def clipLargeDEM(DEM, StudyAreaMask): try: # Work out filesize of DEM cols = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(DEM, "COLUMNCOUNT").getOutput(0) rows = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(DEM, "ROWCOUNT").getOutput(0) bitType = int( arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(DEM, "VALUETYPE").getOutput(0)) if bitType <= 4: # 8 bit bytes = 1 elif bitType <= 6: # 16 bit bytes = 2 elif bitType <= 9: # 32 bit bytes = 4 elif bitType <= 14: # 64 bit bytes = 8 else: bytes = 4 sizeInGb = int(cols) * int(rows) * bytes / (1024 * 1024 * 1024) if sizeInGb > 1: # 1Gb 'Clipping DEM as original DEM is too large (approximately ' + str(sizeInGb) + 'Gb)') # Buffer study area mask by 5km bufferSAM = os.path.join(arcpy.env.scratchGDB, "bufferSAM") arcpy.Buffer_analysis(StudyAreaMask, bufferSAM, "5000 meters", "FULL", "ROUND", "ALL") # Clip DEM to this buffered area bufferedDEM = os.path.join(arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace, "bufferedDEM") extent = arcpy.Describe(bufferSAM).extent arcpy.Clip_management( DEM, str(extent), bufferedDEM, bufferSAM, nodata_value="-3.402823e+038", clipping_geometry="ClippingGeometry", maintain_clipping_extent="NO_MAINTAIN_EXTENT") return bufferedDEM else: return DEM except Exception: log.error( "Error occurred when determining if DEM needs to be clipped or not" ) raise
def clipInputs(baseFolder, contribAreaBuffered, inputDEM, inputStreamNetwork, outputDEM, outputStream): try:"Clipping input data") # Set temporary variables prefix = os.path.join(arcpy.env.scratchGDB, "clip_") DEMCopy = prefix + "DEMCopy" resampledRain = prefix + "resampledRain" resampledRainTemp = prefix + "resampledRainTemp" resampledAE = prefix + "resampledAE" resampledAETemp = prefix + "resampledAETemp" rainTemp = prefix + "rainTemp" evapTemp = prefix + "evapTemp" # Clip DEM # Check DEM not compressed. If it is, uncompress before clipping. compression = arcpy.Describe(inputDEM).compressionType if compression.lower != 'none': arcpy.env.compression = "None" arcpy.CopyRaster_management(inputDEM, DEMCopy) arcpy.Clip_management(DEMCopy, "#", outputDEM, contribAreaBuffered, clipping_geometry="ClippingGeometry") else: arcpy.Clip_management(inputDEM, "#", outputDEM, contribAreaBuffered, clipping_geometry="ClippingGeometry") DEMSpatRef = arcpy.Describe(outputDEM).SpatialReference # Set environment variables arcpy.env.snapRaster = outputDEM arcpy.env.extent = outputDEM arcpy.env.cellSize = outputDEM # Clip steam network if inputStreamNetwork == None: outputStream = None else: arcpy.Clip_analysis(inputStreamNetwork, contribAreaBuffered, outputStream, configuration.clippingTolerance)"Input data clipped successfully") except Exception: log.error("Input data clipping did not complete successfully") raise
def bufferMask(inputDEM, studyAreaMask, outputStudyAreaMaskBuff): ''' Buffer the study area mask by two DEM cells. First check that the DEM covers this new area. ''' # Set temporary variables prefix = os.path.join(arcpy.env.scratchGDB, "buffMask_") studyAreaMaskTemp = prefix + "studyAreaMaskTemp" # Get extents (mask has already been reprojected to DEM coord system if necessary) maskExtent = arcpy.Describe(studyAreaMask).extent DEMExtent = arcpy.Describe(inputDEM).extent # Find DEM cellsize cellSize = int( float( arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(inputDEM, "CELLSIZEX").getOutput(0))) # Set buffer distance bufferDist = 2 * cellSize # Find DEM cell units cellSizeUnits = arcpy.Describe(inputDEM).spatialReference.linearUnitName # Check DEM extent against mask extent if (DEMExtent.XMin > maskExtent.XMin - bufferDist or DEMExtent.XMax < maskExtent.XMax + bufferDist or DEMExtent.YMin > maskExtent.YMin - bufferDist or DEMExtent.YMax < maskExtent.YMax + bufferDist): log.error('DEM must be larger than study area mask') log.error('It must extend beyond study area mask by ' + str(bufferDist) + ' ' + str(cellSizeUnits) + 's') sys.exit() # Dissolve mask arcpy.Dissolve_management(studyAreaMask, studyAreaMaskTemp) # Buffer mask so that streams extend beyond the study area boundary arcpy.Buffer_analysis(studyAreaMaskTemp, outputStudyAreaMaskBuff, str(bufferDist) + ' ' + str(cellSizeUnits))
def function(DEM, streamNetwork, smoothDropBuffer, smoothDrop, streamDrop, outputReconDEM): try: # Set environment variables arcpy.env.extent = DEM arcpy.env.mask = DEM arcpy.env.cellSize = DEM # Set temporary variables prefix = "recon_" streamRaster = prefix + "streamRaster" # Determine DEM cell size and OID column name size = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(DEM, "CELLSIZEX") OIDField = arcpy.Describe(streamNetwork).OIDFieldName # Convert stream network to raster arcpy.PolylineToRaster_conversion(streamNetwork, OIDField, streamRaster, "", "", size) # Work out distance of cells from stream distanceFromStream = EucDistance(streamRaster, "", size) # Elements within a buffer distance of the stream are smoothly dropped intSmoothDrop = Con(distanceFromStream > float(smoothDropBuffer), 0, (float(smoothDrop) / float(smoothDropBuffer)) * (float(smoothDropBuffer) - distanceFromStream)) del distanceFromStream # Burn this smooth drop into DEM. Cells in stream are sharply dropped by the value of "streamDrop" binaryStream = Con(IsNull(Raster(streamRaster)), 0, 1) reconDEMTemp = Raster(DEM) - intSmoothDrop - (float(streamDrop) * binaryStream) del intSmoothDrop del binaryStream del reconDEMTemp"Reconditioned DEM generated") except Exception: log.error("DEM reconditioning function failed") raise
def function(outputFolder, DEM, studyAreaMask, streamInput, minAccThresh, majAccThresh, smoothDropBuffer, smoothDrop, streamDrop, rerun=False): try: # Set environment variables arcpy.env.compression = "None" arcpy.env.snapRaster = DEM arcpy.env.extent = DEM arcpy.env.cellSize = arcpy.Describe(DEM).meanCellWidth ######################## ### Define filenames ### ######################## rawDEM = os.path.join(outputFolder, "rawDEM") hydDEM = os.path.join(outputFolder, "hydDEM") hydFDR = os.path.join(outputFolder, "hydFDR") hydFDRDegrees = os.path.join(outputFolder, "hydFDRDegrees") hydFAC = os.path.join(outputFolder, "hydFAC") streamInvRas = os.path.join( outputFolder, "streamInvRas" ) # Inverse stream raster - 0 for stream, 1 for no stream streams = os.path.join(outputFolder, "streams.shp") streamDisplay = os.path.join(outputFolder, "streamDisplay.shp") multRaster = os.path.join(outputFolder, "multRaster") hydFACInt = os.path.join(outputFolder, "hydFACInt") ############################### ### Set temporary variables ### ############################### prefix = os.path.join(arcpy.env.scratchGDB, "base_") cellSizeDEM = float(arcpy.env.cellSize) burnedDEM = prefix + "burnedDEM" streamAccHaFile = prefix + "streamAccHa" rawFDR = prefix + "rawFDR" allPolygonSinks = prefix + "allPolygonSinks" DEMTemp = prefix + "DEMTemp" hydFACTemp = prefix + "hydFACTemp" # Saved as .tif as did not save as ESRI grid on server streamsRasterFile = os.path.join(arcpy.env.scratchFolder, "base_") + "StreamsRaster.tif" ############################### ### Save DEM to base folder ### ############################### codeBlock = 'Save DEM' if not progress.codeSuccessfullyRun(codeBlock, outputFolder, rerun): # Save DEM to base folder as raw DEM with no compression pixelType = int( arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(DEM, "VALUETYPE").getOutput(0)) if pixelType == 9: # 32 bit float arcpy.CopyRaster_management(DEM, rawDEM, pixel_type="32_BIT_FLOAT") else:"Converting DEM to 32 bit floating type") arcpy.CopyRaster_management(DEM, DEMTemp) arcpy.CopyRaster_management(Float(DEMTemp), rawDEM, pixel_type="32_BIT_FLOAT") # Calculate statistics for raw DEM arcpy.CalculateStatistics_management(rawDEM) progress.logProgress(codeBlock, outputFolder) ################################ ### Create multiplier raster ### ################################ codeBlock = 'Create multiplier raster' if not progress.codeSuccessfullyRun(codeBlock, outputFolder, rerun): Reclassify(rawDEM, "Value", RemapRange([[-999999.9, 999999.9, 1]]), "NODATA").save(multRaster) progress.logProgress(codeBlock, outputFolder) ####################### ### Burn in streams ### ####################### codeBlock = 'Burn in streams' if not progress.codeSuccessfullyRun(codeBlock, outputFolder, rerun): # Recondition DEM (burning stream network in using AGREE method)"Burning streams into DEM.") reconditionDEM.function(rawDEM, streamInput, smoothDropBuffer, smoothDrop, streamDrop, burnedDEM)"Completed stream network burn in to DEM") progress.logProgress(codeBlock, outputFolder) ################## ### Fill sinks ### ################## codeBlock = 'Fill sinks' if not progress.codeSuccessfullyRun(codeBlock, outputFolder, rerun): Fill(burnedDEM).save(hydDEM)"Sinks in DEM filled") progress.logProgress(codeBlock, outputFolder) ###################### ### Flow direction ### ###################### codeBlock = 'Flow direction' if not progress.codeSuccessfullyRun(codeBlock, outputFolder, rerun): FlowDirection(hydDEM, "NORMAL").save(hydFDR)"Flow Direction calculated") progress.logProgress(codeBlock, outputFolder) ################################# ### Flow direction in degrees ### ################################# codeBlock = 'Flow direction in degrees' if not progress.codeSuccessfullyRun(codeBlock, outputFolder, rerun): # Save flow direction raster in degrees (for display purposes) degreeValues = RemapValue([[1, 90], [2, 135], [4, 180], [8, 225], [16, 270], [32, 315], [64, 0], [128, 45]]) Reclassify(hydFDR, "Value", degreeValues, "NODATA").save(hydFDRDegrees) progress.logProgress(codeBlock, outputFolder) ######################### ### Flow accumulation ### ######################### codeBlock = 'Flow accumulation' if not progress.codeSuccessfullyRun(codeBlock, outputFolder, rerun): hydFACTemp = FlowAccumulation(hydFDR, "", "FLOAT") # integer version"Flow Accumulation calculated") progress.logProgress(codeBlock, outputFolder) ########################## ### Create stream file ### ########################## codeBlock = 'Create stream file' if not progress.codeSuccessfullyRun(codeBlock, outputFolder, rerun): # Create accumulation in metres streamAccHaFile = hydFACTemp * cellSizeDEM * cellSizeDEM / 10000.0 # Check stream initiation threshold reached streamYes = float( arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(streamAccHaFile, "MAXIMUM").getOutput(0)) if streamYes > float(minAccThresh): reclassifyRanges = RemapRange( [[-1000000, float(minAccThresh), 1], [float(minAccThresh), 9999999999, 0]]) outLUCIstream = Reclassify(streamAccHaFile, "VALUE", reclassifyRanges) del outLUCIstream"Stream raster for input to LUCI created") # Create stream file for display reclassifyRanges = RemapRange( [[0, float(minAccThresh), "NODATA"], [float(minAccThresh), float(majAccThresh), 1], [float(majAccThresh), 99999999999999, 2]]) streamsRaster = Reclassify(streamAccHaFile, "Value", reclassifyRanges, "NODATA") streamOrderRaster = StreamOrder(streamsRaster, hydFDR, "STRAHLER") # Create two streams feature classes - one for analysis and one for display, hydFDR, streams, 'NO_SIMPLIFY'), hydFDR, streamDisplay, 'SIMPLIFY') # Rename grid_code column to 'Strahler' for streamFC in [streams, streamDisplay]: arcpy.AddField_management(streamFC, "Strahler", "LONG") arcpy.CalculateField_management(streamFC, "Strahler", "!GRID_CODE!", "PYTHON_9.3") arcpy.DeleteField_management(streamFC, "GRID_CODE") del streamsRaster del streamOrderRaster"Stream files created") else: warning = 'No streams initiated' log.warning(warning) common.logWarnings(outputFolder, warning) # Create LUCIStream file from multiplier raster (i.e. all cells have value of 1 = no stream) arcpy.CopyRaster_management(multRaster, streamInvRas) progress.logProgress(codeBlock, outputFolder) codeBlock = 'Clip data, build pyramids and generate statistics' if not progress.codeSuccessfullyRun(codeBlock, outputFolder, rerun): try: # Generate pyramids and stats arcpy.BuildPyramidsandStatistics_management( outputFolder, "", "", "", "") "Pyramids and Statistics calculated for all LUCI topographical information rasters" ) except Exception:"Warning - could not generate all raster statistics") progress.logProgress(codeBlock, outputFolder) # Reset snap raster arcpy.env.snapRaster = None except Exception: log.error("Error in preprocessing operations") raise
def function(params): try: ################### ### Read inputs ### ################### pText = common.paramsAsText(params) outputFolder = pText[1] inputDEM = common.fullPath(pText[2]) inputStudyAreaMask = pText[3] inputStreamNetwork = pText[4] streamAccThresh = pText[5] riverAccThresh = pText[6] smoothDropBuffer = pText[7] smoothDrop = pText[8] streamDrop = pText[9] rerun = common.strToBool(pText[10])'Inputs read in') ########################### ### Tool initialisation ### ########################### # Create Baseline folder if not os.path.exists(outputFolder): os.mkdir(outputFolder) # Set up logging output to file log.setupLogging(outputFolder) # Run system checks common.runSystemChecks(outputFolder, rerun) # Set up progress log file progress.initProgress(outputFolder, rerun) # Write input params to XML common.writeParamsToXML(params, outputFolder, 'PreprocessDEM')'Tool initialised') ######################## ### Define filenames ### ######################## studyAreaMask = os.path.join(outputFolder, "studyAreaMask.shp") ############################### ### Set temporary variables ### ############################### prefix = os.path.join(arcpy.env.scratchGDB, 'base_') DEMTemp = prefix + 'DEMTemp' clippedDEM = prefix + 'clippedDEM' clippedStreamNetwork = prefix + 'clippedStreamNetwork' studyAreaMaskTemp = prefix + "studyAreaMaskTemp" studyAreaMaskBuff = prefix + "studyAreaMaskBuff" studyAreaMaskDiss = prefix + "studyAreaMaskDiss"'Temporary variables set') ################### ### Data checks ### ################### codeBlock = 'Data checks 1' if not progress.codeSuccessfullyRun(codeBlock, outputFolder, rerun): # Check DEM has a coordinate system specified DEMSpatRef = arcpy.Describe(inputDEM).SpatialReference if DEMSpatRef.Name == "Unknown": log.error( "LUCI does not permit calculations without the spatial reference for the DEM being defined." ) log.error( "Please define a projection for your DEM and try again.") sys.exit() # Reproject DEM if it has a geographic coordinate system if DEMSpatRef.type == "Geographic": baseline.reprojectGeoDEM(inputDEM, outputDEM=DEMTemp) arcpy.CopyRaster_management(DEMTemp, inputDEM) # Set environment variables arcpy.env.snapRaster = inputDEM # Get spatial references of DEM and study area mask DEMSpatRef = arcpy.Describe(inputDEM).SpatialReference maskSpatRef = arcpy.Describe(inputStudyAreaMask).SpatialReference # Reproject study area mask if it does not have the same coordinate system as the DEM if not common.equalProjections(DEMSpatRef, maskSpatRef): warning = "Study area mask does not have the same coordinate system as the DEM" log.warning(warning) common.logWarnings(outputFolder, warning) warning = "Mask coordinate system is " + maskSpatRef.Name + " while DEM coordinate system is " + DEMSpatRef.Name log.warning(warning) common.logWarnings(outputFolder, warning) warning = "Reprojecting study area mask" log.warning(warning) common.logWarnings(outputFolder, warning) arcpy.Project_management(inputStudyAreaMask, studyAreaMaskTemp, DEMSpatRef) arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(studyAreaMaskTemp, studyAreaMask) else: arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(inputStudyAreaMask, studyAreaMask) # If DEM is large, clip it to a large buffer around the study area mask (~5km) inputDEM = baseline.clipLargeDEM(inputDEM, studyAreaMask) # Check if input stream network contains data baseline.checkInputFC(inputStreamNetwork, outputFolder) ############################### ### Tidy up study area mask ### ############################### codeBlock = 'Tidy up study area mask' if not progress.codeSuccessfullyRun(codeBlock, outputFolder, rerun): # Check how many polygons are in the mask shapefile numPolysInMask = int( arcpy.GetCount_management(studyAreaMask).getOutput(0)) if numPolysInMask > 1: # Reduce multiple features where possible arcpy.Union_analysis(studyAreaMask, studyAreaMaskDiss, "ONLY_FID", "", "NO_GAPS") arcpy.Dissolve_management(studyAreaMaskDiss, studyAreaMask, "", "", "SINGLE_PART", "DISSOLVE_LINES") progress.logProgress(codeBlock, outputFolder) # Buffer study area mask baseline.bufferMask(inputDEM, studyAreaMask, outputStudyAreaMaskBuff=studyAreaMaskBuff)'Study area mask buffered') ####################### ### Clip input data ### ####################### codeBlock = 'Clip inputs' if not progress.codeSuccessfullyRun(codeBlock, outputFolder, rerun): baseline.clipInputs(outputFolder, studyAreaMaskBuff, inputDEM, inputStreamNetwork, outputDEM=clippedDEM, outputStream=clippedStreamNetwork) progress.logProgress(codeBlock, outputFolder) ########################### ### Run HydTopo process ### ###########################"*** Preprocessing DEM ***") preprocess_dem.function(outputFolder, clippedDEM, studyAreaMask, clippedStreamNetwork, streamAccThresh, riverAccThresh, smoothDropBuffer, smoothDrop, streamDrop, rerun) except Exception: arcpy.SetParameter(0, False) log.exception("Preprocessing DEM functions did not complete") raise
def function(outputFolder, studyMask, streamNetwork, facRaster): ''' Find stream end points which lie on the boundary of the study area mask. The watersheds for each point are also calculated if wanted. ''' class StreamSeg: def __init__(self, ID, fromNode, toNode, shape, fromNodePoint, toNodePoint, streamNetworkID=None): self.ID = ID self.fromNode = fromNode self.toNode = toNode self.shape = shape self.fromNodePoint = fromNodePoint self.toNodePoint = toNodePoint self.streamNetworkID = streamNetworkID class StreamNetwork: def __init__(self, ID, soloNodes=[], startNodes=[], lastStreamSeg=None, lastNode=None, lastNodePoint=None, lastNodeSeg=None): self.ID = ID self.soloNodes = soloNodes self.startNodes = startNodes self.lastStreamSeg = lastStreamSeg self.lastNode = lastNode self.lastNodePoint = lastNodePoint self.lastNodeSeg = lastNodeSeg class StraightLineSeg: def __init__(self, StreamSegID, polyline, intersectingPoints=[]): self.StreamSegID = StreamSegID self.polyline = polyline self.intersectingPoints = intersectingPoints class NodeAndSegmentPair: def __init__(self, node, segmentId): self.node = node self.segmentId = segmentId class IntersectingPoint: def __init__(self, pointID, streamSeg, streamNetworkID, pointCoords, pointType, pointFAC): self.pointID = pointID self.streamSeg = streamSeg self.streamNetworkID = streamNetworkID self.pointCoords = pointCoords self.pointType = pointType self.pointFAC = pointFAC def getMaxValueFromCellAndSurrounds(pointX, pointY, cellSize, cellSizeUnits, spatRef, raster): ''' Find maximum raster value at this point and also the 8 cells surrounding it ''' maxValueAtPoint = 0 for xMultiplier in range(-1, 2): for yMultiplier in range(-1, 2): shiftedX = pointX + (cellSize * xMultiplier) shiftedY = pointY + (cellSize * yMultiplier) shiftedXY = str(shiftedX) + " " + str(shiftedY) rasterValueAtPoint = arcpy.GetCellValue_management( raster, shiftedXY).getOutput(0) if xMultiplier == 0 and yMultiplier == 0: valueAtExactPoint = rasterValueAtPoint if rasterValueAtPoint != 'NoData': rasterValueAtPoint = float(rasterValueAtPoint) if rasterValueAtPoint > maxValueAtPoint: maxValueAtPoint = rasterValueAtPoint polyBuffer = os.path.join(arcpy.env.scratchGDB, "polyBuffer") # If value of exact point is NoData, then the point may lie exactly on the boundary of two raster cells, # which leads to spurious results from above calcs. Hence, we use a buffer around the point instead. if valueAtExactPoint == 'NoData': # Create buffer around point if arcpy.ProductInfo() == "ArcServer": pointFC = os.path.join(arcpy.env.scratchGDB, "pointFC") arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(arcpy.env.scratchGDB, "pointFC", 'POINT', spatial_reference=spatRef) else: pointFC = "in_memory/pointFC" arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management("in_memory", "pointFC", 'POINT', spatial_reference=spatRef) # Add a zone field arcpy.AddField_management(pointFC, "ZONE", "SHORT") # Write point to a feature class insertCursor = arcpy.da.InsertCursor( pointFC, ["SHAPE@X", "SHAPE@Y", "ZONE"]) row = (pointX, pointY, 0) insertCursor.insertRow(row) del insertCursor # Buffer the point by the cellsize arcpy.Buffer_analysis(pointFC, polyBuffer, str(cellSize * 1.5) + " " + cellSizeUnits) # Reset mask and extent environment variables as they can produce errors that made Zonal Stats fail arcpy.ClearEnvironment("extent") arcpy.ClearEnvironment("mask") outZonalStats =, "ZONE", raster, "MAXIMUM", "DATA") arcpy.CalculateStatistics_management(zonalStats) maxValueAtPoint = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management( zonalStats, "MAXIMUM").getOutput(0) if maxValueAtPoint == 'NoData': maxValueAtPoint = 0 else: maxValueAtPoint = int(maxValueAtPoint) arcpy.Delete_management(pointFC) arcpy.Delete_management(polyBuffer) return maxValueAtPoint def polygonToPolyline(polygon, polyline): ''' Converts a polygon to a polyline. Used when advanced licence (and hence PolygonToLine_management tool) is not available. ''' featuresList = [] # Loop through each feature to fetch coordinates for row in arcpy.da.SearchCursor(polygon, ["SHAPE@"]): featurePartsList = [] # Step through each part of the feature for part in row[0]: featurePointsList = [] # Step through each vertex in the feature for pnt in part: if pnt: # Add x,y coordinates of current point to feature list featurePointsList.append([pnt.X, pnt.Y]) featurePartsList.append(featurePointsList) featuresList.append(featurePartsList) # Create Polylines features = [] for feature in featuresList: # Create a Polyline object based on the array of points # Append to the list of Polyline objects for part in feature: features.append( arcpy.Polyline( arcpy.Array([arcpy.Point(*coords) for coords in part]))) # Persist a copy of the Polyline objects using CopyFeatures arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(features, polyline) # Set the Polyline's spatial reference spatialRef = arcpy.Describe(polygon).spatialReference if spatialRef is not None: arcpy.DefineProjection_management(polyline, spatialRef) def pointWithinPolygonFC(point, polygonFC): '''Determine if point is within polygon feature class''' spatialRef = arcpy.Describe(polygonFC).spatialReference pointGeom = arcpy.PointGeometry(point, spatialRef) inside = False with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(polygonFC, ["SHAPE@"]) as searchCursor: for poly in searchCursor: polygonGeom = poly[0] # Check if the point lies within the polygon if not inside: inside = pointGeom.within(polygonGeom) return inside def assignTypesToPoints(straightLineSeg, spatialRef): ''' Assigns 'Entry' or 'Exit' to point type property of each intersecting point. As there may be more than more than one intersecting point lying on a straight line segment, this will affect if points are entry or exit points. ''' # Find details about straight line segment firstPoint = straightLineSeg.polyline.firstPoint lastPoint = straightLineSeg.polyline.lastPoint # Find if these points lie inside or outside the study area firstPointInside = pointWithinPolygonFC(firstPoint, studyAreaMaskDissolved) lastPointInside = pointWithinPolygonFC(lastPoint, studyAreaMaskDissolved) # Find the flow accumulation at each of these points and determine which has the max flow firstXY = str(firstPoint.X) + " " + str(firstPoint.Y) lastXY = str(lastPoint.X) + " " + str(lastPoint.Y) firstFAC = arcpy.GetCellValue_management(hydFAC, firstXY).getOutput(0) lastFAC = arcpy.GetCellValue_management(hydFAC, lastXY).getOutput(0) maxFAC = max(firstFAC, lastFAC) if firstFAC != 'NoData': firstFAC = int(firstFAC) if lastFAC != 'NoData': lastFAC = int(lastFAC) # Get the geometry of the start and end points firstPointGeom = arcpy.PointGeometry(firstPoint, spatialRef) lastPointGeom = arcpy.PointGeometry(lastPoint, spatialRef) # If only one intersecting point falls on straight line segment if len(straightLineSeg.intersectingPoints) == 1: pointID = straightLineSeg.intersectingPoints[0] pointCoords = intersectPointsList[pointID].pointCoords # Check that both points are not inside or outside the polygon. # If they are then the intersecting point is at a vertex if firstPointInside and lastPointInside or ( not firstPointInside and not lastPointInside): pointType = "Touches" # Unlikely but possible else: if firstFAC == lastFAC: pointType = "Cannot determine" else: maxFACPoint = None if maxFAC == firstFAC: maxFACPoint = firstPoint inside = firstPointInside else: maxFACPoint = lastPoint inside = lastPointInside if inside: pointType = "Entry" else: pointType = "Exit" # Set the point's pointType property intersectPointsList[pointID].pointType = pointType # If two or more intersecting points fall on straight line segment elif len(straightLineSeg.intersectingPoints) >= 2: 'More than one intersecting point on this straight line segment' ) # Order points so that point closest to the first point is at the top of the list, # and the point furthest from it is at the end of the list. orderedPoints = [] for pointID in straightLineSeg.intersectingPoints: # Get intersecting point's geometry pointCoords = intersectPointsList[pointID].pointCoords pointGeom = arcpy.PointGeometry( arcpy.Point(pointCoords[0], pointCoords[1]), spatialRef) # Find distance from intersecting point to first point distanceFromFirstPoint = firstPointGeom.distanceTo(pointGeom) orderedPoints.append((pointID, distanceFromFirstPoint)) # Sort the points into (distance from first point) order orderedPoints.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) # Loop through intersection points for i in range(0, len(orderedPoints)): # Assign the point type to the intersection point closest to the first point if i == 0: if maxFAC == firstFAC: if firstPointInside: pointType = 'Entry' else: pointType = 'Exit' else: if firstPointInside: pointType = 'Exit' else: pointType = 'Entry' # Then alternate between entry and exit points else: prevPointType = pointType if prevPointType == 'Exit': pointType = 'Entry' else: pointType = 'Exit' # Set the point's pointType property pointID = orderedPoints[i][0] intersectPointsList[pointID].pointType = pointType def createStraightLineSegments(streamSegments): # Break up each of the segments in the streamSegments list into its straight line components. # Store these straight line segments in straightLineSegments list. straightLineSegments = [] for streamSeg in streamSegments: shape = streamSeg.shape # Step through each part of the feature for part in shape: prevX = None prevY = None # Step through each vertex in the feature for pnt in part: if pnt: if prevX: array = arcpy.Array([ arcpy.Point(prevX, prevY), arcpy.Point(pnt.X, pnt.Y) ]) polyline = arcpy.Polyline(array) straightLineSegments.append( StraightLineSeg(streamSeg.ID, polyline)) prevX = pnt.X prevY = pnt.Y else: # If pnt is None, this represents an interior ring"Interior Ring:") return straightLineSegments def findTerminalNodesForStreamNetworks(streamSegments): # Find start and end (solo) nodes for each stream network # The solo nodes only appear once (hence solo) streamNetworks = [] for i in range(1, maxStreamNetworkID + 1): soloNodes = [] manyNodes = [] for streamSeg in streamSegments: if streamSeg.streamNetworkID == i: nodePair = [streamSeg.fromNode, streamSeg.toNode] # Add the node to soloNodes or manyNodes lists. It can only be in one of these lists. for node in nodePair: # Find if node is in soloNodes list inSoloNodes = False for nodeSeg in soloNodes: if nodeSeg.node == node: soloNodesIndex = soloNodes.index(nodeSeg) inSoloNodes = True inManyNodes = node in manyNodes if inSoloNodes: # Remove node from list del soloNodes[soloNodesIndex] # Add node to manyNodes manyNodes.append(node) if not inSoloNodes and not inManyNodes: soloNodes.append( NodeAndSegmentPair(node, streamSeg.ID)) streamNetworks.append(StreamNetwork(i, soloNodes)) return streamNetworks def findFirstEntryPoint(streamSeg): entryPointsOnStreamSeg = [] # Loop through intersecting points, looking for the entry point which lies on this stream segment for id in range(1, len(intersectPointsList)): intersectPoint = intersectPointsList[id] if intersectPoint.streamSeg == streamSeg.ID and intersectPoint.pointType == 'Entry': entryPointsOnStreamSeg.append(intersectPoint) if len(entryPointsOnStreamSeg) > 0: # Sort the entry points so that lowest FAC comes first entryPointsOnStreamSeg.sort(key=lambda x: x.pointFAC) firstEntryPoint = entryPointsOnStreamSeg[0] else: log.warning( 'Could not find first entry point which should exist on stream segment ' + str(streamSeg.ID)) firstEntryPoint = None return firstEntryPoint ############################# ### Main code starts here ### ############################# try: # Reset mask and extent environment variables arcpy.ClearEnvironment("extent") arcpy.ClearEnvironment("mask") hydFAC = facRaster streams = streamNetwork studyAreaMask = studyMask # Initialise temporary variables prefix = os.path.join(arcpy.env.scratchGDB, "exit_") studyAreaMaskDissolved = prefix + "studyAreaMaskDissolved" streamsCopy = prefix + "streamsCopy" intersectPoints = prefix + "intersectPoints" zonalStats = prefix + "zonalStats" boundaryLine = prefix + "boundaryLine" intersectMultiPoints = prefix + "intersectMultiPoints" # Initialise output variables entryExitPoints = os.path.join(outputFolder, 'entryexits.shp') streamNetworkFC = os.path.join(outputFolder, 'streamnetwork.shp') # Get cell size of raster cellSize = float( arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(hydFAC, "CELLSIZEX").getOutput(0)) # Find cellSize units spatialRefFAC = arcpy.Describe(hydFAC).spatialReference cellSizeUnits = spatialRefFAC.linearUnitName # Find polygon spatial reference spatialRefStreams = arcpy.Describe(streams).spatialReference # Make a copy of streams file as it will be amended arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(streams, streamsCopy) # Create a dictionary, with the index being the stream node number and the value being the number of times # it appears in the feature class nodeCounts = {} with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(streamsCopy, ["FROM_NODE", "TO_NODE"]) as searchCursor: for row in searchCursor: fromNode = int(row[0]) toNode = int(row[1]) nodePair = [fromNode, toNode] for node in nodePair: if node in nodeCounts: nodeCounts[node] += 1 else: nodeCounts[node] = 1 # Populate stream segments list, so can access quicker and easier than using search cursors streamSegments = [] streamSegID = 0 arcpy.AddField_management(streamsCopy, "SEGMENT_ID", "LONG") with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor( streamsCopy, ["FROM_NODE", "TO_NODE", "SHAPE@", "SEGMENT_ID"]) as updateCursor: for row in updateCursor: fromNode = int(row[0]) toNode = int(row[1]) shape = row[2] fromNodePoint = shape.firstPoint toNodePoint = shape.lastPoint # Include stream segments which have both end points within the study area mask boundary # Also include stream segment is not connected to any other stream segments if (pointWithinPolygonFC(fromNodePoint, studyAreaMask) or pointWithinPolygonFC(toNodePoint, studyAreaMask) or nodeCounts[fromNode] > 1 or nodeCounts[toNode] > 1): row[3] = streamSegID streamSegments.append( StreamSeg(streamSegID, fromNode, toNode, shape, fromNodePoint, toNodePoint)) streamSegID += 1 updateCursor.updateRow(row) else: updateCursor.deleteRow() ################### ### Exit points ### ################### # Dissolve the study area mask arcpy.Dissolve_management(studyAreaMask, studyAreaMaskDissolved) # Create boundary line polyline from dissolved study area mask if common.checkLicenceLevel('Advanced'): arcpy.PolygonToLine_management(studyAreaMaskDissolved, boundaryLine, "IGNORE_NEIGHBORS") else: "Advanced licence not available. Using alternative function to generate boundary line." ) polygonToPolyline(studyAreaMaskDissolved, boundaryLine) # Find all points where streams intersect the boundary line. The intersection points are multipoints (i.e. multiple points per line segment) arcpy.Intersect_analysis([streamsCopy, boundaryLine], intersectMultiPoints, output_type="POINT") # Convert the multi points to single points arcpy.MultipartToSinglepart_management(intersectMultiPoints, intersectPoints) noIntersectPoints = int( arcpy.GetCount_management(intersectPoints).getOutput(0)) intPtsCopy = prefix + 'intPtsCopy' arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(intersectPoints, intPtsCopy) ############################################################ ### Find if intersection points are entry or exit points ### ############################################################ ''' To do this we need to find out which stream segment the points lie on, then break this stream segment shape into its component vertices and create line segments from these vertices. We then find out which line segment the intersection point lies on. We then check this line segment's vertices to find out which has a higher flow accumulation. If this vertex is inside the farm boundary then it is an entry point, otherwise an exit point. Loop through the straight line segments to find if intersection points that lie on them are entry or exit points. ''' 'Creating stream network feature class, with one row per stream') streamSegments, maxStreamNetworkID = assign_stream_network_id.function( streamsCopy, streamNetworkFC, "FROM_NODE", "TO_NODE", streamSegments)'Finding intersection points') if noIntersectPoints == 0: log.warning('No entry or exit points found') entryExitPoints = None else:'Populate intersection points list') # Create and populate intersection points list # + 1 in the following line as the OBJECTID column in intersectPoints feature class starts at 1. The zeroth index is unused. intersectPointsList = [None] * (noIntersectPoints + 1) with arcpy.da.SearchCursor( intersectPoints, ["OBJECTID", "SEGMENT_ID", "SHAPE@XY"]) as searchCursor: for pt in searchCursor: pointID = pt[0] streamSeg = pt[1] pointCoords = pt[2] pointCoordsXY = str(pointCoords[0]) + " " + str( pointCoords[1]) streamNetworkID = streamSegments[streamSeg].streamNetworkID pointFAC = getMaxValueFromCellAndSurrounds( pointCoords[0], pointCoords[1], cellSize, cellSizeUnits, spatialRefStreams, hydFAC) intersectPointsList[pointID] = IntersectingPoint( pointID, streamSeg, streamNetworkID, pointCoords, '', pointFAC) # Break up polylines into their component straight line segments straightLineSegments = createStraightLineSegments(streamSegments) # Create list of straight line segments which have intersection points lying on them 'Create list of straight line segments which have intersection points lying on them' ) intersectingStraightLines = [] for lineSeg in straightLineSegments: for point in intersectPointsList: if point is not None: # it will be None if the zeroth index in the list is unused pointID = point.pointID streamSegID = point.streamSeg pointCoords = point.pointCoords if lineSeg.StreamSegID == streamSegID: intersectPoint = arcpy.Point( pointCoords[0], pointCoords[1]) intersectPointGeom = arcpy.PointGeometry( intersectPoint) lineSegGeom = lineSeg.polyline if lineSegGeom.contains(intersectPointGeom): # Add intersecting point ID to the lineSeg.intersectingPoints = lineSeg.intersectingPoints + [ pointID ] # Add to list if len(lineSeg.intersectingPoints) > 0: intersectingStraightLines.append(lineSeg)'Find if intersection points are entry or exit points') if len(intersectingStraightLines) == 0: # If there are no stream segments with entry/exit points log.warning('No entry/exit points found') return None, streamNetworkFC else: for straightLineSeg in intersectingStraightLines: assignTypesToPoints(straightLineSeg, spatialRefStreams) ############################################### ### Remove superfluous entry or exit points ### ############################################### ''' We primarily want to show the main exit point, smaller exit points, and entry. Often, especially if a stream runs along the boundary line of the study area then additional entry and exit points are generated. The point removal functions do the following: 1. Mark points that are within a distance threshold of each other. 2. Remove all marked exit points, and remove all entry points apart from those marked as ones to keep. ''' # First, find the entry and exit points for each stream network streamNetEntryPoints = {} streamNetExitPoints = {} for id in range(1, len(intersectPointsList)): pt = intersectPointsList[id] if pt.pointType == 'Entry': if pt.streamNetworkID in streamNetEntryPoints: streamNetEntryPoints[pt.streamNetworkID].append(pt) else: streamNetEntryPoints[pt.streamNetworkID] = [pt] if pt.pointType == 'Exit': if pt.streamNetworkID in streamNetExitPoints: streamNetExitPoints[pt.streamNetworkID].append(pt) else: streamNetExitPoints[pt.streamNetworkID] = [pt] # Work out which entry and exit points to keep (as streams may weave along the study area mask boundary). # We only want the last exit point and the first entry point on each stream branch. pointsToRemove = [] entryPointsToKeep = [] # For each stream network, find the exit point with the maximum flow accumulation # Mark all other exit points as points to be removed for streamNetworkID in streamNetExitPoints: maxExitPoint = max(streamNetExitPoints[streamNetworkID], key=lambda item: item.pointFAC) # Find start and end (solo) nodes for each stream network streamNetworks = findTerminalNodesForStreamNetworks(streamSegments) # Find last stream segment and node of each stream network (i.e. towards end of stream) for streamNetwork in streamNetworks: maxFAC = 0 for nodeSeg in streamNetwork.soloNodes: node = nodeSeg.node segID = nodeSeg.segmentId # Find the node's point if streamSegments[segID].fromNode == node: point = streamSegments[segID].fromNodePoint else: point = streamSegments[segID].toNodePoint # Find the flow accumulation at this point maxFlowAccAtPoint = getMaxValueFromCellAndSurrounds( point.X, point.Y, cellSize, cellSizeUnits, spatialRefStreams, hydFAC) if maxFlowAccAtPoint >= maxFAC: maxFAC = maxFlowAccAtPoint maxFACStreamSegID = segID maxFACNode = node maxFACPoint = point maxFACNodeSeg = nodeSeg streamNetwork.lastStreamSeg = maxFACStreamSegID streamNetwork.lastNode = maxFACNode streamNetwork.lastNodePoint = maxFACPoint streamNetwork.lastNodeSeg = maxFACNodeSeg # Populate the entryPointsToKeep array initially with all entry points for streamNetworkID in streamNetEntryPoints: for pt in streamNetEntryPoints[streamNetworkID]: entryPointsToKeep.append(pt.pointID) ### Find pairs of entry/exit points that are close together and have similar flow accumulation values ### # Loop through coords list to find pairs of points that are less than the threshold distance apart distanceThresh = 100 spatialRef = arcpy.Describe(intersectPoints).spatialReference for id1 in range(1, len(intersectPointsList)): pt1 = intersectPointsList[id1] pt1Geom = arcpy.PointGeometry( arcpy.Point(pt1.pointCoords[0], pt1.pointCoords[1]), spatialRef) if id1 < len(intersectPointsList): for id2 in range(id1 + 1, len(intersectPointsList)): pt2 = intersectPointsList[id2] if ((pt1.pointType == 'Entry' and pt2.pointType == 'Exit') or (pt1.pointType == 'Exit' and pt2.pointType == 'Entry')): pt2Geom = arcpy.PointGeometry( arcpy.Point(pt2.pointCoords[0], pt2.pointCoords[1]), spatialRef) distanceBetweenPoints = pt1Geom.distanceTo(pt2Geom) ## Future improvement: what is the threshold for "similarity"? if distanceBetweenPoints < distanceThresh: if pt1.pointID not in pointsToRemove: pointsToRemove.append(pt1.pointID) if pt2.pointID not in pointsToRemove: pointsToRemove.append(pt2.pointID) # Find the exit point with the maximum FAC. First create list of exit points. exitPointsList = [] for id in range(1, len(intersectPointsList)): pt = intersectPointsList[id] if pt.pointType == 'Exit': exitPointsList.append(pt) # Find the point with the maximum overall flow accumulation maxExitPoint = max(exitPointsList, key=lambda item: item.pointFAC) # Update this point with a point type of 'Main exit' intersectPointsList[maxExitPoint.pointID].pointType = 'Main exit' # Update the intersecting points feature class with the point types, point numbers and stream network numbers. 'Update the intersecting points feature class with the point types' ) arcpy.AddField_management(intersectPoints, "POINT_NO", "LONG") arcpy.AddField_management(intersectPoints, "POINT_TYPE", "TEXT") arcpy.AddField_management(intersectPoints, "STREAM_NO", "LONG") pointNo = 1 with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(intersectPoints, [ "OBJECTID", "SEGMENT_ID", "SHAPE@XY", "POINT_NO", "POINT_TYPE", "STREAM_NO" ]) as updateCursor: for pt in updateCursor: pointID = pt[0] streamSeg = pt[1] pointCoords = pt[2] pt[3] = pointNo pt[4] = intersectPointsList[pointID].pointType pt[5] = intersectPointsList[pointID].streamNetworkID if pointID in pointsToRemove and pointID != maxExitPoint.pointID: updateCursor.deleteRow() else: if intersectPointsList[ pointID].pointType == 'Entry' and pointID not in entryPointsToKeep: updateCursor.deleteRow() else: updateCursor.updateRow(pt) pointNo += 1 # Write intersection point feature class to disk arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(intersectPoints, entryExitPoints) return entryExitPoints, streamNetworkFC except Exception: log.error( "Critical exit point operations did not complete successfully") raise