class MakeTests:
    This is main class. It finds all modules in the given directory and creates tests for them.

    def __init__(self, tests_directory_path, local_modules_path, modules_path=None):
        You should give to this constructor following arguments:
          * local_modules_path = Path to puppet modules which will be scanned for test files
          * tests_directory_path = Output directory where files will be written
          * modules_path = (Optional) Use this path to modules on test host system instead of local_modules_path.
            Useful when path to puppet modules differ on machine where tests are made and where they are executed.
        self.interface = Interface(debuglevel=4)
        self.interface.debug('Starting MakeTests', 1)

        if not os.path.isdir(local_modules_path):
            self.interface.error('No such dir: ' + local_modules_path, 1)

        if not os.path.isdir(tests_directory_path):
            self.interface.error('No such dir: ' + tests_directory_path, 1)

        self.__local_modules_path = local_modules_path
        self.__modules_path = local_modules_path
        if modules_path:
            self.__modules_path = modules_path
        self.__tests_directory_path = tests_directory_path

        self.__default_template_file = ''
        self.__test_file_name_prefix = 'TestPuppetModule'

        self.__modules = []
        self.__module_templates = {}
        self.__make_tests_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))



    def setTemplatesDir(self, template_dir):
        Set directory to take templates from
        if not os.path.isdir(template_dir):
            self.interface.error("No such dir: " + template_dir)
        self.__template_loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(searchpath=template_dir)
        self.__template_environment = templateEnv = jinja2.Environment(

    def setModuleTemplates(self, module_templates_dictionary):
        Set module template file override dictionary
        if type(module_templates_dictionary) is dict:
            self.__module_templates = module_templates_dictionary
            self.interface.error("Argument is not Dictionary")

    def setDefaultTemplateFile(self, template_file):
        Set default script template file
        self.__default_template_file = template_file

    def setInternalModulesPath(self, internal_modules_path):
        Set path to modules inside virtual machine
        self.__internal_modules_path = internal_modules_path

    def setInternalManifestsPath(self, internal_manifests_path):
        Set path to manifests directory inside virtual machine
        self.__internal_manifests_path = internal_manifests_path

    def getModulesList(self):
        Get list of PuppetModule objects
        return self.__modules

    def findModules(self):
        Find all Puppet modules in module_library_path
        and create array of PuppetModule objects
        self.interface.debug('Starting findModules in "%s"' % self.__local_modules_path, 2)
        for module_dir in os.listdir(self.__local_modules_path):
            full_local_module_path = os.path.join(self.__local_modules_path, module_dir)
            full_local_tests_path = os.path.join(full_local_module_path, 'tests')
            if not os.path.isdir(full_local_tests_path):
            self.interface.debug('Found Puppet module: "%s"' % full_local_module_path, 3)
            puppet_module = PuppetModule(full_local_module_path, self.interface)

    def compileScript(self, module):
        Compile script template for given module and return it
        template_file = self.__module_templates.get(module.getName(), self.__default_template_file)
        template = self.__template_environment.get_template(template_file)
        general = {
            'modules_path': self.__modules_path,
            'local_modules_path': self.__local_modules_path,
            'internal_modules_path': self.__internal_modules_path,
            'internal_manifests_path': self.__internal_manifests_path,
            'tests_directory_path': self.__tests_directory_path,
        compiled_template = template.render(module=module, **general)
        return compiled_template

    def saveScript(self, module):
        Saves compiled script to a file
        file_name = self.__test_file_name_prefix + module.getName().title() + '.py'
        full_file_path = os.path.join(self.__tests_directory_path, file_name)
        script_content = self.compileScript(module)
        script_file = open(full_file_path, 'w+')

    def makeAllScripts(self):
        Compile and save to tests_directory_path all the test scripts. Main procedure.
        self.interface.debug('Starting makeAllScripts', 2)
        except OSError as error:
            self.interface.error("Cannot change directory to %s: %s" % (self.__make_tests_dir, error.message))
            return None
        for module in self.getModulesList():
            self.interface.debug('Processing module: "%s"' % module.getName(), 3)

    def removeAllTests(self):
        Remove all tests from tests_directory_path
        self.interface.debug('Starting removeAllTests in "%s"' % self.__tests_directory_path, 2)
        file_list = os.listdir(self.__tests_directory_path)
        for test_file in file_list:
            if not test_file[-3:] == '.py':
            if not test_file[0:16] == 'TestPuppetModule':
            full_file_path = os.path.join(self.__tests_directory_path, test_file)
            self.interface.debug('Removing test file: "%s"' % full_file_path, 3)