def test(): from Modules import commonBits java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_03' if window('Protocol Buffer Editor'): click('Choose File') if window('Open'): select(commonBits.selectPane(), 'ams_locdownload_20041228.bin') click('Open') close() click('Edit1') click('Filter1') select('Table1', 'Loc_Type', 'Field,0') select('Table1', 'st', 'Value,0') select('Table1', 'cell:Field,2(null)') click('Save1') ##select('FileChooser', commonBits.userDir() + 'Filter' + commonBits.fileSep() + 'xx1') commonBits.selectFileName(select, commonBits.userDir() + 'Filter' + commonBits.fileSep() + 'xx1') click('Save1') select_menu('Window>>ams_locdownload_20041228.bin>>Filter Options') click('Filter1') select('Table', 'cell:4|Loc_Name,0(Bankstown)') assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'Bankstown', '4|Loc_Name,0') select('Table', 'cell:3|Loc_Type,1(ST)') rightclick('Table', '3|Loc_Type,1') select_menu('Edit Record') ## select('Table1', 'cell:3|Loc_Type,1(ST)') select('Table', 'cell:Data,5(58 Leland Street)') assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'Penrith', 'Data,6') select('Table', 'cell:Data,5(58 Leland Street)') assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[Brand_Id, 1, , TAR, TAR], [Loc_Nbr, 2, , 5019, 5019], [Loc_Type, 3, , ST, ST], [Loc_Name, 4, , Penrith, Penrith], [Loc_Addr_Ln1, 5, , Penrith, Penrith], [Loc_Addr_Ln2, 6, , 58 Leland Street, 58 Leland Street], [Loc_Addr_Ln3, 7, , Penrith, Penrith], [Loc_Postcode, 8, , 2750, 2750], [Loc_State, 9, , NSW, NSW], [Loc_Actv_Ind, 10, , A, A]]') select('Table', 'cell:Data,5(58 Leland Street)') click('BasicInternalFrameTitlePane$NoFocusButton2') select('Table', 'cell:3|Loc_Type,1(ST)') select('Table', 'cell:3|Loc_Type,1(ST)') select_menu('Window>>ams_locdownload_20041228.bin>>Table:') select('Table2', 'cell:3|Loc_Type,1(ST)') select_menu('View>>Execute Saved Filter') #select('FileChooser', commonBits.userDir() + 'Filter' + commonBits.fileSep() +'xx1') commonBits.selectFileName(select, commonBits.userDir() + 'Filter' + commonBits.fileSep() + 'xx1') click('Run') select('Table', 'cell:4|Loc_Name,2(Blacktown)') assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'Blacktown', '4|Loc_Name,2') select('Table', 'cell:4|Loc_Name,5(Eastwood)') rightclick('Table', '4|Loc_Name,5') select_menu('Edit Record') ## select('Table1', 'cell:4|Loc_Name,5(Eastwood)') select('Table', 'cell:Data,4(Marayong Offsite Reserve)') assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'Marayong Offsite Reserve', 'Data,4') select('Table', 'cell:Data,4(Marayong Offsite Reserve)') assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[Brand_Id, 1, , TAR, TAR], [Loc_Nbr, 2, , 5052, 5052], [Loc_Type, 3, , ST, ST], [Loc_Name, 4, , Eastwood, Eastwood], [Loc_Addr_Ln1, 5, , Marayong Offsite Reserve, Marayong Offsite Reserve], [Loc_Addr_Ln2, 6, , 11 Melissa Place, 11 Melissa Place], [Loc_Addr_Ln3, 7, , Marayong, Marayong], [Loc_Postcode, 8, , 2148, 2148], [Loc_State, 9, , NSW, NSW], [Loc_Actv_Ind, 10, , A, A]]') close()
def test(): from Modules import commonBits java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_03' if window('File Compare'): click('*1') click('Choose File') if window('Open'): select('FilePane$3', 'Ams_LocDownload_20041228_Extract.txt') click('Open') close() click('Choose File1') if window('Open'): select('FilePane$3', 'Ams_LocDownload_20041228_Extract2.txt') click('Open') close() click('Right') select('TabbedPane', '') click('Right') select('TabbedPane', '') click('Choose File') if window('Save'): select('FilePane$3', 'Compare') doubleclick('FilePane$3', '0') select('File Name', 'zzTest_asmLocation.Xml') click('Open') close() click('Save1') assert_p('TextField', 'Text', '') assert_p('TextArea', 'Text', '') click('Compare') select('Table', 'cell:Loc Name,3(VIC West Ad Support)') assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'VIC West Ad Support', 'Loc Name,3') select('Table', 'cell:Loc Name,6(Miranda)') assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'Miranda', 'Loc Name,6') select('Table', 'cell:Loc Name,7(Ringwood)') assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[, , , , , , , , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 1, TAR, 5839, DC, DC - Taras Ave, , 30-68 Taras Ave, Altona North, 3025, VIC, A], [, , , , , , , , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 2, TAR, 5850, DC, VIC West Ad Support, , Lot 2 Little Boundary Rd, Laverton, 3028, VIC, A], [, Old, 4, TAR, 5035, ST, Rockdale, Building B, Portside DC, 2-8 Mc Pherson Street, Botany, 2019, NSW, A], [, New, 6, , 5096, , Canberra Civic, Target Canberra, Canberra City Centre, Akuna Ave, Canberra, 2601, ACT, ], [, Old, 5, TAR, 5037, ST, Miranda, Westfield Shoppingtown, Cnr. Urunga Pde & The Kingsway, Miranda, 2228, NSW, A], [, New, 7, , 5012, , Ringwood, Ringwood, Seymour Street, Ringwood, 3134, VIC, ], [, Old, 6, TAR, 5052, ST, Eastwood, Marayong Offsite Reserve, 11 Melissa Place, Marayong, 2148, NSW, A], [, New, 8, , 5030, , Epping, Epping Plaza Shopping Centre, Cnr. High & Cooper Streets, Epping, 3076, VIC, ], [, Old, 7, TAR, 5055, ST, Leichhardt, Marketown, Marion Street, Leichhardt, 2040, NSW, A], [, New, 9, , 5054, , Highpoint City, Laverton, Lot 2, Cnr Lt Boundry & Old Geelong Road, Laverton, 3028, VIC, ], [, Old, 8, TAR, 5060, ST, St Marys, St. Mary\'s, Charles Hackett Drive, St Mary\'s, 2760, NSW, A], [, New, 10, , 5062, , Castletown, Townsville, Cnr. Woolcock St. & Kings Road, Townsville, 4810, QLD, ], [, Old, 9, TAR, 5070, ST, Bass Hill, Bass Hill Plaza, 753 Hume Highway, Bass Hill, 2197, NSW, A], [, New, 11, , 5138, , Cairns Central, Cairns, Cnr. McLeod & Aplin Streets, Cairns, 4870, QLD, ], [, Old, 10, TAR, 5074, ST, Campbelltown, Campbelltown Mall, 303 Queen Street, Campbelltown, 2560, NSW, A], [, New, 12, , 5141, , The Willows, Thuringowa Central, Cnr Thuringowa Drive & Range Rd, Thuringowa Central, 4817, QLD, ], [, Old, 11, TAR, 5078, ST, Warringah Mall, Frenchs Forest, Units 2-3, 14 Aquatic Drive, Frenchs Forest, 2086, NSW, A], [, New, 13, , 5146, , Palmerston, Palmerston Shopping Centre, Temple Terrace, Palmerston, 0830, NT, ], [, Old, 12, TAR, 5081, ST, Ashfield, Ashfield Mall, Knox Street, Ashfield, 2131, NSW, A], [, New, 14, , 5002, , Coffs Harbour, Coffs Harbour, Cnr. Park Beach Road & Pacific Hwy, Coffs Harbour, 2450, , ], [, Old, 13, TAR, 5085, ST, Roselands, Condell park, Unit 2, 39-41 Allingham Street, Condell Park, 2200, NSW, A], [, New, 15, , 5966, DC, Huntingwood DC, Huntingwood DC, 35 Huntingwood Drive, Huntingwood, 2148, , ], [, , , , , , , , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 16, TAR, 5967, DC, Hendra DC, Hendra DC, Cnr Headly Ave & Nudgee Road, Hendra, 4011, QLD, A], [, , , , , , , , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 17, TAR, 5968, DC, Beverly DC, Beverly DC, 117 Main Street, Beverly, 5009, SA, A]]') select('Table', 'cell:Loc Name,7(Ringwood)') click('BasicInternalFrameTitlePane$NoFocusButton2') click('BasicInternalFrameTitlePane$NoFocusButton2') click('*') select('FileChooser', commonBits.userDir() + 'Compare\\zzTest_asmLocation.Xml') click('Run Compare') select('Table', 'cell:Loc Name,11(Highpoint City)') assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'Laverton', 'Loc Addr Ln1,11') select('Table', 'cell:Loc Name,14(Bass Hill)') assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'Bass Hill', 'Loc Name,14') select('Table', 'cell:Loc Name,16(Campbelltown)') assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[, , , , , , , , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 1, TAR, 5839, DC, DC - Taras Ave, , 30-68 Taras Ave, Altona North, 3025, VIC, A], [, , , , , , , , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 2, TAR, 5850, DC, VIC West Ad Support, , Lot 2 Little Boundary Rd, Laverton, 3028, VIC, A], [, Old, 4, TAR, 5035, ST, Rockdale, Building B, Portside DC, 2-8 Mc Pherson Street, Botany, 2019, NSW, A], [, New, 6, , 5096, , Canberra Civic, Target Canberra, Canberra City Centre, Akuna Ave, Canberra, 2601, ACT, ], [, Old, 5, TAR, 5037, ST, Miranda, Westfield Shoppingtown, Cnr. Urunga Pde & The Kingsway, Miranda, 2228, NSW, A], [, New, 7, , 5012, , Ringwood, Ringwood, Seymour Street, Ringwood, 3134, VIC, ], [, Old, 6, TAR, 5052, ST, Eastwood, Marayong Offsite Reserve, 11 Melissa Place, Marayong, 2148, NSW, A], [, New, 8, , 5030, , Epping, Epping Plaza Shopping Centre, Cnr. High & Cooper Streets, Epping, 3076, VIC, ], [, Old, 7, TAR, 5055, ST, Leichhardt, Marketown, Marion Street, Leichhardt, 2040, NSW, A], [, New, 9, , 5054, , Highpoint City, Laverton, Lot 2, Cnr Lt Boundry & Old Geelong Road, Laverton, 3028, VIC, ], [, Old, 8, TAR, 5060, ST, St Marys, St. Mary\'s, Charles Hackett Drive, St Mary\'s, 2760, NSW, A], [, New, 10, , 5062, , Castletown, Townsville, Cnr. Woolcock St. & Kings Road, Townsville, 4810, QLD, ], [, Old, 9, TAR, 5070, ST, Bass Hill, Bass Hill Plaza, 753 Hume Highway, Bass Hill, 2197, NSW, A], [, New, 11, , 5138, , Cairns Central, Cairns, Cnr. McLeod & Aplin Streets, Cairns, 4870, QLD, ], [, Old, 10, TAR, 5074, ST, Campbelltown, Campbelltown Mall, 303 Queen Street, Campbelltown, 2560, NSW, A], [, New, 12, , 5141, , The Willows, Thuringowa Central, Cnr Thuringowa Drive & Range Rd, Thuringowa Central, 4817, QLD, ], [, Old, 11, TAR, 5078, ST, Warringah Mall, Frenchs Forest, Units 2-3, 14 Aquatic Drive, Frenchs Forest, 2086, NSW, A], [, New, 13, , 5146, , Palmerston, Palmerston Shopping Centre, Temple Terrace, Palmerston, 0830, NT, ], [, Old, 12, TAR, 5081, ST, Ashfield, Ashfield Mall, Knox Street, Ashfield, 2131, NSW, A], [, New, 14, , 5002, , Coffs Harbour, Coffs Harbour, Cnr. Park Beach Road & Pacific Hwy, Coffs Harbour, 2450, , ], [, Old, 13, TAR, 5085, ST, Roselands, Condell park, Unit 2, 39-41 Allingham Street, Condell Park, 2200, NSW, A], [, New, 15, , 5966, DC, Huntingwood DC, Huntingwood DC, 35 Huntingwood Drive, Huntingwood, 2148, , ], [, , , , , , , , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 16, TAR, 5967, DC, Hendra DC, Hendra DC, Cnr Headly Ave & Nudgee Road, Hendra, 4011, QLD, A], [, , , , , , , , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 17, TAR, 5968, DC, Beverly DC, Beverly DC, 117 Main Street, Beverly, 5009, SA, A]]') close()
def test(): from Modules import commonBits java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_10' if window('File Copy'): click('*3') select('FileChooser', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'DTAR020.bin') select('FileChooser1', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'CpyCsvDtar020.Txt') commonBits.setRecordLayout2(select, 'DTAR020') select('DelimiterCombo', commonBits.fl('<Tab>')) click('Right') select('TabbedPane', '') select('Table1', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Include') + ',3(true)') click('Right') select('TabbedPane', '') select('FileChooser', commonBits.userDir() + 'cpy2csvDTAR020.xml') ##commonBits.selectFileName(select, commonBits.userDir() + 'cpy2csvDTAR020.xml') click(commonBits.fl('Save')) click(commonBits.fl('Copy')) assert_p('TextField1', 'Text', commonBits.fl('Copy Done !!!')) commonBits.closeWindow(click) close()
def test(): from Modules import commonBits java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_03' if window('Record Editor'): select('FileChooser', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'DTAR020.bin') click(commonBits.fl('Edit') + '1') select_menu(commonBits.fl('View') + '>>' + commonBits.fl('Sorted Field Tree')) # select('List', 'DTAR020') # select('List', 'DTAR020') select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Field') + ',0( )') # select('List', 'DTAR020') select('Table', 'DEPT-NO', commonBits.fl('Field') + ',0') select('Table', 'DATE', commonBits.fl('Field') + ',1') select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Field') + ',1(DATE)') select('Table1', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Function') + ',2()') select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Field') + ',1(DATE)') select('Table1', commonBits.fl('Maximum'), commonBits.fl('Function') + ',2') select('Table1', commonBits.fl('Maximum'), commonBits.fl('Function') + ',3') select('Table1', commonBits.fl('Sum'), commonBits.fl('Function') + ',4') select('Table1', commonBits.fl('Sum'), commonBits.fl('Function') + ',5') select('Table1', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Function') + ',5(Sum)') ##commonBits.save1(click) ##select('FileChooser', commonBits.userDir() + 'SortTree' + commonBits.fileSep() + 'xx2') commonBits.selectFileName(select, keystroke, commonBits.userDir() + 'SortTree' + commonBits.fileSep() + 'xx2') commonBits.save1(click) select_menu(commonBits.fl('Window') + '>>DTAR020.bin>>' + commonBits.fl('Create Sorted Tree')) click(commonBits.fl('Build Tree')) select('JTreeTable', 'cell:DATE,0(40118)') assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Text', '40118', 'DATE,0') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:DEPT-NO,0(60)') assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Text', '5', 'QTY-SOLD,2') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:SALE-PRICE,0(8.74)') assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Text', '166.94', 'SALE-PRICE,1') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:SALE-PRICE,1(166.94)') assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Text', '166.94', 'SALE-PRICE,1') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Tree') + ',1(null)') rightclick('JTreeTable', commonBits.fl('Tree') + ',1') select_menu(commonBits.fl('Expand Tree')) select('JTreeTable', 'cell:QTY-SOLD,2(8)') assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Text', '5', 'QTY-SOLD,3') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Tree') + ',2(null)') rightclick('JTreeTable', commonBits.fl('Tree') + ',2') select_menu(commonBits.fl('Expand Tree')) select('JTreeTable', 'cell:SALE-PRICE,3(12.99)') assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Text', '12.99', 'SALE-PRICE,4') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Tree') + ',14(null)') rightclick('JTreeTable', commonBits.fl('Tree') + ',14') select_menu(commonBits.fl('Edit Record')) select('JTreeTable', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Tree') + ',14(null)') commonBits.closeWindow(click) ##click('BasicInternalFrameTitlePane$NoFocusButton2') select_menu(commonBits.fl('Window') + '>>DTAR020.bin>>' + commonBits.fl('Table:')) select_menu(commonBits.fl('View') + '>>' + commonBits.fl('Execute Sort Tree')) ##select('FileChooser', commonBits.userDir() + 'SortTree' + commonBits.fileSep() + 'xx2') commonBits.selectFileName(select, keystroke, commonBits.userDir() + 'SortTree' + commonBits.fileSep() + 'xx2') click(commonBits.fl('Run') ) select('JTreeTable', 'cell:SALE-PRICE,1(166.94)') assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Text', '166.94', 'SALE-PRICE,1') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:SALE-PRICE,2(87.46)') assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Text', '87.46', 'SALE-PRICE,2') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:SALE-PRICE,3(-15.85)') assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Text', '-15.85', 'SALE-PRICE,3') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:SALE-PRICE,9(-4.00)') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:SALE-PRICE,7(14.09)') assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Text', '17.73', 'SALE-PRICE,8') close()
def test(): from Modules import commonBits java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_03' if window('Record Editor'): click('Choose File') if window('Open'): select(commonBits.selectPane(), 'utf8a_Ams_PODownload_20041231.txt') click('Open') close() commonBits.setRecordLayout(select, 'utf8_ams PO Download') click('Edit1') select_menu('View>>Record Based Tree') select('Table', 'ams PO Download: Header', 'Parent Record,0') select('Table', 'ams PO Download: Detail', 'Parent Record,2') # select('Table', '1', 'Parent Record,0') # select('Table', '0', 'Parent Record,2') select('Table', 'cell:Parent Record,2(0)') click('Save1') ##select('FileChooser', commonBits.userDir() + 'RecordTree' + commonBits.fileSep() + 'xx') commonBits.selectFileName( select, keystroke, commonBits.userDir() + 'RecordTree' + commonBits.fileSep() + 'xx') click('Save1') select_menu( 'Window>>utf8a_Ams_PODownload_20041231.txt>>Create Record Tree') click('Build') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:PO,0(286225)') assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Text', '286225', 'PO,0') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:PO,0(286225)') assert_p( 'JTreeTable', 'Content', '[[, , H1, 45.349, 6060, 286225, 040909, , 00, , 200, 050102, 050107, , , , LADIES KNI, C, FT], [, , H1, 45.350, 6228, 222227, 040909, , 00, , 200, 050102, 050107, , , , LADIES KNI, C, FT], [, , H1, 45.351, 6228, 222243, 040909, , 00, , 200, 050102, 050107, , , , LADIES KNI, C, FT], [, , H1, 45.352, 5341, 294915, 041013, , 00, , 475, 041231, 050107, P, , , WOMENS SHO, C, FT], [, , H1, 45.353, 5341, 294987, 041013, , 00, , 475, 041231, 050107, P, , , WOMENS SHO, C, FT], [, , H1, 45.354, 5341, 295139, 041013, , 00, , 475, 041231, 050107, P, , , WOMENS SHO, C, FT], [, , H1, 45.355, 5341, 303662, 041110, , 00, , 310, 041231, 050107, P, , , YOUTH SHOE, C, FT], [, , H1, 45.356, 5341, 304100, 041111, , 00, , 310, 041231, 050107, P, , , YOUTH SHOE, C, FT]]' ) select('JTreeTable', 'cell:PO,0(286225)') commonBits.closeWindow(click) ##click('BasicInternalFrameTitlePane$NoFocusButton2') select_menu('Window>>utf8a_Ams_PODownload_20041231.txt>>Table:') select_menu('View>>Execute Record Tree') ##select('FileChooser', commonBits.userDir() + 'RecordTree' + commonBits.fileSep() + 'xx') commonBits.selectFileName( select, keystroke, commonBits.userDir() + 'RecordTree' + commonBits.fileSep() + 'xx') click('Run Dialog') select('Table', 'cell:Record,1(ams PO Download: Header)') assert_p( 'Table', 'Content', '[[ams PO Download: Detail, 1], [ams PO Download: Header, -1], [ams PO Download: Allocation, 0]]' ) select('Table', 'cell:Record,1(ams PO Download: Header)') click('Build') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:PO,0(286225)') assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Text', '222227', 'PO,1') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:PO,3(294915)') assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Text', '294915', 'PO,3') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:PO,3(294915)') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:PO,5(295139)') assert_p( 'JTreeTable', 'Content', '[[, , H1, 45.349, 6060, 286225, 040909, , 00, , 200, 050102, 050107, , , , LADIES KNI, C, FT], [, , H1, 45.350, 6228, 222227, 040909, , 00, , 200, 050102, 050107, , , , LADIES KNI, C, FT], [, , H1, 45.351, 6228, 222243, 040909, , 00, , 200, 050102, 050107, , , , LADIES KNI, C, FT], [, , H1, 45.352, 5341, 294915, 041013, , 00, , 475, 041231, 050107, P, , , WOMENS SHO, C, FT], [, , H1, 45.353, 5341, 294987, 041013, , 00, , 475, 041231, 050107, P, , , WOMENS SHO, C, FT], [, , H1, 45.354, 5341, 295139, 041013, , 00, , 475, 041231, 050107, P, , , WOMENS SHO, C, FT], [, , H1, 45.355, 5341, 303662, 041110, , 00, , 310, 041231, 050107, P, , , YOUTH SHOE, C, FT], [, , H1, 45.356, 5341, 304100, 041111, , 00, , 310, 041231, 050107, P, , , YOUTH SHOE, C, FT]]' ) select('JTreeTable', 'cell:PO,5(295139)') commonBits.closeWindow(click) ##click('BasicInternalFrameTitlePane$NoFocusButton2') select_menu('Window>>utf8a_Ams_PODownload_20041231.txt>>Table:') select_menu('View>>Execute Record Tree') ##select('FileChooser', commonBits.userDir() + 'RecordTree' + commonBits.fileSep() + 'xx') commonBits.selectFileName( select, keystroke, commonBits.userDir() + 'RecordTree' + commonBits.fileSep() + 'xx') click('Run') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:Sequence Number,2(45.351)') assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Text', '45.352', 'Sequence Number,3') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:PO,5(295139)') assert_p( 'JTreeTable', 'Content', '[[, , H1, 45.349, 6060, 286225, 040909, , 00, , 200, 050102, 050107, , , , LADIES KNI, C, FT], [, , H1, 45.350, 6228, 222227, 040909, , 00, , 200, 050102, 050107, , , , LADIES KNI, C, FT], [, , H1, 45.351, 6228, 222243, 040909, , 00, , 200, 050102, 050107, , , , LADIES KNI, C, FT], [, , H1, 45.352, 5341, 294915, 041013, , 00, , 475, 041231, 050107, P, , , WOMENS SHO, C, FT], [, , H1, 45.353, 5341, 294987, 041013, , 00, , 475, 041231, 050107, P, , , WOMENS SHO, C, FT], [, , H1, 45.354, 5341, 295139, 041013, , 00, , 475, 041231, 050107, P, , , WOMENS SHO, C, FT], [, , H1, 45.355, 5341, 303662, 041110, , 00, , 310, 041231, 050107, P, , , YOUTH SHOE, C, FT], [, , H1, 45.356, 5341, 304100, 041111, , 00, , 310, 041231, 050107, P, , , YOUTH SHOE, C, FT]]' ) select('JTreeTable', 'cell:PO,5(295139)') commonBits.closeWindow(click) ##click('BasicInternalFrameTitlePane$NoFocusButton2') close()
def test(): from Modules import commonBits java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_03' if window('Record Editor'): click(commonBits.fl('Choose File')) if window('Open'): select(commonBits.selectPane(), 'Ams_LocDownload_20041228.txt') click('Open') close() click(commonBits.fl('Edit') + '1') click('Filter1') select('Table1', 'Loc Type', commonBits.fl('Field') + ',0') select('Table1', 'st', commonBits.fl('Value') + ',0') select('Table1', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Field') + ',2(null)') commonBits.save1(click) ##select('FileChooser', commonBits.userDir() + 'Filter' + commonBits.fileSep() + 'xx2') commonBits.selectFileName(select, keystroke, commonBits.userDir() + 'Filter' + commonBits.fileSep() + 'xx2') commonBits.save1(click) select_menu(commonBits.fl('Window') + '>>Ams_LocDownload_20041228.txt>>' + commonBits.fl('Filter Options')) commonBits.filter(click) select('Table', 'cell:10 - 35|Loc Name,0(Bankstown)') assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'Bankstown', '10 - 35|Loc Name,0') select('Table', 'cell:8 - 2|Loc Type,1(ST)') rightclick('Table', '8 - 2|Loc Type,1') select_menu(commonBits.fl('Edit Record')) ## select('Table1', 'cell:8 - 2|Loc Type,1(ST)') select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',5(58 Leland Street)') assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'Penrith', commonBits.fl('Data') + ',6') select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',5(58 Leland Street)') assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[Brand Id, 1, 3, TAR, TAR], [Loc Nbr, 4, 4, 5019, 5019], [Loc Type, 8, 2, ST, ST], [Loc Name, 10, 35, Penrith, Penrith], [Loc Addr Ln1, 45, 40, Penrith, Penrith], [Loc Addr Ln2, 85, 40, 58 Leland Street, 58 Leland Street], [Loc Addr Ln3, 125, 35, Penrith, Penrith], [Loc Postcode, 160, 10, 2750, 2750], [Loc State, 170, 3, NSW, NSW], [Loc Actv Ind, 173, 1, A, A]]') select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',5(58 Leland Street)') commonBits.closeWindow(click) ##click('BasicInternalFrameTitlePane$NoFocusButton2') select('Table', 'cell:8 - 2|Loc Type,1(ST)') select('Table', 'cell:8 - 2|Loc Type,1(ST)') select_menu(commonBits.fl('Window') + '>>Ams_LocDownload_20041228.txt>>' + commonBits.fl('Table:')) select('Table2', 'cell:8 - 2|Loc Type,1(ST)') select_menu(commonBits.fl('View') + '>>' + commonBits.fl('Execute Saved Filter')) ##select('FileChooser', commonBits.userDir() + 'Filter' + commonBits.fileSep() + 'xx2') commonBits.selectFileName(select, keystroke, commonBits.userDir() + 'Filter' + commonBits.fileSep() + 'xx2') click(commonBits.fl('Run Dialog') ) select('Table1', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Value') + ',0(st)') rightclick('Table1', commonBits.fl('Value') + ',0') select('Table1', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Value') + ',0(st)') rightclick('Table1', commonBits.fl('Value') + ',0') assert_p('Table1', 'Text', 'st', commonBits.fl('Value') + ',0') select('Table1', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Value') + ',0(st)') ## assert_p('Table1', 'Content', '[[Loc Type, true, Contains, st], [, true, Contains, ], [, true, Contains, ], [, true, Contains, ]]') ## assert_p('Table1', 'Content', '[[, , Loc Type, true, Contains, st], [, And, , true, Contains, ], [, And, , true, Contains, ], [, And, , true, Contains, ], [, And, , true, Contains, ], [, And, , true, Contains, ], [, And, , true, Contains, ], [, And, , true, Contains, ], [, And, , true, Contains, ], [, And, , true, Contains, ], [, And, , true, Contains, ], [, And, , true, Contains, ], [, And, , true, Contains, ], [, And, , true, Contains, ], [, And, , true, Contains, ], [, And, , true, Contains, ]]'); ## assert_p('Table1', 'Content', '[[, , Loc Type, true, ' + commonBits.fl('Contains') + ', st], [, And, , true, ' + commonBits.fl('Contains') + ', ], [, And, , true, ' + commonBits.fl('Contains') + ', ], [, And, , true, ' + commonBits.fl('Contains') + ', ], [, And, , true, ' + commonBits.fl('Contains') + ', ], [, And, , true, ' + commonBits.fl('Contains') + ', ], [, And, , true, ' + commonBits.fl('Contains') + ', ], [, And, , true, ' + commonBits.fl('Contains') + ', ], [, And, , true, ' + commonBits.fl('Contains') + ', ], [, And, , true, ' + commonBits.fl('Contains') + ', ], [, And, , true, ' + commonBits.fl('Contains') + ', ], [, And, , true, ' + commonBits.fl('Contains') + ', ], [, And, , true, ' + commonBits.fl('Contains') + ', ], [, And, , true, ' + commonBits.fl('Contains') + ', ], [, And, , true, ' + commonBits.fl('Contains') + ', ], [, And, , true, ' + commonBits.fl('Contains') + ', ], [, And, , true, ' + commonBits.fl('Contains') + ', ], [, And, , true, ' + commonBits.fl('Contains') + ', ], [, And, , true, ' + commonBits.fl('Contains') + ', ], [, And, , true, ' + commonBits.fl('Contains') + ', ]]'); assert_p('Table1', 'Content', '[[, , Loc Type, true, ' + commonBits.fl('Contains') + ', st], [, ' + commonBits.fl('And') + ', , true, ' + commonBits.fl('Contains') + ', ], [, ' + commonBits.fl('And') + ', , true, ' + commonBits.fl('Contains') + ', ], [, ' + commonBits.fl('And') + ', , true, ' + commonBits.fl('Contains') + ', ], [, ' + commonBits.fl('And') + ', , true, ' + commonBits.fl('Contains') + ', ], [, ' + commonBits.fl('And') + ', , true, ' + commonBits.fl('Contains') + ', ], [, ' + commonBits.fl('And') + ', , true, ' + commonBits.fl('Contains') + ', ], [, ' + commonBits.fl('And') + ', , true, ' + commonBits.fl('Contains') + ', ], [, ' + commonBits.fl('And') + ', , true, ' + commonBits.fl('Contains') + ', ], [, ' + commonBits.fl('And') + ', , true, ' + commonBits.fl('Contains') + ', ], [, ' + commonBits.fl('And') + ', , true, ' + commonBits.fl('Contains') + ', ], [, ' + commonBits.fl('And') + ', , true, ' + commonBits.fl('Contains') + ', ], [, ' + commonBits.fl('And') + ', , true, ' + commonBits.fl('Contains') + ', ], [, ' + commonBits.fl('And') + ', , true, ' + commonBits.fl('Contains') + ', ], [, ' + commonBits.fl('And') + ', , true, ' + commonBits.fl('Contains') + ', ], [, ' + commonBits.fl('And') + ', , true, ' + commonBits.fl('Contains') + ', ], [, ' + commonBits.fl('And') + ', , true, ' + commonBits.fl('Contains') + ', ], [, ' + commonBits.fl('And') + ', , true, ' + commonBits.fl('Contains') + ', ], [, ' + commonBits.fl('And') + ', , true, ' + commonBits.fl('Contains') + ', ], [, ' + commonBits.fl('And') + ', , true, ' + commonBits.fl('Contains') + ', ]]'); ## assert_p('Table1', 'Content', '[[, , Loc Type, true, ' + commonBits.fl('Contains') + ', st], [, And, , true, ' + commonBits.fl('Contains') + ', ], [, And, , true, ' + commonBits.fl('Contains') + ', ], [, And, , true, ' + commonBits.fl('Contains') + ', ], [, And, , true, ' + commonBits.fl('Contains') + ', ], [, And, , true, ' + commonBits.fl('Contains') + ', ], [, And, , true, ' + commonBits.fl('Contains') + ', ], [, And, , true, ' + commonBits.fl('Contains') + ', ], [, And, , true, ' + commonBits.fl('Contains') + ', ], [, And, , true, ' + commonBits.fl('Contains') + ', ], [, And, , true, ' + commonBits.fl('Contains') + ', ], [, And, , true, ' + commonBits.fl('Contains') + ', ], [, And, , true, ' + commonBits.fl('Contains') + ', ], [, And, , true, ' + commonBits.fl('Contains') + ', ], [, And, , true, ' + commonBits.fl('Contains') + ', ], [, And, , true, ' + commonBits.fl('Contains') + ', ]]'); select('Table1', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Value') + ',0(st)') commonBits.filter(click) select('Table', 'cell:10 - 35|Loc Name,6(Leichhardt)') assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'Leichhardt', '10 - 35|Loc Name,6') select('Table', 'cell:10 - 35|Loc Name,13(Carlingford Court)') rightclick('Table', '10 - 35|Loc Name,13') select_menu(commonBits.fl('Edit Record')) ## select('Table1', 'cell:10 - 35|Loc Name,13(Carlingford Court)') select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',5(Dock 1, 11 Melissa Place)') assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'Dock 1, 11 Melissa Place', commonBits.fl('Data') + ',5') select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',5(Dock 1, 11 Melissa Place)') assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[Brand Id, 1, 3, TAR, TAR], [Loc Nbr, 4, 4, 5090, 5090], [Loc Type, 8, 2, ST, ST], [Loc Name, 10, 35, Carlingford Court, Carlingford Court], [Loc Addr Ln1, 45, 40, , ], [Loc Addr Ln2, 85, 40, Dock 1, 11 Melissa Place, Dock 1, 11 Melissa Place], [Loc Addr Ln3, 125, 35, Marayong, Marayong], [Loc Postcode, 160, 10, 2148, 2148], [Loc State, 170, 3, NSW, NSW], [Loc Actv Ind, 173, 1, A, A]]')
def test(): from Modules import commonBits java_recorded_version = "1.6.0_03" if window("Protocol Buffer Editor"): select_menu("Utilities>>Compare Menu") click("*1") click("Choose File") if window("Open"): select(commonBits.selectPaneFn(), "Ams_LocDownload_20041228_Extract.bin") click("Open") close() click("Choose File1") if window("Open"): select(commonBits.selectPaneFn(), "Ams_LocDownload_20041228_Extract2.bin") click("Open") close() # commonBits.setRecordLayout2(select, 'ams Store') click("Right") select("TabbedPane", "") click("Right") select("TabbedPane", "") click("Choose File") if window("Save"): ## select(commonBits.selectPane(), 'Compare') ## doubleclick(commonBits.selectPane(), '0') if commonBits.isWindowsLook(): select(commonBits.selectPane(), "zzTest_asmLocation.Xml") else: select("File Name", "zzTest_asmLocation.Xml") click("Save") close() click("Save1") assert_p("TextField", "Text", "") assert_p("TextArea", "Text", "") click("Compare") select("Table", "cell:Loc_Name,3(VIC West Ad Support)") assert_p("Table", "Text", "VIC West Ad Support", "Loc_Name,3") select("Table", "cell:Loc_Name,6(Miranda)") assert_p("Table", "Text", "Miranda", "Loc_Name,6") select("Table", "cell:Loc_Name,7(Ringwood)") assert_p( "Table", "Content", "[[, , , , , , , , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 1, TAR, 5839, DC, DC - Taras Ave, , 30-68 Taras Ave, Altona North, 3025, VIC, A], [, , , , , , , , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 2, TAR, 5850, DC, VIC West Ad Support, , Lot 2 Little Boundary Rd, Laverton, 3028, VIC, A], [, Old, 4, TAR, 5035, ST, Rockdale, Building B, Portside DC, 2-8 Mc Pherson Street, Botany, 2019, NSW, A], [, New, 6, , 5096, , Canberra Civic, Target Canberra, Canberra City Centre, Akuna Ave, Canberra, 2601, ACT, ], [, Old, 5, TAR, 5037, ST, Miranda, Westfield Shoppingtown, Cnr. Urunga Pde & The Kingsway, Miranda, 2228, NSW, A], [, New, 7, , 5012, , Ringwood, Ringwood, Seymour Street, Ringwood, 3134, VIC, ], [, Old, 6, TAR, 5052, ST, Eastwood, Marayong Offsite Reserve, 11 Melissa Place, Marayong, 2148, NSW, A], [, New, 8, , 5030, , Epping, Epping Plaza Shopping Centre, Cnr. High & Cooper Streets, Epping, 3076, VIC, ], [, Old, 7, TAR, 5055, ST, Leichhardt, Marketown, Marion Street, Leichhardt, 2040, NSW, A], [, New, 9, , 5054, , Highpoint City, Laverton, Lot 2, Cnr Lt Boundry & Old Geelong Road, Laverton, 3028, VIC, ], [, Old, 8, TAR, 5060, ST, St Marys, St. Mary's, Charles Hackett Drive, St Mary's, 2760, NSW, A], [, New, 10, , 5062, , Castletown, Townsville, Cnr. Woolcock St. & Kings Road, Townsville, 4810, QLD, ], [, Old, 9, TAR, 5070, ST, Bass Hill, Bass Hill Plaza, 753 Hume Highway, Bass Hill, 2197, NSW, A], [, New, 11, , 5138, , Cairns Central, Cairns, Cnr. McLeod & Aplin Streets, Cairns, 4870, QLD, ], [, Old, 10, TAR, 5074, ST, Campbelltown, Campbelltown Mall, 303 Queen Street, Campbelltown, 2560, NSW, A], [, New, 12, , 5141, , The Willows, Thuringowa Central, Cnr Thuringowa Drive & Range Rd, Thuringowa Central, 4817, QLD, ], [, Old, 11, TAR, 5078, ST, Warringah Mall, Frenchs Forest, Units 2-3, 14 Aquatic Drive, Frenchs Forest, 2086, NSW, A], [, New, 13, , 5146, , Palmerston, Palmerston Shopping Centre, Temple Terrace, Palmerston, 830, NT, ], [, Old, 12, TAR, 5081, ST, Ashfield, Ashfield Mall, Knox Street, Ashfield, 2131, NSW, A], [, New, 14, , 5002, , Coffs Harbour, Coffs Harbour, Cnr. Park Beach Road & Pacific Hwy, Coffs Harbour, 2450, , ], [, Old, 13, TAR, 5085, ST, Roselands, Condell park, Unit 2, 39-41 Allingham Street, Condell Park, 2200, NSW, A], [, New, 15, , 5966, DC, Huntingwood DC, Huntingwood DC, 35 Huntingwood Drive, Huntingwood, 2148, , ], [, , , , , , , , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 16, TAR, 5967, DC, Hendra DC, Hendra DC, Cnr Headly Ave & Nudgee Road, Hendra, 4011, QLD, A], [, , , , , , , , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 17, TAR, 5968, DC, Beverly DC, Beverly DC, 117 Main Street, Beverly, 5009, SA, A]]", ) select("Table", "cell:Loc_Name,7(Ringwood)") click("BasicInternalFrameTitlePane$NoFocusButton2") click("BasicInternalFrameTitlePane$NoFocusButton2") click("*") select("FileChooser", commonBits.userDir() + "Compare" + commonBits.fileSep() + "zzTest_asmLocation.Xml") click("Run Compare") select("Table", "cell:Loc_Name,11(Highpoint City)") assert_p("Table", "Text", "Laverton", "Loc_Addr_Ln1,11") select("Table", "cell:Loc_Name,14(Bass Hill)") assert_p("Table", "Text", "Bass Hill", "Loc_Name,14") select("Table", "cell:Loc_Name,16(Campbelltown)") assert_p( "Table", "Content", "[[, , , , , , , , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 1, TAR, 5839, DC, DC - Taras Ave, , 30-68 Taras Ave, Altona North, 3025, VIC, A], [, , , , , , , , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 2, TAR, 5850, DC, VIC West Ad Support, , Lot 2 Little Boundary Rd, Laverton, 3028, VIC, A], [, Old, 4, TAR, 5035, ST, Rockdale, Building B, Portside DC, 2-8 Mc Pherson Street, Botany, 2019, NSW, A], [, New, 6, , 5096, , Canberra Civic, Target Canberra, Canberra City Centre, Akuna Ave, Canberra, 2601, ACT, ], [, Old, 5, TAR, 5037, ST, Miranda, Westfield Shoppingtown, Cnr. Urunga Pde & The Kingsway, Miranda, 2228, NSW, A], [, New, 7, , 5012, , Ringwood, Ringwood, Seymour Street, Ringwood, 3134, VIC, ], [, Old, 6, TAR, 5052, ST, Eastwood, Marayong Offsite Reserve, 11 Melissa Place, Marayong, 2148, NSW, A], [, New, 8, , 5030, , Epping, Epping Plaza Shopping Centre, Cnr. High & Cooper Streets, Epping, 3076, VIC, ], [, Old, 7, TAR, 5055, ST, Leichhardt, Marketown, Marion Street, Leichhardt, 2040, NSW, A], [, New, 9, , 5054, , Highpoint City, Laverton, Lot 2, Cnr Lt Boundry & Old Geelong Road, Laverton, 3028, VIC, ], [, Old, 8, TAR, 5060, ST, St Marys, St. Mary's, Charles Hackett Drive, St Mary's, 2760, NSW, A], [, New, 10, , 5062, , Castletown, Townsville, Cnr. Woolcock St. & Kings Road, Townsville, 4810, QLD, ], [, Old, 9, TAR, 5070, ST, Bass Hill, Bass Hill Plaza, 753 Hume Highway, Bass Hill, 2197, NSW, A], [, New, 11, , 5138, , Cairns Central, Cairns, Cnr. McLeod & Aplin Streets, Cairns, 4870, QLD, ], [, Old, 10, TAR, 5074, ST, Campbelltown, Campbelltown Mall, 303 Queen Street, Campbelltown, 2560, NSW, A], [, New, 12, , 5141, , The Willows, Thuringowa Central, Cnr Thuringowa Drive & Range Rd, Thuringowa Central, 4817, QLD, ], [, Old, 11, TAR, 5078, ST, Warringah Mall, Frenchs Forest, Units 2-3, 14 Aquatic Drive, Frenchs Forest, 2086, NSW, A], [, New, 13, , 5146, , Palmerston, Palmerston Shopping Centre, Temple Terrace, Palmerston, 830, NT, ], [, Old, 12, TAR, 5081, ST, Ashfield, Ashfield Mall, Knox Street, Ashfield, 2131, NSW, A], [, New, 14, , 5002, , Coffs Harbour, Coffs Harbour, Cnr. Park Beach Road & Pacific Hwy, Coffs Harbour, 2450, , ], [, Old, 13, TAR, 5085, ST, Roselands, Condell park, Unit 2, 39-41 Allingham Street, Condell Park, 2200, NSW, A], [, New, 15, , 5966, DC, Huntingwood DC, Huntingwood DC, 35 Huntingwood Drive, Huntingwood, 2148, , ], [, , , , , , , , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 16, TAR, 5967, DC, Hendra DC, Hendra DC, Cnr Headly Ave & Nudgee Road, Hendra, 4011, QLD, A], [, , , , , , , , , , , , ], [, Inserted, 17, TAR, 5968, DC, Beverly DC, Beverly DC, 117 Main Street, Beverly, 5009, SA, A]]", ) close()
def test(): from Modules import commonBits java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_03' if window('Record Editor'): select('FileChooser', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'DTAR020.bin') click(commonBits.fl('Edit') + '1') select_menu( commonBits.fl('View') + '>>' + commonBits.fl('Sorted Field Tree')) # select('List', 'DTAR020') # select('List', 'DTAR020') select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Field') + ',0( )') # select('List', 'DTAR020') select('Table', 'DEPT-NO', commonBits.fl('Field') + ',0') select('Table', 'DATE', commonBits.fl('Field') + ',1') select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Field') + ',1(DATE)') select('Table1', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Function') + ',2()') select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Field') + ',1(DATE)') select('Table1', commonBits.fl('Maximum'), commonBits.fl('Function') + ',2') select('Table1', commonBits.fl('Maximum'), commonBits.fl('Function') + ',3') select('Table1', commonBits.fl('Sum'), commonBits.fl('Function') + ',4') select('Table1', commonBits.fl('Sum'), commonBits.fl('Function') + ',5') select('Table1', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Function') + ',5(Sum)') ##commonBits.save1(click) ##select('FileChooser', commonBits.userDir() + 'SortTree' + commonBits.fileSep() + 'xx1') commonBits.selectFileName( select, keystroke, commonBits.userDir() + 'SortTree' + commonBits.fileSep() + 'xx1') commonBits.save1(click) select_menu( commonBits.fl('Window') + '>>DTAR020.bin>>' + commonBits.fl('Create Sorted Tree')) click(commonBits.fl('Build Tree')) select('JTreeTable', 'cell:DATE,0(40118)') assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Text', '40118', 'DATE,0') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:DEPT-NO,0(60)') assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Text', '5', 'QTY-SOLD,2') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:SALE-PRICE,0(8.74)') assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Text', '166.94', 'SALE-PRICE,1') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:SALE-PRICE,1(166.94)') assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Text', '166.94', 'SALE-PRICE,1') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Tree') + ',1(null)') rightclick('JTreeTable', commonBits.fl('Tree') + ',1') select_menu(commonBits.fl('Expand Tree')) select('JTreeTable', 'cell:QTY-SOLD,2(8)') assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Text', '5', 'QTY-SOLD,3') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Tree') + ',2(null)') rightclick('JTreeTable', commonBits.fl('Tree') + ',2') select_menu(commonBits.fl('Expand Tree')) select('JTreeTable', 'cell:SALE-PRICE,3(12.99)') assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Text', '12.99', 'SALE-PRICE,4') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Tree') + ',14(null)') rightclick('JTreeTable', commonBits.fl('Tree') + ',14') select_menu(commonBits.fl('Edit Record')) select('JTreeTable', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Tree') + ',14(null)') commonBits.closeWindow(click) ##click('BasicInternalFrameTitlePane$NoFocusButton2') select_menu( commonBits.fl('Window') + '>>DTAR020.bin>>' + commonBits.fl('Table:')) select_menu( commonBits.fl('View') + '>>' + commonBits.fl('Execute Sort Tree')) ##select('FileChooser', commonBits.userDir() + 'SortTree' + commonBits.fileSep() + 'xx1') commonBits.selectFileName( select, keystroke, commonBits.userDir() + 'SortTree' + commonBits.fileSep() + 'xx1') ##if commonBits.isJava7(): ## keystroke('File Name', 'Enter') click(commonBits.fl('Run Dialog')) # select('List', 'DTAR020') # select('List', 'DTAR020') select('Table1', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Field') + ',1(STORE-NO)') # select('List', 'DTAR020') select('Table1', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Field') + ',1(STORE-NO)') assert_p( 'Table1', 'Content', '[[KEYCODE-NO, ], [STORE-NO, ], [DATE, ' + commonBits.fl('Maximum') + '], [DEPT-NO, ' + commonBits.fl('Maximum') + '], [QTY-SOLD, ' + commonBits.fl('Sum') + '], [SALE-PRICE, ' + commonBits.fl('Sum') + ']]') select('Table1', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Field') + ',1(STORE-NO)') select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Ascending') + ',0(true)') select('Table1', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Field') + ',1(STORE-NO)') select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Ascending') + ',0(false)') select('Table1', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Field') + ',1(STORE-NO)') assert_p( 'Table', 'Content', '[[DEPT-NO, true], [DATE, true], [ , true], [ , true], [ , true]]') select('Table1', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Field') + ',1(STORE-NO)') click(commonBits.fl('Build Tree')) select('JTreeTable', 'cell:SALE-PRICE,1(166.94)') assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Text', '166.94', 'SALE-PRICE,1') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:SALE-PRICE,5(150.26)') assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Text', '150.26', 'SALE-PRICE,5') close()
def test(): from Modules import commonBits java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_03' if window(commonBits.applicationName()): select('FileNameTxtFld', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'protoSales.bin') click('Edit1') select_menu('View>>Sorted Field Tree') #select('List', 'sale') #select('List', 'sale') select('Table', 'cell:Field,0( )') #select('List', 'sale') select('Table', 'department', 'Field,0') select('Table', 'saleDate', 'Field,1') select('Table', 'cell:Field,1(DATE)') select('Table1', 'cell:Function,2()') select('Table', 'cell:Field,1(DATE)') select('Table1', 'Maximum', 'Function,2') select('Table1', 'Maximum', 'Function,3') select('Table1', 'Sum', 'Function,4') select('Table1', 'Sum', 'Function,5') select('Table1', 'cell:Function,5(Sum)') click('Save1') ##select('FileNameTxtFld', commonBits.userDir() + 'SortTree' + commonBits.fileSep() + 'xx1') commonBits.selectFileName( select, commonBits.userDir() + 'SortTree' + commonBits.fileSep() + 'xx1') click('Save1') select_menu('Window>>protoSales.bin>>Create Sorted Tree') click('Build Tree') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:saleDate,0(40118)') assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Text', '40118', 'saleDate,0') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:department,0(60)') assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Text', '5', 'quantity,2') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:price,0(8740)') assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Text', '166940', 'price,1') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:price,1(166940)') assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Text', '166940', 'price,1') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:Tree,1(null)') rightclick('JTreeTable', 'Tree,1') select_menu('Expand Tree') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:quantity,2(8)') assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Text', '5', 'quantity,3') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:Tree,2(null)') rightclick('JTreeTable', 'Tree,2') select_menu('Expand Tree') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:price,3(12990)') assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Text', '12990', 'price,4') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:Tree,14(null)') rightclick('JTreeTable', 'Tree,14') select_menu('Edit Record') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:Tree,14(null)') click('BasicInternalFrameTitlePane$NoFocusButton2') select_menu('Window>>protoSales.bin>>Table:') select_menu('View>>Execute Sort Tree') ##select('FileNameTxtFld', commonBits.userDir() + 'SortTree' + commonBits.fileSep() + 'xx1') commonBits.selectFileName( select, commonBits.userDir() + 'SortTree' + commonBits.fileSep() + 'xx1') click('Run Dialog') #select('List', 'sale') #select('List', 'sale') select('Table1', 'cell:Field,1(store)') #select('List', 'sale') select('Table1', 'cell:Field,1(store)') ## assert_p('Table1', 'Content', '[[keycode, ], [store, ], [DATE, Maximum], [department, Maximum], [quantity, Sum], [price, Sum]]') assert_p( 'Table1', 'Content', '[[keycode, ], [store, ], [department, Maximum], [saleDate, Maximum], [quantity, Sum], [price, Sum]]' ) ##[[keycode, ], [store, ], [DATE, Maximum], [department, Maximum], [quantity, Sum], [price, Sum]]') select('Table1', 'cell:Field,1(store)') select('Table', 'cell:Ascending,0(true)') select('Table1', 'cell:Field,1(store)') select('Table', 'cell:Ascending,0(false)') select('Table1', 'cell:Field,1(store)') assert_p( 'Table', 'Content', '[[department, true], [saleDate, true], [ , true], [ , true], [ , true]]' ) select('Table1', 'cell:Field,1(store)') click('Build Tree') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:price,1(166940)') assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Text', '166940', 'price,1') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:price,5(150.26)') assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Text', '150260', 'price,5') close()
def test(): from Modules import commonBits java_recorded_version = "1.6.0_03" if window("Protocol Buffer Editor"): select("FileChooser", commonBits.sampleDir() + "protoSales.bin") click("Edit1") select_menu("View>>Sorted Field Tree") # select('List', 'sale') # select('List', 'sale') select("Table", "cell:Field,0( )") # select('List', 'sale') select("Table", "department", "Field,0") select("Table", "saleDate", "Field,1") select("Table", "cell:Field,1(date)") select("Table1", "cell:Function,2()") select("Table", "cell:Field,1(date)") select("Table1", "Maximum", "Function,2") select("Table1", "Maximum", "Function,3") select("Table1", "Sum", "Function,4") select("Table1", "Sum", "Function,5") select("Table1", "cell:Function,5(Sum)") click("Save1") ##select('FileChooser', commonBits.userDir() + 'SortTree' + commonBits.fileSep() + 'xx2') commonBits.selectFileName(select, commonBits.userDir() + "SortTree" + commonBits.fileSep() + "xx2") click("Save1") select_menu("Window>>protoSales.bin>>Create Sorted Tree") click("Build Tree") select("JTreeTable", "cell:saleDate,0(40118)") assert_p("JTreeTable", "Text", "40118", "saleDate,0") select("JTreeTable", "cell:department,0(60)") assert_p("JTreeTable", "Text", "5", "quantity,2") select("JTreeTable", "cell:price,0(8740)") assert_p("JTreeTable", "Text", "166940", "price,1") select("JTreeTable", "cell:price,1(166940)") assert_p("JTreeTable", "Text", "166940", "price,1") select("JTreeTable", "cell:Tree,1(null)") rightclick("JTreeTable", "Tree,1") select_menu("Expand Tree") select("JTreeTable", "cell:quantity,2(8)") assert_p("JTreeTable", "Text", "5", "quantity,3") select("JTreeTable", "cell:Tree,2(null)") rightclick("JTreeTable", "Tree,2") select_menu("Expand Tree") select("JTreeTable", "cell:price,3(12990)") assert_p("JTreeTable", "Text", "12990", "price,4") select("JTreeTable", "cell:Tree,14(null)") rightclick("JTreeTable", "Tree,14") select_menu("Edit Record") select("JTreeTable", "cell:Tree,14(null)") click("BasicInternalFrameTitlePane$NoFocusButton2") select_menu("Window>>protoSales.bin>>Table:") select_menu("View>>Execute Sort Tree") ##select('FileChooser', commonBits.userDir() + 'SortTree' + commonBits.fileSep() + 'xx2') commonBits.selectFileName(select, commonBits.userDir() + "SortTree" + commonBits.fileSep() + "xx2") click("Run") select("JTreeTable", "cell:price,1(166940)") assert_p("JTreeTable", "Text", "166940", "price,1") select("JTreeTable", "cell:price,2(87460)") assert_p("JTreeTable", "Text", "87460", "price,2") select("JTreeTable", "cell:price,3(-15850)") assert_p("JTreeTable", "Text", "-15850", "price,3") select("JTreeTable", "cell:price,9(-4000)") select("JTreeTable", "cell:price,7(14090)") assert_p("JTreeTable", "Text", "17730", "price,8") close()
def test(): from Modules import commonBits java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_03' if window('Protocol Buffer Editor'): select('FileChooser', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'protoSales.bin') click('Edit1') select_menu('View>>Sorted Field Tree') #select('List', 'sale') #select('List', 'sale') select('Table', 'cell:Field,0( )') #select('List', 'sale') select('Table', 'department', 'Field,0') select('Table', 'saleDate', 'Field,1') select('Table', 'cell:Field,1(DATE)') select('Table1', 'cell:Function,2()') select('Table', 'cell:Field,1(DATE)') select('Table1', 'Maximum', 'Function,2') select('Table1', 'Maximum', 'Function,3') select('Table1', 'Sum', 'Function,4') select('Table1', 'Sum', 'Function,5') select('Table1', 'cell:Function,5(Sum)') click('Save1') ##select('FileChooser', commonBits.userDir() + 'SortTree' + commonBits.fileSep() + 'xx1') commonBits.selectFileName(select, commonBits.userDir() + 'SortTree' + commonBits.fileSep() + 'xx1') click('Save1') select_menu('Window>>protoSales.bin>>Create Sorted Tree') click('Build Tree') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:saleDate,0(40118)') assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Text', '40118', 'saleDate,0') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:department,0(60)') assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Text', '5', 'quantity,2') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:price,0(8740)') assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Text', '166940', 'price,1') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:price,1(166940)') assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Text', '166940', 'price,1') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:Tree,1(null)') rightclick('JTreeTable', 'Tree,1') select_menu('Expand Tree') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:quantity,2(8)') assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Text', '5', 'quantity,3') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:Tree,2(null)') rightclick('JTreeTable', 'Tree,2') select_menu('Expand Tree') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:price,3(12990)') assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Text', '12990', 'price,4') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:Tree,14(null)') rightclick('JTreeTable', 'Tree,14') select_menu('Edit Record') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:Tree,14(null)') click('BasicInternalFrameTitlePane$NoFocusButton2') select_menu('Window>>protoSales.bin>>Table:') select_menu('View>>Execute Sort Tree') ##select('FileChooser', commonBits.userDir() + 'SortTree' + commonBits.fileSep() + 'xx1') commonBits.selectFileName(select, commonBits.userDir() + 'SortTree' + commonBits.fileSep() + 'xx1') click('Run Dialog') #select('List', 'sale') #select('List', 'sale') select('Table1', 'cell:Field,1(store)') #select('List', 'sale') select('Table1', 'cell:Field,1(store)') ## assert_p('Table1', 'Content', '[[keycode, ], [store, ], [DATE, Maximum], [department, Maximum], [quantity, Sum], [price, Sum]]') assert_p('Table1', 'Content', '[[keycode, ], [store, ], [department, Maximum], [saleDate, Maximum], [quantity, Sum], [price, Sum]]') ##[[keycode, ], [store, ], [DATE, Maximum], [department, Maximum], [quantity, Sum], [price, Sum]]') select('Table1', 'cell:Field,1(store)') select('Table', 'cell:Ascending,0(true)') select('Table1', 'cell:Field,1(store)') select('Table', 'cell:Ascending,0(false)') select('Table1', 'cell:Field,1(store)') assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[department, true], [saleDate, true], [ , true], [ , true], [ , true]]') select('Table1', 'cell:Field,1(store)') click('Build Tree') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:price,1(166940)') assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Text', '166940', 'price,1') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:price,5(150.26)') assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Text', '150260', 'price,5') close()
def test(): from Modules import commonBits import time java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_10' if window('Record Editor'): commonBits.selectOldFilemenu(select_menu, 'Utilities', 'File Copy Menu') click('*3') select('FileChooser', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'DTAR020.bin') select('FileChooser1', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'barDTAR020.csv') commonBits.setRecordLayout2(select, 'DTAR020') select('DelimiterCombo', '|') click('Right') select('TabbedPane', '') select('Table1', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Field') + ',1(STORE-NO)') assert_p( 'Table1', 'Content', '[[KEYCODE-NO, true], [STORE-NO, true], [DATE, true], [DEPT-NO, true], [QTY-SOLD, true], [SALE-PRICE, true]]' ) ## select('Table1', '') select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Record') + ',0(DTAR020)') doubleclick('Table', commonBits.fl('Record') + ',0') assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[DTAR020, true]]') select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Record') + ',0(DTAR020)') click('Right') select('TabbedPane', '') # click(commonBits.fl('Choose File')) # if window('Open'): # click('Cancel') # close() # click(commonBits.fl('Choose File')) # if window('Open'): # click('Cancel') # close() select('FileChooser', commonBits.userDir() + 'CpyDTAR020barCsv.xml') commonBits.save1(click) commonBits.closeWindow(click) ##click('BasicInternalFrameTitlePane$NoFocusButton2') click('*') select('FileChooser', commonBits.userDir() + 'CpyDTAR020barCsv.xml') click(commonBits.fl('Run Copy Dialog')) assert_p('FileChooser', 'Text', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'DTAR020.bin') assert_p('FileChooser1', 'Text', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'barDTAR020.csv') if commonBits.isRecordEditor(): assert_p('ComboBox2', 'Text', 'DTAR020') assert_p('DelimiterCombo', 'Text', '|') click('Right') select('TabbedPane', '') select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Record') + ',0(DTAR020)') select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Record') + ',0(DTAR020)') doubleclick('Table', commonBits.fl('Record') + ',0') assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'DTAR020', commonBits.fl('Record') + ',0') select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Record') + ',0(DTAR020)') select('Table1', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Field') + ',0(KEYCODE-NO)') assert_p( 'Table1', 'Content', '[[KEYCODE-NO, true], [STORE-NO, true], [DATE, true], [DEPT-NO, true], [QTY-SOLD, true], [SALE-PRICE, true]]' ) select('Table1', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Field') + ',0(KEYCODE-NO)') click('Right') select('TabbedPane', '') ##click('Copy2') commonBits.copy(click) assert_p('TextField1', 'Text', commonBits.fl('Copy Done !!!')) commonBits.closeWindow(click) ##click('BasicInternalFrameTitlePane$NoFocusButton2') click('Open') select('FileChooser', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'barDTAR020.csv') select('ComboBox2', 'Generic CSV - enter details') commonBits.doEdit(click) if window(''): select('CheckBox', 'true') assert_p('DelimiterCombo', 'Text', '|') select('Table', 'cell:DATE,3(40118)') assert_p( 'Table', 'Content', '[[69684558, 20, 40118, 280, 1, 19.00], [69684558, 20, 40118, 280, -1, -19.00], [69684558, 20, 40118, 280, 1, 5.01], [69694158, 20, 40118, 280, 1, 19.00], [69694158, 20, 40118, 280, -1, -19.00], [69694158, 20, 40118, 280, 1, 5.01], [63604808, 20, 40118, 170, 1, 4.87], [62684671, 20, 40118, 685, 1, 69.99], [62684671, 20, 40118, 685, -1, -69.99], [64634429, 20, 40118, 957, 1, 3.99], [66624458, 20, 40118, 957, 1, 0.89], [63674861, 20, 40118, 957, 10, 2.70], [65674532, 20, 40118, 929, 1, 3.59], [64614401, 59, 40118, 957, 1, 1.99], [64614401, 59, 40118, 957, 1, 1.99], [61664713, 59, 40118, 335, 1, 17.99], [61664713, 59, 40118, 335, -1, -17.99], [68634752, 59, 40118, 410, 1, 8.99], [60614487, 59, 40118, 878, 1, 5.95], [63644339, 59, 40118, 878, 1, 12.65], [60694698, 59, 40118, 620, 1, 3.99], [60664659, 59, 40118, 620, 1, 3.99], [62684217, 59, 40118, 957, 1, 9.99], [67674686, 59, 40118, 929, 1, 3.99], [61684613, 59, 40118, 335, 1, 12.99], [64624770, 59, 40118, 957, 1, 2.59], [69694814, 166, 40118, 360, 1, 2.50], [69694814, 166, 40118, 360, 1, 2.50], [69644164, 166, 40118, 193, 1, 21.59]]' ) select('Table', 'cell:DATE,3(40118)') commonBits.doSleep() click(commonBits.fl('Go')) close() commonBits.doSleep() select('Table', 'cell:4|DEPT-NO,0(280)') assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'cell:4|DEPT-NO,0(280)') select('Table', 'cell:1|KEYCODE-NO,1(69684558)') rightclick('Table', '1|KEYCODE-NO,1') select_menu(commonBits.fl('Edit Record')) ## select('Table1', 'cell:1|KEYCODE-NO,1(69684558)') select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',0(69684558)') assert_p( 'Table', 'Content', '[[KEYCODE-NO, 1, , 69684558, 69684558], [STORE-NO, 2, , 20, 20], [DATE, 3, , 40118, 40118], [DEPT-NO, 4, , 280, 280], [QTY-SOLD, 5, , -1, -1], [SALE-PRICE, 6, , -19.00, -19.00]]' ) select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',0(69684558)') click('TextArea') assert_p('TextArea', 'Text', '69684558|20|40118|280|-1|-19.00') click('Right') select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',2(40118)') assert_p( 'Table', 'Content', '[[KEYCODE-NO, 1, , 69684558, 69684558], [STORE-NO, 2, , 20, 20], [DATE, 3, , 40118, 40118], [DEPT-NO, 4, , 280, 280], [QTY-SOLD, 5, , 1, 1], [SALE-PRICE, 6, , 5.01, 5.01]]' ) select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',2(40118)') click('TextArea') assert_p('TextArea', 'Text', '69684558|20|40118|280|1|5.01') click('Right') select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',2(40118)') assert_p( 'Table', 'Content', '[[KEYCODE-NO, 1, , 69694158, 69694158], [STORE-NO, 2, , 20, 20], [DATE, 3, , 40118, 40118], [DEPT-NO, 4, , 280, 280], [QTY-SOLD, 5, , 1, 1], [SALE-PRICE, 6, , 19.00, 19.00]]' ) select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',2(40118)') click('TextArea') click('TextArea') assert_p('TextArea', 'Text', '69694158|20|40118|280|1|19.00') click('Right') click('Right') select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',2(40118)') assert_p( 'Table', 'Content', '[[KEYCODE-NO, 1, , 69694158, 69694158], [STORE-NO, 2, , 20, 20], [DATE, 3, , 40118, 40118], [DEPT-NO, 4, , 280, 280], [QTY-SOLD, 5, , 1, 1], [SALE-PRICE, 6, , 5.01, 5.01]]' ) select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',2(40118)') click('TextArea') click('TextArea') assert_p('TextArea', 'Text', '69694158|20|40118|280|1|5.01') close()
def test(): from Modules import commonBits java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_10' if window('Record Editor'): commonBits.selectOldFilemenu(select_menu, 'Utilities', 'File Copy Menu') click('*3') select('FileChooser', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'DTAR020.bin') select('FileChooser1', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'CpyCsvDtar020.Txt') commonBits.setRecordLayout2(select, 'DTAR020') ## select('ComboBox3', commonBits.fl('<Tab>')) select('DelimiterCombo', commonBits.fl('<Tab>')) click('Right') select('TabbedPane', '') select('Table1', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Include') + ',3(true)') click('Right') select('TabbedPane', '') select('FileChooser', commonBits.userDir() + 'cpy2csvDTAR020.xml') ##commonBits.selectFileName(select, keystroke, commonBits.userDir() + 'cpy2csvDTAR020.xml') commonBits.copy(click) ##commonBits.save1(click) ##click('Copy2') assert_p('TextField1', 'Text', commonBits.fl('Copy Done !!!') ) commonBits.closeWindow(click) ##click('BasicInternalFrameTitlePane$NoFocusButton2') select_menu(commonBits.fl('Window') + '>>' + commonBits.fl('Menu') + '>>' + commonBits.fl('Copy Menu') ) select_menu(commonBits.fl('Window') + '>>' + commonBits.fl('Open File') ) select('FileChooser', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'CpyCsvDtar020.Txt') ##commonBits.selectFileName(select, keystroke, commonBits.userDir() + 'cpy2csvDTAR020.xml') ##select('ComboBox2', 'Tab Delimited, names on the first line') commonBits.setRecordLayout(select, 'Tab Delimited, names on the first line') commonBits.doEdit(click) select('Table', 'cell:2|STORE-NO,0(20)') rightclick('Table', '1|KEYCODE-NO,0') ## select('Table', 'cell:2|STORE-NO,0(20)') select_menu(commonBits.fl('Edit Record')) ## select('Table1', 'cell:2|STORE-NO,0(20)') select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',0(69684558)') assert_p('JTableHeader', 'Text', commonBits.fl('Data'), commonBits.fl('Data') ) select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',2(40118)') assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[KEYCODE-NO, 1, , 69684558, 69684558], [STORE-NO, 2, , 20, 20], [DATE, 3, , 40118, 40118], [QTY-SOLD, 4, , 1, 1], [SALE-PRICE, 5, , 19.00, 19.00]]') select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',2(40118)') click('Right') select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',4(-19.00)') assert_p('Table', 'Text', '-19.00', commonBits.fl('Data') + ',4') select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',2(40118)') assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[KEYCODE-NO, 1, , 69684558, 69684558], [STORE-NO, 2, , 20, 20], [DATE, 3, , 40118, 40118], [QTY-SOLD, 4, , -1, -1], [SALE-PRICE, 5, , -19.00, -19.00]]') select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',2(40118)') click('Right') select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',4(5.01)') assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[KEYCODE-NO, 1, , 69684558, 69684558], [STORE-NO, 2, , 20, 20], [DATE, 3, , 40118, 40118], [QTY-SOLD, 4, , 1, 1], [SALE-PRICE, 5, , 5.01, 5.01]]') select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',2(40118)') click('Right') select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',2(40118)') assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[KEYCODE-NO, 1, , 69694158, 69694158], [STORE-NO, 2, , 20, 20], [DATE, 3, , 40118, 40118], [QTY-SOLD, 4, , 1, 1], [SALE-PRICE, 5, , 19.00, 19.00]]') select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',2(40118)') click('Right') select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',4(-19.00)') assert_p('Table', 'Text', '-19.00', commonBits.fl('Data') + ',4') select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',2(40118)') assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[KEYCODE-NO, 1, , 69694158, 69694158], [STORE-NO, 2, , 20, 20], [DATE, 3, , 40118, 40118], [QTY-SOLD, 4, , -1, -1], [SALE-PRICE, 5, , -19.00, -19.00]]') close()
def test(): from Modules import commonBits java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_03' if window(commonBits.applicationName()): select('FileNameTxtFld', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'protoSales.bin') click('Edit1') select_menu('View>>Sorted Field Tree') #select('List', 'sale') #select('List', 'sale') select('Table', 'cell:Field,0( )') #select('List', 'sale') select('Table', 'department', 'Field,0') select('Table', 'saleDate', 'Field,1') select('Table', 'cell:Field,1(date)') select('Table1', 'cell:Function,2()') select('Table', 'cell:Field,1(date)') select('Table1', 'Maximum', 'Function,2') select('Table1', 'Maximum', 'Function,3') select('Table1', 'Sum', 'Function,4') select('Table1', 'Sum', 'Function,5') select('Table1', 'cell:Function,5(Sum)') click('Save1') ##select('FileNameTxtFld', commonBits.userDir() + 'SortTree' + commonBits.fileSep() + 'xx2') commonBits.selectFileName( select, commonBits.userDir() + 'SortTree' + commonBits.fileSep() + 'xx2') click('Save1') select_menu('Window>>protoSales.bin>>Create Sorted Tree') click('Build Tree') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:saleDate,0(40118)') assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Text', '40118', 'saleDate,0') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:department,0(60)') assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Text', '5', 'quantity,2') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:price,0(8740)') assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Text', '166940', 'price,1') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:price,1(166940)') assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Text', '166940', 'price,1') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:Tree,1(null)') rightclick('JTreeTable', 'Tree,1') select_menu('Expand Tree') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:quantity,2(8)') assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Text', '5', 'quantity,3') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:Tree,2(null)') rightclick('JTreeTable', 'Tree,2') select_menu('Expand Tree') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:price,3(12990)') assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Text', '12990', 'price,4') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:Tree,14(null)') rightclick('JTreeTable', 'Tree,14') select_menu('Edit Record') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:Tree,14(null)') click('BasicInternalFrameTitlePane$NoFocusButton2') select_menu('Window>>protoSales.bin>>Table:') select_menu('View>>Execute Sort Tree') ##select('FileNameTxtFld', commonBits.userDir() + 'SortTree' + commonBits.fileSep() + 'xx2') commonBits.selectFileName( select, commonBits.userDir() + 'SortTree' + commonBits.fileSep() + 'xx2') click('Run') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:price,1(166940)') assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Text', '166940', 'price,1') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:price,2(87460)') assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Text', '87460', 'price,2') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:price,3(-15850)') assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Text', '-15850', 'price,3') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:price,9(-4000)') select('JTreeTable', 'cell:price,7(14090)') assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Text', '17730', 'price,8') close()
def test(): from Modules import commonBits java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_03' if window(commonBits.applicationName()): click('FileSearch') if window('Open'): select(commonBits.selectPane(), 'Ams_LocDownload_20041228.bin') click('Open') close() click('Edit1') click('Filter1') select('Table1', 'Loc_Type', 'Field,0') select('Table1', 'st', 'Value,0') select('Table1', 'cell:Field,2(null)') click('Save1') ##select('FileNameTxtFld', commonBits.userDir() + 'Filter' + commonBits.fileSep() + 'xx1') commonBits.selectFileName( select, commonBits.userDir() + 'Filter' + commonBits.fileSep() + 'xx1') click('Save1') select_menu('Window>>Ams_LocDownload_20041228.bin>>Filter Options') click('Filter1') select('LinesTbl', 'cell:4|Loc_Name,0(Bankstown)') assert_p('LinesTbl', 'Text', 'Bankstown', '4|Loc_Name,0') select('LinesTbl', 'cell:3|Loc_Type,1(ST)') rightclick('LinesTbl', '3|Loc_Type,1') select_menu('Edit Record') ## select('Table1', 'cell:3|Loc_Type,1(ST)') select('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'cell:Data,5(58 Leland Street)') assert_p('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'Text', 'Penrith', 'Data,6') select('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'cell:Data,5(58 Leland Street)') assert_p( 'BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'Content', '[[Brand_Id, 1, , TAR, TAR], [Loc_Nbr, 2, , 5019, 5019], [Loc_Type, 3, , ST, ST], [Loc_Name, 4, , Penrith, Penrith], [Loc_Addr_Ln1, 5, , Penrith, Penrith], [Loc_Addr_Ln2, 6, , 58 Leland Street, 58 Leland Street], [Loc_Addr_Ln3, 7, , Penrith, Penrith], [Loc_Postcode, 8, , 2750, 2750], [Loc_State, 9, , NSW, NSW], [Loc_Actv_Ind, 10, , A, A]]' ) select('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'cell:Data,5(58 Leland Street)') click('BasicInternalFrameTitlePane$NoFocusButton2') select('LinesTbl', 'cell:3|Loc_Type,1(ST)') select('LinesTbl', 'cell:3|Loc_Type,1(ST)') select_menu('Window>>Ams_LocDownload_20041228.bin>>Table:') select('LinesTbl', 'cell:3|Loc_Type,1(ST)') select_menu('View>>Execute Saved Filter') #select('FileNameTxtFld', commonBits.userDir() + 'Filter' + commonBits.fileSep() +'xx1') commonBits.selectFileName( select, commonBits.userDir() + 'Filter' + commonBits.fileSep() + 'xx1') click('Run') select('LinesTbl', 'cell:4|Loc_Name,2(Blacktown)') assert_p('LinesTbl', 'Text', 'Blacktown', '4|Loc_Name,2') select('LinesTbl', 'cell:4|Loc_Name,5(Eastwood)') rightclick('LinesTbl', '4|Loc_Name,5') select_menu('Edit Record') ## select('Table1', 'cell:4|Loc_Name,5(Eastwood)') select('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'cell:Data,4(Marayong Offsite Reserve)') assert_p('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'Text', 'Marayong Offsite Reserve', 'Data,4') select('BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'cell:Data,4(Marayong Offsite Reserve)') assert_p( 'BaseLineAsColumn$LineAsColTbl', 'Content', '[[Brand_Id, 1, , TAR, TAR], [Loc_Nbr, 2, , 5052, 5052], [Loc_Type, 3, , ST, ST], [Loc_Name, 4, , Eastwood, Eastwood], [Loc_Addr_Ln1, 5, , Marayong Offsite Reserve, Marayong Offsite Reserve], [Loc_Addr_Ln2, 6, , 11 Melissa Place, 11 Melissa Place], [Loc_Addr_Ln3, 7, , Marayong, Marayong], [Loc_Postcode, 8, , 2148, 2148], [Loc_State, 9, , NSW, NSW], [Loc_Actv_Ind, 10, , A, A]]' ) close()
def test(): from Modules import commonBits java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_03' if window('Record Editor'): click(commonBits.fl('Choose File')) if window('Open'): select(commonBits.selectPane(), 'Ams_LocDownload_20041228.txt') click('Open') close() click(commonBits.fl('Edit') + '1') click('Filter1') select('Table1', 'Loc Type', commonBits.fl('Field') + ',0') select('Table1', 'st', commonBits.fl('Value') + ',0') select('Table1', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Field') + ',2(null)') commonBits.save1(click) #select('FileChooser', commonBits.userDir() + 'Filter' + commonBits.fileSep() + 'xx1') commonBits.selectFileName( select, keystroke, commonBits.userDir() + 'Filter' + commonBits.fileSep() + 'xx1') commonBits.save1(click) select_menu( commonBits.fl('Window') + '>>Ams_LocDownload_20041228.txt>>' + commonBits.fl('Filter Options')) commonBits.filter(click) select('Table', 'cell:10 - 35|Loc Name,0(Bankstown)') assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'Bankstown', '10 - 35|Loc Name,0') select('Table', 'cell:8 - 2|Loc Type,1(ST)') rightclick('Table', '8 - 2|Loc Type,1') select_menu(commonBits.fl('Edit Record')) ## select('Table1', 'cell:8 - 2|Loc Type,1(ST)') select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',5(58 Leland Street)') assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'Penrith', commonBits.fl('Data') + ',6') select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',5(58 Leland Street)') assert_p( 'Table', 'Content', '[[Brand Id, 1, 3, TAR, TAR], [Loc Nbr, 4, 4, 5019, 5019], [Loc Type, 8, 2, ST, ST], [Loc Name, 10, 35, Penrith, Penrith], [Loc Addr Ln1, 45, 40, Penrith, Penrith], [Loc Addr Ln2, 85, 40, 58 Leland Street, 58 Leland Street], [Loc Addr Ln3, 125, 35, Penrith, Penrith], [Loc Postcode, 160, 10, 2750, 2750], [Loc State, 170, 3, NSW, NSW], [Loc Actv Ind, 173, 1, A, A]]' ) select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',5(58 Leland Street)') commonBits.closeWindow(click) ##click('BasicInternalFrameTitlePane$NoFocusButton2') select('Table', 'cell:8 - 2|Loc Type,1(ST)') select('Table', 'cell:8 - 2|Loc Type,1(ST)') select_menu( commonBits.fl('Window') + '>>Ams_LocDownload_20041228.txt>>' + commonBits.fl('Table:')) select('Table2', 'cell:8 - 2|Loc Type,1(ST)') select_menu( commonBits.fl('View') + '>>' + commonBits.fl('Execute Saved Filter')) ##select('FileChooser', commonBits.userDir() + 'Filter' + commonBits.fileSep() +'xx1') commonBits.selectFileName( select, keystroke, commonBits.userDir() + 'Filter' + commonBits.fileSep() + 'xx1') click(commonBits.fl('Run')) select('Table', 'cell:10 - 35|Loc Name,2(Blacktown)') assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'Blacktown', '10 - 35|Loc Name,2') select('Table', 'cell:10 - 35|Loc Name,5(Eastwood)') rightclick('Table', '10 - 35|Loc Name,5') select_menu(commonBits.fl('Edit Record')) ## select('Table1', 'cell:10 - 35|Loc Name,5(Eastwood)') select( 'Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',4(Marayong Offsite Reserve)') assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'Marayong Offsite Reserve', commonBits.fl('Data') + ',4') select( 'Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',4(Marayong Offsite Reserve)') assert_p( 'Table', 'Content', '[[Brand Id, 1, 3, TAR, TAR], [Loc Nbr, 4, 4, 5052, 5052], [Loc Type, 8, 2, ST, ST], [Loc Name, 10, 35, Eastwood, Eastwood], [Loc Addr Ln1, 45, 40, Marayong Offsite Reserve, Marayong Offsite Reserve], [Loc Addr Ln2, 85, 40, 11 Melissa Place, 11 Melissa Place], [Loc Addr Ln3, 125, 35, Marayong, Marayong], [Loc Postcode, 160, 10, 2148, 2148], [Loc State, 170, 3, NSW, NSW], [Loc Actv Ind, 173, 1, A, A]]' ) close()
def test(): from Modules import commonBits java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_10' if window('Record Editor'): commonBits.selectOldFilemenu(select_menu, 'Utilities', 'File Copy Menu') click('*1') select('FileChooser', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'DTAR020.bin') commonBits.setMainframeCobolLayout(select, 'DTAR020') click('Right') select('TabbedPane', '') select('FileChooser', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'zzzXfeReverse3DTAR020a.csv') # click('ScrollPane$ScrollBar', 4, 51) # select('ComboBox2', 'XfeDTAR020_reverse') commonBits.setRecordLayout2(select, 'XfeDTAR020_reverse') if commonBits.isJRecord(): click('Right') click('Right') select('TabbedPane', '') select('Table1', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Field') + ',1(STORE-NO)') assert_p( 'Table1', 'Content', '[[KEYCODE-NO, KEYCODE-NO], [STORE-NO, STORE-NO], [DATE, DATE], [DEPT-NO, DEPT-NO], [QTY-SOLD, QTY-SOLD], [SALE-PRICE, SALE-PRICE]]' ) # select('Table1', '') select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Record') + ',0(DTAR020)') doubleclick('Table', commonBits.fl('Record') + ',0') select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Record') + ',0(DTAR020)') doubleclick('Table', commonBits.fl('Record') + ',0') assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[DTAR020, XfeDTAR020_reverse]]') ## assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[DTAR020, ]]') select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Record') + ',0(DTAR020)') click('Right') select('TabbedPane', '') # click(commonBits.fl('Choose File')) # if window('Open'): # click('Cancel') # close() select('FileChooser', commonBits.userDir() + 'copyDTAR020toCsv1.xml') ##commonBits.selectFileName(select, keystroke, commonBits.userDir() + 'copyDTAR020toCsv1.xml') commonBits.save1(click) commonBits.closeWindow(click) ##click('BasicInternalFrameTitlePane$NoFocusButton2') select_menu( commonBits.fl('Window') + '>>' + commonBits.fl('Menu') + '>>' + commonBits.fl('Copy Menu')) click('*') select('FileChooser', commonBits.userDir() + 'copyDTAR020toCsv1.xml') ##commonBits.selectFileName(select, keystroke, commonBits.userDir() + 'copyDTAR020toCsv1.xml') click(commonBits.fl('Run Copy Dialog')) assert_p('FileChooser', 'Text', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'DTAR020.bin') if commonBits.isRecordEditor(): assert_p('ComboBox2', 'Text', 'DTAR020') click('Right') select('TabbedPane', '') assert_p('FileChooser', 'Text', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'zzzXfeReverse3DTAR020a.csv') # select('ComboBox2', 'Generic CSV - enter details') # click('ScrollPane$ScrollBar', 8, 60) # click('ScrollPane$ScrollBar', 8, 74) # click('ScrollPane$ScrollBar', 8, 81) # click('ScrollPane$ScrollBar', 8, 81) if commonBits.isRecordEditor(): assert_p('ComboBox2', 'Text', 'XfeDTAR020_reverse') click('Right') select('TabbedPane', '') select('Table1', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Field') + ',1(STORE-NO)') assert_p( 'Table1', 'Content', '[[KEYCODE-NO, KEYCODE-NO], [STORE-NO, STORE-NO], [DATE, DATE], [DEPT-NO, DEPT-NO], [QTY-SOLD, QTY-SOLD], [SALE-PRICE, SALE-PRICE]]' ) # select('Table1', '') select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Record') + ',0(DTAR020)') doubleclick('Table', commonBits.fl('Record') + ',0') assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[DTAR020, XfeDTAR020_reverse]]') ## assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[DTAR020, ]]') select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Record') + ',0(DTAR020)') click('Right') select('TabbedPane', '') #click('Copy2') commonBits.copy(click) assert_p('TextField1', 'Text', commonBits.fl('Copy Done !!!')) commonBits.closeWindow(click) ##click('BasicInternalFrameTitlePane$NoFocusButton2') click('Open') ## click('MetalInternalFrameTitlePane', 105, 4) select('FileChooser', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'zzzXfeReverse3DTAR020a.csv') commonBits.setRecordLayout(select, 'XfeDTAR020_reverse') # click('ScrollPane$ScrollBar', 9, 93) # click('ScrollPane$ScrollBar', 9, 102) # click('ScrollPane$ScrollBar', 9, 102) # click('ScrollPane$ScrollBar', 6, 92) commonBits.doEdit(click) select('Table', 'cell:2|SALE-PRICE,0(19.00)') assert_p('Table', 'Text', '5.01', '2|SALE-PRICE,2') select('Table', 'cell:2|SALE-PRICE,0(19.00)') rightclick('Table', '2|SALE-PRICE,1') select('Table', 'cell:2|SALE-PRICE,1(-19.00)') assert_p('Table', 'RowCount', '379') select('Table', 'cell:2|SALE-PRICE,2(5.01)') assert_p('Table', 'ColumnCount', '6') select( 'Table', 'rows:[4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20],columns:[2|SALE-PRICE]' ) select_menu( commonBits.fl('View') + '>>' + commonBits.fl('Table View #{Selected Records#}')) # select('Table2', 'rows:[4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20],columns:[2|SALE-PRICE]') select('Table', 'cell:2|SALE-PRICE,2(4.87)') assert_p( 'Table', 'Content', '[[-1, -19.00, 280, 40118, 20, 69694158], [1, 5.01, 280, 40118, 20, 69694158], [1, 4.87, 170, 40118, 20, 63604808], [1, 69.99, 685, 40118, 20, 62684671], [-1, -69.99, 685, 40118, 20, 62684671], [1, 3.99, 957, 40118, 20, 64634429], [1, 0.89, 957, 40118, 20, 66624458], [10, 2.70, 957, 40118, 20, 63674861], [1, 3.59, 929, 40118, 20, 65674532], [1, 1.99, 957, 40118, 59, 64614401], [1, 1.99, 957, 40118, 59, 64614401], [1, 17.99, 335, 40118, 59, 61664713], [-1, -17.99, 335, 40118, 59, 61664713], [1, 8.99, 410, 40118, 59, 68634752], [1, 5.95, 878, 40118, 59, 60614487], [1, 12.65, 878, 40118, 59, 63644339], [1, 3.99, 620, 40118, 59, 60694698]]' ) select('Table', 'cell:2|SALE-PRICE,2(4.87)') commonBits.closeWindow(click) ##click('BasicInternalFrameTitlePane$NoFocusButton2') # select('Table', 'rows:[4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20],columns:[2|SALE-PRICE]') # select('Table', 'rows:[4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20],columns:[2|SALE-PRICE]') select_menu( commonBits.fl('Window') + '>>zzzXfeReverse3DTAR020a.csv>>' + commonBits.fl('Table:')) select('Table', 'cell:2|SALE-PRICE,16(-17.99)') rightclick('Table', '2|SALE-PRICE,16') select_menu(commonBits.fl('Edit Record')) ## select('Table1', 'cell:2|SALE-PRICE,16(-17.99)') select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',1(-17.99)') assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',1(-17.99)') select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',2(335)') assert_p( 'Table', 'Content', '[[QTY-SOLD, 1, , -1, -1], [SALE-PRICE, 2, , -17.99, -17.99], [DEPT-NO, 3, , 335, 335], [DATE, 4, , 40118, 40118], [STORE-NO, 5, , 59, 59], [KEYCODE-NO, 6, , 61664713, 61664713]]' ) select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',2(335)') click('HexThreeLineField') assert_p( 'HexThreeLineField', 'Text', '''-1þ-17.99þ335þ40118þ59þ61664713 23f233233f333f33333f33f33333333 d1ed17e99e335e40118e59e61664713''') click('Right') select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',5(68634752)') assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',5(68634752)') select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',3(40118)') assert_p( 'Table', 'Content', '[[QTY-SOLD, 1, , 1, 1], [SALE-PRICE, 2, , 8.99, 8.99], [DEPT-NO, 3, , 410, 410], [DATE, 4, , 40118, 40118], [STORE-NO, 5, , 59, 59], [KEYCODE-NO, 6, , 68634752, 68634752]]' ) select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',3(40118)') click('HexThreeLineField') assert_p( 'HexThreeLineField', 'Text', '''1þ8.99þ410þ40118þ59þ68634752 3f3233f333f33333f33f33333333 1e8e99e410e40118e59e68634752''') click('Right') select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',3(40118)') assert_p( 'Table', 'Content', '[[QTY-SOLD, 1, , 1, 1], [SALE-PRICE, 2, , 5.95, 5.95], [DEPT-NO, 3, , 878, 878], [DATE, 4, , 40118, 40118], [STORE-NO, 5, , 59, 59], [KEYCODE-NO, 6, , 60614487, 60614487]]' ) select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',3(40118)') click('HexThreeLineField') assert_p( 'HexThreeLineField', 'Text', '''1þ5.95þ878þ40118þ59þ60614487 3f3233f333f33333f33f33333333 1e5e95e878e40118e59e60614487''') click('Right') select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',3(40118)') assert_p( 'Table', 'Content', '[[QTY-SOLD, 1, , 1, 1], [SALE-PRICE, 2, , 12.65, 12.65], [DEPT-NO, 3, , 878, 878], [DATE, 4, , 40118, 40118], [STORE-NO, 5, , 59, 59], [KEYCODE-NO, 6, , 63644339, 63644339]]' ) select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',3(40118)') click('HexThreeLineField') assert_p( 'HexThreeLineField', 'Text', '''1þ12.65þ878þ40118þ59þ63644339 3f33233f333f33333f33f33333333 1e12e65e878e40118e59e63644339''') click('Right') select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',1(3.99)') assert_p( 'Table', 'Content', '[[QTY-SOLD, 1, , 1, 1], [SALE-PRICE, 2, , 3.99, 3.99], [DEPT-NO, 3, , 620, 620], [DATE, 4, , 40118, 40118], [STORE-NO, 5, , 59, 59], [KEYCODE-NO, 6, , 60694698, 60694698]]' ) select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',1(3.99)') click('HexThreeLineField') assert_p( 'HexThreeLineField', 'Text', '''1þ3.99þ620þ40118þ59þ60694698 3f3233f333f33333f33f33333333 1e3e99e620e40118e59e60694698''') click('Right') select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',3(40118)') assert_p( 'Table', 'Content', '[[QTY-SOLD, 1, , 1, 1], [SALE-PRICE, 2, , 3.99, 3.99], [DEPT-NO, 3, , 620, 620], [DATE, 4, , 40118, 40118], [STORE-NO, 5, , 59, 59], [KEYCODE-NO, 6, , 60664659, 60664659]]' ) select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',3(40118)') click('HexThreeLineField') assert_p( 'HexThreeLineField', 'Text', '''1þ3.99þ620þ40118þ59þ60664659 3f3233f333f33333f33f33333333 1e3e99e620e40118e59e60664659''') click('Right') select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',5(62684217)') assert_p( 'Table', 'Content', '[[QTY-SOLD, 1, , 1, 1], [SALE-PRICE, 2, , 9.99, 9.99], [DEPT-NO, 3, , 957, 957], [DATE, 4, , 40118, 40118], [STORE-NO, 5, , 59, 59], [KEYCODE-NO, 6, , 62684217, 62684217]]' ) select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',5(62684217)') click('HexThreeLineField') assert_p( 'HexThreeLineField', 'Text', '''1þ9.99þ957þ40118þ59þ62684217 3f3233f333f33333f33f33333333 1e9e99e957e40118e59e62684217''') click('Right') select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',3(40118)') assert_p( 'Table', 'Content', '[[QTY-SOLD, 1, , 1, 1], [SALE-PRICE, 2, , 3.99, 3.99], [DEPT-NO, 3, , 929, 929], [DATE, 4, , 40118, 40118], [STORE-NO, 5, , 59, 59], [KEYCODE-NO, 6, , 67674686, 67674686]]' ) select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',3(40118)') click('HexThreeLineField') assert_p( 'HexThreeLineField', 'Text', '''1þ3.99þ929þ40118þ59þ67674686 3f3233f333f33333f33f33333333 1e3e99e929e40118e59e67674686''') click('Right') select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',5(61684613)') select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',2(335)') assert_p( 'Table', 'Content', '[[QTY-SOLD, 1, , 1, 1], [SALE-PRICE, 2, , 12.99, 12.99], [DEPT-NO, 3, , 335, 335], [DATE, 4, , 40118, 40118], [STORE-NO, 5, , 59, 59], [KEYCODE-NO, 6, , 61684613, 61684613]]' ) select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',2(335)') click('HexThreeLineField') assert_p( 'HexThreeLineField', 'Text', '''1þ12.99þ335þ40118þ59þ61684613 3f33233f333f33333f33f33333333 1e12e99e335e40118e59e61684613''') click('Right') select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',3(40118)') assert_p( 'Table', 'Content', '[[QTY-SOLD, 1, , 1, 1], [SALE-PRICE, 2, , 2.59, 2.59], [DEPT-NO, 3, , 957, 957], [DATE, 4, , 40118, 40118], [STORE-NO, 5, , 59, 59], [KEYCODE-NO, 6, , 64624770, 64624770]]' ) select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',3(40118)') click('HexThreeLineField') assert_p( 'HexThreeLineField', 'Text', '''1þ2.59þ957þ40118þ59þ64624770 3f3233f333f33333f33f33333333 1e2e59e957e40118e59e64624770''') close()