def __init__(self, config): Listener.__init__(self, config, "CommandExecutor", command_class=Command) self.logger.debug("Loaded succesfully")
def __init__(self, config): """ @param config: configuration data @type config: dictionary """ Listener.__init__(self, config, 'VolumeControl', command_class=VolumeCommand) self.devices = [] self.default_properties = {}
def __init__(self, config): """ @param config: configuration data @type config: L{LBRC.config} """ Listener.__init__(self, config, 'DBUSCaller', command_class=DBUSCall) self.logger.debug("Loaded succesfully")
def __init__(self, config): """ @param config: configuration data @type config: dictionary """ Listener.__init__(self, config, 'PresentationCompanion', command_class=CompanionCommand) self.visible = False self._write = False self.slide = 1 self.buffer = []
def __init__(self, config): """ @param config: configuration data @type config: dictionary """ Listener.__init__(self, config, "MPlayer") self.path = path() self.querytype = None self.querymap = None self.mplayer = None
def __init__( self, config ): """ @param config: configuration data @type config: dictionary """ if not display.Display().has_extension("XTEST"): raise ListenerInitFailedException( "X11-Extension XTEST not available") Listener.__init__(self, config, "XInput", command_class=X11Event) self.invoked = {} self.logger.debug("Loaded succesfully")
def __init__(self, config): """ Initialize the Plugin - In this plugin we only read the profile-switch key from the generic-config section of the config file. This key is interpreted as a keycode, that is generated, when a profile change shall be issued. @param config: configuration data @type config: L{LBRC.config} """ Listener.__init__(self, config, "ProfileSwitcher") self.profilestore = [] # Default Value for Profileswitcher Keycode will be the star key self._keycode = self.config.get_config_item_fb("profile-switch", 42)
def __init__( self, config ): """ The method initialises the uinput device and prior to that creates the eventsmap from the profiledata. In this process all uinput events are recorded and the corresponding eventmasks are set on the uinput device. This means, that all uinput events, from any profile have to be present at this point! @param config: configuration data @type config: dictionary """ Listener.__init__(self, config, "UInputDispatcher") self.path = path() self.invoked = {} self.uinput_dev = None self.uinputbridge = None self._start_uinput_bridge() self._open_uinput_dev()
def __init__(self, config): Listener.__init__(self, config, "CommandExecutor", command_class=Command);
def __init__(self, config): """ @param config: configuration data @type config: L{LBRC.config} """ Listener.__init__(self, config, 'DBUSCaller', command_class=DBUSCall)