def getAircraftStatus(self, aircraft_list): '''Returns a list of status for voyage''' voyage_list = LL_Voyages().get_voyage_list() voyage = [] for elem in aircraft_list: for line in voyage_list: if elem.planeInsignia == line.flightOut.aircraftID: check_status = LL_Voyages().checkVoyageStatus(line) if check_status == "Aircraft is in air" or check_status == "Aircraft has landed at destination": voyage.append(line) return voyage
def listByWeekFilter(self): ''' prints all voyages in a specific week ''' print("From") print("----") from_year_input = input("Year: ") from_year = LL_Employee().checkIfValidDate(from_year_input) if from_year == None: print("\n:: Not a valid year ::") else: from_month_input = input("Month: ") from_month = LL_Employee().checkIfValidDate(from_month_input) if from_month == None: print("\n:: Not a valid month ::") else: from_day_input = input("Day: ") from_day = LL_Employee().checkIfValidDate(from_day_input) if from_day == None: print("\n:: Not a valid day ::") else: print("\nTo") print("----") to_year_input = input("Year: ") to_year = LL_Employee().checkIfValidDate(to_year_input) if to_year == None: print("\n:: Not a valid year ::") else: to_month_input = input("Month: ") to_month = LL_Employee().checkIfValidDate(to_month_input) if to_month == None: print("\n:: Not a valid month ::") else: to_day_input = input("Day: ") to_day = LL_Employee().checkIfValidDate(to_day_input) if to_day == None: print("\n:: Not a valid day ::") else: print() from_date = datetime.datetime(from_year, from_month, from_day, 0, 0, 0).isoformat() to_date = datetime.datetime(to_year, to_month, to_day+1, 0, 0, 0).isoformat() result = LL_Voyages().Week_Time(from_date, to_date) print() if len(result) == 0: print(":: No Voyage on selected date ::") else: for voyage in result: status_now = self.VoyageStatusNow(voyage) crew_status = self.VoyageCrewStatus(voyage) print('{:>22} {} {:<22}'.format(voyage.flightOut.flightNumber, '-', voyage.flightBack.flightNumber)) print('.'*44,'\n') print('{}-{}: \n\t{} \n\t{}'.format(voyage.flightOut.departingFrom, voyage.flightOut.arrivingAt, voyage.flightOut.departure, voyage.flightOut.arrival)) print() print('{}-{}: \n\t{} \n\t{}'.format(voyage.flightBack.departingFrom, voyage.flightBack.arrivingAt, voyage.flightBack.departure, voyage.flightBack.arrival)) if crew_status == True: print('Crew: \n\tCaptain: {} \n\tCopilot: {} \n\tfsm: {} \n\tfa1: {} \n\tfa2: {}'.format(voyage.captain, voyage.copilot, voyage.fsm, voyage.fa1, voyage.fa2)) else: print() print(crew_status) print('\nStatus: \n\t{}'.format(status_now)) print()
def listEmployeesVoyagesInSpecificWeek(self): ''' prints a list of employyes voyages in specific week ''' name = input("Full name: ").title() usersWithName = LL_Employee().getOneEmployeeName(name) if len(usersWithName) == 0: print(":: No user with that name ::") else: for elem in usersWithName: ssn = elem.ssn print("From") print("----") from_year_input = input("Year: ") from_year = LL_Employee().checkIfValidDate(from_year_input) if from_year == None: print(":: Not a valid year ::") else: from_month_input = input("Month: ") from_month = LL_Employee().checkIfValidDate(from_month_input) if from_month == None: print(":: Not a valid month ::") else: from_day_input = input("Day: ") from_day = LL_Employee().checkIfValidDate(from_day_input) if from_day == None: print(":: Not a valid day ::") else: print("\nTo") print("----") to_year_input = input("Year: ") to_year = LL_Employee().checkIfValidDate(to_year_input) if to_year == None: print(":: Not a valid year ::") else: to_month_input = input("Month: ") to_month = LL_Employee().checkIfValidDate(to_month_input) if to_month == None: print(":: Not a valid month ::") else: to_day_input = input("Day: ") to_day = LL_Employee().checkIfValidDate(to_day_input) if to_day == None: print(":: Not a valid day ::") else: print() from_date = datetime.datetime(from_year, from_month, from_day, 0, 0, 0).isoformat() to_date = datetime.datetime(to_year, to_month, to_day+1, 0, 0, 0).isoformat() result = LL_Voyages().Week_Time(from_date, to_date) employee_list = LL_Employee().EmployeesVoyagesInSpecificWeek(ssn, result) for voyage in employee_list: print('{:>22} {} {:<22}'.format(voyage.flightOut.flightNumber, '-', voyage.flightBack.flightNumber)) print('.'*44,'\n') print('{}-{}: \n\t{} \n\t{}'.format(voyage.flightOut.departingFrom, voyage.flightOut.arrivingAt, voyage.flightOut.departure, voyage.flightOut.arrival)) print('{}-{}: \n\t{} \n\t{}'.format(voyage.flightBack.departingFrom, voyage.flightBack.arrivingAt, voyage.flightBack.departure, voyage.flightBack.arrival)) print('Crew: \n\tCaptain: {} \n\tCopilot: {} \n\tfsm: {} \n\tfa1: {} \n\tfa2: {}'.format(voyage.captain, voyage.copilot, voyage.fsm, voyage.fa1, voyage.fa2)) print()
def EmployeesWorking(self, start_time): '''Returns a dict of people working on specific day''' new_date = start_time.split('T') voyages = LL_Voyages().get_voyage_list() employees = LL_Employee().get_crew_list() employee_dict = {} for crewMember in employees: for voyage in voyages: if crewMember.ssn in [ voyage.captain, voyage.copilot, voyage.fsm, voyage.fa1, voyage.fa2 ]: if new_date[0] in voyage.flightOut.departure or new_date[ 0] in voyage.flightBack.arrival: employee_dict[crewMember] = voyage return employee_dict
def availableAircrafts(self, start_time): '''Returns a list of aircrafts available on a specific day''' new_date = start_time.split("T") voyages = LL_Voyages().get_voyage_list() aircrafts = self.get_aircrafts_list() result_aircraft = [] continue_i = ContinueI() for line in aircrafts: try: for voyage in voyages: if line.planeInsignia in [voyage.flightOut.aircraftID]: if new_date[ 0] in voyage.flightOut.departure or new_date[ 0] in voyage.flightBack.arrival: raise continue_i except ContinueI: continue result_aircraft.append(line) return result_aircraft
def listVoyage(self): ''' prints all voyages ''' result = LL_Voyages().get_voyage_list() if len(result) == 0: print(":: No Voyage on selected date ::") else: for voyage in result: status_now = self.VoyageStatusNow(voyage) crew_status = self.VoyageCrewStatus(voyage) print('{:>22} {} {:<22}'.format(voyage.flightOut.flightNumber, '-', voyage.flightBack.flightNumber)) print('.'*44,'\n') print('{}-{}: \n\t{} \n\t{}'.format(voyage.flightOut.departingFrom, voyage.flightOut.arrivingAt, voyage.flightOut.departure, voyage.flightOut.arrival)) print() print('{}-{}: \n\t{} \n\t{}'.format(voyage.flightBack.departingFrom, voyage.flightBack.arrivingAt, voyage.flightBack.departure, voyage.flightBack.arrival)) if crew_status == True: print('Crew: \n\tCaptain: {} \n\tCopilot: {} \n\tfsm: {} \n\tfa1: {} \n\tfa2: {}'.format(voyage.captain, voyage.copilot, voyage.fsm, voyage.fa1, voyage.fa2)) else: print() print(crew_status) print('\nStatus: \n\t{}'.format(status_now)) print()
def listByDateFilter(self): ''' prints all voyages on a specific day ''' year_input = input("Year: ") year = LL_Employee().checkIfValidDate(year_input) if year == None: print("\n:: Not a valid year::") else: month_input = input("Month: ") month = LL_Employee().checkIfValidDate(month_input) if month == None: print("\n:: Not a valid month ::") else: day_input = input("Day: ") day = LL_Employee().checkIfValidDate(day_input) if day == None: print("\n:: Not a valid day ::") else: print() date_time = datetime.datetime(year, month, day, 0, 0, 0).isoformat() result = LL_Voyages().Date_Time(date_time) print() if len(result) == 0: print(":: No Voyage on selected date ::") else: for voyage in result: status_now = self.VoyageStatusNow(voyage) crew_status = self.VoyageCrewStatus(voyage) print('{:>22} {} {:<22}'.format(voyage.flightOut.flightNumber, '-', voyage.flightBack.flightNumber)) print('.'*44,'\n') print('{}-{}: \n\t{} \n\t{}'.format(voyage.flightOut.departingFrom, voyage.flightOut.arrivingAt, voyage.flightOut.departure, voyage.flightOut.arrival)) print() print('{}-{}: \n\t{} \n\t{}'.format(voyage.flightBack.departingFrom, voyage.flightBack.arrivingAt, voyage.flightBack.departure, voyage.flightBack.arrival)) if crew_status == True: print('Crew: \n\tCaptain: {} \n\tCopilot: {} \n\tfsm: {} \n\tfa1: {} \n\tfa2: {}'.format(voyage.captain, voyage.copilot, voyage.fsm, voyage.fa1, voyage.fa2)) else: print() print(crew_status) print('\nStatus: \n\t{}'.format(status_now)) print()
def EmployeesNotWorking(self, start_time): '''Returns a list of people not working on specific day''' new_date = start_time.split('T') voyages = LL_Voyages().get_voyage_list() employees = self.get_crew_list() result_employees = [] continue_i = ContinueI() for crewMember in employees: try: for voyage in voyages: if crewMember.ssn in [ voyage.captain, voyage.copilot, voyage.fsm, voyage.fa1, voyage.fa2 ]: if new_date[ 0] in voyage.flightOut.departure or new_date[ 0] in voyage.flightBack.arrival: raise continue_i except ContinueI: continue result_employees.append(crewMember) return result_employees
def checkIfValidFlightTime(self, date_time): return LL_Voyages().checkIfValidFlightTime(date_time)
def checkIfValidFlightNumber(self, flightNumber): return LL_Voyages().checkIfValidFlightNumber(flightNumber)
def get_dest_id_list(self): return LL_Voyages().get_dest_id_list()
def create_flight(self, flightNumber, arrivingAt, date_time_ofDeparture, aircraftID): return LL_Voyages().create_flight(flightNumber, arrivingAt, date_time_ofDeparture, aircraftID)
def Week_Time(self, from_date, to_date): return LL_Voyages().Week_Time(from_date, to_date)
def Date_Time(self, datetime): return LL_Voyages().Date_Time(datetime)
def VoyageStatusNow(self, voyage): ''' Prints out the status of a voyage now ''' check_status = LL_Voyages().checkVoyageStatus(voyage) return check_status
def update_voyage_list(self, voyage_To_update): return LL_Voyages().update_voyage_list(voyage_To_update)
def get_upcomingFlight_list(self): return LL_Voyages().get_upcomingFlight_list()
def add_crew_to_voyage(self): '''Adds crew members to already existing voyage''' voyage_To_update = input("Enter flight number: ") update = LL_Voyages().update_voyage_list(voyage_To_update) voyage_list = LL_Voyages().get_upcomingFlight_list() if update: for elem in voyage_list: if elem.flightOut.flightNumber == voyage_To_update or elem.flightBack.flightNumber == voyage_To_update: captain_list = LL_Employee().CaptainNotWorking(elem.flightOut.departure) cap_with_lisence = LL_Employee().PilotWithLisence(captain_list, elem.flightOut.aircraftID) print("\n{:^44}".format("List of available licensed Captains")) print("."*44) for num, emp in enumerate(cap_with_lisence): print('{}: {} - {}'.format(num+1,, emp.rank)) print("_"*44) voyage_captain = int(input("Captain: ")) captain = cap_with_lisence[voyage_captain-1] copilot_list = LL_Employee().CopilotNotWorking(elem.flightOut.departure, captain) copi_with_lisence = LL_Employee().PilotWithLisence(copilot_list, elem.flightOut.aircraftID) print("\n{:^44}".format("List of available licensed Copilots")) print("."*44) for num, emp in enumerate(copi_with_lisence): print('{}: {} - {}'.format(num+1,, emp.rank)) print("_"*44) voyage_copilot = int(input("Copilot: ")) copilot = copi_with_lisence[voyage_copilot-1] fsm_list = LL_Employee().FsmNotWorking(elem.flightOut.departure) print("\n{:^44}".format("List of Flight Service Managers")) print("."*44) for num, emp in enumerate(fsm_list): print('{}: {} - {}'.format(num+1,, emp.rank)) print("_"*44) voyage_fsm = int(input("Flight Service Manager: ")) fsm = fsm_list[voyage_fsm-1] fa_list = LL_Employee().FaNotWorking(elem.flightOut.departure) print("\n{:^44}".format("List of Flight Attendants")) print("."*44) for num, emp in enumerate(fa_list): print('{}: {} - {}'.format(num+1,, emp.rank)) print("_"*44) voyage_fa1 = int(input("Flight Attendant 1: ")) voyage_fa2 = int(input("Flight Attendant 2: ")) fa1 = fa_list[voyage_fa1-1] fa2 = fa_list[voyage_fa2-1] voyage_WithCrew = Model_Voyage(elem.flightOut, elem.flightBack, captain.ssn, copilot.ssn, fsm.ssn, fa1.ssn, fa2.ssn) LL_Voyages().change_voyage(voyage_WithCrew) print("\n:: Crew has been added to voyage {} ::".format(voyage_To_update)) else: print("\n:: Not a valid flight number or crew has \nalready been added to voyage {} ::".format(voyage_To_update))
def VoyageCrewStatus(self, voyage): ''' Prints out the status of the crew now''' check_status = LL_Voyages().checkVoyageCrewStatus(voyage) return check_status
def checkVoyageCrewStatus(self, voyage): return LL_Voyages().checkVoyageCrewStatus(voyage)
def change_voyage(self, voyage_WithCrew): return LL_Voyages().change_voyage(voyage_WithCrew)
def get_voyage_list(self): return LL_Voyages().get_voyage_list()
def create_voyage(self): '''Gets all necessary input to create a new Voyage''' flightNumber = input('Enter flight number fx "NA0000" : ') update = LL_Voyages().checkIfValidFlightNumber(flightNumber) if update == False: print("\n:: Invalid flight number ::") else: dest_list = LL_Voyages().get_dest_id_list() print("\n{:^44}".format("List of Destiantions")) print("."*44) for num, elem in enumerate(dest_list): print('{}: {}'.format(num+1, elem)) print("_"*44) voyage_destiantion = int(input('Choose Destination: ')) arrivingAt = dest_list[voyage_destiantion-1] try: year = int(input("Enter Year of departure: ")) except ValueError: print("\n:: Not a valid year ::\n") year = int(input("Enter Year of departure: ")) try: month = int(input("Enter Month of departure: ")) except ValueError: print("\n:: Not a valid month ::\n") month = int(input("Enter Month of departure: ")) try: day = int(input("Enter Day of departure: ")) except ValueError: print("\n:: Not a valid day ::\n") day = int(input("Enter Day of departure: ")) try: hour = int(input("Enter Hour of departure: ")) except ValueError: print("\n:: Not a valid hour ::\n") hour = int(input("Enter Hour of departure: ")) try: minute = int(input("Enter Minute of departure: ")) except ValueError: print("\n:: Not a valid minute ::") minute = int(input("Enter Minute of departure: ")) date_time = datetime.datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, 0).isoformat() valid_FlightTime = LL_Voyages().checkIfValidFlightTime(date_time) if valid_FlightTime == False: print("\n:: Invalid flight time ::") else: aricraft_plainInsignia = LL_Aircrafts().availableAircrafts(date_time) print("\n{:^44}".format("List of available Aircrafts")) print("."*44) for num, elem in enumerate(aricraft_plainInsignia): print('{}: {}'.format(num+1, elem.planeInsignia)) print("_"*44) voyage_aircraft = int(input('Choose Aircraft: ')) aircraftID = aricraft_plainInsignia[voyage_aircraft-1] date_time_ofDeparture = datetime.datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, 0) LL_Voyages().create_flight(flightNumber, arrivingAt, date_time_ofDeparture, aircraftID.planeInsignia) print('\n:: Voyage to {} has been added ::'.format(arrivingAt))