def encoder_block(x, att_dim=512, num_heads=12, mlp_dim=2048, attn_drop=0., ffn_drop=0.1, residual_scale=2., residual_drop=0.): # MSA inpt = x x = LayerNormalization()(x) x = MultiHeadAttention(att_dim, num_heads, attn_drop, ffn_drop)([x, x, x]) # self-attention x = Dropout(residual_drop, noise_shape=(None, 1, 1))(x) # stochastic-depth by sample x = Lambda(lambda x: x[0] + x[1] / residual_scale)([inpt, x]) # FFN inpt = x x = LayerNormalization()(x) x = FeedForwardNetwork(mlp_dim, att_dim, activation=gelu, drop_rate=ffn_drop)(x) x = Dropout(residual_drop, noise_shape=(None, 1, 1))(x) x = Lambda(lambda x: x[0] + x[1] / residual_scale)([inpt, x]) return x
def encoder_block(x, hidden_dim=768, att_drop_rate=0., num_heads=12, mlp_dim=3072, drop_rate=0.1): # MSA inpt = x x = LayerNormalization()(x) x = MultiHeadAttention(hidden_dim, num_heads)([x, x, x]) # self-attention x = Dropout(drop_rate)(x) x = add([inpt, x]) # layer norm # FFN inpt = x out_dim = K.int_shape(x)[-1] x = LayerNormalization()(x) x = FeedForwardNetwork(mlp_dim, out_dim, activation=gelu, drop_rate=drop_rate)(x) x = add([inpt, x]) return x
class SentenceEncoderBlock(Layer): def __init__(self, output_dim, attention_dim, n_heads, dropout=0.3, **kwargs): self.output_dim = output_dim # Es la dimensión de salida del encoder después de las fc self.n_heads = n_heads self.attention_dim = attention_dim # Es la dimensión para dq/dk/dv de multihead attention self.activation = "relu" self.dropout = dropout super(SentenceEncoderBlock, self).__init__(**kwargs) def build(self, input_shape): # "Two linear transformations with a ReLU activation in between" # self.dense_1 = Dense(self.output_dim, activation=self.activation) self._trainable_weights += self.dense_1.trainable_weights self.dense_2 = Dense(self.output_dim) self._trainable_weights += self.dense_2.trainable_weights # MultiHeadAttention # self.multihead_attention = MultiHeadAttention(self.attention_dim, self.n_heads) self._trainable_weights += self.multihead_attention.trainable_weights # LayerNorm # self.layer_normalization = LayerNormalization() self._trainable_weights += self.layer_normalization.trainable_weights super(SentenceEncoderBlock, self).build(input_shape) def compute_mask(self, inputs, mask=None): # Just pass the received mask from previous layer, to the next layer return mask def call(self, x, mask=None): z, all_attns = self.multihead_attention(x) z = K.dropout(z, self.dropout) xz = self.layer_normalization(x + z) h_xz = self.dense_1(xz) h_xz = self.dense_2(h_xz) h_xz = K.dropout(h_xz, self.dropout) h_xz = self.layer_normalization(h_xz + xz) return [h_xz, all_attns] def compute_output_shape(self, input_shape): return [(input_shape[0], input_shape[1], self.output_dim), (input_shape[0], self.n_heads, input_shape[1], input_shape[1])]
def transformer_encoder(inputs, num_heads=4, dropout_rate=0.1): in_dim = K.int_shape(inputs)[-1] x = MultiHeadAttention(num_heads, in_dim)([inputs, inputs]) x = Dropout(dropout_rate)(x) x = add([inputs, x]) x1 = LayerNormalization()(x) x = Dense(in_dim * 2, activation='relu')(x1) x = Dense(in_dim)(x) x = Dropout(dropout_rate)(x) x = add([x1, x]) x = LayerNormalization()(x) return x
def __init__(self, d_model, heads, dim_q, dim_v, hidden_units, dropout_rate, name, activation='relu', **kwargs): self.dim_v = dim_v self.dim_q = dim_q self.hidden_units = hidden_units self.heads = heads self.attention_layer = MultiHeadedAttention(d_model=d_model, heads=self.heads, dim_q=self.dim_q, dim_v=self.dim_v, dropout_rate=dropout_rate, name=name) self.normalization_layer = LayerNormalization() self.feedforward = PositionWiseFeedForward(d_model=d_model, inner_dim=self.hidden_units, dropout_rate=dropout_rate, name=name)
def __init__(self, emb_dim, feature_shape, n_heads, window_size, mlp_ratio=4, qkv_bias=True, attn_drop=0., ffn_drop=0., residual_drop=0., idx=None, **kwargs): super(SwinTransformerBlock, self).__init__(name='STB_%d' % idx, **kwargs) self.emb_dim = emb_dim self.feature_shape = feature_shape self.window_size = window_size self.shift_size = window_size // 2 # W-MSA self.ln1 = LayerNormalization() self.wmsa = WindowMultiHeadAttention(emb_dim, n_heads, window_size, qkv_bias, attn_drop, ffn_drop) self.res_drop1 = Dropout(residual_drop, noise_shape=(None, 1, 1)) self.ln2 = LayerNormalization() self.ffn = FeedForwardNetwork(emb_dim * mlp_ratio, emb_dim, activation=gelu, drop_rate=ffn_drop) self.res_drop2 = Dropout(residual_drop, noise_shape=(None, 1, 1)) # SW-MSA self.ln3 = LayerNormalization() self.wmsa_s = WindowMultiHeadAttention(emb_dim, n_heads, window_size, qkv_bias, attn_drop, ffn_drop) self.res_drop3 = Dropout(residual_drop, noise_shape=(None, 1, 1)) self.ln4 = LayerNormalization() self.ffn_s = FeedForwardNetwork(emb_dim * mlp_ratio, emb_dim, activation=gelu, drop_rate=ffn_drop) self.res_drop4 = Dropout(residual_drop, noise_shape=(None, 1, 1))
def build(self, input_shape): # "Two linear transformations with a ReLU activation in between" # self.dense_1 = Dense(self.output_dim, activation=self.activation) self._trainable_weights += self.dense_1.trainable_weights self.dense_2 = Dense(self.output_dim) self._trainable_weights += self.dense_2.trainable_weights # MultiHeadAttention # self.multihead_attention = MultiHeadAttention(self.attention_dim, self.n_heads) self._trainable_weights += self.multihead_attention.trainable_weights # LayerNorm # self.layer_normalization = LayerNormalization() self._trainable_weights += self.layer_normalization.trainable_weights super(WordEncoderBlock, self).build(input_shape)
def __init__(self, feature_shape, emb_dim, stage_idx=None, **kwargs): super(PatchMerging, self).__init__(name='PatchMerging_%d' % stage_idx, **kwargs) h, w = feature_shape pad_h, pad_w = int(h % 2 == 1), int(w % 2 == 1) self.use_pad = False if pad_h or pad_w: self.use_pad = True self.pad = Pad_HW(0, pad_h, 0, pad_w) self.ln = LayerNormalization() self.dense = Dense(2 * emb_dim, use_bias=False, kernel_initializer=bias_init) self.feature_shape = feature_shape self.emb_dim = emb_dim
def visionTransformer(input_size=224, patch_size=16, drop_rate=0.1, num_layers=12, hidden_dim=768, att_drop_rate=0., num_heads=12, mlp_dim=3072, out_dim=None): inpt = Input((input_size, input_size, 3)) # linear project patches x = Conv2D(hidden_dim, patch_size, strides=patch_size, padding='valid')(inpt) # [b,Np,Np,D] # reshape b, h, w, c = K.int_shape(x) x = Reshape((h * w, c))(x) # [b,N,D] # prepend class token x0 = Lambda(lambda x: K.placeholder((None, 1, hidden_dim)))(x) x = Concatenate(axis=1)([x0, x]) # [b,N+1,D] b, sq_len, input_dim = K.int_shape(x) # add fixed/learnable positional embeddings pe = Lambda(lambda x: positional_embedding(sq_len, input_dim))(x) x = add([x, pe]) # [b,N+1,D] x = Dropout(drop_rate)(x) # transformer encoder for i in range(num_layers): x = encoder_block(x, hidden_dim, att_drop_rate, num_heads, mlp_dim, drop_rate) x = LayerNormalization()(x) # take cls token x = Lambda(lambda x: x[:, 0, :])(x) # [b,D] if out_dim: x = Dense(out_dim, activation='tanh')(x) model = Model(inpt, x) return model
def build(self): self.input_document = Input(shape=(self.max_words, self.embedding_dims)) self.mask = Input(shape=(self.max_words, )) self.pos_encoding = Input(shape=(self.max_words, self.embedding_dims)) # Padding # self.z_input = MyMasking()(self.input_document, mask=self.mask) # Positional Encoding# if self.z_input = PositionalEncoding()(self.z_input, mask=self.pos_encoding) # Dropout at input (sentence level) self.z_input = SpatialDropout1D(self.dropout_input)(self.z_input) self.all_attns = [] ant_layer = self.z_input for i in range(self.n_encoders): self.sentence_encoder = SentenceEncoderBlock( self.output_encoder_dims[i], self.attention_dims[i], self.n_heads[i], dropout=self.dropout_output) self.document_encoder = self.sentence_encoder(ant_layer) self.z_encoder = Lambda(lambda x: x[0])(self.document_encoder) self.attn_encoder = Lambda(lambda x: x[1])(self.document_encoder) self.all_attns.append(self.attn_encoder) # Masking entre cada capa # self.z_encoder = MyMasking()(self.z_encoder, mask=self.mask) ant_layers = (self.z_encoder) # Prepare all attentions # if self.n_encoders > 1: self.all_attns = [ Lambda(lambda a: K.expand_dims(a, 1))(x) for x in self.all_attns ] self.all_attns = Concatenate(axis=1)(self.all_attns) ########################## if self.pool_mode == "max": self.z_encoder = GlobalMaxPooling1D()(self.z_encoder) else: self.z_encoder = GlobalAveragePooling1D()(self.z_encoder) #self.z_encoder = Dropout(0.3)(self.z_encoder) # En el mejor, no estaba self.z_encoder = LayerNormalization()( self.z_encoder) # En el mejor, esto activado! self.h = self.z_encoder if self.final_h: self.h = Dense(self.dim_h, activation="relu")(self.h) #self.h = Dropout(0.3)(self.h) # Este no está en el mejor self.h = LayerNormalization()( self.h) # En el mejor, esto activado! self.output = Dense(4, activation="softmax")(self.h) self.model = Model( inputs=[self.input_document, self.mask, self.pos_encoding], outputs=[self.output]) self.attn_model = Model( inputs=[self.input_document, self.mask, self.pos_encoding], outputs=self.all_attns)
def build(self): self.input_article = Input(shape=(self.document_max_sents, self.document_max_words_per_sent)) self.input_summary = Input(shape=(self.summary_max_sents, self.summary_max_words_per_sent)) self.mask_word_article = Input(shape=(self.document_max_sents, self.document_max_words_per_sent)) self.mask_word_summary = Input(shape=(self.summary_max_sents, self.summary_max_words_per_sent)) self.mask_sent_article = Input(shape=(self.document_max_sents,)) self.mask_sent_summary = Input(shape=(self.summary_max_sents,)) self.pos_encoding_word_article = Input(shape=(self.document_max_sents, self.document_max_words_per_sent, self.embedding_dims)) self.pos_encoding_word_summary = Input(shape=(self.summary_max_sents, self.summary_max_words_per_sent, self.embedding_dims)) self.pos_encoding_sent_article = Input(shape=(self.document_max_sents, self.embedding_dims)) self.pos_encoding_sent_summary = Input(shape=(self.summary_max_sents, self.embedding_dims)) self.embedding = Embedding(self.max_vocabulary, self.embedding_dims, mask_zero=False) # Get Word Embeddings (shared between branches) # self.e_article = self.embedding(self.input_article) self.e_summary = self.embedding(self.input_summary) # Masking de palabras # self.ep_article = TimeDistributed(MyMasking())(self.e_article, mask = self.mask_word_article) self.ep_summary = TimeDistributed(MyMasking())(self.e_summary, mask = self.mask_word_summary) # Adding Word embeddings and Positional embeddings # if self.pe_words: self.ep_article = TimeDistributed(PositionalEncoding())(self.ep_article, mask = self.pos_encoding_word_article) self.ep_summary = TimeDistributed(PositionalEncoding())(self.ep_summary, mask = self.pos_encoding_word_summary) # Dropout at input (word level)# #self.ep_article = TimeDistributed(SpatialDropout1D(self.dropout_word_input))(self.ep_article) #self.ep_summary = TimeDistributed(SpatialDropout1D(self.dropout_word_input))(self.ep_summary) # Word Encoders # ant_layers = (self.ep_article, self.ep_summary) for i in range(self.n_word_encoders): self.word_encoder = WordEncoderBlock(self.output_word_encoder_dims[i], self.word_attention_dims[i], self.n_word_heads[i], dropout = self.dropout_word_output) self.z_article_word_encoder = TimeDistributed(self.word_encoder)(ant_layers[0]) self.z_summary_word_encoder = TimeDistributed(self.word_encoder)(ant_layers[1]) self.z_article_word_encoder = TimeDistributed(MyMasking())(self.z_article_word_encoder, mask = self.mask_word_article) # Padding entre cada capa self.z_summary_word_encoder = TimeDistributed(MyMasking())(self.z_summary_word_encoder, mask = self.mask_word_summary) ant_layers = (self.z_article_word_encoder, self.z_summary_word_encoder) self.z_article_word_encoder = TimeDistributed(GlobalMaxPooling1D())(self.z_article_word_encoder) self.z_summary_word_encoder = TimeDistributed(GlobalMaxPooling1D())(self.z_summary_word_encoder) # Sentence Encoders # # Padding de frases # self.z_article_word_encoder = MyMasking()(self.z_article_word_encoder, mask = self.mask_sent_article) self.z_summary_word_encoder = MyMasking()(self.z_summary_word_encoder, mask = self.mask_sent_summary) # Positional Encodings para orden sobre frases # if self.pe_sentences: self.z_article_word_encoder = PositionalEncoding()(self.z_article_word_encoder, mask = self.pos_encoding_sent_article) self.z_summary_word_encoder = PositionalEncoding()(self.z_summary_word_encoder, mask = self.pos_encoding_sent_summary) # Dropout at input (sentence level) #self.z_article_word_encoder = SpatialDropout1D(self.dropout_sent_input)(self.z_article_word_encoder) #self.z_summary_word_encoder = SpatialDropout1D(self.dropout_sent_input)(self.z_summary_word_encoder) self.all_article_attns = [] ant_layers = (self.z_article_word_encoder, self.z_summary_word_encoder) for i in range(self.n_sentence_encoders): self.sentence_encoder = SentenceEncoderBlock(self.output_sentence_encoder_dims[i], self.sentence_attention_dims[i], self.n_sentence_heads[i], dropout = self.dropout_sent_output) self.article_sentence_encoder = self.sentence_encoder(ant_layers[0]) self.summary_sentence_encoder = self.sentence_encoder(ant_layers[1]) self.z_article_sentence_encoder = Lambda(lambda x: x[0])(self.article_sentence_encoder) self.z_summary_sentence_encoder = Lambda(lambda x: x[0])(self.summary_sentence_encoder) self.attn_article_sentence_encoder = Lambda(lambda x: x[1])(self.article_sentence_encoder) self.all_article_attns.append(self.attn_article_sentence_encoder) # Masking entre cada capa # self.z_article_sentence_encoder = MyMasking()(self.z_article_sentence_encoder, mask = self.mask_sent_article) self.z_summary_sentence_encoder = MyMasking()(self.z_summary_sentence_encoder, mask = self.mask_sent_summary) ant_layers = (self.z_article_sentence_encoder, self.z_summary_sentence_encoder) # Prepare all attentions # if self.n_sentence_encoders > 1: self.all_article_attns = [Lambda(lambda a: K.expand_dims(a, 1))(x) for x in self.all_article_attns] self.all_article_attns = Concatenate(axis=1)(self.all_article_attns) ########################## self.z_article_sentence_encoder = GlobalMaxPooling1D()(self.z_article_sentence_encoder) self.z_summary_sentence_encoder = GlobalMaxPooling1D()(self.z_summary_sentence_encoder) self.difference = Lambda(lambda x: K.abs(x[0] - x[1]))([self.z_article_sentence_encoder, self.z_summary_sentence_encoder]) self.collapsed = Concatenate(axis=-1)([self.z_article_sentence_encoder, self.z_summary_sentence_encoder, self.difference]) self.collapsed = LayerNormalization()(self.collapsed) self.h = Dense(self.dim_h, activation="relu")(self.collapsed) self.h = LayerNormalization()(self.h) self.output = Dense(2, activation="softmax")(self.h) self.model = Model(inputs = [self.input_article, self.mask_word_article, self.mask_sent_article, self.pos_encoding_word_article, self.pos_encoding_sent_article, self.input_summary, self.mask_word_summary, self.mask_sent_summary, self.pos_encoding_word_summary, self.pos_encoding_sent_summary], outputs = [self.output]) self.attn_model = Model(inputs = [self.input_article, self.mask_word_article, self.mask_sent_article, self.pos_encoding_word_article, self.pos_encoding_sent_article], outputs = self.all_article_attns)
def LV_ViT(input_size=224, patch_size=16, emb_dim=384, mlp_dim=1152, out_dim=9, num_layers=16, num_heads=6, attn_drop=0., ffn_drop=0., residual_drop=0.1, residual_scale=2., mix_token=False, aux_loss=False): inpt = Input((input_size, input_size, 3)) # patch embedding x = ConvBN(inpt, 64, kernel_size=7, strides=2) x = ConvBN(x, 64, kernel_size=3, strides=1) x = ConvBN(x, 64, kernel_size=3, strides=1) x = Conv2D(emb_dim, 8, strides=8, padding='same')(x) N = input_size // patch_size # mixtoken if mix_token: mix_mask = Input((N, N, 1)) # random crop based on beta distribution x = Lambda(mix_tokens)([x, mix_mask]) # cls token x = Reshape((N * N, emb_dim))(x) tmp = Lambda(lambda x: x[:, 0:1, :])(x) # [b,1,D] x0 = Lambda(lambda x: K.zeros_like(x))(tmp) x = Concatenate(axis=1)([x0, x]) # [b,N+1,D] # positional embeddings pe = Lambda(lambda x: tf.tile(positional_embedding(N * N + 1, emb_dim), [tf.shape(x)[0], 1, 1]))(x) x = add([x, pe]) # [b,N+1,D] x = Dropout(ffn_drop)(x) # transformer blocks for i in range(num_layers): x = encoder_block(x, emb_dim, num_heads, mlp_dim, attn_drop, ffn_drop, residual_scale, residual_drop) x = LayerNormalization()(x) # take cls token x_cls = Lambda(lambda x: x[:, 0, :])(x) # [b,D] if out_dim: x_cls = Dense(out_dim, activation='softmax')(x_cls) # take aux tokens if aux_loss: x_aux = Lambda(lambda x: x[:, 1:, :])(x) # [b,N,D] if mix_token: x_aux = Reshape((N, N, emb_dim))(x_aux) x_aux = Lambda(mix_tokens)([x_aux, mix_mask]) x_aux = Reshape((N * N, emb_dim))(x_aux) x_aux = Dense(out_dim, activation='softmax')(x_aux) model_inputs = [inpt, mix_mask] if mix_token else inpt model_outputs = [x_cls, x_aux] if aux_loss else x_cls model = Model(model_inputs, model_outputs) return model
def SwinTransformer( input_shape=(224, 224, 3), patch_size=4, emb_dim=96, ape=False, n_classes=1000, # in/out hypers num_layers=[2, 2, 6, 2], num_heads=[3, 6, 12, 24], # structual hypers window_size=7, qkv_bias=True, qk_scale=None, mlp_ratio=4, # swin-block hypers attn_drop=0., ffn_drop=0., residual_drop=0.2): inpt = Input(input_shape) # assert input_size%7==0 and input_size%16==0, 'input_size can not be divided clean' # patch embedding x = Conv2D(emb_dim, patch_size, strides=patch_size, padding='same')(inpt) # (b,h/4,w/4,C), autopad H, W = (math.ceil(input_shape[0] / patch_size), math.ceil(input_shape[1] / patch_size)) x = LayerNormalization()(x) # [b,H,W,D] # absolute positional embeddings if ape: pe = Lambda(lambda x: tf.truncated_normal( (H, W, emb_dim), mean=0.0, stddev=.02))(x) # (1,H,W,D) x = add([x, pe]) # (b,H,W,D) x = Dropout(ffn_drop)(x) # transformer stages n_stages = len(num_layers) dbr = np.linspace(0, residual_drop, num=sum(num_layers)) # drop block rate block_idx = 0 for i in range(n_stages): merging = True if i < n_stages - 1 else False # pad on the top pad_b, pad_r = (window_size - H % window_size) % window_size, ( window_size - W % window_size) % window_size if pad_b or pad_r: pad_l = pad_t = 0 # x = Lambda(lambda x: tf.pad(x, [[0,0],[pad_t, pad_b], [pad_l, pad_r], [0,0]]))(x) x = Pad_HW(pad_t, pad_b, pad_l, pad_r)(x) H += pad_b W += pad_r # WSA+SWSA: 2 blocks x = basicStage( x, emb_dim, (H, W), num_layers[i] // 2, num_heads[i], window_size, mlp_ratio, qkv_bias, attn_drop=0., ffn_drop=0., residual_drop=dbr[sum(num_layers[:i]):sum(num_layers[:i + 1])], patch_merging=merging, idx=block_idx, stage=i) emb_dim *= 2 block_idx += num_layers[i] // 2 if merging: H = (H + 1) // 2 W = (W + 1) // 2 x = LayerNormalization()(x) # [b,H/32,W/32,8C] # head x = GlobalAveragePooling2D(data_format='channels_last')(x) # (b,8C) if n_classes: x = Dense(n_classes, activation='softmax', kernel_initializer=bias_init, bias_initializer='zeros')(x) model = Model(inpt, x) return model
def SwinTransformer(input_size=224, patch_size=4, emb_dim=96, mlp_ratio=4, out_dim=1000, ape=False, num_layers=[2, 2, 6, 2], num_heads=[3, 6, 12, 24], window_size=7, qkv_bias=True, attn_drop=0., ffn_drop=0., residual_drop=0.2): inpt = Input((input_size, input_size, 3)) assert input_size % 7 == 0 and input_size % 16 == 0, 'input_size can not be divided clean' # patch embedding x = Conv2D(emb_dim, patch_size, strides=patch_size, padding='same')(inpt) N = input_size // patch_size # grid_size, s4 x = Reshape((N * N, emb_dim))(x) x = LayerNormalization()(x) # [b,T,D] # absolute positional embeddings if ape: pe = Lambda(lambda x: tf.truncated_normal( (1, tf.shape(x)[1], tf.shape(x)[2]), mean=0.0, stddev=.02))( x) # [1,T,D] x = add([x, pe]) # [b,N+1,D] x = Dropout(ffn_drop)(x) # transformer stages n_stages = len(num_layers) dbr = np.linspace(0, residual_drop, num=sum(num_layers)) feature_size = N # start from s4 block_idx = 0 for i in range(n_stages): merging = True if i < n_stages - 1 else False x = swin_block(x, emb_dim, feature_size, num_layers[i], num_heads[i], window_size, mlp_ratio, qkv_bias, attn_drop=0., ffn_drop=0., residual_drop=dbr[i], patch_merging=merging, idx=block_idx, stage=i) emb_dim *= 2 block_idx += num_layers[i] if merging: feature_size //= 2 x = LayerNormalization()(x) # [H/32*W/32,8C] # head x = GlobalAveragePooling1D(data_format='channels_last')(x) if out_dim: x = Dense(out_dim, activation='softmax')(x) model = Model(inpt, x) return model