Exemple #1
    def test_tric_PBC(self):
        from MDAnalysis.lib.distances import apply_PBC

        U = MDAnalysis.Universe(TRIC)
        atoms = U.atoms.coordinates()
        box1 = U.dimensions
        box2 = MDAnalysis.coordinates.core.triclinic_vectors(box1)

        #print box2
        #print box2.shape

        def numpy_PBC(coords, box):
            coords -= np.array(
                [box[2] * val for val in np.floor(coords[:, 2] / box[2][2])])
            coords -= np.array(
                [box[1] * val for val in np.floor(coords[:, 1] / box[1][1])])
            coords -= np.array(
                [box[0] * val for val in np.floor(coords[:, 0] / box[0][0])])

            return coords

        cyth1 = apply_PBC(atoms, box1)
        cyth2 = apply_PBC(atoms, box2)
        reference = numpy_PBC(atoms, box2)

            err_msg="Triclinic apply_PBC failed comparison with np")
            err_msg="Trlclinic apply_PBC failed comparison with np")
    def test_tric_PBC(self):
        from MDAnalysis.lib.distances import apply_PBC

        U = MDAnalysis.Universe(TRIC)
        atoms = U.atoms.coordinates()
        box1 = U.dimensions
        box2 = MDAnalysis.coordinates.core.triclinic_vectors(box1)

        #print box2
        #print box2.shape

        def numpy_PBC(coords, box):
            coords -= np.array([box[2] * val for val in np.floor(coords[:, 2] / box[2][2])])
            coords -= np.array([box[1] * val for val in np.floor(coords[:, 1] / box[1][1])])
            coords -= np.array([box[0] * val for val in np.floor(coords[:, 0] / box[0][0])])

            return coords

        cyth1 = apply_PBC(atoms, box1, backend=self.backend)
        cyth2 = apply_PBC(atoms, box2, backend=self.backend)
        reference = numpy_PBC(atoms, box2)

        assert_almost_equal(cyth1, reference, self.prec,
                            err_msg="Triclinic apply_PBC failed comparison with np")
        assert_almost_equal(cyth2, reference, self.prec,
                            err_msg="Trlclinic apply_PBC failed comparison with np")
Exemple #3
    def test_tric_PBC(self, backend):
        from MDAnalysis.lib.distances import apply_PBC

        U = MDAnalysis.Universe(TRIC)
        atoms = U.atoms.positions
        box1 = U.dimensions
        box2 = MDAnalysis.coordinates.core.triclinic_vectors(box1)

        def numpy_PBC(coords, box):
            # move to fractional coordinates
            fractional = MDAnalysis.lib.distances.transform_RtoS(coords, box)
            # move fractional coordinates to central cell
            fractional -= np.floor(fractional)
            # move back to real coordinates
            return MDAnalysis.lib.distances.transform_StoR(fractional, box)

        cyth1 = apply_PBC(atoms, box1, backend=backend)
        cyth2 = apply_PBC(atoms, box2, backend=backend)
        reference = numpy_PBC(atoms, box2)

            err_msg="Triclinic apply_PBC failed comparison with np")
            err_msg="Triclinic apply_PBC failed comparison with np")

        box = np.array([10, 7, 3, 45, 60, 90], dtype=np.float32)
        r = np.array([[5.75, 0.36066014, 0.75]], dtype=np.float32)
        r_in_cell = MDAnalysis.lib.distances.apply_PBC(r, box)[0]
        assert_almost_equal([5.75, 7.3606596, 0.75], r_in_cell, self.prec)
    def test_ortho_PBC(self):
        from MDAnalysis.lib.distances import apply_PBC

        U = MDAnalysis.Universe(PSF, DCD)
        atoms = U.atoms.coordinates()
        box1 = np.array([2.5, 2.5, 3.5], dtype=np.float32)
        box2 = np.array([2.5, 2.5, 3.5, 90.0, 90.0, 90.0], dtype=np.float32)

        cyth1 = apply_PBC(atoms, box1)
        cyth2 = apply_PBC(atoms, box2)
        reference = atoms - np.floor(atoms / box1) * box1

        assert_almost_equal(cyth1, reference, self.prec, err_msg="Ortho apply_PBC #1 failed comparison with np")
        assert_almost_equal(cyth2, reference, self.prec, err_msg="Ortho apply_PBC #2 failed comparison with np")
Exemple #5
    def test_ortho_PBC(self):
        from MDAnalysis.lib.distances import apply_PBC

        U = MDAnalysis.Universe(PSF, DCD)
        atoms = U.atoms.coordinates()
        box1 = np.array([2.5, 2.5, 3.5], dtype=np.float32)
        box2 = np.array([2.5, 2.5, 3.5, 90., 90., 90.], dtype=np.float32)

        cyth1 = apply_PBC(atoms, box1, backend=self.backend)
        cyth2 = apply_PBC(atoms, box2, backend=self.backend)
        reference = atoms - np.floor(atoms / box1) * box1

        assert_almost_equal(cyth1, reference, self.prec,
                            err_msg="Ortho apply_PBC #1 failed comparison with np")
        assert_almost_equal(cyth2, reference, self.prec,
                            err_msg="Ortho apply_PBC #2 failed comparison with np")
Exemple #6
    def search(self, centers, radius):
        """Search all points within radius of centers and its periodic images.
        Wrapping of center coordinates is enforced to enable comparison to
        wrapped coordinates of points in the tree.

        centers: array_like (N,3)
          origins around which to search for neighbors
        radius: float
          maximum distance around which to search for neighbors. The search
          radius is half the smallest periodicity if radius exceeds this value
        if not self.built:
            raise RuntimeError('Unbuilt tree. Run tree.set_coords(...) first')
        centers = np.asarray(centers)
        if centers.shape == (self.dim, ):
            centers = centers.reshape((1, self.dim))
        wrapped_centers = apply_PBC(centers, self.box)
        self._indices = set()  # clear previous search
        # possible loop for parallel execution (benchmark before!)
        for c in itertools.chain(wrapped_centers,
                                 self.find_images(wrapped_centers, radius)):
            self.kdt.search_center_radius(c, radius)
            n = self.kdt.get_count()
            if n:
                new_indices = np.empty(n, int)
        self._indices = sorted(list(self._indices))
Exemple #7
    def search_tree(self, centers, radius):
        Searches all the pairs within `radius` between `centers`
        and ``coords``

        ``coords`` are the already initialized coordinates in the tree
        during :meth:`set_coords`.
        ``centers`` are wrapped around the primary unit cell
        if PBC is desired. Minimum image convention (PBC) is
        activated if the `box` argument is provided during
        class initialization

        centers: array_like (N,3)
          coordinate array to search for neighbors
        radius: float
          maximum distance to search for neighbors.

        pairs : array
          all the pairs between ``coords`` and ``centers``

        This method constructs another tree from the ``centers``
        and queries the previously built tree (built in

        if not self._built:
            raise RuntimeError('Unbuilt tree. Run tree.set_coords(...)')

        centers = np.asarray(centers)
        if centers.shape == (self.dim, ):
            centers = centers.reshape((1, self.dim))

        # Sanity check
        if self.pbc:
            if self.cutoff < radius:
                raise RuntimeError('Set cutoff greater or equal to the radius.')
            # Bring all query points to the central cell
            wrapped_centers = apply_PBC(centers, self.box)
            other_tree = cKDTree(wrapped_centers, leafsize=self.leafsize)
            pairs = other_tree.query_ball_tree(self.ckdt, radius)
            pairs = np.array([[i, j] for i, lst in enumerate(pairs) for j in lst],
            if pairs.size > 0:
                pairs[:, 1] = undo_augment(pairs[:, 1],
            other_tree = cKDTree(centers, leafsize=self.leafsize)
            pairs = other_tree.query_ball_tree(self.ckdt, radius)
            pairs = np.array([[i, j] for i, lst in enumerate(pairs) for j in lst],
        if pairs.size > 0:
            pairs = unique_rows(pairs)
        return pairs
Exemple #8
    def set_coords(self, coords, cutoff=None):
        """Constructs KDTree from the coordinates

        Wrapping of coordinates to the primary unit cell is enforced
        before any distance evaluations. If periodic boundary conditions
        are enabled, then duplicate particles are generated in the
        vicinity of the box. An additional array `mapping` is also
        generated which can be later used to trace the origin of
        duplicate particle coordinates.

        For non-periodic calculations, cutoff should not be provided
        the parameter is only required for periodic calculations.

        coords: array_like
          Coordinate array of shape ``(N, 3)`` for N atoms.
        cutoff: float
          Specified cutoff distance to create duplicate images
          Typically equivalent to the desired search radius
          or the maximum of the desired cutoff radius. Relevant images
          corresponding to every atom which lies
          within ``cutoff`` distance from either of the box boundary
          will be generated.

        See Also

        # If no cutoff distance is provided but PBC aware
        if self.pbc and (cutoff is None):
            raise RuntimeError('Provide a cutoff distance'
                               ' with tree.set_coords(...)')

        # set coords dtype to float32
        # augment coordinates will work only with float32
        coords = np.asarray(coords, dtype=np.float32)

        if self.pbc:
            self.cutoff = cutoff
            # Bring the coordinates in the central cell
            self.coords = apply_PBC(coords, self.box)
            # generate duplicate images
            self.aug, self.mapping = augment_coordinates(self.coords,
            # Images + coords
            self.all_coords = np.concatenate([self.coords, self.aug])
            self.ckdt = cKDTree(self.all_coords, leafsize=self.leafsize)
            # if cutoff distance is provided for non PBC calculations
            if cutoff is not None:
                raise RuntimeError('Donot provide cutoff distance for'
                                   ' non PBC aware calculations')
            self.coords = coords
            self.ckdt = cKDTree(self.coords, self.leafsize)
        self._built = True
    def set_coords(self, coords, cutoff=None):
        """Constructs KDTree from the coordinates

        Wrapping of coordinates to the primary unit cell is enforced
        before any distance evaluations. If periodic boundary conditions
        are enabled, then duplicate particles are generated in the
        vicinity of the box. An additional array `mapping` is also
        generated which can be later used to trace the origin of
        duplicate particle coordinates.

        For non-periodic calculations, cutoff should not be provided
        the parameter is only required for periodic calculations.

        coords: array_like
          Coordinate array of shape ``(N, 3)`` for N atoms.
        cutoff: float
          Specified cutoff distance to create duplicate images
          Typically equivalent to the desired search radius
          or the maximum of the desired cutoff radius. Relevant images
          corresponding to every atom which lies
          within ``cutoff`` distance from either of the box boundary
          will be generated.

        See Also

        # If no cutoff distance is provided but PBC aware
        if self.pbc and (cutoff is None):
            raise RuntimeError('Provide a cutoff distance'
                               ' with tree.set_coords(...)')

        # set coords dtype to float32
        # augment coordinates will work only with float32
        coords = np.asarray(coords, dtype=np.float32)

        if self.pbc:
            self.cutoff = cutoff
            # Bring the coordinates in the central cell
            self.coords = apply_PBC(coords, self.box)
            # generate duplicate images
            self.aug, self.mapping = augment_coordinates(
                self.coords, self.box, self.cutoff)
            # Images + coords
            self.all_coords = np.concatenate([self.coords, self.aug])
            self.ckdt = cKDTree(self.all_coords, leafsize=self.leafsize)
            # if cutoff distance is provided for non PBC calculations
            if cutoff is not None:
                raise RuntimeError('Donot provide cutoff distance for'
                                   ' non PBC aware calculations')
            self.coords = coords
            self.ckdt = cKDTree(self.coords, self.leafsize)
        self._built = True
Exemple #10
def _srankSlow(self, pbc=False):
	Calculate the internal product between bond vector and z-axis.	
	The z-axis is defined here as (0,0,1) by default
	self: object
	    TopologyGroup where each element correspond to the coordinate
	    of a tuple of atoms belonging to a bond type

	pbc : bool
	    apply periodic boundary conditions when calculating bond vectors
	    this is important when connecting vectors between atoms might 
	    require minimum image convention
	cosine square : ndarray
	if not self.btype == 'bond':
		raise TypeError("TopologyGroup is not of type 'bond'")
	# define z vector
	z = np.array([0, 0 ,1])	

	if pbc:
		# box dimensions
		box = self._ags[0].dimensions
		# get positions of atoms to primary box
		a = apply_PBC(self._ags[0].positions, box)
		b = apply_PBC(self._ags[1].positions, box)
		# calculate bond vector for all pair of atoms
		v = b - a
		# calculate angle for all bonds
		ang = np.array([_angle(i,z) for i in v])
		# return angle
		return ang
		v = self._ags[1].positions - self._ags[0].positions
		ang = np.array([_angle(i,z) for i in v])
		return ang
Exemple #11
def test_undoaugment(b, qres):
    radius = 1.5
    q = transform_StoR(np.array(qres[0], dtype=np.float32), b)
    if q.shape == (3, ):
        q = q.reshape((1, 3))
    q = apply_PBC(q, b)
    aug, mapping = augment_coordinates(q, b, radius)
    for idx, val in enumerate(aug):
        imageid = np.asarray([len(q) + idx], dtype=np.intp)
        assert_equal(mapping[idx], undo_augment(imageid, mapping, len(q))[0])
Exemple #12
    def transformation(ts):
        box_half = 0.5 * ts.dimensions[:3]

        for i in range(iterations):
            # wrap atoms back into box
            pos_center = apply_PBC(ts.positions[ix], ts.dimensions)
            # get center of mass
            com = np.sum(pos_center * weights, 0) / sum_weights
            # com = self.ag.center_of_mass(pbc=False)

            # center around the group
            ts.positions = apply_PBC(ts.positions, ts.dimensions)
            ts.positions -= com - box_half
            ts.positions = apply_PBC(ts.positions, ts.dimensions)
            # move center of atoms to origin
            #ts.positions -= box_half
        if center:
            ts.positions -= box_half
        return ts
Exemple #13
def test_undoaugment(b, qres):
    radius = 1.5
    q = transform_StoR(np.array(qres[0], dtype=np.float32), b)
    if q.shape == (3, ):
        q = q.reshape((1, 3))
    q = apply_PBC(q, b)
    aug, mapping = augment_coordinates(q, b, radius)
    for idx, val in enumerate(aug):
        imageid = np.asarray([len(q) + idx], dtype=np.int64)
        assert_equal(mapping[idx], undo_augment(imageid, mapping, len(q))[0])
Exemple #14
    def set_coords(self, coords):
        Add coordinates of the points. Wrapping of coordinates to the central
        cell is enforced along the periodic axes.

        coords: array_like
          Positions of points, shape=(N, 3) for N atoms.
        _check_array(np.asanyarray(coords), 'coords')
        wrapped_data = apply_PBC(coords, self.box)
        self.built = 1
Exemple #15
def test_augment(b, q, res):
    radius = 1.5
    q = transform_StoR(np.array(q, dtype=np.float32), b)
    if q.shape == (3, ):
        q = q.reshape((1, 3))
    q = apply_PBC(q, b)
    aug, mapping = augment_coordinates(q, b, radius)
    if aug.size > 0:
        aug = np.sort(aug, axis=0)
        aug = list()
    if len(res) > 0:
        cs = transform_StoR(np.array(res, dtype=np.float32), b)
        cs = np.sort(cs, axis=0)
        cs = list()
    assert_almost_equal(aug, cs, decimal=5)
Exemple #16
    def search(self, centers, radius):
        """Search all points within radius from centers and their periodic images.

        All the centers coordinates are wrapped around the central cell
        to enable distance evaluations from points in the tree
        and their images.

        centers: array_like (N,3)
          coordinate array to search for neighbors
        radius: float
          maximum distance to search for neighbors.

        if not self._built:
            raise RuntimeError('Unbuilt tree. Run tree.set_coords(...)')

        centers = np.asarray(centers)
        if centers.shape == (self.dim, ):
            centers = centers.reshape((1, self.dim))

        # Sanity check
        if self.pbc:
            if self.cutoff < radius:
                raise RuntimeError('Set cutoff greater or equal to the radius.')
            # Bring all query points to the central cell
            wrapped_centers = apply_PBC(centers, self.box)
            indices = list(self.ckdt.query_ball_point(wrapped_centers,
            self._indices = np.array(list(
            if self._indices.size > 0:
                self._indices = undo_augment(self._indices,
            wrapped_centers = np.asarray(centers)
            indices = list(self.ckdt.query_ball_point(wrapped_centers,
            self._indices = np.array(list(
        self._indices = np.asarray(unique_int_1d(self._indices))
        return self._indices
Exemple #17
def test_augment(b, q, res):
    radius = 1.5
    q = transform_StoR(np.array(q, dtype=np.float32), b)
    if q.shape == (3, ):
        q = q.reshape((1, 3))
    q = apply_PBC(q, b)
    aug, mapping = augment_coordinates(q, b, radius)
    if aug.size > 0:
        aug = np.sort(aug, axis=0)
        aug = list()
    if len(res) > 0:
        cs = transform_StoR(np.array(res, dtype=np.float32), b)
        cs = np.sort(cs, axis=0)
        cs = list()
    assert_almost_equal(aug, cs, decimal=5)
    def search(self, centers, radius):
        """Search all points within radius from centers and their periodic images.

        All the centers coordinates are wrapped around the central cell
        to enable distance evaluations from points in the tree
        and their images.

        centers: array_like (N,3)
          coordinate array to search for neighbors
        radius: float
          maximum distance to search for neighbors.

        if not self._built:
            raise RuntimeError('Unbuilt tree. Run tree.set_coords(...)')

        centers = np.asarray(centers)
        if centers.shape == (self.dim, ):
            centers = centers.reshape((1, self.dim))

        # Sanity check
        if self.pbc:
            if self.cutoff < radius:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    'Set cutoff greater or equal to the radius.')
            # Bring all query points to the central cell
            wrapped_centers = apply_PBC(centers, self.box)
            indices = list(self.ckdt.query_ball_point(wrapped_centers, radius))
            self._indices = np.array(list(
            if self._indices.size > 0:
                self._indices = undo_augment(self._indices, self.mapping,
            wrapped_centers = np.asarray(centers)
            indices = list(self.ckdt.query_ball_point(wrapped_centers, radius))
            self._indices = np.array(list(
        self._indices = np.asarray(unique_int_1d(self._indices))
        return self._indices
Exemple #19
def test_find_images(b, qcs):
    Test the generation of images for a given query vector and type of box.

    b : list
        MDAnalysis dimensions like list
    qns : tuple
        a query point and a list of expected neighbors.
    b = np.array(b, dtype=np.float32)
    q = transform_StoR(np.array(qcs[0], dtype=np.float32), b)
    tree = PeriodicKDTree(b)
    coords = transform_StoR(f_dataset, b)
    tree.set_coords(coords)  # Input real space coordinates
    cs = np.sort(transform_StoR(np.array(qcs[1], dtype=np.float32), b), axis=0)
    q_wrapped = apply_PBC(q.reshape((1, 3)), b)
    found_images = np.sort(tree.find_images(q_wrapped, radius), axis=0)
    assert_almost_equal(found_images, cs, decimal=6)
Exemple #20
def fractional_to_real(xyz, dims):
    """Convert fractional positions to real positions

    xyz : np.ndarray
      fractional positions
    dims : dict
      dict of box information

    xyz : np.ndarray
      real space representation of fractional positions
    box = np.array([
        dims['a'], dims['b'], dims['c'], dims['alpha'], dims['beta'],

    xyz = distances.transform_StoR(xyz, box)

    return distances.apply_PBC(xyz, box)
    def search_tree(self, centers, radius):
        Searches all the pairs within `radius` between `centers`
        and ``coords``

        ``coords`` are the already initialized coordinates in the tree
        during :meth:`set_coords`.
        ``centers`` are wrapped around the primary unit cell
        if PBC is desired. Minimum image convention (PBC) is
        activated if the `box` argument is provided during
        class initialization

        centers: array_like (N,3)
          coordinate array to search for neighbors
        radius: float
          maximum distance to search for neighbors.

        pairs : array
          all the pairs between ``coords`` and ``centers``

        This method constructs another tree from the ``centers``
        and queries the previously built tree (built in

        if not self._built:
            raise RuntimeError('Unbuilt tree. Run tree.set_coords(...)')

        centers = np.asarray(centers)
        if centers.shape == (self.dim, ):
            centers = centers.reshape((1, self.dim))

        # Sanity check
        if self.pbc:
            if self.cutoff < radius:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    'Set cutoff greater or equal to the radius.')
            # Bring all query points to the central cell
            wrapped_centers = apply_PBC(centers, self.box)
            other_tree = cKDTree(wrapped_centers, leafsize=self.leafsize)
            pairs = other_tree.query_ball_tree(self.ckdt, radius)
            pairs = np.array([[i, j] for i, lst in enumerate(pairs)
                              for j in lst],
            if pairs.size > 0:
                pairs[:, 1] = undo_augment(pairs[:, 1], self.mapping,
            other_tree = cKDTree(centers, leafsize=self.leafsize)
            pairs = other_tree.query_ball_tree(self.ckdt, radius)
            pairs = np.array([[i, j] for i, lst in enumerate(pairs)
                              for j in lst],
        if pairs.size > 0:
            pairs = unique_rows(pairs)
        return pairs