Exemple #1
 def _decode_0x51(self, p_controller_obj):
     """ Insteon Extended Message Received (25 bytes).
     See p 234(247) of 2009 developers guide.
     l_message = p_controller_obj._Message
     l_obj_from = utilDecode().get_obj_from_message(self.m_pyhouse_obj,
     _l_obj_to = utilDecode().get_obj_from_message(self.m_pyhouse_obj,
     _l_flags = l_message[8]
     l_cmd1 = l_message[9]
     l_cmd2 = l_message[10]
     l_extended = "{:X}.{:X}.{:X}.{:X}.{:X}.{:X}.{:X}.{:X}.{:X}.{:X}.{:X}.{:X}.{:X}.{:X}".format(
         l_message[11], l_message[12], l_message[13], l_message[14],
         l_message[15], l_message[16], l_message[17], l_message[18],
         l_message[19], l_message[20], l_message[21], l_message[22],
         l_message[23], l_message[24])
     if l_cmd1 == 0x03 and l_cmd2 == 0:  # Product Data request response
         l_product_key = self._get_addr_from_message(l_message, 12)
         l_devcat = l_message[15] * 256 + l_message[16]
             'ProdData Fm:"{}"; ProductID:"{}"; DevCat:"{}"; Data:"{}"'.
             format(l_obj_from.Name, l_product_key, l_devcat, l_extended))
         l_obj_from.ProductKey = l_product_key
         l_obj_from.DevCat = l_devcat
     p_controller_obj.Ret = True
     insteon_utils.update_insteon_obj(self.m_pyhouse_obj, l_obj_from)
Exemple #2
 def test_02_PutController(self):
     _l_controller = self.m_pyhouse_obj.House.Lighting.Controllers[0]
     # print(PrettyFormatAny.form(l_controller, 'F1-02-A - Controller'))
     l_addr = INSTEON_1_MSG
     l_ret = utilDecode().get_obj_from_message(self.m_pyhouse_obj, l_addr)
     l_ret.Port = PORT_NAME
     insteon_utils.update_insteon_obj(self.m_pyhouse_obj, l_ret)
     # print(PrettyFormatAny.form(l_controller, 'F1-02-B - l_ret'))
Exemple #3
 def _decode_0x60_record(self, p_controller_obj):
     """Get Insteon Modem Info (9 bytes).
     See p 273 of developers guide.
     l_message = p_controller_obj._Message
     l_obj = utilDecode().get_obj_from_message(self.m_pyhouse_obj,
     l_devcat = l_message[5]
     l_devsubcat = l_message[6]
     l_firmver = l_message[7]
         "== 60 - Insteon Modem Info - DevCat={}, DevSubCat={}, Firmware={} - Name={}"
         .format(l_devcat, l_devsubcat, l_firmver, l_obj.Name))
     if l_message[8] == ACK:
         insteon_utils.update_insteon_obj(self.m_pyhouse_obj, l_obj)
         p_controller_obj.Ret = True
         LOG.error("== 60 - No ACK - Got {:#x}".format(l_message[8]))
         p_controller_obj.Ret = False
    def decode_0x50(self, p_pyhouse_obj, p_device_obj, p_controller_obj):
        @param p_device_obj: is the Device (GDO, Motion...) we are decoding.

        A Standard-length INSTEON message is received from either a Controller or Responder that you are ALL-Linked to.
        See p 233(246) of 2009 developers guide.
        [0] = x02
        [1] = 0x50
        [2-4] = from address
        [5-7] = to address / group
        [8] = message flags
        [9] = command 1
        [10] = command 2
        l_message = p_controller_obj._Message

        l_device = SensorMessage(p_device_obj.Name, p_device_obj.RoomName,
                                 'Generic ')
        l_topic = 'houe/security/'
        l_mqtt_msg = 'security '
        if p_device_obj.DeviceSubType == 'GarageDoorOpener':
            l_mqtt_msg += 'Garage Door: '
            l_device.Type = 'Garage Door'
            l_topic += 'garage_door'
        elif p_device_obj.DeviceSubType == 'MotionDetector':
            l_mqtt_msg += 'Motion Sensor: '
            l_device.Type = 'Motion Sensor'
            l_topic += 'motion_sensor'
        l_firmware = l_message[7]
        l_flags = utilDecode._decode_insteon_message_flag(l_message[8])
        l_cmd1 = l_message[9]
        l_cmd2 = l_message[10]
        l_data = [l_cmd1, l_cmd2]
        l_mqtt_msg += 'Fm:"{}"; Flg:{}; C1:{:#x},{:#x}; '.format(
            p_device_obj.Name, l_flags, l_cmd1, l_cmd2)

        if l_message[8] & 0xE0 == 0x80:  #  100 - SB [Broadcast]
            l_mqtt_msg += utilDecode._devcat(l_message[5:7], p_device_obj)
        elif l_message[
                8] & 0xE0 == 0xC0:  #  110 - SA Broadcast = all link broadcast of group id
            l_group = l_message[7]
            l_mqtt_msg += 'A-L-brdcst-Gp:"{}","{}"; '.format(l_group, l_data)

        if l_cmd1 == MESSAGE_TYPES['cleanup_success']:  #  0x06
            l_mqtt_msg += 'CleanupSuccess with {} failures; '.format(l_cmd2)
        elif l_cmd1 == MESSAGE_TYPES['engine_version']:  #  0x0D
            p_device_obj.EngineVersion = l_cmd2
            l_mqtt_msg += 'Engine-version:"{}"; '.format(l_cmd2)
        elif l_cmd1 == MESSAGE_TYPES['id_request']:  #  0x10
            p_device_obj.FirmwareVersion = l_firmware
            l_mqtt_msg += 'Request-ID-From:"{}"; '.format(p_device_obj.Name)

        elif l_cmd1 == MESSAGE_TYPES['on']:  #  0x11
            if p_device_obj.DeviceSubType == 'GarageDoorOpener':  # The status turns on when the Garage Door goes closed
                l_mqtt_msg += 'Garage Door Closed; '.format(p_device_obj.Name)
                p_device_obj.Status = 'Close'
                l_device.Status = 'Garage Door Closed.'
            elif p_device_obj.DeviceSubType == 'MotionDetector':
                l_mqtt_msg += 'Motion Detected; '.format(p_device_obj.Name)
                l_device.Status = 'Motion Detected.'
                l_mqtt_msg += 'Unknown SubType {} for Device; '.format(
                    p_device_obj.DeviceSubType, p_device_obj.Name)
            if ((l_message[8] & 0xE0) >> 5) == 6:
                    l_topic, l_device)  #  /security

        elif l_cmd1 == MESSAGE_TYPES['off']:  #  0x13
            if p_device_obj.DeviceSubType == 'GarageDoorOpener':
                l_mqtt_msg += 'Garage Door Opened; '.format(p_device_obj.Name)
                p_device_obj.Status = 'Opened'
                l_device.Status = 'Garage Door Opened.'
            elif p_device_obj.DeviceSubType == 'MotionDetector':
                l_mqtt_msg += 'NO Motion; '.format(p_device_obj.Name)
                l_device.Status = 'Motion Stopped.'
                l_mqtt_msg += 'Unknown SubType {} for Device; '.format(
                    p_device_obj.DeviceSubType, p_device_obj.Name)
            if ((l_message[8] & 0xE0) >> 5) == 6:
                    l_topic, l_device)  #  /security

        LOG.info('Security {}'.format(l_mqtt_msg))
        insteon_utils.update_insteon_obj(p_pyhouse_obj, p_device_obj)
Exemple #5
    def decode_0x50(self, p_pyhouse_obj, p_controller_obj, p_device_obj):
        There are 2 types of responses here.
        One is from a request for information from the light type device.
        The other is a change of status from a light type device.

        @param p_controller_obj: is the controller that received the message
        @param p_device_obj: is

        A Standard-length INSTEON message is received from either a Controller or Responder that you are ALL-Linked to.
        See p 233(246) of 2009 developers guide.
        [0] = x02
        [1] = 0x50
        [2-4] = from address
        [5-7] = to address / group
        [8] = message flags
        [9] = command 1
        [10] = command 2
        l_message = p_controller_obj._Message

        l_mqtt_publish = False
        p_device_obj.BrightnessPct = '?'
        p_device_obj.ControllerNode = p_pyhouse_obj.Computer.Name
        p_device_obj.ControllerName = p_controller_obj.Name
        l_flags = utilDecode._decode_insteon_message_flag(l_message[8])
        l_cmd1 = l_message[9]
        l_cmd2 = l_message[10]
        l_data = [l_cmd1, l_cmd2]
        l_debug_msg = 'Fm:"{}"; Flg:{}; C1:{:#x},{:#x}; '.format(
            p_device_obj.Name, l_flags, l_cmd1, l_cmd2)
        #  Break down bits 7(msb), 6, 5 into message type
        if l_message[8] & 0xE0 == 0x80:  #  100 - SB [Broadcast]
            l_debug_msg += utilDecode._devcat(l_message[5:7], p_device_obj)
        elif l_message[
                8] & 0xE0 == 0xC0:  #  110 - SA Broadcast = all link broadcast of group id
            l_group = l_message[7]
            l_debug_msg += 'A-L-brdcst-Gp:"{}","{}"; '.format(l_group, l_data)
            # Query responses
            if l_cmd1 == MESSAGE_TYPES[
                    'assign_to_group'] and l_message[8] & 0xE0 == 0x80:  # 0x01
                l_debug_msg += ' Device-Set-Button-Pressed '
            elif l_cmd1 == MESSAGE_TYPES['delete_from_group'] and l_message[
                    8] & 0xE0 == 0x80:  # 0x02
                l_debug_msg += ' Controller-Set-Button-Pressed '
            elif l_cmd1 == MESSAGE_TYPES['product_data_request']:  #  0x03
                l_debug_msg += " Product-data-request."
            elif l_cmd1 == MESSAGE_TYPES['cleanup_success']:  #  0x06
                l_debug_msg += 'CleanupSuccess with {} failures; '.format(
            elif l_cmd1 == MESSAGE_TYPES['engine_version']:  #  0x0D
                p_device_obj.EngineVersion = l_cmd2
                l_debug_msg += 'Engine-version:"{}(i-{})"; '.format(
                    l_cmd2, l_cmd2 + 1)
            elif l_cmd1 == MESSAGE_TYPES['id_request']:  #  0x10
                p_device_obj.FirmwareVersion = l_cmd2
                l_debug_msg += 'Request-ID:"{}"; '.format(

            elif l_cmd1 == MESSAGE_TYPES['on']:  #  0x11
                p_device_obj.BrightnessPct = 100
                l_mqtt_publish = True
                l_debug_msg += 'Turn ON; '.format(p_device_obj.Name)
            elif l_cmd1 == MESSAGE_TYPES['off']:  #  0x13
                p_device_obj.BrightnessPct = 0
                l_mqtt_publish = True
                l_debug_msg += 'Turn OFF; '.format(p_device_obj.Name)
            elif l_cmd1 == MESSAGE_TYPES['status_request']:  #  0x19
                p_device_obj.BrightnessPct = l_level = utilDecode.decode_insteon_light_brightness(
                l_mqtt_publish = True
                l_debug_msg += 'Status of light:"{}"-level:"{}"; '.format(
                    p_device_obj.Name, l_level)
                l_debug_msg += '\n\tUnknown-type:{} - "{}"; '.format(
                    l_cmd1, FormatBytes(l_message))
                p_device_obj.BrightnessPct = utilDecode.decode_insteon_light_brightness(
                l_mqtt_publish = True
        except AttributeError as e_err:
            LOG.error('ERROR decoding 0x50 record {}'.format(e_err))

        insteon_utils.update_insteon_obj(p_pyhouse_obj, p_device_obj)
        p_controller_obj.Ret = True
        LOG.debug('Light Response {}'.format(l_debug_msg))
        LOG.info('Light: {}, Brightness: {}'.format(
            p_device_obj.Name, p_device_obj.BrightnessPct))
        if l_mqtt_publish:
            l_topic = 'house/lighting/light/status'
            p_pyhouse_obj._APIs.Core.MqttAPI.MqttPublish(l_topic, p_device_obj)
        return l_debug_msg