def report_correlations_with_rotation(v1, v2, aboveThreshold,
                                      axis, center, angleRange, plot):

    from chimera import Vector, Point, replyobj

    # Convert axis and center to v1 local coordinates so transformation
    # is still valid if user rotates entire scene.
    xf = v1.openState.xform.inverse()
    axis = xf.apply(Vector(*axis)).data()
    center = xf.apply(Point(*center)).data()

    import FitMap, Matrix'Correlation between %s and %s\n' % (, +
    a0, a1, astep = angleRange
    angle = a0
    clist = []
    from Matrix import multiply_matrices, xform_matrix, rotation_transform, chimera_xform
    while angle < a1:
        tf = multiply_matrices(xform_matrix(v1.openState.xform),
                               rotation_transform(axis, angle, center),
        xf = chimera_xform(tf)
        olap, cor = FitMap.map_overlap_and_correlation(v1, v2,
                                                       aboveThreshold, xf)
        replyobj.status('angle = %.4g, correlation = %.4g\n' % (angle, cor))'%.4g\t%.4g\n' % (angle, cor))
        angle += astep

    if plot:
        angles = [a for a,c in clist]
        corr = [c for a,c in clist]
        plot_correlation(angles, corr, v1, v2, axis, center)
def report_correlations_with_rotation(v1, v2, aboveThreshold, axis, center,
                                      angleRange, plot):

    from chimera import Vector, Point, replyobj

    # Convert axis and center to v1 local coordinates so transformation
    # is still valid if user rotates entire scene.
    xf = v1.openState.xform.inverse()
    axis = xf.apply(Vector(*axis)).data()
    center = xf.apply(Point(*center)).data()

    import FitMap, Matrix'Correlation between %s and %s\n' % (, +
    a0, a1, astep = angleRange
    angle = a0
    clist = []
    from Matrix import multiply_matrices, xform_matrix, rotation_transform, chimera_xform
    while angle < a1:
        tf = multiply_matrices(xform_matrix(v1.openState.xform),
                               rotation_transform(axis, angle, center),
        xf = chimera_xform(tf)
        olap, cor = FitMap.map_overlap_and_correlation(v1, v2, aboveThreshold,
        replyobj.status('angle = %.4g, correlation = %.4g\n' % (angle, cor))'%.4g\t%.4g\n' % (angle, cor))
        clist.append((angle, cor))
        angle += astep

    if plot:
        angles = [a for a, c in clist]
        corr = [c for a, c in clist]
        plot_correlation(angles, corr, v1, v2, axis, center)
def bond_points(bonds, xform, bond_point_spacing):
    if bond_point_spacing == None and use_bond_zone():
        bond_point_spacing = bond_zone_point_spacing()

    if bond_point_spacing == None:
        return []

    xyz_list = []
    for b in bonds:
        c = bond_point_count(b, bond_point_spacing)
        if c > 0:
            xyz1, xyz2 = map(lambda a: a.xformCoord().data(), b.atoms)
            for k in range(c):
                fb = float(k+1) / (c+1)
                fa = 1-fb
                xyz = map(lambda a,b: fa*a + fb*b, xyz1, xyz2)

    from numpy import array, single as floatc, zeros
    if len(xyz_list) > 0:
        points = array(xyz_list, floatc)
        from Matrix import xform_matrix
        import _contour
        _contour.affine_transform_vertices(points, xform_matrix(xform))
        points = zeros((0,3), floatc)
    return points
Exemple #4
def bounding_xray_map_symmetry(atoms, pad, volume):

     # Get atom positions.
    from _multiscale import get_atom_coordinates
    xyz = get_atom_coordinates(atoms, transformed = True)

    # Transform atom coordinates to volume ijk indices.
    from Matrix import multiply_matrices, xform_matrix
    tf = multiply_matrices(,
    from _contour import affine_transform_vertices
    affine_transform_vertices(xyz, tf)
    ijk = xyz

    # Find integer bounds.
    from math import floor, ceil
    ijk_min = [int(floor(i-pad)) for i in ijk.min(axis=0)]
    ijk_max = [int(ceil(i+pad)) for i in ijk.max(axis=0)]

    #gather information about unit cell and symmetry
    ijk_cell_size = getattr(, 'unit_cell_size',
    syms =
    step =
    from VolumeFilter import cover
    cg = cover.map_covering_box(volume, ijk_min, ijk_max, ijk_cell_size, syms, step)
    from VolumeViewer import volume_from_grid_data
    v = volume_from_grid_data(cg, show_data = False)
    v.copy_settings_from(volume, copy_region = False)
    return v	
Exemple #5
def bond_points(bonds, xform, bond_point_spacing):

    if bond_point_spacing == None and use_bond_zone():
        bond_point_spacing = bond_zone_point_spacing()

    if bond_point_spacing == None:
        return []

    xyz_list = []
    for b in bonds:
        c = bond_point_count(b, bond_point_spacing)
        if c > 0:
            xyz1, xyz2 = map(lambda a: a.xformCoord().data(), b.atoms)
            for k in range(c):
                fb = float(k + 1) / (c + 1)
                fa = 1 - fb
                xyz = map(lambda a, b: fa * a + fb * b, xyz1, xyz2)

    from numpy import array, single as floatc, zeros
    if len(xyz_list) > 0:
        points = array(xyz_list, floatc)
        from Matrix import xform_matrix
        import _contour
        _contour.affine_transform_vertices(points, xform_matrix(xform))
        points = zeros((0, 3), floatc)

    return points
Exemple #6
def align_molecule():

    # TODO: Not ported.
    from chimera import selection
    atoms = selection.currentAtoms(ordered=True)
    mols = set([a.molecule for a in atoms])
    if len(mols) != 1:
    mol = mols.pop()
    molxf = mol.openState.xform
    from Molecule import atom_positions
    axyz = atom_positions(atoms, molxf)
    from numpy import roll, float32, float64
    from Matrix import xform_matrix, xform_points
    from chimera.match import matchPositions
    xflist = []
    for mset in cage_marker_sets():
        for p in polygons(mset):
            if p.n == len(atoms):
                c =
                vxyz = [p.vertex_xyz(m) for m in p.vertices]
                exyz = (0.5 * (vxyz + roll(vxyz, 1, axis=0))).astype(float32)
                xform_points(exyz, mset.transform(), molxf)
                xf, rms = matchPositions(exyz.astype(float64),

    mol.openState.xform = molxf

    import MultiScale
    mm = MultiScale.multiscale_manager()
    tflist = [xform_matrix(xf) for xf in xflist]
    mm.molecule_multimer(mol, tflist)
Exemple #7
def clicked_mask_region(segmentation, pointer_x, pointer_y):

    s = segmentation
    if not s.display:
        return None

    if s.mask is None:
        print 'mouse down: no current segmentation mask'
        return None

    mk, mj, mi = s.mask.shape
    box = ((0, 0, 0), (mi, mj, mk))
    from Matrix import xform_matrix, multiply_matrices
    ijk_to_eye = multiply_matrices(xform_matrix(s.openState.xform),
    from VolumeViewer.slice import box_intercepts, array_slice_values
    ijk_in, ijk_out = box_intercepts(pointer_x, pointer_y, ijk_to_eye, box, s)
    if ijk_in is None or ijk_out is None:
        print 'mouse down: no intercept with mask'
        return None

    rnums = array_slice_values(s.mask, ijk_in, ijk_out, method='nearest')[:, 1]
    r = first_shown_region(s, rnums)
    if r is None:
        r = clicked_volume_region(segmentation, pointer_x, pointer_y)
        if r is None:
            print 'mouse down: no intercept with region'
            return None

    return r
Exemple #8
def chain_center(chain):

  xyz = chain.lan_chain.source_atom_xyz()
  sc = center(xyz)
  from Matrix import apply_matrix, xform_matrix
  c = apply_matrix(xform_matrix(chain.xform), sc)
  return c
def chain_transform(cp):

    sm = cp.surface_model()
    xf = sm.openState.xform
    from Matrix import xform_matrix
    t = xform_matrix(xf)
    return t
def transform_vertices_and_normals(v, n, xform):

    from Matrix import xform_matrix, zero_translation
    tf = xform_matrix(xform)
    rot = zero_translation(tf)
    from _contour import affine_transform_vertices
    affine_transform_vertices(v, tf)
    affine_transform_vertices(n, rot)
def atom_coordinates(atoms, xform):

    from _multiscale import get_atom_coordinates
    xyz = get_atom_coordinates(atoms, transformed = True)
    from Matrix import xform_matrix
    tf = xform_matrix(xform.inverse())
    from _contour import affine_transform_vertices
    affine_transform_vertices(xyz, tf)
    return xyz
Exemple #12
    def move_objects(self, xf):

        from Matrix import xform_matrix
        tf = xform_matrix(xf)
        from _contour import affine_transform_vertices
        for p in self.pieces:
            varray, tarray = p.geometry
            affine_transform_vertices(varray, tf)
            p.geometry = varray, tarray
def atom_positions(atoms, xform = None):

    import _multiscale
    xyz = _multiscale.get_atom_coordinates(atoms, transformed = True)
    if xform:
        from Matrix import xform_matrix
        tf = xform_matrix(xform.inverse())
        from _contour import affine_transform_vertices
        affine_transform_vertices(xyz, tf)
    return xyz
def get_atom_coordinates(atoms, xform):

    from _multiscale import get_atom_coordinates
    xyz = get_atom_coordinates(atoms, transformed=True)

    from _contour import affine_transform_vertices
    from Matrix import xform_matrix
    affine_transform_vertices(xyz, xform_matrix(xform))

    return xyz
def get_atom_coordinates(atoms, xform):

    from _multiscale import get_atom_coordinates
    xyz = get_atom_coordinates(atoms, transformed = True)

    from _contour import affine_transform_vertices
    from Matrix import xform_matrix
    affine_transform_vertices(xyz, xform_matrix(xform))

    return xyz
Exemple #16
def data_region_xyz_to_ijk_transform(data_region):
    xf = data_region.model_transform()
    from Matrix import xform_matrix, translation_matrix, multiply_matrices
    xyz_to_data_xyz = xform_matrix(xf)
    data_xyz_to_ijk =
    ijk_min = data_region.region[0]
    ijk_origin_shift = translation_matrix(map(lambda a: -a, ijk_min))
    xyz_to_ijk_transform = multiply_matrices(
        ijk_origin_shift, data_xyz_to_ijk, xyz_to_data_xyz)
    return xyz_to_ijk_transform
def molecule_atom_set(ma):

    m, atoms = ma

    from _multiscale import get_atom_coordinates
    xyz = get_atom_coordinates(atoms)

    from Matrix import xform_matrix
    transform = xform_matrix(m.openState.xform)

    aset = Atom_Set(xyz, transform, atoms)
    return aset
def chain_atom_subset(ca):

    cp, atoms = ca

    from _multiscale import get_atom_coordinates
    xyz = get_atom_coordinates(atoms)

#    transform = chain_transform(cp)
    from Matrix import xform_matrix
    transform = xform_matrix(cp.surface_model().openState.xform)

    aset = Atom_Set(xyz, transform, atoms, cp)
    return aset
Exemple #19
def chain_radial_size(chain):

  xyz = chain.lan_chain.source_atom_xyz()
  from numpy import array, multiply, sum
  xyzc = array(xyz)
  from Matrix import xform_matrix
  import _contour
  _contour.affine_transform_vertices(xyzc, xform_matrix(chain.xform))
  multiply(xyzc, xyzc, xyzc)
  r2 = sum(xyzc, axis=1)
  r2max = max(r2)
  import math
  r = math.sqrt(r2max)
  return r
def volume_plane_intercept(window_x, window_y, volume, k):

    from Matrix import multiply_matrices, xform_matrix, invert_matrix
    ijk_to_screen = multiply_matrices(xform_matrix(volume.model_transform()),
    screen_to_ijk = invert_matrix(ijk_to_screen)
    line = line_perpendicular_to_screen(window_x, window_y, screen_to_ijk)
    p, d = line
    if d[2] == 0:
        return None
    t = (k - p[2]) / d[2]
    ijk = (p[0] + t * d[0], p[1] + t * d[1], k)
    xyz =
    return xyz
Exemple #21
def volume_plane_intercept(window_x, window_y, volume, k):

  from Matrix import multiply_matrices, xform_matrix, invert_matrix
  ijk_to_screen = multiply_matrices(xform_matrix(volume.model_transform()),
  screen_to_ijk = invert_matrix(ijk_to_screen)
  line = line_perpendicular_to_screen(window_x, window_y, screen_to_ijk)
  p,d = line
  if d[2] == 0:
    return None
  t = (k - p[2]) / d[2]
  ijk = (p[0]+t*d[0], p[1]+t*d[1], k)
  xyz =
  return xyz
def mask_volume_using_selected_surfaces(axis = (0,1,0), pad = None):

  from VolumeViewer import active_volume
  v = active_volume()
  if v is None:

  from Surface import selected_surface_pieces
  plist = selected_surface_pieces()
  from Matrix import xform_matrix, invert_matrix
  tf = invert_matrix(xform_matrix(v.model_transform()))
  surfaces = surface_geometry(plist, tf, pad)

  if surfaces:
    masked_volume(v, surfaces, axis)
def mask_volume_using_selected_surfaces(axis=(0, 1, 0), pad=None):

    from VolumeViewer import active_volume
    v = active_volume()
    if v is None:

    from Surface import selected_surface_pieces
    plist = selected_surface_pieces()
    from Matrix import xform_matrix, invert_matrix
    tf = invert_matrix(xform_matrix(v.model_transform()))
    surfaces = surface_geometry(plist, tf, pad)

    if surfaces:
        masked_volume(v, surfaces, axis)
Exemple #24
def copy_groups(from_seg, to_seg):

    # Find transform from to_seg mask indices to from_seg mask indices.
    from Matrix import multiply_matrices, invert_matrix, xform_matrix
    tf = multiply_matrices(
        xform_matrix(to_seg.openState.xform), to_seg.point_transform())

    # Find from_seg regions containing to_seg region maximum points.
    fmask = from_seg.mask
    rlist = list(to_seg.regions)
    ijk = [r.max_point for r in rlist]
    from _interpolate import interpolate_volume_data
    rnums, outside = interpolate_volume_data(ijk, tf, fmask, 'nearest')

    # Find to_seg regions that have max_point in same from_seg region.
    fr2tr = {}
    id2r = from_seg.id_to_region
    for tr, frnum in zip(rlist, rnums):
        if frnum > 0:
            fr = id2r[frnum].top_parent()
            if fr in fr2tr:
                fr2tr[fr] = [tr]
    groups = [g for g in fr2tr.values() if len(g) > 1]

    # Form groups.
    for g in groups:
        r = to_seg.join_regions(g)
        for gr in g:

    print 'Made %d groups for %s matching %s' % (len(groups),,
    def face_normal(self, axis, side):

        xform = self.xform()
        if xform == None:
            return None

        from Matrix import invert_matrix, xform_matrix
        from Matrix import apply_matrix_without_translation, normalize_vector
        inv_s = invert_matrix(self.box_transform)
        n = inv_s[axis, :3]
        if side == 0:
            n = -n
        model_transform = xform_matrix(xform)
        ne = apply_matrix_without_translation(model_transform, n)
        ne = normalize_vector(ne)

        return ne
Exemple #26
def molecule_grid_data(atoms, resolution, step, pad, cutoff_range,

    from _multiscale import get_atom_coordinates, bounding_box
    xyz = get_atom_coordinates(atoms, transformed=True)

    # Transform coordinates to local coordinates of the molecule containing
    # the first atom.  This handles multiple unaligned molecules.
    from Matrix import xform_matrix
    m0 = atoms[0].molecule
    tf = xform_matrix(m0.openState.xform.inverse())
    from _contour import affine_transform_vertices
    affine_transform_vertices(xyz, tf)

    xyz_min, xyz_max = bounding_box(xyz)

    origin = [x - pad for x in xyz_min]
    ijk = (xyz - origin) / step
    anum = [a.element.number for a in atoms]
    sdev = sigma_factor * resolution / step
    from numpy import zeros, float32
    sdevs = zeros((len(atoms), 3), float32)
    sdevs[:] = sdev
    from math import pow, pi, ceil
    normalization = pow(2 * pi, -1.5) * pow(sdev * step, -3)
    shape = [
        int(ceil((xyz_max[a] - xyz_min[a] + 2 * pad) / step))
        for a in (2, 1, 0)
    matrix = zeros(shape, float32)

    from _gaussian import sum_of_gaussians
    sum_of_gaussians(ijk, anum, sdevs, cutoff_range, matrix)
    matrix *= normalization

    molecules = set([a.molecule for a in atoms])
    if len(molecules) > 1:
        name = 'molmap res %.3g' % (resolution, )
        name = 'molmap %s res %.3g' % (, resolution)

    from VolumeData import Array_Grid_Data
    grid = Array_Grid_Data(matrix, origin, (step, step, step), name=name)

    return grid, molecules
Exemple #27
def report_distance(xyz1, xyz2, from_name, to_name, surf, color):

    i1, i2, d = closest_approach(xyz1, xyz2)

    msg = 'minimum distance from %s to %s = %.5g' % (from_name, to_name, d)
    from chimera import replyobj
    replyobj.status(msg) + '\n')

    if surf:
        from Matrix import apply_matrix, xform_matrix
        tf = xform_matrix(surf.openState.xform.inverse())
        v = apply_matrix(tf, (xyz1[i1], xyz2[i2]))
        t = [(0, 1, 0)]
        p = surf.addPiece(v, t, color)
        p.displayStyle = p.Mesh
        p.useLighting = False
        p.lineThickness = 3
Exemple #28
  def report_transformation_matrix(self, model, map):

    m = model
    mname = '%s (%s)' % (, m.oslIdent())
    mxf = m.openState.xform

    f = map
    fname = '%s (%s)' % (, f.oslIdent())
    fxf = f.openState.xform
    from Matrix import xform_matrix
    mtf = xform_matrix(mxf)
    message = ('Position of %s relative to %s coordinates:\n'
               % (mname, fname))
    message += transformation_description(mtf)
    from chimera import replyobj
Exemple #29
    def report_transformation_matrix(self, model, map):

        m = model
        mname = '%s (%s)' % (, m.oslIdent())
        mxf = m.openState.xform

        f = map
        fname = '%s (%s)' % (, f.oslIdent())
        fxf = f.openState.xform

        from Matrix import xform_matrix
        mtf = xform_matrix(mxf)
        message = ('Position of %s relative to %s coordinates:\n' %
                   (mname, fname))
        message += transformation_description(mtf)
        from chimera import replyobj
Exemple #30
def contacting_transforms(mol, csys, tflist, cdist):

    from _multiscale import get_atom_coordinates
    points = get_atom_coordinates(mol.atoms)
    pxf = mol.openState.xform
    from Matrix import xform_matrix, identity_matrix
    from numpy import array, float32
    point_tf = xform_matrix(pxf)
    from _contour import affine_transform_vertices
    affine_transform_vertices(points, point_tf) # points in reference coords
    ident = array(identity_matrix(),float32)
    from _closepoints import find_close_points_sets, BOXES_METHOD
    ctflist = [tf for tf in tflist if
                                          [(points, ident)],
                                          [(points, array(tf,float32))],
                                          cdist)[0][0]) > 0]
    return ctflist
Exemple #31
def molecule_grid_data(atoms, resolution, step, pad,
                       cutoff_range, sigma_factor):

    from _multiscale import get_atom_coordinates, bounding_box
    xyz = get_atom_coordinates(atoms, transformed = True)

    # Transform coordinates to local coordinates of the molecule containing
    # the first atom.  This handles multiple unaligned molecules.
    from Matrix import xform_matrix
    m0 = atoms[0].molecule
    tf = xform_matrix(m0.openState.xform.inverse())
    from _contour import affine_transform_vertices
    affine_transform_vertices(xyz, tf)

    xyz_min, xyz_max = bounding_box(xyz)

    origin = [x-pad for x in xyz_min]
    ijk = (xyz - origin) / step
    anum = [a.element.number for a in atoms]
    sdev = sigma_factor * resolution / step
    from numpy import zeros, float32
    sdevs = zeros((len(atoms),3), float32)
    sdevs[:] = sdev
    from math import pow, pi, ceil
    normalization = pow(2*pi,-1.5)*pow(sdev*step,-3)
    shape = [int(ceil((xyz_max[a] - xyz_min[a] + 2*pad) / step))
             for a in (2,1,0)]
    matrix = zeros(shape, float32)

    from _gaussian import sum_of_gaussians
    sum_of_gaussians(ijk, anum, sdevs, cutoff_range, matrix)
    matrix *= normalization

    molecules = set([a.molecule for a in atoms])
    if len(molecules) > 1:
        name = 'molmap res %.3g' % (resolution,)
        name =  'molmap %s res %.3g' % (, resolution)
    from VolumeData import Array_Grid_Data
    grid = Array_Grid_Data(matrix, origin, (step,step,step), name = name)

    return grid, molecules
Exemple #32
def contacting_transforms(mol, csys, tflist, cdist):

    from _multiscale import get_atom_coordinates
    points = get_atom_coordinates(mol.atoms)
    pxf = mol.openState.xform
    from Matrix import xform_matrix, identity_matrix
    from numpy import array, float32
    point_tf = xform_matrix(pxf)
    from _contour import affine_transform_vertices
    affine_transform_vertices(points, point_tf)  # points in reference coords
    ident = array(identity_matrix(), float32)
    from _closepoints import find_close_points_sets, BOXES_METHOD
    ctflist = [
        tf for tf in tflist if len(
            find_close_points_sets(BOXES_METHOD, [(points, ident)], [(
                points, array(tf, float32))], cdist)[0][0]) > 0
    return ctflist
Exemple #33
def transform_schematic(xform, center, from_rgba, to_rgba):

    corners = transform_square(xform, center)
    if corners is None:
        return None  # No rotation.

    import _surface
    sm = _surface.SurfaceModel()

    varray = corners
    tarray = ((0, 1, 2), (0, 2, 3), (0, 1, 5), (0, 5, 4), (1, 2, 6), (1, 6, 5),
              (2, 3, 7), (2, 7, 6), (3, 0, 4), (3, 4, 7), (4, 5, 6), (4, 6, 7))
    g1 = sm.addPiece(varray, tarray, from_rgba)

    from Matrix import xform_matrix, apply_matrix
    tf = xform_matrix(xform)
    corners2 = [apply_matrix(tf, p) for p in corners]
    varray2 = corners2
    g2 = sm.addPiece(varray2, tarray, to_rgba)

    return sm
Exemple #34
def per_model_clip_planes(clip_plane_model):
  if clip_plane_model == None or not clip_plane_model.useClipPlane:
    return []
  p = clip_plane_model.clipPlane
  plane = (, -p.offset())
  planes = [plane]

  # Handle slab clipping mode.
  if clip_plane_model.useClipThickness:
    normal = map(lambda x: -x,
    offset = p.offset() - clip_plane_model.clipThickness
    plane = (normal, offset)

  from Matrix import xform_matrix
  model_to_screen = xform_matrix(clip_plane_model.openState.xform)
  tplanes = map(lambda p: transform_plane(p, model_to_screen), planes)

  return tplanes
Exemple #35
def clicked_volume_region(segmentation, pointer_x, pointer_y):

    r = None
    s = segmentation
    m = s.mask
    v = s.volume_data()
    if v and v.shown() and v.single_plane() and not m is None:
        box = v.region[:2]
        from Matrix import xform_matrix, multiply_matrices
        ijk_to_eye = multiply_matrices(xform_matrix(s.openState.xform),
        from VolumeViewer.slice import box_intercepts
        ijk_in, ijk_out = box_intercepts(pointer_x, pointer_y, ijk_to_eye, box,
        if not ijk_in is None:
            i, j, k = [int(round(h)) for h in ijk_in]
            ksz, jsz, isz = m.shape
            if i >= 0 and i < isz and j >= 0 and j < jsz and k >= 0 and k < ksz:
                rid = s.mask[k, j, i]
                r = s.id_to_region.get(rid, None)
    return r
def transform_schematic(xform, center, from_rgba, to_rgba):

    corners = transform_square(xform, center)
    if corners is None:
        return None             # No rotation.

    import _surface
    sm = _surface.SurfaceModel()

    varray = corners
    tarray = ((0,1,2),(0,2,3),(0,1,5),(0,5,4),(1,2,6),(1,6,5),
    g1 = sm.addPiece(varray, tarray, from_rgba)

    from Matrix import xform_matrix, apply_matrix
    tf = xform_matrix(xform)
    corners2 = [apply_matrix(tf, p) for p in corners]
    varray2 = corners2
    g2 = sm.addPiece(varray2, tarray, to_rgba)

    return sm
def per_model_clip_planes(clip_plane_model):

    if clip_plane_model == None or not clip_plane_model.useClipPlane:
        return []

    p = clip_plane_model.clipPlane
    plane = (, -p.offset())
    planes = [plane]

    # Handle slab clipping mode.
    if clip_plane_model.useClipThickness:
        normal = map(lambda x: -x,
        offset = p.offset() - clip_plane_model.clipThickness
        plane = (normal, offset)

    from Matrix import xform_matrix
    model_to_screen = xform_matrix(clip_plane_model.openState.xform)
    tplanes = map(lambda p: transform_plane(p, model_to_screen), planes)

    return tplanes
    def subregion_grid(self, voxel_size, xform, name):

        bm = self.box_model
        if bm is None or is None or bm.model() is None:
            return None

        # Deterime array size.  Use half voxel padding on all sides.
        elength = bm.edge_lengths()
        from math import ceil
        size = [
            max(1, int(ceil((elength[a] - voxel_size[a]) / voxel_size[a])))
            for a in (0, 1, 2)

        # Allocate array.
        from VolumeData import allocate_array
        array = allocate_array(size, zero_fill=True)

        # Determine origin, rotation, and cell angles.
        b2vxf = bm.xform()
        from Matrix import xform_matrix, apply_matrix, apply_matrix_without_translation, cell_angles_and_rotation
        b2v = xform_matrix(b2vxf)
        origin = apply_matrix(b2v, bm.origin())
        vaxes = [apply_matrix_without_translation(b2v, v) for v in bm.axes()]
        cell_angles, rotation = cell_angles_and_rotation(vaxes)

        # Create grid.
        from VolumeData import Array_Grid_Data
        g = Array_Grid_Data(array,

        # Add half voxel padding.
        g.set_origin(g.ijk_to_xyz((0.5, 0.5, 0.5)))

        return g
def surface_geometry(plist, tf, pad):

    surfaces = []
    for p in plist:
        surfs = []
        va, ta = p.maskedGeometry(p.Solid)
        na = p.normals
        if isinstance(pad, (float, int)) and pad != 0:
            varray, tarray = offset_surface(va, ta, na, pad)
        elif isinstance(pad, (list, tuple)) and len(pad) == 2:
            varray, tarray = slab_surface(va, ta, na, pad)
            varray, tarray = va, ta

        if not tf is None:
            from Matrix import xform_matrix, multiply_matrices, is_identity_matrix
            vtf = multiply_matrices(tf, xform_matrix(p.model.openState.xform))
            if not is_identity_matrix(vtf):
                apply_transform(vtf, varray)

        surfaces.append((varray, tarray))

    return surfaces
def surface_geometry(plist, tf, pad):

  surfaces = []
  for p in plist:
    surfs = []
    va, ta = p.maskedGeometry(p.Solid)
    na = p.normals
    if isinstance(pad, (float,int)) and pad != 0:
      varray, tarray = offset_surface(va, ta, na, pad)
    elif isinstance(pad, (list,tuple)) and len(pad) == 2:
      varray, tarray = slab_surface(va, ta, na, pad)
      varray, tarray = va, ta

    if not tf is None:
      from Matrix import xform_matrix, multiply_matrices, is_identity_matrix
      vtf = multiply_matrices(tf, xform_matrix(p.model.openState.xform))
      if not is_identity_matrix(vtf):
        apply_transform(vtf, varray)

    surfaces.append((varray, tarray))

  return surfaces
def mask(volumes, surfaces, axis = None, fullMap = False,
         pad = 0., slab = None, sandwich = True, invertMask = False):

    from Commands import CommandError, filter_volumes, parse_floats
    vlist = filter_volumes(volumes)

    from Surface import selected_surface_pieces
    glist = selected_surface_pieces(surfaces, include_outline_boxes = False)
    if len(glist) == 0:
        raise CommandError, 'No surfaces specified'

    axis = parse_floats(axis, 'axis', 3, (0,1,0))

    if not isinstance(fullMap, (bool,int)):
        raise CommandError, 'fullMap option value must be true or false'

    if not isinstance(invertMask, (bool,int)):
        raise CommandError, 'invertMask option value must be true or false'

    if not isinstance(pad, (float,int)):
        raise CommandError, 'pad option value must be a number'

    if isinstance(slab, (float,int)):
        pad = (-0.5*slab, 0.5*slab)
    elif not slab is None:
        pad = parse_floats(slab, 'slab', 2)

    if not isinstance(sandwich, bool):
        raise CommandError, 'sandwich option value must be true or false'

    from depthmask import surface_geometry, masked_volume
    from Matrix import xform_matrix, invert_matrix
    for v in vlist:
        tf = invert_matrix(xform_matrix(v.model_transform()))
        surfs = surface_geometry(glist, tf, pad)
        masked_volume(v, surfs, axis, fullMap, sandwich, invertMask)
Exemple #42
	def computeVolume(self, atoms, startFrame=None, endFrame=None,
			bound=None, volumeName=None, step=1, spacing=0.5):
		# load and process frames
		if startFrame is None:
			startFrame = self.startFrame
		if endFrame is None:
			endFrame = self.endFrame
		if bound is not None:
			from _closepoints import find_close_points, BOXES_METHOD
		from Matrix import xform_matrix
		if self.holdingSteady:
			steadyAtoms, steadySel, steadyCS, inverse = \
			# all the above used later...
			inverse = xform_matrix(inverse)

		gridData = {}
		from math import floor
		from numpy import array, float32
		from _contour import affine_transform_vertices
		for fn in range(startFrame, endFrame+1, step):
			cs = self.findCoordSet(fn)
			if not cs:
				self.status("Loading frame %d" % fn)
				self._LoadFrame(fn, makeCurrent=False)
				cs = self.findCoordSet(fn)

			self.status("Processing frame %d" % fn)
			pts = array([a.coord(cs) for a in atoms], float32)
			if self.holdingSteady:
				if bound is not None:
					steadyPoints = array([a.coord(cs)
						for a in steadyAtoms], float32)
					closeIndices = find_close_points(
						BOXES_METHOD, steadyPoints,
						#otherPoints, bound)[1]
						pts, bound)[1]
					pts = pts[closeIndices]
					xf, inv = self.transforms[fn]
				except KeyError:
					xf, inv = self.steadyXform(cs=cs)
					self.transforms[fn] = (xf, inv)
				xf = xform_matrix(xf)
				affine_transform_vertices(pts, xf)
				affine_transform_vertices(pts, inverse)
			# add a half-voxel since volume positions are
			# considered to be at the center of their voxel
			from numpy import floor, zeros
			pts = floor(pts/spacing + 0.5).astype(int)
			for pt in pts:
				center = tuple(pt)
				gridData[center] = gridData.get(center, 0) + 1

		# generate volume
		self.status("Generating volume")
		axisData = zip(*tuple(gridData.keys()))
		minXyz = [min(ad) for ad in axisData]
		maxXyz = [max(ad) for ad in axisData]
		# allow for zero-padding on both ends
		dims = [maxXyz[axis] - minXyz[axis] + 3 for axis in range(3)]
		from numpy import zeros, transpose
		volume = zeros(dims, int)
		for index, val in gridData.items():
			adjIndex = tuple([index[i] - minXyz[i] + 1
							for i in range(3)])
			volume[adjIndex] = val
		from VolumeData import Array_Grid_Data
		gd = Array_Grid_Data(volume.transpose(),
					# the "cushion of zeros" means d-1...
					[(d-1) * spacing for d in minXyz],
					[spacing] * 3)
		if volumeName is None:
			volumeName = = volumeName

		# show volume
		self.status("Showing volume")
		import VolumeViewer
		dataRegion = VolumeViewer.volume_from_grid_data(gd)
		vd = VolumeViewer.volumedialog.volume_dialog(create=True)
		vd.message("Volume can be saved from File menu")

		self.status("Volume shown")
Exemple #43
    def computeVolume(self, atoms, frame_ids, volumeName=None, spacing=0.5, radiiTreatment="ignored"):
        #function taken from Movie/ and tweaked to compute volume based on an array of frame_ids
        from Matrix import xform_matrix
        gridData = {}
        from math import floor
        from numpy import array, float32, concatenate
        from _contour import affine_transform_vertices
        insideDeltas = {}
        include = {}
        sp2 = spacing * spacing
        for fn in frame_ids:
            cs =
            if not cs:
      "Loading frame %d" % fn)
      , makeCurrent=False)
                cs =

  "Processing frame %d" % fn)
            pts = array([a.coord(cs) for a in atoms], float32)
                if bound is not None:
                    steadyPoints = array([a.coord(cs)
                        for a in steadyAtoms], float32)
                    closeIndices = find_close_points(
                        BOXES_METHOD, steadyPoints,
                        #otherPoints, bound)[1]
                        pts, bound)[1]
                    pts = pts[closeIndices]
                    xf, inv =[fn]
                except KeyError:
                    xf, inv =
          [fn] = (xf, inv)
                xf = xform_matrix(xf)
                affine_transform_vertices(pts, xf)
                affine_transform_vertices(pts, inverse)
            if radiiTreatment != "ignored":
                ptArrays = [pts]
                for pt, radius in zip(pts, [a.radius for a in atoms]):
                    if radius not in insideDeltas:
                        mul = 1
                        deltas = []
                        rad2 = radius * radius
                        while mul * spacing <= radius:
                            for dx in range(-mul, mul+1):
                                for dy in range(-mul, mul+1):
                                    for dz in range(-mul, mul+1):
                                        if radiiTreatment == "uniform" \
                                        and min(dx, dy, dz) > -mul and max(dx, dy, dz) < mul:
                                        key = tuple(sorted([abs(dx), abs(dy), abs(dz)]))
                                        if key not in include.setdefault(radius, {}):
                                            include[radius][key] = (dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz
                                                    ) * sp2 <= rad2
                                        if include[radius][key]:
                                            deltas.append([d*spacing for d in (dx,dy,dz)])
                            mul += 1
                        insideDeltas[radius] = array(deltas)
                        if len(deltas) < 10:
                            print deltas
                    if insideDeltas[radius].size > 0:
                        ptArrays.append(pt + insideDeltas[radius])
                pts = concatenate(ptArrays)
            # add a half-voxel since volume positions are
            # considered to be at the center of their voxel
            from numpy import floor, zeros
            pts = floor(pts/spacing + 0.5).astype(int)
            for pt in pts:
                center = tuple(pt)
                gridData[center] = gridData.get(center, 0) + 1

        # generate volume"Generating volume")
        axisData = zip(*tuple(gridData.keys()))
        minXyz = [min(ad) for ad in axisData]
        maxXyz = [max(ad) for ad in axisData]
        # allow for zero-padding on both ends
        dims = [maxXyz[axis] - minXyz[axis] + 3 for axis in range(3)]
        from numpy import zeros, transpose
        volume = zeros(dims, int)
        for index, val in gridData.items():
            adjIndex = tuple([index[i] - minXyz[i] + 1
                            for i in range(3)])
            volume[adjIndex] = val
        from VolumeData import Array_Grid_Data
        gd = Array_Grid_Data(volume.transpose(),
                    # the "cushion of zeros" means d-1...
                    [(d-1) * spacing for d in minXyz],
                    [spacing] * 3)
        if volumeName is None:
            volumeName = = volumeName

        # show volume"Showing volume")
        import VolumeViewer
        dataRegion = VolumeViewer.volume_from_grid_data(gd)
        vd = VolumeViewer.volumedialog.volume_dialog(create=True)
        vd.message("Volume can be saved from File menu")"Volume shown")
  def update_force_field(self):

    pd = self.phantom_device
    if pd == None:

    dr = self.data_region()
    if dr == None:

    data = dr.matrix(read_matrix = False)
    if data is None:

    xform = dr.model_transform()
    if xform == None:

    ijk_min, ijk_max = dr.ijk_bounds()
    bbox = chimera.BBox()
    bbox.llf = chimera.Point(*ijk_min)
    bbox.urb = chimera.Point(*ijk_max)
    cm = self.cursor_model
    cm.crosshair_bounding_box = bbox
    from Matrix import multiply_matrices, xform_matrix, invert_matrix
    btf = multiply_matrices(xform_matrix(xform),
    btf_inv = invert_matrix(btf)
    cm.crosshair_box_transform = (btf, btf_inv)

    # TODO: These parameters are not adequate to determine whether volume
    # has changed.
    volume_parameters = data.shape
    gf = self.gradient_force
    if gf and gf.volume_parameters != volume_parameters:
      gf = None

    newtons_per_pound = 4.45
    max_force_lbs = float_variable_value(self.maximum_force)
    max_force = newtons_per_pound * max_force_lbs

    force_constant = self.force_constant.value(default = 0)
    if self.auto_adjust_force_constant.get():
      force_constant = self.adjust_force_constant(force_constant, max_force)

    ijk_to_vxyz = dr.matrix_indices_to_xyz_transform()
    from Matrix import multiply_matrices, xform_matrix, invert_matrix
    ijk_to_xyz = multiply_matrices(xform_matrix(xform), ijk_to_vxyz)
    xyz_to_ijk = invert_matrix(ijk_to_xyz)

    if gf == None:
      import _phantomcursor
      gf = _phantomcursor.Gradient_Force_Field(data, xyz_to_ijk,
					       force_constant, max_force)
      gf.volume_parameters = volume_parameters
      self.gradient_force = gf
      pd.force_active = 0
      pd.phantom_force_field = gf
      gf.maximum_force = max_force
      gf.force_constant = force_constant
      gf.xyz_to_grid_index = xyz_to_ijk

    force_on = (self.force_field.get() and
	        (self.mode == 'cursor' or self.mode == 'move marker'))
    pd.force_active = force_on
def box_to_eye_transform(box_transform, xform):

    from Matrix import xform_matrix, multiply_matrices
    model_transform = xform_matrix(xform)  # chimera.Xform -> 3x4 matrix
    transform = multiply_matrices(model_transform, box_transform)
    return transform