Exemple #1
def main():
    master_key = open('{{jenkins_home}}/secrets/master.key').read()
    hudson_secret_key = open(

    hashed_master_key = hashlib.sha256(master_key).digest()[:16]
    cipher = Cipher('aes_128_ecb', hashed_master_key, '', 0)
    v = cipher.update(hudson_secret_key)
    x = v + cipher.final()
    assert MAGIC in x

    k = x[:-16]
    k = k[:16]

    token = os.urandom(16).encode('hex')

    plaintext = token + MAGIC
    cipher = Cipher('aes_128_ecb', k, '', 1)
    v = cipher.update(plaintext)
    password = base64.b64encode(v + cipher.final())
    print password

    with open('/etc/jenkins_jobs/jenkins_jobs.ini', 'wb+') as f:
            'password=%s' % hashlib.md5(token).hexdigest(),
def do_encrypt(file_name, encrypt_type):  # encrypt_type: 0->decrypt, 1->encrypt
    algorithm = 'bf_cbc'
    key = "\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C\x0D\x0E\x0F"
    iv = "\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08"
    key_as_bytes = 0        # 0->use iv, 1->not use iv
    algo_method = 'md5'     # 'md5', 'sha1'
    salt = '12345678'
    iter_count = 1
    padding = 1

    if not os.path.isfile(file_name):
        return ''

    file = open(file_name, 'r')
    content = file.read()

        # constructor the EVP.Cipher obj
        cipher_obj = Cipher(algorithm, key, iv, encrypt_type, key_as_bytes, algo_method, salt, iter_count, padding)

        # use memory file obj
        out = StringIO.StringIO()
        return out.getvalue()
    except Exception as e:
        return ''
Exemple #3
def encrypt_sn(sn):
    m=Cipher(alg = "aes_128_cbc", key = config['passout'], iv = '\x00' * 16, op = 1)
    v = m.update(sn)
    v = v + m.final()
    del m
    return v
 def __encryptData(self, key, iv, data):
     data = str(data) + "\0"  # <---- ----------
     cipher = Cipher("aes_256_cbc", key, iv, ENC)
     v = cipher.update(data)
     v = v + cipher.final()
     v = base64.b64encode(v)
     return v
def decrypt_text(encrypted_text, key):
    # Porting from pyDes-based encryption (see http://git.io/htpk)
    # to use M2Crypto instead (see https://gist.github.com/mrluanma/917014)
    cipher = Cipher(alg="des_ede3_ecb", key=b"{}".format(key), op=0, iv="\0" * 16)
    decrypted_text = cipher.update(base64.b64decode(b"{}".format(encrypted_text)))
    decrypted_text += cipher.final()
    return decrypted_text
Exemple #6
def decrypt(chunk, key):
    cipher = Cipher(alg=ALG, key=key, iv=IV, op=0, key_as_bytes=0, padding=PADDING) # 0 is decrypt
    v = cipher.update(chunk)
    v = v + cipher.final()
    del cipher #需要删除
    return v 
Exemple #7
 def encrypt_hpwd(self, clearpass):
     cipher=Cipher(alg='aes_256_cbc', key=key, iv=iv, op=1)
     v=cipher.update(clearpass) + cipher.final()
     del cipher
     return b64encode(v), iv
Exemple #8
	def decrypt(self, encryptedObject):
		"""Given an encrypted object, decrypt it and return the plaintext value.
		If necessary, will retrieve the private key and bulk encryption key
		from the storage context associated with self."""

		# Coerce JSON if necessary
		if type(encryptedObject) == str or type(encryptedObject) == unicode:
			encryptedObject = json.loads(encryptedObject)
		# An encrypted object has two relevant fields
		encryptionLabel = encryptedObject['encryption']
		ciphertext = base64.decodestring(encryptedObject['ciphertext'])
		# Go get the keying infromation if need it
		if self.privateKey == None:
		if not encryptionLabel in self.bulkKeys:

		# In case you were wondering, this is the same as this operation at the openssl command line:
		# openssl enc -d -in data -aes-256-cbc -K `cat unwrapped_symkey.16` -iv `cat iv.16`
		# Do the decrypt
		logging.debug("Decrypting data record using bulk key %s" % encryptionLabel)
		cipher = Cipher(alg='aes_256_cbc', key=self.bulkKeys[encryptionLabel], iv=self.bulkKeyIVs[encryptionLabel], op=0) # 0 is DEC
		v = cipher.update(ciphertext)
		v = v + cipher.final()
		del cipher
		logging.debug("Successfully decrypted data record")
		return v
Exemple #9
 def sym_decrypt(self, key, data):
     data = b64decode(data)
     cipher = Cipher(alg='aes_128_cbc', key=key, iv=self.IV, op=DEC)
     v = cipher.update(data)
     v = v + cipher.final()
     del cipher
     return v
Exemple #10
def decryptPasswd(buf, passKey, iv = '\x00' * 16):
    cipher = Cipher(alg='aes_128_cbc', key=passKey, iv=iv, op=0) # 0 is decrypt  
    v = cipher.update(buf)
    v = v + cipher.final()
    del cipher
    return v
Exemple #11
def encryptData(key, data):
    iv = '\0' * 16
    cipher = Cipher(alg=ALGS[len(key)], key=key, iv=iv, op=1)

    encoded = cipher.update(data)
    encoded = encoded + cipher.final()

    return encoded
Exemple #12
def testhash(request):
    cipher=Cipher(alg='aes_256_cbc', key=key, iv=iv, op=0)
    v=cipher.update(data) + cipher.final()
    del cipher
    return HttpResponse(v)
Exemple #13
def Decrypt(data):
  # 将密文从16进制转为字节流
  data = util.h2b(data)
  cipher = Cipher(alg = 'aes_128_ecb', key = PRIVATE_KEY, iv = iv, op = DECRYPT_OP)
  buf = cipher.update(data)
  buf = buf + cipher.final()
  del cipher
  return buf 
Exemple #14
def encrypt(chunk, key):
    cipher = Cipher(alg=ALG, key=key, iv=IV, op=1, key_as_bytes=0,padding=PADDING) # 1 is encrypt
    # padding 有时设置为1
    v = cipher.update(chunk)
    v = v + cipher.final()
    del cipher #需要删除
    return v                  
class M2CryptoEngine:
    K_CIPHER = None

    def init_key_cipher(cls, prikey):
        cls.K_CIPHER = RSA.load_key_string(prikey)

    def __init__(self, encrypted_header=None):
        if encrypted_header:
            self.__enc_data = encrypted_header

            header = self.K_CIPHER.private_decrypt(encrypted_header, RSA.pkcs1_padding)
            secret = header[:32]
            iv = header[32:]
            op = DEC
            secret = self._get_random(32)
            iv = self._get_random(16)
            self.__enc_data = self.K_CIPHER.public_encrypt(secret+iv, RSA.pkcs1_padding)
            op = ENC

        self.__cipher = Cipher(alg='aes_128_cbc', key=secret, iv=iv, op=op)

    def _get_random(self, cnt):
        while True:
            data = Rand.rand_bytes(cnt)
            if data[0] != '\x00':
                return data

    def encrypt(self, data, finalize=False):
        end_data = self.__cipher.update(data)
        if finalize:
            end_data += self.__cipher.final()
        return end_data

    def decrypt(self, data, finalize=False):
        end_data = self.__cipher.update(data)
        if finalize:
            end_data += self.__cipher.final()
        return end_data

    def get_encrypted_header(self):
       return self.__enc_data 
Exemple #16
def Encrypt(data):
  cipher = Cipher(alg = 'aes_128_ecb', key = PRIVATE_KEY, iv = iv, op = ENCRYPT_OP)
  buf = cipher.update(data)
  buf = buf + cipher.final()
  del cipher
  # 将明文从字节流转为16进制
  output = ''
  for i in buf:
    output += '%02X' % (ord(i))
  return output
Exemple #17
def encrypt_text(text, key):
    # Porting from pyDes-based encryption (see http://git.io/htxa)
    # to use M2Crypto instead (see https://gist.github.com/mrluanma/917014)
    cipher = Cipher(alg="des_ede3_ecb",
                    iv="\0" * 16)
    encrypted_text = cipher.update(b"{}".format(text))
    encrypted_text += cipher.final()
    return base64.b64encode(encrypted_text)
Exemple #18
def Encrypt(data):

    cipher = Cipher(alg='aes_128_ecb', key=PRIVATE_KEY, iv=iv, op=ENCRYPT_OP)
    buf = cipher.update(data)
    buf = buf + cipher.final()
    del cipher

    output = ''
    for i in buf:
        output += '%02X' % (ord(i))
    return output
Exemple #19
	def AESEncrypt(cls, data):  
	  cipher = Cipher(alg = 'aes_128_ecb', key = cls.privateKey, iv = cls.iv, op = ENC)  
	  txt = cipher.update(data)  
	  txt = txt + cipher.final()  
	  del cipher  
	  # 将明文从字节流转为16进制  
	  output = ''  
	  for i in txt:  
	    output += '%02X' % (ord(i))  
	  return output  
Exemple #20
def Decrypt(data):
  # 将密文从16进制转为字节流
  data = util.h2b(data)
  cipher = Cipher(alg = 'aes_128_ecb', key = PRIVATE_KEY, iv = iv, op = DECRYPT_OP)
  buf = cipher.update(data)
  buf = buf + cipher.final()
  del cipher
  return buf

# print Decrypt('6C0D072989D9F7271EF1BD5AA1C830F2')
Exemple #21
def Decrypt(data):

    #data = util.h2b(data)
    data1 = binascii.a2b_hex(data)
    #for i in len(data)/2:
    #    data1 += binascii.a2b_hex()
    cipher = Cipher(alg='aes_128_ecb', key=PRIVATE_KEY, iv=iv, op=DECRYPT_OP)
    buf = cipher.update(data1)
    buf = buf + cipher.final()
    del cipher
    return buf
Exemple #22
def encrypto(s):
    ''' 压缩加密字符串 '''
    if isinstance(s, unicode):
        s = s.encode('utf8')
    s = zlib.compress(s)
    cipher = Cipher(alg='des_cbc', key=CRYPTO_KEY, iv=CRYPTO_IV, op=1)
    out = cipher.update(s)
    out += cipher.final()
    del cipher
    return base64.encodestring(out)
Exemple #23
def decryptData(key, encoded, testforpickle=False):
    iv = '\0' * 16
    cipher = Cipher(alg=ALGS[len(key)], key=key, iv=iv, op=0)

    decoded = cipher.update(encoded)
    decoded = decoded + cipher.final()

    # old format encryption seems to have 16 bytes before pickled data
    if testforpickle and not decoded.startswith('(dp'):
        return decoded[16:]
    return decoded
Exemple #24
 def AESDecrypt(cls, data):
     # 将密文从16进制转为字节流
     data = util.h2b(data)
     cipher = Cipher(alg='aes_128_ecb',
     txt = cipher.update(data)
     txt = txt + cipher.final()
     del cipher
     return txt
Exemple #25
 def encrypt(self, message):
     # 1. Encrypt
     iv = Random.new().read(16)
     encrypter = Cipher(self.enc_alg, self.key_enc, iv, self.ENC_OP)
     c = b64encode(encrypter.update(message) + encrypter.final())
     encryption = b64encode(iv) + c # b64encode(iv) size is always 24
     # 2. Sign
     hmac = HMAC(self.key_auth, self.auth_alg)
     auth_sig = b64encode(hmac.digest()) # auth_sig size is always 28
     return auth_sig + encryption
Exemple #26
    def _decrypt(self, payload, key):
        ''' Decrypt payload fetched from server. '''

        ciphertext = payload['ciphertext'].decode('base64')
        iv = payload['IV'].decode('base64')

        # Perform the actual decryption.
        cipher = Cipher(alg='aes_256_cbc', key=key, iv=iv, op=0)
        v = cipher.update(ciphertext)
        v = v + cipher.final()
        del cipher

        return json.loads(v)
Exemple #27
def aes_decrypt(mess, aes_key, size=256):
    if size == 128:
        algo = 'aes_128_cbc'
    elif size == 256:
        algo = 'aes_256_cbc'
        algo = 'aes_128_cbc'
    mess = b64decode(mess)
    cipher = Cipher(alg=algo, key=aes_key, iv=IV, op=0)
    o = cipher.update(mess)
    o = o + cipher.final()
    del cipher

    return o
Exemple #28
def aes_html_data_decrypt(data):
    :param data: 数据Base64编码
    :return: 解密后的字符串,如果为无效的字符串解密,则返回空串
    key = '!@#$%^&*()_+|%^&'
    iv = '!@#$%^&*()_+|%^&'
    decryptor = Cipher(alg="aes_128_cbc", key=key, iv=iv, op=OP_DECRYPT, padding=0)
    encrypted_data = base64.b64decode(data)
    decrypted_data = decryptor.update(encrypted_data)
    decrypted_data += decryptor.final()

    return unpad(decrypted_data)
Exemple #29
def aes_api_data_encrypt(data):
    :param data: 字符串数据等
    :return: base64数据
    key = '!@#$%^&*()_+|%^&'
    iv = '!@#$%^&*()_+|%^&'
    pad_data = pkcs7_pad(data, 16)
    encryptor = Cipher(alg="aes_128_cbc", key=key, iv=iv, op=OP_ENCRYPT, padding=0)
    str = encryptor.update(pad_data)
    str = str + encryptor.final()
    base64str = base64.b64encode(str)
    return base64str
Exemple #30
def decrypt_aes(key, text, iv='\0'*16, usebase64=False):
    """ aes比3des: 加解密速度快, 资源消耗低, 安全级别高
        key: 密钥, 16个字符
        note: 当key或iv不足16个字符的时候, 后面补字符'0'; 当超过16个字符的时候, 截断为前面16个字符
        note: 标准Base64编码会出现字符+和/,在URL中不能作为参数,而urlsafe的base64编码,其实是把字符+和/分别变成-和_
    key = _autofill(key) # 当使用 aes_256时候, key需要32个字符; 而使用aes_128时, key需要16个字符
    iv = _autofill(iv)
    if usebase64:
        text = base64.urlsafe_b64decode( text )
    cipher = Cipher(alg='aes_128_cbc', key=key, op=0, iv=iv) # aes_256_cbc, aes_256_ecb
    s = cipher.update(text)
    return s + cipher.final()
Exemple #31
def aes_decrypt(mess,aes_key,size=256):
    if size == 128:
        algo = 'aes_128_cbc'
    elif size == 256:
        algo = 'aes_256_cbc'
        algo = 'aes_128_cbc'
    mess = b64decode(mess)
    cipher = Cipher(alg=algo,key=aes_key,iv=IV,op=0)
    o = cipher.update(mess)
    o = o + cipher.final()
    del cipher

    return o
Exemple #32
    def decrypt(self, sig_encryption):
        auth_sig = sig_encryption[:28]
        encryption = sig_encryption[28:]
        # 1. Verify signature
        hmac = HMAC(self.key_auth, self.auth_alg)
        if auth_sig != b64encode(hmac.digest()):
            raise EVPError("Authentication failure: " +  
                auth_sig + " does not match " + b64encode(hmac.digest()))

        # 2. Decrypt
        iv = b64decode(encryption[:24])
        ciphertext = b64decode(encryption[24:])
        decrypter = Cipher(self.enc_alg, self.key_enc, iv, self.DEC_OP)
        return decrypter.update(ciphertext) + decrypter.final()
        class DecryptorVersion1(object):
            def __init__(self, key, data, iv):
                self.key = hashlib.sha256(key).digest()
                self.data = base64.standard_b64decode(data)
                self.iv = base64.standard_b64decode(iv)
                self.decryptor = Cipher(alg=EncryptedDataBagItem.AES_MODE, key=self.key, iv=self.iv, op=0)

            def decrypt(self):
                value = self.decryptor.update(self.data) + self.decryptor.final()
                del self.decryptor
                # Strip all the whitespace and sequence control characters
                value = value.strip(reduce(lambda x, y: "%s%s" % (x, y), EncryptedDataBagItem.Decryptors.STRIP_CHARS))
                # After decryption we should get a string with JSON
                    value = json.loads(value)
                except ValueError:
                    raise ChefDecryptionError()
                return value["json_wrapper"]
Exemple #34
def encrypt_mode_cbc(data, key, iv):
    :param data:
    :param key:
    :param iv:

    cipher = Cipher(alg='aes_128_cbc', key=key, iv=iv, op=1)
    buf = cipher.update(data)
    buf += cipher.final()
    del cipher

    # 将明文从字节流转为十进制
    des_list = [int('%02X' % (ord(i)), 16) for i in buf]

    # 原码转补码
    in_list = [~h ^ 255 if h > 128 else h for h in des_list]

    return in_list
        class EncryptorVersion1(object):
            VERSION = 1

            def __init__(self, key, data):
                self.key = hashlib.sha256(key).digest()
                self.data = data
                self.iv = os.urandom(8).encode("hex")
                self.encryptor = Cipher(alg=EncryptedDataBagItem.AES_MODE, key=self.key, iv=self.iv, op=1)
                self.encrypted_data = None

            def encrypt(self):
                if self.encrypted_data is None:
                    data = json.dumps({"json_wrapper": self.data})
                    self.encrypted_data = self.encryptor.update(data) + self.encryptor.final()
                    del self.encryptor
                return self.encrypted_data

            def to_dict(self):
                return {
                    "encrypted_data": base64.standard_b64encode(self.encrypt()),
                    "iv": base64.standard_b64encode(self.iv),
                    "version": self.VERSION,
                    "cipher": "aes-256-cbc",
Exemple #36
 def m2crypto_decrypt(ciphertext, key, iv):
     decipher = Cipher(alg='aes_128_cbc',
     return decipher.update(ciphertext) + decipher.final()
Exemple #37
def split_file(file_path, chunk_output_dir, compress=True, encrypt_key=None):
        """split the file into chunks

        returns a list of ClientChunk objects

            compress with gzip

            128 bit key used for AES encryption

        128 bit key recommended by Schneier


        file_size = os.stat(file_path).st_size
        logger.debug('original file size is %s' % file_size)
        chunk_sizes = []
        data_stream = ''
        if encrypt_key:
            esalt = encrypt_key.binary_salt
            if esalt is None:
                esalt = ''
            assert isinstance(encrypt_key, AESKey)
            # account for iv
            # size should be same as key
            iv = os.urandom(16)
            assert len(iv) == len(encrypt_key.binary_key)
            encryptor = Cipher(
                CIPHER_MODE, encrypt_key.binary_key, iv, CIPHER_ENCODE
            data_stream = data_stream + esalt + iv
        if not compress:
            chunk_sizes = calc_chunk_sizes(file_size + len(data_stream))
        logger.debug('splitting %s into %s' % (file_path, chunk_output_dir))
        logger.debug('compress: %s' % compress)
        if encrypt_key:
            logger.debug('encrypt: True')
        f = open(file_path, 'rb')
        chunks = []
        chunk_prefix = 'chunk'
        if compress:
            compressor = zlib.compressobj(9)
            chunk_prefix = 'tmp_chunk'
        # figure out the size of the first chunk
        if chunk_sizes:
            chunk_size = chunk_sizes.pop(0)
            chunk_size = CHUNK_SIZE_MAX

        def chunk_stream(data_stream, chunk_size, check_size=True):
            # check_size is for the last bit of data that is smaller than a
            # chunk when data is compressed and the data sizes are
            # unpredictable.
            min_size = chunk_size
            if not check_size:
                min_size = 1
            while len(data_stream) >= min_size:
                chunk_data = data_stream[:chunk_size]
                # If compressing, will have to create new chunks later.
                chunks.append(ClientChunk.create(chunk_data, chunk_output_dir,
                data_stream = data_stream[chunk_size:]
                if chunk_sizes:
                    # next chunk size may be different
                    chunk_size = chunk_sizes.pop(0)
            return (data_stream, chunk_size)

        while f.tell() < file_size:
            data = f.read(CHUNK_SIZE_MAX)
            if compress:
                data = compressor.compress(data)
            if encrypt_key:
                data = encryptor.update(data)
                assert not encryptor.final()
            data_stream += data
            data_stream_len = len(data_stream)
            logger.debug('data stream length: %s' % data_stream_len)
            (data_stream, chunk_size) = chunk_stream(data_stream, chunk_size)
        # process data not chunked yet
        logger.debug('%s bytes left over' % len(data_stream))
        if compress:
            # may have compressed data left.
            flushed_data = compressor.flush()
            if flushed_data:
                    'another %s bytes of flushed data' % len(flushed_data))
                if encrypt_key:
                    flushed_data = encryptor.update(flushed_data)
                    assert not encryptor.final()
                data_stream += flushed_data
        if data_stream:
            (data_stream, chunk_size) = chunk_stream(data_stream, chunk_size,
        assert not chunk_sizes
        # finished initial data chunking.
        new_size = sum((c.size - 4) for c in chunks)
        if not compress:
            emsg = ('original size was %s. expected new size to be '
                    '%s, but it is %s')
            expected_size = file_size
            if encrypt_key:
                expected_size = file_size + len(esalt) + len(iv)
            emsg = emsg % (file_size, expected_size, new_size)
            assert expected_size == new_size, emsg
            # must reorganize the chunks.
            new_chunks = []
            chunk_sizes = calc_chunk_sizes(new_size)
            # just replace the old chunk with the new one.
            data_stream = ''
            for chunk_size in chunk_sizes:
                # read the old chunks until there is enough to write.
                while len(data_stream) < chunk_size:
                    old_chunk = chunks.pop(0)
                    data_stream += old_chunk.read(raw=True)[:-4]
                    # free up the space
                    # small files will not fill a chunk
                    if not chunks:
                chunk_data = data_stream[:chunk_size]
                new_chunks.append(ClientChunk.create(chunk_data, chunk_output_dir))
                data_stream = data_stream[chunk_size:]
            chunks = new_chunks
            # There should not be anything left over.
            assert not data_stream
        # size for comparison
        size_ratio = 1.0 * new_size / file_size
        logger.debug('new size (combined chunks) is %s bytes' % new_size)
        logger.debug('size ratio is %f' % size_ratio)
        logger.debug('split file into %s chunks' % len(chunks))
        return chunks
Exemple #38
 def m2crypto_encrypt(message, key, iv):
     cipher = Cipher(alg='aes_128_cbc',
     return (cipher.update(message) + cipher.final(), iv)
Exemple #39
    def get_video_link_from_iframe(self, url, mainurl):

        playlist_domain = 'streamblast.cc'
        playlist_domain2 = 'buchome.com'
        usr_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.99 Safari/537.36'

        headers = {"User-Agent": usr_agent, "Referer": mainurl}
        request = urllib2.Request(url, "", headers)
        request.get_method = lambda: 'GET'
        response = urllib2.urlopen(request).read()

        src_urljs = "http://" + playlist_domain2 + response.split(
            '<script src="')[-1].split('"></script>')[0]
        video_token = response.split("video_token: '")[-1].split("',")[0]
        partner_id = response.split("partner_id: ")[-1].split(",")[0]
        domain_id = response.split("domain_id: ")[-1].split(",")[0]
        ref = re.compile('ref: \'(.+?)\'').findall(response)[0]

        headers = {"User-Agent": usr_agent, "Referer": url}
        request = urllib2.Request(src_urljs, "", headers)
        request.get_method = lambda: 'GET'
        response = urllib2.urlopen(request).read()

        subtitles = None
        if 'subtitles: {"master_vtt":"' in response:
            subtitles = response.split('subtitles: {"master_vtt":"')[-1].split(

        values = {}
        attrs = {}
        attrs['purl'] = "/vs"
        values["ref"] = ref

        raw_passkey = None
        raw_ivkey = None

        if not os.path.isfile(self.keyfile):

        with open(self.keyfile, 'r') as keys_file:
            for line in keys_file:
                if "value1" in line:
                    raw_passkey = line.split("value1=")[1].strip()
                if "value2" in line:
                    raw_ivkey = line.split("value2=")[1]

        passkey = unhexlify(raw_passkey)
        ivkey = unhexlify(raw_ivkey)

        msg = '{"a":%s,"b":"%s","c":true,"e":"%s","f":"%s"}' % (
            partner_id, domain_id, video_token, usr_agent)
        cipher = Cipher(alg='aes_256_cbc', key=passkey, iv=ivkey, op=1)
        ciphertext = cipher.update(msg) + cipher.final()
        values['q'] = b64encode(ciphertext)

        headers = {
            "Host": playlist_domain2,
            "Origin": "http://" + playlist_domain2,
            "User-Agent": usr_agent,
            "http://" + playlist_domain2 + "/video/" + video_token + "/iframe",
            "X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest"

        request = urllib2.Request('http://' + playlist_domain2 + attrs["purl"],
                                  urllib.urlencode(values), headers)
        request.get_method = lambda: 'POST'
        response = urllib2.urlopen(request).read()

        data = json.loads(response.decode('unicode-escape'))
        playlisturl = data['m3u8']

        headers = {
            "Host": playlist_domain,
            "Origin": "http://" + playlist_domain2,
            "User-Agent": usr_agent

        request = urllib2.Request(playlisturl, "", headers)
        request.get_method = lambda: 'GET'
        response = urllib2.urlopen(request).read()

        urls = re.compile("http:\/\/.*?\n").findall(response)
        manifest_links = {}
        for i, url in enumerate(urls):
            manifest_links[QUALITY_TYPES[i]] = url.replace("\n", "")

        return manifest_links, subtitles
Exemple #40
def combine_chunks(chunks, output_path, decompress=False, encrypt_key=None):
    """rebuild the original file from chunks


    msg = 'combining %s chunks' % len(chunks)

    salt_length = 0
    key_length = 0
    if encrypt_key:
        if encrypt_key.binary_salt:
            salt_length = len(encrypt_key.binary_salt)
            assert salt_length == 16, salt_length
        key_length = len(encrypt_key.binary_key)
        assert key_length == 16, key_length
    f = open(output_path, 'wb')
    if decompress:
        decompressor = zlib.decompressobj()
    if encrypt_key:
        # salt, then iv
        iv = chunks[0].read(byte_range=[salt_length, salt_length + key_length])
        decryptor = Cipher(
            CIPHER_MODE, encrypt_key.binary_key, iv, CIPHER_DECODE
    # sort out any parity chunks
    parity_chunks = []
    while chunks[-1].parity:
        parity_chunks.insert(0, chunks.pop())
    if parity_chunks and has_par2():
        cwd1 = os.getcwd()
        # The files have to end in .par2 to work.
        for parity_chunk in parity_chunks:
            new_name = '%s.%s' % (parity_chunk.filename, 'par2')
            os.rename(parity_chunk.filename, new_name)
            parity_chunk.file_path = os.path.join(
                os.path.dirname(parity_chunk.file_path), new_name)
        # It won't recognize them by name, so put them on the command line.
        par2_repair([p.filename for p in parity_chunks])
    for (i, chunk) in enumerate(chunks):
        if i == 0 and encrypt_key:
            chunk_size = chunk.size
            if encrypt_key.binary_salt:
                # strip salt and IV
                data = chunk.read(
                    byte_range=[len(encrypt_key.binary_key) + \
                # skip the IV
                data = chunk.read(
                    byte_range=[len(encrypt_key.binary_key), chunk.size-4]
            data = chunk.read()
        if encrypt_key:
            data = decryptor.update(data)
            assert not decryptor.final()
        if decompress:
            data = decompressor.decompress(data)
            assert not decompressor.unused_data
    logger.debug('file size is %s' % os.stat(output_path).st_size)
Exemple #41
 def m2crypto_decrypt(ciphertext, key, iv):
     decipher = Cipher(alg='aes_128_cbc', key=key, iv=iv, op=Encryption.DECODE)
     return decipher.update(ciphertext) + decipher.final()
    def fetchPrivateKey(self):
        """Fetch the private key for the user and storage context
		provided to this object, and decrypt the private key
		by using my passphrase.  Store the private key in internal
		storage for later use."""

        # Retrieve encrypted private key from the server
        logging.debug("Fetching encrypted private key from server")
        privKeyObj = self.ctx.get_item("keys", "privkey")
        payload = json.loads(privKeyObj['payload'])
        self.privKeySalt = base64.decodestring(payload['salt'])
        self.privKeyIV = base64.decodestring(payload['iv'])
        self.pubKeyURI = payload['publicKeyUri']

        data64 = payload['keyData']
        encryptedKey = base64.decodestring(data64)

        # Now decrypt it by generating a key with the passphrase
        # and performing an AES-256-CBC decrypt.
        logging.debug("Decrypting encrypted private key")

        passKey = PBKDF2(self.passphrase, self.privKeySalt,
        cipher = Cipher(alg='aes_256_cbc',
                        op=0)  # 0 is DEC
        v = cipher.update(encryptedKey)
        v = v + cipher.final()
        del cipher
        decryptedKey = v

        # Result is an NSS-wrapped key.
        # We have to do some manual ASN.1 parsing here, which is unfortunate.

        # 1. Make sure offset 22 is an OCTET tag; if this is not right, the decrypt
        # has gone off the rails.
        if ord(decryptedKey[22]) != 4:
                "Binary layout of decrypted private key is incorrect; probably the passphrase was incorrect."
            raise ValueError("Unable to decrypt key: wrong passphrase?")

        # 2. Get the length of the raw key, by interpreting the length bytes
        offset = 23
        rawKeyLength = ord(decryptedKey[offset])
        det = rawKeyLength & 0x80
        if det == 0:  # 1-byte length
            offset += 1
            rawKeyLength = rawKeyLength & 0x7f
        else:  # multi-byte length
            bytes = rawKeyLength & 0x7f
            offset += 1

            rawKeyLength = 0
            while bytes > 0:
                rawKeyLength *= 256
                rawKeyLength += ord(decryptedKey[offset])
                offset += 1
                bytes -= 1

        # 3. Sanity check
        if offset + rawKeyLength > len(decryptedKey):
            rawKeyLength = len(decryptedKey) - offset

        # 4. Extract actual key
        privateKey = decryptedKey[offset:offset + rawKeyLength]

        # And we're done.
        self.privateKey = privateKey
        logging.debug("Successfully decrypted private key")
Exemple #43
 def cipher_decrypt(self, ciphertext, key, IV):
     cipher = Cipher(alg='aes_256_cbc', key=key, iv=IV, op=0)
     v = cipher.update(ciphertext)
     v = v + cipher.final()
     del cipher
     return json.loads(v)
Exemple #44
 def m2crypto_encrypt(message, key, iv):
     cipher = Cipher(alg='aes_128_cbc', key=key, iv=iv, op=Encryption.ENCODE)
     return (cipher.update(message) + cipher.final(), iv)
Exemple #45
 def cipher_decrypt(self, ciphertext, key, IV):
     cipher = Cipher(alg='aes_256_cbc', key=key, iv=IV, op=0)
     v = cipher.update(ciphertext)
     v = v + cipher.final()
     del cipher
     return json.loads(v)
from M2Crypto.EVP import Cipher
from base64 import b64encode, b64decode

key = b64decode('H5jOqyCXcO+odcJFhT7Odh+Yzqsgl3Dv')
iv = b64decode('AAoKCgoCAqo=')
ciphertext = '5458d715704493d8e6b9bd38f8b6be0e'.decode('hex')
decipher = Cipher(alg='des_ede3_cbc', key=key, op=0, iv=iv)
plaintext = decipher.update(ciphertext)
plaintext += decipher.final()
print plaintext

Exemple #47
def decrypt_3des(key, text):
    decryptor = Cipher(alg='des_ede3_cbc', key=key, op=0, iv='01234567')
    s = decryptor.update(text)
    return s + decryptor.final()
Exemple #48
def encrypt_3des(key, text):
    # encryptor = Cipher(alg='des_ede3_ecb', key=key, op=1, iv='\0'*16)
    encryptor = Cipher(alg='des_ede3_cbc', key=key, op=1, iv='01234567')
    s = encryptor.update(text)
    return s + encryptor.final()
Exemple #49
def m2crypto_decrypt(key, iv, data):
    cipher = Cipher(alg='aes_128_cbc', key=key, iv=iv, op=DEC)
    v = cipher.update(data)
    v = v + cipher.final()
    return v
Exemple #50
    def get_video_link_from_iframe(self, url, mainurl):

        playlist_domain = 'streamblast.cc'
        playlist_domain2 = 'liquinota.com'
        usr_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.99 Safari/537.36'

        headers = {"User-Agent": usr_agent, "Referer": mainurl}
        request = urllib2.Request(url, "", headers)
        request.get_method = lambda: 'GET'
        response = urllib2.urlopen(request).read()

        src_urljs = "http://" + playlist_domain2 + response.split(
            '<script src="')[-1].split('"></script>')[0]
        video_token = response.split("video_token: '")[-1].split("',")[0]
        partner_id = response.split("partner_id: ")[-1].split(",")[0]
        domain_id = response.split("domain_id: ")[-1].split(",")[0]

        headers = {"User-Agent": usr_agent, "Referer": url}
        request = urllib2.Request(src_urljs, "", headers)
        request.get_method = lambda: 'GET'
        response = urllib2.urlopen(request).read()

        values = {}
        attrs = {}
        attrs['purl'] = "/vs"

        passkey = unhexlify(
        ivkey = unhexlify('79e4add175162a762071a11fe45d249f')

        msg = '{"a":%s,"b":"%s","c":true,"e":"%s","f":"%s"}' % (
            partner_id, domain_id, video_token, usr_agent)
        cipher = Cipher(alg='aes_256_cbc', key=passkey, iv=ivkey, op=1)
        ciphertext = cipher.update(msg) + cipher.final()
        values['q'] = b64encode(ciphertext)

        subtitles = None
        if 'subtitles: {"master_vtt":"' in response:
            subtitles = response.split('subtitles: {"master_vtt":"')[-1].split(

        headers = {
            "Host": playlist_domain2,
            "Origin": "http://" + playlist_domain2,
            "User-Agent": usr_agent,
            "http://" + playlist_domain2 + "/video/" + video_token + "/iframe",
            "X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest"

        request = urllib2.Request('http://' + playlist_domain2 + attrs["purl"],
                                  urllib.urlencode(values), headers)
        request.get_method = lambda: 'POST'
        response = urllib2.urlopen(request).read()

        data = json.loads(response.decode('unicode-escape'))
        playlisturl = data['m3u8']

        headers = {
            "Host": playlist_domain,
            "Origin": "http://" + playlist_domain2,
            "User-Agent": usr_agent

        request = urllib2.Request(playlisturl, "", headers)
        request.get_method = lambda: 'GET'
        response = urllib2.urlopen(request).read()

        urls = re.compile("http:\/\/.*?\n").findall(response)
        manifest_links = {}
        for i, url in enumerate(urls):
            manifest_links[QUALITY_TYPES[i]] = url.replace("\n", "")

        return manifest_links, subtitles
Exemple #51
def decrypt_3des(key, text):
    decryptor = Cipher(alg='des_ede3_ecb', key=key, op=0, iv='\0'*16)
    s= decryptor.update(text)
    return s + decryptor.final()
Exemple #52
    def encrypt(self, plaintextData, encryptionLabel=None):
        """Given a plaintext object, encrypt it and return the ciphertext value."""

        logging.debug("plaintext:\n" + pprint.pformat(plaintextData))

        crypt_key = None
        hmac_key = None

        if encryptionLabel == None:
            logging.debug("Encrypting data record using sync key")

            # Go get the keying infromation if need it
            if self.privateKey == None:

            crypt_key = self.privateKey
            hmac_key = self.privateHmac

            logging.debug("Encrypting data record using bulk key %s" %

            # Go get the keying infromation if need it
            if encryptionLabel not in self.bulkKeys:

            crypt_key = self.bulkKeys[encryptionLabel]
            hmac_key = self.bulkKeyHmacs[encryptionLabel]

        encryptedData = None

        if isinstance(plaintextData, list):

            # Encrypt collection
            encryptedData = []
            for item in plaintextData:
                # Note recursive call
                    json.dumps(self.encrypt(item['payload'], encryptionLabel),


            # Encrypt item
            if type(plaintextData) != str and (plaintextData) != unicode:
                plaintextData = json.dumps(plaintextData, ensure_ascii=False)

            #logging.debug("payload: %s, crypt key:	 %s, crypt hmac: %s" % (plaintextData, binascii.hexlify(crypt_key), binascii.hexlify(hmac_key)))

            # Encrypt object
            iv = os.urandom(16)
            cipher = Cipher(alg='aes_256_cbc',
            encryptedData = cipher.update(plaintextData) + cipher.final()
            del cipher

            #format for Weave storage, i.e. base64 unicode
            ciphertext = unicode(base64.b64encode(encryptedData))
            ivtext = unicode(base64.b64encode(iv))
            hmactext = unicode(

            encryptedData = {
                u'ciphertext': ciphertext,
                u'IV': ivtext,
                u'hmac': hmactext

        logging.debug("Successfully encrypted v5 data record")

        return encryptedData
Exemple #53
def decrypt_3des(key, text, usebase64=False):
    if usebase64:
        text = base64.b64decode( text )
    cipher = Cipher(alg='des_ede3_ecb', key=key, op=0, iv='\0'*16)
    s = cipher.update(text)
    return s + cipher.final()
Exemple #54
def encrypt_3des(key, text):
    encryptor = Cipher(alg='des_ede3_ecb', key=key, op=1, iv='\0'*16)
    s = encryptor.update(text)
    return s+ encryptor.final()
Exemple #55
    def decrypt(self, encryptedObject, encryptionLabel=None):
        """Given an encrypted object, decrypt it and return the plaintext value.
		If necessary, will retrieve the private key and bulk encryption key
		from the storage context associated with self."""


        # Coerce JSON if necessary
        if type(encryptedObject) == str or type(encryptedObject) == unicode:
            encryptedObject = json.loads(encryptedObject)

        v = None

        # An encrypted object has three relevant fields
        ciphertext = base64.decodestring(encryptedObject['ciphertext'])
        iv = base64.decodestring(encryptedObject['IV'])
        cipher_hmac = encryptedObject['hmac'].encode('ascii')

        crypt_key = None
        crypt_hmac = None

        if encryptionLabel == None:
            logging.debug("Decrypting data record using sync key")

            # Go get the keying infromation if need it
            if self.privateKey == None:

            crypt_key = self.privateKey
            crypt_hmac = self.privateHmac

            logging.debug("Decrypting data record using bulk key %s" %

            # Go get the keying infromation if need it
            if encryptionLabel not in self.bulkKeys:

            crypt_key = self.bulkKeys[encryptionLabel]
            crypt_hmac = self.bulkKeyHmacs[encryptionLabel]

        #logging.debug("payload: %s, crypt key:	 %s, crypt hmac: %s" % (encryptedObject, binascii.hexlify(crypt_key), binascii.hexlify(crypt_hmac)))

        # HMAC verification is done against base64 encoded ciphertext
        local_hmac = hmac.new(crypt_hmac,
        local_hmac = binascii.hexlify(local_hmac)

        if local_hmac != cipher_hmac:
            raise WeaveException("HMAC verification failed!")

        # In case you were wondering, this is the same as this operation at the openssl command line:
        # openssl enc -d -in data -aes-256-cbc -K `cat unwrapped_symkey.16` -iv `cat iv.16`

        # Do the decrypt
        cipher = Cipher(alg='aes_256_cbc',
        v = cipher.update(ciphertext)
        v = v + cipher.final()
        del cipher
        logging.debug("Successfully decrypted v5 data record")

        return v