Exemple #1
class GameView():
    def __init__( self, **kwargs ):
        ## If a game id was provided, initialize the existing game
        if "gameid" in kwargs:
            self._initExisting( kwargs[ "gameid" ] )
        ## Otherwise, intialize a new game between the two given players
            self._initNew( kwargs[ "player1" ], kwargs[ "player2" ] )

    def _initNew( self, player1, player2 ):
        ## Create empty board
        self.board = Board()
        ## Save player info
        self.player1 = int( player1 )
        self.player2 = int( player2 )
        ## Save status
        self.status = "CHALLENGE"
        self.winner = None
        self.turn = 1

        ## Create new Game instance
        self.game = Game( player1 = self.player1, player2 = self.player2,
                          status = self.status, board = self.board.serialize(),
                          turn = self.turn, winner = self.winner, parent = Game.games_key() )
        ## Save new game to database
        key = self.game.put()
        self.gameid = key.id()
        ## Send an email to player 2
        player1_name = User.get_user_name( self.player1 )
        player2_user = User.by_id( self.player2 )
        HexEmail.sendChallenge( player2_user.email, player1_name )
    def _initExisting( self, gameid ):
        self.gameid = gameid
        ## Retrieve game from database
        self.game = Game.by_id( int( gameid ) )

        ## Load up player info
        self.player1 = self.game.player1
        self.player2 = self.game.player2
        self.status = self.game.status
        self.turn = self.game.turn
        self.winner = self.game.winner

        ## Create a new board instance        
        self.board = Board( self.game.board )
    def update_game( self, user, row, col ):
        ## Make sure the correct user is making the move
        player_to_move = self.player_to_move()
        ## If the wrong player moved, raise an exception
        if str( user.key().id() ) != str( player_to_move ):
            raise WrongTurnException( "It is not your turn to move" )
        ## If this game is already complete, raise an exception
        if self.status == "COMPLETE":
            raise AlreadyCompleteException( "The game is already finished" )
        ## Update the board
        self.board.update_board( row, col, self.turn )
        ## Check if game is now finished
        if self.board.is_finished( self.turn ):
            self.winner = self.player_to_move()
            self.status = "COMPLETE"
            ## Flip who's turn it is to move
            self.turn = ( self.turn % 2 ) + 1
        ## Update the underlying Game
        self.game.update_state( self.turn, self.board.serialize(), self.status, self.winner )
        ## Save underlying Game to the database
    def update_status( self, new_status ):
        self.status = new_status
        self.game.status = new_status
    def player_to_move( self ):
        ## Make sure the correct user is making the move
        return self.player1 if self.turn == 1 else self.player2
    def is_my_turn( self, user_id ):
        to_move = self.player_to_move()
        return self.status == "ACTIVE" and to_move == user_id
    def get_detailed_status( self, user_id ):

        ## Pending games
        if self.status == "CHALLENGE":
            player2_name = User.get_user_name( self.player2 )
            return "Waiting for %s to accept challenge" % player2_name
        ## Active games
        if self.is_my_turn( user_id ):
            return "My move"
        if self.status == "ACTIVE":
            return "Opponent's turn"

        ## Completed games
        if self.status == "COMPLETE":
            winner_name = User.get_user_name( self.winner )
            return "%s has won" % winner_name