Exemple #1
 def test___str__fromString_RepeatedMultipleHeadersWithDifferingContinuationSizes(
     "Identity check for fromString, __str__ roundtrip for header with repeated multiple headers with continuations"
     value1a = "Twinkle \r\n    Twinkle"
     value2a = "Little\r\n  Star"
     value3a = "How I \r\n   wonder what you are"
     value1b = "Twinkle \r\n    Twinkle\r\n        Twinkle"
     value2b = "Little\r\n  Star\r\n                Star"
     value3b = "How I \r\n   wonder what you are\r\n Star"
     value1c = "Twinkle \r\n    Twinkle\r\n                          Star"
     value2c = "Little\r\n  Star\r\n           Star"
     value3c = "How I \r\n   wonder what you are\r\n   Star\r\n            are!"
     header = "Header: " + value1a + "\r\n"
     header += "Hooder: " + value2a + "\r\n"
     header += "Hooder: " + value3a + "\r\n"
     header += "Heeder: " + value3b + "\r\n"
     header += "Header: " + value3c + "\r\n"
     header += "Heeder: " + value2b + "\r\n"
     header += "Heeder: " + value1b + "\r\n"
     header += "Hooder: " + value1c + "\r\n"
     header += "Header: " + value2c + "\r\n"
     body = ""
     message = header + "\r\n" + body
     x = MimeDict.fromString(message)
     y = MimeDict.fromString(str(x))
     self.assertEqual(x, y)
     self.assertEqual(str(x), str(y))
     self.assertEqual(str(y), message)
 def test___str__fromString_RepeatedMultipleHeadersWithDifferingContinuationSizes(self):
     "Identity check for fromString, __str__ roundtrip for header with repeated multiple headers with continuations"
     value1a = "Twinkle \r\n    Twinkle"
     value2a = "Little\r\n  Star"
     value3a = "How I \r\n   wonder what you are"
     value1b = "Twinkle \r\n    Twinkle\r\n        Twinkle"
     value2b = "Little\r\n  Star\r\n                Star"
     value3b = "How I \r\n   wonder what you are\r\n Star"
     value1c = "Twinkle \r\n    Twinkle\r\n                          Star"
     value2c = "Little\r\n  Star\r\n           Star"
     value3c = "How I \r\n   wonder what you are\r\n   Star\r\n            are!"
     header = "Header: " + value1a + "\r\n"
     header += "Hooder: " + value2a + "\r\n"
     header += "Hooder: " + value3a + "\r\n"
     header += "Heeder: " + value3b + "\r\n"
     header += "Header: " + value3c + "\r\n"
     header += "Heeder: " + value2b + "\r\n"
     header += "Heeder: " + value1b + "\r\n"
     header += "Hooder: " + value1c + "\r\n"
     header += "Header: " + value2c + "\r\n"
     body = ""
     message = header + "\r\n" + body
     x = MimeDict.fromString(message)
     y = MimeDict.fromString(str(x))
     self.assertEqual(x, y)
     self.assertEqual(str(x), str(y))
     self.assertEqual(str(y), message)
 def test___str__fromString_RepeatedSingleHeaderWithContinuations(self):
     "Identity check for fromString, __str__ roundtrip for header with repeated headers with continuations"
     value1 = "Twinkle \r\n    Twinkle"
     value2 = "Little\r\n  Star"
     header = "Header: " + value1 + "\r\n"
     header += "Header: " + value2 + "\r\n"
     body = ""
     message = header + "\r\n" + body
     x = MimeDict.fromString(message)
     y = MimeDict.fromString(str(x))
     self.assertEqual(x, y)
     self.assertEqual(str(x), str(y))
     self.assertEqual(str(x), message)
Exemple #4
 def test___str__fromString_RepeatedSingleHeaderWithContinuations(self):
     "Identity check for fromString, __str__ roundtrip for header with repeated headers with continuations"
     value1 = "Twinkle \r\n    Twinkle"
     value2 = "Little\r\n  Star"
     header = "Header: " + value1 + "\r\n"
     header += "Header: " + value2 + "\r\n"
     body = ""
     message = header + "\r\n" + body
     x = MimeDict.fromString(message)
     y = MimeDict.fromString(str(x))
     self.assertEqual(x, y)
     self.assertEqual(str(x), str(y))
     self.assertEqual(str(x), message)
Exemple #5
 def test___str__fromString_MultipleHeadersWithContinuations(self):
     "Identity check for fromString, __str__ roundtrip for header with multiple headers with continuations"
     value1 = "Twinkle \r\n    Twinkle"
     value2 = "Little\r\n  Star"
     value3 = "How I \r\n   wonder what you are"
     header = "Header: " + value1 + "\r\n"
     header += "Heeder: " + value2 + "\r\n"
     header += "Hooder: " + value3 + "\r\n"
     body = ""
     message = header + "\r\n" + body
     x = MimeDict.fromString(message)
     y = MimeDict.fromString(str(x))
     self.assertEqual(x, y)
     self.assertEqual(str(x), str(y))
     self.assertEqual(str(y), message)
 def test___str__fromString_MultipleHeadersWithContinuations(self):
     "Identity check for fromString, __str__ roundtrip for header with multiple headers with continuations"
     value1 = "Twinkle \r\n    Twinkle"
     value2 = "Little\r\n  Star"
     value3 = "How I \r\n   wonder what you are"
     header = "Header: " + value1 + "\r\n"
     header += "Heeder: " + value2 + "\r\n"
     header += "Hooder: " + value3 + "\r\n"
     body = ""
     message = header + "\r\n" + body
     x = MimeDict.fromString(message)
     y = MimeDict.fromString(str(x))
     self.assertEqual(x, y)
     self.assertEqual(str(x), str(y))
     self.assertEqual(str(y), message)
Exemple #7
 def test_fromString_RepeatedHeaders_SameOrder(self):
     "fromString - Repeated headers after each other retain order in dictionary values"
     headerset1 = """HeaderA: value 1\r\nHeaderA: value 2\r\nHeaderA: value 3\r\n"""
     headerset2 = """HeaderB: value 4\r\nHeaderB: value 5\r\nHeaderB: value 6\r\n"""
     x = MimeDict.fromString(headerset1 + headerset2 + "\r\n")
     self.assertEqual(x["HeaderA"], ["value 1", "value 2", "value 3"])
     self.assertEqual(x["HeaderB"], ["value 4", "value 5", "value 6"])
Exemple #8
 def test_fromString_HeaderWithContinuationLines_AllCaptured_One(self):
     "fromString - A header with a continuation line is captured as a single string"
     value = "Twinkle Twinkle Little Start\r\n   How I wonder what you are"
     header = "Header: " + value + "\r\n"
     body = ""
     x = MimeDict.fromString(header + "\r\n" + body)
     self.assertEqual(x["Header"], value)
 def test_fromString_HeaderMustBeFollowedByEmptyLine_NonEmptyBody(self):
    """fromString - Header not followed by an empty line and non-empty body results is invalid. The result is an empty header and the original message"""
    header = "Header: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star\r\n"
    body = "How I wonder what you are"
    message = header + "" + body # empty "divider"
    x = MimeDict.fromString (message)
    self.assertEqual(x["__BODY__"], message, "Invalid header results in entire being treated as an unstructured body" )
Exemple #10
 def test_fromString_HeaderWithContinuationLines_AllCaptured_One(self):
     "fromString - A header with a continuation line is captured as a single string"
     value = "Twinkle Twinkle Little Start\r\n   How I wonder what you are"
     header = "Header: " + value + "\r\n"
     body = ""
     x = MimeDict.fromString(header + "\r\n" + body)
     self.assertEqual(x["Header"], value)
Exemple #11
 def test___str__fromString_BasicRepeatedNonEmptyHeader_EmptyBodyDifferentContinuations(
     "Identity check for fromString, __str__ roundtrip for header with multiple different continuations"
     x = "Hooder: Bingle\r\nHeader: Hello\r\nHeeder: Wind\r\nHooder: Bingle\r\nHeader: Hello\r\nHeeder: Wind\r\n\r\n"
     y = str(MimeDict.fromString(x))
     self.assertEqual(x, y)
     self.assert_(x is not y)
Exemple #12
 def test_Roundtrip_InvalidSourceMessageNonEmptyBody(self):
     "Roundtrip handling (fromString->__str__) for invalid messages with an non-empty body should NOT result in equality"
     header = "Header: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star\r\n"
     body = "How I wonder what you are"
     message = header + "" + body  # empty "divider"
     x = MimeDict.fromString(message)
     self.assertEqual(str(x), message)
Exemple #13
 def test_Roundtrip_InvalidSourceMessageNonEmptyBody(self):
     "Roundtrip handling (fromString->__str__) for invalid messages with an non-empty body should NOT result in equality"
     header = "Header: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star\r\n"
     body = "How I wonder what you are"
     message = header + "" + body  # empty "divider"
     x = MimeDict.fromString(message)
     self.assertEqual(str(x), message)
Exemple #14
 def test_fromString_RepeatedHeaders_SameOrder(self):
     "fromString - Repeated headers after each other retain order in dictionary values"
     headerset1 = """HeaderA: value 1\r\nHeaderA: value 2\r\nHeaderA: value 3\r\n"""
     headerset2 = """HeaderB: value 4\r\nHeaderB: value 5\r\nHeaderB: value 6\r\n"""
     x = MimeDict.fromString(headerset1 + headerset2 + "\r\n")
     self.assertEqual(x["HeaderA"], ["value 1", "value 2", "value 3"])
     self.assertEqual(x["HeaderB"], ["value 4", "value 5", "value 6"])
Exemple #15
 def test_fromString_HeaderWithContinuationLines_AllCaptured_ManyContinuations(self):
     "fromString - A header with many continuation lines is captured as a single string"
     value = "Twinkle\r\n    Twi nkle\r\n   Li ttle Start\r\n    How I wonder what y\r\n u are\r\n   No Really"
     header = "Header: " + value + "\r\n"
     body = ""
     x = MimeDict.fromString(header + "\r\n" + body)
     self.assertEqual(x["Header"], value)
Exemple #16
 def test___str__fromString_BasicNonEmptyHeader_EmptyBody_OrderPreservation(
     "Identity check for fromString, __str__ roundtrip for multiple basic single header, empty body, requires order preservation"
     x = "Hooder: Bingle\r\nHeader: Hello\r\nHeeder: Wind\r\n\r\n"
     y = str(MimeDict.fromString(x))
     self.assertEqual(x, y)
     self.assert_(x is not y)
Exemple #17
 def test___str__fromString_ManyDifferentHeaders_NoBody(self):
     "performing __str__/fromString halftrip on a dict with just multiple different simple headers, no body should result in identity"
     x = MimeDict(Header="Hello World",
                  Heeder="Goodbye Smalltown",
     y = MimeDict.fromString(str(x))
     self.assertEqual(x, y)
     self.assert_(x is not y)
Exemple #18
 def test_EmbeddedNewlineInHeaderRoundtrip_fromInsertion(self):
     "A header which contains a single carriage return keeps the carriage return embedded since it *isn't* a carriage return/line feed"
     x = MimeDict()
     x["header"] = "Hello\nWorld"
     y = MimeDict.fromString(str(x))
     self.assertEqual(y["__BODY__"], "")
     self.assertEqual(y["header"], x["header"])
     self.assertEqual(x["header"], "Hello\nWorld")
 def test_fromString_HeaderMustBeFollowedByEmptyLine(self):
    """fromString - Header not followed by an empty line and empty body
    results is invalid. The result is an empty header and the header as the
    header = "Header: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star\r\n"
    body = ""
    x = MimeDict.fromString (header + "" + body) # empty "divider"
    self.assertEqual(x["__BODY__"], header, "Invalid header results in header being treated as an unstructured body" )
Exemple #20
 def test_fromString_HeaderWithContinuationLines_AllCaptured_ManyContinuations(
     "fromString - A header with many continuation lines is captured as a single string"
     value = "Twinkle\r\n    Twi nkle\r\n   Li ttle Start\r\n    How I wonder what y\r\n u are\r\n   No Really"
     header = "Header: " + value + "\r\n"
     body = ""
     x = MimeDict.fromString(header + "\r\n" + body)
     self.assertEqual(x["Header"], value)
Exemple #21
 def test_basicInsertion_Roundtrip(self):
     "Insertion into a dictionary, then roundtripped -- fromString(str(x)) results in original value"
     x = MimeDict()
     x["hello"] = ["2hello1", "2hello2"]
     x["__BODY__"] = "Hello\nWorld\n"
     stringified = str(x)
     y = MimeDict.fromString(stringified)
     self.assertEqual(x, y)
Exemple #22
 def test_EmbeddedNewlineInHeaderRoundtrip_fromInsertion(self):
     "A header which contains a single carriage return keeps the carriage return embedded since it *isn't* a carriage return/line feed"
     x = MimeDict()
     x["header"] = "Hello\nWorld"
     y = MimeDict.fromString(str(x))
     self.assertEqual(y["__BODY__"], "")
     self.assertEqual(y["header"], x["header"])
     self.assertEqual(x["header"], "Hello\nWorld")
Exemple #23
 def test_basicInsertion_Roundtrip(self):
     "Insertion into a dictionary, then roundtripped -- fromString(str(x)) results in original value"
     x = MimeDict()
     x["hello"] = ["2hello1", "2hello2"]
     x["__BODY__"] = "Hello\nWorld\n"
     stringified = str(x)
     y = MimeDict.fromString(stringified)
     self.assertEqual(x, y)
Exemple #24
    def test_InformationLossRoundtrip(self):
        "If you put a list with a single string into a MimeDict, and try to send that across the network by itself, it will not be reconstituted as a list. This is because we have no real way of determining that the single value should or should not be a list"
        x = MimeDict()
        x["hello"] = ["hello"]
        x["__BODY__"] = "Hello\nWorld\n"

        stringified = str(x)
        y = MimeDict.fromString(stringified)
        self.assertNotEqual(x, y)
Exemple #25
    def test_InformationLossRoundtrip(self):
        "If you put a list with a single string into a MimeDict, and try to send that across the network by itself, it will not be reconstituted as a list. This is because we have no real way of determining that the single value should or should not be a list"
        x = MimeDict()
        x["hello"] = ["hello"]
        x["__BODY__"] = "Hello\nWorld\n"

        stringified = str(x)
        y = MimeDict.fromString(stringified)
        self.assertNotEqual(x, y)
Exemple #26
    def test___str__fromString_MultipleDifferentHeaders_NoBody(self):
        "performing __str__/fromString halftrip on a dict with multiple header types multiple times, no body should result in identity"
        x = MimeDict(HeaderA=["value 1", "value 2", "value 3"], HeaderB=["value 4", "value 5", "value 6"])
        y = MimeDict.fromString(str(x))

        self.assertEqual(y, x)
        self.assertEqual(y["HeaderA"], ["value 1", "value 2", "value 3"])
        self.assertEqual(y["HeaderB"], ["value 4", "value 5", "value 6"])
        self.assert_(x is not y)
Exemple #27
 def test___str__CheckedAgainstOriginalRepeatedSingleHeaderWithContinuations(self):
     "__str__ of fromString(message) checked against message for equality"
     value1 = "Twinkle \r\n    Twinkle"
     value2 = "Little\r\n  Star"
     header = "Header: " + value1 + "\r\n"
     header += "Header: " + value2 + "\r\n"
     body = ""
     message = header + "\r\n" + body
     x = MimeDict.fromString(message)
     self.assertEqual(str(x), message)
Exemple #28
    def test___str__fromString_MultipleDifferentHeaders_NoBody(self):
        "performing __str__/fromString halftrip on a dict with multiple header types multiple times, no body should result in identity"
        x = MimeDict(HeaderA=["value 1", "value 2", "value 3"],
                     HeaderB=["value 4", "value 5", "value 6"])
        y = MimeDict.fromString(str(x))

        self.assertEqual(y, x)
        self.assertEqual(y["HeaderA"], ["value 1", "value 2", "value 3"])
        self.assertEqual(y["HeaderB"], ["value 4", "value 5", "value 6"])
        self.assert_(x is not y)
Exemple #29
 def test_fromString_HeaderMustBeFollowedByEmptyLine_NonEmptyBody(self):
     """fromString - Header not followed by an empty line and non-empty body results is invalid. The result is an empty header and the original message"""
     header = "Header: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star\r\n"
     body = "How I wonder what you are"
     message = header + "" + body  # empty "divider"
     x = MimeDict.fromString(message)
         x["__BODY__"], message,
         "Invalid header results in entire being treated as an unstructured body"
Exemple #30
 def test_fromString_HeaderMustBeFollowedByEmptyLine(self):
     """fromString - Header not followed by an empty line and empty body
   results is invalid. The result is an empty header and the header as the
     header = "Header: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star\r\n"
     body = ""
     x = MimeDict.fromString(header + "" + body)  # empty "divider"
         x["__BODY__"], header,
         "Invalid header results in header being treated as an unstructured body"
Exemple #31
 def test_fromString_RepeatedInterleaved_Headers_SameOrder(self):
     "fromString - Repeated interleaved headers after each other retain order in dictionary values"
     headers = "HeaderA: value 1\r\n"
     headers += "HeaderB: value 4\r\n"
     headers += "HeaderA: value 2\r\n"
     headers += "HeaderB: value 5\r\n"
     headers += "HeaderA: value 3\r\n"
     headers += "HeaderB: value 6\r\n"
     x = MimeDict.fromString(headers + "\r\n")
     self.assertEqual(x["HeaderA"], ["value 1", "value 2", "value 3"])
     self.assertEqual(x["HeaderB"], ["value 4", "value 5", "value 6"])
Exemple #32
 def test___str__CheckedAgainstOriginalRepeatedSingleHeaderWithContinuations(
     "__str__ of fromString(message) checked against message for equality"
     value1 = "Twinkle \r\n    Twinkle"
     value2 = "Little\r\n  Star"
     header = "Header: " + value1 + "\r\n"
     header += "Header: " + value2 + "\r\n"
     body = ""
     message = header + "\r\n" + body
     x = MimeDict.fromString(message)
     self.assertEqual(str(x), message)
Exemple #33
 def test_fromString_ManyHeaderLineNonEmptyBody(self):
     "fromString - Many header lines followed by an empty line and a body is valid"
     header = "Header: line\r\nHeeder: line\r\nHooder: line\r\n"
     body = "This is a random body\r\nWibbleWibble\r\n"
     x = MimeDict.fromString(header + "\r\n" + body)
Exemple #34
 def test_fromString_RepeatedInterleaved_Headers_SameOrder(self):
     "fromString - Repeated interleaved headers after each other retain order in dictionary values"
     headers = "HeaderA: value 1\r\n"
     headers += "HeaderB: value 4\r\n"
     headers += "HeaderA: value 2\r\n"
     headers += "HeaderB: value 5\r\n"
     headers += "HeaderA: value 3\r\n"
     headers += "HeaderB: value 6\r\n"
     x = MimeDict.fromString(headers + "\r\n")
     self.assertEqual(x["HeaderA"], ["value 1", "value 2", "value 3"])
     self.assertEqual(x["HeaderB"], ["value 4", "value 5", "value 6"])
Exemple #35
 def test_fromString_HeaderWithContinuationLines_AllCaptured_ManyHeaders(self):
     "fromString - Multiple headers with continuation lines captured as a string for each header"
     value1 = "Twinkle \r\n    Twinkle"
     value2 = "Little\r\n  Star"
     value3 = "How I \r\n   wonder what you are"
     header1 = "Header: " + value1 + "\r\n"
     header2 = "Heeder: " + value2 + "\r\n"
     header3 = "Hooder: " + value3 + "\r\n"
     body = ""
     message = header1 + header2 + header3 + "\r\n" + body
     x = MimeDict.fromString(message)
     self.assertEqual(x["Header"], value1)
     self.assertEqual(x["Heeder"], value2)
     self.assertEqual(x["Hooder"], value3)
Exemple #36
 def test_fromString_HeaderWithContinuationLines_AllCaptured_ManyHeaders(
     "fromString - Multiple headers with continuation lines captured as a string for each header"
     value1 = "Twinkle \r\n    Twinkle"
     value2 = "Little\r\n  Star"
     value3 = "How I \r\n   wonder what you are"
     header1 = "Header: " + value1 + "\r\n"
     header2 = "Heeder: " + value2 + "\r\n"
     header3 = "Hooder: " + value3 + "\r\n"
     body = ""
     message = header1 + header2 + header3 + "\r\n" + body
     x = MimeDict.fromString(message)
     self.assertEqual(x["Header"], value1)
     self.assertEqual(x["Heeder"], value2)
     self.assertEqual(x["Hooder"], value3)
Exemple #37
 def test___str__fromString_BasicNonEmptyHeader_EmptyBody(self):
     "Identity check for fromString, __str__ roundtrip for single basic single header, empty body"
     x = "Header: Hello\r\n\r\n"
     y = str(MimeDict.fromString(x))
     self.assertEqual(x, y)
     self.assert_(x is not y)
Exemple #38
 def test_EmptyFieldRoundTrip(self):
     "Empty header remains empty"
     x = MimeDict()
     x["header"] = ""
     y = MimeDict.fromString(str(x))
     self.assertEqual(x["header"], y["header"])
Exemple #39
 def test_fromString_RepeatedHeaderResultsInListInOriginalOrder(self):
     "fromString - Repeated header with same key results in list with values in original order'"
     header = """Header: value 1\r\nHeader: value 2\r\nHeader: value 3\r\n"""
     x = MimeDict.fromString(header + "\r\n")
     self.assertEqual(x["Header"], ["value 1", "value 2", "value 3"])
Exemple #40
 def test___str__fromString_OnlyBody(self):
     "performing __str__ on a dict with just a __BODY__ and then fromString should result in the same dict"
     x = MimeDict(__BODY__="Hello World")
     y = MimeDict.fromString(str(x))
     self.assertEqual(x, y)
     self.assert_(x is not y)
Exemple #41
 def test___str__fromString_ManySameHeaders_NoBody(self):
     "performing __str__/fromString halftrip on a dict with single header type multiple times, no body should result in identity"
     x = MimeDict(Header=["Hello World", "Goodbye Smalltown", "Bingle"])
     y = MimeDict.fromString(str(x))
     self.assertEqual(x, y)
     self.assert_(x is not y)
Exemple #42
 def test___str__fromString_emptyHeaderNonEmptyBody(self):
     "Identity check for fromString, __str__ roundtrip for the empty header, non empty body"
     x = "\r\nHello World"
     y = str(MimeDict.fromString(x))
     self.assertEqual(x, y)
     self.assert_(x is not y)
Exemple #43
 def test___str__fromString_OnlyBody(self):
     "performing __str__ on a dict with just a __BODY__ and then fromString should result in the same dict"
     x = MimeDict(__BODY__="Hello World")
     y = MimeDict.fromString(str(x))
     self.assertEqual(x, y)
     self.assert_(x is not y)
Exemple #44
 def test___str__fromString_emptyDict(self):
     "performing __str__ on an empty dict and then fromString should result in empty dict"
     x = MimeDict()
     y = MimeDict.fromString(str(x))
     self.assertEqual(x, y)
     self.assert_(x is not y)
Exemple #45
 def test_EmptyFieldRoundTrip(self):
     "Empty header remains empty"
     x = MimeDict()
     x["header"] = ""
     y = MimeDict.fromString(str(x))
     self.assertEqual(x["header"], y["header"])
Exemple #46
 def test_fromString_RepeatedHeaderResultsInListInOriginalOrder(self):
     "fromString - Repeated header with same key results in list with values in original order'"
     header = """Header: value 1\r\nHeader: value 2\r\nHeader: value 3\r\n"""
     x = MimeDict.fromString(header + "\r\n")
     self.assertEqual(x["Header"], ["value 1", "value 2", "value 3"])
Exemple #47
 def test_fromString_RepeatedHeaderResultsInList(self):
     "fromString - Repeated header with same key results in a list of values associated'"
     header = """Header: value 1\r\nHeader: value 2\r\nHeader: value 3\r\n"""
     x = MimeDict.fromString(header + "\r\n")
     self.assert_(isinstance(x["Header"], list), "Should be a list associated with 'Header'")
Exemple #48
 def test___str__fromString_BasicRepeatedNonEmptyHeader_EmptyBody(self):
     "Identity check for fromString, __str__ roundtrip for multiple repeated basic single header, empty body, requires order preservation"
     x = "Hooder: Bingle\r\nHeader: Hello\r\nHeeder: Wind\r\nHooder: Bingle\r\nHeader: Hello\r\nHeeder: Wind\r\n\r\n"
     y = str(MimeDict.fromString(x))
     self.assertEqual(x, y)
     self.assert_(x is not y)
Exemple #49
 def test___str__fromString_BasicRepeatedNonEmptyHeader_EmptyBodyDifferentContinuations(self):
     "Identity check for fromString, __str__ roundtrip for header with multiple different continuations"
     x = "Hooder: Bingle\r\nHeader: Hello\r\nHeeder: Wind\r\nHooder: Bingle\r\nHeader: Hello\r\nHeeder: Wind\r\n\r\n"
     y = str(MimeDict.fromString(x))
     self.assertEqual(x, y)
     self.assert_(x is not y)
Exemple #50
 def test___str__fromString_OneHeader_NoBody(self):
     "performing __str__/fromString halftrip on a dict with just one header, no body should result in identity"
     x = MimeDict(Header="Hello World")
     y = MimeDict.fromString(str(x))
     self.assertEqual(x, y)
     self.assert_(x is not y)
Exemple #51
 def test___str__fromString_emptyMessage(self):
     "Performing a fromString, __str__ roundtrip results in identity forthe empty message"
     x = "\r\n"
     y = str(MimeDict.fromString(x))
     self.assertEqual(x, y)
     self.assert_(x is not y)
Exemple #52
 def test___str__fromString_ManyDifferentHeaders_NoBody(self):
     "performing __str__/fromString halftrip on a dict with just multiple different simple headers, no body should result in identity"
     x = MimeDict(Header="Hello World", Heeder="Goodbye Smalltown", Hooder="Bingle")
     y = MimeDict.fromString(str(x))
     self.assertEqual(x, y)
     self.assert_(x is not y)
Exemple #53
 def test___str__fromString_OneHeader_NoBody(self):
     "performing __str__/fromString halftrip on a dict with just one header, no body should result in identity"
     x = MimeDict(Header="Hello World")
     y = MimeDict.fromString(str(x))
     self.assertEqual(x, y)
     self.assert_(x is not y)
Exemple #54
 def test___str__fromString_ManySameHeaders_NoBody(self):
     "performing __str__/fromString halftrip on a dict with single header type multiple times, no body should result in identity"
     x = MimeDict(Header=["Hello World", "Goodbye Smalltown", "Bingle"])
     y = MimeDict.fromString(str(x))
     self.assertEqual(x, y)
     self.assert_(x is not y)
Exemple #55
 def test___str__fromString_emptyDict(self):
     "performing __str__ on an empty dict and then fromString should result in empty dict"
     x = MimeDict()
     y = MimeDict.fromString(str(x))
     self.assertEqual(x, y)
     self.assert_(x is not y)
Exemple #56
 def test___str__fromString_BasicNonEmptyHeader_EmptyBody(self):
     "Identity check for fromString, __str__ roundtrip for single basic single header, empty body"
     x = "Header: Hello\r\n\r\n"
     y = str(MimeDict.fromString(x))
     self.assertEqual(x, y)
     self.assert_(x is not y)
Exemple #57
 def test___str__fromString_emptyMessage(self):
     "Performing a fromString, __str__ roundtrip results in identity forthe empty message"
     x = "\r\n"
     y = str(MimeDict.fromString(x))
     self.assertEqual(x, y)
     self.assert_(x is not y)
Exemple #58
 def test___str__fromString_emptyHeaderNonEmptyBody(self):
     "Identity check for fromString, __str__ roundtrip for the empty header, non empty body"
     x = "\r\nHello World"
     y = str(MimeDict.fromString(x))
     self.assertEqual(x, y)
     self.assert_(x is not y)
Exemple #59
 def test_SingleSpaceFieldRoundTrip(self):
     "Header with a single space remains a header with a single space"
     x = MimeDict()
     x["header"] = " "
     y = MimeDict.fromString(str(x))
     self.assertEqual(x["header"], y["header"])
Exemple #60
 def test_SingleSpaceFieldRoundTrip(self):
     "Header with a single space remains a header with a single space"
     x = MimeDict()
     x["header"] = " "
     y = MimeDict.fromString(str(x))
     self.assertEqual(x["header"], y["header"])