from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import from MatchParam import MatchParam """ This runs through example code in using This file is Python 3.x compatible. """ # Pass in MATCH parameter with 2 filters (1 CMD) with no zinc or background. no_zinc_2filters_woback = MatchParam("no_zinc_2filters_woback.param") no_zinc_2filters_woback.printKeys( ) # to see the keys for you instance use this print() print("Current values from the passed in parameter file:") no_zinc_2filters_woback.print() print() # Changing basic values no_zinc_2filters_woback.change("dAv", 0.1) # change from 0.2 to 0.1 print("The differential reddening has changed:") no_zinc_2filters_woback.print() print() # Change the list of time bins need to specify my new start and end times start = [6.6, 6.8, 7.0, 7.2] end = [6.8, 7.0, 7.2, 7.4] num = len(start) no_zinc_2filters_woback.change("Ntbins", num) no_zinc_2filters_woback.change("tstart", start) no_zinc_2filters_woback.change("tend", end) print("Changed time bins:") no_zinc_2filters_woback.print()
def singleRun(args): """ Takes in a string of arguments that are required to have a ".phot" and ".fake" file followed by optional MATCH flags or a ".param" file. This will return, in a list, a string MATCH command to be sent off. """ args = " ".join(args) if ".fake" not in args and ".phot" not in args: print("Missing \".phot\" and/or \".fake\" file(s)") sys.exit(1) fakeFile = None photFile = None paramFile = None fitName = None workingD = os.getcwd( ) + "/" # gets the directory the executable has been invoked in # parse arguments to extract them args = args.split() print("Arguements:", args) idx = [ ] # indices to delete after extracting the file names needed to run MATCH for i, arg in enumerate(args): if ".fake" in arg: print("Found fake file:", arg) fakeFile = arg idx.append(i) if ".phot" in arg: print("Found photometry file:", arg) photFile = arg idx.append(i) if ".param" in arg: print("Found parameter file:", arg) paramFile = arg idx.append(i) if "fit" in arg: print("Found fit name:", arg) fitName = arg idx.append(i) # delete extracted file names in args args = [args[i] for i in xrange(len(args)) if i not in set(idx)] print("Remaining arguements:", args) # process any other arguements flags = None if len(arg) > 0: flags = parse(args) print("Retrieved flags:", flags) # if there is not passed in ".param" file then generate one based off the default one in the executable directory param = None if paramFile is None: # generate ".param" file and save it in working directory. # sys.argv[0] gives the location of the executable param = MatchParam(toExecutable + "/default.param", workingD + photFile, workingD + fakeFile) if "-ssp" in flags: param.ssp = True background = param.get("background") if background is not None and "default" in background: back = raw_input("Specify Background: ") param.change("background=%s" % (workingD + back)) if param.get("scale") == "scale": scale = raw_input("Specify scale: ") try: scale = float(scale) except ValueError: print("Not a float try again...") scale = raw_input("Specify scale: ") param.change("scale=%f" % float(scale)) paramFile = # make symbolic link here if not os.path.isfile(workingD + "parameters.param"): ["ln", "-s", param.savedTo, workingD + "parameters.param"]) else: # passed in parameter file no need to call a save on a MatchParam object (mostly used to scan for zinc) if os.path.isfile(workingD + paramFile): param = MatchParam(workingD + paramFile, workingD + photFile, workingD + fakeFile) if "-ssp" in flags: param.ssp = True if param.zinc and param.ssp: # can't have zinc and ssp both true need to make a new file otherwise print(paramFile.split(".")) newFileName = paramFile.split(".") newFileName[0] += "_ssp" newFileName = ".".join(newFileName) answer = raw_input( "Found zinc and ssp flags does the user want to create a new parameter file with name %s? (y/n) " % newFileName) if answer in ['Y', 'y']: # change the logZmin param.change("logZmin=-1.5") else: print("Zinc and ssp flags both specified...exiting") sys.exit(1) if param.calculateMaxOrMin: # Had to calculate filter mins or maxes and so we save over the file, paramFile) else: answer = raw_input( "User specified parameter file but we did not find it, make one with this name %s? (y/n) " % paramFile) print("answer:", answer) if answer in ['Y', 'y']: param = MatchParam(toExecutable + "/default.param", workingD + photFile, workingD + fakeFile) if "-ssp" in flags: param.ssp = True background = param.get("background") print("BACKGROUND:", background) if background is not None and "default" in background: back = raw_input("Specify Background: ") param.change("background=%s" % (workingD + back)) if param.get("scale") == "scale": scale = raw_input("Specify scale: ") try: scale = float(scale) except ValueError: print("Not a float try again...") scale = raw_input("Specify scale: ") param.change("scale=%f" % float(scale)) else: print( "Specified parameter name that does not exit in current directory..." ) sys.exit(1) if param.zinc and not param.ssp: flags.append("-zinc") command = "" # MATCH command that will be sent to server # build command (explicitely shown) command += "calcsfh " command += workingD + paramFile + " " command += workingD + photFile + " " command += workingD + fakeFile + " " # get next fit name if fitName is None: fitName = getFitName() command += workingD + fitName # append flags to command for flag in flags: command += " " + flag # add forwarding to file in command command += " > " + workingD + fitName + ".co" # write in logging log = MyLogger.myLogger("generate commands", toExecutable + "logs/generated_commands") # create stripped down command (ie no working directory included) stripCommand = "calcsfh " + paramFile + " " + photFile + " " + fakeFile + " " + fitName + " " + " ".join(flags) \ + " > " + fitName + ".co" # create empty file so getFitName can iterated to another fit number'touch %s' % (os.getcwd() + "/" + fitName), shell=True) f = open(workingD + fitName, "w") f.close()"Generated command (%s): %s" % (os.getcwd(), stripCommand)) #print(command) return [command]
def processDAv_general(path, baseName, photFile, paramFile): """ Takes in a path with a baseName that will follow standard dAv naming conventions. """ dAvfile = open(path + "", 'a') massFile = open(path + "", 'a') metallicity = "z_0-19" # Defines the metallicity to use for plotting isochrones path = path.strip("") print("PATH:", path) files = glob.glob(path + baseName + "_dAv_?-??") files = np.asarray([file for file in files if "." not in file ]) # get rid of extraneous files ending with a suffix #print(files) # order files in increasing dAv dAvs = np.asarray([ float(file.split("/")[-1].split("_")[-1].replace("-", ".")) for file in files ]) #print(dAvs) # sort by increasing dAv idxs = np.argsort(dAvs) files = files[idxs] dAvs = dAvs[idxs] #print(files, dAvs) # get best fits values vec_getBestFit = np.vectorize(getBestFit) # vectorize function bestFits, bestAvs = vec_getBestFit(files) #print(bestFits) # make the fit with the best fit value the fit with the main string name. best_idx = np.argmin(bestFits) best_file = files[best_idx] best_files = glob.glob(best_file + "*") # print out the SNR with best dAv #print(repr(path),path.split("/")) best_dAv = dAvs[best_idx] best_Av = bestAvs[best_idx] dAvfile.write("%s %f %f\n" % (baseName, best_dAv, best_Av)) # change the names new_names = [] for file in best_files: name = file.split("/")[-1].split("_") if "." in name[-1]: name[-1] = "." + name[-1].split(".")[-1] name.pop(-2) name = "_".join(name[:-1]) + name[-1] else: name.pop(-1) name.pop(-1) name = "_".join(name) new_names.append(path + name) for j, file in enumerate(best_files): name = new_names[j]['cp', file, name]) plt.rc('font', family='sans-serif') params = {'mathtext.default': 'regular'} plt.rcParams.update(params) csfs = [SFH(file + ".zc", bins=24) for file in files] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(21.0, 9.0)) #fig = plt.figure() # plot Cumulative stellar mass functions rainbow = iter(, 1, len(csfs)))) ax = fig.add_subplot(131) for i, csf in enumerate(csfs): csf.calculateCSF() c = next(rainbow) ax.plot(csf.getX(), csf.getY(), color=c, linewidth=1.5, zorder=i / 100 + 1) ax.set_axis_bgcolor('0.8') sm =, norm=plt.Normalize(vmin=dAvs[0], vmax=dAvs[-1])) sm.set_array(dAvs) cbar = fig.colorbar(sm) plt.ylim([0.0, 1.0]) plt.xlim([0, 70]) plt.ylabel(r"Cumulative Stellar Mass", fontsize=20) plt.xlabel("Time (Myrs)", fontsize=20) ax.tick_params(labelsize=16) # get id for title split_path = path.split("/") split_path = [item for item in split_path if item != ''] snr_id = split_path[-1] print("ID:", snr_id, split_path) #plt.suptitle(snr_id + ": " + baseName) #### Plot specific parts for the best dAv csf = csfs[best_idx] ### Add to the top of the first panel the mass derived from the age using # get log years log_year = np.arange(6.6, 7.8, 0.05) log_year_string = [str(year).replace(".", "-") for year in log_year] # get the highest initial mass for each age assuming solar of 0.019 masses = [] isochrones = {} for year in log_year_string: iso = pd.read_csv("../isochrones/" + metallicity + "_%s" % year, delim_whitespace=True) isochrones[year] = iso masses.append(iso['M_ini'].values[-1]) # add the highest mass linear_year = 10**log_year / 10**6 masses = np.asarray(masses) plotMasses = np.interp(ax.get_xticks(), linear_year, masses) plotMasses = [round(mass, 1) for mass in plotMasses] # prepare ticks for top x axis ax2_ticks = np.linspace(ax.get_xticks()[0], ax.get_xticks()[-1], 2 * ax.get_xticks().size - 1) ax2_mass = np.round(np.interp(ax2_ticks, linear_year, masses), 2) ax2 = ax.twiny() ax2.set_xticks(ax2_ticks[::2], minor=False) ax2.set_xticklabels(ax2_mass[::2], size=16) ax2.xaxis.grid(False, which='major') # add minor ticks ax2.set_xticks(ax2_ticks[1::2], minor=True) ax2.set_xticklabels(ax2_mass[1::2], size=13, minor=True) ax2.xaxis.grid(False) # hand draw minor grid axis minor_top_ticks = ax2.get_xticks(minor=True) for i, xtick in enumerate(minor_top_ticks): ax.axvline(xtick, linestyle='-.', color='w', zorder=(i + 0.1) / 100, linewidth=1.2) # adjust padding ax2.tick_params(which='major', pad=15) ax2.tick_params(which='minor', pad=0) ax2.set_xlabel(r"Mass ($M_\odot$)", fontsize=20) ax2.set_axisbelow(True) # Interpolate the percentiles central_mass = None if np.all(np.isnan(csf.getY())): central_mass = (0, 0, 0) else: percentiles = interpolate([0.84, 0.5, 0.16], csf.getX(), csf.getY()) ### plot percentiles with center as dotted line and grey band as area of error # plot vertical line for 50th percentile ax.axvline(x=percentiles[1], linestyle="--", color='0.0') # plot vertical translucent red region spanning the error ax.axvspan(xmin=percentiles[0], xmax=percentiles[2], color='r', alpha=0.2) # get the actual values of mass and display on the graph # get the closest log year to the percentiles closest = getClosestLogYearIndex(percentiles, log_year) central_mass = ( isochrones[log_year_string[closest[0]]]['M_ini'].values[-1], isochrones[log_year_string[closest[1]]]['M_ini'].values[-1], isochrones[log_year_string[closest[2]]]['M_ini'].values[-1]) ax.text(35, 0.9, snr_id, fontsize=20, zorder=10) ax.text(30, 0.85, r"$M=%.1f^{+%.1f}_{-%.1f}$" % (central_mass[1], central_mass[0] - central_mass[1], central_mass[1] - central_mass[2]), fontsize=20, zorder=10) massFile.write("%s %.2f %.2f %.2f\n" % (baseName, central_mass[1], central_mass[0] - central_mass[1], central_mass[1] - central_mass[2])) # plot best fit values vs dAvs ax = fig.add_subplot(132) ax.scatter(dAvs, bestFits, color='k') ax.set_axis_bgcolor('0.8') plt.ylabel("Fit value (arbitrary)", fontsize=20) plt.xlabel("dAv", fontsize=20) plt.gca().tick_params(labelsize=16, which='major') # plot cmd with photometry file ax = fig.add_subplot(133) #### Get data of field and photometry file ##### # field should be from background which we get from reading the parameter file param = MatchParam(path + paramFile, None, None) background_path = param.parameters['background'] background_data = np.loadtxt(background_path, unpack=True) # get photometry data photemetry_data = np.loadtxt(path + photFile, unpack=True) # get the number of columns: 2 - one CMD | 3 - 2 CMDs numCols = len(background_data) # Blue mag will be the lower filter and red_mag will be the higher filter blue_phot_mag = None blue_field_mag = None red_phot_mag = None red_field_mag = None limit_colors, limit_mag = None, None filters = param.filterSet if numCols == 2: # Assign field/backgroun data blue_field_mag, red_field_mag = background_data[0], background_data[1] # Assign photometry data blue_phot_mag, red_phot_mag = photemetry_data[0], photemetry_data[1] limit_colors, limit_mag = magLimitsGreaterFilter( param.parameters[filters[0] + "max"], param.parameters[filters[1] + "max"]) else: # 2 CMDs which we take the 2nd column as blue and the 3rd column as red blue_field_mag, red_field_mag = background_data[1], background_data[2] blue_phot_mag, red_phot_mag = photemetry_data[1], photemetry_data[2] limit_colors, limit_mag = magLimitsGreaterFilter( param.parameters[filters[1] + "max"], param.parameters[filters[2] + "max"]) # Create masks for the field and photemetry data to filter out values of 99.99 or to large of magnitudes field_mask = (blue_field_mag < 30.0) & (red_field_mag < 30.0) phot_mask = (blue_phot_mag < 30.0) & (red_phot_mag < 30.0) # Apply mask blue_field_mag, red_field_mag = blue_field_mag[field_mask], red_field_mag[ field_mask] blue_phot_mag, red_phot_mag = blue_phot_mag[phot_mask], red_phot_mag[ phot_mask] # Plot field data as 2d histogram H, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(blue_field_mag - red_field_mag, red_field_mag, bins=[75, 75]) color = color.set_bad("w") col = ax.pcolormesh(xedges, yedges,, 0), cmap=color) cbar = plt.colorbar(col) # Plot SNR data as scatter plot ax.scatter(blue_phot_mag - red_phot_mag, red_phot_mag, color='r', s=12) ax.plot(limit_colors, limit_mag, linestyle='--', color='green') plt.xlabel("F438W - F814W", fontsize=18) plt.ylabel("F814W", fontsize=18) plt.xlim([xedges.min(), xedges.max()]) plt.ylim([yedges.min(), yedges.max()]) ax.invert_yaxis() plt.gca().tick_params(labelsize=16, which='major') plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(path + baseName + "_testfig", dpi=512) dAvfile.close() massFile.close()