Exemple #1
def generate_test_list2():
    n1 = ListNode(1)
    n2 = ListNode(2)

    n1.next = n2

    return n1
def reverseLinkedListII(head, m, n):
    if head == None:
        return None
    dummy = ListNode(0)
    dummy.next = head
    head = dummy

    # find premmNode and mNode
    for i in range(1, m):
        head = head.next
    prevmNode = head
    mNode = head.next

    # reverse link from m to n
    nNode = mNode
    nextnNode = nNode.next
    for i in range(m, n):
        temp = nextnNode.next
        nextnNode.next = nNode
        nNode = nextnNode
        nextnNode = temp

    # combine
    prevmNode.next = nNode
    mNode.next = nextnNode

    return dummy.next
    def insertAtHead(self, item):
            pre:  an item to be inserted into list
            post: item is inserted into beginning of list

        node = ListNode(item)

        if not self.length:
            # set the cursor to the head because it's the
            # first item inserted into the list
            self.head = node 
        elif self.length == 1 and not self.tail:
            self.tail = self.head
            node.link = self.tail
            self.head = node
            node.link = self.head
            self.head = node

        # set the cursor to the head if it's not set yet
        if not self.cursor:
            self.cursor = self.head

        self.length += 1
 def oddEvenList(self, head):
     :type head: ListNode
     :rtype: ListNode
     if not head:
     dummy1, dummy2 = ListNode(0), ListNode(0)
     dummy1.next = head
     dummy2.next = head.next
     dummy3 = head.next
     count = 3
     while head and dummy3 and dummy3.next and head.next:
         if head.next.next and not dummy3.next.next:
             head.next = head.next.next
             head = head.next
         elif not head.next.next and dummy3.next.next:
             dummy3.next = dummy3.next.next
             dummy3 = dummy3.next
         if count%2:
             head.next = head.next.next
             head = head.next
             dummy3.next = dummy3.next.next
             dummy3 = dummy3.next
     head.next = dummy2.next
     if dummy3:
         dummy3.next = None
     return dummy1.next
def rotateLSegment(l, m, n):
    dummyN = ListNode(0)
    dummyN.next = l

    l = dummyN
    rslt, i = l, 0

    while i < m-1:
        l = l.next
        i += 1

    t, i = None, 0

    beg, end = l, l.next
    l = l.next

    while l and i <= n-m:
        h = l
        l = l.next
        h.next = t
        t = h
        i += 1

    beg.next = t
    end.next = l

    return dummyN.next
    def deleteDuplicates(self, head):
        :type head: ListNode
        :rtype: ListNode
        if not head:
            return head
        # a dummy node is must
        dummy = ListNode(0)
        dummy.next = head
        prev = dummy
        current = head
        while current:
            if current.next and current.val == current.next.val:

                # find duplciate, delete all
                while current.next and current.val == current.next.val:
                    current = current.next
                # now current pointer is at last node of duplicated
                # delete duplicated nodes
                prev.next = current.next
                current = current.next
                # @note: prev stays the same
                prev = current
                current = current.next
        return dummy.next # return could be a empty list, if input list with all duplicates
Exemple #7
def revKGroup_r(h, k):
    count = 0
    dummy = ListNode(-1)
    dummy.next = h
    n = dummy
    head = dummy

    while head:
        tail = head.next
        n = tail

        while n and count < k:
            n = n.next
            count += 1

        if count < k and not n:

        count = 0
        stopN = n

        head.next = revK_r(tail, stopN)
        tail.next = stopN
        head = tail

    return dummy.next
Exemple #8
def test3():
    n1 = ListNode(1)
    n2 = ListNode(2)

    n1.next = n2

Exemple #9
def test3():
    n1 = ListNode(1)
    n2 = ListNode(2)

    n2.next = n1

    h = n2
    rslt = mergeSort(h)
Exemple #10
def generate_test_list3():
    n1 = ListNode(1)
    n2 = ListNode(2)
    n3 = ListNode(3)

    n1.next = n2
    n2.next = n3

    return n1
Exemple #11
def addNumbers(h1, h2):
  l1, l2 = getLeng(h1), getLeng(h2)
  needToAdd1 = addNumRecur(h1, h2, l1 >= l2, abs(l1-l2))
  if needToAdd1:
    newN = ListNode(1)
    newN.next = (h1 if l1>=l2 else h2)
    return newN
    return (h1 if l1>=l2 else h2)
Exemple #12
def test2():
    n1a = ListNode(1)
    n1b = ListNode(1)
    n1c = ListNode(1)

    n1a.next = n1b
    n1b.next = n1c
    rslt = removeElement(n1a, 1)
Exemple #13
 def test_quicksort_list(self):
     A = ListNode.makeList([5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 6, 10, 7, 8, 9])
     quicksort_list(A, None)
     A = ListNode.makeList([2, 1, 2, 4, 5, 9, 8])
     quicksort_list(A, None)
     A = ListNode.makeList([10])
     quicksort_list(A, None)
Exemple #14
def removeElement(n, val):
    dummyN = ListNode(-1)
    dummyN.next = n
    h = dummyN
    while h:
        if h.next and h.next.val == val:
            h.next = h.next.next
            h = h.next

    return dummyN.next
 def test004(self):
     print "test 004"
     n0 = ListNode(0)
     n0.next = n0
     r = Solution().detectCycle(n0)
     print "  expect:\t", True
     print "  output:\t", r
 def test_hasCycle(self):
     s = LeetSolution()
     A = ListNode.makeList([1])
     A.next = A
     A = ListNode.makeList([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
     A = ListNode.makeList([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
     A.tail.next = A.next.next
 def test_removeNthFromEnd(self):
     s = LeetSolution()
     head = ListNode.makeList([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
     s.removeNthFromEnd(head, 2).show()
     head = ListNode.makeList([1, 2])
     s.removeNthFromEnd(head, 1).show()
     head = ListNode.makeList([1])
     print(s.removeNthFromEnd(head, 1))
     head = ListNode.makeList([1, 2])
     s.removeNthFromEnd(head, 2).show()
     head = ListNode.makeList([1, 2, 3])
     s.removeNthFromEnd(head, 3).show()
def removeLinkedListElements(head, val):
    if head == None or val == None:
        return head
    dummy = ListNode(0)
    dummy.next = head
    head = dummy
    while head.next != None:
        if head.next.val == val:
            head.next = head.next.next
            head = head.next
    return dummy.next
 def test004(self):
     print "test 004"
     n0 = ListNode(0)
     n0.next = n0
     hasCycle = Solution().hasCycle(n0)
     print "  expect:\t", True
     print "  output:\t", hasCycle
def test2():
    n1  = ListNode(1)
    n1a = ListNode(1)
    n1b = ListNode(1)
    n2  = ListNode(2)
    n3  = ListNode(3)

    n1.next = n1a
    n1a.next = n1b
    n1b.next = n2
    n2.next = n3

def test3():
    n1  = ListNode(1)
    n1a = ListNode(1)
    n1b = ListNode(1)
    n2a  = ListNode(2)
    n2b  = ListNode(2)

    n1.next = n1a
    n1a.next = n1b
    n1b.next = n2a
    n2a.next = n2b

def nthtoLastNodeinList(head, n):
    if head is None or n is None:
        return None
    dummy = ListNode(0)
    dummy.next = head
    fast = head
    slow = head
    for i in range(n):
        fast = fast.next
    while fast is not None:
        fast =fast.next
        slow = slow.next
    return slow
 def test_detectCycle(self):
     s = LeetSolution()
     self.assertEqual(None, s.detectCycle(None))
     A = ListNode.makeList([1])
     self.assertEqual(None, s.detectCycle(A))
     A = ListNode.makeList([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
     self.assertEqual(None, s.detectCycle(A))
     A = ListNode.makeList([1])
     A.next = A
     self.assertEqual(1, s.detectCycle(A).val)
     A = ListNode.makeList([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
     A.tail.next = A.next.next
     self.assertEqual(3, s.detectCycle(A).val)
Exemple #24
def test1():
    n0 = ListNode(0)
    n1 = ListNode(1)
    n2 = ListNode(2)
    n3 = ListNode(3)
    n4 = ListNode(4)

    n0.next = n1
    n1.next = n2
    n2.next = n3
    n3.next = n4

def removeDuplicatesfromUnsortedList(head):
    if head == None:
        return None
    dummy = ListNode(0)
    dummy.next = head
    head = dummy
    s = set()
    while head.next != None:
        if head.next.val in s:
            head.next = head.next.next
            head = head.next
    return dummy.next
Exemple #26
 def partition(self, head, x):
     :type head: ListNode
     :type x: int
     :rtype: ListNode
     if not head:
         return head
     # maintain the tail of sub-list with (nodes <= target)
     tail = ListNode(0)
     tail.next = head
     dummy = tail # record it
     currentPrev = tail
     current = head
     # two operation: 1. cut smaller node; 2. insert to sublist
     while current:
         if current.val < x: # update tail pointer, but do nothing
             # 1. cut
             currentPrev.next = current.next
             currentForNextLoop = current.next # record it first
             # 2. insert
             tmp = tail.next
             tail.next = current
             current.next = tmp
             tail = current # update smaller-node-list tail
             current = currentForNextLoop # for next loop
             # @note: here, no update for currentPrev, still the same one
             currentPrev = current
             current =  current.next
     return dummy.next
def removeNthNodefromEndofList(head, n):
    if head == None and not n:
        return head
    dummy = ListNode(0)
    dummy.next = head
    slow = dummy
    fast = dummy
    for i in range(n):
        fast = fast.next
    while fast.next != None:
        slow = slow.next
        fast = fast.next

    slow.next = slow.next.next
    return dummy.next
    def reverseBetween(self, head, m, n):
        :type head: ListNode
        :type m: int
        :type n: int
        :rtype: ListNode

        Given: 1->2->3->4->5->NULL, m = 2 and n = 4,
        return: 1->4->3->2->5->NULL.

        # also need to check list-length >= m,n
        if not head or m > n:
            return head

        dummy = ListNode(0)
        dummy.next = head

        prev = dummy
        current = head
        count = 1

        while count < m:

            prev = current
            current = current.next
            count += 1

        # now current is at m-th node

        # @note:@memorize: m-node will always be tail of this local-reversed list
        # 1,3,2,4,5  => 1,4,3,2,5
        localTail = current
        while count < n:  # @note:@memorize: note the times of operation, 1-time less
            # cache 2 ends, especially current.next, since it will be overwritten
            currenthead = prev.next
            futureHead = localTail.next

            # do the swap
            prev.next = futureHead
            localTail.next = futureHead.next
            futureHead.next = currenthead

            count += 1

        return dummy.next
 def deleteDuplicates(self, head):
     if not head:
         return head
     dummy_head = ListNode(head.val - 1)
     dummy_head.next = head
     pre = dummy_head
     while pre:
         cur = pre.next
         if cur and cur.next and cur.val == cur.next.val:
             while cur and cur.next and cur.val == cur.next.val:
                 cur = cur.next
             pre.next = cur.next
             cur = pre.next
             pre = cur
     return dummy_head.next
Exemple #30
    def reverseList(self, head):

        if not head:
            return head

        dummy = ListNode(0)
        while head:
            tmpDummyNext = dummy.next
            tmpHeadNext = head.next # @note: should record head.next first: i.e., cut out head node

            dummy.next = head
            head.next = tmpDummyNext

            head = tmpHeadNext # @memorize: stupid, head.next is modified above already!

        return dummy.next
Exemple #31
 def addTwoNumbers(self, l1: ListNode, l2: ListNode) -> ListNode:
     x = l1
     y = l2
     e = 0
     root = ListNode(-1)
     tail = root
     while x != None or y != None:
         xv = x.val if x != None else 0
         yv = y.val if y != None else 0
         res = xv + yv + e
         r = res % 10
         e = res // 10
         rl = ListNode(r)
         tail.next = rl
         tail = rl
         x = x.next if x != None else None
         y = y.next if y != None else None
     if e != 0:
         tail.next = ListNode(1)
     return root.next
Exemple #32
 def deleteDuplicates(self, head):
     # write your code here
     if head is None:
         return head
     prehead = ListNode(head.val - 1)
     prehead.next = head
     node = prehead
     while node.next and node.next.next:
         if node.next.val == node.next.next.val:
             v = node.next.val
             tnode = node.next
             while tnode:
                 if tnode.val == v:
                     tnode = tnode.next
             node.next = tnode
             node = node.next
     return prehead.next
 def addTwoNumbers(self, l1: ListNode, l2: ListNode) -> ListNode:
     add_one = False
     sum_node = ListNode(0)
     savehead = sum_node
     while l1 or l2 or add_one:
         sum_node.next = ListNode(0)
         sum_node = sum_node.next
         if l1:
             sum_node.val += l1.val
             l1 = l1.next
         if l2:
             sum_node.val += l2.val
             l2 = l2.next
         if add_one:
             sum_node.val += 1
             add_one = False
         if sum_node.val >= 10:
             sum_node.val -= 10
             add_one = True
     return savehead.next
def addTwoNumbersHelper(l1, l2):
    l1_p, l2_p = l1, l2
    carry, dummy_result = 0, ListNode(-1)
    tail = dummy_result

    while l1_p or l2_p or carry:
        l1_val = 0 if not l1_p else l1_p.val
        l2_val = 0 if not l2_p else l2_p.val

        cur_sum = l1_val + l2_val + carry

        tail.next = ListNode(cur_sum % 10)
        tail = tail.next

        carry = cur_sum / 10

        if l1_p: l1_p = l1_p.next
        if l2_p: l2_p = l2_p.next

    return dummy_result.next
Exemple #35
def merge_two_sorted_lists(l1, l2):
    dummy_head = tail = ListNode()
    while l1 and l2:
        if l1.data > l2.data:
            tail.next, l2 = l2, l2.next
            tail.next, l1 = l1, l1.next
        tail = tail.next

    tail.next = l1 or l2
    return dummy_head.next
 def partition(self, head: ListNode, x: int) -> ListNode:
     if not head:
         return None
     list_left = ListNode(201)
     list_right = ListNode(201)
     sentinel_left = list_left
     sentinel_right = list_right
     while head:
         if head.val < x:
             list_left.next = ListNode(head.val)
             list_left = list_left.next
             list_right.next = ListNode(head.val)
             list_right = list_right.next
         head = head.next
     list_left.next = sentinel_right.next
     return sentinel_left.next
Exemple #37
Fichier : 7.py Projet : oc0de/pyEPI
def remove_kth_last(L, k):
    dummy_head = ListNode(0, L)
    first = dummy_head.next

    for _ in range(k):
        first = first.next

    second = dummy_head
    while first:
        first, second = first.next, second.next
    second.next = second.next.next
    return dummy_head.next
Exemple #38
def removeElements(self, head, val):
    dummy = ListNode(0)
    dummy.next = head
    pre = dummy

    while head:
        if head.val == val:
            pre.next = head.next
            head = pre.next
            head = head.next
            pre = pre.next
    return dummy.next
Exemple #39
def swapPairs0(self, head):
    do as they say
    if head == None or head.next == None:
        return head
    dummy = ListNode(0)
    p = dummy
    dummy.next = head
    while p and p.next and p.next.next:
        first = p.next
        second = p.next.next
        third = p.next.next.next

        p.next = second
        second.next = first
        first.next = third

        p = first
    return dummy.next
Exemple #40
def mergeKLists_bruteforce(self, lists):
    nodes = []
    for i in range(len(lists)):
        head = lists[i]
        while head != None:
            head = head.next
    dummy = ListNode(0)
    p = dummy
    for x in nodes:
        p.next = ListNode(x)
        p = p.next
    return dummy.next
Exemple #41
def even_odd_merge_original(L):
    if not L: return L

    even_head = even_tail = ListNode(0, None)
    odd_head = odd_tail = ListNode(0, None)
    curr = L

    while curr:
        if curr.data % 2 == 0:
            even_tail.next = curr
            even_tail = curr
            odd_tail.next = curr
            odd_tail = curr

        curr = curr.next

    even_tail.next = odd_head
    odd_tail.next = None

    return even_head.next
Exemple #42
def addTwoNumbers(n1, n2, co):
    if n1 is None and n2 is None:
        if co == 0:
            return None
        return ListNode(co)

    n1_val = 0
    n2_val = 0

    if n1 is not None:
        n1_val = n1.val
    if n2 is not None:
        n2_val = n2.val

    s = n1_val + n2_val + co
    new_n = ListNode(s % 10)
    n1_next = None if n1 is None else n1.next
    n2_next = None if n2 is None else n2.next
    new_n.next = addTwoNumbers(n1_next, n2_next, s / 10)

    return new_n
Exemple #43
    def reverseBetween(self, head: ListNode, m: int, n: int) -> ListNode:
        if m == n:
            return head

        dummy = ListNode(-1)
        dummy.next = head
        pre, cur = None, dummy

        for _ in range(m):
            pre, cur = cur, cur.next

        pos = pre
        pre, cur = cur, cur.next

        for _ in range(m, n):
            cur.next, pre, cur = pre, cur, cur.next

        pos.next.next = cur
        pos.next = pre

        return dummy.next
def removeDupComp(head):
    Got this first try. 96.2% - 39.0% performance
    if not head: return None
    dummy = ListNode(head.val - 1)
    dummy.next = head
    i, j = dummy, dummy.next

    while j:
        if i.next == j:
            j = j.next
        elif i.next.val == j.val:
            while j and i.next.val == j.val:
                j = j.next
            i.next = j
            i = i.next
            j = j.next

    return dummy.next
Exemple #45
 def mergeTwoLists(self, l1, l2):
     cur = dummy = ListNode(0)
     while l1 and l2:
         if l1.val <= l2.val:
             cur.next = l1
             l1 = l1.next
             cur.next = l2
             l2 = l2.next
         cur = cur.next
     cur.next = l1 or l2
     return dummy.next
 def deleteDuplicates(self, head: ListNode) -> ListNode:
     sentinel = ListNode(101, head)
     pred = sentinel
     while head:
         if head.next and head.val == head.next.val:
             while head.next and head.val == head.next.val:
                 head = head.next
             pred.next = head.next
             pred = head
         head = head.next
     return sentinel.next
Exemple #47
def partition_(self, head, x):
    算法:与上述方法相似,不同的是这里每次创建新的节点,这样最后就不用q.next = None了,但是这样会增大空间复杂度
    left = ListNode(0)
    p = left
    right = ListNode(0)
    q = right

    while head != None:
        if head.val < x:
            p.next = ListNode(head.val)
            p = p.next
            q.next = ListNode(head.val)
            q = q.next
        head = head.next
    p.next = right.next
    return left.next
 def reorderList(self, head: ListNode) -> None:
     Do not return anything, modify head in-place instead.
     dummy = ListNode(0)
     dummy.next = head
     fast = slow = dummy
     while fast and fast.next:
         slow = slow.next
         fast = fast.next.next
     ReverseHead = self.__reverse(slow.next)
     slow.next = None
     ptr1 = head
     ptr2 = ReverseHead
     while ptr1 and ptr2:
         tmp1 = ptr1.next
         tmp2 = ptr2.next
         ptr1.next = ptr2
         ptr2.next = tmp1
         ptr1 = tmp1
         ptr2 = tmp2
Exemple #49
    def removeNthFromEnd(self, head: ListNode, n: int) -> ListNode:
        if head is None or n < 0:
            return None

        dummy_head = ListNode(-1)
        dummy_head.next = head

        node1 = dummy_head
        node2 = dummy_head

        for i in range(n):
            node1 = node1.next
            if node1 is None:
                return None

        while node1.next is not None:
            node1 = node1.next
            node2 = node2.next
        node2.next = node2.next.next

        return dummy_head.next
Exemple #50
def main():
    node7 = ListNode('7', None)
    node6 = ListNode('6', node7)
    node5 = ListNode('5', node6)
    node4 = ListNode('4', node5)
    node3 = ListNode('3', node4)
    node2 = ListNode('2', node3)
    node1 = ListNode('1', node2)
    node0 = ListNode('0', node1)

    newhead = reverse_single_linked_list(node0)
    while newhead:
        newhead = newhead.next
Exemple #51
    def insert(
        self, index, data
    ):  #runs in O(n) time. #we are inserting the data at the index you assign to.
        newNode = ListNode(data, None, None)
        itrNode = self.__start
        counter = 1
        while (
                counter < index
        ):  # we are going to loop based on where we want to insert the new node
            itrNode = self.__start.getNext()
            # this iteraters through each node
            counter = counter + 1  # we are keeping track of whwere the index is in the linked list.

        if (index == 0):
        elif (index > self.__length):
            #A in the code will be itrNode
            #B in the code will be itrNode.getPrevious();
            A = itrNode
            B = itrNode.getPrevious()
Exemple #52
def sortList2(self, head):
    Disscussion QuickSort
    def partition(start, end):
        node = start.next.next
        pivotPrev = start.next
        pivotPrev.next = end
        pivotPost = pivotPrev
        while node != end:
            temp = node.next
            if node.val > pivotPrev.val:
                node.next = pivotPost.next
                pivotPost.next = node
            elif node.val < pivotPrev.val:
                node.next = start.next
                start.next = node
                node.next = pivotPost.next
                pivotPost.next = node
                pivotPost = pivotPost.next
            node = temp
        return [pivotPrev, pivotPost]

    def quicksort(start, end):
        if start.next != end:
            prev, post = partition(start, end)
            quicksort(start, prev)
            quicksort(post, end)

    newHead = ListNode(0)
    newHead.next = head
    quicksort(newHead, None)
    return newHead.next
    def mergeTwoLists(self, l1: ListNode, l2: ListNode) -> ListNode:
        if l1 is None:
            return l2
        if l2 is None:
            return l1

        newhead = ListNode(-1, None)

        returnhead = newhead
        while l1 and l2:
            if l1.val < l2.val:
                newhead.next = l1
                l1 = l1.next
                newhead.next = l2
                l2 = l2.next
            newhead = newhead.next

        if l1:
            newhead.next = l1

        if l2:
            newhead.next = l2

        return returnhead.next
def test3():
    n1 = ListNode(1)
    n2 = ListNode(2)

    n1.next = n2

Exemple #55
def swapPairs(self, head):
    My Method
        要注意的是每次倒插完之后要将p.next 置None,断掉尾部节点与原链表之间的关系
    if head == None or head.next == None:
        return head
    dummy = ListNode(0)
    p = dummy
    dummy_head = ListNode(0)
    dummy_head.next = head

    while dummy_head.next != None:
        if dummy_head.next.next != None:
            p.next = dummy_head.next.next
            tmp = dummy_head.next
            dummy_head.next = dummy_head.next.next.next
            p = p.next
            p.next = tmp
            p.next = dummy_head.next
            dummy_head.next = None
        p = p.next
        p.next = None
    return dummy.next
Exemple #56
 def deleteDuplicates3(self, head: ListNode) -> ListNode:
     dummy = ListNode(-1)
     pre, cur = dummy, head
     while cur:
         if cur.next and cur.next.val == cur.val:
             while cur.next and cur.val == cur.next.val:
                 cur = cur.next
             pre.next = cur
             pre = pre.next
         cur = cur.next
     pre.next = None
     return dummy.next
Exemple #57
 def mergeTwoLists(self, l1: ListNode, l2: ListNode) -> ListNode:
     sentinel = ListNode()
     head = sentinel
     while l1 and l2:
         if l1.val > l2.val:
             head.next = l2
             l2 = l2.next
             head.next = l1
             l1 = l1.next
         head = head.next
     head.next = l1 or l2
     return sentinel.next
def removeNthFromEnd(head: ListNode, n: int) -> ListNode:
    first = head
    while n:
        n -= 1
        first = first.next

    result = ListNode(0, head)
    second = result
    while first:
        first = first.next
        second = second.next
    second.next = second.next.next
    return result.next
Exemple #59
 def merge(self, l1, l2):
     dummy = ListNode(-1)
     curr = dummy
     while l1 and l2:
         if l1.val < l2.val:
             curr.next = l1
             l1 = l1.next
             curr.next = l2
             l2 = l2.next
         curr = curr.next
     curr.next = l1 if l1 else l2
     return dummy.next
Exemple #60
    def reverse_between(self, head, m, n):
        dummy = ListNode(-1, head)
        pre_m = self.find_k_th(dummy, m - 1)
        m_th = pre_m.next
        n_th = self.find_k_th(dummy, n)
        post_n = n_th.next

        n_th.next = None

        pre_m.next = n_th
        m_th.next = post_n
        return dummy.next