def __init__( self , cfg , userEmail , passwd=None, ticket_id=None): self.log = getLogger('Mobyle.Session.AuthenticatedSession') self.cfg = cfg assert not(passwd and ticket_id), "please provide either a ticket id or a password" # TODO: clean up the parameters check """the maximum size of a session ( in bytes )""" self.sessionLimit = self.cfg.sessionlimit() self.__userEmail = userEmail authenticatedSessionAllowed = self.cfg.authenticatedSession() if authenticatedSessionAllowed == "no" : self.log.error("can't create session AUTHENTICATED_SESSION is set to \"no\" in Local/Config/") raise SessionError , "can't create authenticated session: permission denied" key = self.__newSessionKey() sessionDir = os.path.normpath( os.path.join( self.cfg.user_sessions_path() , AuthenticatedSession.DIRNAME , key ) ) self.key = key """ the user/session key""" self.Dir = sessionDir """ the path to this session directory """ if os.path.exists( sessionDir ): #the session already exist if passwd: if not self.checkPasswd( passwd ): "authentified/%s : Authentication Failure "% ( self.getKey() ) ) raise AuthenticationError , "Authentication Failure" else: self._getTicket() elif ticket_id and not self.checkTicket( ticket_id ): raise AuthenticationError , "Invalid ticket or expired ticket" else: self.__generateTicketId(ticket_id or None) else: #creation of new Session chk = self.__userEmail.check() if not chk: msg = " %s %s FORBIDDEN can't create authenticated session : %s" % ( self.__userEmail , os.environ[ 'REMOTE_ADDR' ] , self.__userEmail.getMessage() ) self.log.error( msg ) raise SessionError , "you are not allowed to register on this server for now" try: os.makedirs( sessionDir , 0755 ) #create parent directory except Exception, err: self.log.critical( "unable to create authenticated session : %s : %s" % ( sessionDir , err) , exc_info = True) raise SessionError , "unable to create authenticated session" mymd5 = md5() mymd5.update( passwd ) cryptPasswd = mymd5.hexdigest() authenticatedSessionAllowed = self.cfg.authenticatedSession() if authenticatedSessionAllowed == "yes": Transaction.create( os.path.join( sessionDir , self.FILENAME ) , True , #authenticated True , #activated userEmail = str( self.__userEmail ) , passwd = cryptPasswd ) self.__generateTicketId() elif authenticatedSessionAllowed == "email" : activatingKey = self.__newActivatingKey() try: from Mobyle.Net import Email mail = Email( self.__userEmail ) mail.send( 'CONFIRM_SESSION' , { 'SENDER' : self.cfg.sender() , 'HELP' : self.cfg.mailHelp() , 'SERVER_NAME' : self.cfg.portal_url() , 'ACTIVATING_KEY' : activatingKey , 'CGI_URL' : self.cfg.cgi_url() } ) Transaction.create( os.path.join( sessionDir , self.FILENAME ) , True , #authenticated False , #activated activatingKey = activatingKey , userEmail = self.__userEmail , passwd = cryptPasswd ) self.__generateTicketId() # api create( id , authenticated , activated , activatingKey = None , userEmail = None, passwd = None) except MobyleError , err : msg = "can't send an activation email, session creation aborted" self.log.error( "%s : %s " % ( msg , err ) ) os.rmdir( self.Dir ) raise SessionError , msg
def emailResults(cfg, userEmail, registry, ID, job_path, serviceName, jobKey, FileName=None): """ @param cfg: the configuration of Mobyle @type cfg: Config instance @param userEmail: the user email address @type userEmail: EmailAddress instance @param registry: the registry of deployed services @type registry: Registry.registry object @param ID: the ID of the job @type ID: string @param job_path: the absolute path to the job @type job_path: string @param serviceName: the name of the service @type serviceName: string @param jobKey: the key of the job @type jobKey: string @param FileName: the absolute path of zip file to attach to the email @type FileName: string or None """ from Mobyle.Net import Email from Mobyle.MobyleError import EmailError, TooBigError import os dont_email_result, maxmailsize = cfg.mailResults() if dont_email_result: return else: if userEmail: mail = Email(userEmail) jobInPortalUrl = "%s/" % (cfg.cgi_url(), registry.getJobPID(ID)) if FileName is not None: zipSize = os.path.getsize(FileName) mailDict = { "SENDER": cfg.sender(), "HELP": cfg.mailHelp(), "SERVER_NAME": cfg.portal_url(), "JOB_URL": jobInPortalUrl, "RESULTS_REMAIN": cfg.remainResults(), "JOB_NAME": serviceName, "JOB_KEY": jobKey, } if zipSize > maxmailsize - 2048: # 2048 octet is an estimated size of email headers try: mail.send("RESULTS_TOOBIG", mailDict) return except EmailError, err: msg = str(err) adm = Admin(job_path) adm.setMessage(msg) adm.commit() u_log.error("%s/%s : %s" % (serviceName, jobKey, msg)) return else: try: mail.send("RESULTS_FILES", mailDict, files=[FileName]) return except TooBigError, err: try: mail.send("RESULTS_TOOBIG", mailDict) except EmailError, err: msg = str(err) adm = Admin(job_path) adm.setMessage(msg) adm.commit() u_log.error("%s/%s : %s" % (serviceName, jobKey, msg)) return