def read_loader_config ( name ):
        reads the loader config to a tuple
        - name: the name of the file to read, according to "Objects" configuration name
        path = "{0}/{1}/{2}{3}".format(get("Objects"), get("Objects Configs"), name,  get("Objects Suffix"))
        r = [] # variable returned to the caller
                cfg = path )
                lines = cfg.readlines( )
                # Some pretty sketchy code to read the files
                for line in lines:
                        if line[0] != '#': #do not read the comments
                                        line = line.rstrip(" "+os.linesep)
                                        line_parts = line.split('=')
                                        r+=[[line_parts[0], line_parts[1]]]
        except Exception as e:
                print (e)
                sys.exit ( "!!! Modules.Config.LoaderConfigReader.read_loader_config Could not load the file: '{0}'".format( path ) )
        return r
 def font(name):
         # return pygame.font.Font(pygame.font.match_font(get("Font {0}".format(name))), int(get("Font {0} Size".format(name))))
         n,s = get("Font {0}".format(name)), int(get("Font {0} Size".format(name)))
         print('iii Loading Font {}, Size={}'.format(n,s))
         r = pygame.font.Font(pygame.font.match_font(n), s)
         #r = None
         #r = pygame.font.Font(pygame.font.match_font(None, s))
         print('iii Loaded Font {}, Size={}'.format(n,s))
         return r 
Exemple #3
def load_images(imglist):
        r = dict()
        for image in imglist:
                print ( "Loading image {0}".format(
                        "{0}/{1}/{2}".format(get("Objects"),get ( "Objects Images" ), image[1]  )
                img = pygame.image.load( "{0}/{1}/{2}".format(get("Objects"),get ( "Objects Images" ), image[1]  ) ).convert_alpha()
                r[image[0]] = img
        return r
        def init_screen(self):
                dims = self.dimensions
                opts = pygame.DOUBLEBUF | pygame.HWSURFACE | pygame.FULLSCREEN
                opts = pygame.DOUBLEBUF | pygame.HWSURFACE

                self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((dims[0], int(dims[1])), opts)
                pygame.display.set_caption( get("Game Name") )
 def init_modules(self):
         modules_list = get("Physics Modules").split(" ")
         self.class_list = dict()
         i = 0
         for module in modules_list:
                 self.class_list[module] = i
def load_images(imglist):
        r = dict()
        for image in imglist:
                p = "/Users/apple/Projects/Personal/Asteroids/{0}/{1}/{2}".format(get("Objects"),get ( "Objects Images" ), image[1]  )
                print ( "Loading image {0}".format(p))
                img = pygame.image.load(p).convert_alpha()
                r[image[0]] = img
        return r
 def load_config(self, name):
         cfg = ConfigReader2("{0}/{1}/{2}{3}".format(get("Objects"), get("Sprite Config Path"), name, get("Sprite Config Suffix")))
         path="{0}/{1}{2}".format(get("Sprite Image Path"), name, get("Sprite Image Suffix"))
         print (path)
         image = Modules.Object.Loader.load_images([['default',path]])['default']
         images = dict()
         surname = ""
         for sett in cfg.settings:
                 s = sett[0]
                 if s == "Sprite":
                         surname = sett[1]
                         images[surname] = []
                 elif s == "Picture":
                         c = sett[1].split(" ")
                         r = pygame.Rect ( int(c[0]), int(c[1]), int(c[2]), int(c[3]) ) 
                         surface = pygame.Surface( (r.w, r.h), pygame.SRCALPHA ).convert_alpha()
                         surface.blit( image, (-r.x, -r.y) )
                         images[surname] += [surface]
         return images
 def __init__(self):
         self.dimensions = ( int(get("Window Width")), int(get("Window Height")) )
         # 1 Objects under the standart objects
         self.fast_objects = []
         # 2 Standart obejcts
         self.objects = []
         # 3 Objects over the standart objects
         self.over_objects = []
         # 4 Texts which we want to show
         self.texts = []
         # 5 Interface objects we're blitting to the screen
         self.interfaces = []
         self.clock = pygame.time.Clock()
         self.fps = int(get("FPS"))
         self.tickcount = 0
         self.input = Input()
         self.stop = False
         self.global_mappings = GlobalKeyMappings(self)
02.12.2010 Andrej Cizov

Engine class
from Modules.Object.CustomObjects.GenericObject import GenericObject
import Modules.World
from Modules.Config import get
from Modules.World import World
from Modules.Vector25D import Vector25D

DIST_MULTIPLIER=float(get("Bomb Distance Multiplier"))**2

class GenericBomb(GenericObject):
        Bomb definitions
        def init(self):
        def set_counter(self, counter):
                self.counter = 300
        def set_power(self, p):
                self.power = p
        def set_radius(self, r):
                self.explode_in = r**2 
 def __init__(self,world):
         self.max = Vector25D ( float(get("Window Width")), float(get("Window Height")) )
         print ("iii Modules.Physics.Modules.ScreenLoop loaded")
Exemple #11
 def font(name):
         return pygame.font.Font(pygame.font.match_font(get("Font {0}".format(name))), int(get("Font {0} Size".format(name))))
from Modules.Object.CustomObjects.GenericObject import GenericObject
from Modules.Vector25D import Vector25D

from Modules.Config import get
import random
import Modules.Object.Loader
import Modules.World
import math

MAX_SMALL = int(get("Asteroids Children Max"))
VELOCITY_FACTOR = float(get("Asteroids Velocity Factor"))
COLLISION_DAMAGE = float(get("Asteroids Collision Damage Factor"))

class Asteroid(GenericObject):
    def init(self):
        self.large =["root"].large

    def create_small(self):
        if self.large:
            # asteroid calculation is quadratic. we have more chances to get a larger ammount of children, than small
            n = random.random()
            n = n ** 2
            n = int(math.ceil((1 - n) * MAX_SMALL))

            for i in range(0, n):
                asteroid = Modules.Object.Loader.load("SmallAsteroid", Asteroid)
                asteroid.P.v[0] = self.P[0] - self.rect.w / 2 + random.random() * self.rect.w
                asteroid.P.v[1] = self.P[1] - self.rect.h / 2 + random.random() * self.rect.h
                asteroid.P.v[2] = random.random() * 360
                asteroid.V = self.V + ((asteroid.P - self.V).norm() * VELOCITY_FACTOR * random.random())
from Modules.Object.CustomObjects.GenericObject import GenericObject
from Modules.Vector25D import Vector25D
from Modules.Config import get
import Modules.World
import pygame

DAMAGEMULT=float(get("Bullet Damage Multiplier"))
BULLETLIFESPAN=int(get("Bullet Lifespan"))

class Bullet(GenericObject):
        def __init__(self, P, V, r, color, mass):
                global BULLETLIFESPAN
                self.HP = 100
                self.V = V
                self.P = P
                self.mass = mass
                self.r = 4
                self.color = color
                self.rect = pygame.Rect( (P[0]-r/2, P[1]-r/2), (r/2, r/2) )
                self.lifespan = BULLETLIFESPAN
                self.mask = pygame.mask.Mask((1,1))
                self.mask.set_at((0,0), True)
        def static_blit(self):
        def draw(self, to):
                self.rect.x = self.P[0]-self.r/2
                self.rect.y = self.P[1]-self.r/2
 def init_config(self):
         self.pps = float(get("pps"))
 def get_all_indexes(self, name):
         module_names = get("Physics Modules "+name).split(" ")
         r = []
         for module in module_names:
         return r
Physics operation module
- detects collisions
- does force application to the main object
from __future__ import absolute_import

from Modules.Register import Register
from Modules.Config import get

from Modules.Vector25D import Vector25D
import math
import random

BLAST_FORCE_MULT=float(get("Blast Force Multiplier"))
BLAST_DAMAGE_MULT=float(get("Blast Damage Multiplier"))

class Physics(Register):
        def __init__(self, world):
       = world
                self.init_modules () 
                print ("iii Modules.Physics loaded modules: {0}".format(self.items()))
        def init_modules(self):
                modules_list = get("Physics Modules").split(" ")
                self.class_list = dict()
                i = 0
                for module in modules_list:
Exemple #17
 def init_screen(self):
         self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode(self.dimensions, pygame.DOUBLEBUF | pygame.HWSURFACE | pygame.FULLSCREEN)
         pygame.display.set_caption( get("Game Name") )