# To check if the bot is running
    if not driveBot.running:
        # Obtaining the position of white pixels from the mask
        points = cv2.findNonZero(mask)
        pointsArr = np.array(points)
        # To check if object is available
        if pointsArr.size > 400:
            avg = np.mean(pointsArr, axis=0)
            if avg.size > 0:
                x = avg[0][0]
                y = avg[0][1]
                # To close the kalman filter in on true value
                if initCounter <= 30:
                    initCounter += 1
                    predictedCords = kalmanFilter.Estimate(x, y)
                    prevX = x
                    prevY = y
                    if velCounter <= 10:
                        velCounter += 1
                        delX = x - prevX
                        delY = y - prevY
                        prevX = x
                        prevY = y
                    # Using kalman filter to measure, correct and predict current position
                    predictedCords = kalmanFilter.Estimate(x, y)
                    # Adding points to the path
                    path.append([predictedCords[0], predictedCords[1]])
                    # Drawing elements and displaying