Exemple #1
    def tmp_module_information(self, *args):
        selected_node = pm.ls(sl=True)

        # only if selection is one or zero because we may need to shift select
        if len(selected_node) <= 1:
            self.moduleInstance = None
            mod_moduleType = None
            mod_namespace = None
            # only if selection is one
            if len(selected_node) == 1:
                selected_node = selected_node[0]
                # need to figure out which module type we have selected
                if selected_node.hasAttr("MetaNode"):
                    mod_moduleType = utils.getModuleMetaInfo(selected_node, "ModuleType")
                    mod_namespace = utils.getModuleMetaInfo(selected_node, "Namespace")
                    _logger.warning('ModifySelected: {} does not have attribute "MetaNode"'.format(selected_node))

            control_enabled = False
            # import the module
            if mod_moduleType != None:
                control_enabled = True

                # putting an instance of the module in memory
                module = __import__(environ.BlueprintModulePath + mod_moduleType, {}, {}, [mod_moduleType])
                moduleClass = getattr(module, module.CLASS_NAME)
                self.moduleInstance = moduleClass(mod_namespace, self.find_parentModule())

            mod_info = self.moduleInstance.getJointInformation()
            for x in mod_info:
                print x
Exemple #2
    def build_rig(self, *args):
        Builds the skeleton

        # temporary way of finding all modules
        all_modules = pm.ls(type="network")

        module_instances = []
        for mod in all_modules:

            mod_moduleType = utils.getModuleMetaInfo(mod, "ModuleType")
            mod_namespace = utils.getModuleMetaInfo(mod, "Namespace")

            module = __import__(environ.BlueprintModulePath + mod_moduleType, {}, {}, [mod_moduleType])

            moduleClass = getattr(module, module.CLASS_NAME)
            module_instance = moduleClass(mod_namespace, self.find_parentModule())
            module_information = module_instance.getJointInformation()

            # module_instances.append( module_information )
            module_instances.append((module_instance, module_information))

        for module in module_instances:

        for module in module_instances:
    def delete_module(self, node):
        """deletes Module """

        node = pm.PyNode(node)
        if node.hasAttr("MetaNode"):
            module_container = utils.getModuleMetaInfo(node, "ModuleContainer")

        pm.lockNode(module_container, lock = False)
        module_namespace = utils.getModuleMetaInfo(node, "Namespace")
        pm.namespace(setNamespace = ":")
        pm.namespace(removeNamespace = module_namespace)
Exemple #4
    def modifySelected(self, *args):
        """script job will fire regardless of what is selected, so need to set
        up conditions so it doesn't error out"""

        # figure out if selected is a blueprint module
        selected_node = pm.ls(sl=True)

        # only if selection is one or zero because we may need to shift select
        if len(selected_node) <= 1:
            self.moduleInstance = None
            mod_moduleType = None
            mod_namespace = None
            # only if selection is one
            if len(selected_node) == 1:
                selected_node = selected_node[0]
                # need to figure out which module type we have selected
                if selected_node.hasAttr("MetaNode"):
                    mod_moduleType = utils.getModuleMetaInfo(selected_node, "ModuleType")
                    mod_namespace = utils.getModuleMetaInfo(selected_node, "Namespace")
                    _logger.warning('ModifySelected: {} does not have attribute "MetaNode"'.format(selected_node))

            control_enabled = False
            # import the module
            if mod_moduleType != None:
                control_enabled = True

                # putting an instance of the module in memory
                module = __import__(environ.BlueprintModulePath + mod_moduleType, {}, {}, [mod_moduleType])
                moduleClass = getattr(module, module.CLASS_NAME)
                self.moduleInstance = moduleClass(mod_namespace, self.find_parentModule())

            _logger.info("\nModule Instance: {}".format(self.moduleInstance))

                self.UIwidgets["moduleOptions_name_textField"], edit=True, text=mod_namespace, enable=control_enabled
            pm.button(self.UIwidgets["moduleOptions_parent_button"], edit=True, enable=control_enabled)
            pm.button(self.UIwidgets["moduleOptions_delete_button"], edit=True, enable=control_enabled)
            pm.button(self.UIwidgets["moduleOptions_mirror_button"], edit=True, enable=control_enabled)

Exemple #5
    def getJointInformation(self):
        """Given a list of joints, gather and return all the required information from this modules control objects"""
        #    joint_positions = List of joint positions from down the hierarchy   "<class 'pymel.core.nodetypes.Joint'>"
        #    joint_orientations = A list of orientations, or axis information (orientJoint and secondaryAxisOrient for joint command).
        #                        Padded in the following tuple: (orientations, None) or (None, axisInfo) or spine.
        #                      joint.rotate.get() = "<class 'pymel.core.datatypes.Vector'>" joint.getRotation() = "<class 'pymel.core.datatypes.EulerRotation'>"
        #    joint_rotation_order = A list of jointRotation orders (integer values gather with getAttr)    "<class 'pymel.util.enum.EnumValue'>"
        #    joint_preferredAngles = A list of joint preferred angles, optional (can pass None)   "<type 'list'>"
        #    hook_object = self.findHookObjectForLock()   <type 'list'>
        #    root_transform = Either True or False.  True = R, T, and S on root joint.  False = R only.   "<type 'NoneType'>"
        #    module_information = ([joint, joint_positions, joint_orientations, joint_rotation_order, joint_preferredAngles, hook_object, root_transform])

        joint_positions = []
        joint_orientations = []
        joint_rotation_order = []

        module_joints = utils.getModuleMetaInfo(self.module_container, "ModuleJoints")
        for joint in module_joints:
            joint_positions.append(joint.getTranslation(space = "world"))

        joint_preferredAngles = None #joint.getPreferedAngle()

        parent_object = utils.getModuleMetaInfo(self.module_container, "ParentObject")

        root_transform = None

        module_information = (module_joints, joint_positions, joint_orientations, joint_rotation_order, joint_preferredAngles, parent_object, root_transform )

        return module_information