Exemple #1
# Write out the structure with hydrogens to a new file - we will use
# it as an input example later on.

# Second problem: read a file with hydrogens and create a structure
# without them. This is useful for analysis; if you don't need the
# hydrogens, processing is faster without them. Or you might want
# to compare structures with and without hydrogens.
# Load the PDB file.
configuration = PDBConfiguration('./insulin_with_h.pdb')

# Delete hydrogens.

# Construct the peptide chain objects without hydrogens.
chains = configuration.createPeptideChains(model = 'no_hydrogens')

# Make the protein object
insulin = Protein(chains)

# Third problem: cut off three residues from the start of the second
# chain before constructing the protein. This is useful for comparing
# incomplete structures.
# Load the PDB file.
configuration = PDBConfiguration('insulin.pdb')
Exemple #2
def generate_ramachandran(pdb_id):
    rama_GENERAL = "General"
    rama_GLYCINE = "Glycine"
    rama_PROLINE = "Proline"
    rama_PRE_PRO = "Pre-Pro"
    ramachandran_types = [rama_GENERAL,rama_GLYCINE,rama_PROLINE,rama_PRE_PRO]

    # I have used the same colours as RAMPAGE
    # http://raven.bioc.cam.ac.uk/rampage.php
    rama_settings = {"General" : ([0, 0.0005, 0.02, 1],
                      # or rama500-general-nosec.data
         "Glycine" : ([0, 0.002,  0.02, 1],
                      # or rama500-gly-sym-nosec.data
         "Proline" : ([0, 0.002,  0.02, 1],
         "Pre-Pro" : ([0, 0.002,  0.02, 1],
         #P.S. Also rama500-ala-nosec.data

    def load_data_file(filename) :
        STEP = HALF_STEP*2
        lower_bounds = range(-180, 180, STEP)
        mid_points = range(-180+HALF_STEP, 180+HALF_STEP, STEP)
        upper_bounds = range(-180+STEP, 180+STEP, STEP)

        data = numpy.array([[0.0 for x in mid_points] for y in mid_points])

        # Table name/description: "Top500 General case (not Gly, Pro, or pre-Pro) B<30"
        # Number of dimensions: 2
        # For each dimension, 1 to 2: lower_bound  upper_bound  number_of_bins  wrapping
        #   x1: -180.0 180.0 180 true
        #   x2: -180.0 180.0 180 true
        # List of table coordinates and values. (Value is last number on each line.)
        -179.0 -179.0 0.0918642445114388
        -179.0 -177.0 0.07105717866463215
        input_file = open(filename,"r")
        for line in input_file :
            #Strip the newline character(s) from the end of the line
            if line[-1]=="\n" : line = line[:-1]
            if line[-1]=="\r" : line = line[:-1]
            if line[0]=="#" :
            else :
                parts = line.split()
                assert len(parts)==3
                x1 = float(parts[0]) #phi
                x2 = float(parts[1]) #psi
                value = float(parts[2])
                assert x1 == float(int(x1))
                assert x2 == float(int(x2))
                i1 = mid_points.index(int(x1))
                i2 = mid_points.index(int(x2))
        return (data, lower_bounds, mid_points, upper_bounds)

    #filename = "stat/rama/rama500-general.data"
    #data, lower_bounds, mid_points, upper_bounds = load_data_file(filename)
    ##print sum(sum(data))


    #print "Creating R function",
    ramachandran.plot <- function(x.scatter, y.scatter,
        x.grid = seq(0, 1, len = nrow(z)), y.grid = seq(0, 1, len = ncol(z)), z.grid,
        xlim = range(x.grid, finite = TRUE), ylim = range(y.grid, finite = TRUE),
        zlim = range(z.grid, finite = TRUE), levels = pretty(zlim, nlevels),
        nlevels = 20, color.palette = cm.colors, col = color.palette(length(levels) -
            1), plot.title="", plot.axes, key.title, key.axes, asp = NA,
        xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", las = 1, axes = TRUE, frame.plot = axes,
        if (missing(z.grid)) {
            stop("no 'z.grid' matrix specified")
        else if (is.list(x.grid)) {
            y.grid <- x.grid$y
            x.grid <- x.grid$x
        if (any(diff(x.grid) <= 0) || any(diff(y.grid) <= 0))
            stop("increasing 'x.grid' and 'y.grid' values expected")

        plot.window(xlim, ylim, "", xaxs = xaxs, yaxs = yaxs, asp = asp)

        if (!is.matrix(z.grid) || nrow(z.grid) <= 1 || ncol(z.grid) <= 1)
            stop("no proper 'z.grid' matrix specified")
        if (!is.double(z.grid))
            storage.mode(z.grid) <- "double"
        .filled.contour(as.double(x.grid), as.double(y.grid), z.grid, as.double(levels), 
                                col = col)

        if (!(missing(x.scatter)) && !(missing(y.scatter))) {
                    xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, xlab="", ylab="", asp=asp,
                    type="p", pch=20, cex=0.1)
        if (missing(plot.axes)) {
            if (axes) {
                title(main=plot.title, xlab=expression(phi), ylab=expression(psi))
                axis(1, at=c(-180,-90,0,90,180))
                axis(2, at=c(-180,-90,0,90,180))
        else plot.axes
        if (frame.plot)
        if (missing(plot.title))
        else plot.title
    #print "Done"

    def degrees(rad_angle) :
        """Converts and angle in radians to degrees, mapped to the range [-180,180]"""
        angle = rad_angle * 180 / math.pi
        #Note this assume the radians angle is positive as that's what MMTK does
        while angle > 180 :
            angle = angle - 360
        return angle

    def next_residue(residue) :
        """Expects an MMTK residue, returns the next residue in the chain, or None"""
        #Proteins go N terminal --> C terminal
        #The next reside is bonded to the C of this atom...
        for a in residue.peptide.C.bondedTo():
            if a.parent.parent != residue:
                return a.parent.parent
        return None

    def residue_amino(residue) :
        """Expects an MMTK residue, returns the three letter amino acid code in upper case"""
        if residue :
            return residue.name[0:3].upper()
        else :
            return None

    def residue_ramachandran_type(residue) :
        """Expects an MMTK residue, returns ramachandran 'type' (General, Glycine, Proline or Pre-Pro)"""
        if residue_amino(residue)=="GLY" :
            return rama_GLYCINE
        elif residue_amino(residue)=="PRO" :
            return rama_PROLINE
        elif residue_amino(next_residue(residue))=="PRO" :
            #exlcudes those that are Pro or Gly
            return rama_PRE_PRO
        else :
            return rama_GENERAL

    scatter_phi = dict()
    scatter_psi = dict()
    for ramachandran_type in ramachandran_types :

    pdb_filename = "../data/%s.pdb" % pdb_id

    #print "Loading PDB file: " + pdb_filename
    #protein = MMTK.Proteins.Protein("1HMP.pdb", model="no_hydrogens")
    # Load the PDB file, ignore the hydrogrens, and then build a model of the peptides:
    configuration = PDBConfiguration(pdb_filename)
    protein = Protein(configuration.createPeptideChains(model = "no_hydrogens"))
    for chain in protein :
        #print chain.name
        for residue in chain :
            phi, psi = residue.phiPsi()
            #print residue.name, phi, psi
            if phi and psi :
                ramachandran_type = residue_ramachandran_type(residue)
                assert ramachandran_type in ramachandran_types
            assert len(scatter_phi) == len(scatter_psi)
    #print "Done"

    png_filename = "ppii%d%s.png" % (random.randint(0, 1000000), pdb_id)
    png_filepath = "../tmp/" + png_filename
    png_command = 'png("' + png_filepath + '")'



    #To get four plots on one page, you could use :
    #r.split_screen([2,2]) #split into two by two screen
    #r.layout(Numeric.array([[1,2],[3,4]]), respect=True)
    #But I went for simply:


    #for (i,ramachandran_type) in enumerate(ramachandran_types) :
    #pdf_filename = "../%s_%s.pdf" % (pdb_id, ramachandran_type)
    (rama_levels, rama_colors, rama_filename) = rama_settings["General"]
    #print "Loading data file: " + rama_filename,
    data, lower_bounds, mid_points, upper_bounds = load_data_file(rama_filename)
    #print "Done"

    ##print "Creating PDF output file: " + pdf_filename,
    #r.plot(scatter_phi, scatter_psi)

    #print "Generating quadrant %i, %s" % (i+1, ramachandran_type)

    #Use small margins to make the plots nice and big,
    #and specify a SQUARE plot area (to go with aspect ratio, asp=1)
    #r.par(mar = [2, 2, 2, 2], pty="s")

    #This function will do a Ramachandran plot in the next quadrant
    #which we setup using par(mfrow-...)
                        x_grid=mid_points, y_grid=mid_points, z_grid=data,
                        xlim=[-180,180], ylim=[-180,180], asp=1.0,
                        plot_title="Ramachandran plot of " + pdb_id, drawlabels=False,
                        levels=rama_levels, col=rama_colors)
    #print ramachandran_type + " Done"

    #print "Done"
    return '<img src="/~jean/projet/tmp/' + png_filename + '"/>'
# Write out the structure with hydrogens to a new file - we will use
# it as an input example later on.

# Second problem: read a file with hydrogens and create a structure
# without them. This is useful for analysis; if you don't need the
# hydrogens, processing is faster without them. Or you might want
# to compare structures with and without hydrogens.
# Load the PDB file.
configuration = PDBConfiguration('./insulin_with_h.pdb')

# Delete hydrogens.

# Construct the peptide chain objects without hydrogens.
chains = configuration.createPeptideChains(model='no_hydrogens')

# Make the protein object
insulin = Protein(chains)

# Third problem: cut off three residues from the start of the second
# chain before constructing the protein. This is useful for comparing
# incomplete structures.
# Load the PDB file.
configuration = PDBConfiguration('insulin.pdb')