def makeBasicSketcher(left=0, top=0, width=1024, height=768): return Graphline( CANVAS=Canvas(position=(left, top + 32), size=(width, height - 32)), PAINTER=Painter(), PALETTE=buildPalette(cols=colours, order=colours_order, topleft=(left + 64, top), size=32), ERASER=Button(caption="Eraser", size=(64, 32), position=(left, top)), LOAD=Button(caption="LOAD", size=(63, 32), position=(left + 64 + 32 * len(colours), top), msg=[["LOAD", "default.png"]]), SAVE=Button(caption="SAVE", size=(63, 32), position=(left + (64 * 2) + 32 * len(colours), top), msg=[["SAVE", "default.png"]]), SPLIT=TwoWaySplitter(), linkages={ ("CANVAS", "eventsOut"): ("PAINTER", "inbox"), ("PALETTE", "outbox"): ("PAINTER", "colour"), ("ERASER", "outbox"): ("PAINTER", "erase"), ("LOAD", "outbox"): ("CANVAS", "inbox"), ("SAVE", "outbox"): ("CANVAS", "inbox"), ("PAINTER", "outbox"): ("SPLIT", "inbox"), ("SPLIT", "outbox"): ("CANVAS", "inbox"), ("self", "inbox"): ("CANVAS", "inbox"), ("SPLIT", "outbox2"): ("self", "outbox"), ("CANVAS", "outbox"): ("self", "outbox"), }, )
def LocalPagingControls(left, top): return Graphline(REMOTEPREV=Button(caption="~~<<~~", size=(63, 32), position=(left, top), msg=[['prev']]), REMOTENEXT=Button(caption="~~>>~~", size=(63, 32), position=(left + 64, top), msg=[['next']]), linkages={ ("REMOTEPREV", "outbox"): ("self", "outbox"), ("REMOTENEXT", "outbox"): ("self", "outbox"), })
def buildPalette(cols, order, topleft=(0,0), size=32): buttons = {} links = {} pos = topleft i=0 # Interesting/neat trick MPS for col in order: buttons[col] = Button(caption="", position=pos, size=(size,size), bgcolour=cols[col], msg=cols[col]) links[ (col,"outbox") ] = ("self","outbox") pos = (pos[0] + size, pos[1]) i=i+1 return Graphline( linkages = links, **buttons )
def PagingControls(left, top): return Graphline(PREV=Button(caption="<<", size=(63, 32), position=(left, top), msg='prev'), NEXT=Button(caption=">>", size=(63, 32), position=(left + 64, top), msg='next'), CHECKPOINT=Button(caption="Checkpoint", size=(63, 32), position=(left + 128, top), msg="checkpoint"), NEWPAGE=Button(caption="New Page", size=(63, 32), position=(left + 192, top), msg="new"), linkages={ ("PREV", "outbox"): ("self", "outbox"), ("NEXT", "outbox"): ("self", "outbox"), ("CHECKPOINT", "outbox"): ("self", "outbox"), ("NEWPAGE", "outbox"): ("self", "outbox"), })
"""Pre-render the image to go on the button label.""" #TODO: render an image to the button instead of the caption self.image = pygame.image.load(text) (w,h) = self.image.get_size() if not self.size: self.size = (w + 2*self.margin, h + 2*self.margin) self.imagePosition = (self.margin, self.margin) else: self.imagePosition = ( (self.size[0]-w)/2, (self.size[1]-h)/2 ) __kamaelia_components__ = ( ImageButton, ) if __name__ == "__main__": from pygame.locals import * from Kamaelia.Chassis.PAR import PAR from Kamaelia.Chassis.Pipeline import Pipeline from Kamaelia.Util.Console import ConsoleEchoer import os Pipeline( PAR( ImageButton(caption='../../../Examples/SupportingMediaFiles/cat-logo.png',key=K_SPACE,msg="cat"), Button(caption="Press SPACE or click",key=K_SPACE, msg="space"), Button(caption="Reverse colours",fgcolour=(255,255,255),bgcolour=(0,0,0), msg="reverse"), Button(caption="Mary...",msg="Mary had a little lamb", position=(200,100)), ), ConsoleEchoer(), ).run()
if command[0] == "DEL": if selected: nodeId = nodeId + 1 self.send(["del", "node", selected], "outbox") if command[0] == "RELABEL": if selected: randomword = l[random.randint(0, len(l) - 1)].strip() self.send(["relabel", selected, randomword], "outbox") self.send(["select", selected], "outbox") yield 1 Graphline(SOURCE=Source(iterable=relabel_commands, delay=0.3), CLEAR=Button(caption="Clear", msg=["del", "all"], position=(0, 690), size=(64, 32)), ADD=Button(caption="Add Child Node", msg=["ADD"], position=(70, 690), size=(94, 32)), DEL=Button(caption="Del Node", msg=["DEL"], position=(170, 690), size=(64, 32)), RELABEL=Button(caption="Relabel Node", msg=["RELABEL"], position=(240, 690), size=(94, 32)), CORELOGIC=CoreLogic(), TOPOLOGY=MyFoo(),
def calibButton(left, top): return Button(caption="Calibrate", size=(63, 32), position=(left, top))
).activate() # # Debugging console # from Kamaelia.Util.Console import ConsoleReader from Kamaelia.Visualisation.Axon.AxonVisualiserServer import text_to_token_lists Pipeline(ConsoleReader(), text_to_token_lists(), PublishTo("VisualiserControl")).activate() Graphline(SEMANTIC_EVENTS=SubscribeTo("Panel_Events"), SELECTION_EVENTS=SubscribeTo("VisualiserEvents"), TOPOLOGY_VISUALISER=PublishTo("VisualiserControl"), CODE_DISPLAY=PublishTo("Display"), MAKELINK=Button(caption="make link", size=(63, 32), position=(800, 0), msg="LINK"), CENTRAL_CONTROL=Magic(), CODE_GENERATOR=CodeGen(), linkages={ ("SEMANTIC_EVENTS", "outbox"): ("CENTRAL_CONTROL", "from_panel"), ("SELECTION_EVENTS", "outbox"): ("CENTRAL_CONTROL", "from_topology"), ("MAKELINK", "outbox"): ("CENTRAL_CONTROL", "makelink"), ("CENTRAL_CONTROL", "to_topology"): ("TOPOLOGY_VISUALISER", "inbox"), ("CENTRAL_CONTROL", "to_serialiser"): ("CODE_GENERATOR", "inbox"), ("CODE_GENERATOR", "outbox"): ("CODE_DISPLAY", "inbox"), }).run()
).activate() R_ = PygameWrapper(wrap=READER, position=(-2, -2, -10), rotation=(20, 10, 0)).activate() W_ = PygameWrapper(wrap=WRITER, position=(2, 2, -10), rotation=(20, 10, 0)).activate() S_ = PygameWrapper(wrap=SCREEN, position=(-2, 2, -10), rotation=(20, 10, 0)).activate() i1 = MatchedTranslationInteractor(target=R_).activate() i2 = MatchedTranslationInteractor(target=W_).activate() i3 = MatchedTranslationInteractor(target=S_).activate() button1 = Button(caption="QUIT", msg="QUIT").activate() class Quitter(Axon.Component.component): def main(self): self.pause() yield 1 self.scheduler.stop() Pipeline( READER, WRITER, ).activate() Pipeline(
render_right=350, render_top=0, render_bottom=250).activate() TICKER1WRAPPER = PygameWrapperPlane(wrap=TICKER1, pos=Vector(-2, 1, -10), name="1st Wrapper Plane").activate() TICKER2 = Ticker(position=(400, 300), render_left=0, render_right=350, render_top=0, render_bottom=250).activate() TICKER2WRAPPER = PygameWrapperPlane(wrap=TICKER2, pos=Vector(2, 1, -10), name="2nd Wrapper Plane").activate() BUTTON = Button(caption="This button...", msg="...can be moved AND activated!", key=pygame.K_SPACE).activate() BUTTONWRAPPER = PygameWrapperPlane(wrap=BUTTON, pos=Vector(0, 1.5, -5), name="2nd Wrapper Plane").activate() MAGNADOODLE = MagnaDoodle(size=(255, 255)).activate() MAGNADOODLEWRAPPER = PygameWrapperPlane( wrap=MAGNADOODLE, pos=Vector(-2, -2, -10), name="Magna Doodle Wrapper Plane").activate() ECHO = consoleEchoer().activate() CUBE = SimpleCube(pos=Vector(2, -2, -10)).activate() CUBEROTATOR = CubeRotator().activate(), "outbox"), (TICKER2, "inbox")), "outbox"), (TICKER2, "inbox")), "outbox"), (TICKER2, "inbox"))
def SaveDeck(left, top): return Button(caption="Save Deck", size=(63, 32), position=(left, top), msg="savedeck")
def ClearPage(left, top): return Button(caption="Clear", size=(63, 32), position=(left, top), msg=[["clear"]])
def Eraser(left, top): return Button(caption="Eraser", size=(64, 32), position=(left, top))
def Quit(left, top): return Button(caption="Quit", size=(63, 32), position=(left, top), msg="quit")
def main(self): """Main loop.""" # pgd = PygameDisplay( width=300, height=550 ).activate() # PygameDisplay.setDisplayService(pgd) displayservice = PygameDisplay.getDisplayService(), "display_signal"), displayservice) self.send(self.dispRequest, "display_signal") for _ in self.waitBox("callback"): yield 1 self.display = self.recv("callback") # colour buttons rgbutton = Button(caption="Red/Green", position=(self.position[0], self.position[1] + self.size[1] + 5), msg=("Colour", "RG")).activate() rbbutton = Button(caption="Red/Blue", position=(self.position[0] + 70, self.position[1] + self.size[1] + 5), msg=("Colour", "RB")).activate() gbbutton = Button(caption="Green/Blue", position=(self.position[0] + 140, self.position[1] + self.size[1] + 5), msg=("Colour", "GB")).activate(), "outbox"), (self, "buttons")), "outbox"), (self, "buttons")), "outbox"), (self, "buttons")) # Initial render so we don't see a blank screen self.drawBG() # self.render() if self.editable: self.send( { "ADDLISTENEVENT": pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN, "surface": self.display }, "display_signal") self.send( { "ADDLISTENEVENT": pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP, "surface": self.display }, "display_signal") self.send( { "ADDLISTENEVENT": pygame.MOUSEMOTION, "surface": self.display }, "display_signal") done = False while not done: if not self.anyReady(): self.pause() yield 1 while self.dataReady("buttons"): bmsg = self.recv("buttons") if bmsg[0] == "Colour": self.colours = bmsg[1] self.drawBG() while self.dataReady("control"): cmsg = self.recv("control") if (isinstance(cmsg, producerFinished)): self.send(cmsg, "signal") done = True while self.dataReady("inbox"): for event in self.recv("inbox"): if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if self.display.get_rect().collidepoint(*event.pos): self.mouseDown = True self.puckPos = event.pos self.render() if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP: if self.mouseDown: self.puckPos = event.pos self.render() self.mouseDown = False if event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION and self.mouseDown: if self.display.get_rect().collidepoint(*event.pos): self.puckPos = event.pos self.render()
n = n + 1 if self.dataReady("delnode"): self.recv("delnode") if node is not None: self.send(("DEL", "NODE", node), "nodeevents") if self.dataReady("linknode"): self.recv("linknode") if node is not None: linkstart = node linkmode = True TVC = TopologyViewerComponent(position=(0, 0)).activate() Graphline(NEW=Button(caption="New Component", msg="NEXT", position=(72, 8)), EDIT=Button(caption="Edit Component", msg="NEXT", position=(182, 8)), DEL=Button(caption="Delete Component", msg="NEXT", position=(292, 8)), LINK=Button(caption="Make Link", msg="NEXT", position=(402, 8)), CONSOLEINPUT=pipeline( ConsoleReader(">>> "), chunks_to_lines(), lines_to_tokenlists(), ), EDITOR_LOGIC=EditorLogic(), DEBUG=ConsoleEchoer(), TVC=TVC, linkages={ ("CONSOLEINPUT", "outbox"): ("TVC", "inbox"), ("NEW", "outbox"): ("EDITOR_LOGIC", "newnode"),
def LoadDeck(left, top): return Button(caption="Load Deck", size=(63, 32), position=(left, top), msg="loaddeck")
Backplane("VIS").activate() Backplane("UI_Events").activate() X = Pipeline( SubscribeTo("VIS"), chunks_to_lines(), lines_to_tokenlists(), AxonVisualiser(position=(0,0)), ConsoleEchoer(forwarder=True), PublishTo("UI_Events"), ).activate() Graphline( EXAMPLE = example, ADDASSET = Button(caption="ADD ASSET", position=(800, 20), msg='add'), LINKER = Button(caption="LINK", position=(800, 53), msg=("MAKELINKTO",) ), EVENTS = SubscribeTo("UI_Events"), MAGIC = Magic(), ASSETS = AssetManager(), CONTROL = PublishTo("VIS"), linkages = { ("EVENTS","outbox") : ("MAGIC","nodeselect"), ("LINKER","outbox") : ("MAGIC","makelink"), ("ADDASSET","outbox") : ("ASSETS","inbox"), ("MAGIC","outbox") : ("CONTROL","inbox"), ("ASSETS","outbox") : ("CONTROL","inbox"), ("EXAMPLE","outbox") : ("CONTROL","inbox"), # This can be removed at a later date } ).activate()
def ClearScribbles(left, top): return Button(caption="Close Deck", size=(63, 32), position=(left, top), msg="clearscribbles")
from Kamaelia.Util.ConsoleEcho import consoleEchoer from Kamaelia.Util.Graphline import Graphline from Kamaelia.UI.Pygame.Button import Button from Kamaelia.UI.Pygame.Ticker import Ticker from SimpleCube import SimpleCube from TexPlane import TexPlane from pygame.locals import * Display3D.getDisplayService()[0].overridePygameDisplay() Graphline(CUBE=SimpleCube(pos=Vector(3, 3, -15)), PLANE=TexPlane(pos=Vector(-3, 0, -10), tex="Kamaelia.png", name="1st Tex Plane"), BUTTON1=Button(caption="Press SPACE or click", key=K_SPACE), BUTTON2=Button(caption="Reverse colours", fgcolour=(255, 255, 255), bgcolour=(0, 0, 0)), BUTTON3=Button(caption="Mary...", msg="Mary had a little lamb", position=(200, 100)), ROTATOR=CubeRotator(), MOVER=CubeMover(), BUZZER=CubeBuzzer(), ECHO=consoleEchoer(), TICKER=Ticker(position=(400, 300), render_left=0, render_right=350, render_top=0, render_bottom=257),
def Delete(left, top): return Button(caption="Delete Slide", size=(63, 32), position=(left, top), msg="delete")
self.send(["select", selected], "outbox") yield 1 import Shard import LoopShard import ComponentShard items = [ Shard.shard, Shard.docShard, LoopShard.forShard, LoopShard.whileShard, ComponentShard.componentShard ] Graphline( CLEAR=Button(caption="Clear", msg=["del", "all"], position=(0, 690), size=(64, 32)), GEN=Button(caption="Generate", msg=["GEN"], position=(70, 690), size=(64, 32)), DEL=Button(caption="Del Node", msg=["DEL"], position=(140, 690), size=(64, 32)), RELABEL=Button(caption="Relabel Node", msg=["RELABEL"], position=(210, 690), size=(94, 32)), CORELOGIC=CoreLogic(), TOPOLOGY=MyBoxes(),
def main(self): """Main loop.""" # pgd = PygameDisplay( width=300, height=550 ).activate() # PygameDisplay.setDisplayService(pgd) displayservice = PygameDisplay.getDisplayService(), "display_signal"), displayservice) self.send(self.dispRequest, "display_signal") for _ in self.waitBox("callback"): yield 1 self.display = self.recv("callback") # colour buttons if self.colourSelector: rgbutton = Button(caption="Red/Green", position=(10, 170), msg=("Colour", "RG")).activate() rbbutton = Button(caption="Red/Blue", position=(80, 170), msg=("Colour", "RB")).activate() gbbutton = Button(caption="Green/Blue", position=(145, 170), msg=("Colour", "GB")).activate(), "outbox"), (self, "buttons")), "outbox"), (self, "buttons")), "outbox"), (self, "buttons")) # tool buttons circleb = Button(caption="Circle", position=(10, 10), msg=(("Tool", "Circle"), )).activate() eraseb = Button(caption="Eraser", position=(100, 10), msg=(("Tool", "Eraser"), )).activate() lineb = Button(caption="Line", position=(10, 50), msg=(("Tool", "Line"), )).activate() bucketb = Button(caption="Bucket", position=(10, 90), msg=(("Tool", "Bucket"), )).activate() eyeb = Button(caption="Eyedropper", position=(10, 130), msg=(("Tool", "Eyedropper"), )).activate() addlayerb = Button(caption="Add Layer", position=(10, 540), msg=(("Layer", "Add"), )).activate() prevlayerb = Button(caption="<-", position=(80, 540), msg=(("Layer", "Prev"), )).activate() nextlayerb = Button(caption="->", position=(110, 540), msg=(("Layer", "Next"), )).activate() dellayerb = Button(caption="Delete", position=(140, 540), msg=(("Layer", "Delete"), )).activate(), "outbox"), (self, "outbox"), passthrough=2), "outbox"), (self, "outbox"), passthrough=2), "outbox"), (self, "outbox"), passthrough=2), "outbox"), (self, "outbox"), passthrough=2), "outbox"), (self, "outbox"), passthrough=2), "outbox"), (self, "outbox"), passthrough=2), "outbox"), (self, "outbox"), passthrough=2), "outbox"), (self, "outbox"), passthrough=2), "outbox"), (self, "outbox"), passthrough=2) SizePicker = XYPad(size=(255, 50), bouncingPuck=False, position=(10, 480), bgcolour=(0, 0, 0), fgcolour=(255, 255, 255), slider=True).activate(), "outbox"), (self, "outbox"), passthrough=2) AlphaPicker = XYPad(size=(255, 20), bouncingPuck=False, position=(10, 575), bgcolour=(0, 0, 0), fgcolour=(255, 255, 255), slider=True, alpha=True).activate(), "outbox"), (self, "outbox"), passthrough=2) #clock - don't really need this FPS = 60 clock = Clock(float(1) / FPS).activate(), "outbox"), (self, "newframe")) # Initial render so we don't see a blank screen self.drawBG() # self.render() if self.editable: self.send( { "ADDLISTENEVENT": pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN, "surface": self.display }, "display_signal") self.send( { "ADDLISTENEVENT": pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP, "surface": self.display }, "display_signal") self.send( { "ADDLISTENEVENT": pygame.MOUSEMOTION, "surface": self.display }, "display_signal") done = False while not done: if not self.anyReady(): self.pause() yield 1 while self.dataReady("buttons"): bmsg = self.recv("buttons") if bmsg[0] == "Colour": self.colours = bmsg[1] self.drawBG() while self.dataReady("control"): cmsg = self.recv("control") if (isinstance(cmsg, producerFinished)): self.send(cmsg, "signal") done = True while self.dataReady("inbox"): for event in self.recv("inbox"): if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: self.clickTime = time.time() if self.slider: self.sliderPos = event.pos[0] self.drawBG() if self.display.get_rect().collidepoint(*event.pos): self.mouseDown = True self.isBouncing = False self.mousePositions = [] self.puckVel = [0, 0] self.puckPos = list(event.pos) self.lastMousePos = event.pos self.send( (self.messagePrefix + self.positionMsg, (float(self.puckPos[0]) / self.size[0], float(self.puckPos[1]) / self.size[1])), "localChanges") self.send((self.messagePrefix + "Velocity", self.puckVel), "localChanges") if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP: if self.mouseDown: if self.slider: self.sliderPos = event.pos[0] self.drawBG() if (self.bouncingPuck and time.time() - self.clickTime > 0.1): # Click and drag self.isBouncing = True if len(self.mousePositions): for i in xrange(2): # Use the average of the last 50 # relative mouse positions positions = [ x[i] for x in self.mousePositions ] self.puckVel[i] = sum(positions) self.puckVel[i] /= float( len(positions)) else: # Just a click self.puckVel = [0, 0] self.render() self.send((self.messagePrefix + "Velocity", self.puckVel), "localChanges") self.mouseDown = False if event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION and self.mouseDown: if self.slider: self.sliderPos = event.pos[0] self.drawBG() if self.display.get_rect().collidepoint(*event.pos): # We are dragging inside the display # Keep a buffer of 50 mouse positions if len(self.mousePositions) > 50: del self.mousePositions[0] relPos = [] for i in xrange(2): relPos.append(event.pos[i] - self.lastMousePos[i]) self.mousePositions.append(relPos) # Move the puck to where the mouse is and remember # where it is self.puckPos = list(event.pos) self.lastMousePos = event.pos self.send( (self.messagePrefix + self.positionMsg, (float(self.puckPos[0]) / self.size[0], float(self.puckPos[1]) / self.size[1])), "localChanges") self.render() if self.dataReady("remoteChanges"): bundle = self.recv("remoteChanges") # The action to take is given by the last section of the # OSC address - this should maybe be done by a component and # we just listen for ("Velocity", (xVel, yVel)) tuples action = bundle[0].split("/")[-1] if action == "Velocity": if self.bouncingPuck: self.puckVel = bundle[1] self.isBouncing = 1 elif action == "Position": for i in xrange(2): self.puckPos[i] = self.size[i] * bundle[1][i] self.render() if self.dataReady("newframe"): # Time to render a new frame # Clear any backlog of render messages while self.dataReady("newframe"): self.recv("newframe") # Change the direction of the puck if it hits a wall if self.isBouncing: self.processCollisions() if self.isBouncing: # Update the position for i in xrange(2): self.puckPos[i] += self.puckVel[i] self.render()
def main(self): """Main loop.""" displayservice = PygameDisplay.getDisplayService(), "display_signal"), displayservice) self.send(self.dispRequest, "display_signal") for _ in self.waitBox("callback"): yield 1 self.display = self.recv("callback") # tool buttons circleb = Button(caption="Circle", position=(10, 10), msg=(("Tool", "Circle"), )).activate() eraseb = Button(caption="Eraser", position=(100, 10), msg=(("Tool", "Eraser"), )).activate() lineb = Button(caption="Line", position=(10, 50), msg=(("Tool", "Line"), )).activate() bucketb = Button(caption="Bucket", position=(10, 90), msg=(("Tool", "Bucket"), )).activate() eyeb = Button(caption="Eyedropper", position=(10, 130), msg=(("Tool", "Eyedropper"), )).activate() addlayerb = Button(caption="Add Layer", position=(10, 540), msg=(("Layer", "Add"), )).activate() prevlayerb = Button(caption="<-", position=(80, 540), msg=(("Layer", "Prev"), )).activate() nextlayerb = Button(caption="->", position=(110, 540), msg=(("Layer", "Next"), )).activate() dellayerb = Button(caption="Delete", position=(140, 540), msg=(("Layer", "Delete"), )).activate(), "outbox"), (self, "outbox"), passthrough=2), "outbox"), (self, "outbox"), passthrough=2), "outbox"), (self, "outbox"), passthrough=2), "outbox"), (self, "outbox"), passthrough=2), "outbox"), (self, "outbox"), passthrough=2), "outbox"), (self, "outbox"), passthrough=2), "outbox"), (self, "outbox"), passthrough=2), "outbox"), (self, "outbox"), passthrough=2), "outbox"), (self, "outbox"), passthrough=2) colSel = ColourSelector(position=(10, 170), size=(255, 255)).activate(), "outbox"), (self, "outbox"), passthrough=2) SizeSlider = Slider(size=(255, 50), messagePrefix="Size", position=(10, 460), default=9).activate(), "outbox"), (self, "outbox"), passthrough=2) AlphaSlider = Slider(size=(255, 10), messagePrefix="Alpha", position=(10, 515), default=255).activate(), "outbox"), (self, "outbox"), passthrough=2) self.drawBG() done = False while not done: if not self.anyReady(): self.pause() yield 1
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # from Kamaelia.UI.Pygame.Button import Button from Kamaelia.Util.Chooser import Chooser from Kamaelia.Visualisation.PhysicsGraph.lines_to_tokenlists import lines_to_tokenlists from Kamaelia.Visualisation.PhysicsGraph.TopologyViewer import TopologyViewer from Kamaelia.Chassis.Pipeline import Pipeline graph = """\ ADD NODE TCPClient TCPClient auto - ADD NODE VorbisDecode VorbisDecode auto - ADD NODE AOPlayer AOPlayer auto - ADD LINK TCPClient VorbisDecode ADD LINK VorbisDecode AOPlayer ADD NODE Multicast_Transceiver Multicast_Transceiver auto - ADD NODE detuple detuple auto - ADD LINK Multicast_Transceiver detuple DEL NODE TCPClient ADD LINK detuple VorbisDecode DEL ALL """.split("\n") Pipeline( Button(caption="Next", msg="NEXT", position=(72,8)), Chooser(items = graph), lines_to_tokenlists(), TopologyViewer(transparency = (255,255,255), showGrid = False), ).run()
#files = os.listdir(path) #files = [ os.path.join(path,fname) for fname in files if fname[-len(extn):]==extn ] #files.sort() allfiles = os.listdir(path) files = list() for fname in allfiles: if fname[-len(extn):] == extn: files.append(os.path.join(path, fname)) files.sort() Graphline(CHOOSER=Chooser(items=files), IMAGE=Image(size=(800, 600), position=(0, 0)), NEXT=Button(caption="Next", msg="NEXT", position=(64, 0), transparent=True), PREVIOUS=Button(caption="Previous", msg="PREV", position=(0, 0), transparent=True), FIRST=Button(caption="First", msg="FIRST", position=(256, 0), transparent=True), LAST=Button(caption="Last", msg="LAST", position=(320, 0), transparent=True), linkages={ ("NEXT", "outbox"): ("CHOOSER", "inbox"),
laws=AxonLaws(), particleTypes=particleTypes) SANDBOX = Sandbox() Graphline(CONSOLEINPUT=pipeline( ConsoleReader(">>> "), chunks_to_lines(), lines_to_tokenlists(), ), DEBUG=ConsoleEchoer(forwarder=True), TVC=TVC, INTROSPECTOR=pipeline(Introspector(SANDBOX), chunks_to_lines(), lines_to_tokenlists()), SANDBOX=SANDBOX, NEW=Button(caption="New Component", msg="NEXT", position=(8, 8)), CHANGE=Button(caption="Change Component", msg="NEXT", position=(128, 8)), DEL=Button(caption="Delete Component", msg="NEXT", position=(256, 8)), LINK=Button(caption="Make Link", msg="NEXT", position=(402, 8)), UNLINK=Button(caption="Break Link", msg="NEXT", position=(480, 8)), GO=Button(caption="Activate!", msg="NEXT", position=(590, 8)), EDITOR_LOGIC=EditorLogic(), CED=ComponentEditor(classes), linkages={ ("CONSOLEINPUT", "outbox"): ("SANDBOX", "inbox"), ("LINK", "outbox"): ("EDITOR_LOGIC", "linknode"), ("UNLINK", "outbox"): ("EDITOR_LOGIC", "unlinknode"), ("CHANGE", "outbox"): ("EDITOR_LOGIC", "changenode"),
path = "Slides" extn = ".gif" allfiles = os.listdir(path) files = list() K_esc = 27 for fname in allfiles: if fname[-len(extn):] == extn: files.append(os.path.join(path, fname)) files.sort() g = Graphline( CHOOSER=Chooser(items=files), IMAGE=Image(size=(800, 600), position=(8, 48)), NEXT=Button(caption="Next", msg="NEXT", position=(72, 8)), PREVIOUS=Button(caption="Previous", msg="PREV", position=(8, 8)), FIRST=Button(caption="First", msg="FIRST", position=(256, 8)), LAST=Button(caption="Last", msg="LAST", position=(320, 8)), RANDOM=Button(caption="Random", msg="RANDOM", position=(500, 8)), #KeyEvent stuff keys=KeyEvent(key_events={K_esc: (shutdownMicroprocess(), "outbox")}), output=ConsoleEchoer(), linkages={ ("NEXT", "outbox"): ("CHOOSER", "inbox"), ("PREVIOUS", "outbox"): ("CHOOSER", "inbox"), ("FIRST", "outbox"): ("CHOOSER", "inbox"), ("LAST", "outbox"): ("CHOOSER", "inbox"), ("RANDOM", "outbox"): ("CHOOSER", "inbox"), ("CHOOSER", "outbox"): ("IMAGE", "inbox"), # ("keys", "outbox") : ("output", "inbox")
def makeBasicSketcher(left=0,top=0,width=1024,height=768): return Graphline( CANVAS = Canvas( position=(left,top+32), size=(width,height-32), displayExtra={ "transparency" : (255,255,255) }, ), PAINTER = Painter(), PALETTE = buildPalette( cols=colours, order=colours_order, topleft=(left+64,top), size=32 ), ERASER = Button(caption="Eraser", size=(64,32), position=(left,top)), PREV = Button(caption="<<", size=(63,32), position=(left+64+32*len(colours), top), msg='prev'), NEXT = Button(caption=">>", size=(63,32), position=(left+(64*2)+32*len(colours), top), msg='next'), CHECKPOINT = Button(caption="checkpoint", size=(63,32), position=(left+(64*3)+32*len(colours), top), msg="checkpoint"), CLEAR = Button(caption="clear", size=(63,32), position=(left+(64*4)+32*len(colours), top), msg=[["clear"]]), NEWPAGE = Button(caption="new page", size=(63,32), position=(left+(64*5)+32*len(colours), top), msg="new"), REMOTEPREV = Button(caption="~~<<~~", size=(63,32), position=(left+(64*6)+32*len(colours), top), msg=[['prev']]), REMOTENEXT = Button(caption="~~>>~~", size=(63,32), position=(left+(64*7)+32*len(colours), top), msg=[['next']]), PREFILTER = PreFilter(), HISTORY = CheckpointSequencer(lambda X: [["LOAD", "Scribbles/slide.%d.png" % (X,)]], lambda X: [["SAVE", "Scribbles//slide.%d.png" % (X,)]], lambda X: [["CLEAR"]], initial = 1, highest = num_pages, ), SPLIT = TwoWaySplitter(), SPLIT2 = TwoWaySplitter(), DEBUG = ConsoleEchoer(), linkages = { ("CANVAS", "eventsOut") : ("PAINTER", "inbox"), ("PALETTE", "outbox") : ("PAINTER", "colour"), ("ERASER", "outbox") : ("PAINTER", "erase"), ("CLEAR","outbox") : ("CANVAS", "inbox"), ("NEWPAGE","outbox") : ("HISTORY", "inbox"), # ("REMOTEPREV","outbox") : ("self", "outbox"), # ("REMOTENEXT","outbox") : ("self", "outbox"), ("REMOTEPREV","outbox") : ("SPLIT2", "inbox"), ("REMOTENEXT","outbox") : ("SPLIT2", "inbox"), ("SPLIT2", "outbox") : ("PREFILTER", "inbox"), ("SPLIT2", "outbox2") : ("self", "outbox"), # send to network ("PREV","outbox") : ("HISTORY", "inbox"), ("NEXT","outbox") : ("HISTORY", "inbox"), ("CHECKPOINT","outbox") : ("HISTORY", "inbox"), ("HISTORY","outbox") : ("CANVAS", "inbox"), ("PAINTER", "outbox") : ("SPLIT", "inbox"), ("SPLIT", "outbox") : ("CANVAS", "inbox"), ("SPLIT", "outbox2") : ("self", "outbox"), # send to network ("self", "inbox") : ("PREFILTER", "inbox"), ("PREFILTER", "outbox") : ("CANVAS", "inbox"), ("PREFILTER", "history_event") : ("HISTORY", "inbox"), ("CANVAS", "outbox") : ("self", "outbox"), ("CANVAS","surfacechanged") : ("HISTORY", "inbox"), }, )
import pypm import Axon from Kamaelia.Chassis.Graphline import Graphline from Kamaelia.UI.Pygame.Button import Button class MidiTest(Axon.Component.component): def __init__(self, port_number): super(MidiTest, self).__init__() pypm.Initialize() self.output = pypm.Output(port_number, 0) def main(self): while 1: if self.dataReady("inbox"): #Note on (with note num from inbox) if we get data self.output.WriteShort(0x90, self.recv("inbox"), 127) yield 1 if __name__ == "__main__": Graphline(bd=Button(caption="BD", msg=36, position=(0, 0)), sd=Button(caption="SD", msg=38, position=(50, 0)), hh=Button(caption="HH", msg=46, position=(100, 0)), midi_out=MidiTest(0), linkages={ ("bd", "outbox"): ("midi_out", "inbox"), ("hh", "outbox"): ("midi_out", "inbox"), ("sd", "outbox"): ("midi_out", "inbox"), }).run()
from Kamaelia.UI.Pygame.Ticker import Ticker from Kamaelia.UI.Pygame.Button import Button from SimpleCube import * import sys; sys.path.append("../pygame/") from MagnaDoodle import * sys.path.append("../../MPS/Systems/Paint/") from Paint import * Display3D.getDisplayService()[0].overridePygameDisplay() TEXT = datasource().activate() TICKER1 = Ticker(position = (400, 300), render_left = 0, render_right=350, render_top=0, render_bottom=250).activate() TICKER1WRAPPER = PygameWrapperPlane(wrap=TICKER1, pos=Vector(-2, 1,-10), name="1st Wrapper Plane").activate() TICKER2 = Ticker(position = (400, 300), render_left = 0, render_right=350, render_top=0, render_bottom=250).activate() TICKER2WRAPPER = PygameWrapperPlane(wrap=TICKER2, pos=Vector(2, 1,-10), name="2nd Wrapper Plane").activate() BUTTON = Button(caption="This button...",msg="...can be moved AND activated!", key=pygame.K_SPACE).activate() BUTTONWRAPPER = PygameWrapperPlane(wrap=BUTTON, pos=Vector(0, 1.5,-5), name="2nd Wrapper Plane").activate() MAGNADOODLE = MagnaDoodle(size=(255,255)).activate() MAGNADOODLEWRAPPER = PygameWrapperPlane(wrap=MAGNADOODLE, pos=Vector(-2, -2,-10), name="Magna Doodle Wrapper Plane").activate() ECHO = consoleEchoer().activate() CUBE = SimpleCube(pos = Vector(2,-2,-10)).activate() CUBEROTATOR = CubeRotator().activate(), "outbox"), (TICKER2, "inbox")), "outbox"), (TICKER2, "inbox")), "outbox"), (TICKER2, "inbox")), "outbox"), (TICKER1, "inbox")),"outbox"), (CUBE, "control3d"))