Exemple #1
    def __init__(self):
        pi = _pi

        # Transform from raw mercator projection to tile coordinates
        t = deriveTransformation(-pi, pi, 0, 0, pi, pi, 1, 0, -pi, -pi, 0, 1)

        MercatorProjection.__init__(self, 0, t)
    def __init__(self):
        pi = _pi

        # Transform from raw mercator projection to tile coordinates
        t = deriveTransformation(-pi, pi, 0, 0, pi, pi, 1, 0, -pi, -pi, 0, 1)

        MercatorProjection.__init__(self, 0, t)
Exemple #3
def calculate_corners(aspect, x, y, size, theta):
    ''' Return latitude, longitude corners for a geometric placement.
    merc = MercatorProjection(0)
    # Get the natural angle of the hypotenuse from map aspect ratio,
    # measured from the lower-right to the upper-left corner and expressed
    # in CCW radians from due east.
    base_theta = atan2(1, -float(aspect))
    # Derive center-to-corners offset from natural angle and placement theta.
    place_theta = base_theta + theta
    dx = sin(place_theta - pi/2) * size/2
    dy = cos(place_theta - pi/2) * size/2

    ul = Point(x - dx, y + dy)
    lr = Point(x + dx, y - dy)
    # Convert back to degree latitude and longitude
    ul = merc.rawUnproject(ul)
    lr = merc.rawUnproject(lr)
    ul_lat, ul_lon = rad2deg(ul.y), rad2deg(ul.x)
    lr_lat, lr_lon = rad2deg(lr.y), rad2deg(lr.x)
    return ul_lat, ul_lon, lr_lat, lr_lon
Exemple #4
def preview_url(ul, ur, lr, ll):
    merc = MercatorProjection(0)

    ul = merc.rawUnproject(Point(*ul))
    ur = merc.rawUnproject(Point(*ur))
    lr = merc.rawUnproject(Point(*lr))
    ll = merc.rawUnproject(Point(*ll))

    q = dict(width='512', height='384', module='map')

    ulx, uly, urx, ury, lrx, lry, llx, lly \
        = [rad2deg(v) for v in (ul.x, ul.y, ur.x, ur.y, lr.x, lr.y, ll.x, ll.y)]

    xmin, ymin = min(ulx, urx, lrx, llx), min(uly, ury, lry, lly)
    xmax, ymax = max(uly, ury, lry, lly), max(ulx, urx, lrx, llx)
    perimeter = (ulx, uly, urx, ury, lrx, lry, llx, lly, ulx, uly)

    q.update(dict(polygons=','.join(['%.4f' % v for v in perimeter])))
        dict(bbox=','.join(('%.4f' % xmin, '%.4f' % ymax, '%.4f' % xmax,
                            '%.4f' % ymin))))

    return 'http://pafciu17.dev.openstreetmap.org/?' + urlencode(q)
Exemple #5
def build_rough_placement_polygon(aspect, ul_lat, ul_lon, lr_lat, lr_lon):
    ''' Return rough placement geometry.
        Length of map hypotenuse in mercator units, angle of hypotenuse
        in radians counter-clockwise from due east, and footprint polygon.
    merc = MercatorProjection(0)

    # Get the natural angle of the hypotenuse from map aspect ratio,
    # measured from the lower-right to the upper-left corner and expressed
    # in CCW radians from due east.
    base_theta = atan2(1, -float(aspect))

    # Convert corner lat, lons to conformal mercator projection
    ul = merc.rawProject(Point(deg2rad(ul_lon), deg2rad(ul_lat)))
    lr = merc.rawProject(Point(deg2rad(lr_lon), deg2rad(lr_lat)))

    # Derive dimensions of map in mercator units.
    map_hypotenuse = hypot(ul.x - lr.x, ul.y - lr.y)
    map_width = map_hypotenuse * sin(base_theta - pi / 2)
    map_height = map_hypotenuse * cos(base_theta - pi / 2)

    # Get the placed angle of the hypotenuse from the two placed corners,
    # again measured from the lower-right to the upper-left corner and
    # expressed in CCW radians from due east.
    place_theta = atan2(ul.y - lr.y, ul.x - lr.x)
    diff_theta = place_theta - base_theta

    # Derive the other two corners of the roughly-placed map,
    # and make a polygon in mercator units.
    dx = map_height * sin(diff_theta)
    dy = map_height * cos(diff_theta)
    ur = Point(lr.x - dx, lr.y + dy)

    dx = map_width * cos(diff_theta)
    dy = map_width * sin(diff_theta)
    ll = Point(lr.x - dx, lr.y - dy)

    poly = [(ul.x, ul.y), (ur.x, ur.y), (lr.x, lr.y), (ll.x, ll.y)]

    return map_hypotenuse, diff_theta, poly
Exemple #6
def build_rough_placement_polygon(aspect, ul_lat, ul_lon, lr_lat, lr_lon):
    ''' Return rough placement geometry.
        Length of map hypotenuse in mercator units, angle of hypotenuse
        in radians counter-clockwise from due east, and footprint polygon.
    merc = MercatorProjection(0)
    # Get the natural angle of the hypotenuse from map aspect ratio,
    # measured from the lower-right to the upper-left corner and expressed
    # in CCW radians from due east.
    base_theta = atan2(1, -float(aspect))

    # Convert corner lat, lons to conformal mercator projection
    ul = merc.rawProject(Point(deg2rad(ul_lon), deg2rad(ul_lat)))
    lr = merc.rawProject(Point(deg2rad(lr_lon), deg2rad(lr_lat)))
    # Derive dimensions of map in mercator units.
    map_hypotenuse = hypot(ul.x - lr.x, ul.y - lr.y)
    map_width = map_hypotenuse * sin(base_theta - pi/2)
    map_height = map_hypotenuse * cos(base_theta - pi/2)
    # Get the placed angle of the hypotenuse from the two placed corners,
    # again measured from the lower-right to the upper-left corner and
    # expressed in CCW radians from due east.
    place_theta = atan2(ul.y - lr.y, ul.x - lr.x)
    diff_theta = place_theta - base_theta
    # Derive the other two corners of the roughly-placed map,
    # and make a polygon in mercator units.
    dx = map_height * sin(diff_theta)
    dy = map_height * cos(diff_theta)
    ur = Point(lr.x - dx, lr.y + dy)
    dx = map_width * cos(diff_theta)
    dy = map_width * sin(diff_theta)
    ll = Point(lr.x - dx, lr.y - dy)
    poly = Polygon([(ul.x, ul.y), (ur.x, ur.y), (lr.x, lr.y), (ll.x, ll.y), (ul.x, ul.y)])
    return map_hypotenuse, diff_theta, poly
Exemple #7
def get_extent(gjson):
    extent = {}
    m = MercatorProjection(0)

    b = get_bbox(extract_coords(gjson))
    points = [[b[3], b[0]], [b[1], b[2]]]

    if (points[0][0] - points[1][0] == 0) or (points[1][1] - points[0][1]
                                              == 0):
        extent['lat'] = points[0][0]
        extent['lon'] = points[1][1]
        extent['zoom'] = 18
        i = float('inf')

        w = 800
        h = 600

        tl = [
            min(map(lambda x: x[0], points)),
            min(map(lambda x: x[1], points))
        br = [
            max(map(lambda x: x[0], points)),
            max(map(lambda x: x[1], points))

        c1 = m.locationCoordinate(Location(tl[0], tl[1]))
        c2 = m.locationCoordinate(Location(br[0], br[1]))

        while (abs(c1.column - c2.column) *
               256.0) < w and (abs(c1.row - c2.row) * 256.0) < h:
            c1 = c1.zoomBy(1)
            c2 = c2.zoomBy(1)

        center = m.coordinateLocation(
            Coordinate((c1.row + c2.row) / 2, (c1.column + c2.column) / 2,

        extent['lat'] = center.lat
        extent['lon'] = center.lon
        if c1.zoom > 18:
            extent['zoom'] = 18
            extent['zoom'] = c1.zoom

    return extent
Exemple #8
def get_extent(gjson):
    extent = {}
    m = MercatorProjection(0)

    b = get_bbox(extract_coords(gjson))
    points = [[b[3], b[0]], [b[1], b[2]]]

    if (points[0][0] - points[1][0] == 0) or (points[1][1] - points[0][1] == 0):
        extent['lat'] = points[0][0]
        extent['lon'] = points[1][1]
        extent['zoom'] = 18
        i = float('inf')
        w = 800
        h = 600
        tl = [min(map(lambda x: x[0], points)), min(map(lambda x: x[1], points))]
        br = [max(map(lambda x: x[0], points)), max(map(lambda x: x[1], points))]
        c1 = m.locationCoordinate(Location(tl[0], tl[1]))
        c2 = m.locationCoordinate(Location(br[0], br[1]))
        while (abs(c1.column - c2.column) * 256.0) < w and (abs(c1.row - c2.row) * 256.0) < h:
            c1 = c1.zoomBy(1)
            c2 = c2.zoomBy(1)
        center = m.coordinateLocation(Coordinate(
            (c1.row + c2.row) / 2,
            (c1.column + c2.column) / 2,
        extent['lat'] = center.lat
        extent['lon'] = center.lon
        if c1.zoom > 18:
            extent['zoom'] = 18
            extent['zoom'] = c1.zoom
    return extent
Exemple #9
def preview_url(ul, ur, lr, ll):
    merc = MercatorProjection(0)
    ul = merc.rawUnproject(Point(*ul))
    ur = merc.rawUnproject(Point(*ur))
    lr = merc.rawUnproject(Point(*lr))
    ll = merc.rawUnproject(Point(*ll))
    q = dict(width='512', height='384', module='map')

    ulx, uly, urx, ury, lrx, lry, llx, lly \
        = [rad2deg(v) for v in (ul.x, ul.y, ur.x, ur.y, lr.x, lr.y, ll.x, ll.y)]

    xmin, ymin = min(ulx, urx, lrx, llx), min(uly, ury, lry, lly)
    xmax, ymax = max(uly, ury, lry, lly), max(ulx, urx, lrx, llx)
    perimeter = (ulx, uly, urx, ury, lrx, lry, llx, lly, ulx, uly)

    q.update(dict(polygons=','.join(['%.4f' % v for v in perimeter])))
    q.update(dict(bbox=','.join(('%.4f' % xmin, '%.4f' % ymax, '%.4f' % xmax, '%.4f' % ymin))))
    return 'http://pafciu17.dev.openstreetmap.org/?' + urlencode(q)
Exemple #10
 def __init__(self):
     t = deriveTransformation(-pi, pi, 0, 0, pi, pi, 1, 0, -pi, -pi, 0, 1)
     self.projection = MercatorProjection(0, t)
Exemple #11
def get_projection():
    ''' Return the correct spherical mercator project for Nokia.
    # the spherical mercator world tile covers (-π, -π) to (π, π)
    t = deriveTransformation(-pi, pi, 0, 0, pi, pi, 1, 0, -pi, -pi, 0, 1)
    return MercatorProjection(0, t)
Exemple #12
    def __init__(self):
        # these numbers are slightly magic.
        t = Transformation(1.068070779e7, 0, 3.355443185e7,
                           0, -1.068070890e7, 3.355443057e7)

        MercatorProjection.__init__(self, 26, t)