def reload_configuration(self):
     Load again the experiment configuration, reading the config file from disk
     self._configuration = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
     return Config.to_dictionary(self._configuration)
    def check_configuration(working_dir, experiment_name):
        if not os.path.exists(working_dir):
            raise InvalidExperimentException("Invalid working directory %s" % working_dir)

        experiment_db_name = experiment_name + ".db"
        experiment_cf_name = experiment_name + ".conf"

        experiment_db = os.path.join(working_dir, experiment_db_name)
        experiment_cf = os.path.join(working_dir, experiment_cf_name)

        if not os.path.exists(experiment_db):
            raise InvalidExperimentException("Database file does not exist %s" % experiment_db)

        if not os.path.exists(experiment_cf):
            raise InvalidExperimentException("Configuration file does not exist %s" % experiment_cf)

        # TODO: Validate that the configuration database its ok
            import ConfigParser
            config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()

            if not config.getboolean("BEHAVIOUR", "save"):
                raise InvalidExperimentException("BEHAVIOUR::save configured as false in %s, must be true" % experiment_cf)

            conf_db = config.get("BEHAVIOUR", "savedir")
            if conf_db != experiment_db_name:
                raise InvalidExperimentException("Invalid DB name configured in %s: is '%s' and should be '%s'" %
                                                 (experiment_cf, conf_db, experiment_db_name))

            return Config.to_dictionary(config), experiment_db

            # TODO: We need to check for the existence of a Evaluation and Preevaluation folder. If so, we have to also
            # check if the variable in the configuration matches the file in this folders?

        except Exception, err:
            raise InvalidExperimentException("Error reading configuration file %s: %s" % (experiment_cf, err))
def load_configuration(configuration_file):
    config_parser = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
    return Config.to_dictionary(config_parser)
 def get_configuration(self):
     return Config.to_dictionary(self._configuration)