Exemple #1
def sisters_(x, y, equality=False):
            Check if x,y are sisters in T
    if not(isFunctionNode(x) and isFunctionNode(y)):
        return False

    return (x.parent is not None) and x.parent == y.parent
Exemple #2
def sisters_(x, y, equality=False):
            Check if x,y are sisters in T
    if not (isFunctionNode(x) and isFunctionNode(y)):
        return False

    return (x.parent is not None) and x.parent == y.parent
Exemple #3
def schemestring(x, d=0, bv_names=None):
    """Outputs a scheme string in (lambda (x) (+ x 3)) format.

        x: We return the string for this FunctionNode.
        bv_names: A dictionary from the uuids to nicer names.

    if isinstance(x, str):
        return x
    elif isFunctionNode(x):

        if bv_names is None:
            bv_names = dict()

        name = x.name
        if isinstance(x, BVUseFunctionNode):
            name = bv_names.get(x.name, x.name)

        if x.args is None:
            return name
            if x.args is None:
                return name
            elif isinstance(x, BVAddFunctionNode):
                assert name is 'lambda'
                return "(%s (%s) %s)" % (name, x.added_rule.name,
                                         map(lambda a: schemestring(a, d+1, bv_names=bv_names), x.args))
                return "(%s %s)" % (name, map(lambda a: schemestring(a,d+1, bv_names=bv_names), x.args))
Exemple #4
def pystring(x, d=0, bv_names=None):
    """Output a string that can be evaluated by python; gives bound variables names based on their depth.

        bv_names: A dictionary from the uuids to nicer names.

    if isinstance(x, str):
        return x
    elif isFunctionNode(x):

        if bv_names is None:
            bv_names = dict()

        if x.name == "if_": # this gets translated
            assert len(x.args) == 3, "if_ requires 3 arguments!"
            # This converts from scheme (if bool s t) to python (s if bool else t)
            b = pystring(x.args[0], d=d+1, bv_names=bv_names)
            s = pystring(x.args[1], d=d+1, bv_names=bv_names)
            t = pystring(x.args[2], d=d+1, bv_names=bv_names)
            return '( %s if %s else %s )' % (s, b, t)
        elif x.name == '':
            assert len(x.args) == 1, "Null names must have exactly 1 argument"
            return pystring(x.args[0], d=d, bv_names=bv_names)
        elif x.name == ',': # comma join
            return ', '.join(map(lambda a: pystring(a, d=d, bv_names=bv_names), x.args))
        elif x.name == "apply_":
            assert x.args is not None and len(x.args)==2, "Apply requires exactly 2 arguments"
            #print ">>>>", self.args
            return '( %s )( %s )' % tuple(map(lambda a: pystring(a, d=d, bv_names=bv_names), x.args))
        elif x.name == 'lambda':
            # On a lambda, we must add the introduced bv, and then remove it again afterwards

            bvn = ''
            if isinstance(x, BVAddFunctionNode) and x.added_rule is not None:
                bvn = x.added_rule.bv_prefix+str(d)
                bv_names[x.added_rule.name] = bvn

            assert len(x.args) == 1
            ret = 'lambda %s: %s' % ( bvn, pystring(x.args[0], d=d+1, bv_names=bv_names) )

            if isinstance(x, BVAddFunctionNode) and x.added_rule is not None:
                    del bv_names[x.added_rule.name]
                except KeyError:

            return ret
        elif percent_s_regex.search(x.name): # If we match the python string substitution character %s, then format
            return x.name % tuple(map(lambda a: pystring(a, d=d+1, bv_names=bv_names), x.args))

            name = x.name
            if isinstance(x, BVUseFunctionNode):
                name = bv_names.get(x.name, x.name)

            if x.args is None:
                return name
                return name+'('+', '.join(map(lambda a: pystring(a, d=d+1, bv_names=bv_names), x.args))+')'
Exemple #5
    def iterate_subnodes(self, t, d=0, predicate=lambdaTrue, do_bv=True, yield_depth=False):
                Iterate through all subnodes of node *t*, while updating the added rules (bound variables)
                so that at each subnode, the grammar is accurate to what it was.

                if *do_bv*=False, we don't do bound variables (useful for things like counting nodes, instead of having to update the grammar)

                *yield_depth*: if True, we return (node, depth) instead of node
                *predicate*: filter only the ones that match this

                NOTE: if you DON'T iterate all the way through, you end up acculmulating bv rules
                so NEVER stop this iteration in the middle!
                TODO: Make this more elegant -- use BVCM
        if isFunctionNode(t):
            #  print "iterate subnode: ", t, t.added_rule
            if predicate(t):
                yield (t,d) if yield_depth else t
            #Define a new context that is the grammar with the rule added. Then, when we exit, it's still right 
            with BVRuleContextManager(self, t.added_rule):                    
                if t.args is not None:
                    for g in self.iterate_subnodes(t.args, d=d+1, do_bv=do_bv, yield_depth=yield_depth, predicate=predicate): # pass up anything from below
                        yield g

        elif isinstance(t, list):
            for a in t:
                for g in self.iterate_subnodes(a, d=d, do_bv=do_bv, yield_depth=yield_depth, predicate=predicate):
                    yield g
Exemple #6
def schemestring(x, d=0, bv_names=None):
    """Outputs a scheme string in (lambda (x) (+ x 3)) format.

        x: We return the string for this FunctionNode.
        bv_names: A dictionary from the uuids to nicer names.

    if isinstance(x, str):
        return x
    elif isFunctionNode(x):

        if bv_names is None:
            bv_names = dict()

        name = x.name
        if isinstance(x, BVUseFunctionNode):
            name = bv_names.get(x.name, x.name)

        if x.args is None:
            return name
            if x.args is None:
                return name
            elif isinstance(x, BVAddFunctionNode):
                assert name is 'lambda'
                return "(%s (%s) %s)" % (
                    name, x.added_rule.name,
                    map(lambda a: schemestring(a, d + 1, bv_names=bv_names),
                return "(%s %s)" % (
                    map(lambda a: schemestring(a, d + 1, bv_names=bv_names),
Exemple #7
def first_dominated_(x,t):
    # Returns the first thing dominating x of type t
    # And None otherwise
    if isFunctionNode(x):
        for sn in x:
            if is_nonterminal_type(sn, t): return sn

    return None
Exemple #8
def first_dominated_(x, t):
    # Returns the first thing dominating x of type t
    # And None otherwise
    if isFunctionNode(x):
        for sn in x:
            if is_nonterminal_type(sn, t): return sn

    return None
Exemple #9
def trim_leaves_(t):
        Take a tree t and replace terminal nodes (leaves) with their returntypes.
        next_(next_(((nine_ if True else four_) if equal_(ten_, ten_) else one_)))
        next_(next_(((WORD if BOOL else WORD) if equal_(WORD, WORD) else WORD)))        
        NOTE: This modifies t!
    if not isFunctionNode(t):
        return t
    elif t.is_terminal():
        return t.returntype
    if isFunctionNode(t) and t.args is not None:
        t.args = [ x.returntype if (isFunctionNode(x) and x.is_terminal()) else trim_leaves_(x) for x in t.args]
    return t
Exemple #10
 def recurse_down(y):
     #print "RD", y, "\t", x
     if isinstance(y, list):
         return any(map(recurse_down, filter(isFunctionNode, y)))
     elif isFunctionNode(y):
         if recurse_down(y.args) or immediately_dominates(y, x):
             anc.append(y)  # put y on the end
             return True
         return False
Exemple #11
def ancestors_(x):
    if not isFunctionNode(x):
        return []

    out = []
    while x.parent is not None:
        x = x.parent
    return out
Exemple #12
def ancestors_(x):
    if not isFunctionNode(x):
        return []

    out = []
    while x.parent is not None:
        x = x.parent
    return out
Exemple #13
 def recurse_down(y):
     #print "RD", y, "\t", x
     if isinstance(y,list):
         return any(map(recurse_down, filter(isFunctionNode, y)))
     elif isFunctionNode(y):
         if recurse_down(y.args) or immediately_dominates(y, x):
             anc.append(y) # put y on the end
             return True
         return False
Exemple #14
def trim_leaves_(t):
        Take a tree t and replace terminal nodes (leaves) with their returntypes.
        next_(next_(((nine_ if True else four_) if equal_(ten_, ten_) else one_)))
        next_(next_(((WORD if BOOL else WORD) if equal_(WORD, WORD) else WORD)))        
        NOTE: This modifies t!
    if not isFunctionNode(t):
        return t
    elif t.is_terminal():
        return t.returntype
    if isFunctionNode(t) and t.args is not None:
        t.args = [ x.returntype if (isFunctionNode(x) and x.is_terminal()) else trim_leaves_(x) for x in t.args]
    return t
Exemple #15
def co_refers(x,y):

    if x is y: return False # By stipulation, nothing co-refers to itself

    # Weird corner cases
    if isinstance(x,list) or isinstance(y,list): return False
    if x is None or y is None: return False

    ## Check if two FunctionNodes or strings co-refer (e.g. are indexed with the same .i in their name)
    xx = x.name if isFunctionNode(x) else x
    yy = y.name if isFunctionNode(y) else y

    mx = coref_matcher.search(xx)
    my = coref_matcher.search(yy)

    if mx is None or my is None:
        return False
        return (mx.groups("X")[0] == my.groups("Y")[0]) # set the default in groups so that they won't be equal if there is no match
Exemple #16
def first_dominating_(T, x, t):
    # Returns the first thing dominating x of type t
    # And None otherwise

    if isFunctionNode(x):
        up = tree_up(T, x)
        while up is not None:
            if is_nonterminal_type(up, t): return up
            up = tree_up(T, up)

    return None
Exemple #17
def first_dominating_(T,x,t):
    # Returns the first thing dominating x of type t
    # And None otherwise

    if isFunctionNode(x):
        up = tree_up(T,x)
        while up is not None:
            if is_nonterminal_type(up,t): return up
            up = tree_up(T,up)

    return None
Exemple #18
def co_refers(x, y):

    if x is y: return False  # By stipulation, nothing co-refers to itself

    # Weird corner cases
    if isinstance(x, list) or isinstance(y, list): return False
    if x is None or y is None: return False

    ## Check if two FunctionNodes or strings co-refer (e.g. are indexed with the same .i in their name)
    xx = x.name if isFunctionNode(x) else x
    yy = y.name if isFunctionNode(y) else y

    mx = coref_matcher.search(xx)
    my = coref_matcher.search(yy)

    if mx is None or my is None:
        return False
        return (
            mx.groups("X")[0] == my.groups("Y")[0]
        )  # set the default in groups so that they won't be equal if there is no match
Exemple #19
def fullstring(x, d=0, bv_names=None):
    A string mapping function that is for equality checking. This is necessary because pystring silently ignores
    FunctionNode.names that are ''. Here, we print out everything, including returntypes
    :param x:
    :param d:
    :param bv_names:

    if isinstance(x, str):
        return x
    elif isFunctionNode(x):

        if bv_names is None:
            bv_names = dict()

        if x.name == 'lambda':
            # On a lambda, we must add the introduced bv, and then remove it again afterwards

            bvn = ''
            if isinstance(x, BVAddFunctionNode) and x.added_rule is not None:
                bvn = x.added_rule.bv_prefix + str(d)
                bv_names[x.added_rule.name] = bvn

            assert len(x.args) == 1
            ret = 'lambda<%s> %s: %s' % (
                x.returntype, bvn,
                fullstring(x.args[0], d=d + 1, bv_names=bv_names))

            if isinstance(x, BVAddFunctionNode) and x.added_rule is not None:
                    del bv_names[x.added_rule.name]
                except KeyError:

            return ret

            name = x.name
            if isinstance(x, BVUseFunctionNode):
                name = bv_names.get(x.name, x.name)

            if x.args is None:
                return "%s<%s>" % (name, x.returntype)
                return "%s<%s>(%s)" % (name, x.returntype, ', '.join(
                    map(lambda a: fullstring(a, d=d + 1, bv_names=bv_names),
Exemple #20
	def is_terminal(self, x):    
		""" A terminal is not a nonterminal and either has no children or its children are terminals themselves """
		if self.is_nonterminal(x): return False
		if isinstance(x, list):
			for k in x: 
				if not self.is_terminal(k): return False
		if isFunctionNode(x): # if you are structured, you must not contain nonterminals below
			if self.args is not None:
				for k in x.args:
					if not self.is_terminal(k): return False
		# else we get here for strings, etc.
		return True
Exemple #21
def to_regex(fn):
            Custom mapping from a function node to a regular expression string (like, e.g. "(ab)*(c|d)" )
    assert isFunctionNode(fn)

    if fn.name == 'star_':         return '(%s)*'% to_regex(fn.args[0])
    elif fn.name == 'plus_':       return '(%s)+'% to_regex(fn.args[0])
    elif fn.name == 'question_':   return '(%s)?'% to_regex(fn.args[0])
    elif fn.name == 'or_':         return '(%s|%s)'% tuple(map(to_regex, fn.args))
    elif fn.name == 'str_append_': return '%s%s'% (fn.args[0], to_regex(fn.args[1]))
    elif fn.name == 'terminal_':   return '%s'%fn.args[0]
    elif fn.name == '':            return to_regex(fn.args[0])
        assert False, fn
Exemple #22
def fullstring(x, d=0, bv_names=None):
    A string mapping function that is for equality checking. This is necessary because pystring silently ignores
    FunctionNode.names that are ''. Here, we print out everything, including returntypes
    :param x:
    :param d:
    :param bv_names:

    if isinstance(x, str):
        return x
    elif isFunctionNode(x):

        if bv_names is None:
            bv_names = dict()

        if x.name == 'lambda':
            # On a lambda, we must add the introduced bv, and then remove it again afterwards

            bvn = ''
            if isinstance(x, BVAddFunctionNode) and x.added_rule is not None:
                bvn = x.added_rule.bv_prefix+str(d)
                bv_names[x.added_rule.name] = bvn

            assert len(x.args) == 1
            ret = 'lambda<%s> %s: %s' % ( x.returntype, bvn, fullstring(x.args[0], d=d+1, bv_names=bv_names) )

            if isinstance(x, BVAddFunctionNode) and x.added_rule is not None:
                    del bv_names[x.added_rule.name]
                except KeyError:

            return ret

            name = x.name
            if isinstance(x, BVUseFunctionNode):
                name = bv_names.get(x.name, x.name)

            if x.args is None:
                return "%s<%s>"%(name, x.returntype)
                return "%s<%s>(%s)" % (name,
                                       ', '.join(map(lambda a: fullstring(a, d=d+1, bv_names=bv_names), x.args)))
Exemple #23
    def iterate_subnodes(self,
                Iterate through all subnodes of node *t*, while updating the added rules (bound variables)
                so that at each subnode, the grammar is accurate to what it was.

                if *do_bv*=False, we don't do bound variables (useful for things like counting nodes, instead of having to update the grammar)

                *yield_depth*: if True, we return (node, depth) instead of node
                *predicate*: filter only the ones that match this

                NOTE: if you DON'T iterate all the way through, you end up acculmulating bv rules
                so NEVER stop this iteration in the middle!
                TODO: Make this more elegant -- use BVCM

        if isFunctionNode(t):
            #  print "iterate subnode: ", t, t.added_rule

            if predicate(t):
                yield (t, d) if yield_depth else t

            #Define a new context that is the grammar with the rule added. Then, when we exit, it's still right
            with BVRuleContextManager(self, t.added_rule):

                if t.args is not None:
                    for g in self.iterate_subnodes(
                            d=d + 1,
                    ):  # pass up anything from below
                        yield g

        elif isinstance(t, list):
            for a in t:
                for g in self.iterate_subnodes(a,
                    yield g
Exemple #24
def to_regex(fn):
            Custom mapping from a function node to a regular expression string (like, e.g. "(ab)*(c|d)" )
    assert isFunctionNode(fn)

    if fn.name == 'star_': return '(%s)*' % to_regex(fn.args[0])
    elif fn.name == 'plus_': return '(%s)+' % to_regex(fn.args[0])
    elif fn.name == 'question_': return '(%s)?' % to_regex(fn.args[0])
    elif fn.name == 'or_': return '(%s|%s)' % tuple(map(to_regex, fn.args))
    elif fn.name == 'str_append_':
        return '%s%s' % (fn.args[0], to_regex(fn.args[1]))
    elif fn.name == 'terminal_':
        return '%s' % fn.args[0]
    elif fn.name == '':
        return to_regex(fn.args[0])
        assert False, fn
Exemple #25
	def iterate_subnodes(self, t, d=0, predicate=lambdaTrue, do_bv=True, yield_depth=False):
			Iterate through all subnodes of t, while updating my added rules (bound variables)
			so that at each subnode, the grammar is accurate to what it was 
			if We set do_bu=False, we don't do bound variables (useful for things like counting nodes, instead of having to update the grammar)
			yield_depth -- if True, we return (node, depth) instead of node
			predicate -- filter only the ones that match this
			# NOTE: if you DON'T iterate all the way through, you end up acculmulating bv rules
			# so NEVER stop this iteration in the middle!
		if isFunctionNode(t):
			if predicate(t):
				yield (t,d) if yield_depth else t
			#print "iterate subnode: ", t.name, t.bv_type, t
			if do_bv and t.bv_type is not None:
				added = self.add_bv_rule( t.bv_type, t.bv_args, d)
			if t.args is not None:
				for g in self.iterate_subnodes(t.args, d=d+1, do_bv=do_bv, yield_depth=yield_depth, predicate=predicate): # pass up anything from below
					yield g
			# And remove them
			if do_bv and (t.bv_type is not None):
		elif isinstance(t, list):
			for a in t:
				for g in self.iterate_subnodes(a, d=d, do_bv=do_bv, yield_depth=yield_depth, predicate=predicate):
					yield g
Exemple #26
def pystring(x, d=0, bv_names=None):
    """Output a string that can be evaluated by python; gives bound variables names based on their depth.

        bv_names: A dictionary from the uuids to nicer names.

    if isinstance(x, str):
        return x
    elif isFunctionNode(x):

        if bv_names is None:
            bv_names = dict()

        if x.name == "if_":  # this gets translated
            assert len(x.args) == 3, "if_ requires 3 arguments!"
            # This converts from scheme (if bool s t) to python (s if bool else t)
            b = pystring(x.args[0], d=d + 1, bv_names=bv_names)
            s = pystring(x.args[1], d=d + 1, bv_names=bv_names)
            t = pystring(x.args[2], d=d + 1, bv_names=bv_names)
            return '( %s if %s else %s )' % (s, b, t)
        elif x.name == '':
            assert len(x.args) == 1, "Null names must have exactly 1 argument"
            return pystring(x.args[0], d=d, bv_names=bv_names)
        elif x.name == ',':  # comma join
            return ', '.join(
                map(lambda a: pystring(a, d=d, bv_names=bv_names), x.args))
        elif x.name == "apply_":
            assert x.args is not None and len(
                x.args) == 2, "Apply requires exactly 2 arguments"
            #print ">>>>", self.args
            return '( %s )( %s )' % tuple(
                map(lambda a: pystring(a, d=d, bv_names=bv_names), x.args))
        elif x.name == 'lambda':
            # On a lambda, we must add the introduced bv, and then remove it again afterwards

            bvn = ''
            if isinstance(x, BVAddFunctionNode) and x.added_rule is not None:
                bvn = x.added_rule.bv_prefix + str(d)
                bv_names[x.added_rule.name] = bvn

            assert len(x.args) == 1
            ret = 'lambda %s: %s' % (
                bvn, pystring(x.args[0], d=d + 1, bv_names=bv_names))

            if isinstance(x, BVAddFunctionNode) and x.added_rule is not None:
                    del bv_names[x.added_rule.name]
                except KeyError:

            return ret
        elif percent_s_regex.search(
        ):  # If we match the python string substitution character %s, then format
            return x.name % tuple(
                map(lambda a: pystring(a, d=d + 1, bv_names=bv_names), x.args))

            name = x.name
            if isinstance(x, BVUseFunctionNode):
                name = bv_names.get(x.name, x.name)

            if x.args is None:
                return name
                return name + '(' + ', '.join(
                    map(lambda a: pystring(a, d=d + 1, bv_names=bv_names),
                        x.args)) + ')'
Exemple #27
	def increment_tree(self, x, depth):
			A lazy version of tree enumeration. Here, we generate all trees, starting from a rule or a nonterminal symbol. 
			This is constant memory
		assert_or_die( self.bv_count==0, "Error: increment_tree not yet implemented for bound variables." )
		if LOTlib.SIG_INTERRUPTED: return # quit if interrupted
		if isFunctionNode(x) and depth >= 0 and x.args is not None: 
			#print "FN:", x, depth
			# Short-circuit if we can
			# add the rules
			#addedrules = [ self.add_bv_rule(b,depth) for b in x.bv ]
			original_x = copy(x)
			# go all odometer on the kids below::
			iters = [self.increment_tree(y,depth) if self.is_nonterminal(y) else None for y in x.args]
			if len(iters) == 0: yield copy(x)
				# First, initialize the arguments
				for i in xrange(len(iters)):
					if iters[i] is not None: x.args[i] = iters[i].next()
				# the index of the last terminal symbol (may not be len(iters)-1),
				last_terminal_idx = max( [i if iters[i] is not None else -1 for i in xrange(len(iters))] )
				## Now loop through the args, counting them up
				continue_counting = True
				while continue_counting: # while we continue incrementing
					yield copy(x) # yield the initial tree, and then each successive tree
					# and then process each carry:
					for carry_pos in xrange(len(iters)): # index into which tree we are incrementing
						if iters[carry_pos] is not None: # we are not a terminal symbol (mixed in)
								x.args[carry_pos] = iters[carry_pos].next()
								break # if we increment successfully, no carry, so break out of i loop
							except StopIteration: # if so, then "carry"								
								if carry_pos == last_terminal_idx: 
									continue_counting = False # done counting here
								elif iters[carry_pos] is not None:
									# reset the incrementer since we just carried
									iters[carry_pos] = self.increment_tree(original_x.args[carry_pos],depth)
									x.args[carry_pos] = iters[carry_pos].next() # reset this
									# and just continue your loop over i (which processes the carry)
			#print "REMOVING", addedrule
			#[ self.remove_rule(r) for r in addedrules ]# remove bv rule
		elif self.is_nonterminal(x): # just a single nonterminal  
			## TODO: somewhat inefficient since we do this each time:
			## Here we change the order of rules to be terminals *first*
			## else we don't enumerate small to large, which is clearly insane
			terminals = []
			nonterminals = []
			for k in self.rules[x]:
				if self.is_terminal(k.to):     terminals.append(k)
				else:                       nonterminals.append(k)
			#print ">>", terminals
			#print ">>", nonterminals
			Z = logsumexp([ log(r.p) for r in self.rules[x]] ) # normalizer
			if depth >= 0:
				# yield each of the rules that lead to terminals
				for r in terminals:
					n = FunctionNode(returntype=r.nt, name=r.name, args=deepcopy(r.to), generation_probability=(log(r.p) - Z), bv_type=r.bv_type, bv_args=r.bv_args, ruleid=r.rid )
					yield n
			if depth > 0:
				# and expand each nonterminals
				for r in nonterminals:
					n = FunctionNode(returntype=r.nt, name=r.name, args=deepcopy(r.to), generation_probability=(log(r.p) - Z), bv_type=r.bv_type, bv_args=r.bv_args, ruleid=r.rid )
					for q in self.increment_tree(n, depth-1): yield q
		else:   raise StopIteration
Exemple #28
def tree_up_(x):
    if isFunctionNode(x):
        return x.parent
        return None
Exemple #29
def tree_up_(x):
    if isFunctionNode(x):
        return x.parent
        return None
Exemple #30
	def generate(self, x='START', d=0):
			Generate from the PCFG -- default is to start from 
			x - either a nonterminal or a FunctionNode
			TODO: We can make this limit the depth, if we want. Maybe that's dangerous?
			TODO: Add a check that we don't have any leftover bound variable rules, when d==0
		if isinstance(x,list):
			# If we get a list, just map along it to generate. We don't count lists as depth--only FunctionNodes
			return map(lambda xi: self.generate(x=xi, d=d), x)
		elif x=='*gaussian*': ## TODO: HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL!! Wow this is really terrible for mixing...
			v = np.random.normal()
			gp = normlogpdf(v, 0.0, 1.0)
			return FunctionNode(returntype=x, name=str(v), args=None, generation_probability=gp, ruleid=0, resample_p=CONSTANT_RESAMPLE_P ) ##TODO: FIX THE ruleid
		elif x=='*uniform*':
			v = np.random.rand()
			gp = 0.0
			return FunctionNode(returntype=x, name=str(v), args=None, generation_probability=gp, ruleid=0, resample_p=CONSTANT_RESAMPLE_P ) ##TODO: FIX THE ruleid
		elif x is None:
			return None
		elif self.is_nonterminal(x):
			# if we generate a nonterminal, then sample a GrammarRule, convert it to a FunctionNode
			# via nt->returntype, name->name, to->args, 
			# And recurse
			r, gp = weighted_sample(self.rules[x], probs=lambda x: x.p, return_probability=True, log=False)
			#print "SAMPLED:", r
			if r.bv_type is not None: # adding a rule
				added = self.add_bv_rule(r.bv_type, r.bv_args, d)
				#print "ADDING", added
			# expand the "to" part of our rule
			if r is None:
				args = None
				args = self.generate(r.to, d=d+1)
			#print "GENERATED ", args
			if r.bv_type is not None:
				#print "REMOVING ", added
			# create the new node
			if r.bv_type is not None:
				## UGH, bv_type=r.bv_type -- here bv_type is really bv_returntype. THIS SHOULD BE FIXED
				return FunctionNode(returntype=r.nt, name=r.name, args=args, generation_probability=gp, bv_type=r.bv_type, bv_name=added.name, bv_args=r.bv_args, ruleid=r.rid )
				return FunctionNode(returntype=r.nt, name=r.name, args=args, generation_probability=gp, ruleid=r.rid )
			return fn
		elif isFunctionNode(x):
			#for function Nodes, we are able to generate by copying and expanding the children
			ret = copy(x)
			ret.to = self.generate(ret.to, d=d+1) # re-generate below -- importantly the "to" points are re-generated, not copied
			return ret
		else: # must be a terminal
			assert_or_die(isinstance(x, str), "Terminal must be a string! x="+x)
			return x
Exemple #31
    def increment_tree_(self,
                A lazy version of tree enumeration. Here, we generate all trees, starting from a rule or a nonterminal symbol and going up to max_depth

                This is constant memory and should produce each tree *once* (However: if a grammar has multiple derivations of the same
                str(tree), then you will see repeats!). 
                *x*: A node in the tree
                *depth*: Depth of the tree
                *depthdict* : memoizes depth_to_terminal so that we can order rules in order to make enumeration small->large
        # wrap no specification for x

        if depth >= max_depth:
            raise StopIteration

        if isFunctionNode(x):
            # NOTE: WE don't need to handle BV here since they are handled below when we use the rule

            original_x = copy(x)

            # go all odometer on the kids below::
            iters = [
                    x=y, depth=depth, max_depth=max_depth, depthdict=depthdict)
                if self.is_nonterminal(y) else None for y in x.args
            if len(iters) == 0:
                yield copy(x)
                #print "HERE", iters
                for i in xrange(len(iters)):
                    if iters[i] is not None:
                        x.args[i] = iters[i].next()

                # the index of the last terminal symbol (may not be len(iters)-1),
                last_terminal_idx = max([
                    i if iters[i] is not None else -1
                    for i in xrange(len(iters))

                ## Now loop through the args, counting them up
                while True:

                    yield copy(
                    )  # yield the initial tree, and then each successive tree

                    # and then process each carry:
                    for carry_pos in xrange(
                    ):  # index into which tree we are incrementing
                        if iters[
                                carry_pos] is not None:  # we are not a terminal symbol (mixed in)

                            ## NOTE: This *MUST* go here in order to prevent adding a rule and then not removing it when you carry (thus introducing a bv of a1 into a2)
                            with BVRuleContextManager(self, x.added_rule):

                                    x.args[carry_pos] = iters[carry_pos].next()
                                    break  # if we increment successfully, no carry, so break out of i loop
                                except StopIteration:  # if so, then "carry"
                                    if carry_pos == last_terminal_idx:
                                        raise StopIteration
                                    elif iters[carry_pos] is not None:
                                        # reset the incrementer since we just carried
                                            carry_pos] = self.increment_tree_(
                                        x.args[carry_pos] = iters[
                                            carry_pos].next()  # reset this
                                        # and just continue your loop over i (which processes the carry)

        elif self.is_nonterminal(x):  # just a single nonterminal

            ## TODO: somewhat inefficient since we do this each time:
            ## Here we change the order of rules to be terminals *first*
            terminals = []
            nonterminals = []
            for k in self.rules[x]:
                if not self.is_terminal_rule(
                ):  #AAH this used to be called "x" and that ruined the scope of the outer "x"

            # sort by probability, so high probability trees *tend* to come first
            terminals = sorted(
                key=lambda r: self.depth_to_terminal(r, current_d=depthdict))
            nonterminals = sorted(
                key=lambda r: self.depth_to_terminal(r, current_d=depthdict))
            Z = logsumexp([log(r.p) for r in self.rules[x]])  # normalizer

            #print terminals
            #print nonterminals
            #print "---------------------------------------"

            # yield each of the rules that lead to terminals -- always do this since depth>=0 (above)
            for r in terminals:
                fn = r.make_FunctionNodeStub(self, (log(r.p) - Z))
                # Do not need to set added_rule since they can't exist here
                yield fn

            if depth < max_depth:  # if we can go deeper
                for r in nonterminals:  #expand each nonterminals
                    fn = r.make_FunctionNodeStub(self, (log(r.p) - Z))

                    for q in self.increment_tree_(x=fn,
                                                  depth=depth + 1,
                        yield q
                yield x
Exemple #32
    def increment_tree_(self, x=None, depth=0, max_depth=Infinity, depthdict=None):
                A lazy version of tree enumeration. Here, we generate all trees, starting from a rule or a nonterminal symbol and going up to max_depth

                This is constant memory and should produce each tree *once* (However: if a grammar has multiple derivations of the same
                str(tree), then you will see repeats!). 
                *x*: A node in the tree
                *depth*: Depth of the tree
                *depthdict* : memoizes depth_to_terminal so that we can order rules in order to make enumeration small->large
        # wrap no specification for x
        if depth >= max_depth:
            raise StopIteration

        if isFunctionNode(x):
            # NOTE: WE don't need to handle BV here since they are handled below when we use the rule
            original_x = copy(x)
            # go all odometer on the kids below::
            iters = [self.increment_tree_(x=y,depth=depth,max_depth=max_depth, depthdict=depthdict) if self.is_nonterminal(y) else None for y in x.args]
            if len(iters) == 0:
                yield copy(x)
                #print "HERE", iters
                for i in xrange(len(iters)):
                    if iters[i] is not None:
                        x.args[i] = iters[i].next()
                # the index of the last terminal symbol (may not be len(iters)-1),
                last_terminal_idx = max( [i if iters[i] is not None else -1 for i in xrange(len(iters))] )

                ## Now loop through the args, counting them up
                while True:
                    yield copy(x) # yield the initial tree, and then each successive tree

                    # and then process each carry:
                    for carry_pos in xrange(len(iters)): # index into which tree we are incrementing
                        if iters[carry_pos] is not None: # we are not a terminal symbol (mixed in)
                            ## NOTE: This *MUST* go here in order to prevent adding a rule and then not removing it when you carry (thus introducing a bv of a1 into a2)
                            with BVRuleContextManager(self, x.added_rule):
                                    x.args[carry_pos] = iters[carry_pos].next()
                                    break # if we increment successfully, no carry, so break out of i loop
                                except StopIteration: # if so, then "carry"
                                    if carry_pos == last_terminal_idx:
                                        raise StopIteration
                                    elif iters[carry_pos] is not None:
                                        # reset the incrementer since we just carried
                                        iters[carry_pos] = self.increment_tree_(x=original_x.args[carry_pos],depth=depth,max_depth=max_depth, depthdict=depthdict)
                                        x.args[carry_pos] = iters[carry_pos].next() # reset this
                                        # and just continue your loop over i (which processes the carry)

        elif self.is_nonterminal(x): # just a single nonterminal
            ## TODO: somewhat inefficient since we do this each time:
            ## Here we change the order of rules to be terminals *first*
            terminals = []
            nonterminals = []
            for k in self.rules[x]:
                if not self.is_terminal_rule(k):      #AAH this used to be called "x" and that ruined the scope of the outer "x"
            # sort by probability, so high probability trees *tend* to come first
            terminals    = sorted(terminals,    key=lambda r: self.depth_to_terminal(r, current_d=depthdict) )
            nonterminals = sorted(nonterminals, key=lambda r: self.depth_to_terminal(r, current_d=depthdict) )
            Z = logsumexp([ log(r.p) for r in self.rules[x]] ) # normalizer
            #print terminals
            #print nonterminals
            #print "---------------------------------------"
            # yield each of the rules that lead to terminals -- always do this since depth>=0 (above)
            for r in terminals:
                fn = r.make_FunctionNodeStub(self, (log(r.p) - Z))
                # Do not need to set added_rule since they can't exist here
                yield fn
            if depth < max_depth: # if we can go deeper
                for r in nonterminals:#expand each nonterminals
                    fn = r.make_FunctionNodeStub(self, (log(r.p) - Z))
                    for q in self.increment_tree_(x=fn, depth=depth+1,max_depth=max_depth, depthdict=depthdict):
                        yield q
                yield x