def update_player_prices(self, queue=None, console="PS4"): """ Gets updated price information for all the players on the list/db Input: None Output: None - the player price information is updated """ # Iterate through player list and get updated prices total_players = len(self.db) for idx, player_info in enumerate(self.db): player = Player(player_info) self.db[idx]["price"] = player.get_price(console) # Display number of pages completed if queue is not None: queue.put((idx + 1, total_players)) print "%d of %d players updated" % (idx + 1, total_players)
def __init__(self, client, address, db): super().__init__() self.client = client self.address = address self.db = db self.config = json.loads(open('config.json', 'r').read()) self.device = Device(self.client) self.player = Player(self.device)
def __init__(self, mode='Play', replay_moves=None, patch=PATCH): """ Set up players, variables, and start the game! """ # Make objects player1_name = '1' player2_name = '2' self.player1 = Player( 0, player1_name ) # Make first player, parameter is the name of the player self.player2 = Player(1, player2_name) # Make second player self.field = Field() # Make field # Place for variables self.mode = mode self.patch = patch if self.patch != PATCH: self.patch_info = dict() self.fill_patch_info() else: self.patch_info = CARDS self.active_player = self.player1 if mode == 'Play': self.moves = list( ) # Make list to store all played moves for replay self.actions = dict() # Make dictionary for all available commands self.actions_replay = dict() self.playing = True = True self.note = None # Variable for message sent to user if replay_moves is not None: self.replay_moves = replay_moves self.line = 1 # Initialization functions self.set_available_inputs() # Set all commands self.set_field_player() # Connect field to the correct player # Game loop self.loop() # Start the game
def __init__(self, data, device): super().__init__(data) self.device = device self.player = Player(device)
def download(self, queue=None, get_prices=True, console="PLAYSTATION"): """ Download the database from the EA FIFA website Input: None Output: The downloaded database which is also already saved in the object """ url_db_start = '{"page":"' url_db_end = '"}' del self.db[:] # Empty existing DB list players_found = [] try: # Create session sess = requests.Session() # Get total number of pages of data page_data = sess.get("%s1%s" % (url_db_start, url_db_end), verify=False).content # Get first page data total_pages = json.loads(page_data)["totalPages"] # Get total number of pages # Iterate through all pages for page_num in range(1, total_pages + 1): while True: try: # Get first page data page_data = json.loads(sess.get("%s%s%s" % (url_db_start, page_num, url_db_end)).content) break except Exception: print "JSON Loading Error. Retrying Load." # Get the number of players on the page total_players = page_data["count"] # Iterate through players on page for player_num in range(total_players): # Get player data and create player player_data = page_data["items"][player_num] temp_player = Player(player_data) # If player is a legend and console is PS4, skip if console == "PLAYSTATION" and temp_player.playerType.lower() == "legend": continue # Add player to database and avoid duplicates if players_found.count( == 0: if get_prices: temp_player.get_price(console) self.db.append(temp_player.__dict__) players_found.append(Player(player_data).id) # Display number of pages completed if queue is not None: queue.put((page_num, total_pages)) print "%d of %d pages downloaded" % (page_num, total_pages) except requests.ConnectionError: print "Not connected to Internet. Cannot download player db." queue.put(("Not connected to Internet. Cannot download player db.",)) except Exception as err: print err.__str__() queue.put((err.__str__(),)) return self.db
def __init__(self, client, address): super().__init__() self.client = client self.address = address self.device = Device(self.client) self.player = Player(self.device)
def __init__(self, client, addr): super().__init__() self.client = client self.addr = addr self.crypto = NaCl() self.player = Player()