def testVersion(self):
        """ Test the LatticeTrajectory file version number string. """
        # Setup input.
        sites = [[1.0,1.0,2.3],
        name = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
        name = os.path.join(name, "..", "..")
        name = os.path.join(name, "TestUtilities", "Scratch")
        trajectory_filename = os.path.join(name, "")

        if MPICommons.isMaster():

        # Construct.
        t = LatticeTrajectory(trajectory_filename, Config(sites))

        # Open the trajectory file and check that we can read the meta
        # information and sites.
        if MPICommons.isMaster():
            global_dict = {}
            local_dict  = {}
            execfile(trajectory_filename, global_dict, local_dict)

            # Get the version and check.
            read_version  = local_dict["version"]
            ref_version = "2013.1.0"
            self.assertEqual( read_version, ref_version )
Exemple #2
    def flush(self):
        """ Write all buffers to file. """
        if not len(self.__step) < 1:

            # Make sure only master writes.
            if MPICommons.isMaster():

                # Write data to file.
                with open(self._trajectory_filename, 'a') as trajectory:
                    for i in range(len(self.__step)):

                        step = self.__step[i]
                        time = self.__time[i]
                        n_atoms = len(self.__atom_id_types[i])

                        trajectory.write("STEP %i\n"%(step))
                        trajectory.write("          %i\n"%(n_atoms))
                        trajectory.write("    TIME %15.10e\n"%(time))

                        for j in range(n_atoms):
                            t = self.__atom_id_types[i][j]
                            c = self.__atom_id_coordinates[i][j]
                            trajectory.write(" %16s   %15.10e %15.10e %15.10e  %i\n"%(t, c[0], c[1], c[2], j))

            # While the other processes wait.

            # Reset the buffers.
            self.__atom_id_types = []
            self.__atom_id_coordinates = []
            self.__time = []
            self.__step = []
Exemple #3
    def flush(self):
        """ Write all buffers to file. """
        if not len(self.__step) < 1:

            # Make sure only master writes.
            if MPICommons.isMaster():

                # Write data to file.
                with open(self._trajectory_filename, 'a') as trajectory:
                    for i in range(len(self.__step)):

                        step = self.__step[i]
                        time = self.__time[i]
                        n_atoms = len(self.__atom_id_types[i])

                        trajectory.write("STEP %i\n" % (step))
                        trajectory.write("          %i\n" % (n_atoms))
                        trajectory.write("    TIME %.2f\n" % (time))

                        for j in range(n_atoms):
                            t = self.__atom_id_types[i][j]
                            c = self.__atom_id_coordinates[i][j]
                            trajectory.write(" %16s   %.3f %.3f %.3f  %i\n" %
                                             (t, c[0], c[1], c[2], j))

            # While the other processes wait.

            # Reset the buffers.
            self.__atom_id_types = []
            self.__atom_id_coordinates = []
            self.__time = []
            self.__step = []
Exemple #4
    def __writeHeader(self, configuration):
        Write the header to the file.

        :param configuration: The configuration of the system.
        # Make sure only master writes.
        if MPICommons.isMaster():

            # Open the file and write the meta information.
            with open(self._trajectory_filename, 'w') as trajectory:

                # Version.
                trajectory.write("KMCLib XYZ FORMAT VERSION 2013.10.15\n\n")

                # Cellvectors.
                cell_vectors = configuration.lattice().unitCell().cellVectors()
                trajectory.write("CELL VECTORS\n")
                trajectory.write("a: %15.10e %15.10e %15.10e\n"%(cell_vectors[0][0], cell_vectors[0][1], cell_vectors[0][2]))
                trajectory.write("b: %15.10e %15.10e %15.10e\n"%(cell_vectors[1][0], cell_vectors[1][1], cell_vectors[1][2]))
                trajectory.write("c: %15.10e %15.10e %15.10e\n\n"%(cell_vectors[2][0], cell_vectors[2][1], cell_vectors[2][2]))

                # Repetitions.
                repetitions = configuration.lattice().repetitions()
                trajectory.write("REPETITIONS %i %i %i\n\n"%(repetitions[0], repetitions[1], repetitions[2]))

                # Periodicity.
                periodicity = configuration.lattice().periodic()
                trajectory.write("PERIODICITY %s %s %s\n\n"%(str(periodicity[0]), str(periodicity[1]), str(periodicity[2])))

        # While the other processes wait.
    def testPrettyPrint(self):
        """ Test that we can call the pretty print function. """
        # Print to stdout.
        original_sys_stdout = sys.stdout
            stream_1   = StringIO.StringIO()
            sys.stdout = stream_1

            # Print to stdout.
            ref_str = "This is what we print"

            # Check.
            if MPICommons.myRank() == 0:
                ref_str = ref_str + "\n"
                ref_str = ""
            self.assertEqual(stream_1.getvalue(), ref_str)

            # Put the original stdout back.
            sys.stdout = original_sys_stdout

        # Print to another stream.
        stream_2 = StringIO.StringIO()
        ref_str = "This is what we print next time."
        prettyPrint(ref_str, output=stream_2)

        # Check.
        if MPICommons.myRank() == 0:
            ref_str = ref_str + "\n"
            ref_str = ""

        self.assertEqual(stream_2.getvalue(), ref_str)
    def testConstruction(self):
        """ Test the LatticeTrajectory object can be constructed. """
        # Setup input.
        sites = [[1.0,1.0,2.3],
        name = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
        name = os.path.join(name, "..", "..")
        name = os.path.join(name, "TestUtilities", "Scratch")
        trajectory_filename = os.path.join(name, "")

        if MPICommons.isMaster():

        # Construct with default values.
        dt = LatticeTrajectory(trajectory_filename, Config(sites))

        # Check the defaults.
        self.assertAlmostEqual( dt._Trajectory__max_buffer_time,  60*30 )
        self.assertEqual( dt._Trajectory__max_buffer_size, 1024*1024*10 )

        # Construct.
        t = LatticeTrajectory(trajectory_filename,

        # Check the stored values.
        self.assertEqual( t._Trajectory__max_buffer_time,  100.0 )
        self.assertEqual( t._Trajectory__max_buffer_size, 100000 )
        self.assertEqual( t._trajectory_filename, trajectory_filename )

        # Open the trajectory file and check that we can read the meta
        # information and sites.
        if MPICommons.isMaster():
            global_dict = {}
            local_dict  = {}
            execfile(trajectory_filename, global_dict, local_dict)

            # Get the version and creation time.
            read_version  = local_dict["version"]
            read_creation = local_dict["creation_time"]

            # Check that they are of corect type.
            self.assertTrue( isinstance(read_version, str) )
            self.assertTrue( isinstance(read_creation, str) )

            # Check the sites.
            read_sites = numpy.array(local_dict["sites"])
            ref_sites  = numpy.array(sites)
            self.assertAlmostEqual( numpy.linalg.norm(read_sites - ref_sites), 0.0, 10 )

            # Check the empty lists.
            read_times = local_dict["times"]
            read_steps = local_dict["steps"]
            read_types = local_dict["types"]
            empty_list = []
            self.assertEqual( read_times, empty_list )
            self.assertEqual( read_steps, empty_list )
            self.assertEqual( read_types, empty_list )
Exemple #7
    def __writeHeader(self, configuration):
        Write the header to the file.

        :param configuration: The configuration of the system.
        # Make sure only master writes.
        if MPICommons.isMaster():

            # Open the file and write the meta information.
            with open(self._trajectory_filename, 'w') as trajectory:

                # Version.
                trajectory.write("KMCLib XYZ FORMAT VERSION 2013.10.15\n\n")

                # Cellvectors.
                cell_vectors = configuration.lattice().unitCell().cellVectors()
                trajectory.write("CELL VECTORS\n")
                trajectory.write("a: %15.10e %15.10e %15.10e\n"%(cell_vectors[0][0], cell_vectors[0][1], cell_vectors[0][2]))
                trajectory.write("b: %15.10e %15.10e %15.10e\n"%(cell_vectors[1][0], cell_vectors[1][1], cell_vectors[1][2]))
                trajectory.write("c: %15.10e %15.10e %15.10e\n\n"%(cell_vectors[2][0], cell_vectors[2][1], cell_vectors[2][2]))

                # Repetitions.
                repetitions = configuration.lattice().repetitions()
                trajectory.write("REPETITIONS %i %i %i\n\n"%(repetitions[0], repetitions[2], repetitions[2]))

                # Periodicity.
                periodicity = configuration.lattice().periodic()
                trajectory.write("PERIODICITY %s %s %s\n\n"%(str(periodicity[0]), str(periodicity[1]), str(periodicity[2])))

        # While the other processes wait.
    def testVersion(self):
        """ Test the LatticeTrajectory file version number string. """
        # Setup input.
        sites = [[1.0, 1.0, 2.3], [3.4, 4.5, 4.3], [3.7, 7.5, 6.5]]
        name = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
        name = os.path.join(name, "..", "..")
        name = os.path.join(name, "TestUtilities", "Scratch")
        trajectory_filename = os.path.join(name, "")

        if MPICommons.isMaster():

        # Construct.
        t = LatticeTrajectory(trajectory_filename, Config(sites))

        # Open the trajectory file and check that we can read the meta
        # information and sites.
        if MPICommons.isMaster():
            global_dict = {}
            local_dict = {}
            execfile(trajectory_filename, global_dict, local_dict)

            # Get the version and check.
            read_version = local_dict["version"]
            ref_version = "2013.1.0"
            self.assertEqual(read_version, ref_version)
    def testConstruction(self):
        """ Test the LatticeTrajectory object can be constructed. """
        # Setup input.
        sites = [[1.0, 1.0, 2.3], [3.4, 4.5, 4.3], [3.7, 7.5, 6.5]]
        name = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
        name = os.path.join(name, "..", "..")
        name = os.path.join(name, "TestUtilities", "Scratch")
        trajectory_filename = os.path.join(name, "")

        if MPICommons.isMaster():

        # Construct with default values.
        dt = LatticeTrajectory(trajectory_filename, Config(sites))

        # Check the defaults.
        self.assertAlmostEqual(dt._Trajectory__max_buffer_time, 60 * 30)
        self.assertEqual(dt._Trajectory__max_buffer_size, 1024 * 1024 * 10)

        # Construct.
        t = LatticeTrajectory(trajectory_filename,

        # Check the stored values.
        self.assertEqual(t._Trajectory__max_buffer_time, 100.0)
        self.assertEqual(t._Trajectory__max_buffer_size, 100000)
        self.assertEqual(t._trajectory_filename, trajectory_filename)

        # Open the trajectory file and check that we can read the meta
        # information and sites.
        if MPICommons.isMaster():
            global_dict = {}
            local_dict = {}
            execfile(trajectory_filename, global_dict, local_dict)

            # Get the version and creation time.
            read_version = local_dict["version"]
            read_creation = local_dict["creation_time"]

            # Check that they are of corect type.
            self.assertTrue(isinstance(read_version, str))
            self.assertTrue(isinstance(read_creation, str))

            # Check the sites.
            read_sites = numpy.array(local_dict["sites"])
            ref_sites = numpy.array(sites)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(numpy.linalg.norm(read_sites - ref_sites),
                                   0.0, 10)

            # Check the empty lists.
            read_times = local_dict["times"]
            read_steps = local_dict["steps"]
            read_types = local_dict["types"]
            empty_list = []
            self.assertEqual(read_times, empty_list)
            self.assertEqual(read_steps, empty_list)
            self.assertEqual(read_types, empty_list)
    def testWriteToFileBuckets(self):
        """ Test writing buffers in buckets format to file. """
        # Setup input.
        sites = [[0.0, 1.0, 2.3], [1.0, 0.0, 2.3], [1.0, 1.0, 0.3],
                 [1.0, 1.0, 2.3], [3.4, 4.5, 4.3], [3.4, 4.3, 4.3],
                 [3.4, 5.5, 4.3], [3.7, 7.5, 6.5]]
        name = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
        name = os.path.join(name, "..", "..")
        name = os.path.join(name, "TestUtilities", "Scratch")
        trajectory_filename = os.path.join(name, "")

        if MPICommons.isMaster():

        # Construct.
        t = LatticeTrajectory(trajectory_filename, Config(sites))

        # Write times, steps and typers.
        times = [1.10045, 2.334156, 3.4516410]
        steps = [12, 25, 52]
        site_types = [[["A"], [(3, "A"), "A", "B", "B"], ["A", "B", "C"]],
                      [[], ["A", (3, "A"), "A", "B", "B"], ["A", "B", "C"]],
                      [[(2, "C")], ["B", "B", "A"], ["A", "B"]]]

        # Check that the time is zero before we start.
        if MPICommons.isMaster():
            self.assertAlmostEqual(t._Trajectory__time_last_dump, 0.0, 10)

        # This function should be MPI safe.
        t._LatticeTrajectory__writeToFile(times, steps, site_types)

        # Check the info stored in the file.
        if MPICommons.isMaster():
            global_dict = {}
            local_dict = {}
            execfile(trajectory_filename, global_dict, local_dict)

            # Check the types.
            ret_types = local_dict['types']
            ref_types = [[[(1, "A")], [(4, "A"), (2, "B")],
                          [(1, "A"), (1, "B"), (1, "C")]],
                         [[], [(5, "A"), (2, "B")],
                          [(1, "A"), (1, "B"), (1, "C")]],
                         [[(2, "C")], [(2, "B"), (1, "A")], [(1, "A"),
                                                             (1, "B")]]]

            self.assertEqual(ret_types, ref_types)

            # Check the steps.
            ret_steps = local_dict['steps']
            ref_steps = [12, 25, 52]
            self.assertEqual(ret_steps, ref_steps)

            # Check the times.
            ret_times = local_dict['times']
            ref_times = [1.10045, 2.334156, 3.451641]
            self.assertEqual(ret_times, ref_times)
Exemple #11
 def tearDown(self):
     """ The tearDown method for test fixtures. """
     # Make sure to stop simultaneously.
     for f in self.__files_to_remove:
         # Make sure only master delets files, while slaves wait.
         if MPICommons.isMaster():
    def testWriteHeader(self):
        """ Test the header output. """
        # Get a file name.
        name = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
        name = os.path.join(name, "..", "..")
        name = os.path.join(name, "TestUtilities", "Scratch")
        trajectory_filename = os.path.join(name, "")

        if MPICommons.isMaster():

        # Setup the trajectory object.
        unit_cell = KMCUnitCell(cell_vectors=[[1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                                              [0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
                                              [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]],
                                basis_points=[[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]])
        lattice = KMCLattice(unit_cell=unit_cell,
                             periodic=(True, True, True),

        config = KMCConfiguration(lattice=lattice,

        t = XYZTrajectory(trajectory_filename=trajectory_filename,

        if MPICommons.isMaster():

            # Check that the header was written.

            # Check the content of the header.
            with open(trajectory_filename, "r") as f:
                content =

            ref_content = """KMCLib XYZ FORMAT VERSION 2013.10.15

a: 1.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00
b: 0.0000000000e+00 1.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00
c: 0.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00 1.0000000000e+00



            self.assertEqual( content, ref_content )
Exemple #13
    def printResults(self, stream=sys.stdout):
        Print the results to a stream.

        :param stream: The stream to print to. Defaults to 'sys.stdout'.
        # Only master writes.
        if MPICommons.isMaster():

            # Bunch the results together and cutoff.
            cutoff_bin = self.safeCutoff()
            all_results = zip(self.__time_steps,
            stream.write("%11s %11s %11s %11s %11s %11s %11s %11s %11s %11s %11s %11s %11s %11s %11s %11s\n"%("TIME ", "MSD_x ", "DSD_y ", "MSD_z ", "MSD_xy ", "MSD_xz ", "MSD_yz ", "MSD_xyz ", "STD_x ", "STD_y ", "STD_z ", "STD_xy ", "STD_xz ", "STD_yz ", "STD_xyz ", "N_eff"))
            for t, x, y, z, xy, xz, yz, xyz, sx, sy, sz, sxy, sxz, syz, sxyz, nf in all_results:
                stream.write("%11.5e %11.5e %11.5e %11.5e %11.5e %11.5e %11.5e %11.5e %11.5e %11.5e %11.5e %11.5e %11.5e %11.5e %11.5e %11.5e\n"%(t, x, y, z, xy, xz, yz, xyz, sx, sy, sz, sxy, sxz, syz, sxyz, nf))
    def printResults(self, stream=sys.stdout):
        Print the results to the stream.

        :param stream: The stream to print to.
        # Only master writes.
        if MPICommons.isMaster():
            stream.write("%15s %15s %15s %12s\n"%("  time (t)", " count (n)", "(dn/dt)   ", "stdErr"))
            n_tot  = 0
	    actualTot = 0
            t = 0.0
            for i,n in enumerate(self.__data):
                # Calculate the values to present.
                t  = i * self.__time_interval
                actualTot += n
                dt = self.__time_interval
                n_tot += n
                dn     = n
                rateEst = self.__floatAnalInterval*dn/dt
                stdErr = self.__floatAnalInterval*math.sqrt(dn)/dt
                # Only for times != zero.
                if (i > 0):
                    stream.write("%15.5f %15i"%(t, n_tot) +"        "+ "{:.6E}".format(rateEst) +"        "+"{:.3E}".format(stdErr) +"\n")
            eqTime = self.__finalTime - self.__initialTime
            stream.write("\nOverall we counted the following number of counts in the following amount of time: " + "%6i"%(actualTot) + " " + "{:.6E}".format(eqTime))
    def testConstruction(self):
        """ Test that the XYZTrajectory object can be constructed. """
        filename = ""
        name = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
        name = os.path.join(name, "..", "..")
        name = os.path.join(name, "TestUtilities", "Scratch")
        filename = os.path.join(name, filename)

        if MPICommons.isMaster():

        unit_cell = KMCUnitCell(cell_vectors=[[1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                                              [0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
                                              [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]],
                                basis_points=[[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]])
        lattice = KMCLattice(unit_cell=unit_cell,
                             periodic=(True, True, True),

        config = KMCConfiguration(lattice=lattice,

        t = XYZTrajectory(trajectory_filename=filename,

        # Check that the internal memory buffers have been initiated.
        self.assertEqual(t._XYZTrajectory__atom_id_types, [])
        self.assertEqual(t._XYZTrajectory__atom_id_coordinates, [])
        self.assertEqual(t._XYZTrajectory__time, [])
        self.assertEqual(t._XYZTrajectory__step, [])
    def printResults(self, stream=sys.stdout):
        Print the results to the stream.

        :param stream: The stream to print to.
        # Only master writes.
        if MPICommons.isMaster():
            stream.write("%15s %15s %15s %12s\n"%("  time (t)", " count (n)", "(dn/dt)   ", "stdErr"))
            n_tot  = 0
	    actualTot = 0
            t = 0.0
            for i,n in enumerate(self.__data):
                # Calculate the values to present.
                t  = i * self.__time_interval

		if t>=self.__transientTime:
                    actualTot += n

                dt = self.__time_interval
                n_tot += n
                dn     = n
                rateEst = self.__floatAnalInterval*dn/dt
                stdErr = self.__floatAnalInterval*math.sqrt(dn)/dt
                # Only for times != zero.
                if (i > 0):
                    stream.write("%15.5f %15i"%(t, n_tot) +"        "+ "{:.6E}".format(rateEst) +"        "+"{:.3E}".format(stdErr) +"\n")
            eqTime = t - self.__transientTime
            eqRate = self.__floatAnalInterval*actualTot/eqTime
            eqStdErr = self.__floatAnalInterval*math.sqrt(actualTot)/eqTime
            stream.write("\nThere were " + "%6i"%(actualTot) + " counts after equilibration. Therefore, the equilibrium rate estimate is " + "{:.6E}".format(eqRate) + "+/-" + "{:.3E}".format(eqStdErr))
    def printResults(self, stream=sys.stdout):
        Print the results to the stream.

        :param stream: The stream to print to.
        # Only master writes.
        if MPICommons.isMaster():
            stream.write("%15s %15s %15s %12s %12s\n"%("  time (t)", " count (n)", "(dn/dt)   ", "stdErr", "relErr"))
            n_tot  = 0
	    actualTot = 0
            t = 0.0
            for i,n in enumerate(self.__data):
                # Calculate the values to present.
                t  = i * self.__time_interval

		if t>=self.__transientTime:
                    actualTot += n

                dt = self.__time_interval
                n_tot += n
                dn     = n
                rateEst = dn/dt
                stdErr = math.sqrt(dn)/t
                # Only for times != zero.
                if i > 0:
                    stream.write("%15.5f %15i %15.5f %15.5f 15.5f\n"%(t, n_tot, rateEst, stdErr, 100.0*(stdErr/rateEst)))
            eqTime = t - self.__transientTime
            eqRate = actualTot/eqTime
            eqStdErr = math.sqrt(actualTot)/eqTime
            stream.write("\nThere were " + "%15i"%(actualTot) + " counts after equilibration. Therefore, the equilibrium rate estimate is " + "%15.5f"%(actualTot/eqTime) + "+/-" + "%15.5f"%(eqStdErr) + ".")
Exemple #18
    def printResults(self, stream=sys.stdout):
        Print the results to the stream.

        :param stream: The stream to print to.
        # Only master writes.
        if MPICommons.isMaster():
            stream.write("%15s %15s %15s %12s\n"%("  time (t)", " count (n)", "(dn/dt)   ", "stdErr"))
            n_tot  = 0
	    actualTot = 0
            t = 0.0
            for i,n in enumerate(self.__data):
                # Calculate the values to present.
                t  = i * self.__time_interval
                actualTot += n
                dt = self.__time_interval
                n_tot += n
                dn     = n
                rateEst = self.__floatAnalInterval*dn/dt
                stdErr = self.__floatAnalInterval*math.sqrt(dn)/dt
                # Only for times != zero.
                if (i > 0):
                    stream.write("%15.5f %15i"%(t, n_tot) +"        "+ "{:.6E}".format(rateEst) +"        "+"{:.3E}".format(stdErr) +"\n")
            eqTime = self.__finalTime - self.__initialTime
            stream.write("\nOverall we counted the following number of counts in the following amount of time: " + "%6i"%(actualTot) + " " + "{:.6E}".format(eqTime))
Exemple #19
    def printResults(self, stream=sys.stdout):
        Print the results to the stream.

        :param stream: The stream to print to.
        # Only master writes.
        if MPICommons.isMaster():

            # The format string for the values.
            format_str = " %15.3e"*(len(self.__empty_count))
            format_str += "\n"

            # The format string for the counts.
            format_str_1 = " %15s"*(len(self.__empty_count))
            format_str_1 += "\n"

            types_str = ["time"]
            for t in self.__type_names[1:]:


            for i,d in enumerate(self.__data):
                # Calculate the time.
                t  = i * self.__time_interval + (self.__time_interval / 2.0)

                # Append the values.
                tt = [t]
                for dd in d[1:]:

                # Print.
Exemple #20
def prettyPrint(msg, output=None):
    Utility function for printing an output string to screen.

    :param msg: The message to print.
    :type msg: str

    :param out: The stream to write to. Defaults to sys.stdout.
    # Set the default.
    if output is None:
        output = sys.stdout

    # Write.
    if MPICommons.isMaster():
def prettyPrint(msg, output=None):
    Utility function for printing an output string to screen.

    :param msg: The message to print.
    :type msg: str

    :param out: The stream to write to. Defaults to sys.stdout.
    # Set the default.
    if output is None:
        output = sys.stdout

    # Write.
    if MPICommons.isMaster():
Exemple #22
    def printResults(self, stream=sys.stdout):
        Print the results to the stream.

        :param stream: The stream to print to.
        # Only master writes.
        if MPICommons.isMaster():
            for item in self.__histogram:
                stream.write(str(item[0]) + " " + str(item[1]) + "\n")
Exemple #23
    def printResults(self, stream=sys.stdout):
        Print the results to the stream.

        :param stream: The stream to print to.
        # Only master writes.
        if MPICommons.isMaster():
            for item in self.__histogram:
                stream.write(str(item[0])+" "+str(item[1])+"\n")
Exemple #24
    def __writeToFile(self, simulation_time_buffer, step_buffer, types_buffer):
        Append the types and time information to the trajectory.
        The trajectory if flushed to file if the flush time limit has passed.

        :param simulation_time_buffer: A list of simulation times to be written to disk.
        :param step_buffer:            A list of step numbers to be written.
        :param types_buffer:           The types buffer given as a list of lists of strings.
        # Save to file.

        # Make sure only master writes.
        if MPICommons.isMaster():
            with open(self.__trajectory_filename, 'a') as trajectory:
                for (sim_time, step, types) in zip(simulation_time_buffer, step_buffer, types_buffer):
                    trajectory.write( "times.append(%f)\n"%sim_time )
                    trajectory.write( "steps.append(%i)\n"%step )

                    # Write the types.
                    types_str = "types.append(["
                    indent = " "*14
                    row_length = len(types_str)
                    for t in types[:-1]:
                        row_length += len(t) + 2
                        types_str += "\"" + t + "\"" + ","

                        # Berak the row if above 70 positions.
                        if row_length >= 70:
                            types_str += "\n" + indent
                            row_length = len(indent)

                    # Add the last type.
                    types_str += "\"" + types[-1] + "\"" + "])\n"

                    # Write it to file.

        # While the others wait.

        # Update the time.
        self.__time_last_dump = time.time()
Exemple #25
    def printResults(self, stream=sys.stdout):
        Print the results to the stream.

        :param stream: The stream to print to.
        # Only master writes.
        if MPICommons.isMaster():

            all_results = zip(self.__time_steps, self.__histogram, self.__normalized_histogram)
            for t, v, n in all_results:
                stream.write("%10.5f %10i %20.15f\n"%(t, v, n))
Exemple #26
    def __writeToFile(self, simulation_time_buffer, step_buffer, types_buffer):
        Append the types and time information to the trajectory.
        The trajectory if flushed to file if the flush time limit has passed.

        :param simulation_time_buffer: A list of simulation times to be written to disk.
        :param step_buffer:            A list of step numbers to be written.
        :param types_buffer:           The types buffer given as a list of lists of strings.
        # Save to file.

        # Make sure only master writes.
        if MPICommons.isMaster():
            with open(self._trajectory_filename, 'a') as trajectory:
                for (sim_time, step, types) in zip(simulation_time_buffer,
                                                   step_buffer, types_buffer):
                    trajectory.write("times.append(%18.10e)\n" % sim_time)
                    trajectory.write("steps.append(%i)\n" % step)

                    # Write the types.
                    types_str = "types.append(["
                    indent = " " * 14
                    row_length = len(types_str)
                    for t in types[:-1]:
                        row_length += len(t) + 2
                        types_str += "\"" + t + "\"" + ","

                        # Berak the row if above 70 positions.
                        if row_length >= 70:
                            types_str += "\n" + indent
                            row_length = len(indent)

                    # Add the last type.
                    types_str += "\"" + types[-1] + "\"" + "])\n"

                    # Write it to file.

        # While the others wait.
Exemple #27
    def printResults(self, stream=sys.stdout):
        Print the results to the stream.

        :param stream: The stream to print to.
        # Only master writes.
        if MPICommons.isMaster():

            all_results = zip(self.__time_steps, self.__histogram,
            for t, v, n in all_results:
                stream.write("%10.5f %10i %20.15f\n" % (t, v, n))
Exemple #28
    def __writeHeader(self, sites):
        Write the header to the file.

        :param sites: The sites in the system.
        # Make sure only master writes.
        if MPICommons.isMaster():

            # Open the file and write the meta information.
            with open(self._trajectory_filename, 'w') as trajectory:
                trajectory.write("# KMCLib Trajectory\n")
                trajectory.write("creation_time=\"%s\"\n" % (time.ctime()))

                # Write the sites.
                sites_str = "sites=["
                indent = " " * 7
                for i, site in enumerate(sites):
                    sites_str += "[%15.6f,%15.6f,%15.6f]" % (site[0], site[1],

                    # Handle the last site differently.
                    if i == len(sites) - 1:
                        sites_str += "]\n"
                        sites_str += ",\n" + indent


                # Write the empty lists.

        # While the other processes wait.
Exemple #29
    def __writeHeader(self, sites):
        Write the header to the file.

        :param sites: The sites in the system.
        # Make sure only master writes.
        if MPICommons.isMaster():

            # Open the file and write the meta information.
            with open(self._trajectory_filename, 'w') as trajectory:
                trajectory.write( "# KMCLib Trajectory\n" )
                trajectory.write( "version=\"2013.1.0\"\n" )
                trajectory.write( "creation_time=\"%s\"\n"%(time.ctime()) )

                # Write the sites.
                sites_str = "sites=["
                indent    = " "*7
                for i,site in enumerate(sites):
                    sites_str += "[%15.6f,%15.6f,%15.6f]"%(site[0],site[1],site[2])

                    # Handle the last site differently.
                    if i == len(sites)-1:
                        sites_str += "]\n"
                        sites_str += ",\n" + indent

                trajectory.write( sites_str )

                # Write the empty lists.

        # While the other processes wait.
Exemple #30
    def printResults(self, stream=sys.stdout):
        Print the results to the stream.

        :param stream: The stream to print to.
        # Only master writes.
        if MPICommons.isMaster():
            for i in range(0, self.__maxExp):
                if self.__vars[i] < 0.0:
                    stdDev = 0.0
                    stdDev = math.sqrt(self.__vars[i])
                    str(2**(i + 1)) + " " + str(self.__means[i]) + " " +
                    str(stdDev) + "\n")
    def testPrintHeader(self):
        """ Test the print header function. """
        # Print to stdout.
        original_sys_stdout = sys.stdout

            stream_1   = StringIO.StringIO()
            sys.stdout = stream_1

            # Print to stdout.

            # Check.
            if MPICommons.myRank() == 0:
                ref_str = """# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# KMCLib version 1.1.01
# Distributed under the GPLv3 license
# Copyright (C)  2012-2015  Mikael Leetmaa
# Developed by Mikael Leetmaa <*****@*****.**>
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# LICENSE and README files, and the source code, for details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 3
# (GPLv3) along with this program. If not, see <>.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

                ref_str = ""

            # Check.
            self.assertEqual(ref_str, stream_1.getvalue())

            # Put the original stdout back.
            sys.stdout = original_sys_stdout

        # Print to another stream.
        stream_2 = StringIO.StringIO()
        prettyPrint(ref_str, output=stream_2)

        # Check.
        self.assertTrue(ref_str in stream_2.getvalue())
Exemple #32
    def testPrintResults(self):
        """ Test that we can print the results """
        cc = Composition(time_interval=2.0)

        # Get a proxy config.
        class DummyConfig:
            def _backendTypeNames(self):
                return ("a", "b", "c", "d", "e")

            def particlesPerType(self):
                return (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

        class DummyConfig2:
            def _backendTypeNames(self):
                return ("a", "b", "c", "d", "e")

            def particlesPerType(self):
                return (5, 4, 3, 2, 1)

        config = DummyConfig()
        config2 = DummyConfig2()

        # Call setup.
        cc.setup("dummy_step", 2.0, config)
        cc.registerStep(4, 5.0, config2)
        cc.registerStep(5, 10.0, config)
        cc.registerStep(6, 12.0, config2)
        cc.registerStep(7, 20.0, config2)

        stream = StringIO.StringIO()

        ref_str = \
"""            time               b               c               d               e
       1.000e+00       2.000e+00       3.000e+00       4.000e+00       5.000e+00
       3.000e+00       4.000e+00       3.000e+00       2.000e+00       1.000e+00
       5.000e+00       3.000e+00       3.000e+00       3.000e+00       3.000e+00
        # Reference checked by hand.
        if MPICommons.isMaster():
            self.assertEqual(stream.getvalue(), ref_str)
            self.assertEqual(stream.getvalue(), "")
Exemple #33
    def printResults(self, stream=sys.stdout):
        Print the results to the stream.

        :param stream: The stream to print to.
        # Only master writes.
        if MPICommons.isMaster():
            stream.write("%15s %15s %15s %12s\n"%("  time (t)", " count (n)", "(dn/dt)   ", "(n/t)"))
            n_tot  = 0
            for i,n in enumerate(self.__data):
                # Calculate the values to present.
                t  = i * self.__time_interval
                dt = self.__time_interval
                n_tot += n
                dn     = n

                # Only for times != zero.
                if i > 0:
                    stream.write("%15.5f %15i %15.5f %15.5f\n"%(t, n_tot, dn/dt, n_tot/t))
Exemple #34
    def testPrintResults(self):
        """ Test that we can print the results """
        cc = Composition(time_interval=2.0)

        # Get a proxy config.
        class DummyConfig:
            def _backendTypeNames(self):
                return ("a","b","c","d","e")
            def particlesPerType(self):
                return (1,2,3,4,5)

        class DummyConfig2:
            def _backendTypeNames(self):
                return ("a","b","c","d","e")
            def particlesPerType(self):
                return (5,4,3,2,1)

        config = DummyConfig()
        config2 = DummyConfig2()

        # Call setup.
        cc.setup("dummy_step", 2.0, config)
        cc.registerStep(4, 5.0, config2)
        cc.registerStep(5, 10.0, config)
        cc.registerStep(6, 12.0, config2)
        cc.registerStep(7, 20.0, config2)

        stream = StringIO.StringIO()

        ref_str = \
"""            time               b               c               d               e
       1.000e+00       2.000e+00       3.000e+00       4.000e+00       5.000e+00
       3.000e+00       4.000e+00       3.000e+00       2.000e+00       1.000e+00
       5.000e+00       3.000e+00       3.000e+00       3.000e+00       3.000e+00
        # Reference checked by hand.
        if MPICommons.isMaster():
            self.assertEqual(stream.getvalue(), ref_str)
            self.assertEqual(stream.getvalue(), "")
    def testPrintResults(self):
        """ Test the time step distribution print result function. """
        tsd = TimeStepDistribution()

        # Set the member data.

        histogram = numpy.array([12,41,55,
        normalized_histogram = histogram / float(numpy.sum(histogram))
        binsize = 2.13
        tsd._TimeStepDistribution__binsize   = binsize
        tsd._TimeStepDistribution__histogram = histogram

        # Call the finalize function.

        # Print the results to a stream.
        stream = StringIO.StringIO()

        ref_value = """   1.06500         12    0.020033388981636
   3.19500         41    0.068447412353923
   5.32500         55    0.091819699499165
   7.45500         23    0.038397328881469
   9.58500         43    0.071786310517529
  11.71500         12    0.020033388981636
  13.84500         11    0.018363939899833
  15.97500         19    0.031719532554257
  18.10500         98    0.163606010016695
  20.23500         97    0.161936560934891
  22.36500         95    0.158597662771285
  24.49500         93    0.155258764607679
        # Check the values.
        if MPICommons.isMaster():
            self.assertEqual(stream.getvalue(), ref_value)
            self.assertEqual(stream.getvalue(), "")
Exemple #36
    def printResults(self, stream=sys.stdout):
        Print the results to the stream.

        :param stream: The stream to print to.
        # Only master writes.
        if MPICommons.isMaster():
            stream.write("%15s %15s %15s %12s\n" %
                         ("  time (t)", " count (n)", "(dn/dt)   ", "(n/t)"))
            n_tot = 0
            for i, n in enumerate(self.__data):
                # Calculate the values to present.
                t = i * self.__time_interval
                dt = self.__time_interval
                n_tot += n
                dn = n

                # Only for times != zero.
                if i > 0:
                    stream.write("%15.5f %15i %15.5f %15.5f\n" %
                                 (t, n_tot, dn / dt, n_tot / t))
    def printResults(self, stream=sys.stdout):
        Print the results to the stream.

        :param stream: The stream to print to.
        # Only master writes.
        if MPICommons.isMaster():
                "%15s %15s %15s %12s %12s\n" %
                ("  time (t)", " count (n)", "(dn/dt)   ", "stdErr", "relErr"))
            n_tot = 0
            actualTot = 0
            t = 0.0
            for i, n in enumerate(self.__data):
                # Calculate the values to present.
                t = i * self.__time_interval

                if t >= self.__transientTime:
                    actualTot += n

                dt = self.__time_interval
                n_tot += n
                dn = n
                rateEst = dn / dt
                stdErr = math.sqrt(dn) / t
                # Only for times != zero.
                if i > 0:
                    stream.write("%15.5f %15i %15.5f %15.5f 15.5f\n" %
                                 (t, n_tot, rateEst, stdErr, 100.0 *
                                  (stdErr / rateEst)))
            eqTime = t - self.__transientTime
            eqRate = actualTot / eqTime
            eqStdErr = math.sqrt(actualTot) / eqTime
                "\nThere were " + "%15i" % (actualTot) +
                " counts after equilibration. Therefore, the equilibrium rate estimate is "
                + "%15.5f" % (actualTot / eqTime) + "+/-" + "%15.5f" %
                (eqStdErr) + ".")
    def testPrintResults(self):
        """ Test that we can print the results """
        # Setup.
        ps = ProcessStatistics(processes=[0], time_interval=0.3)

        # Add data on the class.
        ps._ProcessStatistics__data = [0, 12, 245, 1435]

        stream = StringIO.StringIO()

        # Reference checked by hand.
        ref_value = \
"""       time (t)       count (n)      (dn/dt)           (n/t)
        0.30000              12        40.00000        40.00000
        0.60000             257       816.66667       428.33333
        0.90000            1692      4783.33333      1880.00000
        if MPICommons.isMaster():
            self.assertEqual(stream.getvalue(), ref_value)
            self.assertEqual(stream.getvalue(), "")
Exemple #39
    def testPrintResults(self):
        """ Test the time step distribution print result function. """
        tsd = TimeStepDistribution()

        # Set the member data.

        histogram = numpy.array(
            [12, 41, 55, 23, 43, 12, 11, 19, 98, 97, 95, 93])
        normalized_histogram = histogram / float(numpy.sum(histogram))
        binsize = 2.13
        tsd._TimeStepDistribution__binsize = binsize
        tsd._TimeStepDistribution__histogram = histogram

        # Call the finalize function.

        # Print the results to a stream.
        stream = StringIO.StringIO()

        ref_value = """   1.06500         12    0.020033388981636
   3.19500         41    0.068447412353923
   5.32500         55    0.091819699499165
   7.45500         23    0.038397328881469
   9.58500         43    0.071786310517529
  11.71500         12    0.020033388981636
  13.84500         11    0.018363939899833
  15.97500         19    0.031719532554257
  18.10500         98    0.163606010016695
  20.23500         97    0.161936560934891
  22.36500         95    0.158597662771285
  24.49500         93    0.155258764607679
        # Check the values.
        if MPICommons.isMaster():
            self.assertEqual(stream.getvalue(), ref_value)
            self.assertEqual(stream.getvalue(), "")
    def testFlush2(self):
        """ Test the file output. """
        # Get a file name.
        name = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
        name = os.path.join(name, "..", "..")
        name = os.path.join(name, "TestUtilities", "Scratch")
        trajectory_filename = os.path.join(name, "")

        if MPICommons.isMaster():

        # Setup the trajectory object.
        unit_cell = KMCUnitCell(cell_vectors=[[1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                                              [0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
                                              [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]],
                                basis_points=[[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]])
        lattice = KMCLattice(unit_cell=unit_cell,
                             periodic=(True, False, True),

        config = KMCConfiguration(lattice=lattice,

        t = XYZTrajectory(trajectory_filename=trajectory_filename,

        # Set data directly on the class.
        t._XYZTrajectory__atom_id_types = [("A","B","C","D","E"),

        t._XYZTrajectory__atom_id_coordinates = [numpy.zeros((5,3)),

        t._XYZTrajectory__step = [0, 12]

        t._XYZTrajectory__time = [12.123,75.43]

        # Flush.

        ref_content = """KMCLib XYZ FORMAT VERSION 2013.10.15

a: 1.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00
b: 0.0000000000e+00 1.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00
c: 0.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00 1.0000000000e+00



    TIME 1.2123000000e+01
                A   0.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00  0
                B   0.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00  1
                C   0.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00  2
                D   0.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00  3
                E   0.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00  4
    TIME 7.5430000000e+01
             This   1.2340000000e+00 1.2340000000e+00 1.2340000000e+00  0
               is   1.2340000000e+00 1.2340000000e+00 1.2340000000e+00  1
              the   1.2340000000e+00 1.2340000000e+00 1.2340000000e+00  2
             next   1.2340000000e+00 1.2340000000e+00 1.2340000000e+00  3
             step   1.2340000000e+00 1.2340000000e+00 1.2340000000e+00  4

        if MPICommons.isMaster():
            with open(trajectory_filename, "r") as f:
                content =
            self.assertEqual( content, ref_content )

        # Check that the buffers are empty.
        self.assertEqual(t._XYZTrajectory__atom_id_types, [])
        self.assertEqual(t._XYZTrajectory__atom_id_coordinates, [])
        self.assertEqual(t._XYZTrajectory__time, [])
        self.assertEqual(t._XYZTrajectory__step, [])
Exemple #41
 def printResults(self, stream=sys.stdout):
     if MPICommons.isMaster():
         for index in range(0, self.__histSize):
             stream.write(str(index)+" "+"{:.6E}".format(self.__finalHist[index])+"\n")
Exemple #42
    def __init__(self,
        Constructor for the Trajectory.

        :param trajectory_filename: The file name to write trajectory information to.
        :type trajectory_filename: str

        :param sites: The lattice sites of the configuration as an Nx3 list.

        :param max_buffer_size: The max size of the the buffer in memory
                                before writing to file.
        :type max_buffer_size: int

        :param max_buffer_time: The max time limit between dumps to file.
        :type max_buffer_time: float
        # Set the defaults.
        if max_buffer_size is None:
            self.__max_buffer_size = 1024*1024*10    #   <- Max buffer size in bytes (10 MB)
            self.__max_buffer_size = max_buffer_size

        if max_buffer_time is None:
            self.__max_buffer_time = 30*60.0           #   <- Max time in seconds (30 min)
            self.__max_buffer_time = max_buffer_time

        # Note that this object is not in the interface, so input is allready checked.
        self.__trajectory_filename = trajectory_filename

        # Open the file and write the meta information.

        # Make sure only master writes.
        if MPICommons.isMaster():
            with open(self.__trajectory_filename, 'w') as trajectory:
                trajectory.write( "# KMCLib Trajectory\n" )
                trajectory.write( "version=\"2013.1.0\"\n" )
                trajectory.write( "creation_time=\"%s\"\n"%(time.ctime()) )

                # Write the sites.
                sites_str = "sites=["
                indent    = " "*7
                for i,site in enumerate(sites):
                    sites_str += "[%15.6f,%15.6f,%15.6f]"%(site[0],site[1],site[2])

                    # Handle the last site differently.
                    if i == len(sites)-1:
                        sites_str += "]\n"
                        sites_str += ",\n" + indent

                trajectory.write( sites_str )

                # Write the empty lists.

        # While the other processes wait.

        # Init the member data.
        self.__types_buffer = []
        self.__simulation_time_buffer = []
        self.__step_buffer = []

        # Set the time counter to zero.
        self.__time_last_dump = 0.0
    def testStoreData(self):
        """ Test the data storage function. """
        # Get a file name.
        name = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
        name = os.path.join(name, "..", "..")
        name = os.path.join(name, "TestUtilities", "Scratch")
        trajectory_filename = os.path.join(name, "")

        if MPICommons.isMaster():

        # Setup the trajectory object.
        unit_cell = KMCUnitCell(cell_vectors=[[1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                                              [0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
                                              [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]],
                                basis_points=[[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]])
        lattice = KMCLattice(unit_cell=unit_cell,
                             periodic=(True, True, True),

        config = KMCConfiguration(lattice=lattice,

        t = XYZTrajectory(trajectory_filename=trajectory_filename,

        # Construct data to store.
        simulation_time = 1.234
        step = 123
        configuration = config

        # Store.
        t._storeData(simulation_time, step, configuration)

        # Check that the member data was updated.
        self.assertEqual(len(t._XYZTrajectory__atom_id_types), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(t._XYZTrajectory__atom_id_coordinates), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(t._XYZTrajectory__time), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(t._XYZTrajectory__step), 1)

        # store again.
        simulation_time = 1.999
        step = 4444
        t._storeData(simulation_time, step, configuration)

        # Check that the member data was updated.
        self.assertEqual(len(t._XYZTrajectory__atom_id_types), 2)
        self.assertEqual(len(t._XYZTrajectory__atom_id_coordinates), 2)
        self.assertEqual(len(t._XYZTrajectory__time), 2)
        self.assertEqual(len(t._XYZTrajectory__step), 2)

        # Check the values of the stored data.
        self.assertAlmostEqual(t._XYZTrajectory__time[0], 1.234, 10)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(t._XYZTrajectory__time[1], 1.999, 10)

        self.assertEqual(t._XYZTrajectory__step[0],  123)
        self.assertEqual(t._XYZTrajectory__step[1], 4444)

        diff = numpy.linalg.norm(config.atomIDCoordinates() - t._XYZTrajectory__atom_id_coordinates[0])
        self.assertAlmostEqual(diff, 0.0, 10)

        diff = numpy.linalg.norm(config.atomIDCoordinates() - t._XYZTrajectory__atom_id_coordinates[1])
        self.assertAlmostEqual(diff, 0.0, 10)

        self.assertEqual(t._XYZTrajectory__atom_id_types[0], config.atomIDTypes())
        self.assertEqual(t._XYZTrajectory__atom_id_types[1], config.atomIDTypes())
Exemple #44
    def testPrintResults(self):
        """ Test that the results gets printed as expected. """
        # Fill an object with data.
        ref_results = numpy.array([[  2.83900934,   8.52281124,  14.09108351,  20.00585490,  25.26096208,
                                     30.09109804,  36.62202664,  43.47434981,  50.79520993,  58.25866865],
                                   [  2.88482657,   8.20673616,  13.39956335,  17.50176483,  22.89894945,
                                     29.46099902,  36.60734674,  44.33478009,  52.14399436,  59.49159482],
                                   [ 22.88482657,  48.20673616,  53.39956335,  67.50176483,  72.89894945,
                                     39.46099902,  56.60734674,  54.33478009,  62.14399436,  79.49159482],
                                   [  3.12507672,   8.84431286,  13.83414102,  18.58819987,  24.03051120,
                                     29.05110007,  77.65539622,  40.08318015,  46.38807125,  54.56025293],
                                   [ 13.83900934,  66.52281124,  14.09108351,  20.00585490,  25.26096208,
                                     24.09109804,  88.62202664,  43.47434981,  30.79520993,  78.25866865],
                                   [ 35.88482657,   5.20673616,  13.39956335,  37.50176483,  82.89894945,
                                     45.46099902,  34.60734674,  44.33478009,  42.14399436,  99.49159482],
                                   [  56.12507672,  1.84431286,  13.83414102,  58.58819987,  84.03051120,
                                     29.05110007,  33.65539622,  40.08318015,  56.38807125,  74.56025293]])
        ref_time_steps = numpy.array([  1.25,   3.75,   6.25,   8.75,  11.25,  13.75,  16.25,  18.75,  21.25,  23.75])
        ref_std_dev = numpy.array([[ 0.02008562,  0.05432052,  0.08833069,  0.11053417,  0.12584537,  0.14901027,
                                     0.18265464,  0.20891115,  0.24045901,  0.27834904],
                                   [ 0.01911933,  0.04761810,  0.07830592,  0.10414501,  0.14034533,  0.18069990,
                                     0.23416218,  0.28725392,  0.34211121,  0.39464802],
                                   [ 0.02198474,  0.05167655,  0.08130953,  0.10885342,  0.14397243,  0.16894787,
                                     0.19585331,  0.22369909,  0.25162530,  0.29321875],
                                   [ 3.02198474,  4.05167655,  5.08130953,  5.10885342,  0.14397243,  4.16894787,
                                     3.19585331,  4.22369909, 50.25162530, 10.29321875],
                                   [ 1.02008562,  3.05432052,  0.08833069,  0.11053417, 44.12584537,  3.14901027,
                                     3.18265464,  4.20891115,  0.24045901,  0.27834904],
                                   [ 4.01911933,  5.04761810,  4.07830592,  0.10414501,  0.14034533,  1.18069990,
                                     5.23416218,  6.28725392,  4.34211121,  0.39464802],
                                   [ 6.02198474,  7.05167655,  3.08130953,  2.10885342,  4.14397243,  1.16894787,
                                     7.19585331,  8.22369909,  0.25162530,  0.29321875]])
        ref_bin_counters = (60283, 60628, 60461, 59779, 59683, 59178, 58856, 58752, 58162, 57881)

        ref_history_bin_counters = [(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 87, 58752, 58162, 57881)]

        msd = OnTheFlyMSD.__new__(OnTheFlyMSD)
        msd._OnTheFlyMSD__results = ref_results
        msd._OnTheFlyMSD__time_steps = ref_time_steps
        msd._OnTheFlyMSD__std_dev = ref_std_dev
        msd._OnTheFlyMSD__bin_counters = ref_bin_counters
        msd._OnTheFlyMSD__history_bin_counters = ref_history_bin_counters
        msd._OnTheFlyMSD__n_eff = [0.1, 1.2, 3.4, 5.5, 6.6, 7.7, 0.8, 9.9, 4.3, 2.1]

        # Print the results to a stream.
        stream = StringIO.StringIO()

        # Check against reference.

        ref_value = """      TIME       MSD_x       DSD_y       MSD_z      MSD_xy      MSD_xz      MSD_yz     MSD_xyz       STD_x       STD_y       STD_z      STD_xy      STD_xz      STD_yz     STD_xyz        N_eff
1.25000e+00 2.83901e+00 2.88483e+00 2.28848e+01 3.12508e+00 1.38390e+01 3.58848e+01 5.61251e+01 2.00856e-02 1.91193e-02 2.19847e-02 3.02198e+00 1.02009e+00 4.01912e+00 6.02198e+00 1.00000e-01
3.75000e+00 8.52281e+00 8.20674e+00 4.82067e+01 8.84431e+00 6.65228e+01 5.20674e+00 1.84431e+00 5.43205e-02 4.76181e-02 5.16766e-02 4.05168e+00 3.05432e+00 5.04762e+00 7.05168e+00 1.20000e+00
6.25000e+00 1.40911e+01 1.33996e+01 5.33996e+01 1.38341e+01 1.40911e+01 1.33996e+01 1.38341e+01 8.83307e-02 7.83059e-02 8.13095e-02 5.08131e+00 8.83307e-02 4.07831e+00 3.08131e+00 3.40000e+00
8.75000e+00 2.00059e+01 1.75018e+01 6.75018e+01 1.85882e+01 2.00059e+01 3.75018e+01 5.85882e+01 1.10534e-01 1.04145e-01 1.08853e-01 5.10885e+00 1.10534e-01 1.04145e-01 2.10885e+00 5.50000e+00
1.12500e+01 2.52610e+01 2.28989e+01 7.28989e+01 2.40305e+01 2.52610e+01 8.28989e+01 8.40305e+01 1.25845e-01 1.40345e-01 1.43972e-01 1.43972e-01 4.41258e+01 1.40345e-01 4.14397e+00 6.60000e+00
1.37500e+01 3.00911e+01 2.94610e+01 3.94610e+01 2.90511e+01 2.40911e+01 4.54610e+01 2.90511e+01 1.49010e-01 1.80700e-01 1.68948e-01 4.16895e+00 3.14901e+00 1.18070e+00 1.16895e+00 7.70000e+00
1.62500e+01 3.66220e+01 3.66073e+01 5.66073e+01 7.76554e+01 8.86220e+01 3.46073e+01 3.36554e+01 1.82655e-01 2.34162e-01 1.95853e-01 3.19585e+00 3.18265e+00 5.23416e+00 7.19585e+00 8.00000e-01
        if MPICommons.isMaster():
            self.assertEqual(stream.getvalue(), ref_value)
            self.assertEqual(stream.getvalue(), "")
    def testFlush(self):
        """ Make sure we can flush the buffer as expected. """
        # Get a filename.
        name = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
        name = os.path.join(name, "..", "..")
        name = os.path.join(name, "TestUtilities", "Scratch")
        trajectory_filename = os.path.join(name, "")

        if MPICommons.isMaster():

        # Construct the trajecctory object.
        sites = [[0.0,1.0,2.3],

        # Construct.
        t = LatticeTrajectory(trajectory_filename, Config(sites))

        # To check against.
        empty_list = []

        # Check that the file is created but only with meta information.
        if MPICommons.isMaster():
            global_dict = {}
            local_dict  = {}
            execfile(trajectory_filename, global_dict, local_dict)

            ret_types = local_dict['types']
            self.assertEqual( ret_types, empty_list )

            ret_times = local_dict['times']
            self.assertEqual( ret_times, empty_list )

            ret_steps = local_dict['steps']
            self.assertEqual( ret_steps, empty_list )

        # Fill the buffers.
        t._LatticeTrajectory__types_buffer           = [["ABC", "123"],["123", "ABC"]]
        t._LatticeTrajectory__simulation_time_buffer = [1.234, 5.678]
        t._LatticeTrajectory__step_buffer = [1, 99]

        # Flush the buffers.

        # Check that the buffers are empty.
        self.assertEqual( t._LatticeTrajectory__types_buffer, empty_list )
        self.assertEqual( t._LatticeTrajectory__simulation_time_buffer, empty_list )
        self.assertEqual( t._LatticeTrajectory__step_buffer, empty_list )

        # Check that the file has the flushed values.
        if MPICommons.isMaster():
            global_dict = {}
            local_dict  = {}
            execfile(trajectory_filename, global_dict, local_dict)

            ret_types = local_dict['types']
            self.assertEqual( ret_types, [["ABC", "123"],["123", "ABC"]] )

            ret_times = local_dict['times']
            self.assertAlmostEqual( ret_times, [1.234, 5.678], 10 )

            ret_steps = local_dict['steps']
            self.assertEqual( ret_steps, [1, 99] )
    def testFlush(self):
        """ Test the file output. """
        # Get a file name.
        name = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
        name = os.path.join(name, "..", "..")
        name = os.path.join(name, "TestUtilities", "Scratch")
        trajectory_filename = os.path.join(name, "")

        if MPICommons.isMaster():

        # Setup the trajectory object.
        unit_cell = KMCUnitCell(cell_vectors=[[1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                                              [0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
                                              [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]],
                                basis_points=[[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]])
        lattice = KMCLattice(unit_cell=unit_cell,
                             periodic=(True, False, True),

        config = KMCConfiguration(lattice=lattice,

        t = XYZTrajectory(trajectory_filename=trajectory_filename,

        # Store data.
        simulation_time = 1.234
        step = 123
        t._storeData(simulation_time, step, config)

        # Flush.

        # Check the file.

        ref_content = """KMCLib XYZ FORMAT VERSION 2013.10.15

a: 1.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00
b: 0.0000000000e+00 1.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00
c: 0.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00 1.0000000000e+00



STEP 123
    TIME 1.2340000000e+00
                A   0.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00  0
                B   0.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00 1.0000000000e+00  1
                C   0.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00 2.0000000000e+00  2
                D   0.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00 3.0000000000e+00  3
                A   0.0000000000e+00 1.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00  4
                B   0.0000000000e+00 1.0000000000e+00 1.0000000000e+00  5
                C   0.0000000000e+00 1.0000000000e+00 2.0000000000e+00  6
                D   0.0000000000e+00 1.0000000000e+00 3.0000000000e+00  7
                A   0.0000000000e+00 2.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00  8
                B   0.0000000000e+00 2.0000000000e+00 1.0000000000e+00  9
                C   0.0000000000e+00 2.0000000000e+00 2.0000000000e+00  10
                D   0.0000000000e+00 2.0000000000e+00 3.0000000000e+00  11
                A   0.0000000000e+00 3.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00  12
                B   0.0000000000e+00 3.0000000000e+00 1.0000000000e+00  13
                C   0.0000000000e+00 3.0000000000e+00 2.0000000000e+00  14
                D   0.0000000000e+00 3.0000000000e+00 3.0000000000e+00  15
                A   1.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00  16
                B   1.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00 1.0000000000e+00  17
                C   1.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00 2.0000000000e+00  18
                D   1.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00 3.0000000000e+00  19
                A   1.0000000000e+00 1.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00  20
                B   1.0000000000e+00 1.0000000000e+00 1.0000000000e+00  21
                C   1.0000000000e+00 1.0000000000e+00 2.0000000000e+00  22
                D   1.0000000000e+00 1.0000000000e+00 3.0000000000e+00  23
                A   1.0000000000e+00 2.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00  24
                B   1.0000000000e+00 2.0000000000e+00 1.0000000000e+00  25
                C   1.0000000000e+00 2.0000000000e+00 2.0000000000e+00  26
                D   1.0000000000e+00 2.0000000000e+00 3.0000000000e+00  27
                A   1.0000000000e+00 3.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00  28
                B   1.0000000000e+00 3.0000000000e+00 1.0000000000e+00  29
                C   1.0000000000e+00 3.0000000000e+00 2.0000000000e+00  30
                D   1.0000000000e+00 3.0000000000e+00 3.0000000000e+00  31
                A   2.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00  32
                B   2.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00 1.0000000000e+00  33
                C   2.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00 2.0000000000e+00  34
                D   2.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00 3.0000000000e+00  35
                A   2.0000000000e+00 1.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00  36
                B   2.0000000000e+00 1.0000000000e+00 1.0000000000e+00  37
                C   2.0000000000e+00 1.0000000000e+00 2.0000000000e+00  38
                D   2.0000000000e+00 1.0000000000e+00 3.0000000000e+00  39
                A   2.0000000000e+00 2.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00  40
                B   2.0000000000e+00 2.0000000000e+00 1.0000000000e+00  41
                C   2.0000000000e+00 2.0000000000e+00 2.0000000000e+00  42
                D   2.0000000000e+00 2.0000000000e+00 3.0000000000e+00  43
                A   2.0000000000e+00 3.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00  44
                B   2.0000000000e+00 3.0000000000e+00 1.0000000000e+00  45
                C   2.0000000000e+00 3.0000000000e+00 2.0000000000e+00  46
                D   2.0000000000e+00 3.0000000000e+00 3.0000000000e+00  47
                A   3.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00  48
                B   3.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00 1.0000000000e+00  49
                C   3.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00 2.0000000000e+00  50
                D   3.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00 3.0000000000e+00  51
                A   3.0000000000e+00 1.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00  52
                B   3.0000000000e+00 1.0000000000e+00 1.0000000000e+00  53
                C   3.0000000000e+00 1.0000000000e+00 2.0000000000e+00  54
                D   3.0000000000e+00 1.0000000000e+00 3.0000000000e+00  55
                A   3.0000000000e+00 2.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00  56
                B   3.0000000000e+00 2.0000000000e+00 1.0000000000e+00  57
                C   3.0000000000e+00 2.0000000000e+00 2.0000000000e+00  58
                D   3.0000000000e+00 2.0000000000e+00 3.0000000000e+00  59
                A   3.0000000000e+00 3.0000000000e+00 0.0000000000e+00  60
                B   3.0000000000e+00 3.0000000000e+00 1.0000000000e+00  61
                C   3.0000000000e+00 3.0000000000e+00 2.0000000000e+00  62
                D   3.0000000000e+00 3.0000000000e+00 3.0000000000e+00  63

        if MPICommons.isMaster():
            with open(trajectory_filename, "r") as f:
                content =
            self.assertEqual( content, ref_content )

        # Check that the buffers are empty.
        self.assertEqual(t._XYZTrajectory__atom_id_types, [])
        self.assertEqual(t._XYZTrajectory__atom_id_coordinates, [])
        self.assertEqual(t._XYZTrajectory__time, [])
        self.assertEqual(t._XYZTrajectory__step, [])
    def testBufferSize(self):
        """ Test the buffer size function. """
        # Get a file name.
        name = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
        name = os.path.join(name, "..", "..")
        name = os.path.join(name, "TestUtilities", "Scratch")
        trajectory_filename = os.path.join(name, "")

        if MPICommons.isMaster():

        # Setup the trajectory object.
        unit_cell = KMCUnitCell(cell_vectors=[[1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                                              [0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
                                              [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]],
                                basis_points=[[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]])
        lattice = KMCLattice(unit_cell=unit_cell,
                             periodic=(True, True, True),

        config = KMCConfiguration(lattice=lattice,

        t = XYZTrajectory(trajectory_filename=trajectory_filename,

        # Store a bunch of data.
        simulation_time = 1.234
        step = 123
        t._storeData(simulation_time, step, config)
        buffer_size = t._bufferSize()

        # Check the size again.
        ref_size =  sys.getsizeof(t._XYZTrajectory__atom_id_coordinates)
        ref_size += sys.getsizeof(t._XYZTrajectory__atom_id_coordinates[0])*len(t._XYZTrajectory__atom_id_coordinates)
        ref_size += sys.getsizeof(t._XYZTrajectory__atom_id_types)
        ref_size += sys.getsizeof(t._XYZTrajectory__atom_id_types[0])*len(t._XYZTrajectory__atom_id_types)
        ref_size += sys.getsizeof(t._XYZTrajectory__time)
        ref_size += sys.getsizeof(t._XYZTrajectory__time[0])*len(t._XYZTrajectory__time)
        ref_size += sys.getsizeof(t._XYZTrajectory__step)
        ref_size += sys.getsizeof(t._XYZTrajectory__step[0])*len(t._XYZTrajectory__step)

        self.assertEqual(buffer_size, ref_size)

        # Store more data.
        t._storeData(simulation_time, step, config)

        # Check the size again.
        t._storeData(simulation_time, step, config)
        t._storeData(simulation_time, step, config)
        t._storeData(simulation_time, step, config)
        t._storeData(simulation_time, step, config)
        t._storeData(simulation_time, step, config)

        ref_size =  sys.getsizeof(t._XYZTrajectory__atom_id_coordinates)
        ref_size += sys.getsizeof(t._XYZTrajectory__atom_id_coordinates[0])*len(t._XYZTrajectory__atom_id_coordinates)
        ref_size += sys.getsizeof(t._XYZTrajectory__atom_id_types)
        ref_size += sys.getsizeof(t._XYZTrajectory__atom_id_types[0])*len(t._XYZTrajectory__atom_id_types)
        ref_size += sys.getsizeof(t._XYZTrajectory__time)
        ref_size += sys.getsizeof(t._XYZTrajectory__time[0])*len(t._XYZTrajectory__time)
        ref_size += sys.getsizeof(t._XYZTrajectory__step)
        ref_size += sys.getsizeof(t._XYZTrajectory__step[0])*len(t._XYZTrajectory__step)

        buffer_size = t._bufferSize()

        self.assertEqual(buffer_size, ref_size)
Exemple #48
 def printResults(self, stream=sys.stdout):
     rateEst = float(self.__current_count)/(self.__lastTime - self.__initTime)
     if MPICommons.isMaster() and not math.isnan(rateEst):