Exemple #1
def generateJoinEstimateKernel(f, query, estimator, stats):
    print >> f, "__kernel void estimate("
    icols = Utils.generateInvariantColumns(query)
    jcols = Utils.generateJoinColumns(query)

    graph = constructJoinGraph(query)
    tids = graph.collectTableIDs()
    pairs = graph.collectJoinPairs()

    _, dvals = stats

    for x, t in enumerate(tids):
        for jc in jcols[t]:
            print >> f, "    __global unsigned int* t%s_c%s," % (t, jc),
        if x > 0:
            print >> f, "    unsigned int n_t%s," % (t)
    print >> f, "    __global unsigned long *contributions, unsigned int ss){"

    print >> f
    #We start of with table 1.
    print >> f, "    unsigned long sum = 0;"
    print >> f, "     for(unsigned int offset = 0; offset < ss; offset += get_global_size(0)){"
    print >> f, "        if (offset + get_global_id(0) < ss){"

    graph.generateJoinEstimateKernelBottomUp(f, query, estimator)
    print >> f, "    sum++;"
    graph.generateJoinEstimateKernelTopDown(f, query)

    print >> f, "        }"
    print >> f, "    }"
    print >> f, "    if (get_global_id(0) < ss) contributions[get_global_id(0)] = sum;"
    print >> f, "}"
Exemple #2
def generateJoinEstimateKernel(f, query, estimator, stats):
    print >> f, "__kernel void estimate("
    icols = Utils.generateInvariantColumns(query)
    jcols = Utils.generateJoinColumns(query)

    _, dvals = stats
    graph = constructJoinGraph(query)
    t1, c1 = graph.left_col
    t2, c2 = graph.right_col

    tids = graph.collectTableIDs()
    pairs = graph.collectJoinPairs()

    if estimator.join_kernel == "Cont":
        kde = ContKDEKernel()
    elif estimator.join_kernel == "Rect":
        kde = RectKDEKernel()
    elif estimator.join_kernel == "Cat":
        kde = CatKDEKernel()

    for x, t in enumerate(tids):
        for jc in jcols[t]:
            print >> f, "    __global unsigned int* t%s_c%s," % (t, jc),
            print >> f, "    double bw_t%s_c%s," % (t, jc)
        if icols[t]:
            print >> f, "    __global double* inv_t%s," % (t)
        if x > 0:
            print >> f, "    unsigned int n_t%s," % (t)
    #Here we go.
    for t1, c1, t2, c2 in pairs:
        print >> f, "    double limit_t%s_c%s_t%s_c%s," % (t1, c1, t2, c2)
    if estimator.join_kernel == "Cat":
        print >> f, "    double omega,"
    print >> f, "    __global double* contributions, unsigned int ss){"

    print >> f
    #We start of with table 1.
    kde.generatePreamble(f, query)

    print >> f, "     for(unsigned int offset = 0; offset < ss; offset += get_global_size(0)){"
    print >> f, "        if (offset + get_global_id(0) < ss){"

    graph.generateJoinEstimateKernelBottomUp(f, query, estimator)
    kde.generateEstimateCode(f, query, graph.jid + 1, graph, stats)
    graph.generateJoinEstimateKernelTopDown(f, query)

    if estimator.join_kernel == "Cat":
        print >> f, "   T jnone = (1.0-bw_t%s_c%s) * bw_t%s_c%s / (%f-1.0) + (1.0-bw_t%s_c%s) * bw_t%s_c%s / (%f-1.0) + bw_t%s_c%s*bw_t%s_c%s * (%f-2.0) / ((%f-1.0)*(%f-1.0));" % (
            t1, c1, t2, c2, dvals[t2][c2], t2, c2, t1, c1, dvals[t1][c1], t1,
            c1, t2, c2, min(dvals[t1][c1],
                            dvals[t2][c2]), dvals[t1][c1], dvals[t2][c2])
        t1, c1 = graph.left_col
        print >> f, "     sum += c_t%s * jnone * (omega-osum);" % (t1)
    print >> f, "    }"
    print >> f, "    }"

    print >> f, "    if (get_global_id(0) < ss) contributions[get_global_id(0)] = sum;"
    print >> f, "}"
Exemple #3
def generateGPUSampleCode(i, query, estimator, stats, cu_factor):
    ts, dv = stats
    graph = constructJoinGraph(query)
    tids = graph.collectTableIDs()

    #Generate Kernels
    with open("./%s_kernels.cl" % i, 'w') as cf:

        print >> cf, "//"
        graph.generateTableEstimateKernel(cf, query, estimator, stats)
        generateJoinEstimateKernel(cf, query, estimator, stats)
        print >> cf, "//"

    with open("./%s_GPUS.cpp" % i, 'w') as cf:
        generateGPUSampleParameterArray(cf, query, estimator)
        generateGPUSampleEstimateFunction(cf, graph, query, estimator,
                                          prod(ts.values())**-1.0, stats,
        #There is no reason why we shouldn't use the estimate function from GPUJKDE.
        generateGPUJKDETestWrapper(cf, query, estimator)

        cols = Utils.generateInvariantColumns(query)
        jcols = Utils.generateJoinColumns(query)
        print >> cf, """
int main( int argc, const char* argv[] ){
    parameters p;

    compute::device device = compute::system::default_device();
    p.ctx = compute::context(device);
    p.queue=compute::command_queue(p.ctx, device);

        print >> cf, """
    std::ifstream t("./%s_kernels.cl");
    t.exceptions ( std::ifstream::failbit | std::ifstream::badbit );
    std::string str((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(t)),
""" % i

        #Read table sizes and read columns into memory and transfer to device the GPU
        print >> cf, "    std::stringstream iteration_stream;"
        print >> cf, "    p.iteration = (unsigned int) atoi(argv[%s]);" % (
            len(query.tables) + 1)
        print >> cf, "    iteration_stream << \"./iteration\" << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << argv[%s];" % (
            len(query.tables) + 1)
        for j, t in enumerate(query.tables):
            print >> cf, "    p.ss%s = atoi(argv[%s]);" % (j, j + 1)
            print >> cf, "    p.ts%s= %s;" % (j, ts[j])
            for k, c in enumerate(t.columns):
                print >> cf, "    std::stringstream s_t%s_c%s_stream ;" % (j,
                print >> cf, "    s_t%s_c%s_stream << iteration_stream.str() << \"/sample_\" << atoi(argv[%s]) << \"_%s_%s.dump\";" % (
                    j, k, j + 1, t.tid, c.cid)
                print >> cf, "    std::string s_t%s_c%s_string = s_t%s_c%s_stream.str();" % (
                    j, k, j, k)
                print >> cf, "    unsigned int* s_t%s_c%s = readUArrayFromFile(s_t%s_c%s_string.c_str());" % (
                    j, k, j, k)
                print >> cf, "    p.s_t%s_c%s = toGPUVector(s_t%s_c%s, p.ss%s, p.ctx, p.queue);" % (
                    j, k, j, k, j)
            print >> cf

        for t, cs in enumerate(jcols):
            if cols[t]:
                for c in cs:
                    print >> cf, "    p.sr_t%s_c%s = compute::vector<unsigned int>(p.ss%s, p.ctx);" % (
                        t, c, t)
        print >> cf, "    p.final_contributions = compute::vector<unsigned long>(p.ss%s, p.ctx);" % tids[
        print >> cf, """
    compute::program pr = compute::program::create_with_source(str,p.ctx);
        std::ostringstream oss;
    } catch(const std::exception& ex){
        std::cout << pr.build_log() << std::endl;
        for j, t in enumerate(query.tables):
            if len(cols[j]) > 0:
                print >> cf, "    p.invk%s = pr.create_kernel(\"invk_t%s\");" % (
                    j, j)
                print >> cf, "    p.inv_t%s = compute::vector<double>(p.ss%s, p.ctx);" % (
                    j, j)
                print >> cf, "   p.invr_t%s = compute::vector<double>(p.ss%s, p.ctx);" % (
                    j, j)
        print >> cf, "    p.estimate = pr.create_kernel(\"estimate\");"
        print >> cf

        for t, tab in enumerate(query.tables):
            print >> cf, "    p.map_t%s = compute::vector<unsigned int >(p.ss%s+1, p.ctx);" % (
                t, t)
            print >> cf, "    p.count_t%s = compute::vector<int >(p.ss%s+1, p.ctx);" % (
                t, t)
            print >> cf, "    p.count_t%s[0] = -1;" % t

        print >> cf, "    std::string test_cardinality_string = iteration_stream.str() + \"/test_join_true.dump\";"
        print >> cf, "    p.j_test_cardinality = readUArrayFromFile(test_cardinality_string.c_str());"

        for i, indices in enumerate(cols):
            if len(indices) != 0:
                for j in indices:
                    if query.tables[i].columns[j].type == "range":
                        print >> cf, "    std::string j_l_t%s_c%s_string = iteration_stream.str() + \"/test_join_l_%s_%s.dump\";" % (
                            i, j, query.tables[i].tid,
                        print >> cf, "    p.j_l_t%s_c%s= readUArrayFromFile(j_l_t%s_c%s_string.c_str());" % (
                            i, j, i, j)
                        print >> cf, "    std::string j_u_t%s_c%s_string = iteration_stream.str() + \"/test_join_u_%s_%s.dump\";" % (
                            i, j, query.tables[i].tid,
                        print >> cf, "    p.j_u_t%s_c%s = readUArrayFromFile(j_u_t%s_c%s_string.c_str());" % (
                            i, j, i, j)
                    elif query.tables[i].columns[j].type == "point":
                        print >> cf, "    std::string j_p_t%s_c%s_string = iteration_stream.str() + \"/test_join_p_%s_%s.dump\";" % (
                            i, j, query.tables[i].tid,
                        print >> cf, "    p.j_p_t%s_c%s = readUArrayFromFile(j_p_t%s_c%s_string.c_str());" % (
                            i, j, i, j)
                        raise Exception("Unsupported ctype.")

        print >> cf
        print >> cf, "    join_test(&p);"
        print >> cf, "}"
Exemple #4
def generateGPUJKDECode(i, query, estimator, stats, cu_factor):
    ts, dv = stats
    graph = constructJoinGraph(query)
    tids = graph.collectTableIDs()

    #Generate Kernels
    with open("./%s_kernels.cl" % i, 'w') as cf:

        gk = GaussKernel()

        ck = CategoricalKernel()

        print >> cf, "//"
        graph.generateTableEstimateKernel(cf, query, estimator, stats)
        generateJoinEstimateKernel(cf, query, estimator, stats)
        print >> cf, "//"

        #Do we need table level estimation kernels?
        if estimator.bw_optimization == "local":
            for j, kernels in enumerate(estimator.kernels):
                    cf, "grad_t%s" % j, kernels, dv[j])

    with open("./%s_AGPUJKDE.cpp" % i, 'w') as cf:
        generateGPUJKDEParameterArray(cf, query, estimator)
        generateGPUJKDEEstimateFunction(cf, graph, query, estimator,
                                        prod(ts.values())**-1.0, stats,
        generateGPUJKDETestWrapper(cf, query, estimator)

        if estimator.bw_optimization == "local":
            for tid, table in enumerate(query.tables):
                generateTableEstGrad(cf, tid, query, estimator)
                generateTableObjectiveGrad(cf, tid, query, estimator)
        elif estimator.bw_optimization == "join":
            generateGPUJKDEObjective(cf, query, estimator)

        cols = Utils.generateInvariantColumns(query)
        jcols = Utils.generateJoinColumns(query)
        print >> cf, """
int main( int argc, const char* argv[] ){
    parameters p;

    compute::device device = compute::system::default_device();
    p.ctx = compute::context(device);
    p.queue=compute::command_queue(p.ctx, device);

        print >> cf, """
    std::ifstream t("./%s_kernels.cl");
    t.exceptions ( std::ifstream::failbit | std::ifstream::badbit );
    std::string str((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(t)),
""" % i

        #Read table sizes and read columns into memory and transfer to device the GPU
        print >> cf, "    std::stringstream iteration_stream;"
        print >> cf, "    p.iteration = (unsigned int) atoi(argv[%s]);" % (
            len(query.tables) + 1)
        print >> cf, "    iteration_stream << \"./iteration\" << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << argv[%s];" % (
            len(query.tables) + 1)
        for j, t in enumerate(query.tables):
            print >> cf, "    p.ss%s = atoi(argv[%s]);" % (j, j + 1)
            print >> cf, "    p.ts%s= %s;" % (j, ts[j])
            for k, c in enumerate(t.columns):
                print >> cf, "    std::stringstream s_t%s_c%s_stream ;" % (j,
                print >> cf, "    s_t%s_c%s_stream << iteration_stream.str() << \"/sample_\" << atoi(argv[%s]) << \"_%s_%s.dump\";" % (
                    j, k, j + 1, t.tid, c.cid)
                print >> cf, "    std::string s_t%s_c%s_string = s_t%s_c%s_stream.str();" % (
                    j, k, j, k)
                print >> cf, "    unsigned int* s_t%s_c%s = readUArrayFromFile(s_t%s_c%s_string.c_str());" % (
                    j, k, j, k)
                print >> cf, "    p.s_t%s_c%s = toGPUVector(s_t%s_c%s, p.ss%s, p.ctx, p.queue);" % (
                    j, k, j, k, j)
                if estimator.kernels[j][k] == "GaussPoint" or estimator.kernels[
                        j][k] == "GaussRange":
                    print >> cf, "    p.bw_t%s_c%s = scott_bw(s_t%s_c%s,  p.ss%s, %s);" % (
                        j, k, j, k, j, len(query.tables))
                    print >> cf, "    if(p.bw_t%s_c%s < 0.2) p.bw_t%s_c%s = 0.2;" % (
                        j, k, j, k)
                    print >> cf, "    p.bw_t%s_c%s = 1.0/(1.0+1.0/%f);" % (
                        j, k, dv[j][k] - 1)
            print >> cf

        for t, cs in enumerate(jcols):
            if cols[t]:
                for c in cs:
                    print >> cf, "    p.sr_t%s_c%s = compute::vector<unsigned int>(p.ss%s, p.ctx);" % (
                        t, c, t)
        print >> cf, "    p.final_contributions = compute::vector<double>(p.ss%s, p.ctx);" % (
        print >> cf, """
    compute::program pr = compute::program::create_with_source(str,p.ctx);
        std::ostringstream oss;
    } catch(const std::exception& ex){
        std::cout << pr.build_log() << std::endl;
        for j, t in enumerate(query.tables):
            if len(cols[j]) > 0:
                print >> cf, "    p.invk%s = pr.create_kernel(\"invk_t%s\");" % (
                    j, j)
                print >> cf, "    p.inv_t%s = compute::vector<double>(p.ss%s, p.ctx);" % (
                    j, j)
                print >> cf, "   p.invr_t%s = compute::vector<double>(p.ss%s, p.ctx);" % (
                    j, j)
        print >> cf, "    p.estimate = pr.create_kernel(\"estimate\");"
        print >> cf

        for t, tab in enumerate(query.tables):
            print >> cf, "    p.map_t%s = compute::vector<unsigned int >(p.ss%s+1, p.ctx);" % (
                t, t)
            print >> cf, "    p.count_t%s = compute::vector<int >(p.ss%s+1, p.ctx);" % (
                t, t)
            print >> cf, "    p.count_t%s[0] = -1;" % t

            #Prepare training
        if estimator.bw_optimization == "local":
            generateGPUJKDELocalTraining(cf, query, estimator, cu_factor)
        elif estimator.bw_optimization == "join":
            if estimator.join_kernel == "Rect":
                raise Exception("This is not how optimization on join works.")
            elif estimator.join_kernel == "Cont":
                generateGPUJKDEGlobalTraining(cf, query, estimator)
            elif estimator.join_kernel == "Cat":
                generateGPUJKDEGlobalTraining(cf, query, estimator)
                raise Exception("I don't know this join kernel.")
            raise Exception("I don't know this type of join optimization.")

        print >> cf, "    std::string test_cardinality_string = iteration_stream.str() + \"/test_join_true.dump\";"
        print >> cf, "    p.j_test_cardinality = readUArrayFromFile(test_cardinality_string.c_str());"

        for i, indices in enumerate(cols):
            if len(indices) != 0:
                for j in indices:
                    if estimator.kernels[i][j] == "GaussRange":
                        print >> cf, "    std::string j_l_t%s_c%s_string = iteration_stream.str() + \"/test_join_l_%s_%s.dump\";" % (
                            i, j, query.tables[i].tid,
                        print >> cf, "    p.j_l_t%s_c%s= readUArrayFromFile(j_l_t%s_c%s_string.c_str());" % (
                            i, j, i, j)
                        print >> cf, "    std::string j_u_t%s_c%s_string = iteration_stream.str() + \"/test_join_u_%s_%s.dump\";" % (
                            i, j, query.tables[i].tid,
                        print >> cf, "    p.j_u_t%s_c%s = readUArrayFromFile(j_u_t%s_c%s_string.c_str());" % (
                            i, j, i, j)
                        print >> cf, "    std::string j_p_t%s_c%s_string = iteration_stream.str() + \"/test_join_p_%s_%s.dump\";" % (
                            i, j, query.tables[i].tid,
                        print >> cf, "    p.j_p_t%s_c%s = readUArrayFromFile(j_p_t%s_c%s_string.c_str());" % (
                            i, j, i, j)

        print >> cf
        print >> cf, "    join_test(&p);"
        print >> cf, "}"