def showCalendar(self): """ Shows a calendar with current date :return: CalendarWidget() """ logging.debug("Showing calendar") header = select = calendar = CalendarWidget(header, select) setting_hint = "hints/showCalendarReminderHint" should_show_hint = not self.settings.contains( setting_hint) or self.settings.value(setting_hint) is True"%s: %s", setting_hint, str(should_show_hint)) if should_show_hint: hint = DialogBuilder(calendar, "Setting Reminders", "Hint: Select a date to create a Reminder!") hint.addButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok)) hint.exec() self.settings.setValue(setting_hint, not should_show_hint) def onCalendarReminder(): """ Creates a calendar reminder """ date: QDate = calendar.selectedDate()"MM-dd-yyyy")), False, date) calendar.selectionChanged.connect(onCalendarReminder) dialog = DialogBuilder() dialog.addWidget(calendar) dialog.layout().setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) dialog.setMinimumWidth(int(dialog.width() / 1.2)) dialog.setMinimumHeight(int(dialog.height() / 1.2)) dialog.exec()
def showDialog(self, block, show_calendar: bool = True, date: QDate = None): """ this will show the user a dialog of the the reminders :param block: Element to block by dialog :param show_calendar: Whether to include calendar or not :param date: Pre-defined date if calendar is not shown """"showDialog: displays reminders dialog") # Set the default date format format_date_def: str = "yyyy-MM-dd" # ------------------------------# input_title = QLineEdit() input_title.setPlaceholderText("Title") # ------------------------------# # ------------------------------# # QPlain text edit allows text on multiple lines input_description = QPlainTextEdit() input_description.setMaximumHeight(120) def limitCharCount(): """ Limits the maximum number of characters allowed in description box """ # Limits the number of characters in input_description box text_content = input_description.toPlainText() length = len(text_content) max_length = 150 if length > max_length:"Description too long!") # Get the cursor and position cursor = input_description.textCursor() position = cursor.position() # Strip the text and set new_text = text_content[:max_length] input_description.setPlainText(new_text) # Restore cursor position cursor.setPosition(position - 1) input_description.setTextCursor(cursor) # Assign text limit listener input_description.textChanged.connect(limitCharCount) input_description.setPlaceholderText("Description") # ------------------------------# # ------------------------------# input_calendar = CalendarWidget() input_time = QTimeEdit() def updateTitle(): """ Updates title of the dialog box to selected date and time """ new_date: QDate = input_calendar.selectedDate() formatted_date = new_date.toString(format_date_def) new_time: QTime = input_time.time() formatted_time = new_time.toString("h:mm ap") new_title = formatted_date + " at " + formatted_time logging.debug("Update input_title %s", new_title) dialog.setTitleText(new_title) input_calendar.setFixedHeight(300) input_calendar.selectionChanged.connect(updateTitle) input_time.timeChanged.connect(updateTitle) # initial update of title with default values # ------------------------------# dialog = DialogBuilder(block, "Add reminder") dialog.addWidget(input_title) dialog.addWidget(input_description) # Determine whether to use calendar in dialog or not if show_calendar is True or date is None: dialog.addWidget(input_calendar) else: input_calendar.setSelectedDate(date) dialog.addWidget(input_time) updateTitle() button_box = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Cancel | QDialogButtonBox.Ok) dialog.addButtonBox(button_box) # Set size constrains for looks dialog.setFixedWidth(input_calendar.sizeHint().width()) dialog.setFixedHeight(dialog.sizeHint().height()) if dialog.exec(): if len(input_title.text()) != 0: if date is None: date = input_calendar.selectedDate() self.addReminder(date, input_time.text(), input_title.text(), input_description.toPlainText()) else: dialog_rem_error = DialogBuilder(block, "Error") dialog_rem_error.setTitleText( "This reminder does not have a title") dialog_rem_error.setMsgText("Reminder must contain a title.") dialog_buttons = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok) dialog_rem_error.addButtonBox(dialog_buttons) # if dialog_rem_error.exec(): self.showDialog(None, None, None) else:"Clicked cancel")
class EquationEditorWidget(QWidget): """ This is a widget is an interactive editor for the user to create and insert equations using latex """ def __init__(self, document): """ initializes the widgets :param document: reference to the the document :return: returns nothing """ logging.debug("") super().__init__() # initialize variables self.document = document self.url = "\\dpi{200}" self.pixmap = None self.equation = None self.equation_bar = None self.user_query = "" # create the QDialog and fill it in self.dialog = DialogBuilder(document) self.initUI() self.dialog.exec() def initUI(self): """ sets up the layout of the widget """ # creates the label to show what the user is working on self.equation = QLabel() self.dialog.addWidget(self.equation) # creates the qlineedit the user types into self.equation_bar = QLineEdit() self.dialog.addWidget(self.equation_bar) # widget to contain buttons widget = QWidget() hbox = QHBoxLayout(widget) # button to quit dialogs cancel = QPushButton("Cancel") cancel.clicked.connect(self.dialog.close) hbox.addWidget(cancel) # button to refresh the equation generate = QPushButton("Generate") generate.clicked.connect(self.onGenerate) hbox.addWidget(generate) # button to insert equation into the document insert = QPushButton("Insert") insert.clicked.connect(self.onInsert) hbox.addWidget(insert) self.dialog.addWidget(widget) def onGenerate(self): """ Generates the image from the users input. """"User Generated Equation") if self.user_query != self.equation_bar.text(): self.user_query = self.equation_bar.text() # get the formatted equation from the web api req = requests.get(self.url + self.equation_bar.text()) # convert the image to a pixmap and display it to the user through the qlabel img = QImage() img.loadFromData(req.content) self.pixmap = QPixmap(img) self.equation.setPixmap(self.pixmap) def onInsert(self): """ When the user selects to insert the image. """ # generate the image if it has not been yet self.onGenerate() # if the pixmap is not none insert it to the document if self.pixmap is not None:"Inserted Equation") cursor = self.document.textCursor() # scale the pixmap and get its image font_size = self.document.currentCharFormat().fontPointSize() self.pixmap = self.pixmap.scaledToHeight(font_size + 35, Qt.SmoothTransformation) img = self.pixmap.toImage() # add the image to the document and close the prompt cursor.insertImage(img) self.dialog.close() else: logging.warning("No Pixmap Found")