def test_LEDsim_instruct_invalid():
    L = 20
    grid = LEDsimulator.LEDgrid(L)
    # Turn on initial group of lights and count
    grid.lights[0:10, 0:10] = 1
    count_init = grid.count()
    # Apply invalid instructions
    instructions = [
        'activate 5,5 through 15,15', 'turn off 5,s through 15,15',
        'turn on 5,5 to 15,15'
    for instruct in instructions:


    # Check on/off pattern correct
    on_coords = ((0, 0), (5, 5), (0, 9), (9, 0))
    off_coords = ((10, 10), (15, 15), (0, 10), (10, 0))

    for coord in on_coords:
        assert grid.lights[coord[1], coord[0]] == 1
    for coord in off_coords:
        assert grid.lights[coord[1], coord[0]] == 0

    # Check count has not changed from initial value, i.e. invalid instruction has been ignored
    assert grid.count() == count_init
Exemple #2
def main(input=None):
    """Console script for LEDtester."""

    t1 = time.time()

    if not input == None:

        # Parse instructions from text file
        print('input:', input)
        L, instructions = utils.parse_file(input)

        # Instantiate LED grid object
        grid = LEDsimulator.LEDgrid(L)

        # Apply instructions to grid object
        invalid_count = 0

        for instruction in instructions:
            invalid_count += grid.apply(
            )  # applies instruction and then returns 0, or 1 if invalid instruction

        # Output number of lights that are on after all instructions carried out
        print(grid.count(), 'LEDs are on')
        print('Number of invalid instructions:', invalid_count)
        # Output time taken to calculate
        t2 = time.time()
        print('Calculation time:', t2 - t1, 'seconds')

            "Error: No input argument was given. The command requires a single filepath or a URI as its argument."

    return 0
def test_LEDsim_construct():
    L = 10
    grid = LEDsimulator.LEDgrid(L)

    assert isinstance(grid.lights, np.ndarray)
    assert grid.lights.shape == (L, L)
    assert grid.lights.sum() == 0
def test_LEDsim_count():
    L = 10
    grid = LEDsimulator.LEDgrid(L)
    assert grid.count() == 0

    grid.lights[2:5, 1:3] = 1
    assert grid.count() == 6
Exemple #5
def test_parse_invalid_uri():
    file = 'http://dsafdfghklk.hkh/file'
    L, instructions = utils.parse_file(file)
    assert L == 0
    assert instructions[0] == 'error'

    grid = LEDsimulator.LEDgrid(10)
    grid.lights[4, 4] = 1

    for instruction in instructions:


    assert grid.count() == 1
def test_parse_invalid_filepath():
    file = './data/doesnotexist.txt'
    L, instructions = utils.parse_file(file)
    assert L == 0
    assert instructions[0] == 'error'

    grid = LEDsimulator.LEDgrid(10)
    grid.lights[4, 4] = 1

    for instruction in instructions:


    assert grid.count() == 1
def test_LEDsim_instruct_on():
    L = 20
    grid = LEDsimulator.LEDgrid(L)
    instruction = 'turn on 0,0 through 9,9'


    # Check on/off pattern correct
    on_coords = ((0, 0), (5, 5), (0, 9), (9, 0))
    off_coords = ((10, 10), (15, 15), (0, 10), (10, 0))

    for coord in on_coords:
        assert grid.lights[coord[1], coord[0]] == 1, coord
    for coord in off_coords:
        assert grid.lights[coord[1], coord[0]] == 0, coord

    # Check count
    assert grid.count() == 100
def test_LEDsim_instruct_invertedcoords():
    L = 10
    grid = LEDsimulator.LEDgrid(L)
    instruction = 'turn on 8,8 through 1,1'


    # Check on/off pattern correct
    on_coords = ((1, 1), (5, 5), (1, 5), (8, 1))
    off_coords = ((9, 9), (9, 0), (0, 9), (0, 0))

    for coord in on_coords:
        assert grid.lights[coord[1], coord[0]] == 1
    for coord in off_coords:
        assert grid.lights[coord[1], coord[0]] == 0

    # Check count
    assert grid.count() == 64
def test_LEDsim_instruct_switch():
    L = 20
    grid = LEDsimulator.LEDgrid(L)
    grid.lights[0:10, 0:10] = 1
    instruction = 'switch 2,2 through 10,10'


    # Check on/off pattern correct
    on_coords = ((0, 0), (0, 9), (9, 0), (10, 10))
    off_coords = ((2, 2), (2, 9), (9, 2), (12, 12))

    for coord in on_coords:
        assert grid.lights[coord[1], coord[0]] == 1, coord
    for coord in off_coords:
        assert grid.lights[coord[1], coord[0]] == 0, coord

    # Check count
    assert grid.count() == 20 + 16 + 9 + 8