Exemple #1
def specificGravity(loc_id, tube_num):
    Function to compute the specific gravity of a soil sample as measured in a

        loc_id - Location ID in Erosion database ('locations' table)
        tube_num - tube number ('tubes' table)
    Outputs: SG - specific gravity of sample

    pyncCF = getCalibFactors(302)
    cmd = """SELECT mpync, mtot, mp, mps, temperature
             FROM specificgravity
             WHERE loc_id = %d
               AND tube_num = %d""" % (loc_id, tube_num)
    cnn, cur = connectToDB(cmd)
    Mpync, Mtot, Mp, Mps, temp = cur.fetchone()

    M1 = Mtot
    M2 = pyncCF[0] + pyncCF[1]*temp + pyncCF[2]*temp**2
    Ms = Mps - Mp

    sg = Ms / (Ms - M1 + M2)
    return sg
Exemple #2
def grainSize(loc_id, tube_num, plot=False):

    # set up tables for hydrometer analysis (ASTM D 422)
    Table1 = {'SG'    : np.arange(2.45, 3.00, 0.05),
              'alpha' : np.arange(1.04, 0.93, -0.01)}
    Table1['alpha'][0] = 1.05  # minor correction

    Table2 = {'AHyR' : np.arange(0,61),
              'EffD' : np.array([
                        16.3, 16.1, 16.0, 15.8, 15.6, 15.5, 15.3, 15.2,
                        15.0, 14.8, 14.7, 14.5, 14.3, 14.2, 14.0, 13.8,
                        13.7, 13.5, 13.3, 13.2, 13.0, 12.9, 12.7, 12.5,
                        12.4, 12.2, 12.0, 11.9, 11.7, 11.5, 11.4, 11.2,
                        11.1, 10.9, 10.7, 10.6, 10.4, 10.2, 10.1,  9.9,
                         9.7,  9.6,  9.4,  9.2,  9.1,  8.9,  8.8,  8.6,
                         8.4,  8.3,  8.1,  7.9,  7.8,  7.6,  7.4,  7.3,
                         7.1,  7.0,  6.8,  6.6, 6.5])}

    Table3 = {'SG' : np.arange(2.45,2.90,0.05),
              'T'  : np.arange(16.0,31.0,1.0),
              'K'  : np.array([[0.01530, 0.01505, 0.01481, 0.01457, 0.01435,
                                         0.01414, 0.01394, 0.01374, 0.01356],
                               [0.01511, 0.01486, 0.01462, 0.01439, 0.01417,
                                         0.01396, 0.01376, 0.01356, 0.01338],
                               [0.01492, 0.01467, 0.01443, 0.01421, 0.01399,
                                         0.01378, 0.01359, 0.01339, 0.01321],
                               [0.01474, 0.01449, 0.01425, 0.01403, 0.01382,
                                         0.01361, 0.01342, 0.01323, 0.01305],
                               [0.01456, 0.01431, 0.01408, 0.01386, 0.01365,
                                         0.01344, 0.01325, 0.01307, 0.01289],
                               [0.01438, 0.01414, 0.01391, 0.01374, 0.01369,
                                         0.01348, 0.01328, 0.01291, 0.01273],
                               [0.01421, 0.01397, 0.01374, 0.01353, 0.01332,
                                         0.01312, 0.01294, 0.01276, 0.01258],
                               [0.01404, 0.01381, 0.01358, 0.01337, 0.01317,
                                         0.01297, 0.01279, 0.01261, 0.01243],
                               [0.01388, 0.01365, 0.01342, 0.01321, 0.01301,
                                         0.01282, 0.01264, 0.01246, 0.01229],
                               [0.01372, 0.01349, 0.01327, 0.01306, 0.01286,
                                         0.01267, 0.01249, 0.01232, 0.01215],
                               [0.01357, 0.01334, 0.01312, 0.01291, 0.01272,
                                         0.01253, 0.01235, 0.01218, 0.01201],
                               [0.01342, 0.01319, 0.01297, 0.01277, 0.01258,
                                         0.01329, 0.01221, 0.01204, 0.01188],
                               [0.01327, 0.01304, 0.01283, 0.01264, 0.01255,
                                         0.01244, 0.01208, 0.01191, 0.01175],
                               [0.01312, 0.01290, 0.01269, 0.01249, 0.01230,
                                         0.01212, 0.01195, 0.01178, 0.01162],
                               [0.01298, 0.01276, 0.01256, 0.01236, 0.01217,
                                         0.01199, 0.01182, 0.01165, 0.01149]])}
    table1Interp = spi.interp1d(Table1['SG'], Table1['alpha'])
    table2Interp = spi.interp1d(Table2['AHyR'], Table2['EffD'])
    table3Interp = spi.interp2d(Table3['SG'], Table3['T'], Table3['K'])

    # initialize output arrays
    Dsve = np.array([])
    Dhyd = np.array([])
    PFsve = np.array([])
    PFhyd = np.array([])

    Mret = np.array([])
    # get the sieve data
    cmd = """SELECT dsve, mtot-msve
             FROM sieve
             WHERE loc_id = %d AND tube_num = %d""" % (loc_id, tube_num)
    cnn, cur = connectToDB(cmd)
    for row in cur:
        Dsve = np.hstack([Dsve, row[0]])
        Mret = np.hstack([Mret, row[1]])

    # read hydrometer data
    cmd = """SELECT time, hydr, temperature
             FROM hydrometer
             WHERE loc_id = %d AND tube_num = %d""" % (loc_id, tube_num)
    time = np.array([])
    hydr = np.array([])
    temp = np.array([])

    for row in cur:
        time = np.hstack([time, row[0]])
        hydr = np.hstack([hydr, row[1]])
        temp = np.hstack([temp, row[2]])

    # get info about that hydrometer test
    if len(time) == 0:
        cumFracRet = Mret.cumsum()/Mret.sum()
        PFsieve = (1 - cumFracRet[:-1]) * 100

        cmd = """SELECT msw, wcs_sn
                 FROM luhydrometer
                 WHERE loc_id = %d AND tube_num = %d""" % (loc_id, tube_num)
        Msw, wcs_sn = cur.fetchone()

        # hygroscopic water content of hydrometer soil
        wcHygro = waterContent(loc_id, tube_num, wcs_sn)
        Ms = Msw / (1 + wcHygro)

        Mcoarse = Mret.sum()
        Mfine = Ms - Mcoarse
        n = len(Mret)
        cumFracRet = Mret.cumsum()/Ms
        PFsieve = (1 - cumFracRet[:-1]) * 100

        hydrCF = getCalibFactors(301)
        hydrCorrection = hydrCF[0] + hydrCF[1] * temp + hydrCF[2] * temp**2
        hydrFinal = hydr - hydrCorrection

        SG = specificGravity(loc_id, tube_num)

        alpha = table1Interp(SG)
        PFhydro = hydrFinal * alpha / Ms * 100

        L = np.zeros(len(hydr))
        K = np.zeros(len(hydr))
        for n in range(len(hydr)):
            L[n] = table2Interp(hydr[n])
            K[n] = table3Interp(SG, temp[n])

        Dhyd = K * np.sqrt(L/time)

    D = np.hstack([Dsve[:-1], Dhyd])
    PF = np.hstack([PFsieve, PFhydro])

    label = None
    if plot:
        cmd = """SELECT L.county, T.top, T.bottom
                 FROM tubes T
                 INNER JOIN locations L ON T.loc_id = L.id
                 WHERE T.loc_id = %d AND T.num = %d""" % (loc_id, tube_num)
        tubeInfo = cur.fetchone()
        Label = '%s %0.1f ft to %0.1f ft' % tubeInfo

        fig = pl.figure()
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
        ax.plot(D, PF, 'ko', ms=6, label=Label)
        ax.set_ylabel('Percent Finer')
        ax.set_xlabel('Particle Size, mm')
        ax.legend(loc='lower right')

        fig.savefig('%s%d.pdf' % (tubeInfo[0], tube_num),
                    dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight')

    return D, PF, Label