Exemple #1
	def _doPost(self, dataObject):
		if "email" in dataObject and "password" in dataObject:

			username = dataObject['email']
			password = dataObject['password']

				umapper = UserMapper()
				selectedUser = umapper.getUserByEmail(username)
			except mdb.DatabaseError, e:
				raise ServerError("Unable to search the user database (%s: %s)" % e.args[0], e.args[1])

			# check we have a result
			if selectedUser is None:
				raise NotFound("We have no record of a user with the username %s" % username)

			# check password is correct	return corresponding key
			if not checkHash(password, selectedUser.getPassword()):
				raise Unauthorised("Failed to login with that username and password")

			# get API token from the database and return it
				rdata = {}
				ATM_ = ApitokenMapper()
				rdata["apitoken"] = ATM_.findTokenByUserId(selectedUser.getId()).getToken()
				rdata["user"] = selectedUser.dict(1)

				return self._response(rdata, CODE.CREATED)

			except mdb.DatabaseError, e:
				raise ServerError("Unable to get API key from the database (%s: %s)" % e.args[0], e.args[1])
Exemple #2
    def _doPost(self, dataObject):

        if "email" in dataObject and "password" in dataObject:
            UM = UserMapper()
            ATM = ApitokenMapper()

            # Build user and token objects
            user = User()

            if not checkEmail(dataObject["email"]):
                raise BadRequest("The e-mail supplied was invalid.")


            token = Apitoken()


            # Save changes to user

            # handle the possibility the user already exists
            except mdb.IntegrityError, e:
                raise Conflict(
                    "A user with that e-mail address exists already.")

            # handle all other DB errors
            except mdb.DatabaseError, e:
                raise ServerError(
                    "Unable to create user in the database (%s)" % e.args[1])
	def setApiKey(self, key):
		self.key = key

		if key is not None:
				ATM_ = ATM()
				apikey = ATM_.findByKey(key)
				if apikey is None:
					raise Unauthorised("An invalid API token was supplied.")

				self.apikey = apikey
				self.user = self.apikey.getUser()

			except mdb.DatabaseError, e:
				raise ServerError("Unable to search the user database (%s)" % e.args[1])

def main():
    from Common.config import TopHatConfig

    # setup the config
    kwargs = {"path": "/home/specialk/Dev/tophat/config.py"}

    # do the other stuff
    from Model.Mapper.qrzargamemapper import QRzarGameMapper
    from Model.Mapper.usermapper import UserMapper
    from Model.Mapper.killmapper import KillMapper
    from Model.Mapper.qrzarplayermapper import QRzarPlayerMapper
    from Model.Mapper.apitokenmapper import ApitokenMapper
    from Model.Mapper.objectwatcher import ObjectWatcher

    # Get All the current Users from the database
    UM = UserMapper()
    users = UM.findAll()
    for usr in users:
        print usr

    GM = QRzarGameMapper()
    games = GM.findAll()
    for game_ in games:
        print game_

    KM = KillMapper()
    kills = KM.findAll()

    for kill_ in kills:
        print kill_

    PM = QRzarPlayerMapper()
    players = PM.findAll()

    for player_ in players:
        print player_

    ATM = ApitokenMapper()
    tokens = ATM.findAll()
    for token in tokens:
        print token

    usr1 = UM.find(1)
def main():
	from Common.config import TopHatConfig

	#setup the config
	kwargs = {"path":"/home/specialk/Dev/tophat/config.py"}

	# do the other stuff
	from Model.Mapper.gamemapper import GameMapper
	from Model.Mapper.usermapper import UserMapper
	from Model.Mapper.killmapper import KillMapper
	from Model.Mapper.playermapper import PlayerMapper
	from Model.Mapper.apitokenmapper import ApitokenMapper
	from Model.Mapper.objectwatcher import ObjectWatcher

	# Get All the current Users from the database
	UM = UserMapper()
	users = UM.findAll()
	for usr in users:
		print usr

	KM = KillMapper()
	kills = KM.findAll()

	for kill_ in kills:
		print kill_

	PM = PlayerMapper()
	players = PM.findAll()

	for player_ in players:
		print player_

	GM = GameMapper()
	games = GM.findAll()
	for game_ in games:
		print game_

	ATM = ApitokenMapper()
	tokens = ATM.findAll()
	for token in tokens:
		print token

	usr1 = UM.find(1)
Exemple #6
    def setApiKey(self, key):
        self.key = key

        if key is not None:
                ATM_ = ATM()
                apikey = ATM_.findByKey(key)

                if apikey is None:
                    raise Unauthorised("An invalid API token was supplied.")

                self.apikey = apikey
                self.user = self.apikey.getUser()

            except mdb.DatabaseError, e:
                raise ServerError("Unable to search the user database (%s)" %

Exemple #7
				raise ServerError("Unable to get API key from the database (%s: %s)" % e.args[0], e.args[1])

			# Anonymous login
			rdata = {}

			token = Apitoken()

			blank = User()

			umapper = UserMapper()
			ATM = ApitokenMapper()


			# Save changes to user

			# handle the possibility the user already exists
			except mdb.IntegrityError, e:
				raise Conflict(CODE.CONFLICT, "A unexpected conflict occurred when trying to create your anonymous login token.")

			# handle all other DB errors
			except mdb.DatabaseError, e:
				raise ServerError("Unable to create user in the database (%s)" % e.args[1])