Exemple #1
    def write(self, object, configuration = None, tag = None):
        Write  an object to the file

        :param object: the object to be written
        :type object: :class:~MMTK.Collections.GroupOfAtoms
        :param configuration: the configuration from which the coordinates 
                              are taken (default: current configuration)
        :type configuration: :class:~MMTK.ParticleProperties.Configuration
        if not ChemicalObjects.isChemicalObject(object):
            for o in object:
                self.write(o, configuration)
            toplevel = tag is None
            if toplevel:
                tag = Utility.uniqueAttribute()
            if hasattr(object, 'pdbmap'):
                for residue in object.pdbmap:
                    self.file.nextResidue(residue[0], )
                    sorted_atoms = residue[1].items()
                    sorted_atoms.sort(lambda x, y:
                                      cmp(x[1].number, y[1].number))
                    for atom_name, atom in sorted_atoms:
                        atom = object.getAtom(atom)
                        p = atom.position(configuration)
                        if Utility.isDefinedPosition(p):
                            try: occ = atom.occupancy
                            except AttributeError: occ = 0.
                            try: temp = atom.temperature_factor
                            except AttributeError: temp = 0.
                            self.file.writeAtom(atom_name, p/Units.Ang,
                                                occ, temp, atom.type.symbol)
                            self.warning = True
                        setattr(atom, tag, None)
                if hasattr(object, 'is_protein'):
                    for chain in object:                    
                        self.write(chain, configuration, tag)
                elif hasattr(object, 'is_chain'):
                        self.file.nextChain(None, object.name)
                        for residue in object:
                            self.write(residue, configuration, tag)
                elif hasattr(object, 'molecules'):
                    for m in object.molecules:
                        self.write(m, configuration, tag)
                elif hasattr(object, 'groups'):
                    for g in object.groups:
                        self.write(g, configuration, tag)
            if toplevel:
                for a in object.atomList():
                    if not hasattr(a, tag):
                        self.write(a, configuration, tag)
                    delattr(a, tag)
Exemple #2
    def write(self, object, configuration = None, tag = None):
        Write  an object to the file

        :param object: the object to be written
        :type object: :class:`~MMTK.Collections.GroupOfAtoms`
        :param configuration: the configuration from which the coordinates 
                              are taken (default: current configuration)
        :type configuration: :class:`~MMTK.ParticleProperties.Configuration`
        if not ChemicalObjects.isChemicalObject(object):
            for o in object:
                self.write(o, configuration)
            toplevel = tag is None
            if toplevel:
                tag = Utility.uniqueAttribute()
            if hasattr(object, 'pdbmap'):
                for residue in object.pdbmap:
                    self.file.nextResidue(residue[0], )
                    sorted_atoms = residue[1].items()
                    sorted_atoms.sort(lambda x, y:
                                      cmp(x[1].number, y[1].number))
                    for atom_name, atom in sorted_atoms:
                        atom = object.getAtom(atom)
                        p = atom.position(configuration)
                        if Utility.isDefinedPosition(p):
                            try: occ = atom.occupancy
                            except AttributeError: occ = 0.
                            try: temp = atom.temperature_factor
                            except AttributeError: temp = 0.
                            self.file.writeAtom(atom_name, p/Units.Ang,
                                                occ, temp, atom.type.symbol)
                            self.warning = True
                        setattr(atom, tag, None)
                if hasattr(object, 'is_protein'):
                    for chain in object:                    
                        self.write(chain, configuration, tag)
                elif hasattr(object, 'is_chain'):
                        self.file.nextChain(None, object.name)
                        for residue in object:
                            self.write(residue, configuration, tag)
                elif hasattr(object, 'molecules'):
                    for m in object.molecules:
                        self.write(m, configuration, tag)
                elif hasattr(object, 'groups'):
                    for g in object.groups:
                        self.write(g, configuration, tag)
            if toplevel:
                for a in object.atomList():
                    if not hasattr(a, tag):
                        self.write(a, configuration, tag)
                    delattr(a, tag)
Exemple #3
 def evaluatorParameters(self, universe, subset1, subset2, global_data):
     data = ForceFieldData()
     data.set('universe', universe)
     if subset1 is not None:
         label1 = Utility.uniqueAttribute()
         label2 = Utility.uniqueAttribute()
         for atom in subset1.atomList():
             setattr(atom, label1, None)
         for atom in subset2.atomList():
             setattr(atom, label2, None)
     for o in universe:
         for bu in o.bondedUnits():
             if not hasattr(bu, 'bonds'): continue
             options = {
                 'bonds': True,
                 'bond_angles': True,
                 'dihedrals': True,
                 'impropers': True
             self.getOptions(bu, options)
             if options['bonds']:
                 if subset1 is None:
                     for bond in bu.bonds:
                         self.addBondTerm(data, bond, bu, global_data)
                     for bond in bu.bonds:
                         atoms = [bond.a1, bond.a2]
                         if _checkSubset(atoms, label1, label2):
                             self.addBondTerm(data, bond, bu, global_data)
             if options['bond_angles']:
                 if subset1 is None:
                     for angle in bu.bonds.bondAngles():
                         self.addBondAngleTerm(data, angle, bu, global_data)
                     for angle in bu.bonds.bondAngles():
                         atoms = [angle.a1, angle.a2, angle.ca]
                         if _checkSubset(atoms, label1, label2):
                             self.addBondAngleTerm(data, angle, bu,
             d = options['dihedrals']
             i = options['impropers']
             if d or i:
                 if subset1 is None:
                     for angle in bu.bonds.dihedralAngles():
                         if angle.improper and i:
                             self.addImproperTerm(data, angle, bu,
                         elif not angle.improper and d:
                             self.addDihedralTerm(data, angle, bu,
                     for angle in bu.bonds.dihedralAngles():
                         atoms = [angle.a1, angle.a2, angle.a3, angle.a4]
                         if _checkSubset(atoms, label1, label2):
                             if angle.improper and i:
                                     data, angle, bu, global_data)
                             elif not angle.improper and d:
                                     data, angle, bu, global_data)
     if subset1 is not None:
         for atom in subset1.atomList():
             delattr(atom, label1)
         for atom in subset2.atomList():
             delattr(atom, label2)
     global_data.add('initialized', self.__class__)
     return {
         'harmonic_distance_term': data.get('bonds'),
         'harmonic_angle_term': data.get('angles'),
         'cosine_dihedral_term': data.get('dihedrals')
Exemple #4
    def evaluatorTerms(self, universe, subset1, subset2, global_data):
	data = ForceFieldData()
	if subset1 is not None:
	    label1 = Utility.uniqueAttribute()
	    label2 = Utility.uniqueAttribute()
	    for atom in subset1.atomList():
		setattr(atom, label1, None)
	    for atom in subset2.atomList():
		setattr(atom, label2, None)
	for o in universe:
	    for bu in o.bondedUnits():
		if not hasattr(bu, 'bonds'): continue
		options = {'bonds': 1, 'bond_angles': 1,
			   'dihedrals': 1, 'impropers': 1}
		self.getOptions(bu, options)
		if options['bonds']:
		    if subset1 is None:
			for bond in bu.bonds:
			    self.addBondTerm(data, bond, bu, global_data)
			for bond in bu.bonds:
			    atoms = [bond.a1, bond.a2]
			    if _checkSubset(atoms, label1, label2):
			        self.addBondTerm(data, bond, bu, global_data)
		if options['bond_angles']:
		    if subset1 is None:
			for angle in bu.bonds.bondAngles():
			    self.addBondAngleTerm(data, angle, bu, global_data)
			for angle in bu.bonds.bondAngles():
			    atoms = [angle.a1, angle.a2, angle.ca]
			    if _checkSubset(atoms, label1, label2):
			        self.addBondAngleTerm(data, angle, bu,
		d = options['dihedrals']
		i = options['impropers']
		if d or i:
		    if subset1 is None:
			for angle in bu.bonds.dihedralAngles():
			    if angle.improper and i:
				self.addImproperTerm(data, angle, bu,
			    elif not angle.improper and d:
				self.addDihedralTerm(data, angle, bu,
			for angle in bu.bonds.dihedralAngles():
			    atoms = [angle.a1, angle.a2, angle.a3, angle.a4]
			    if _checkSubset(atoms, label1, label2):
			        if angle.improper and i:
				    self.addImproperTerm(data, angle, bu,
				elif not angle.improper and d:
				    self.addDihedralTerm(data, angle, bu,
	if subset1 is not None:
	    for atom in subset1.atomList():
		delattr(atom, label1)
	    for atom in subset2.atomList():
		delattr(atom, label2)
	global_data.add('initialized', 'bonded')

        from MMTK_forcefield import HarmonicDistanceTerm, HarmonicAngleTerm, \
        eval_list = []
        bonds = data.get('bonds')
        if bonds:
            import sys
            main = sys.modules['__main__']
            indices = Numeric.array(map(lambda b: b[:2], bonds))
            parameters = Numeric.array(map(lambda b: b[2:], bonds))
##              setattr(main, 'indices', indices)
##              setattr(main, 'parameters', parameters)
##              print parameters
                                                  indices, parameters))
        angles = data.get('angles')
        if angles:
            indices = Numeric.array(map(lambda a: a[:3], angles))
            parameters = Numeric.array(map(lambda a: a[3:], angles))
                                               indices, parameters))
        dihedrals = data.get('dihedrals')
        if dihedrals:
            def _dihedral_parameters(p):
                return [p[4], Numeric.cos(p[5]), Numeric.sin(p[5]), p[6]]
            indices = Numeric.array(map(lambda d: d[:4], dihedrals))
            parameters = Numeric.array(map(_dihedral_parameters, dihedrals))
                                                indices, parameters))
        return eval_list
 def description(self, index_map=None):
     tag = Utility.uniqueAttribute()
     s = self._description(tag, index_map, 1)
     for a in self.atomList():
         delattr(a, tag)
     return s
 def description(self, index_map = None):
     tag = Utility.uniqueAttribute()
     s = self._description(tag, index_map, 1)
     for a in self.atomList():
         delattr(a, tag)
     return s
 def evaluatorParameters(self, universe, subset1, subset2, global_data):
     data = ForceFieldData()
     data.set('universe', universe)
     if subset1 is not None:
         label1 = Utility.uniqueAttribute()
         label2 = Utility.uniqueAttribute()
         for atom in subset1.atomList():
             setattr(atom, label1, None)
         for atom in subset2.atomList():
             setattr(atom, label2, None)
     for o in universe:
         for bu in o.bondedUnits():
             if not hasattr(bu, 'bonds'): continue
             options = {'bonds': 1, 'bond_angles': 1,
                        'dihedrals': 1, 'impropers': 1}
             self.getOptions(bu, options)
             if options['bonds']:
                 if subset1 is None:
                     for bond in bu.bonds:
                         self.addBondTerm(data, bond, bu, global_data)
                     for bond in bu.bonds:
                         atoms = [bond.a1, bond.a2]
                         if _checkSubset(atoms, label1, label2):
                             self.addBondTerm(data, bond, bu, global_data)
             if options['bond_angles']:
                 if subset1 is None:
                     for angle in bu.bonds.bondAngles():
                         self.addBondAngleTerm(data, angle, bu, global_data)
                     for angle in bu.bonds.bondAngles():
                         atoms = [angle.a1, angle.a2, angle.ca]
                         if _checkSubset(atoms, label1, label2):
                             self.addBondAngleTerm(data, angle, bu,
             d = options['dihedrals']
             i = options['impropers']
             if d or i:
                 if subset1 is None:
                     for angle in bu.bonds.dihedralAngles():
                         if angle.improper and i:
                             self.addImproperTerm(data, angle, bu,
                         elif not angle.improper and d:
                             self.addDihedralTerm(data, angle, bu,
                     for angle in bu.bonds.dihedralAngles():
                         atoms = [angle.a1, angle.a2, angle.a3, angle.a4]
                         if _checkSubset(atoms, label1, label2):
                             if angle.improper and i:
                                 self.addImproperTerm(data, angle, bu,
                             elif not angle.improper and d:
                                 self.addDihedralTerm(data, angle, bu,
     if subset1 is not None:
         for atom in subset1.atomList():
             delattr(atom, label1)
         for atom in subset2.atomList():
             delattr(atom, label2)
     global_data.add('initialized', 'bonded')
     return {'harmonic_distance_term': data.get('bonds'),
             'harmonic_angle_term': data.get('angles'),
             'cosine_dihedral_term': data.get('dihedrals')}