def __init__( self, dim_x, dim_z, hidden_layers_px, hidden_layers_qz, p_x='bernoulli', # 离散取值 q_z='gaussian_marg', p_z='gaussian_marg', nonlin_px=tf.nn.softplus, nonlin_qz=tf.nn.softplus, l2_loss=0.1): self.dim_x, self.dim_z = dim_x, dim_z self.l2_loss = l2_loss self.distributions = {'p_x': p_x, 'q_z': q_z, 'p_z': p_z} ''' Create Graph ''' self.G = tf.Graph() with self.G.as_default(): self.x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, self.dim_x]) self.encoder = FullyConnected(dim_output=2 * self.dim_z, hidden_layers=hidden_layers_qz, nonlinearity=nonlin_qz) self.decoder = FullyConnected(dim_output=self.dim_x, hidden_layers=hidden_layers_px, nonlinearity=nonlin_px) self._objective() self.saver = tf.train.Saver() self.session = tf.Session() print('hidden_layers_px', hidden_layers_px) print('hidden_layers_qz', hidden_layers_qz)
def __init__( self, dim_x, dim_z, dim_y, num_examples, num_lab, num_batches, p_x = 'gaussian', q_z = 'gaussian_marg', p_z = 'gaussian_marg', hidden_layers_px = [500], hidden_layers_qz = [500], hidden_layers_qy = [500], nonlin_px = tf.nn.softplus, nonlin_qz = tf.nn.softplus, nonlin_qy = tf.nn.softplus, alpha = 0.1, l2_loss = 0.0 ): self.dim_x, self.dim_z, self.dim_y = int(dim_x), int(dim_z), int(dim_y) self.distributions = { 'p_x': p_x, 'q_z': q_z, 'p_z': p_z, 'p_y': 'uniform' } self.num_examples = num_examples self.num_batches = num_batches self.num_lab = num_lab self.num_ulab = self.num_examples - num_lab assert self.num_lab % self.num_batches == 0, '#Labelled % #Batches != 0' assert self.num_ulab % self.num_batches == 0, '#Unlabelled % #Batches != 0' assert self.num_examples % self.num_batches == 0, '#Examples % #Batches != 0' self.batch_size = self.num_examples // self.num_batches self.num_lab_batch = self.num_lab // self.num_batches # lab数据的batch_size self.num_ulab_batch = self.num_ulab // self.num_batches # ulab数据的batch_size self.beta = alpha * ( float(self.batch_size) / self.num_lab_batch ) ''' Create Graph ''' self.G = tf.Graph() with self.G.as_default(): self.x_labelled_mu = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, [None, self.dim_x] ) self.x_labelled_lsgms = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, [None, self.dim_x] ) self.x_unlabelled_mu = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, [None, self.dim_x] ) self.x_unlabelled_lsgms = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, [None, self.dim_x] ) self.y_lab = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, [None, self.dim_y] ) self.classifier = FullyConnected( dim_output = self.dim_y, hidden_layers = hidden_layers_qy, nonlinearity = nonlin_qy, l2loss = l2_loss ) self.encoder = FullyConnected( dim_output = 2 * self.dim_z, # 隐变量空间的均值和方差 hidden_layers = hidden_layers_qz, nonlinearity = nonlin_qz, l2loss = l2_loss ) self.decoder = FullyConnected( dim_output = 2 * self.dim_x, # mean_dim + var_dim = dim_x hidden_layers = hidden_layers_px, nonlinearity = nonlin_px, l2loss = l2_loss ) self._objective() self.saver = tf.train.Saver() self.session = tf.Session()
class DdiGenerativeClassifier( object ): def __init__( self, dim_x, dim_z, dim_y, num_examples, num_lab, num_batches, p_x = 'gaussian', q_z = 'gaussian_marg', p_z = 'gaussian_marg', hidden_layers_px = [500], hidden_layers_qz = [500], hidden_layers_qy = [500], nonlin_px = tf.nn.softplus, nonlin_qz = tf.nn.softplus, nonlin_qy = tf.nn.softplus, alpha = 0.1, l2_loss = 0.0 ): self.dim_x, self.dim_z, self.dim_y = int(dim_x), int(dim_z), int(dim_y) self.distributions = { 'p_x': p_x, 'q_z': q_z, 'p_z': p_z, 'p_y': 'uniform' } self.num_examples = num_examples self.num_batches = num_batches self.num_lab = num_lab self.num_ulab = self.num_examples - num_lab assert self.num_lab % self.num_batches == 0, '#Labelled % #Batches != 0' assert self.num_ulab % self.num_batches == 0, '#Unlabelled % #Batches != 0' assert self.num_examples % self.num_batches == 0, '#Examples % #Batches != 0' self.batch_size = self.num_examples // self.num_batches self.num_lab_batch = self.num_lab // self.num_batches # lab数据的batch_size self.num_ulab_batch = self.num_ulab // self.num_batches # ulab数据的batch_size self.beta = alpha * ( float(self.batch_size) / self.num_lab_batch ) ''' Create Graph ''' self.G = tf.Graph() with self.G.as_default(): self.x_labelled_mu = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, [None, self.dim_x] ) self.x_labelled_lsgms = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, [None, self.dim_x] ) self.x_unlabelled_mu = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, [None, self.dim_x] ) self.x_unlabelled_lsgms = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, [None, self.dim_x] ) self.y_lab = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, [None, self.dim_y] ) self.classifier = FullyConnected( dim_output = self.dim_y, hidden_layers = hidden_layers_qy, nonlinearity = nonlin_qy, l2loss = l2_loss ) self.encoder = FullyConnected( dim_output = 2 * self.dim_z, # 隐变量空间的均值和方差 hidden_layers = hidden_layers_qz, nonlinearity = nonlin_qz, l2loss = l2_loss ) self.decoder = FullyConnected( dim_output = 2 * self.dim_x, # mean_dim + var_dim = dim_x hidden_layers = hidden_layers_px, nonlinearity = nonlin_px, l2loss = l2_loss ) self._objective() self.saver = tf.train.Saver() self.session = tf.Session() # print('genclass: hidden_layers_px', hidden_layers_px) # print('genclass: hidden_layers_qz', hidden_layers_qz) # print('genclass: hidden_layers_qy', hidden_layers_qy) def _draw_sample( self, mu, log_sigma_sq ): # 这里就使用了重参数z = z_mean + tf.exp(z_std / 2) * eps # 重参数技巧:z = mu + sigma*epsilon epsilon = tf.random_normal( ( tf.shape( mu ) ), 0, 1 ) sample = tf.add( mu, tf.multiply( tf.exp( 0.5 * log_sigma_sq ), epsilon ) ) return sample # 网络的输入 def _generate_yx( self, x_mu, x_log_sigma_sq, phase = pt.Phase.train, reuse = False ): x_sample = self._draw_sample( x_mu, x_log_sigma_sq ) with tf.variable_scope('classifier', reuse = reuse): # 变量共享,问题在于共享哪一个变量呢? y_logits = self.classifier.output( x_sample, phase ) return y_logits, x_sample def _generate_zxy( self, x, y, reuse = False ): with tf.variable_scope('encoder', reuse = reuse): encoder_out = self.encoder.output( tf.concat( [x, y], 1 ) ) z_mu, z_lsgms = encoder_out.split( split_dim = 1, num_splits = 2 ) z_sample = self._draw_sample( z_mu, z_lsgms ) return z_sample, z_mu, z_lsgms def _generate_xzy( self, z, y, reuse = False ): with tf.variable_scope('decoder', reuse = reuse): decoder_out = self.decoder.output( tf.concat( [z, y] , 1) ) x_recon_mu, x_recon_lsgms = decoder_out.split( split_dim = 1, num_splits = 2 ) return x_recon_mu, x_recon_lsgms def _objective( self ): ############### ''' L(x,y) ''' ############### def L(x_recon, x, y, z): if self.distributions['p_z'] == 'gaussian_marg': log_prior_z = tf.reduce_sum( utils.tf_gaussian_marg( z[1], z[2] ), 1 ) elif self.distributions['p_z'] == 'gaussian': log_prior_z = tf.reduce_sum( utils.tf_stdnormal_logpdf( z[0] ), 1 ) if self.distributions['p_y'] == 'uniform': y_prior = (1. / self.dim_y) * tf.ones_like( y ) log_prior_y = - tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( labels=y_prior, logits=y ) if self.distributions['p_x'] == 'gaussian': log_lik = tf.reduce_sum( utils.tf_normal_logpdf( x, x_recon[0], x_recon[1] ), 1 ) if self.distributions['q_z'] == 'gaussian_marg': log_post_z = tf.reduce_sum( utils.tf_gaussian_ent( z[2] ), 1 ) elif self.distributions['q_z'] == 'gaussian': log_post_z = tf.reduce_sum( utils.tf_normal_logpdf( z[0], z[1], z[2] ), 1 ) _L = log_prior_y + log_lik + log_prior_z - log_post_z return _L def glorot_init(shape): # return tf.random_normal(shape=shape, stddev=1. / tf.sqrt(shape[0] / 2.)) return tf.constant(1.0, shape=shape) self.weights = { 'lab_clf': tf.Variable(glorot_init([self.num_lab_batch, 1])), 'lab_recon_clf': tf.Variable(glorot_init([self.num_lab_batch, 1])), 'ulab_clf': tf.Variable(glorot_init([self.num_ulab_batch, 1])), 'ulab_recon_clf': tf.Variable(glorot_init([self.num_ulab_batch, 1])), 'L_loss': tf.Variable(glorot_init([self.num_lab_batch, 1])), 'U_loss': tf.Variable(glorot_init([self.num_lab_batch, 1])), 'loss_weights': tf.Variable(glorot_init([1, 2])), } ########################### ''' Labelled Datapoints ''' ########################### # self._y_lab_logits, self.x_lab = self._generate_yx(self.x_labelled_mu, self.x_labelled_lsgms) self.y_lab_logits, self.x_lab = self._generate_yx(self.x_labelled_mu, self.x_labelled_lsgms) self.z_lab, self.z_lab_mu, self.z_lab_lsgms = self._generate_zxy( self.x_lab, self.y_lab ) self.x_recon_lab_mu, self.x_recon_lab_lsgms = self._generate_xzy( self.z_lab, self.y_lab ) # self.y_lab_logits, _ = self._generate_yx(self.x_recon_lab_mu, self.x_recon_lab_lsgms, reuse = True) L_lab = L( [self.x_recon_lab_mu, self.x_recon_lab_lsgms], self.x_lab, self.y_lab, [self.z_lab, self.z_lab_mu, self.z_lab_lsgms] ) # 交叉熵计算loss代价: # L_lab += - self.beta * (tf.multiply(self.weights['lab_clf'], tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( labels=self.y_lab_logits, logits=self.y_lab )) + # tf.multiply(self.weights['lab_recon_clf'], tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( labels=self._y_lab_logits, logits=self.y_lab )))/2 L_lab += - self.beta * (tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=self.y_lab_logits, logits=self.y_lab)) ############################ ''' Unabelled Datapoints ''' ############################ def one_label_tensor( label, num_ulab_batch ): indices = [] values = [] for i in range(num_ulab_batch): indices += [[ i, label ]] values += [ 1. ] _y_ulab = tf.sparse_tensor_to_dense( tf.SparseTensor( indices=indices, values=values, dense_shape=[ num_ulab_batch, self.dim_y ] ), 0.0 ) return _y_ulab self.y_ulab_logits, self.x_ulab = self._generate_yx( self.x_unlabelled_mu, self.x_unlabelled_lsgms, reuse = True ) # self._y_ulab_logits_, self.x_ulab = self._generate_yx( self.x_unlabelled_mu, self.x_unlabelled_lsgms, reuse = True ) for label in range(self.dim_y): _y_ulab = one_label_tensor( label, self.num_ulab_batch ) # 随机产生的 self.z_ulab, self.z_ulab_mu, self.z_ulab_lsgms = self._generate_zxy( self.x_ulab, _y_ulab, reuse = True ) self.x_recon_ulab_mu, self.x_recon_ulab_lsgms = self._generate_xzy( self.z_ulab, _y_ulab, reuse = True ) _L_ulab = tf.expand_dims( L( [self.x_recon_ulab_mu, self.x_recon_ulab_lsgms], self.x_ulab, _y_ulab, [self.z_ulab, self.z_ulab_mu, self.z_ulab_lsgms]), 1) if label == 0: L_ulab = tf.identity( _L_ulab ) else: L_ulab = tf.concat( [L_ulab, _L_ulab], 1 ) # self.y_ulab_logits, _ = self._generate_yx(self.x_recon_ulab_mu, self.x_recon_ulab_lsgms, reuse = True) # self.y_ulab = (tf.multiply(self.weights['ulab_clf'], self.y_ulab_logits.softmax_activation()) + tf.multiply(self.weights['ulab_recon_clf'] ,self._y_ulab_logits_.softmax_activation()))/2 self.y_ulab = self.y_ulab_logits.softmax_activation() U = tf.reduce_sum( tf.multiply( self.y_ulab, tf.subtract( L_ulab, tf.log( self.y_ulab ) ) ), 1 ) ######################## ''' Prior on Weights ''' ######################## L_weights = 0. _weights = tf.trainable_variables() for w in _weights: L_weights += tf.reduce_sum( utils.tf_stdnormal_logpdf( w ) ) ################## ''' Total Cost ''' ################## # self.weights['L_loss'] = tf.nn.softmax(self.weights['L_loss']) # self.weights['U_loss'] = tf.nn.softmax(self.weights['U_loss']) # tmp = tf.add(self.weights['L_loss'], self.weights['U_loss']) # self.weights['L_loss'] = tf.divide(self.weights['L_loss'], tmp) # self.weights['U_loss'] = tf.divide(self.weights['U_loss'], tmp) #L_lab_tot = tf.reduce_sum( tf.multiply(self.weights['L_loss'], L_lab )) #U_tot = tf.reduce_sum( tf.multiply(self.weights['U_loss'], U )) self.weights['loss_weights'] = tf.nn.softmax(self.weights['loss_weights']) L_lab_tot = tf.reduce_sum(L_lab) U_tot = tf.reduce_sum(U) tot = [L_lab_tot, U_tot] # self.cost = ( ( tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(tot, self.weights['loss_weights']) )) * self.num_batches + L_weights) / ( # - self.num_batches * self.batch_size ) self.cost = ( ( L_lab_tot + U_tot ) * self.num_batches + L_weights) / ( - self.num_batches * self.batch_size ) ################## ''' Evaluation ''' ################## self.y_test_logits, _ = self._generate_yx(self.x_labelled_mu, self.x_labelled_lsgms, phase=pt.Phase.test, reuse=True) self.y_test_pred = self.y_test_logits.softmax(self.y_lab) # _y_test_logits, x_test_lab = self._generate_yx(self.x_labelled_mu, self.x_labelled_lsgms, # phase=pt.Phase.test, reuse=True) # # # z_test_lab, z_test_lab_mu, z_test_lab_lsgms = self._generate_zxy(x_test_lab, _y_test_logits, reuse=True) # # x_test_recon_mu, x_test_recon_lsgms = self._generate_xzy(z_test_lab, _y_test_logits, reuse=True) # # for label in range(self.dim_y): # _y_ulab = one_label_tensor(label, 600) # 随机产生的 # z_test_lab, z_test_lab_mu, z_test_lab_lsgms = self._generate_zxy(x_test_lab, _y_ulab, reuse=True) # x_test_recon_mu, x_test_recon_lsgms = self._generate_xzy(z_test_lab, _y_ulab, reuse=True) # # self.y_test_logits, _ = self._generate_yx(x_test_recon_mu, x_test_recon_lsgms, reuse=True) # ## self.y_ulab = (tf.multiply(self.weights['ulab_clf'], self.y_ulab_logits.softmax_activation()) + tf.multiply(self.weights['ulab_recon_clf'] ,self._y_ulab_logits_.softmax_activation()))/2 # # if label == 0: self.y_test_pred = self.y_test_logits # else: self.y_test_pred += self.y_test_logits # self.y_test_pred = self.y_test_pred.softmax(self.y_lab) # self.eval_accuracy = self.y_test_pred \ # .softmax.evaluate_classifier( self.y_lab, phase = pt.Phase.test ) # self.eval_cross_entropy = self.y_test_pred.loss # self.eval_precision, self.eval_recall = self.y_test_pred.softmax \ # .evaluate_precision_recall( self.y_lab, phase = pt.Phase.test ) self.eval_accuracy = self.y_test_pred.softmax.evaluate_classifier(self.y_lab) self.eval_cross_entropy = self.y_test_pred.loss self.eval_precision, self.eval_recall = self.y_test_pred.softmax.evaluate_precision_recall( self.y_lab) def train( self, x_labelled, y, x_unlabelled, epochs, x_valid, y_valid, print_every = 1, learning_rate = 3e-4, beta1 = 0.9, beta2 = 0.999, seed = 31415, stop_iter = 100, save_path = None, load_path = None ): ''' Session and Summary ''' if save_path is None: self.save_path = 'checkpoints/model_GC_{}-{}-{}_{}.cpkt'.format( self.num_lab,learning_rate,self.batch_size,time.time()) else: self.save_path = save_path np.random.seed(seed) tf.set_random_seed(seed) with self.G.as_default(): self.optimiser = tf.train.AdamOptimizer( learning_rate = learning_rate, beta1 = beta1, beta2 = beta2 ) self.train_op = self.optimiser.minimize( self.cost ) init = tf.initialize_all_variables() self._test_vars = None _data_labelled = np.hstack( [x_labelled, y] ) _data_unlabelled = x_unlabelled x_valid_mu, x_valid_lsgms = x_valid[ :, :int(self.dim_x) ], x_valid[ :, int(self.dim_x): int(2*self.dim_x) ] with self.session as sess: if load_path == 'default': self.saver.restore( sess, self.save_path ) elif load_path is not None: self.saver.restore( sess, load_path ) best_eval_accuracy = 0. best_train_accuracy = 0. stop_counter = 0 print("****lab_clf", self.weights['lab_clf']) print("****lab_recon_clf", self.weights['lab_recon_clf']) print("****ulab_clf", self.weights['ulab_clf']) print("****ulab_recon_clf", self.weights['ulab_recon_clf']) print("****L_loss", self.weights['L_loss']) print("****U_loss", self.weights['U_loss']) for epoch in range(epochs): ''' Shuffle Data ''' np.random.shuffle( _data_labelled ) np.random.shuffle( _data_unlabelled ) ''' Training ''' for x_l_mu, x_l_lsgms, y, x_u_mu, x_u_lsgms in utils.feed_numpy_semisupervised( self.num_lab_batch, self.num_ulab_batch, _data_labelled[:,:2*self.dim_x], _data_labelled[:,2*self.dim_x:],_data_unlabelled ): training_result = [self.train_op, self.cost], feed_dict = { self.x_labelled_mu: x_l_mu, self.x_labelled_lsgms: x_l_lsgms, self.y_lab: y, self.x_unlabelled_mu: x_u_mu, self.x_unlabelled_lsgms: x_u_lsgms} ) training_cost = training_result[1] ''' Evaluation ''' stop_counter += 1 if epoch % print_every == 0: test_vars = tf.get_collection(bookkeeper.GraphKeys.TEST_VARIABLES) if test_vars: if test_vars != self._test_vars: self._test_vars = list(test_vars) self._test_var_init_op = tf.initialize_variables(test_vars) eval_accuracy, eval_cross_entropy = \ [self.eval_accuracy, self.eval_cross_entropy], feed_dict = { self.x_labelled_mu: x_valid_mu, self.x_labelled_lsgms: x_valid_lsgms, self.y_lab: y_valid } ) if eval_accuracy > best_eval_accuracy: best_eval_accuracy = eval_accuracy sess, self.save_path ) stop_counter = 0 print("accuracy update: ", best_eval_accuracy) utils.print_metrics( epoch+1, ['Training', 'cost', training_cost], ['Validation', 'accuracy', eval_accuracy], ['Validation', 'cross-entropy', eval_cross_entropy] ) if stop_counter >= stop_iter: print('Stopping GC training') print('No change in validation accuracy for {} iterations'.format(stop_iter)) print('Best validation accuracy: {}'.format(best_eval_accuracy)) print('Model saved in {}'.format(self.save_path)) break def predict_labels( self, x_test, y_test ): test_vars = tf.get_collection(bookkeeper.GraphKeys.TEST_VARIABLES) tf.initialize_variables(test_vars).run() x_test_mu = x_test[:,:self.dim_x] x_test_lsgms = x_test[:,self.dim_x:2*self.dim_x] accuracy, cross_entropy, precision, recall = \ [self.eval_accuracy, self.eval_cross_entropy, self.eval_precision, self.eval_recall], feed_dict = {self.x_labelled_mu: x_test_mu, self.x_labelled_lsgms: x_test_lsgms, self.y_lab: y_test} ) utils.print_metrics( 'X', ['Test', 'accuracy', accuracy], ['Test', 'cross-entropy', cross_entropy], ['Test', 'precision', precision], ['Test', 'recall', recall] )
class VariationalAutoencoder(object): def __init__( self, dim_x, dim_z, p_x = 'bernoulli', # 离散取值 q_z = 'gaussian_marg', p_z = 'gaussian_marg', hidden_layers_px = [600, 600], hidden_layers_qz = [600, 600], nonlin_px = tf.nn.softplus, nonlin_qz = tf.nn.softplus, l2_loss = 0.0 ): self.dim_x, self.dim_z = dim_x, dim_z self.l2_loss = l2_loss self.distributions = { 'p_x': p_x, 'q_z': q_z, 'p_z': p_z } ''' Create Graph ''' self.G = tf.Graph() with self.G.as_default(): self.x = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, [None, self.dim_x] ) self.encoder = FullyConnected( dim_output = 2 * self.dim_z, hidden_layers = hidden_layers_qz, nonlinearity = nonlin_qz ) self.decoder = FullyConnected( dim_output = self.dim_x, hidden_layers = hidden_layers_px, nonlinearity = nonlin_px ) self._objective() self.saver = tf.train.Saver() self.session = tf.Session() def _draw_sample( self, mu, log_sigma_sq ): epsilon = tf.random_normal( ( tf.shape( mu ) ), 0, 1 ) sample = tf.add( mu, tf.multiply( tf.exp( 0.5 * log_sigma_sq ), epsilon ) ) return sample def _generate_zx( self, x, phase = pt.Phase.train, reuse = False ): with tf.variable_scope('encoder', reuse = reuse): encoder_out = self.encoder.output( x, phase = phase ) z_mu, z_lsgms = encoder_out.split( split_dim = 1, num_splits = 2 ) z_sample = self._draw_sample( z_mu, z_lsgms ) return z_sample, z_mu, z_lsgms def _generate_xz( self, z, phase = pt.Phase.train, reuse = False ): with tf.variable_scope('decoder', reuse = reuse): x_recon_logits = self.decoder.output( z, phase = phase ) x_recon = tf.nn.sigmoid( x_recon_logits ) return x_recon, x_recon_logits def _objective( self ): ############ ''' Cost ''' ############ self.z_sample, self.z_mu, self.z_lsgms = self._generate_zx( self.x ) self.x_recon, self.x_recon_logits = self._generate_xz( self.z_sample ) if self.distributions['p_z'] == 'gaussian_marg': prior_z = tf.reduce_sum( utils.tf_gaussian_marg( self.z_mu, self.z_lsgms ), 1 ) if self.distributions['q_z'] == 'gaussian_marg': post_z = tf.reduce_sum( utils.tf_gaussian_ent( self.z_lsgms ), 1 ) if self.distributions['p_x'] == 'bernoulli': self.log_lik = - tf.reduce_sum( utils.tf_binary_xentropy( self.x, self.x_recon ), 1 ) l2 = tf.add_n([tf.nn.l2_loss(v) for v in tf.trainable_variables()]) self.cost = tf.reduce_mean( post_z - prior_z - self.log_lik ) + self.l2_loss * l2 ################## ''' Evaluation ''' ################## self.z_sample_eval, _, _ = self._generate_zx( self.x, phase = pt.Phase.test, reuse = True ) self.x_recon_eval, _ = self._generate_xz( self.z_sample_eval, phase = pt.Phase.test, reuse = True ) self.eval_log_lik = - tf.reduce_mean( tf.reduce_sum( utils.tf_binary_xentropy( self.x, self.x_recon_eval ), 1 ) ) def train( self, x, x_valid, epochs, num_batches, print_every = 1, learning_rate = 3e-4, beta1 = 0.9, beta2 = 0.999, seed = 31415, stop_iter = 100, save_path = None, load_path = None, draw_img = 1 ): self.num_examples = x.shape[0] self.num_batches = num_batches assert self.num_examples % self.num_batches == 0, '#Examples % #Batches != 0' self.batch_size = self.num_examples // self.num_batches ''' Session and Summary ''' if save_path is None: self.save_path = 'checkpoints/model_VAE_{}-{}_{}.cpkt'.format(learning_rate,self.batch_size,time.time()) else: self.save_path = save_path np.random.seed(seed) tf.set_random_seed(seed) with self.G.as_default(): self.optimiser = tf.train.AdamOptimizer( learning_rate = learning_rate, beta1 = beta1, beta2 = beta2 ) self.train_op = self.optimiser.minimize( self.cost ) init = tf.global_variables_initializer() # tf.initialize_all_variables() self._test_vars = None with self.session as sess: # 实际上并没有执行 if load_path == 'default': self.saver.restore( sess, self.save_path ) elif load_path is not None: self.saver.restore( sess, load_path ) training_cost = 0. best_eval_log_lik = - np.inf stop_counter = 0 for epoch in range(epochs): ''' Shuffle Data ''' np.random.shuffle( x ) ''' Training ''' for x_batch in utils.feed_numpy( self.batch_size, x ): training_result = [self.train_op, self.cost], feed_dict = { self.x: x_batch } ) training_cost = training_result[1] ''' Evaluation ''' stop_counter += 1 # 训练,更新不断跟新参数 if epoch % print_every == 0: test_vars = tf.get_collection(bookkeeper.GraphKeys.TEST_VARIABLES) if test_vars: if test_vars != self._test_vars: self._test_vars = list(test_vars) self._test_var_init_op = tf.initialize_variables(test_vars) eval_log_lik, x_recon_eval = \ [self.eval_log_lik, self.x_recon_eval], feed_dict = { self.x: x_valid } ) if eval_log_lik > best_eval_log_lik: best_eval_log_lik = eval_log_lik sess, self.save_path ) stop_counter = 0 utils.print_metrics( epoch+1, ['Training', 'cost', training_cost], ['Validation', 'log-likelihood', eval_log_lik] ) ## 画图 # if draw_img > 0 and epoch % draw_img == 0: # # import matplotlib # matplotlib.use('Agg') # import pylab # import seaborn as sns # # five_random = np.random.random_integers(x_valid.shape[0], size = 5) # x_sample = x_valid[five_random] # x_recon_sample = x_recon_eval[five_random] # # sns.set_style('white') # f, axes = pylab.subplots(5, 2, figsize=(8,12)) # for i,row in enumerate(axes): # # row[0].imshow(x_sample[i].reshape(28, 28), vmin=0, vmax=1) # im = row[1].imshow(x_recon_sample[i].reshape(28, 28), vmin=0, vmax=1, # cmap=sns.light_palette((1.0, 0.4980, 0.0549), input="rgb", as_cmap=True)) # # pylab.setp([a.get_xticklabels() for a in row], visible=False) # pylab.setp([a.get_yticklabels() for a in row], visible=False) # # f.subplots_adjust(left=0.0, right=0.9, bottom=0.0, top=1.0) # cbar_ax = f.add_axes([0.9, 0.1, 0.04, 0.8]) # f.colorbar(im, cax=cbar_ax, use_gridspec=True) # # pylab.tight_layout() # pylab.savefig('img/recon-'+str(epoch)+'.png', format='png') # pylab.clf() # pylab.close('all') if stop_counter >= stop_iter: print('Stopping VAE training') print('No change in validation log-likelihood for {} iterations'.format(stop_iter)) print('Best validation log-likelihood: {}'.format(best_eval_log_lik)) print('Model saved in {}'.format(self.save_path)) break def encode( self, x, sample = False ): if sample: return [self.z_sample, self.z_mu, self.z_lsgms], feed_dict = { self.x: x } ) else: return [self.z_mu, self.z_lsgms], feed_dict = { self.x: x } ) def decode( self, z ): return [self.x_recon], feed_dict = { self.z_sample: z } )