Exemple #1
    if host_records:
        def host_to_ip(host_rec):
            if isinstance(host_rec, (int, str)):
                host_rec = get_host_record(host_rec)
            if not host_rec:
                return None
            return host_rec.get('f_ipv4') or host_rec.get('f_ipv6')
        target_ips = '\n'.join([host_to_ip(x) for x in host_records.split('|')])
        target_ips = ''

    module_list = []
    alert = False
    msf = MetasploitAPI(host=auth.user.f_msf_pro_url, apikey=auth.user.f_msf_pro_key)
        module_list = msf.module_list(modtype='exploits').get('modules')
    except MSFAPIError, error:
        return dict(alert=True, error=str(error), form=None)

    form = SQLFORM.factory(
        Field('targets', 'text', default=target_ips, label=T('Targets'), requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY(),
            comment=T('Targets to scan can be IP Addresses, ranged lists or subnets. One per line.')
        Field('blacklist_hosts', 'text', label=T('Blacklisted Targets'),
            comment=T('Targets to blacklist can be IP Addresses, ranged lists or subnets. One per line.')
        Field('ports', 'string', default='1-65535', label=T('Ports'), requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY(),
            comment=T('List of ports to match exploits to. Example: 21-23,80,443,8000-8999')
        Field('blacklist_ports', 'string', label=T('Blacklisted Ports'),
            comment=T('List of ports to not exploit. Example: 21-23,80,443,8000-8999')