Exemple #1
    def AttachModel(self, model):
        Attaches a CasADi model to this object, sets the model up for
        its eventual evaluation.
        Call like: AttachModel(model)
        self.model = model()
        self.neq = self.model.input(cs.DAE_X).size()
        self.ParamCount  = self.model.input(cs.DAE_P).size()
        # Some of this syntax is borrowed from Peter St. John.
        self.ylabels = [self.model.inputExpr(cs.DAE_X)[i].getName()
                        for i in xrange(self.neq)]
        self.plabels = [self.model.inputExpr(cs.DAE_P)[i].getName()
                        for i in xrange(self.ParamCount)]
        self.pdict = {}
        self.ydict = {}
        for par,ind in zip(self.plabels,range(0,self.ParamCount)):
            self.pdict[par] = ind
        for par,ind in zip(self.ylabels,range(0,self.neq)):
            self.ydict[par] = ind

        # Model now attached to object along with its contents.
        print "Model attached."
                        for i,d1 in enumerate(der1s)])
        self.ymax = np.array([spi(self.tmax[i]) for i,spi in enumerate(sps)])

        self.tmin = np.array([d1.roots()[der2s[i](d1.roots()) > 0]
                        for i,d1 in enumerate(der1s)])
        self.ymin = np.array([spi(self.tmin[i]) for i,spi in enumerate(sps)])

if __name__ == "__main__":

    from Models.tyson_model import model, param, EqCount

    lap = jha.laptimer()

    # initialize with 1s
    tyson = Oscillator(model(), param, np.ones(EqCount))
    print tyson.y0, 'setup time = %0.3f' %(lap() )

    # find a spot on LC
    tyson.y0 = np.ones(EqCount)
    print tyson.y0, 'y0 burn time = %0.3f' %(lap() )

    # or find a max and the approximate period
    print tyson.y0, tyson.T, 'y0 approx time = %0.3f' %(lap() )

    # find the period and y0 using a BVP solution
    print tyson.y0, tyson.T, 'y0 scipy bvp time = %0.3f' %(lap() )