def loadMeshes(self, step, pBar): oo = self._orderObject() so = self._shapeObject() if oo is None or so is None: QMessageBox.warning(self, "Get objects", "Must have order and shape loaded") if self._orderMesh is None: orderVerts = getVerts(oo) orderFaces = getFaces(oo) orderUVs, orderUVFaces = getUVs(oo) pBar.setLabelText("Loading Order") QApplication.processEvents() self._orderMesh = Mesh(orderVerts, orderFaces, uvs=orderUVs, uvFaces=orderUVFaces) pBar.setValue(pBar.value() + step) if self._shapeMesh is None: shapeVerts = getVerts(so) shapeFaces = getFaces(so) shapeUVs, shapeUVFaces = getUVs(so) pBar.setLabelText("Loading Shape") QApplication.processEvents() self._shapeMesh = Mesh(shapeVerts, shapeFaces, uvs=shapeUVs, uvFaces=shapeUVFaces) pBar.setValue(pBar.value() + step)
def doUnsub(self): obj = self._getObject() if obj is None: QMessageBox.warning(self, "Get objects", "Must have an object loaded first") return pBar = QProgressDialog(self) pBar.setLabelText("Unsubdividing") pBar.setValue(0) pBar.setMaximum(100) hints = self._getHints() verts = getVerts(obj) faces = getFaces(obj) uvs, uvFaces = getUVs(obj) if self.uiSelectEdgesRDO.isChecked(): centers = getCenters(faces, pBar=pBar) selectAdjacentEdges(obj, centers) else: newName = getObjectName(obj) newName = newName + "_UNSUB" repositionVerts = self.uiUpdatePositionsRDO.isChecked() pinBorders = self.uiPinBordersCHK.isChecked() rFaces, rVerts, rUVFaces, rUVs = unSubdivide( faces, verts, uvFaces, uvs, hints=hints, repositionVerts=repositionVerts, pinBorders=pinBorders, pBar=pBar) createRawObject(newName, rFaces, rVerts, rUVFaces, rUVs)
def getVertsFromSelection(self): obj = self._getObject() if obj is None: QMessageBox.warning(self, "Get objects", "Must have an object loaded first") return sel = getVertSelection(obj) val = ','.join(map(str, sel)) if sel else '' self.uiManualHintsLINE.setText(val)
def guess(self): oo = self._orderObject() so = self._shapeObject() if oo is None or so is None: QMessageBox.warning(self, "Get objects", "Must have order and shape loaded") return pBar = QProgressDialog(self) pBar.setValue(0) self.loadMeshes(33, pBar) pBar.setLabelText("Partitioning islands") QApplication.processEvents() self._matchGen = matchGenerator(self._orderMesh, self._shapeMesh, skipMismatchedIslands=True) self.guessNext() pBar.close()
def guessNext(self): try: sm = next(self._matchGen) except StopIteration: self._matchGen = None self.uiGuessNextBTN.hide() QMessageBox.warning(self, "No more guesses", "No more guesses") return for _ in range(self.uiPairTABLE.rowCount()): self.uiPairTABLE.removeRow(0) for i, pair in enumerate(sm): self.uiPairTABLE.insertRow(i) orderObj = QTableWidgetItem() shapeObj = QTableWidgetItem() self.uiPairTABLE.setItem(i, 0, orderObj) self.uiPairTABLE.setItem(i, 1, shapeObj) orderObj.setData(Qt.EditRole, pair[0]) shapeObj.setData(Qt.EditRole, pair[1])
def crawl(self): pairs = None if self.uiAdvancedGRP.isChecked(): try: pairs = self.getPairData() except ValueError: pass if not pairs: QMessageBox.warning(self, "Could not get Vert pairs", "All vert pairs must be fully defined") return pBar = QProgressDialog(self) pBar.setLabelText("Crawling") pBar.setValue(0) QApplication.setOverrideCursor(Qt.WaitCursor) QApplication.processEvents() self.loadMeshes(33, pBar) skipMismatchedIslands = False # someday figure out how to make this work match = None title = 'No Match Found' msg = 'No Match Found' QApplication.processEvents() try: if self.uiAdvancedGRP.isChecked(): match = self._crawlAdvanced(pairs, self._orderMesh, self._shapeMesh, pBar) else: match = autoCrawlMeshes( self._orderMesh, self._shapeMesh, skipMismatchedIslands=skipMismatchedIslands, pBar=pBar) except TopologyMismatch as m: title = 'Topology Mismatch' msg = str(m) or title except IslandMismatch as m: title = 'Island Mismatch' msg = str(m) or title finally: QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() if not match: pBar.close() QMessageBox.warning(self, title, msg) return pBar.setValue(0) pBar.setLabelText("Building output") allMatch = [] for m in match: allMatch.extend(m) allMatch = sorted(allMatch) orderObj = self._orderObject() shapeObj = self._shapeObject() shapeVerts = getVerts(shapeObj) orderVerts = getVerts(orderObj) nn = str(self.uiOutputLINE.text()) fixitObject = cloneObject(orderObj, nn) freezeObject(fixitObject) self.lastMatch = allMatch for oIdx, sIdx in allMatch: orderVerts[oIdx] = shapeVerts[sIdx] setAllVerts(fixitObject, orderVerts) pBar.close()
def _crawlAdvanced(self, pairs, orderMesh, shapeMesh, pBar): ois = [frozenset(i) for i in partitionIslands(orderMesh)] sis = [frozenset(i) for i in partitionIslands(shapeMesh)] oVals, sVals = zip(*pairs) oCheck, sCheck = {}, {} oOnes, sOnes = [], [] orderObj = self.uiOrderLINE.text() shapeObj = self.uiShapeLINE.text() for isles, vals, check in ((ois, oVals, oCheck), (sis, sVals, sCheck)): for i in isles: for v in vals: if v in i: check.setdefault(i, []).append(v) for check, obj, ones in ((oCheck, orderObj, oOnes), (sCheck, shapeObj, sOnes)): for val in check.values(): if len(val) not in [1, 3]: QMessageBox.warning( self, "Selection error", "Must have exactly 1 or 3 verts on an island. Found on {0} {1}: {2}" .format(obj, len(val), val)) raise TopologyMismatch() elif len(val) == 1: ones.append(val[0]) vertNum = len(orderMesh.vertArray) if not oOnes and not sOnes: matches = [ matchByTopology(orderMesh, shapeMesh, pairs, vertNum=vertNum, pBar=pBar) ] else: matches = [] pairs = [tuple(i) for i in pairs] buildPairs = [] for overts in oCheck.itervalues(): for sverts in sCheck.itervalues(): zPairs = zip(overts, sverts) if all([p in pairs for p in zPairs]): buildPairs.append(zPairs) for zPairs in buildPairs: if len(zPairs) == 1: for starPairs in starMatchGenerator( orderMesh, shapeMesh, zPairs[0][0], zPairs[0][1]): try: match = matchByTopology(orderMesh, shapeMesh, starPairs, vertNum=vertNum, pBar=pBar) break except TopologyMismatch: pass else: raise TopologyMismatch( "Mismatch found in single-vert pairing: {0}". format(zPairs[0])) else: match = matchByTopology(orderMesh, shapeMesh, zPairs, vertNum=vertNum, pBar=pBar) matches.append(match) return matches