def merge_answers(self, question, answers, merge_to=None):
        Merge one or more answer values together, keeping the sequence of answers the same.  References to the
        merged answers in criteria or caveats will be replaced with a reference to the 'merge_to' answer.

        self.merge_answers(53, ['low-medium', 'medium'], merge_to='medium')
        will change all entries with 'low-medium' answer values to 'medium'.

        self.merge_answers(53, ['low-medium', 'medium'], merge_to='high')
        will change all entries with 'low-medium' or 'medium' answer values to 'high'.

        If merge_to is omitted, defaults to the first answer listed in the answers argument.

        self.merge_answers(53, ['low-medium', 'medium'])
        will change all entries with 'medium' answer values to 'low-medium'.

        In all cases the merged answers are subsequently deleted.

        pandas was a really terrible choice, internally.

        :param question:
        :param answers:
        :param merge_to:
        if isinstance(answers, str):
            answers = [answers]
        cur = self._questions[question].valid_answers
        ans_ind = [indices(cur, lambda x: x == ans)[0] for ans in answers]
        if merge_to is None:
            merge_ind = ans_ind[0]
            merge_ind = indices(cur, lambda x: x == merge_to)[0]

        mapping = range(len(cur))
        for i in mapping:
            if i in ans_ind:
                mapping[i] = merge_ind

        print ("Merging answers into %s:" % cur[merge_ind])
        for i in ans_ind:
            print (" %s" % cur[i])

        if ifinput("Really continue?", "y") != "y":
            print ("NOT merged.")

        new_cri, new_cav = self._remap_answers(question, mapping)
        self._criteria = new_cri
        self._caveats = new_cav
        for i in ans_ind:
            if i != merge_ind:
                self.delete_answer(question, cur[i])
Exemple #2
    def merge_answers(self, question, answers, merge_to=None):
        Merge one or more answer values together, keeping the sequence of answers the same.  References to the
        merged answers in criteria or caveats will be replaced with a reference to the 'merge_to' answer.

        self.merge_answers(53, ['low-medium', 'medium'], merge_to='medium')
        will change all entries with 'low-medium' answer values to 'medium'.

        self.merge_answers(53, ['low-medium', 'medium'], merge_to='high')
        will change all entries with 'low-medium' or 'medium' answer values to 'high'.

        If merge_to is omitted, defaults to the first answer listed in the answers argument.

        self.merge_answers(53, ['low-medium', 'medium'])
        will change all entries with 'medium' answer values to 'low-medium'.

        In all cases the merged answers are subsequently deleted.

        pandas was a really terrible choice, internally.

        :param question:
        :param answers:
        :param merge_to:
        if isinstance(answers, str):
            answers = [answers]
        cur = self._questions[question].valid_answers
        ans_ind = [indices(cur, lambda x: x == ans)[0] for ans in answers]
        if merge_to is None:
            merge_ind = ans_ind[0]
            merge_ind = indices(cur, lambda x: x == merge_to)[0]

        mapping = range(len(cur))
        for i in mapping:
            if i in ans_ind:
                mapping[i] = merge_ind

        print('Merging answers into %s:' % cur[merge_ind])
        for i in ans_ind:
            print(' %s' % cur[i])

        new_cri, new_cav = self._remap_answers(question, mapping)
        self._criteria = new_cri
        self._caveats = new_cav
        for i in ans_ind:
            if i != merge_ind:
                self.delete_answer(question, cur[i])
    def _cri_for_record(self, index, record="question", answer=None):
        fieldname = {"question": "QuestionID", "target": "TargetID"}[record]
        criteria = self._criteria[self._criteria[fieldname] == index].copy()
        # TODO: make this return 'satisfies' entries as well
        if answer is not None:
            if record == "target":
                print ("Ignoring answer value for target-based query")
                answer_value = indices(self._questions[index].valid_answers, lambda x: x == answer)
                if len(answer_value) != 1:
                    print ("Got spurious answer matching results: %s" % answer_value)
                    # filter to only passing answers
                    criteria = criteria[criteria["Threshold"] <= answer_value]

        # re-encode answer value with answer text (and call it Answer Value)
        return criteria
Exemple #4
    def _cri_for_record(self, index, record='question', answer=None):
        fieldname = {'question': 'QuestionID', 'target': 'TargetID'}[record]
        criteria = self._criteria[self._criteria[fieldname] == index].copy()
        # TODO: make this return 'satisfies' entries as well
        if answer is not None:
            if record == 'target':
                print('Ignoring answer value for target-based query')
                answer_value = indices(self._questions[index].valid_answers,
                                       lambda x: x == answer)
                if len(answer_value) != 1:
                    print('Got spurious answer matching results: %s' %
                    # filter to only passing answers
                    criteria = criteria[criteria['Threshold'] >= answer_value]

        # re-encode answer value with answer text (and call it Answer Value)
        return criteria
    def __init__(self):

        spreadsheet_data = load_default_set()  # TODO: make this flexible

        attribute_set = spreadsheet_data.Attributes
        note_set = spreadsheet_data.Notations

        t_a_targets = []
        t_a_attrs = []

        q_a_questions = []
        q_a_attrs = []

        cri_questions = []
        cri_thresholds = []
        cri_targets = []

        cav_questions = []
        cav_targets = []
        cav_answers = []
        cav_notes = []

        # create mapping of dict keys to series
        q_index = 0
        q_dict = dict()

        questions = spreadsheet_data.Questions.iterkeys()

        for k in sorted(questions):
            if k not in q_dict:
                # if it's not mapped, map it and all its synonyms
                q_dict[k] = q_index
                v = spreadsheet_data.Questions[k]
                if len(v.synonyms) > 0:
                    for syn in v.synonyms:
                        q_dict[syn] = q_index
                q_index += 1
                # already in the dict- nothing to do

        # create target_enum
        target_enum = []
        t_dict = dict()

        targets = spreadsheet_data.Targets.iterkeys()

        for k in sorted(targets):
            t_index = len(target_enum)
            v = spreadsheet_data.Targets[k]
            t_dict[k] = t_index
            for a in v.attrs:

        # create question_enum
        question_enum = []
        for i in range(0, q_index):

        # populate question_enum, criteria, caveats
        for k, v in spreadsheet_data.Questions.iteritems():
            q_i = q_dict[k]
            question_enum[q_i].append(v, q_dict)
            my_valid_answers = [
                cast_answer(ans) for ans in question_enum[q_i].valid_answers

            for attr in v.attrs:

            for cross_index, element in v.criteria_mappings:
                # criteria_mappings is (cross-index, element)
                # lookup target index
                t_i = t_dict[(v.selector, cross_index)]
                # lookup threshold
                answer = cast_answer(
                    element.text)  # convert to 'Yes' / 'No' if applicable
                thresh = indices(my_valid_answers, lambda z: answer == z)
                if len(thresh) == 0:
                    print "QuestionID {0}, TargetID {1}, text {2}: no threshold found.".format(
                        q_i, t_i, element.text)
                    print "  valid answers: %s" % my_valid_answers
                    thresh = [None]


            for answer, mapping in v.caveat_mappings:
                # caveat_mappings is (answer, (cross-index, element))
                cross_index, element = mapping
                # lookup target index
                t_i = t_dict[(v.selector, cross_index)]
                # lookup answer sense
                answer = cast_answer(
                    answer)  # convert to 'Yes' / 'No' if applicable
                ans_i = indices(my_valid_answers, lambda z: answer == z)
                n_i = note_set.get_index(element)

                if len(ans_i) > 0:
                    print "QuestionID {0}, TargetID {1}, cast answer '{2}' unparsed.".format(
                        q_i, t_i, answer)
                    print "  valid answers: %s" % my_valid_answers

        # create pandas tables
        question_attributes = pd.DataFrame({
            "QuestionID": q_a_questions,
            "AttributeID": q_a_attrs

        target_attributes = pd.DataFrame({
            "TargetID": t_a_targets,
            "AttributeID": t_a_attrs

        criteria = pd.DataFrame({
            "QuestionID": cri_questions,
            "Threshold": cri_thresholds,
            "TargetID": cri_targets

        caveats = pd.DataFrame({
            "QuestionID": cav_questions,
            "TargetID": cav_targets,
            "Answer": cav_answers,
            "NoteID": cav_notes

              self).__init__(attribute_set, note_set, question_enum,
                             target_enum, question_attributes,
                             target_attributes, criteria, caveats,
Exemple #6
    def __init__(self, file_ref):
        Constructs an MsspDataStore object from a collection of JSON dictionaries.
        :param file_ref: file or directory containing the json data
        :return: an MsspDataStore
        json_in = read_json(file_ref)

        # first thing to do is build the attribute and note lists

        colormap = pd.DataFrame(json_in['colormap'])
        attribute_set = SemanticElementSet.from_json(json_in['attributes'])
        note_set = SemanticElementSet.from_json(json_in['notes'], colormap=colormap)

        question_enum = [None] * (1 + max([i['QuestionID'] for i in json_in['questions']]))
        target_enum = [None] * (1 + max([i['TargetID'] for i in json_in['targets']]))

        t_a_targets = []
        t_a_attrs = []

        q_a_questions = []
        q_a_attrs = []

        cri_questions = []
        cri_thresholds = []
        cri_targets = []

        cav_questions = []
        cav_targets = []
        cav_answers = []
        cav_notes = []

        for t in json_in['targets']:
            # need to preserve IDs because of criteria and caveat maps
            t_index = t['TargetID']
                target_enum[t_index] = MsspTarget.from_json(t)
            except IndexError:
                print 'Index error at {0}'.format(t_index)
                print t

            # add _attributes to element set and build mapping
            for a in t['Attributes']:
                # a is a text string

        for q in json_in['questions']:
            # need to preserve IDs because of criteria and caveat maps
            q_index = q['QuestionID']
            question_enum[q_index] = MsspQuestion.from_json(q)

            # add _attributes to element set and build mapping
            for a in q['Attributes']:
                # a is a text string

        for cri in json_in['criteria']:
            # the threshold is a literal entry from the question's valid_answers-
            # needs to be converted into an index
            q_index = cri['QuestionID']
            t_index = cri['TargetID']
            thresh = indices(question_enum[q_index].valid_answers, lambda k: cri['Threshold'] == k)
            if len(thresh) == 0:
                    print "QuestionID {0}, TargetID {1}, text {2}: no threshold found.".format(
                        q_index, t_index, cri['Threshold'])
                    thresh = [None]


        _cav_detect_flag = False
        for cav in json_in['caveats']:
            # the answer is a literal entry from the question's valid answers-
            # needs to be converted into an index.
            # the color needs to be converted into a colormap RGB.
            q_index = cav['QuestionID']
            t_index = cav['TargetID']
            if question_enum[q_index] is None:
                print "Question {0} is none! Skipping this entry".format(q_index)
            elif 'Answers' in cav:  # new way
                for ans in cav['Answers']:
                    if 'NoteID' in ans:
                        note_id = uuid.UUID(ans['NoteID'])
                        ans_i = indices(question_enum[q_index].valid_answers, lambda k: ans['Answer'] == k)

                        if len(ans_i) == 0:
                            print "QuestionID {0}, TargetID {1}, valid answer '{2}' unparsed.".format(
                                q_index, t_index, ans['Answer'])
                            ans_i = [None]

            else:  # old way
                # the answer is a literal entry from the question's valid answers-
                # needs to be converted into an index.
                # the color needs to be converted into a colormap RGB.
                if _cav_detect_flag is False:
                    print 'Loading old-style Caveats'
                    _cav_detect_flag = True
                q_index = cav['QuestionID']
                t_index = cav['TargetID']

                note_id = uuid.UUID(cav['NoteID'])

                if question_enum[q_index] is None:
                    print "Question {0} is none!".format(q_index)
                    ans_i = [None]
                    ans_i = indices(question_enum[q_index].valid_answers, lambda k: cav['Answer'] == k)

                if len(ans_i) == 0:
                    print "QuestionID {0}, TargetID {1}, valid answer '{2}' unparsed.".format(
                        q_index, t_index, cav['Answer'])
                    ans_i = [None]


        # create pandas tables
        question_attributes = pd.DataFrame(
                "QuestionID": q_a_questions,
                "AttributeID": q_a_attrs

        target_attributes = pd.DataFrame(
                "TargetID": t_a_targets,
                "AttributeID": t_a_attrs

        criteria = pd.DataFrame(
                "QuestionID": cri_questions,
                "Threshold": cri_thresholds,
                "TargetID": cri_targets

        caveats = pd.DataFrame(
                "QuestionID": cav_questions,
                "TargetID": cav_targets,
                "Answer": cav_answers,
                "NoteID": cav_notes

        super(JsonImporter, self).__init__(
            attribute_set, note_set, question_enum, target_enum,
            question_attributes, target_attributes, criteria, caveats,
    def __init__(self):

        spreadsheet_data = load_default_set()  # TODO: make this flexible

        attribute_set = SemanticElementSet.from_element_set(spreadsheet_data.Attributes)
        note_set = SemanticElementSet.from_element_set(spreadsheet_data.Notations)

        t_a_targets = []
        t_a_attrs = []

        q_a_questions = []
        q_a_attrs = []

        cri_questions = []
        cri_thresholds = []
        cri_targets = []

        cav_questions = []
        cav_targets = []
        cav_answers = []
        cav_notes = []

        # create mapping of dict keys to series
        q_index = 0
        q_dict = dict()

        questions = spreadsheet_data.Questions.iterkeys()

        for k in sorted(questions):
            if k not in q_dict:
                # if it's not mapped, map it and all its synonyms
                q_dict[k] = q_index
                v = spreadsheet_data.Questions[k]
                if len(v.synonyms) > 0:
                    for syn in v.synonyms:
                        q_dict[syn] = q_index
                q_index += 1
                # already in the dict- nothing to do

        # create target_enum
        target_enum = []
        t_dict = dict()

        targets = spreadsheet_data.Targets.iterkeys()

        for k in sorted(targets):
            t_index = len(target_enum)
            v = spreadsheet_data.Targets[k]
            t_dict[k] = t_index
            for a in v.attrs:

        # create question_enum
        question_enum = []
        for i in range(0, q_index):

        # populate question_enum, criteria, caveats
        for k, v in spreadsheet_data.Questions.iteritems():
            q_i = q_dict[k]
            question_enum[q_i].append(v, q_dict)
            my_valid_answers = [cast_answer(ans) for ans in question_enum[q_i].valid_answers]

            for attr in v.attrs:

            for cross_index, element in v.criteria_mappings:
                # criteria_mappings is (cross-index, element)
                # lookup target index
                t_i = t_dict[(v.selector, cross_index)]
                # lookup threshold
                answer = cast_answer(element.text)  # convert to 'Yes' / 'No' if applicable
                thresh = indices(my_valid_answers, lambda z: answer == z)
                if len(thresh) == 0:
                    print "QuestionID {0}, TargetID {1}, text {2}: no threshold found.".format(
                        q_i, t_i, element.text)
                    print "  valid answers: %s" % my_valid_answers
                    thresh = [None]


            for answer, mapping in v.caveat_mappings:
                # caveat_mappings is (answer, (cross-index, element))
                cross_index, element = mapping
                # lookup target index
                t_i = t_dict[(v.selector, cross_index)]
                # lookup answer sense
                answer = cast_answer(answer)  # convert to 'Yes' / 'No' if applicable
                ans_i = indices(my_valid_answers, lambda z: answer == z)
                n_i = note_set.get_index(element)

                if len(ans_i) > 0:
                    print "QuestionID {0}, TargetID {1}, cast answer '{2}' unparsed.".format(
                        q_i, t_i, answer)
                    print "  valid answers: %s" % my_valid_answers

        # create pandas tables
        question_attributes = pd.DataFrame(
                "QuestionID": q_a_questions,
                "AttributeID": q_a_attrs

        target_attributes = pd.DataFrame(
                "TargetID": t_a_targets,
                "AttributeID": t_a_attrs

        criteria = pd.DataFrame(
                "QuestionID": cri_questions,
                "Threshold": cri_thresholds,
                "TargetID": cri_targets

        caveats = pd.DataFrame(
                "QuestionID": cav_questions,
                "TargetID": cav_targets,
                "Answer": cav_answers,
                "NoteID": cav_notes

        super(XlsImporter, self).__init__(
            attribute_set, note_set, question_enum, target_enum,
            question_attributes, target_attributes, criteria, caveats,
Exemple #8
    def __init__(self, file_ref):
        Constructs an MsspDataStore object from a collection of JSON dictionaries.
        :param file_ref: file or directory containing the json data
        :return: an MsspDataStore
        json_in = read_json(file_ref)

        # first thing to do is build the attribute and note lists

        attribute_set = ElementSet()
        note_set = ElementSet()
        colormap = pd.DataFrame(json_in['colormap'])

        question_enum = [None] * (1 + max([i['QuestionID'] for i in json_in['questions']]))
        target_enum = [None] * (1 + max([i['TargetID'] for i in json_in['targets']]))

        t_a_targets = []
        t_a_attrs = []

        q_a_questions = []
        q_a_attrs = []

        cri_questions = []
        cri_thresholds = []
        cri_targets = []

        cav_questions = []
        cav_targets = []
        cav_answers = []
        cav_notes = []

        for t in json_in['targets']:
            # need to preserve IDs because of criteria and caveat maps
            t_index = t['TargetID']
                target_enum[t_index] = MsspTarget.from_json(t)
            except IndexError:
                print 'Index error at {0}'.format(t_index)
                print t

            # add _attributes to element set and build mapping
            for a in t['Attributes']:
                # a is a text string
                a_index = attribute_set.add_element(Element(a))  # don't care about attribute colors

        for q in json_in['questions']:
            # need to preserve IDs because of criteria and caveat maps
            q_index = q['QuestionID']
            question_enum[q_index] = MsspQuestion.from_json(q)

            # add _attributes to element set and build mapping
            for a in q['Attributes']:
                # a is a text string
                a_index = attribute_set.add_element(Element(a))  # don't care about attribute colors

        for cri in json_in['criteria']:
            # the threshold is a literal entry from the question's valid_answers-
            # needs to be converted into an index
            q_index = cri['QuestionID']
            t_index = cri['TargetID']
            thresh = indices(question_enum[q_index].valid_answers, lambda k: cri['Threshold'] == k)
            if len(thresh) == 0:
                    print "QuestionID {0}, TargetID {1}, text {2}: no threshold found.".format(
                        q_index, t_index, cri['Threshold'])
                    thresh = [None]


        for cav in json_in['caveats']:
            # the answer is a literal entry from the question's valid answers-
            # needs to be converted into an index.
            # the color needs to be converted into a colormap RGB.
            q_index = cav['QuestionID']
            t_index = cav['TargetID']

            rgb = colormap[colormap['ColorName'] == cav['Color']]['RGB'].iloc[0]
            note_id = note_set.add_element(Element(cav['Note'], 0, rgb))  # add to note set or find if exists

            if question_enum[q_index] is None:
                print "Question {0} is none!".format(q_index)
                ans_i = [None]
                ans_i = indices(question_enum[q_index].valid_answers, lambda k: cav['Answer'] == k)

            if len(ans_i) == 0:
                print "QuestionID {0}, TargetID {1}, valid answer '{2}' unparsed.".format(
                        q_index, t_index, cav['Answer'])
                ans_i = [None]


        # create pandas tables
        question_attributes = pd.DataFrame(
                "QuestionID": q_a_questions,
                "AttributeID": q_a_attrs

        target_attributes = pd.DataFrame(
                "TargetID": t_a_targets,
                "AttributeID": t_a_attrs

        criteria = pd.DataFrame(
                "QuestionID": cri_questions,
                "Threshold": cri_thresholds,
                "TargetID": cri_targets

        caveats = pd.DataFrame(
                "QuestionID": cav_questions,
                "TargetID": cav_targets,
                "Answer": cav_answers,
                "NoteID": cav_notes

        super(JsonImporter, self).__init__(
            attribute_set, note_set, question_enum, target_enum,
            question_attributes, target_attributes, criteria, caveats,
Exemple #9
    def __init__(self, file_ref):
        Constructs an MsspDataStore object from a collection of JSON dictionaries.
        :param file_ref: file or directory containing the json data
        :return: an MsspDataStore
        json_in = read_json(file_ref)

        # first thing to do is build the attribute and note lists

        attribute_set = ElementSet()
        note_set = ElementSet()
        colormap = pd.DataFrame(json_in['colormap'])

        question_enum = [None] * (
            1 + max([i['QuestionID'] for i in json_in['questions']]))
        target_enum = [None] * (
            1 + max([i['TargetID'] for i in json_in['targets']]))

        t_a_targets = []
        t_a_attrs = []

        q_a_questions = []
        q_a_attrs = []

        cri_questions = []
        cri_thresholds = []
        cri_targets = []

        cav_questions = []
        cav_targets = []
        cav_answers = []
        cav_notes = []

        for t in json_in['targets']:
            # need to preserve IDs because of criteria and caveat maps
            t_index = t['TargetID']
                target_enum[t_index] = MsspTarget.from_json(t)
            except IndexError:
                print 'Index error at {0}'.format(t_index)
                print t

            # add _attributes to element set and build mapping
            for a in t['Attributes']:
                # a is a text string
                a_index = attribute_set.add_element(
                    Element(a))  # don't care about attribute colors

        for q in json_in['questions']:
            # need to preserve IDs because of criteria and caveat maps
            q_index = q['QuestionID']
            question_enum[q_index] = MsspQuestion.from_json(q)

            # add _attributes to element set and build mapping
            for a in q['Attributes']:
                # a is a text string
                a_index = attribute_set.add_element(
                    Element(a))  # don't care about attribute colors

        for cri in json_in['criteria']:
            # the threshold is a literal entry from the question's valid_answers-
            # needs to be converted into an index
            q_index = cri['QuestionID']
            t_index = cri['TargetID']
            thresh = indices(question_enum[q_index].valid_answers,
                             lambda k: cri['Threshold'] == k)
            if len(thresh) == 0:
                print "QuestionID {0}, TargetID {1}, text {2}: no threshold found.".format(
                    q_index, t_index, cri['Threshold'])
                thresh = [None]


        for cav in json_in['caveats']:
            # the answer is a literal entry from the question's valid answers-
            # needs to be converted into an index.
            # the color needs to be converted into a colormap RGB.
            q_index = cav['QuestionID']
            t_index = cav['TargetID']

            rgb = colormap[colormap['ColorName'] ==
            note_id = note_set.add_element(Element(
                cav['Note'], 0, rgb))  # add to note set or find if exists

            if question_enum[q_index] is None:
                print "Question {0} is none!".format(q_index)
                ans_i = [None]
                ans_i = indices(question_enum[q_index].valid_answers,
                                lambda k: cav['Answer'] == k)

            if len(ans_i) == 0:
                print "QuestionID {0}, TargetID {1}, valid answer '{2}' unparsed.".format(
                    q_index, t_index, cav['Answer'])
                ans_i = [None]


        # create pandas tables
        question_attributes = pd.DataFrame({
            "QuestionID": q_a_questions,
            "AttributeID": q_a_attrs

        target_attributes = pd.DataFrame({
            "TargetID": t_a_targets,
            "AttributeID": t_a_attrs

        criteria = pd.DataFrame({
            "QuestionID": cri_questions,
            "Threshold": cri_thresholds,
            "TargetID": cri_targets

        caveats = pd.DataFrame({
            "QuestionID": cav_questions,
            "TargetID": cav_targets,
            "Answer": cav_answers,
            "NoteID": cav_notes

              self).__init__(attribute_set, note_set, question_enum,
                             target_enum, question_attributes,
                             target_attributes, criteria, caveats, colormap)