port = input("port:") if csv == 0: csv = raw_input("CSV file to output to manager:") labels = 0; try: csv = open(csv,"r") labels = csv.readline() labels = labels.split(",")[0:-1] except Exception as e: print "Could not open CSV file for playback. "+str(e) csv = 0 #initialise monitor m = monitor("NONE",0); IDs = [address,0,0]; comm = 0; r = RequestBuilder(m); INDEX = 0.0 def fakeAnswer(mid,vid,msg): global comm,r,IDs,csv,labels,terminate,HEAP,AVAILABLE,THROUGHPUT,INDEX if(msg["global"]["action"] == "status"): request = r.statusReport(IDs[0],IDs[1]); if csv != 0: line = csv.readline() print "LINE:("+str(len(line))+") "+line if len(line) < 3: terminate = True;
for i in range(0,len(sys.argv)): if sys.argv[i] == "port" and i+1 < len(sys.argv): port = int(sys.argv[i+1]) if "config=" in sys.argv[i]: cfg = sys.argv[i].split("="); if len(cfg) > 1: confFile = cfg[1]; #Defaults pltSvc = PlotService(["heap","footPrint","maxHeapSize"],15027) pltSvc.doNormalise({"heap":1024*1024.0,"footPrint":1024*1024.0,"maxHeapSize":1024*1024.0,"throughput":1.0}); print "Initialising Registry..." mon = monitor("MACHINE",pltSvc); srv = server(mon,port); if srv.start() == False: print "Error starting registry server - "+srv.getError(); else: print("Starting ..."); time.sleep(1); print "Initialising policy..."; #run the policy executor policy = Policy(mon,4,confFile); print "Shutting Down..." srv.close(); mon.close();