Exemple #1
def get_code_search_loop(num_input, code='', timed=60, dayl='10', ave=None):
    # if not status:
    if cct.get_work_time():
        if code == num_input:
            get_today_tick_ave(code, ave)
            ave = get_multiday_ave_compare(num_input, dayl)
    return ave
            # top_now = tdd.getSinaAlldf(market='���', filename='mnbk',vol=ct.json_countVol, vtype=ct.json_countType)

            # top_dif = top_now
            # top_now.to_hdf("testhdf5", 'marketDD', format='table', complevel=9)
            now_count = len(top_now)
            radio_t = cct.get_work_time_ratio()
            # top_now = top_now[top_now.buy > 0]
            time_d = time.time()
            if time_d - time_s > delay_time:
                status_change = True
                time_s = time.time()
                top_all = pd.DataFrame()
                status_change = False
            # print ("Buy>0:%s" % len(top_now[top_now['buy'] > 0])),
            if len(top_now) > 10 or cct.get_work_time():
                time_Rt = time.time()
                if len(top_all) == 0 and len(lastpTDX_DF) == 0:

                    time_Rt = time.time()
                    top_all, lastpTDX_DF = tdd.get_append_lastp_to_df(
                        top_now, lastpTDX_DF=None, dl=duration_date, end=end_date, ptype=ptype, filter=filter, power=ct.lastPower, lastp=False, newdays=newdays, resample=resample)
                    log.debug("len:%s" % (len(top_all)))
                    # codelist = top_all.index.tolist()
                    # log.info('toTDXlist:%s' % len(codelist))
                    # # tdxdata = tdd.get_tdx_all_day_LastDF(codelist,dt=duration_date,ptype=ptype)
                    # # print "duration_date:%s ptype=%s filter:%s"%(duration_date, ptype,filter)
                    # # tdxdata = tdd.get_tdx_exp_all_LastDF(codelist, dt=duration_date, end=end_date,ptype=ptype,filter=filter)
                    # power=True
                    # log.debug("TdxLastP: %s %s" % (len(tdxdata), tdxdata.columns.values))
Exemple #3
    def format_response_data(self, index=False):
        stocks_detail = ''.join(self.stock_data)
        # print stocks_detail
        result = self.grep_stock_detail.finditer(stocks_detail)
        # stock_dict = dict()
        list_s = []
        for stock_match_object in result:
            stock = stock_match_object.groups()
            # print stock
            # print stock
            # fn=(lambda x:x)
            # list.append(map(fn,stock))
            # df = pd.DataFrame(list,columns=ct.SINA_Total_Columns)
            #     list_s.append({'code'})
                'code': stock[0],
                'name': stock[1],
                'open': float(stock[2]),
                'close': float(stock[3]),
                'now': float(stock[4]),
                'high': float(stock[5]),
                'low': float(stock[6]),
                'buy': float(stock[7]),
                'sell': float(stock[8]),
                'volume': int(stock[9]),
                'turnover': float(stock[10]),
                # 'amount': float(stock[10]),
                'b1_v': int(stock[11]),
                'b1': float(stock[12]),
                'b2_v': int(stock[13]),
                'b2': float(stock[14]),
                'b3_v': int(stock[15]),
                'b3': float(stock[16]),
                'b4_v': int(stock[17]),
                'b4': float(stock[18]),
                'b5_v': int(stock[19]),
                'b5': float(stock[20]),
                'a1_v': int(stock[21]),
                'a1': float(stock[22]),
                'a2_v': int(stock[23]),
                'a2': float(stock[24]),
                'a3_v': int(stock[25]),
                'a3': float(stock[26]),
                'a4_v': int(stock[27]),
                'a4': float(stock[28]),
                'a5_v': int(stock[29]),
                'a5': float(stock[30]),
                'dt': (stock[31]),
                'ticktime': (stock[32])

#        print list_s
# df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(stock_dict,columns=ct.SINA_Total_Columns)
        df = pd.DataFrame(list_s, columns=ct.SINA_Total_Columns)
        # if self.index_status and cct.get_work_time():
        # if self.index_status:
        # if cct.get_work_time() or (cct.get_now_time_int() > 915) :
        # df = df.drop('close', axis=1)
        df.rename(columns={'close': 'llastp'}, inplace=True)
        df['b1_vv'] = df['b1_v']
        if (cct.get_now_time_int() > 915 and cct.get_now_time_int() < 926):
            #            df.rename(columns={'buy': 'close'}, inplace=True)
            df['close'] = df['buy']
            df['low'] = df['buy']
            df['volume'] = ((df['b1_v'] + df['b2_v'])).map(lambda x: x)
            # df['b1_v'] = ((df['b1_v'] + df['b2_v']) / 100 / 10000).map(lambda x: round(x, 1) + 0.01)
            # df['b1_v'] = ((df['b1_v']) / 100 / 10000).map(lambda x: round(x, 1) + 0.01)
            # df['b1_vv'] = map(lambda x: round(x / 100 / 10000, 1) + 0.01, df['b1_v'])

        elif (cct.get_now_time_int() > 830 and cct.get_now_time_int() <= 915):
            #            df.rename(columns={'buy': 'close'}, inplace=True)
            df['buy'] = df['llastp']
            df['close'] = df['buy']
            df['low'] = df['buy']
            # df['b1_v'] = ((df['b1_v']) / df['volume'] * 100).map(lambda x: round(x, 1))

            # df['b1_v'] = ((df['b1_v']) / df['volume'] * 100).map(lambda x: round(x, 1))
            # df.rename(columns={'now': 'close'}, inplace=True)
            df['close'] = df['now']

        df['nvol'] = df['volume']
        df = df.drop_duplicates('code')
        # df = df.loc[:, ct.SINA_Total_Columns_Clean]
        # df = df.loc[:, ct.SINA_Total_Columns]
        # df.rename(columns={'turnover': 'amount'}, inplace=True)
        df = df.fillna(0)
        #        df = df.sort_values(by='code', ascending=0)
        df = df.set_index('code')
        if index:
            df.index = map(
                (lambda x: str(1000000 - int(x)) if x.startswith('0') else x),
        # print ("Market-df:%s %s time: %s" % (
        # cct.get_now_time()))
        log.info("hdf:all%s %s" % (len(df), len(self.stock_codes)))
        dd = df.copy()
        h5_fname = 'sina_MultiIndex_data'
        h5_table = 'all' + '_' + str(ct.sina_limit_time)
        if cct.get_now_time_int() >= 925 and not index and len(
                df) > 3000 and cct.get_work_time():
            time_s = time.time()
            df.index = df.index.astype(str)
            df.ticktime = df.ticktime.astype(str)
            # df.ticktime = map(lambda x: int(x.replace(':', '')), df.ticktime)
            df.ticktime = map(lambda x, y: str(x) + ' ' + str(y), df.dt,
            df.ticktime = pd.to_datetime(df.ticktime,
                                         format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
            # df = df.loc[:, ['open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'llastp', 'volume', 'ticktime']]
            df = df.loc[:, [
                'close', 'high', 'low', 'llastp', 'volume', 'ticktime'
            if 'code' not in df.columns:
                df = df.reset_index()
            if 'dt' in df.columns:
                df = df.drop(['dt'], axis=1)
                # df.dt = df.dt.astype(str)
            if 'name' in df.columns:
                # df.name = df.name.astype(str)
                df = df.drop(['name'], axis=1)
            df = df.set_index(['code', 'ticktime'])
            log.info("hdf5 class all :%s  time:%0.2f" %
                     (len(df), time.time() - time_s))

        if 'nlow' not in df.columns or 'nhigh' not in df.columns or (
                cct.get_work_time() and 925 < cct.get_now_time_int() < 1500):
            # if 'nlow' not in df.columns or 'nhigh' not in df.columns or cct.get_work_time():
            h5 = h5a.load_hdf_db(h5_fname, h5_table, timelimit=False)

            time_s = time.time()
            if cct.get_work_time() and cct.get_now_time_int() <= 1000:
                run_col = ['low', 'high', 'close']
                startime = '09:25:00'
                # endtime = '10:00:00'
                endtime = '09:45:00'
                dd = self.get_col_agg_df(h5, dd, run_col, all_func, startime,
                startime = '09:25:00'
                # endtime = '10:00:00'
                endtime = '10:00:00'
                run_col = {'close': 'std'}
                dd = self.get_col_agg_df(h5, dd, run_col, run_col, startime,
                dd.rename(columns={'std': 'nstd'}, inplace=True)
                if dd is not None and len(
                ) > 0 and 'nclose' in dd.columns and 'nstd' in dd.columns:
                    for co in ['nclose', 'nstd']:
                        dd[co] = dd[co].apply(lambda x: round(x, 2))

                run_col = ['low', 'high']
                startime = '09:25:00'
                # endtime = '10:00:00'
                endtime = '09:40:00'
                dd = self.get_col_agg_df(h5, dd, run_col, all_func, startime,
                startime = '09:25:00'
                endtime = '15:01:00'
                run_col = ['close']
                # h5 = cct.get_limit_multiIndex_Group(h5, freq='15T', col=run_col,start=startime, end=endtime)
                dd = self.get_col_agg_df(h5, dd, run_col, all_func, startime,

                run_col = {'close': 'std'}
                dd = self.get_col_agg_df(h5, dd, run_col, run_col, startime,
                dd.rename(columns={'std': 'nstd'}, inplace=True)
                if dd is not None and len(
                ) > 0 and 'nclose' in dd.columns and 'nstd' in dd.columns:
                    for co in ['nclose', 'nstd']:
                        dd[co] = dd[co].apply(lambda x: round(x, 2))
            log.info("agg_df_all_time:%0.2f" % (time.time() - time_s))
            # top_temp[:1][['high','nhigh','low','nlow','close','nclose','llastp']]

        h5a.write_hdf_db(self.hdf_name, dd, self.table, index=index)
        log.info("wr end:%0.2f" % (time.time() - self.start_t))
        return dd
Exemple #4
    def all(self):

        self.stockcode = StockCode()
        self.stock_code_path = self.stockcode.stock_code_path
        self.stock_codes = self.stockcode.get_stock_codes()
        # print "stocks:",len(self.stock_codes)
        self.stock_codes = [
            elem for elem in self.stock_codes
            if elem.startswith(('6', '30', '00'))
        time_s = time.time()
        h5 = h5a.load_hdf_db(self.hdf_name,
        log.info("h5a stocksTime:%0.2f" % (time.time() - time_s))

        if h5 is not None and len(h5) > 0:
            o_time = h5[h5.timel <> 0].timel
            if len(o_time) > 0:
                o_time = o_time[0]
                l_time = time.time() - o_time
                sina_limit_time = ct.sina_limit_time
                sina_time_status = (cct.get_work_day_status()
                                    and 915 < cct.get_now_time_int() < 926)
                #                return_hdf_status = not cct.get_work_day_status() or (cct.get_work_day_status() and (cct.get_work_time() and l_time < sina_limit_time))
                return_hdf_status = not cct.get_work_time() or (
                    cct.get_work_time() and l_time < sina_limit_time)
                log.info("915:%s sina_time:%0.2f limit:%s" %
                         (sina_time_status, l_time, sina_limit_time))
                if sina_time_status and l_time < 6:
                    log.info("open 915 hdf ok:%s" % (len(h5)))
                    return h5
                elif not sina_time_status and return_hdf_status:
                    log.info("return hdf5 data:%s" % (len(h5)))
                    return h5
                    log.info("no return  hdf5:%s" % (len(h5)))
            log.info("no return  hdf5:%s" %
                     (len(h5) if h5 is not None else 'None'))

        # self.stock_with_exchange_list = list(
        # map(lambda stock_code: ('sh%s' if stock_code.startswith(('5', '6', '9')) else 'sz%s') % stock_code,
        # self.stock_codes))
        self.stock_with_exchange_list = list(
                lambda stock_code: ('sh%s' if stock_code.startswith(
                    ('6')) else 'sz%s') % stock_code, self.stock_codes))
        self.stock_list = []
        self.request_num = len(self.stock_with_exchange_list) // self.max_num
        for range_start in range(self.request_num):
            num_start = self.max_num * range_start
            num_end = self.max_num * (range_start + 1)
            request_list = ','.join(
        # print len(self.stock_with_exchange_list), num_end
        if len(self.stock_with_exchange_list) > num_end:
            request_list = ','.join(self.stock_with_exchange_list[num_end:])
            self.request_num += 1
        # a = 0
        # for x in range(self.request_num):
        #     print x
        #     i = len(self.stock_list[x].split(','))
        #     print i
        #     a += i
        #     print a
        log.debug('all:%s' % len(self.stock_list))
        # log.error('all:%s req:%s' %
        #           (len(self.stock_list), len(self.stock_list)))
        return self.get_stock_data()
Exemple #5
                log.info('agg_df_Row:%.2f h5:%s endtime:%s' %
                         ((time.time() - time_n), len(h5), endtime))
        return dd

    h5_fname = 'sina_MultiIndex_data'
    # h5_fname = 'sina_multi_index'
    h5_table = 'all_10'
    time_s = time.time()
    h5 = h5a.load_hdf_db(h5_fname,
    print 'h5:', len(h5)
    if cct.get_work_time() and cct.get_now_time_int() <= 1000:
        run_col = ['low', 'high', 'close']
        startime = None
        # endtime = '10:00:00'
        endtime = '09:45:00'
        dd = get_col_agg_df_Test(h5, dd, run_col, all_func, startime, endtime)
        run_col = ['low', 'high']
        startime = None
        # endtime = '10:00:00'
        endtime = '09:45:00'
        dd = get_col_agg_df_Test(h5, dd, run_col, all_func, startime, endtime)

        startime = '09:30:00'
        endtime = '15:01:00'
        # run_col = ['close']
Exemple #6
def load_hdf_db(fname,

    [load hdf ]

    fname : {[type]}
    table : {str}, optional
        [description] (the default is 'all', which [default_description])
    code_l : {[type]}, optional
        [description] (the default is None, which [default_description])
    timelimit : {bool}, optional
        [description] (the default is True, which [default_description])
    index : {bool}, optional
        [description] (the default is False, which [default_description])
    limit_time : {[type]}, optional
        [description] (the default is ct.h5_limit_time, which [default_description])
    dratio_limit : {[type]}, optional
        [description] (the default is ct.dratio_limit, which [default_description])
    MultiIndex : {bool}, optional
        [description] (the default is False, which [default_description])

    time_t = time.time()
    global RAMDISK_KEY, INIT_LOG_Error
    if not RAMDISK_KEY < 1:
        return None
    df = None
    dd = None
    table = table.replace('/', '') if table.find('/') >= 0 else table

    if code_l is not None:
        if table is not None:

            with SafeHDFStore(fname) as store:
                if store is not None:
                        if '/' + table in list(store.keys()):
                            dd = store[table]
                    except AttributeError as e:
                        log.error("AttributeError:%s %s" % (fname, e))
                        log.error("Remove File:%s" % (fname))
                    except Exception as e:
                        print("Exception:%s name:%s" % (fname, e))

            if dd is not None and len(dd) > 0:
                if not MultiIndex:
                    if index:
                        code_l = list(
                            map((lambda x: str(1000000 - int(x))
                                 if x.startswith('0') else x), code_l))
                    dif_co = list(set(dd.index) & set(code_l))
                    if len(code_l) > 0:
                        dratio=(float(len(code_l)) - float(len(dif_co))) / \
                        dratio = 0
                    # if dratio < 0.1 or len(dd) > 3100:

                    log.info("find all:%s :%s %0.2f" %
                             (len(code_l), len(code_l) - len(dif_co), dratio))
                    if timelimit and len(dd) > 0:
                        dd = dd.loc[dif_co]
                        o_time = dd[dd.timel != 0].timel.tolist()
                        #                        if fname == 'powerCompute':
                        #                            o_time = sorted(set(o_time),reverse=True)
                        o_time = sorted(set(o_time), reverse=False)
                        o_time = [time.time() - t_x for t_x in o_time]

                        if len(dd) > 0:
                            # if len(dd) > 0 and (not cct.get_work_time() or len(o_time) <= ct.h5_time_l_count):
                            l_time = np.mean(o_time)
                            return_hdf_status = (not cct.get_work_time()) or (
                                cct.get_work_time() and l_time < limit_time)
                            # return_hdf_status = l_time < limit_time
                            # print return_hdf_status,l_time,limit_time
                            if return_hdf_status:
                                # df=dd
                                df = dd.loc[dif_co]
                                    "return hdf: %s timel:%s l_t:%s hdf ok:%s"
                                    % (fname, len(o_time), l_time, len(df)))
                                "%s %s o_time:%s %s" %
                                (fname, table, len(o_time),
                                 [time.time() - t_x for t_x in o_time[:3]]))
                        log.info('fname:%s l_time:%s' %
                                 (fname, [time.time() - t_x
                                          for t_x in o_time]))

                        df = dd.loc[dif_co]

                    if dratio > dratio_limit:
                        if len(
                        ) > ct.h5_time_l_count * 10 and INIT_LOG_Error < 5:
                            # INIT_LOG_Error += 1
                                "fn:%s cl:%s h5:%s don't find:%s dra:%0.2f log_err:%s"
                                % (fname, len(code_l), len(dd), len(code_l) -
                                   len(dif_co), dratio, INIT_LOG_Error))
                            return None

    #                 if dratio < dratio_limit:
    #                     log.info("find all:%s :%s %0.2f" %
    #                              (len(code_l), len(code_l) - len(dif_co), dratio))
    #                     if timelimit and len(dd) > 0:
    #                         dd=dd.loc[dif_co]
    #                         o_time=dd[dd.timel <> 0].timel.tolist()
    # #                        if fname == 'powerCompute':
    # #                            o_time = sorted(set(o_time),reverse=True)
    #                         o_time=sorted(set(o_time), reverse=False)
    #                         o_time=[time.time() - t_x for t_x in o_time]

    #                         if len(dd) > 0:
    #                             # if len(dd) > 0 and (not cct.get_work_time() or len(o_time) <= ct.h5_time_l_count):
    #                             l_time=np.mean(o_time)
    #                             return_hdf_status=(not cct.get_work_time()) or (
    #                                 cct.get_work_time() and l_time < limit_time)
    #                             # return_hdf_status = l_time < limit_time
    #                             # print return_hdf_status,l_time,limit_time
    #                             if return_hdf_status:
    #                                 # df=dd
    #                                 dd.loc[dif_co]
    #                                 log.info("return hdf: %s timel:%s l_t:%s hdf ok:%s" % (
    #                                     fname, len(o_time), l_time, len(df)))
    #                         else:
    #                             log.error("%s %s o_time:%s %s" % (fname, table, len(
    #                                 o_time), [time.time() - t_x for t_x in o_time[:3]]))
    #                         log.info('fname:%s l_time:%s' %
    #                                  (fname, [time.time() - t_x for t_x in o_time]))

    #                     else:
    #                         df=dd.loc[dif_co]
    #                 else:
    #                     if len(code_l) > ct.h5_time_l_count * 10 and INIT_LOG_Error < 5:
    #                         # INIT_LOG_Error += 1
    #                         log.error("fn:%s cl:%s h5:%s don't find:%s dra:%0.2f log_err:%s" % (
    #                             fname, len(code_l), len(dd), len(code_l) - len(dif_co), dratio, INIT_LOG_Error))
                    df = dd.loc[dd.index.isin(code_l, level='code')]
            log.error("%s is not find %s" % (fname, table))
        # h5 = get_hdf5_file(fname,wr_mode='r')
        if table is not None:
            with SafeHDFStore(fname) as store:
                # if store is not None:
                #     if '/' + table in store.keys():
                #         try:
                #             dd=store[table]
                #         except Exception as e:
                #             print ("%s fname:%s"%(e,fname))
                #             cct.sleep(ct.sleep_time)
                if store is not None:
                        if '/' + table in list(store.keys()):
                            dd = store[table]
                    except AttributeError as e:
                        log.error("AttributeError:%s %s" % (fname, e))
                        log.error("Remove File:%s" % (fname))
                    except Exception as e:
                        log.error("Exception:%s %s" % (fname, e))
                        print("Exception:%s name:%s" % (fname, e))

            if dd is not None and len(dd) > 0:
                if timelimit:
                    if dd is not None and len(dd) > 0:
                        o_time = dd[dd.timel != 0].timel.tolist()
                        o_time = sorted(set(o_time))
                        o_time = [time.time() - t_x for t_x in o_time]
                        if len(o_time) > 0:
                            l_time = np.mean(o_time)
                            # l_time = time.time() - l_time
                            # return_hdf_status = not cct.get_work_day_status()  or not
                            # cct.get_work_time() or (cct.get_work_day_status() and
                            # (cct.get_work_time() and l_time < limit_time))
                            return_hdf_status = not cct.get_work_time() or (
                                cct.get_work_time() and l_time < limit_time)
                            log.info("return_hdf_status:%s time:%0.2f" %
                                     (return_hdf_status, l_time))
                            if return_hdf_status:
                                log.info("return hdf5 data:%s o_time:%s" %
                                         (len(dd), len(o_time)))
                                df = dd
                                log.info("no return time hdf5:%s" % (len(dd)))
                        log.info('fname:%s l_time:%s' %
                                 (fname, [time.time() - t_x
                                          for t_x in o_time]))
                    df = dd

                log.error("%s is not find %s" % (fname, table))
        # else:
        #     log.error("%s / table is Init None:%s"(fname, table))

    if df is not None and len(df) > 0:
        df = df.fillna(0)
        if 'timel' in df.columns:
            time_list = df.timel.tolist()
            # time_list = sorted(set(time_list),key = time_list.index)
            time_list = sorted(set(time_list))
            # log.info("test:%s"%(sorted(set(time_list),key = time_list.index)))
            if time_list is not None and len(time_list) > 0:
                df['timel'] = time_list[0]
                log.info("load hdf times:%s" %
                         ([time.time() - t_x for t_x in time_list]))

    log.info("load_hdf_time:%0.2f" % (time.time() - time_t))

    if df is not None:
        df = df[~df.index.duplicated(keep='last')]
        if fname.find('MultiIndex') > 0 and 'volume' in df.columns:
            count_drop = len(df)
            df = df.drop_duplicates()
            # df = df.drop_duplicates('volume',keep='last')
            dratio = round((float(len(df))) / float(count_drop), 2)
            log.debug("all:%s  drop:%s  dratio:%.2f" %
                      (int(count_drop / 100), int(len(df) / 100), dratio))
            if dratio < 0.8:
                log.error("MultiIndex drop_duplicates:%s %s dr:%s" %
                          (count_drop, len(df), dratio))
                if isinstance(df.index, pd.core.index.MultiIndex):

    # df = df.drop_duplicates()

    return df
Exemple #7
            # top_now = tdd.getSinaAlldf(market='雄安新区', filename='xaxq', vol=ct.json_countVol, vtype=ct.json_countType)
#            top_now = tdd.getSinaAlldf(market=u'京津冀', filename='beijing', vol=ct.json_countVol, vtype=ct.json_countType)
            # top_now = tdd.getSinaAlldf(market='sh', vol=ct.json_countVol, vtype=ct.json_countType)

            now_count = len(top_now)
            radio_t = cct.get_work_time_ratio()
            # top_now = top_now[top_now.buy > 0]`
            time_d = time.time()
            if time_d - time_s > delay_time:
                status_change = True
                time_s = time.time()
                top_all = pd.DataFrame()
                status_change = False
            # print ("Buy>0:%s" % len(top_now[top_now['buy'] > 0])),
            if len(top_now) > 10 or cct.get_work_time():
                time_Rt = time.time()
                if len(top_all) == 0 and len(lastpTDX_DF) == 0:
                    time_Rt = time.time()

                    print(("term:%s" % (cct.get_terminal_Position(cmd='DurationCXDN.py')),))
                    if cct.get_terminal_Position(cmd='DurationCXDN.py') > 1:
                        top_all, lastpTDX_DF = tdd.get_append_lastp_to_df(
                            top_now, lastpTDX_DF=None, dl=duration_date, end=end_date, ptype=ptype, filter=filter, power=ct.lastPower, lastp=False, newdays=newdays, checknew=True,resample=resample)
                        newdays = 15
                        top_all, lastpTDX_DF = tdd.get_append_lastp_to_df(
                            top_now, lastpTDX_DF=None, dl=duration_date, end=end_date, ptype=ptype, filter=filter, power=ct.lastPower, lastp=False, newdays=newdays, checknew=True, resample=resample)

Exemple #8
                    ct.Monitor_format_trade, market_sort_value[:2])
                print cct.format_for_print(
                    top_temp.loc[:, ct_MonitorMarket_Values][:10])

                # print cct.format_for_print(top_all[:10])
                if status:
                    for code in top_all[:10].index:
                        code = re.findall('(\d+)', code)
                        if len(code) > 0:
                            code = code[0]
                            kind = sl.get_multiday_ave_compare_silent(code)
                # print top_now[:10]
                print "\tNo data"
            int_time = cct.get_now_time_int()
            if cct.get_work_time():
                if int_time < 930:
                    while 1:
                        if cct.get_now_time_int() < 931:
                            print ".",
                            top_all = pd.DataFrame()
                            time_s = time.time()
                            print "."
            elif cct.get_work_duration():
                while 1:
Exemple #9
def getBollFilter(df=None,

    # drop_cxg = cct.GlobalValues().getkey('dropcxg')
    # if len(drop_cxg) >0:
    # log.info("stf drop_cxg:%s"%(len(drop_cxg)))
    # drop_cxg = list(set(drop_cxg))
    # drop_t = [ co for co in drop_cxg if co in df.index]
    # if len(drop_t) > 0:
    # df = df.drop(drop_t,axis=0)top
    # log.error("stf drop_cxg:%s"%(len(drop_t)))

    # hvdu max量天数  lvdu  min天数  hv max量  lv 量
    # fib < 2 (max) fibl > 2   lvdu > 3  (hvdu > ? or volume < 5)? ene
    time_s = time.time()
    # df['upper'] = map(lambda x: round((1 + 11.0 / 100) * x, 1), df.ma10d)
    # df['lower'] = map(lambda x: round((1 - 9.0 / 100) * x, 1), df.ma10d)
    # df['ene'] = map(lambda x, y: round((x + y) / 2, 1), df.upper, df.lower)
    df = df[(df.close > df.ma20d) | (df.close > df.ene)]
    if filter:
        if 'boll' in df.columns:
            df = df[(df.boll >= boll) | (df.buy > df.upper)]

    # if 'nlow' in df.columns:
    # df = df[ ((df.nlow >= df.llastp) & (df.nlow >= df.low)) | ((df.nlow <= df.low) & (df.open == df.nlow))]
    # if cct.get_work_time() and 'df2' in df.columns:
    #     if 915 < cct.get_now_time_int() < 930:
    #         df['cumnow'] =  map(lambda x, y: 1 if x - y > 0 else 0, df.close, df.cumaxe)
    #     else:
    #         df['cumnow'] =  map(lambda x, y: 1 if x - y > 0 else 0, df.high, df.cumaxe)
    #     df['df2'] = (df['df2'] + df['cumnow']).map(lambda x: int(x))
    # df = df[df.df2 > 1]
    # else:
    # df = df[df.df2 > 0]
    radio_t = cct.get_work_time_ratio()
    df['lvolr%s' % (resample)] = df['volume']
    # df['volume'] = (map(lambda x, y: round(x / y / radio_t, 1), df.nvol.values, df.lvolume.values))
    if cct.get_now_time_int() > 1530:
        df['volume'] = (map(
            lambda x, y, z: round((x / y / radio_t)
                                  if z < 9.9 else (x / y), 1), df.nvol.values,
            df.ma5vol.values, df.percent.values))
        df['volume'] = (map(
            lambda x, y, z: round((x / y / radio_t)
                                  if z < 9.9 else (x / y), 1), df.nvol.values,
            df.lvol.values, df.percent.values))
    # df['volume'] = (map(lambda x, y,z: round((x / y / radio_t) if z < 9.9 else (x / y) , 1), df.nvol.values, df.ma5vol.values,df.percent.values))
    # df['volume'] = (map(lambda x, y: round(x / y / radio_t, 1), df.nvol.values, df.lastv1d.values))

    indexfibl = cct.GlobalValues().getkey('indexfibl')
    sort_value = cct.GlobalValues().getkey('market_sort_value')
    market_key = cct.GlobalValues().getkey('market_key')
    market_value = cct.GlobalValues().getkey('market_value')

    # if int(market_value) > 1 and 930 < cct.get_now_time_int():

    df = compute_perd_value(df, market_value, 'perc')
    df = compute_perd_value(df, market_value, 'per')

    if sort_value <> 'percent' and (market_key in ['2', '3']
                                    and market_value not in ['1']):
        # print("sort_value:%s,market_key:%s ,market_value:%s" %
        #       (sort_value, market_key, market_value))
        if market_key is not None and market_value is not None:
            # if market_key == '3':

            if market_key == '3':
                market_value = int(market_value)
                log.info("stf market_key:%s" % (market_key))
                idx_k = cct.get_col_in_columns(df, 'perc%sd', market_value)
                # filter percd > idx
                # df= df[(df[("perc%sd" % (idx_k))] >= idx_k) | (df[("perc%sd" % (idx_k))]< -idx_k)]

                # if int(market_value) > 1 and 930 < cct.get_now_time_int():
                #     df= compute_perd_value(df, market_value, 'perc')
                #     df= compute_perd_value(df, market_value, 'per')

            # elif market_key == '2':
            #     if int(market_value) > 1 and 915 < cct.get_now_time_int():
            #         # df['per%d'%(market_value)] = compute_perd_value(df,market_value)
            #         df= compute_perd_value(df, market_value,'per')
            #         df= compute_perd_value(df, market_value, 'perc')

    # if sort_value <> 'percent' and (market_key in ['2','3'] and market_value not in ['1'] ):
    #     if indexfibl is not None:
    #         df = df[df.fibl >= (indexfibl - 1)]
    #     else:
    #         indexfibl = 1
    #     if cuminTrend:
    #         cuminfibl = cct.GlobalValues().getkey('cuminfibl')
    #         if cuminfibl is None:
    #             cuminfibl = cct.get_index_fibl()
    # if cuminfibl > 1:
    #     df = df[df.df2 >= cuminfibl]

    #    print df.loc['300107'][['close','cumine','llastp','cumaxe','cumaxc']]
    #     df = df[ (df.cumine == df.cumaxc) | (df.close >= df.cumine) | (df.llastp >=df.cumaxc) | (df.close >= df.cumaxe) ]
    # else:
    #     upper = True

    if not down:
        if upper:
            # upper_count = len( df[ ( ( df.buy > df.upper)| ( df.lastp0d > df.upper) | ( df.lastp1d > df.upper) | ( df.lastp2d > df.upper) | ( df.lastp3d > df.upper))])
            # # ene_count = len(df[df.buy > df.upper])
            # if upper_count > 30:
            #     df = df[ (  ( df.buy > df.upper)| ( df.lastp0d > df.upper) | ( df.lastp1d > df.upper) | ( df.lastp2d > df.upper) | ( df.lastp3d > df.upper))]
            # else:
            #     df = df[ ( (( df.buy > df.ene ) ) | ( df.buy > df.upper)| ( df.lasth0d > df.upper) | ( df.lasth1d > df.upper) | ( df.lasth2d > df.upper) | ( df.lasth3d > df.upper))]
            df = df[(df.low >= df.upper) | (df.close >= df.upper) |
                    (df.per1d >= 9.5) | (df.lastp1d == df.hmax) |
                    ((df.lastp1d <> df.hmax) & (df.high > df.hmax))]
            if 935 < cct.get_now_time_int() < 1400:
                df = df[((df.buy > df.ene) | (df.llastp > df.ene) |
                         (df.llastp >= df.max5) | (df.high >= df.max5) |
                         (df.max5 >= df.upper))]
                df = df[((df.buy > df.ene) | (df.llastp > df.ene) |
                         (df.llastp >= df.max5) | (df.high >= df.max5) |
                         (df.max5 >= df.upper))]

    # df['cumins'] = round(cum_counts.index[0], 2)
    # df['cumine'] = round(cumdf[-1], 2)
    # df['cumax']
    # df.rename(columns={'cumin': 'df2'}, inplace=True)
    if df is None:
        print "dataframe is None"
        return None
        # top10 = df[ (df.percent >= 9.99) & (df.b1_v > df.a1_v)]

        if resample in ['d', 'w']:
            # if not top10 or (cct.get_now_time_int() < 950 or cct.get_now_time_int() > 1502):
            #     df.loc[((df.b1_v > df.a1_v) & (df.percent > 9)), 'percent'] = 10.1
            #     df.loc[((df.percent >= 9.97) & (df.percent < 10.1)), 'percent'] = 10

            # else:
            #     df.loc[((df.b1_v > df.a1_v) & (df.percent > 9)), 'percent'] = 10.1
            #     df.loc[((df.percent >= 9.97) & (df.percent < 10.1)), 'percent'] = 10

            # df.loc[df.per1d >= 9.99, 'per1d'] = 10
            df['percent'] = df['percent'].apply(lambda x: round(x, 2))
            # time_ss = time.time()
            perc_col = [co for co in df.columns if co.find('perc') == 0]
            per_col = [co for co in df.columns if co.find('per') == 0]
            # per_col = list(set(per_col) - set(perc_col) - set(['per1d', 'perlastp']))
            per_col = list(
                set(per_col) - set(perc_col) - set(['per1d', 'perlastp']))


            for co in perc_col:
                df[co] = df[co].apply(lambda x: round(x, 2))

            # da, down_zero, down_dn, percent_l = 1, 0, 0, 2
            # da, down_zero, down_dn, percent_l = 1, 0, -1, 1
            # df['perc_n'] = map((lambda h, lh, l, ll, c, lc: (1 if (h - lh) > 0 else down_dn) + (1 if c - lc > 0 else down_dn) + (1 if (l - ll) > 0 else down_dn) + (2 if (c - lh) > 0 else down_zero) + (2 if (l - lc) > 0 else down_zero) + (0 if (h - lc) > 0 else down_dn)), df['high'], df['lasth%sd' % da], df['low'], df['lastl%sd' % da], df['close'],df['lastp%sd' % da])
            # df['perc_n'] = map((lambda c, lc: (1 if (c - lc) > 0 else down_zero) + (1 if (c - lc) / lc * 100 > 3 else down_zero) +
            # (down_dn if (c - lc) / lc * 100 < -3 else down_zero)), df['close'], df['lastp%sd' % da])

            # idx_rnd = random.randint(0, len(df) - 10) if len(df) > 10 else 0

            # print "idx_rnd",idx_rnd,df.ix[idx_rnd].lastp0d ,df.ix[idx_rnd].close,df.ix[idx_rnd].lastp0d != df.ix[idx_rnd].close

            # if not upper:
            #     if cct.get_work_time() or df.ix[idx_rnd].lastp0d <> df.ix[idx_rnd].close:
            #         nowd, per1d = 0, 1
            #         if 'nlow' in df.columns:
            #             df['perc_n'] = map(cct.func_compute_percd2, df['close'], df['llastp'], df['open'],df['lasto%sd' % nowd], df['lasth%sd' %
            #                                                                                                   (nowd)], df['lastl%sd' % (nowd)], df['nhigh'], df['nlow'],df['nvol']/radio_t,df['lastv%sd'%(nowd)], df['hmax'],df['df2'])
            #         else:
            #             df['perc_n'] = map(cct.func_compute_percd2, df['close'], df['llastp'], df['open'],df['lasto%sd' % nowd], df['lasth%sd' %
            #                                                                                                   (nowd)], df['lastl%sd' % (nowd)], df['high'], df['low'],df['nvol']/radio_t,df['lastv%sd'%(nowd)], df['hmax'],df['df2'])
            #     else:
            #         nowd, per1d = 1, 2
            #         # print  df['per%sd' % da+1], df['lastp%sd' % (da)], df['lasth%sd' % (da)], df['lastl%sd' % (da)], df['high'], df['low']
            #         df['perc_n'] = map(cct.func_compute_percd2, df['close'], df['llastp'], df['open'],df['lasto%sd' % nowd], df['lasth%sd' %
            #                                                                                               (nowd)], df['lastl%sd' % (nowd)], df['high'], df['low'], df['hmax'])
            idx_rnd = random.randint(0, len(df) - 10) if len(df) > 10 else 0
            if not upper:
               # if cct.get_work_time() or df.ix[idx_rnd].lastp1d <> df.ix[idx_rnd].close:
               if cct.get_work_time() :
                   nowd, per1d=1, 1
                   if 'nlow' in df.columns:
                       df['perc_n']=map(cct.func_compute_percd2020, df['open'], df['close'], df['nhigh'], df['nlow'], df['lasto%sd' % nowd], df['llastp'],
                                         df['lasth%sd' % (nowd)], df['lastl%sd' % (nowd)], df['ma5d'], df['ma10d'], df['nvol'] / radio_t, df['lastv%sd' % (nowd)])
                       df['perc_n']=map(cct.func_compute_percd2020, df['open'], df['close'], df['high'], df['low'], df['lasto%sd' % nowd], df['llastp'],
                                         df['lasth%sd' % (nowd)], df['lastl%sd' % (nowd)], df['ma5d'], df['ma10d'], df['nvol'] / radio_t, df['lastv%sd' % (nowd)])
                   nowd, per1d=1, 1
                   # print  df['per%sd' % da+1], df['lastp%sd' % (da)], df['lasth%sd' % (da)], df['lastl%sd' % (da)], df['high'], df['low']
                   df['perc_n']=map(cct.func_compute_percd2020, df['open'], df['close'], df['high'], df['low'], df['lasto%sd' % nowd], df['llastp'],
                                         df['lasth%sd' % (nowd)], df['lastl%sd' % (nowd)], df['ma5d'], df['ma10d'], df['nvol'] / radio_t, df['lastv%sd' % (nowd)])

            for co in perc_col:
                df[co] = (df[co] + df['perc_n']).map(lambda x: int(x))

            # for co in per_col:
            # df[co] = (df[co] + df['percent']).map(lambda x: int(x))

            # print "percT:%.2f"%(time.time()-time_ss)
            df['percent'] = (map(
                lambda x, y: round((x - y) / y * 100, 1)
                if int(y) > 0 else 0, df.buy, df.lastp1d))
            # df.loc['002204'].percent
            # -15.4
            # ipdb> df.loc['002204'].ma10d
            # 3.2000000000000002
            # ipdb> df.loc['002204'].ma5d
            # 3.2999999999999998
    if 'fib' not in df.columns:
        df['fib'] = 0
    # else:

    co2int = ['boll', 'op', 'ratio', 'fib', 'fibl', 'df2']
    # co2int.extend([co for co in df.columns.tolist()
    #                if co.startswith('perc') and co.endswith('d')])
    co2int.extend(['top10', 'topR'])
    co2int = [inx for inx in co2int if inx in df.columns]

    for co in co2int:
        df[co] = df[co].astype(int)

    # if down:
    #     # if 'nlow' in df.columns:
    #     #     if 'max5' in df.columns:
    #     #         # df = df[(df.hmax >= df.ene) & (df.nlow >= df.low) & (df.low <> df.high) & (((df.low < df.hmax) & (df.high > df.cmean)) | (df.high > df.max5))]
    #     #         df = df[ (((df.buy > df.ene) & (df.volume / radio_t > 1.5)) ) |  (((df.lastv1d > df.lvol * 1.5) & (df.lastv1d > df.lvol * 1.5)) & (df.lastp1d > df.ene) )]
    #     #     else:
    #     #         df = df[ (((df.buy > df.ene) & (df.volume / radio_t > 1.5)) ) |  (((df.lastv1d > df.lvol * 1.5) )  )]
    #     # else:
    #     #     # df = df[ (df.max5 >= df.ene) & (df.low <> df.high) & (((df.low < df.hmax) & (df.close > df.cmean)) | (df.high > df.cmean))]
    #     #     df = df[ (((df.buy > df.ene) & (df.volume / radio_t > 1.5)) )  | (((df.lastp1d > df.ene) ) | ((df.buy > df.max5)|(df.buy > df.ene)) | (df.max5 >= df.ene)  | (df.high > df.cmean) )]
    #     return df

    if cct.get_work_time() and 'b1_v' in df.columns and 'nvol' in df.columns:
        df = df[(df.b1_v > 0) | (df.nvol > 0)]

    if (cct.get_now_time_int() > 915 and cct.get_now_time_int() < 926):
        df['b1_v'] = df['volume']
        dd = df[df.percent < 10]
        dd['b1_v'] = dd['volume']
        df = cct.combine_dataFrame(df, dd.loc[:, ['b1_v']])
        # print "t:%0.2f"%(time.time()-time_ss)

        # if int(market_value) < 3 and 930 < cct.get_now_time_int():
        #     if 'nlow' in df.columns:
        #         # df = df[((df.per1d < 3) & (df.nlow >= df.llastp)) | ((df.per1d > 5) & (df.buy > df.llastp))]
        #         df = df[((df.per1d < 3) & (df.nlow >= df.llastp)) | ((df.per1d > 5) & (df.buy > df.llastp))]
        #     else:
        #         df = df[((df.per1d < 3) & (df.open > df.llastp)) | ((df.per1d > 5) & (df.buy > df.llastp))]

    # else:
    #     if 'fib' in df.columns:
    #         df = df[df.fib <= 5]

    # log.error("perc%sd"%(market_value))

    # elif market_key is not None and market_key == '2':
    #     if market_value in ['1', '2']:
    #         df['dff'] = (map(lambda x, y, z: round((x + (y if z > 20 else 3 * y)), 1), df.dff.values, df.volume.values, df.ratio.values))

    # df['df2'] = (map(lambda x, y, z: w=round((x - y) / z * 100, 1), df.high.values, df.low.values, df.llastp.values))
    # df['df2'] = (map(func_compute_df2, df.close.values, df.llastp.values,df.high.values, df.low.values,df.ratio.values))
    # df['df2'] = (map(func_compute_df2, df.close.values, df.llastp.values,df.high.values, df.low.values))
    filter_up= 'ma5d'
    filter_dn= 'ma10d'
    if ma5d and filter_up in df.columns:
        if filter_dn in df.columns:
            if market_key is not None and market_key == '3':
                df= df[(df.buy >= df[filter_up]) & (
                    df.buy * 1.02 >= df[filter_dn] * ct.changeRatio)]
                df= df[(df.buy >= df[filter_up])]
            df= df[df.buy >= df[filter_up] * ct.changeRatio]

    # df = df[(df.lvolume > df.lvol * 0.9) & (df.lvolume > df.lowvol * 1.1)]

    # if 'nlow' in df.columns and 932 < cct.get_now_time_int() < 1030:

    if ene:
        if 'nclose' in df.columns:
            # df = df[ ((df.buy > df.ene) ) | ((df.buy > df.upper) & ( df.nclose > df.cmean))]
            df = df[((df.buy > df.llastp)) |
                    ((df['nclose'] > df['ene'] * ct.changeRatio) &
                     (df['percent'] > -3) & (df.volume > 1.5)) |
                    ((df['nclose'] > df['upper'] * ct.changeRatio) &
                     (df['buy'] > df['upper'] * ct.changeRatioUp)) |
                    ((df['llastp'] > df['upper']) &
                     (df['nclose'] > df['upper']))]
            df = df[((df.buy > df.llastp)) | ((df.buy > df.ene)) |
                    ((df.buy > df.upper) & (df.close > df.cmean))]

        if 'nlow' in df.columns and 930 < cct.get_now_time_int():
            # for col in ['nhigh', 'nclose', 'nlow','nstd']:
            #     df[col] = df[col].apply(lambda x: round(x, 2))
            if 'nhigh' in df.columns and 'nclose' in df.columns:
                # ncloseRatio = map(lambda x, y: x * ct.changeRatio if x * ct.changeRatio > y else y, df.nclose, df.nlow)
                df['ncloseRatio'] = map(lambda x: x * 0.99, df.nclose)
                df['nopenRatio'] = map(lambda x: x * 0.99, df.open)
                # nhighRatio = map(lambda x, y: x * ct.changeRatio if x * ct.changeRatio > y else y, df.nhigh, df.nclose)
                # if cct.get_now_time_int() > ct.nlow_limit_time:

                #           name   open    low   high  close  nclose   nlow  nhigh  nstd  ticktime
                # code
                # 601899  紫金矿业   4.25   4.24   4.69   4.69    4.52   4.24   4.42  0.12  15:00:00
                # 603917  合力科技  27.95  27.69  31.54  31.54   30.46  27.69  30.00  0.70  15:00:00
                # 300713   英可瑞  81.00  81.00  89.82  89.77   87.53  80.90  86.36  1.75  15:02:03
                # 000933  神火股份   9.07   9.02  10.00  10.00    9.71   9.02   9.44  0.24  15:02:03
                # 600050  中国联通   6.49   6.37   6.51   6.41    6.44   6.44   6.51  0.02  15:00:00
                # 002350  北京科锐  10.17  10.17  10.75  10.23   10.31  10.17  10.75  0.07  15:02:03
                # 603363  傲农生物  17.49  16.91  18.35  18.35   17.35  17.18  18.00  0.34  15:00:00
                # 000868  安凯客车   8.77   8.53   8.82   8.82    8.82   8.53   8.82  0.01  15:02:03
                # 002505  大康农业   2.91   2.86   2.99   2.89    2.91   2.90   2.99  0.02  15:02:03
                # 601939  建设银行   7.50   7.41   7.61   7.55    7.50   7.43   7.52  0.05  15:00:00
                # 600392  盛和资源  16.85  16.81  18.63  18.63   17.84  16.81  17.51  0.69  15:00:00 (11, 41)
                # 603676   卫信康  17.44  16.95  17.96  17.82   17.34  17.03  17.77  0.18  15:00:00
                if 'nstd' in df.columns:
                    df['stdv'] = map(lambda x, y: round(x / y * 100, 1),
                                     df.nstd, df.open)

                # top_temp[:40][['nstd','stdv','name','volume','dff','percent']]
                # top_temp.loc['603363'][['nstd','stdv','name','volume','high','nhigh','percent','open','nclose']]

                # df['stdv'] = map(lambda x, y, z: round(z / (x / y * 100), 1), df.nstd, df.open, df.volume)

                # df.loc['002906'][['open','nclose','close','ncloseRatio','nopenRatio','low','nlow']]

                df = df[(df.low > df.upper) |
                        (((df.nopenRatio <= df.nclose) & (df.low >= df.nlow) &
                          (df.close >= df.ncloseRatio)) |
                         ((df.nopenRatio <= df.nclose) &
                          (df.close >= df.ncloseRatio) &
                          (df.high >= df.nhigh)))]
                # else:
                # df = df[(((df.low >= df.nlow) & (df.close >= ncloseRatio)) | ((df.close >= ncloseRatio) & (df.close > nhighRatio)))]
                df = df[((df.low >= df.nlow) &
                         (df.close > df.llastp * ct.changeRatio))]
            # if 'nhigh' in df.columns and 'nclose' in df.columns:
            #     if cct.get_now_time_int() > ct.nlow_limit_time:
            #         df = df[(df.low >= df.nlow) & ((df.open > df.llastp * ct.changeRatio) & (df.nclose > df.llastp * ct.changeRatio)) &
            #                 (((df.low >= df.nlow) & (df.close >= df.nclose)) | ((df.close >= df.nclose) & (df.close > df.nhigh * ct.changeRatio) & (df.high >= df.nhigh)))]
            #     else:
            #         df = df[((df.open > df.llastp * ct.changeRatio) & (df.close > df.llastp * ct.changeRatio)) &
            #                 (((df.low >= df.nlow) & (df.close >= df.nclose)) | ((df.close >= df.nclose) & (df.close > df.nhigh * ct.changeRatio)))]
            # else:
            #     df = df[((df.low >= df.nlow) & (df.close > df.llastp))]

        if filter:

            if cct.get_now_time_int() > 915 and cct.get_now_time_int() <= 1000:
                df = df[((df.buy > df.llastp)) |
                        (df.buy > df.hmax * ct.changeRatio) |
                        (df.buy < df.lmin * ct.changeRatioUp)]
                # df = df[(df.buy > df.hmax * ct.changeRatio) & (df.low > df.llastp)]
                # df = df[(df.buy > df.cmean * ct.changeRatioUp) | (df.open > df.llastp)]
                # df = df[df.buy > df.cmean]

            elif cct.get_now_time_int() > 1000 and cct.get_now_time_int(
            ) <= 1430:
                df = df[((df.buy > df.llastp)) |
                        (df.buy > df.hmax * ct.changeRatio) |
                        (df.buy < df.lmin * ct.changeRatioUp)]
                # df = df[(df.buy > df.hmax * ct.changeRatio) | (df.low > df.llastp)]
                # df = df[(df.buy > df.hmax * ct.changeRatio) & (df.low > df.llastp)]

                # df = df[(df.buy > df.cmean * ct.changeRatioUp) | (df.open > df.llastp)]
                # df = df[df.buy > df.cmean]
                df = df[((df.buy > df.llastp)) |
                        (df.buy > df.hmax * ct.changeRatio) |
                        (df.buy < df.lmin * ct.changeRatioUp)]

                # df = df[(df.buy > df.hmax * ct.changeRatio) | (df.low > df.llastp)]
                # df = df[(df.buy > df.hmax * ct.changeRatio) & (df.low > df.llastp)]

                # df = df[(df.buy > df.cmean * ct.changeRatioUp) | (df.open > df.llastp)]
                # df = df[df.buy > df.cmean]

            if 'vstd' in df.columns:
                # df = df[(df.lvol * df.volume > (df.vstd + df.lvol)) | ((df.percent > -10) & (df.hv / df.lv > 1.5))]
                # dd = df.loc['000760'] dd.hv/dd.lv,dd.volume
                df['hvRatio'] = map(
                    lambda x, y: round(x / y / cct.get_work_time_ratio(), 1),
                    df.hv, df.lv)
                df['volRatio'] = (map(lambda x, y: round(x / y / radio_t, 1),
                                      df.nvol.values, df.lv.values))

                # df = df[(df.lvol * df.volume > (df.vstd + df.lvol)) | ((df.percent > -5) & (df.hv / df.lv > 3))]

                # if 1000 < cct.get_now_time_int() < 1450:
                #     df = df[ (3 < df.ratio) & (df.ratio < 20)]
                if 'nclose' in df.columns:
                    # df = df[((df.hvRatio > df.volRatio) & ((df.buy > df.lastp) & (df.nclose > df.lastp))) | ((
                    df = df[(((df.buy > df.lastp) & (df.nclose > df.lastp))) |
                            (((df.percent > -5) &
                              ((df.vstd + df.lvol) * 1.2 < df.nvol) &
                              (df.nvol > (df.vstd + df.lvol))))]
                    # df = df[((df.hvRatio > df.volRatio) & ((df.buy > df.lastp))) | ((
                    df = df[(((df.buy > df.lastp))) |
                            (((df.percent > -5) &
                              ((df.vstd + df.lvol) * 1.2 < df.nvol) &
                              (df.nvol > (df.vstd + df.lvol))))]
                # [dd.lvol * dd.volume > (dd.vstd + dd.lvol) | dd.lvol * dd.volume >(dd.ldvolume + dd.vstd]
            # print df.loc['000801']

            if percent:
                if 'stdv' in df.columns and 926 < cct.get_now_time_int():
                    # df = df[((df.volume > 2 * cct.get_work_time_ratio()) & (df.percent > -3)) | ((df.stdv < 1) &
                    #                (df.percent > 2)) | ((df.lvolume > df.lvol * 0.9) & (df.lvolume > df.lowvol * 1.1))]
                    df_index = tdd.getSinaIndexdf()
                    if isinstance(df_index, type(pd.DataFrame())):
                        df_index['volume'] = (map(lambda x, y: round(x / y / radio_t, 1), df_index.nvol.values, df_index.lastv1d.values))
                        index_vol = df_index.loc['999999'].volume
                        if 'percent' in df_index.columns and '999999' in df_index.index:
                            index_percent = df_index.loc['999999'].percent
                            # import ipdb;ipdb.set_trace()
                            log.error("index_percent" is None)
                            index_percent = 0

                        index_boll = df_index.loc['999999'].boll
                        index_op = df_index.loc['999999'].op
                        # df = df[((df.percent > -3) | (df.volume > index_vol)) & (df.percent > index_percent)]
                        # df = df[((df.percent > -1) | (df.volume > index_vol * 1.5)) & (df.percent > index_percent)  & (df.boll >= index_boll)]
                        df = df[((df.percent > -1) | (df.volume > index_vol * 1.5)) & (df.percent > index_percent)]
                        print ("df_index is Series",df_index.T)
                    df = df[((df.volume > 1.2 * cct.get_work_time_ratio()) & (df.percent > -3))]
                # df = df[((df['buy'] >= df['ene'])) | ((df['buy'] < df['ene']) & (df['low'] > df['lower'])) | ((df['buy'] > df['upper']) & (df['low'] > df['upper']))]
                # df = df[(( df['ene'] * ct.changeRatio < df['open']) & (df['buy'] > df['ene'] * ct.changeRatioUp)) | ((df['low'] > df['upper']) & (df['close'] > df['ene']))]

                # df = df[(( df['ene'] < df['open']) & (df['buy'] < df['ene'] * ct.changeRatioUp))]

                # df = df[(df.per1d > 9) | (df.per2d > 4) | (df.per3d > 6)]
                # df = df[(df.per1d > 0) | (df.per2d > 4) | (df.per3d > 6)]
            # time_ss=time.time()
            # codel = df.index.tolist()
            # dm = tdd.get_sina_data_df(codel)
            # results = cct.to_mp_run_async(getab.Get_BBANDS, codel,'d',5,duration,dm)
            # bolldf = pd.DataFrame(results, columns=['code','boll'])
            # bolldf = bolldf.set_index('code')
            # df = cct.combine_dataFrame(df, bolldf)
            # print "bollt:%0.2f"%(time.time()-time_ss),
            per3d_l = 2
            percent_l = -1
            op_l = 3
            # if 'boll' in df.columns:
            #     if 915 < cct.get_now_time_int() < 950:
            #         # df = df[(df.boll >= boll) | ((df.percent > percent_l) & (df.op > 4)) | ((df.percent > percent_l) & (df.per3d > per3d_l))]
            #         # df = df[((df.percent > percent_l) & (df.op > 4)) | ((df.percent > percent_l) & (df.per3d > per3d_l))]
            #         pass
            #     elif 950 < cct.get_now_time_int() < 1501:
            #         # df = df[(df.boll >= boll) | ((df.low <> 0) & (df.open == df.low) & (((df.percent > percent_l) & (df.op > op_l)) | ((df.percent > percent_l) & (df.per3d > per3d_l))))]
            #         # df = df[(df.boll >= boll) & ((df.low <> 0) & (df.open >= df.low *
            #         # ct.changeRatio) & (((df.percent > percent_l)) | ((df.percent >
            #         # percent_l) & (df.per3d > per3d_l))))]
            #         df = df[(df.boll >= boll)]
            #     # else:
            # df = df[(df.boll >= boll) | ((df.low <> 0) & (df.open == df.low) &
            # (((df.percent > percent_l) & (df.op > op_l)) | ((df.percent > percent_l)
            # & (df.per3d > per3d_l))))]

        # if 945 < cct.get_now_time_int() and market_key is None:
        #     df.loc[df.percent >= 9.94, 'percent'] = -10

    # else:
    #     # df['upper'] = map(lambda x: round((1 + 11.0 / 100) * x, 1), df.ma10d)
    #     # df['lower'] = map(lambda x: round((1 - 9.0 / 100) * x, 1), df.ma10d)
    #     # df['ene'] = map(lambda x, y: round((x + y) / 2, 1), df.upper, df.lower)
    #     # df = df[((df['buy'] >= df['ene'])) | ((df['buy'] < df['ene']) & (df['low'] > df['lower'])) | ((df['buy'] > df['upper']) & (df['low'] > df['upper']))]
    #     # df = df[(( df['ene'] * ct.changeRatio < df['open']) & (df['buy'] > df['ene'] * ct.changeRatioUp)) | ((df['low'] > df['upper']) & (df['close'] > df['ene']))]
    #     if 'nclose' in df.columns:
    #         # df = df[((df['nclose'] > df['ene'] * ct.changeRatio) & (df['percent'] > -3) & (df.volume > 1.5)) |
    #         #         ((df['nclose'] > df['upper'] * ct.changeRatio) & (df['buy'] > df['upper'] * ct.changeRatioUp)) | ((df['llastp'] > df['upper']) & (df['nclose'] > df['upper']))]
    #         df = df[(df.nclose > df.cmean)]
    #     else:
    #         df = df[(df.buy > df.cmean)]

    print("bo:%0.1f" % (time.time() - time_s)),

    df['ral'] = (map(lambda x, y: round((x + y), 1), df.percent, df.ral))
    df['ra'] = (map(lambda x, y: round((x + y), 1), df.percent, df.ra))
    return df
def get_sina_all_json_dd(vol='0', type='0', num='10000', retry_count=3, pause=0.001):
    start_t = time.time()
    # url="http://vip.stock.finance.sina.com.cn/quotes_service/api/json_v2.php/Market_Center.getHQNodeData?page=1&num=50&sort=changepercent&asc=0&node=sh_a&symbol="
    # SINA_REAL_PRICE_DD = '%s%s/quotes_service/api/json_v2.php/Market_Center.getHQNodeData?page=1&num=%s&sort=changepercent&asc=0&node=%s&symbol=%s'
    # return ''
    h5_fname = 'get_sina_all_dd'
    h5_table = 'all'+'_'+ct.DD_VOL_List[str(vol)]+'_'+str(num)
    limit_time = ct.sina_dd_limit_time
    h5 = h5a.load_hdf_db(h5_fname, table=h5_table,limit_time=limit_time)
    if h5 is not None and not h5.empty and len(h5) > 500 and 'timel' in h5.columns:
       o_time = h5[h5.timel != 0].timel
       if len(o_time) > 0:
           o_time = o_time[0]
           l_time = time.time() - o_time
           return_hdf_status = not cct.get_work_time() or (cct.get_work_time() and l_time < limit_time)
           if return_hdf_status:
               log.info("load hdf data:%s %s %s"%(h5_fname,h5_table,len(h5)))
               return h5

    # ct._write_head()
    url_list = _get_sina_json_dd_url(vol, type, num)
    # print url_list
    df = pd.DataFrame()
    # import ipdb;ipdb.set_trace()

    # data['code'] = symbol
    # df = df.append(data, ignore_index=True)
    if len(url_list)>0:
        for url in url_list:
            # df = df.append(_parsing_sina_dd_price_json(url))
            data = _parsing_sina_dd_price_json(url)
            # if data is not None and not data.empty and len(data) > 0:
            if len(data) > 5:
                df = df.append(data)
            # else:
            #     log.error("data:%s"%(data))

    # data = cct.to_mp_run(_parsing_sina_dd_price_json, url_list)
    # data = cct.to_mp_run_async(_parsing_sina_dd_price_json, url_list)

    # if len(url_list)>cct.get_cpu_count():
    #     divs=cct.get_cpu_count()
    # else:
    #     divs=len(url_list)
    # if len(url_list)>=divs:
    #     print len(url_list),
    #     dl=cct.get_div_list(url_list,divs)
    #     data=cct.to_mp_run_async(cct.to_asyncio_run,dl,_parsing_sina_dd_price_json)
    # else:
    #     data=cct.to_asyncio_run(url_list,_parsing_sina_dd_price_json)

        # data = cct.to_asyncio_run(url_list, _parsing_sina_dd_price_json)  //return df list 
        # if len(data)>50:
        #     df = df.append(data, ignore_index=True)
        #     # log.debug("dd.columns:%s" % df.columns.values)
        #     #['code' 'name' 'ticktime' 'price' 'volume' 'prev_price' 'kind']
        #     log.debug("get_sina_all_json_dd:%s" % df[:1])

        if df is not None and not df.empty and len(df) > 50:
            # for i in range(2, ct.PAGE_NUM[0]):
            #     newdf = _parsing_dayprice_json(i)
            #     df = df.append(newdf, ignore_index=True)
            # print "dd",
            # df=df[(df['kind'] == 'U')]
            print("djdf:%0.1f"%(time.time()-time_drop), end=' ')
            # df=df[df.price >df.prev_price]
            log.info("sina-DD:%s" % df[:1])
#            df = df.loc[:, ['code','name', 'couts', 'kind', 'prev_price']]
#            print df.columns
            df = df.loc[:, ['code','name', 'couts', 'kind', 'prev_price','ticktime']]
            df.code=df.code.apply(lambda x:str(x).replace('sh','') if str(x).startswith('sh') else str(x).replace('sz',''))
            if len(df) > 0:
                df = df.set_index('code')
                h5 = h5a.write_hdf_db(h5_fname, df, table=h5_table,append=False)
            print((" dd-df:%0.2f" % ((time.time() - start_t))), end=' ')
            return df
            print(("url:%s no data  json-df:%0.2f"%(url_list[0],(time.time() - start_t))), end=' ')
            return ''
        print(("Url None json-df:%0.2f "%((time.time() - start_t))), end=' ')
        return ''
def get_sina_Market_json(market='all', showtime=True, num='100', retry_count=3, pause=0.001):
    start_t = time.time()
#   qq stock api
#    http://qt.gtimg.cn/q=sz000858,sh600199
#    http://blog.csdn.net/ustbhacker/article/details/8365756
    # url="http://vip.stock.finance.sina.com.cn/quotes_service/api/json_v2.php/Market_Center.getHQNodeData?page=1&num=50&sort=changepercent&asc=0&node=sh_a&symbol="
    # SINA_REAL_PRICE_DD = '%s%s/quotes_service/api/json_v2.php/Market_Center.getHQNodeData?page=1&num=%s&sort=changepercent&asc=0&node=%s&symbol=%s'
    # ct._write_head()

    h5_fname = 'get_sina_all_ratio'
    # h5_table = 'all'
    h5_table = 'all'+'_'+str(num)
    # if market == 'all':
    limit_time = ct.sina_dd_limit_time
    h5 = h5a.load_hdf_db(h5_fname, table=h5_table,limit_time=limit_time)
    if h5 is not None and len(h5) > 0 and 'timel' in h5.columns:
        o_time = h5[h5.timel != 0].timel
        if len(h5) < 2000:
            log.error("h5 not full data")
            o_time = []
        if len(o_time) > 0:
            o_time = o_time[0]
            l_time = time.time() - o_time
            # return_hdf_status = not cct.get_work_day_status()  or not cct.get_work_time() or (cct.get_work_day_status() and cct.get_work_time() and l_time < limit_time)
            return_hdf_status = not cct.get_work_time() or (cct.get_work_time() and l_time < limit_time)
            if return_hdf_status:
                log.info("load hdf data:%s %s %s"%(h5_fname,h5_table,len(h5)))
                dd = None
                if market == 'all':
                    co_inx = [inx for inx in h5.index if str(inx).startswith(('6','30','00'))]
                elif market == 'sh':
                    co_inx = [inx for inx in h5.index if str(inx).startswith(('6'))]
                elif market == 'sz':
                    co_inx = [inx for inx in h5.index if str(inx).startswith(('00'))]
                elif market == 'cyb':
                    co_inx = [inx for inx in h5.index if str(inx).startswith(('30'))]
                    log.error('market is not Find:%s'%(market))
                    codel = cct.read_to_blocknew(market)
                    co_inx = [inx for inx in codel if inx in h5.index]
                dd = h5.loc[co_inx]
                if len(dd) > 100:
                    log.info("return sina_ratio:%s"%(len(dd)))
                    return dd
    # else:

#    market = 'all'
    if h5 is None or market=='all':
        # for m in ct.SINA_Market_KEY.values():
        for m in ['sh_a','sz_a']:
            mlist=_get_sina_Market_url(m, num=num)
            for l in mlist:url_list.append(l)
        # print url_list
        url_list=_get_sina_Market_url(ct.SINA_Market_KEY[market], num=num)
        # print url_list
    # log.debug("Market_jsonURL: %s" % url_list[0])
    # print url_list
    # print "url:",url_list
    df = pd.DataFrame()
    # data['code'] = symbol
    # df = df.append(data, ignore_index=True)

    # results = cct.to_mp_run(_parsing_Market_price_json, url_list)
    # urltest ='http://vip.stock.finance.sina.com.cn/quotes_service/api/json_v2.php/Market_Center.getHQNodeData?page=1&num=100&sort=changepercent&asc=0&node=sh_a&symbol='

    if len(url_list) > 0:
        results = cct.to_asyncio_run(url_list, _parsing_Market_price_json)
        results = []
    if len(results)>0:
        df = df.append(results, ignore_index=True)
        # df['volume']= df['volume'].apply(lambda x:x/100)
        # print df.columns
        if 'ratio' in df.columns:
            df['ratio']=df['ratio'].apply(lambda x:round(float(x),1))

        df['percent']=df['percent'].apply(lambda x:round(float(x),2))
#        if cct.get_now_time_int() > 915 and cct.get_now_time_int() < 926:
#            df = df[(df.buy > 0)]
#        else:
#            df = df[(df.trade > 0)]
        # print df[:1]
    # for url in url_list:
    #     # print url
    #     data = _parsing_Market_price_json(url)
    #     # print data[:1]
    #     df = df.append(data, ignore_index=True)
    #     # break

    if df is not None and len(df) > 0:
        # for i in range(2, ct.PAGE_NUM[0]):
        #     newdf = _parsing_dayprice_json(i)
        #     df = df.append(newdf, ignore_index=True)
        # print len(df.index)

        # print type(df)
        if 'code' in df.columns:
            df = df.set_index('code')
#        if market == 'all':
#            append_status = False #(new all don't append main )
#        else:
#        append_status = True
        if market=='all':
            h5 = h5a.write_hdf_db(h5_fname, df, table=h5_table,append=False)
            h5 = h5a.write_hdf_db(h5_fname, df, table=h5_table,append=True)
        if showtime: print(("Market-df:%s %s" % (format((time.time() - start_t), '.1f'), len(df))), end=' ')

        if market == 'all':
            co_inx = [inx for inx in df.index if str(inx).startswith(('6','30','00'))]
            df = df.loc[co_inx]            
        elif market == 'sh':
            co_inx = [inx for inx in df.index if str(inx).startswith(('6'))]
            df = df.loc[co_inx]            
        elif market == 'sz':
            co_inx = [inx for inx in df.index if str(inx).startswith(('00'))]
            df = df.loc[co_inx]            
        elif market == 'cyb':
            co_inx = [inx for inx in df.index if str(inx).startswith(('30'))]
            df = df.loc[co_inx]            

        return df
        if showtime:print(("no data Market-df:%s" % (format((time.time() - start_t), '.2f'))))
        log.error("no data Market-df:%s"%(url_list[0]))
        return []
Exemple #12
                    # if dratio < 0.1 or len(dd) > 3100:

                    log.info("find all:%s :%s %0.2f" %
                             (len(code_l), len(code_l) - len(dif_co), dratio))
                    if timelimit and len(dd) > 0:
                        dd = dd.loc[dif_co]
                        o_time = dd[dd.timel <> 0].timel.tolist()
                        #                        if fname == 'powerCompute':
                        #                            o_time = sorted(set(o_time),reverse=True)
                        o_time = sorted(set(o_time), reverse=False)
                        o_time = [time.time() - t_x for t_x in o_time]

                        if len(dd) > 0:
                            # if len(dd) > 0 and (not cct.get_work_time() or len(o_time) <= ct.h5_time_l_count):
                            l_time = np.mean(o_time)
                            return_hdf_status = (not cct.get_work_time()) or (
                                cct.get_work_time() and l_time < limit_time)
                            # return_hdf_status = l_time < limit_time
                            # print return_hdf_status,l_time,limit_time
                            if return_hdf_status:
                                # df=dd
                                df = dd.loc[dif_co]
                                    "return hdf: %s timel:%s l_t:%s hdf ok:%s"
                                    % (fname, len(o_time), l_time, len(df)))
                                "%s %s o_time:%s %s" %
                                (fname, table, len(o_time),
                                 [time.time() - t_x for t_x in o_time[:3]]))
                        log.info('fname:%s l_time:%s' %