 0)
                result = sqrt(result)
            result = norm(self.coefficients[component])

        return result

    def potential_energy(self, potential, summed=False):
        Calculate the potential energy :math:`\langle\Psi|V|\Psi\rangle` of the wavepacket componentwise.

        :param potential: The potential energy operator :math:`V` as function.
        :param summed: Wheter to sum up the individual integrals :math:`\langle\Phi_i|V_{i,j}|\Phi_j\rangle`.
        :return: The potential energy of the wavepacket's components :math:`\Phi_i` or the overall potential energy of :math:`\Psi`.
        f = partial(potential, as_matrix=True)
        Q = self.quadrature.quadrature(self, self, f)

        N = self.number_components
        epot = [ sum(Q[i*N:(i+1)*N]) for i in xrange(N) ]

        if summed is True:
            epot = sum(epot)
        return epot

    def kinetic_energy(self, summed=False):
        Calculate the kinetic energy :math:`\langle\Psi|T|\Psi\rangle` of the wavepacket componentwise.

        :param summed: Wheter to sum up the individual integrals :math:`\langle\Phi_i|T_{i,j}|\Phi_j\rangle`.
        :return: The kinetic energy of the wavepacket's components :math:`\Phi_i` or the overall kinetic energy of :math:`\Psi`.
        tmp = [ self.grady(component) for component in xrange(self.number_components) ]
        # TODO: Check 0.25 vs orig 0.5!
        ekin = [ 0.25*norm(item)**2 for item in tmp ]

        if summed is True:
            ekin = sum(ekin)

        return ekin

    def grady(self, component):
        Calculate the effect of :math:`-i \epsilon^2 \frac{\partial}{\partial x}` on a component :math:`\Phi_i` of the Hagedorn wavepacket :math:`\Psi`.

        :param component: The index :math:`i` of the component :math:`\Phi_i` on which we apply the above operator.
        :return: The modified coefficients.
        (P,Q,S,p,q) = self.parameters[component]
        sh = array(self.coefficients[component].shape)
        sh = sh+1
        c = zeros(sh, dtype=complexfloating)
        k = 0
        c[k] = c[k] + p*self.coefficients[component][k]
        c[k+1] = c[k+1] + sqrt(k+1)*P*sqrt(self.eps**2*0.5)*self.coefficients[component][k]

        for k in xrange(1,self.basis_size[component]):
            c[k] = c[k] + p*self.coefficients[component][k]
            c[k+1] = c[k+1] + sqrt(k+1)*P*sqrt(self.eps**2*0.5)*self.coefficients[component][k]
            c[k-1] = c[k-1] + sqrt(k)*conj(P)*sqrt(self.eps**2*0.5)*self.coefficients[component][k]

        return c

    def project_to_canonical(self, potential):
        Project the Hagedorn wavepacket into the canonical basis.

        :param potential: The potential :math:`V` whose eigenvectors :math:`nu_l` are used for the transformation.

        .. note:: This function is expensive and destructive! It modifies the coefficients of the ``self`` instance.
        # No projection for potentials with a single energy level.
        # The canonical and eigenbasis are identical here.
        if potential.get_number_components() == 1:


        # Basically an ugly hack to overcome some shortcomings of the matrix function
        # and of the data layout.
        def f(q, x, component):
            x = x.reshape((self.quadrature.get_qr().get_number_nodes(),))
            z = potential.evaluate_eigenvectors_at(x)
            (row, col) = component
            return z[col][row,:]

        F = transpose(conj(self.quadrature.build_matrix(self,self,f)))
        c = self.get_coefficient_vector()
        d = dot(F, c)

    def project_to_eigen(self, potential):
        Project the Hagedorn wavepacket into the eigenbasis of a given potential :math:`V`.

        :param potential: The potential :math:`V` whose eigenvectors :math:`nu_l` are used for the transformation.

        .. note:: This function is expensive and destructive! It modifies the coefficients of the ``self`` instance.
        # No projection for potentials with a single energy level.
        # The canonical and eigenbasis are identical here.
        if potential.get_number_components() == 1:


        # Basically an ugly hack to overcome some shortcomings of the matrix function
        # and of the data layout.
        def f(q, x, component):
            x = x.reshape((self.quadrature.get_qr().get_number_nodes(),))
            z = potential.evaluate_eigenvectors_at(x)
            (row, col) = component
            return z[col][row,:]

        F = self.quadrature.build_matrix(self,self,f)
        c = self.get_coefficient_vector()
        d = dot(F, c)

    def to_fourier_space(self, assign=True):
        Transform the wavepacket to Fourier space.

        :param assign: Whether to assign the transformation to this packet or return a cloned packet.

        .. note:: This is the inverse of the method ``to_real_space()``.
        # The Fourier transformed parameters
        Pihats = [ (1.0j*Q, -1.0j*P, S, -q, p) for P,Q,S,p,q in self.parameters ]

        # The Fourier transformed coefficients
        coeffshat = []
        for index in xrange(self.number_components):
            k = arange(0, self.basis_size[index]).reshape((self.basis_size[index], 1))
            # Compute phase arising from the transformation
            phase = (-1.0j)**k * exp(-1.0j*self.parameters[index][3]*self.parameters[index][4] / self.eps**2)
            # Absorb phase into the coefficients
            coeffshat.append(phase * self.get_coefficients(component=index))

        if assign is True:
            FWP = self.clone()
            return FWP

    def to_real_space(self, assign=True):
        Transform the wavepacket to real space.

        :param assign: Whether to assign the transformation to this packet or return a cloned packet.

        .. note:: This is the inverse of the method ``to_fourier_space()``.
        # The inverse Fourier transformed parameters
        Pi = [ (1.0j*Q, -1.0j*P, S, q, -p) for P,Q,S,p,q in self.parameters ]

        # The inverse Fourier transformed coefficients
        coeffs = []
        for index in xrange(self.number_components):
            k = arange(0, self.basis_size[index]).reshape((self.basis_size[index], 1))
            # Compute phase arising from the transformation
            phase = (-1.0j)**k * exp(-1.0j*self.parameters[index][3]*self.parameters[index][4] / self.eps**2)
            # Absorb phase into the coefficients
            coeffs.append(phase * self.get_coefficients(component=index))

        if assign is True:
            RWP = self.clone()
            return RWP