def __init__(self): PBDaemon.__init__(self, keeproot=True) ZCmdBase.__init__(self)'Starting...') wants_ssl = self.options.ssl if wants_ssl and not HAVE_SSL: self.log.error('SSL was requested for Jabber connection, but pyopenssl is not installed. Please install it and start the xmppBot again.') sys.exit(2) if not self.options.jabber_pass: self.log.error('--jabber_pass is required') sys.exit(2) if not self.options.jabber_user: self.log.error('--jabber_user is required') sys.exit(2) if self.options.first_user: try: zenUser, jabberId = self.options.first_user.split(',') except ValueError: self.log.error('--first_user option must contain both zenuser and jabberid separated by a comma. Example: chudler,[email protected]') sys.exit(2) if zenUser and jabberId: self.setFirstUser(zenUser, jabberId) else: self.log.error('--first_user option must contain both zenuser and jabberid separated by a comma. Example: chudler,[email protected]') sys.exit(2) # taken from self.schedule = Schedule(self.options, self.dmd) self.actions = [] self.loadActionRules() self.updateCheck = UpdateCheck() self.sendEvent(Event.Event(device=self.options.monitor, eventClass=App_Start, summary='Jabber Bot started', severity=0, component='xmppbot')) self.adapter = JabberAdapter(True) password = self.options.jabber_pass chatroom = self.options.chatroom username = self.options.jabber_user host = self.options.jabber_host port = self.options.jabber_port groupServer = self.options.group_server realHost = self.options.im_host server = '%s:%s' % (host, port) client = TwistedJabberClient(dialogHandler = self.adapter, server = server, userId = username, userPassword = password, firstRoom = chatroom, debug = True, groupServer = groupServer, realHost = realHost, wants_ssl = wants_ssl) self.adapter.client = client path = os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0]) pluginPath = os.path.dirname(path) + '/Jabber/plugins'"xmppBot plugins will be loaded from %s" % pluginPath) plugins = [pluginFile.split('/')[-1].split('.py')[0] for pluginFile in glob.glob( os.path.join(pluginPath, '*.py') )] initPluginSystem({'pluginPath': pluginPath, 'plugins': plugins})'started') # connect to the jabber server jabber_reactor = client.connect() # begin looking for zenevents self.schedule.start() self.runCycle() # start event loop which will process jabber messages and zenevents
class XmppBot(ZenActions, ZCmdBase, PBDaemon): def buildOptions(self): ZCmdBase.buildOptions(self) self.parser.add_option( '--jabber_pass', dest='jabber_pass', type='string', help='Password used to connect to the XMPP server') self.parser.add_option( '--jabber_user', dest='jabber_user', type='string', help='Username used to connect to the XMPP server') self.parser.add_option('--jabber_host', dest='jabber_host', type='string', default='localhost', help='(OPTIONAL) XMPP server to connect') self.parser.add_option( '--jabber_port', dest='jabber_port', type='int', help='(OPTIONAL) Port used to connect to the XMPP server') self.parser.add_option( '--first_user', dest='first_user', type='string', help= 'User mapping to bootstrap the bot with at least on authorized user. Example specification myzenossname,[email protected]' ) self.parser.add_option('--resource', dest='resource', type='string', default='xmppbot', help='(OPTIONAL) jabber resource name.') self.parser.add_option( '--im_host', dest='im_host', type='string', help= '(OPTIONAL) option for addressing IM users when the server is not known. If this is ommitted, jabber_host will be used.' ) self.parser.add_option('--ssl', dest='ssl', action='store_true', help='(OPTIONAL) ssl.') self.parser.add_option( '--group_server', type='string', dest='group_server', help= '(OPTIONAL) Conference/groupchat server. If the name has no dots, it will use group_server.jabber_host' ) self.parser.add_option( '--chatrooms', dest='chatrooms', action='append', type='string', help= '(OPTIONAL) First chatroom joined to when connecting. May be specified multiple times to join multiple rooms.' ) self.parser.add_option( '--cycletime', dest='cycletime', default=60, type='int', help='(OPTIONAL) check events every cycletime seconds') self.parser.add_option( '--zopeurl', type='string', dest='zopeurl', default='http://%s:%d' % (socket.getfqdn(), 8080), help='(OPTIONAL) http path to the root of the zope server') self.parser.add_option( '--monitor', type='string', dest='monitor', default=DEFAULT_MONITOR, help= '(OPTIONAL) Name of monitor instance to use for heartbeat events. Default is %s.' % DEFAULT_MONITOR) def __init__(self): PBDaemon.__init__(self, keeproot=True) ZCmdBase.__init__(self) wants_ssl = self.options.ssl if wants_ssl and not HAVE_SSL: self.log.error( 'SSL was requested for Jabber connection, but pyopenssl is not installed. Please install it and start the xmppBot again.' ) sys.exit(2) if not self.options.jabber_pass: self.log.error('--jabber_pass is required') sys.exit(2) if not self.options.jabber_user: self.log.error('--jabber_user is required') sys.exit(2) if self.options.first_user: try: zenUser, jabberId = self.options.first_user.split(',') except ValueError: self.log.error( '--first_user option must contain both zenuser and jabberid separated by a comma. Example: chudler,[email protected]' ) sys.exit(2) if zenUser and jabberId: self.setFirstUser(zenUser, jabberId) else: self.log.error( '--first_user option must contain both zenuser and jabberid separated by a comma. Example: chudler,[email protected]' ) sys.exit(2) # taken from self.schedule = Schedule(self.options, self.dmd) self.actions = [] self.loadActionRules() self.updateCheck = UpdateCheck() self.sendEvent( Event.Event(device=self.options.monitor, eventClass=App_Start, summary='Jabber Bot started', severity=0, component='xmppbot')) password = self.options.jabber_pass chatrooms = self.options.chatrooms username = self.options.jabber_user server = self.options.jabber_host port = self.options.jabber_port groupServer = self.options.group_server realHost = self.options.im_host resource = self.options.resource self.client = TwistedJabberClient(server=server, username=username, password=password, port=port, groupServer=groupServer, chatrooms=chatrooms, ssl=wants_ssl, realHost=realHost, resource=resource) path = os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0]) pluginPath = os.path.dirname(path) + '/Jabber/plugins'"xmppBot plugins will be loaded from %s" % pluginPath) plugins = [ pluginFile.split('/')[-1].split('.py')[0] for pluginFile in glob.glob(os.path.join(pluginPath, '*.py')) ] self.log.debug("xmppBot loading pugins %s" % ', '.join(plugins)) initPluginSystem(pluginPath=pluginPath, plugins=plugins, jabberClient=self.client) # connect to the jabber server'Connecting to server') reactor = self.client.connect() # begin looking for zenevents self.schedule.start() self.runCycle() reactor.suggestThreadPoolSize(10) def setFirstUser(self, zenUser, jabberId): zenUser = zenUser.lower() haveUser = False for user in self.dmd.ZenUsers.getAllUserSettings(): if == zenUser: haveUser = True user._updateProperty('JabberId', jabberId) transaction.commit() break return haveUser # ripped from def mainbody(self): """main loop to run actions. """ from twisted.internet.process import reapAllProcesses reapAllProcesses() zem = self.dmd.ZenEventManager self.loadActionRules() self.processRules(zem) # ripped from def runCycle(self): try: start = time.time() self.syncdb() self.mainbody()'processed %s rules in %.2f secs', len(self.actions), time.time() - start) except: self.log.exception('unexpected exception') reactor.callLater(60, self.runCycle) # ripped from def loadActionRules(self): self.actions = [] for ar in self.dmd.ZenUsers.getAllActionRules(): if not ar.enabled: continue if not ar.action.title() == 'Xmpp': continue userid = ar.getUser().id self.actions.append(ar) self.log.debug('action:%s for:%s loaded', ar.getId(), userid) # ripped from def sendHeartbeat(self): """Send a heartbeat event for this monitor. """ timeout = self.options.cycletime * 3 evt = Event.EventHeartbeat(self.options.monitor, 'xmppbot', timeout) self.sendEvent(evt) self.niceDoggie(self.options.cycletime) # zenactions will call sendXmpp when an event comes in that the user wants # to see. def sendXmpp(self, action, data, clear=None): message, body = self.format(action, data, clear) recipients = self.getAddress(action) if not recipients: self.log.warning('failed to send message %s on rule %s: %s', action.getUser().id,, 'Unspecified recipient.') return True for recipient in recipients: self.log.debug('Sending message to %s: %s', recipient, message) if recipient.lower().endswith('/groupchat'): messageType = 'groupchat' else: messageType = 'chat' self.client.sendMessage(message, recipient, messageType) return True def getAddress(self, action): if action.targetAddr: return [action.targetAddr] else: results = [] zenUser = action.getUser() # attempt to detect a group and resolve its users, otherwise see if it is a user if 'getMemberUserIds' in dir(zenUser): for username in zenUser.getMemberUserIds(): try: results.append( zenUser.getUserSettings(username).getProperty( 'JabberId').strip()) except None: self.log.error( 'Unable to send xmpp alert message to %s. This might happen if they are missing the jabberId property. Try the bot command "setjid"' % username) # getEmailAddresses should at least identify an entity that would have a jabberId on it, unless it was a group (above) elif 'getEmailAddresses' in dir(zenUser): try: results.append(zenUser.getProperty('JabberId').lower()) except None: self.log.error( 'Unable to send xmpp alert message to %s. This might happen if they are missing the jabberId property. Try the bot command "setjid"' % zenUser) else: self.log.error( 'Unable to send xmpp alert message to %s. Please report this error to the author of this plugin' % zenUser) return results
def __init__(self): PBDaemon.__init__(self, keeproot=True) ZCmdBase.__init__(self) wants_ssl = self.options.ssl if wants_ssl and not HAVE_SSL: self.log.error( 'SSL was requested for Jabber connection, but pyopenssl is not installed. Please install it and start the xmppBot again.' ) sys.exit(2) if not self.options.jabber_pass: self.log.error('--jabber_pass is required') sys.exit(2) if not self.options.jabber_user: self.log.error('--jabber_user is required') sys.exit(2) if self.options.first_user: try: zenUser, jabberId = self.options.first_user.split(',') except ValueError: self.log.error( '--first_user option must contain both zenuser and jabberid separated by a comma. Example: chudler,[email protected]' ) sys.exit(2) if zenUser and jabberId: self.setFirstUser(zenUser, jabberId) else: self.log.error( '--first_user option must contain both zenuser and jabberid separated by a comma. Example: chudler,[email protected]' ) sys.exit(2) # taken from self.schedule = Schedule(self.options, self.dmd) self.actions = [] self.loadActionRules() self.updateCheck = UpdateCheck() self.sendEvent( Event.Event(device=self.options.monitor, eventClass=App_Start, summary='Jabber Bot started', severity=0, component='xmppbot')) password = self.options.jabber_pass chatrooms = self.options.chatrooms username = self.options.jabber_user server = self.options.jabber_host port = self.options.jabber_port groupServer = self.options.group_server realHost = self.options.im_host resource = self.options.resource self.client = TwistedJabberClient(server=server, username=username, password=password, port=port, groupServer=groupServer, chatrooms=chatrooms, ssl=wants_ssl, realHost=realHost, resource=resource) path = os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0]) pluginPath = os.path.dirname(path) + '/Jabber/plugins'"xmppBot plugins will be loaded from %s" % pluginPath) plugins = [ pluginFile.split('/')[-1].split('.py')[0] for pluginFile in glob.glob(os.path.join(pluginPath, '*.py')) ] self.log.debug("xmppBot loading pugins %s" % ', '.join(plugins)) initPluginSystem(pluginPath=pluginPath, plugins=plugins, jabberClient=self.client) # connect to the jabber server'Connecting to server') reactor = self.client.connect() # begin looking for zenevents self.schedule.start() self.runCycle() reactor.suggestThreadPoolSize(10)
def __init__(self): PBDaemon.__init__(self, keeproot=True) ZCmdBase.__init__(self) wants_ssl = self.options.ssl if wants_ssl and not HAVE_SSL: self.log.error('SSL was requested for Jabber connection, but pyopenssl is not installed. Please install it and start the xmppBot again.') sys.exit(2) if not self.options.jabber_pass: self.log.error('--jabber_pass is required') sys.exit(2) if not self.options.jabber_user: self.log.error('--jabber_user is required') sys.exit(2) if self.options.first_user: try: zenUser, jabberId = self.options.first_user.split(',') except ValueError: self.log.error('--first_user option must contain both zenuser and jabberid separated by a comma. Example: chudler,[email protected]') sys.exit(2) if zenUser and jabberId: self.setFirstUser(zenUser, jabberId) else: self.log.error('--first_user option must contain both zenuser and jabberid separated by a comma. Example: chudler,[email protected]') sys.exit(2) # taken from self.schedule = Schedule(self.options, self.dmd) self.actions = [] self.loadActionRules() self.updateCheck = UpdateCheck() self.sendEvent(Event.Event(device=self.options.monitor, eventClass=App_Start, summary='Jabber Bot started', severity=0, component='xmppbot')) self.adapter = JabberAdapter(True) password = self.options.jabber_pass chatroom = self.options.chatroom username = self.options.jabber_user host = self.options.jabber_host port = self.options.jabber_port groupServer = self.options.group_server realHost = self.options.im_host server = '%s:%s' % (host, port) client = TwistedJabberClient(dialogHandler = self.adapter, server = server, userId = username, userPassword = password, firstRoom = chatroom, debug = True, groupServer = groupServer, realHost = realHost, wants_ssl = wants_ssl) self.adapter.client = client path = os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0]) pluginPath = os.path.dirname(path) + '/Jabber/plugins'"xmppBot plugins will be loaded from %s" % pluginPath) plugins = [pluginFile.split('/')[-1].split('.py')[0] for pluginFile in glob.glob( os.path.join(pluginPath, '*.py') )] initPluginSystem({'pluginPath': pluginPath, 'plugins': plugins})'started') # connect to the jabber server jabber_reactor = client.connect() # begin looking for zenevents self.schedule.start() self.runCycle() # start event loop which will process jabber messages and zenevents
def __init__(self): PBDaemon.__init__(self, keeproot=True) ZCmdBase.__init__(self) wants_ssl = self.options.ssl if wants_ssl and not HAVE_SSL: self.log.error('SSL was requested for Jabber connection, but pyopenssl is not installed. Please install it and start the xmppBot again.') sys.exit(2) if not self.options.jabber_pass: self.log.error('--jabber_pass is required') sys.exit(2) if not self.options.jabber_user: self.log.error('--jabber_user is required') sys.exit(2) if self.options.first_user: try: zenUser, jabberId = self.options.first_user.split(',') except ValueError: self.log.error('--first_user option must contain both zenuser and jabberid separated by a comma. Example: chudler,[email protected]') sys.exit(2) if zenUser and jabberId: self.setFirstUser(zenUser, jabberId) else: self.log.error('--first_user option must contain both zenuser and jabberid separated by a comma. Example: chudler,[email protected]') sys.exit(2) # taken from self.schedule = Schedule(self.options, self.dmd) self.actions = [] self.loadActionRules() self.updateCheck = UpdateCheck() self.sendEvent(Event.Event(device=self.options.monitor, eventClass=App_Start, summary='Jabber Bot started', severity=0, component='xmppbot')) password = self.options.jabber_pass chatrooms = self.options.chatrooms username = self.options.jabber_user server = self.options.jabber_host port = self.options.jabber_port groupServer = self.options.group_server realHost = self.options.im_host resource = self.options.resource self.client = TwistedJabberClient(server=server, username=username, password=password, port=port, groupServer=groupServer, chatrooms=chatrooms, ssl=wants_ssl, realHost=realHost, resource=resource) path = os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0]) pluginPath = os.path.dirname(path) + '/Jabber/plugins'"xmppBot plugins will be loaded from %s" % pluginPath) plugins = [pluginFile.split('/')[-1].split('.py')[0] for pluginFile in glob.glob( os.path.join(pluginPath, '*.py') )] self.log.debug("xmppBot loading pugins %s" % ', '.join(plugins)) initPluginSystem(pluginPath=pluginPath, plugins=plugins, jabberClient=self.client) # connect to the jabber server'Connecting to server') reactor = self.client.connect() # begin looking for zenevents self.schedule.start() self.runCycle() reactor.suggestThreadPoolSize(10)
class XmppBot(ZenActions, ZCmdBase, PBDaemon): def buildOptions(self): ZCmdBase.buildOptions(self) self.parser.add_option( '--jabber_pass', dest='jabber_pass', type='string', help='Password used to connect to the XMPP server') self.parser.add_option( '--jabber_user', dest='jabber_user', type='string', help='Username used to connect to the XMPP server') self.parser.add_option( '--jabber_host', dest='jabber_host', type='string', default='localhost', help='(OPTIONAL) XMPP server to connect') self.parser.add_option( '--jabber_port', dest='jabber_port', type='int', help='(OPTIONAL) Port used to connect to the XMPP server') self.parser.add_option( '--first_user', dest='first_user', type='string', help='User mapping to bootstrap the bot with at least on authorized user. Example specification myzenossname,[email protected]') self.parser.add_option( '--resource', dest='resource', type='string', default='xmppbot', help='(OPTIONAL) jabber resource name.') self.parser.add_option( '--im_host', dest='im_host', type='string', help='(OPTIONAL) option for addressing IM users when the server is not known. If this is ommitted, jabber_host will be used.') self.parser.add_option( '--ssl', dest='ssl', action='store_true', help='(OPTIONAL) ssl.') self.parser.add_option( '--group_server', type='string', dest='group_server', help='(OPTIONAL) Conference/groupchat server. If the name has no dots, it will use group_server.jabber_host') self.parser.add_option( '--chatrooms', dest='chatrooms', action='append', type='string', help='(OPTIONAL) First chatroom joined to when connecting. May be specified multiple times to join multiple rooms.') self.parser.add_option('--cycletime', dest='cycletime', default=60, type='int', help='(OPTIONAL) check events every cycletime seconds') self.parser.add_option( '--zopeurl', type='string', dest='zopeurl', default='http://%s:%d' % (socket.getfqdn(), 8080), help='(OPTIONAL) http path to the root of the zope server') self.parser.add_option('--monitor', type='string', dest='monitor', default=DEFAULT_MONITOR, help='(OPTIONAL) Name of monitor instance to use for heartbeat events. Default is %s.' % DEFAULT_MONITOR) def __init__(self): PBDaemon.__init__(self, keeproot=True) ZCmdBase.__init__(self) wants_ssl = self.options.ssl if wants_ssl and not HAVE_SSL: self.log.error('SSL was requested for Jabber connection, but pyopenssl is not installed. Please install it and start the xmppBot again.') sys.exit(2) if not self.options.jabber_pass: self.log.error('--jabber_pass is required') sys.exit(2) if not self.options.jabber_user: self.log.error('--jabber_user is required') sys.exit(2) if self.options.first_user: try: zenUser, jabberId = self.options.first_user.split(',') except ValueError: self.log.error('--first_user option must contain both zenuser and jabberid separated by a comma. Example: chudler,[email protected]') sys.exit(2) if zenUser and jabberId: self.setFirstUser(zenUser, jabberId) else: self.log.error('--first_user option must contain both zenuser and jabberid separated by a comma. Example: chudler,[email protected]') sys.exit(2) # taken from self.schedule = Schedule(self.options, self.dmd) self.actions = [] self.loadActionRules() self.updateCheck = UpdateCheck() self.sendEvent(Event.Event(device=self.options.monitor, eventClass=App_Start, summary='Jabber Bot started', severity=0, component='xmppbot')) password = self.options.jabber_pass chatrooms = self.options.chatrooms username = self.options.jabber_user server = self.options.jabber_host port = self.options.jabber_port groupServer = self.options.group_server realHost = self.options.im_host resource = self.options.resource self.client = TwistedJabberClient(server=server, username=username, password=password, port=port, groupServer=groupServer, chatrooms=chatrooms, ssl=wants_ssl, realHost=realHost, resource=resource) path = os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0]) pluginPath = os.path.dirname(path) + '/Jabber/plugins'"xmppBot plugins will be loaded from %s" % pluginPath) plugins = [pluginFile.split('/')[-1].split('.py')[0] for pluginFile in glob.glob( os.path.join(pluginPath, '*.py') )] self.log.debug("xmppBot loading pugins %s" % ', '.join(plugins)) initPluginSystem(pluginPath=pluginPath, plugins=plugins, jabberClient=self.client) # connect to the jabber server'Connecting to server') reactor = self.client.connect() # begin looking for zenevents self.schedule.start() self.runCycle() reactor.suggestThreadPoolSize(10) def setFirstUser(self, zenUser, jabberId): zenUser = zenUser.lower() haveUser = False for user in self.dmd.ZenUsers.getAllUserSettings(): if == zenUser: haveUser = True user._updateProperty('JabberId', jabberId) transaction.commit() break return haveUser # ripped from def mainbody(self): """main loop to run actions. """ from twisted.internet.process import reapAllProcesses reapAllProcesses() zem = self.dmd.ZenEventManager self.loadActionRules() self.processRules(zem) # ripped from def runCycle(self): try: start = time.time() self.syncdb() self.mainbody()'processed %s rules in %.2f secs', len(self.actions), time.time()-start) except: self.log.exception('unexpected exception') reactor.callLater(60, self.runCycle) # ripped from def loadActionRules(self): self.actions = [] for ar in self.dmd.ZenUsers.getAllActionRules(): if not ar.enabled: continue if not ar.action.title() == 'Xmpp': continue userid = ar.getUser().id self.actions.append(ar) self.log.debug('action:%s for:%s loaded', ar.getId(), userid) # ripped from def sendHeartbeat(self): """Send a heartbeat event for this monitor. """ timeout = self.options.cycletime*3 evt = Event.EventHeartbeat(self.options.monitor, 'xmppbot', timeout) self.sendEvent(evt) self.niceDoggie(self.options.cycletime) # zenactions will call sendXmpp when an event comes in that the user wants # to see. def sendXmpp(self, action, data, clear = None): message, body = self.format(action, data, clear) recipients = self.getAddress(action) if not recipients: self.log.warning('failed to send message %s on rule %s: %s', action.getUser().id,, 'Unspecified recipient.') return True for recipient in recipients: self.log.debug('Sending message to %s: %s', recipient, message) if recipient.lower().endswith('/groupchat'): messageType = 'groupchat' else: messageType = 'chat' self.client.sendMessage(message, recipient, messageType) return True def getAddress(self, action): if action.targetAddr: return [action.targetAddr] else: results = [] zenUser = action.getUser() # attempt to detect a group and resolve its users, otherwise see if it is a user if 'getMemberUserIds' in dir(zenUser): for username in zenUser.getMemberUserIds(): try: results.append(zenUser.getUserSettings(username).getProperty('JabberId').strip()) except None: self.log.error('Unable to send xmpp alert message to %s. This might happen if they are missing the jabberId property. Try the bot command "setjid"' % username) # getEmailAddresses should at least identify an entity that would have a jabberId on it, unless it was a group (above) elif 'getEmailAddresses' in dir(zenUser): try: results.append(zenUser.getProperty('JabberId').lower()) except None: self.log.error('Unable to send xmpp alert message to %s. This might happen if they are missing the jabberId property. Try the bot command "setjid"' % zenUser) else: self.log.error('Unable to send xmpp alert message to %s. Please report this error to the author of this plugin' % zenUser) return results