Exemple #1
    def _arrange_kernel(self):
        Y = [2 * int(y == self.classes_[1]) - 1 for y in self.Y]
        n_sample = len(self.Y)
        ker_matrix = matrix(summation(self.KL))
        YY = spdiag(Y)

        solvers.options['show_progress'] = False
        solvers.options['maxiters'] = self.max_iter
        sol = solvers.qp(
            2 * ((1.0 - self.lam) * YY * ker_matrix * YY +
                 spdiag([self.lam] * n_sample)), matrix([0.0] * n_sample),
            -spdiag([1.0] * n_sample), matrix([0.0] * n_sample, (n_sample, 1)),
            matrix([[float(y == +1) for y in Y],
                    [float(y == -1) for y in Y]]).T, matrix([[1.0] * 2],
                                                            (2, 1)))
        if self.verbose:
            print('optimization finished, #iter = %d' % sol['iterations'])
            print('status of the solution: %s' % sol['status'])
            print('objval: %.5f' % sol['primal objective'])

        yg = sol['x'].T * YY
        weights = [(yg * matrix(K) * yg.T)[0] for K in self.KL]
        norm2 = sum(weights)
        self.weights = np.array([w / norm2 for w in weights])

        self.ker_matrix = summation(self.KL, self.weights)
        return self.ker_matrix
Exemple #2
    def _arrange_kernel(self):
        Y = [1 if y==self.classes_[1] else -1 for y in self.Y]
        n_sample = len(self.Y)
        ker_matrix = matrix(summation(self.KL))
        YY = spdiag(Y)
        KLL = (1.0-self.lam)*YY*ker_matrix*YY
        LID = spdiag([self.lam]*n_sample)
        Q = 2*(KLL+LID)
        p = matrix([0.0]*n_sample)
        G = -spdiag([1.0]*n_sample)
        h = matrix([0.0]*n_sample,(n_sample,1))
        A = matrix([[1.0 if lab==+1 else 0 for lab in Y],[1.0 if lab2==-1 else 0 for lab2 in Y]]).T
        b = matrix([[1.0],[1.0]],(2,1))
        solvers.options['show_progress'] = False
        solvers.options['maxiters'] = self.max_iter
        sol = solvers.qp(Q,p,G,h,A,b)
        gamma = sol['x']
        if self.verbose:
            print ('[EasyMKL]')
            print ('optimization finished, #iter = %d' % sol['iterations'])
            print ('status of the solution: %s' % sol['status'])
            print ('objval: %.5f' % sol['primal objective'])

        yg = gamma.T * YY
        weights = [(yg*matrix(K)*yg.T)[0] for K in self.KL]
        norm2 = sum([w for w in weights])
        self.weights = np.array([w / norm2 for w in weights])
        ker_matrix = summation(self.KL, self.weights)
        self.ker_matrix = ker_matrix
        return ker_matrix
Exemple #3
    def _arrange_kernel(self):
        Y = [1 if y == self.classes_[1] else -1 for y in self.Y]
        n_sample = len(self.Y)
        ker_matrix = matrix(summation(self.KL))
        YY = spdiag(Y)
        KLL = (1.0 - self.lam) * YY * ker_matrix * YY
        LID = spdiag([self.lam] * n_sample)
        Q = 2 * (KLL + LID)
        p = matrix([0.0] * n_sample)
        G = -spdiag([1.0] * n_sample)
        h = matrix([0.0] * n_sample, (n_sample, 1))
        A = matrix([[1.0 if lab == +1 else 0 for lab in Y],
                    [1.0 if lab2 == -1 else 0 for lab2 in Y]]).T
        b = matrix([[1.0], [1.0]], (2, 1))

        solvers.options['show_progress'] = False
        solvers.options['maxiters'] = self.max_iter
        sol = solvers.qp(Q, p, G, h, A, b)
        gamma = sol['x']
        if self.verbose:
            print('optimization finished, #iter = {}', sol['iterations'])
            print('status of the solution: {}', sol['status'])
            print('objval: {}', sol['primal objective'])

        yg = gamma.T * YY
        weights = [(yg * matrix(K) * yg.T)[0] for K in self.KL]

        norm2 = sum([w for w in weights])
        self.weights = np.array([w / norm2 for w in weights])
        ker_matrix = summation(self.KL, self.weights)
        self.ker_matrix = ker_matrix
        return ker_matrix
Exemple #4
    def arrange_kernel(self, X, Y, check=True):
        if check:
            self._input_checks(X, Y)

        #if len(self.classes_) != 2:
        #    raise ValueError("The number of classes has to be 2; got ", len(self.classes_))

        self.Y = [1 if y == self.classes_[1] else -1 for y in self.Y]
        n_sample = len(self.Y)
        ker_matrix = matrix(summation(self.K))
        #ker_matrix = ker_matrix / len(X)
        YY = matrix(np.diag(list(matrix(self.Y))))
        KLL = (1.0 - self.lam) * YY * ker_matrix * YY
        LID = matrix(np.diag([self.lam] * n_sample))
        Q = 2 * (KLL + LID)
        p = matrix([0.0] * n_sample)
        G = -matrix(np.diag([1.0] * n_sample))
        h = matrix([0.0] * n_sample, (n_sample, 1))
        A = matrix([[1.0 if lab == +1 else 0 for lab in self.Y],
                    [1.0 if lab2 == -1 else 0 for lab2 in self.Y]]).T
        b = matrix([[1.0], [1.0]], (2, 1))

        solvers.options['show_progress'] = False
        solvers.options['maxiters'] = self.max_iter
        sol = solvers.qp(Q, p, G, h, A, b)
        self.gamma = sol['x']
        if self.verbose:
            print '[EasyMKL] - first step'
            print 'optimization finished, #iter = ', sol['iterations']
            print 'status of the solution: ', sol['status']
            print 'objval: ', sol['primal objective']

        # Bias for classification:
        bias = 0.5 * self.gamma.T * ker_matrix * YY * self.gamma
        self.bias = bias

        # Weights evaluation:
        #yg =  mul(self.gamma.T,matrix(self.Y).T)
        yg = self.gamma.T * YY
        self.weights = []
        for kermat in self.K:
            b = yg * matrix(kermat) * yg.T

        norm2 = sum([w for w in self.weights])
        #norm2 = sum(self.weights)
        self.weights = [w / norm2 for w in self.weights]

        if self.tracenorm:
            for idx, val in enumerate(self.traces):
                self.weights[idx] = self.weights[idx] / val

        ker_matrix = summation(self.K, self.weights)
        self.ker_matrix = ker_matrix
        #return matrix(summation(self.K, self.weights))
        return ker_matrix
Exemple #5
    def fit(self,K,Y):
        Ks = matrix(summation(K))
        YY = spdiag(matrix(Y))
        n = len(Y)
        K1 = (1.0-self.D)* YY*Ks*YY + spdiag([self.D] * n)
        #K2 = self.C * Ks * self.D
        K2 = (1.0-self.D)* self.C * Ks * self.D + spdiag([self.D] * n) * self.C
        P = 2*matrix([[K1[i,j] if i<n and j<n else K2[i-n,j-n] if i>=n and j>=n else 0.0   for i in range(2*n)] for j in range(2*n)])
        q = matrix([0.0 for i in range(2*n)])
        h = matrix([0.0]*(2*n),(2*n,1))
        G = -spdiag([1 for i in range(2*n)])
        A = matrix([[1.0 if i<n and Y[i]==+1 else 0.0 for i in range(2*n)],
                    [1.0 if i<n and Y[i]==-1 else 0.0 for i in range(2*n)],
                    [1.0 if i>=n else 0 for i in range(2*n)]]).T
        b = matrix([1.0,1.0,1.0])
        solvers.options['show_progress'] = False
        solvers.options['maxiters'] = 200
        sol = solvers.qp(P,q,G,h,A,b)
        x = sol['x']
        gamma = matrix(x[:n])
        alpha = matrix(x[n:2*n])
        weights = []
        for k in K:
            w = (gamma.T*YY*matrix(k)*YY*gamma)[0] + self.C * (alpha.T*matrix(k)*alpha)[0]
        norm = sum([w for w in weights])
        self.weights = [w / norm for w in weights]
        #fine primo step
        Ks = matrix(summation(K,self.weights))
        K1 = (1.0-self.D)* YY*Ks*YY + spdiag([self.D] * n)
        #K2 = self.C * Ks * self.D
        K2 = (1.0-self.D)* self.C * Ks * self.D + spdiag([self.D] * n) * self.C
        P = 2*matrix([[K1[i,j] if i<n and j<n else K2[i-n,j-n] if i>=n and j>=n else 0.0   for i in range(2*n)] for j in range(2*n)])
        q = matrix([0.0 for i in range(2*n)])
        h = matrix([0.0]*(2*n),(2*n,1))
        G = -spdiag([1 for i in range(2*n)])
        A = matrix([[1.0 if i<n and Y[i]==+1 else 0.0 for i in range(2*n)],
                    [1.0 if i<n and Y[i]==-1 else 0.0 for i in range(2*n)],
                    [1.0 if i>=n else 0 for i in range(2*n)]]).T
        b = matrix([1.0,1.0,1.0])
        solvers.options['show_progress'] = False
        solvers.options['maxiters'] = 200
        sol = solvers.qp(P,q,G,h,A,b)
        x = sol['x']
        self.gamma = matrix(x[:n])
        self.alpha = matrix(x[n:2*n])

        return self
Exemple #6
    def _arrange_kernel(self):
        Y = [1 if y == self.classes_[1] else -1 for y in self.Y]
        nn = len(Y)
        nk = self.n_kernels
        YY = spdiag(Y)
        beta = [0.0] * nk
        mu = np.exp(beta)
        mu /= mu.sum()

        #actual_weights = eta[:]
        actual_ratio = None
        Q = np.array([[
            np.dot(self.KL[r].ravel(), self.KL[s].ravel()) for r in range(nk)
        ] for s in range(nk)])
        Q /= np.sum([frobenius(K)**2 for K in self.KL])

        self.sr, self.margin = [], []
        self.obj = []
        _beta, _mu = None, None
        cstep = self.step
        I = np.diag(np.ones(nn))
        for i in xrange(self.max_iter):
            Kc = summation(self.KL, mu)
            #trovo i gamma
            clf = KOMD(kernel='precomputed', lam=self.lam).fit(Kc, Y)
            gamma = clf.gamma
            _margin = (gamma.T * YY * matrix(Kc) * YY * gamma)[0]
            #m = (gamma.T * YY * matrix(Kc) * YY * gamma)[0]
            grad = np.array([(self.C * np.dot(Q[r],mu) + (gamma.T * YY * matrix(self.KL[r]) * YY * gamma)[0]) \
                    * mu[r] * (1- mu[r]) \
                      for r in range(nk)])
            _beta = beta + cstep * grad
            _mu = np.exp(_beta)
            _mu /= _mu.sum()

            _obj = _margin + (self.C / 2) * np.dot(_mu, np.dot(_mu, Q))
            if (self.obj and _obj < self.obj[-1]
                ) or _margin < 1.e-4:  # nel caso di peggioramento
                cstep /= 2.0
                if cstep < 0.00001: break
                mu = _mu
                beta = _beta

        self._steps = i + 1
        #print 'steps', self._steps, 'lam',self.lam,'margin',self.margin[-1]
        self.weights = np.array(mu)
        self.ker_matrix = summation(self.KL, self.weights)
        return self.ker_matrix
Exemple #7
    def decision_function(self, X):
        if self.is_fitted == False:
            raise NotFittedError(
                "This EasyMKL instance is not fitted yet. Call 'fit' with appropriate arguments before using this method."

        if self.kernel == 'precomputed':
            K = check_KL_Y(X, self.Y)
            X = check_array(X,
            if X.shape[1] != self.n_f:
                raise ValueError("The number of feature in X not correspond")
                #K = self.K.set_test(X)
            K = kernel_list(self.X, X, self.K)

        if self.multiclass_ == True:
            return self.cls.decision_function(X)

        YY = matrix(np.diag(list(matrix(self.Y))))
        ker_matrix = matrix(summation(K, self.weights))
        z = ker_matrix * YY * self.gamma
        z = z - self.bias
        return np.array(list(z))
Exemple #8
 def decision_function(self, K):
     YY = spdiag(matrix(self.Y))
     ker_matrix = matrix(summation(K, self.weights))
     #z = ker_matrix*YY*self.gamma + self.C * ker_matrix*self.alpha
     #z = ker_matrix*YY*self.gamma + ker_matrix*self.alpha
     z = ker_matrix*YY*self.gamma
     return np.array(list(z))
Exemple #9
    def arrange_kernel(self,X,Y):
        if len(np.unique(Y)) > 2:
            raise ArrangeMulticlassError('arrange_kernel does not work in multiclass context')

        self.Y = [1 if y==self.classes_[1] else -1 for y in self.Y]
        n_sample = len(self.Y)
        ker_matrix = matrix(summation(self.KL))
        YY = spdiag(self.Y)
        KLL = (1.0-self.lam)*YY*ker_matrix*YY
        LID = spdiag([self.lam]*n_sample)
        Q = 2*(KLL+LID)
        p = matrix([0.0]*n_sample)
        G = -spdiag([1.0]*n_sample)
        h = matrix([0.0]*n_sample,(n_sample,1))
        A = matrix([[1.0 if lab==+1 else 0 for lab in self.Y],[1.0 if lab2==-1 else 0 for lab2 in self.Y]]).T
        b = matrix([[1.0],[1.0]],(2,1))
        solvers.options['show_progress'] = False
        solvers.options['maxiters'] = self.max_iter
        sol = solvers.qp(Q,p,G,h,A,b)
        self.gamma = sol['x']
        if self.verbose:
            print('[EasyMKL] - first step')
            print('optimization finished, #iter = ', sol['iterations'])
            print('status of the solution: ', sol['status'])
            print('objval: ', sol['primal objective'])
        # Bias for classification:
        #bias = 0.5 * self.gamma.T * ker_matrix * YY * self.gamma
        #self.bias = bias
        # Weights evaluation:
        #yg =  mul(self.gamma.T,matrix(self.Y).T)
        yg = self.gamma.T * YY
        self.weights = []
        for kermat in self.KL:
            b = yg*matrix(kermat)*yg.T
        norm2 = sum([w for w in self.weights])
        self.weights = [w / norm2 for w in self.weights]
        ker_matrix = summation(self.KL, self.weights)
        self.ker_matrix = ker_matrix
        return ker_matrix
Exemple #10
 def _heuristics(self):
     if self.h == 'fixed_log':
         return self.fixed_log
     if self.h == 'exp':
         return self.base
     if self.h == 'log':
         return self.log
     elif self.h == 'linear' or True:
         return lambda k_list: summation(
             k_list, [i * self.m + 1 for i in range(self.n_kernels)])
Exemple #11
    def _arrange_kernel(self):
        Y = [1 if y == self.classes_[1] else -1 for y in self.Y]
        n_sample = len(self.Y)
        ker_matrix = matrix(summation(self.KL))
        YY = spdiag(Y)
        KLL = (1.0 - self.lam) * YY * ker_matrix * YY
        LID = spdiag([self.lam] * n_sample)
        Q = 2 * (KLL + LID)
        p = matrix([0.0] * n_sample)
        G = -spdiag([1.0] * n_sample)
        h = matrix([0.0] * n_sample, (n_sample, 1))
        A = matrix([[1.0 if lab == +1 else 0 for lab in Y],
                    [1.0 if lab2 == -1 else 0 for lab2 in Y]]).T
        b = matrix([[1.0], [1.0]], (2, 1))

        solvers.options['show_progress'] = False
        solvers.options['maxiters'] = self.max_iter
        sol = solvers.qp(Q, p, G, h, A, b)
        gamma = sol['x']

        yg = gamma.T * YY
        weights_margin = [(yg * matrix(K) * yg.T)[0] for K in self.KL]

        P = 2 * ker_matrix
        p = -matrix([ker_matrix[i, i] for i in range(n_sample)])
        G = -spdiag([1.0] * n_sample)
        h = matrix([0.0] * n_sample)
        A = matrix([1.0] * n_sample).T
        b = matrix([1.0])
        solvers.options['show_progress'] = False
        sol = solvers.qp(P, p, G, h, A, b)
        alpha = sol['x']
        weights_radius = [(alpha.T * matrix(K) * alpha)[0] for K in self.KL]

        weights = [a / b for (a, b) in zip(weights_radius, weights_margin)]
        norm2 = sum([w for w in weights])
        self.weights = np.array([w / norm2 for w in weights])
        ker_matrix = summation(self.KL, self.weights)
        self.ker_matrix = ker_matrix
        return ker_matrix
Exemple #12
    def _arrange_kernel(self):
        Y = [1 if y == self.classes_[1] else -1 for y in self.Y]
        nn = len(Y)
        nk = self.n_kernels
        YY = spdiag(Y)
        beta = [0.0] * nk
        mu = np.exp(beta)
        mu /= mu.sum()

        Kc = summation(self.KL, mu)
        _r, alpha, _sol_a_old = radius(Kc)
        _m, gamma, _sol_g_old = margin(Kc, Y)
        self._ratios = []

        cstep = self.step
        self._converg = False
        self._steps = 0

        while (not self._converg and (self._steps < self.max_iter)):
            self._steps += 1
            eb = np.exp(beta)

            #calcolo il gradiene
            a = np.array(
                [1.0 - (alpha.T * matrix(K) * alpha)[0] for K in self.KL])
            b = np.array([(gamma.T * YY * matrix(K) * YY * gamma)[0]
                          for K in self.KL])
            den = [np.dot(eb, b)**2] * nk
            #num = [sum([eta[s]*(a[s]*b[r]-a[r]*b[s])  for s in range(nk)])  for r in range(nk)]
            num = [
                eb[r] * (a[r] * np.dot(eb, b) - b[r] * np.dot(eb, a))
                for r in range(nk)

            #calcolo i pesi temporanei
            _beta = [beta[k] - cstep * (num[k] / den[k]) for k in range(nk)]
            current_mu = np.exp(_beta) / np.exp(_beta).sum()

            #testo la nuova soluzione
                Kc = summation(self.KL, current_mu)
                _r, alpha, _sol_a = radius(Kc, init_sol=_sol_a_old)
                _m, gamma, _sol_g = margin(Kc, Y, init_sol=_sol_g_old)
                _sol_a_old = _sol_a.copy()
                _sol_g_old = _sol_g.copy()
                print '### warning at step %d:' % self._steps
                print 'current weights:', current_mu
                cstep /= 2.0

            new_ratio = (_r**2 / _m**2) / nn
            #caso 1: primo passo o soluzione migliorativa
            if not self._ratios or self._ratios[-1] > new_ratio:
                #aggiorno lo stato
                #print 'soluzione migliorativa'
                beta = _beta
                mu = current_mu

            #caso 2: soluzione peggiorativa
            elif self._ratios[-1] <= new_ratio:
                cstep /= 2.0

            #controllo sulla convergenza
            if  cstep <= 1e-10 or 	\
             ( len(self._ratios)>=2 and np.linalg.norm(self._ratios[-1]-self._ratios[-2]) <= 1e-20) :
                self._converg = True

        self.weights = np.array(mu)
        self.ker_matrix = summation(self.KL, self.weights)
        return self.ker_matrix
Exemple #13
    def _arrange_kernel(self):
        print "WARNING: probably not working"
        Y = [1 if y == self.classes_[1] else -1 for y in self.Y]
        n = len(self.Y)
        YY = spdiag(Y)
        actual_weights = np.ones(self.n_kernels) / (1.0 * self.n_kernels
                                                    )  #current
        obj = None
        #weights = np.ones(self.n_kernels) / (1.0 *self.n_kernels)	#current
        print actual_weights
        self.objs = []
        cstep = self.step
        self.margin = []
        for i in xrange(self.max_iter):
            Kc = summation(self.KL, actual_weights)
            #ottimizzo su alpha (posso prenderlo dallo step precedente....)
            clf = SVC(C=self.C, kernel='precomputed').fit(Kc, Y)
            alpha = np.zeros(n)
            alpha[clf.support_] = clf.dual_coef_
            alpha = matrix(alpha)

            #dati gli alpha ottimizzo sui pesi
            J = (-0.5 * alpha.T * YY * matrix(Kc) * YY *
                 alpha)[0] + np.sum(alpha)
            grad = [(-0.5 * alpha.T * YY * matrix(_K) * YY * alpha)[0]
                    for _K in self.KL]

            mu = np.argmax(actual_weights)  #all'inizio sono tutti uguali
            idx = np.where(actual_weights == max(actual_weights))
            mu = np.argmax(np.array(grad)[idx])
            D = [ 0  if actual_weights[j]==0 and grad[j] - grad[mu] > 0 else \
              -grad[j] + grad[mu] if actual_weights[j]>0 and j!=mu    else \
              np.sum([grad[v]-grad[mu] for v in range(self.n_kernels) if grad[v]>0]) if j==mu  else\
             for j in range(self.n_kernels)]
            print 'd', D

            #aggiorno i pesi dato il gradiente
            weights = actual_weights + cstep * np.array(
                D)  #originalmente era un +
            weights = weights.clip(0.0)
            if weights.sum() == 0.0:
                print i, 'zero', weights
                cstep /= 2.0
            weights = weights / weights.sum()

            #riottimizzo sugli alfa
            Kc = summation(self.KL, weights)
            clf = SVC(C=self.C, kernel='precomputed').fit(Kc, Y)
            alpha = np.zeros(n)
            alpha[clf.support_] = clf.dual_coef_
            alpha = matrix(alpha)
            new_obj = (-0.5 * alpha.T * YY * matrix(Kc) * YY *
                       alpha)[0] + np.sum(alpha)
            if obj and abs(new_obj - obj) / n < self.tol:
                #print i,'tol'
                actual_weights = weights
                print 'terminato', new_obj, obj
            elif new_obj <= obj or not obj:
                #tutto in regola
                #print i,'new step',new_ratio
                ma = margin(Kc, Y)
                if len(self.margin) > 0 and self.margin[-1] > ma:

                obj = new_obj
                actual_weights = weights
                print actual_weights, obj
                #supero il minimo
                weights = actual_weights
                cstep /= 2.0
                print i, 'overflow', cstep
        self._steps = i + 1

        self.weights = np.array(actual_weights)
        self.ker_matrix = summation(self.KL, self.weights)

        return self.ker_matrix
Exemple #14
    def _arrange_kernel(self):
        Y = [1 if y==self.classes_[1] else -1 for y in self.Y]
        n = len(self.Y)
        R = np.array([radius(K) for K in self.KL])
        YY = matrix(np.diag(self.Y))

        actual_weights = np.ones(self.n_kernels) / (1.0 *self.n_kernels)    #current
        actual_ratio = None
        #weights = np.ones(self.n_kernels) / (1.0 *self.n_kernels)	#current

        self.ratios = []
        cstep = self.step
        for i in xrange(self.max_iter):
            ru2 = np.dot(actual_weights,R**2)
            C = self.C / ru2
            Kc = matrix(summation(self.KL,actual_weights))
            clf = SVC(C=C, kernel='precomputed').fit(Kc,Y)
            alpha = np.zeros(n)
            alpha[clf.support_] = clf.dual_coef_
            alpha = matrix(alpha)

            Q = Kc + spdiag( [ru2/self.C] * n )
            J = (-0.5 * alpha.T * YY * Q * YY * alpha)[0] + np.sum(alpha)
            grad = [(-0.5 * alpha.T * YY *(Kc+ spdiag([_r**2/self.C]*n)) * YY * alpha)[0] for _r in R]

            weights = actual_weights + cstep * np.array(grad)	#originalmente era un +
            weights = weights.clip(0.0)
            if weights.sum() == 0.0:
                #print i,'zero'
                cstep /= -2.0
            weights = weights/weights.sum()

            Kc = summation(self.KL,weights)
            new_ratio = radius(Kc)**2 / margin(Kc,Y)**2

            if actual_ratio and abs(new_ratio - actual_ratio)/n < self.tol:
                #print i,'tol'
            elif new_ratio <= actual_ratio or not actual_ratio:
                #tutto in regola
                #print i,'new step',new_ratio
                actual_ratio = new_ratio
                actual_weights = weights
                #supero il minimo
                weights = actual_weights
                cstep /= -2.0
                #print i,'overflow',cstep
        self._steps = i+1
        self.weights = np.array(actual_weights)
        self.ker_matrix = summation(self.KL,self.weights)
        return self.ker_matrix
        return average(self.KL,weights)
Exemple #15
 def test_summation(self):
     KLtr_sum, KLte_sum = summation(self.KLtr), summation(self.KLte)
Exemple #16
    def _arrange_kernel(self):
        Y = [1 if y == self.classes_[1] else -1 for y in self.Y]
        nn = len(Y)
        nk = self.n_kernels
        YY = spdiag(Y)
        eta = [1.0 / nk] * nk

        actual_weights = eta[:]
        actual_ratio = None
        Kc = summation(self.KL, eta)
        _r, alpha = radius(Kc)
        _m, gamma = margin(Kc, Y)

        self._ratios = []

        cstep = self.step
        for i in xrange(self.max_iter):
            #print actual_ratio

            a = np.array(
                [1.0 - (alpha.T * matrix(K) * alpha)[0] for K in self.KL])
            b = np.array([(gamma.T * YY * matrix(K) * YY * gamma)[0]
                          for K in self.KL])
            den = [np.dot(eta, b)**2] * nk
            num = [
                sum([eta[s] * (a[s] * b[r] - a[r] * b[s]) for s in range(nk)])
                for r in range(nk)

            eta = [cstep * (num[k] / den[k]) + eta[k] for k in range(nk)]
            eta = [max(0, v) for v in eta]
            eta = np.array(eta) / sum(eta)

            Kc = summation(self.KL, eta)
            _r, alpha = radius(Kc, init_sol=alpha)
            _m, gamma = margin(Kc, Y, init_sol=gamma)

            new_ratio = _r**2 / _m**2
            if actual_ratio and abs(new_ratio - actual_ratio) / nn < self.tol:
                #print i,'tol'
                actual_weights = eta
                #break;             #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            elif new_ratio <= actual_ratio or not actual_ratio:
                #tutto in regola
                actual_ratio = new_ratio
                #print i,'update',actual_ratio
                actual_weights = eta
                #print i,'revert'
                #supero il minimo
                eta = actual_weights
                cstep /= 1.50
        self._steps = i + 1

        self.weights = np.array(eta)
        self.ker_matrix = summation(self.KL, self.weights)
        return self.ker_matrix
Exemple #17
 def predict_proba(K):
     return self.clf.predict_proba(summation(K,self.weights))
Exemple #18
 def decision_funcion(K):
     return self.clf.decision_function(summation(K,self.weights))
Exemple #19
 def arrange_kernel(K,Y):
     weights = []
     for k in K:
         weights.append(self.beta0 + (self.beta1 * f(k,Y))** self.beta2)
     self.weights = np.linalg.norm(weights,1)
     return summation(K,self.weights)
Exemple #20
    def _arrange_kernel(self):

        Y = [1 if y == self.classes_[1] else -1 for y in self.Y]
        YY = spdiag(Y)
        Y = np.array(Y)
        nn = len(Y)
        nk = self.n_kernels

        idx_e = range(nn)

        contexts = [{'idx'  : idx_e[i::self.n_folds],
                     'alpha': None,
                     'gamma': None
                     } for i in range(self.n_folds)]

        beta = [0.0] * nk
        mu = np.exp(np.array(beta) - max(beta))
        mu /= mu.sum()

        Kc = summation(self.KL, mu)
        initial_ratio = []
        for context in contexts:
            idx = context['idx']
            context['alpha'], r2 = radius(Kc[idx][:, idx], lam=self.lam)
            context['gamma'], m2 = margin(Kc[idx][:, idx], Y[idx], lam=self.lam)
            initial_ratio.append((r2 / m2) / len(context['idx']))
        initial_ratio = np.mean(initial_ratio)

        self._ratios = [initial_ratio]

        cstep = self.step
        self._converg = False
        self._steps = 0

        while (not self._converg and (self._steps < self.max_iter)):
            self._steps += 1

            new_beta = beta[:]
            new_ratio = []
            for context in contexts:
                idx = context['idx']
                new_beta = self.update_grad(Kc, YY, new_beta, context, cstep)
                new_mu = np.exp(new_beta - max(new_beta))
                new_mu /= new_mu.sum()
                new_Kc = summation(self.KL, new_mu)
                    new_alpha, r2 = radius(new_Kc[idx][:, idx], lam=self.lam,
                    new_gamma, m2 = margin(new_Kc[idx][:, idx], Y[idx], lam=self.lam,
                    new_alpha, r2 = radius(Kc[idx][:, idx], lam=self.lam)
                    new_gamma, m2 = margin(Kc[idx][:, idx], Y[idx], lam=self.lam)
                new_ratio.append((r2 / m2) / len(idx))
            new_ratio = np.mean(new_ratio)

            if not self._ratios or new_ratio < self._ratios[-1]:  # or self._steps < 2:
                beta = new_beta[:]
                mu = np.exp(beta - max(beta))
                mu /= mu.sum()
                Kc = new_Kc
                self._steps, new_ratio, 'ok', cstep
                cstep /= 10.0
                self._steps, new_ratio, 'peggiorativo', self._ratios[-1], cstep
                if cstep < 1e-10:
                    self._converg = True

        self.weights = np.array(mu)
        self.ker_matrix = summation(self.KL, self.weights)
        return self.ker_matrix
Exemple #21
 def decision_function(self, X):
     KL = self._check_test(X)
     return self.cls.decision_function(KL) if self.multiclass_ else self.base.decision_function(summation(KL, self.weights))