Exemple #1
## does not work in access
def test():
	from Modules import commonBits
	java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_17'

	if window('Record Editor'):
		select('FileChooser', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'Ams_Receipt.txt')
		if commonBits.version()  == 'MsAccess':
			select('ComboBox2', 'Comma Delimited, names on the first line')
			select('ComboBox1', 'CSV')
##		select('ComboBox2', 'Comma Delimited, names on the first line')
		#select('Table', 'cell:1|FHSTDREC01TAR05/03/200519:00:09,5(RSTAR211853      96010019809740000000220132400000000000015057000000001000000001EQBD180 2005-03-04-')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[RHTAR297853      96010019809740000112204.03.200520.28.10000005965IN                              000000000000000000000000000                    00013776000000002800000002800                    NNY0000028 L96010082005-03-04-], [RDTAR211853      9601001980974000000022013240000000000001EN00000002800000100000000049200EQBD180 2005-03-04-], [RSTAR297853      91110019809740000000220132400000000000015036000000001000000001EQBD180 2005-03-04-], [RSTAR211853      96010019809740000000220132400000000000015043000000003000000003EQBD180 2005-03-04-], [RSTAR211853      96010019809740000000220132400000000000015045000000003000000003EQBD180 2005-03-04-], [RSTAR211853      96010019809740000000220132400000000000015057000000001000000001EQBD180 2005-03-04-], [RSTAR211853      96010019809740000000220132400000000000015065000000002000000002EQBD180 2005-03-04-], [RSTAR211853      96010019809740000000220132400000000000015069000000002000000002EQBD180 2005-03-04-], [RSTAR211853      96010019809740000000220132400000000000015072000000003000000003EQBD180 2005-03-04-], [RSTAR211853      96010019809740000000220132400000000000015076000000002000000002EQBD180 2005-03-04-], [RSTAR21153       96010019809740000000220132400000000000015079000000001000000001EQBD180 2005-03-04-], [RSTAR211853      96010019809740000000220132400000000000015094000000003000000003EQBD180 2005-03-04-], [RSTAR211853      96010019809740000000220132400000000000015128000000003000000003EQBD180 2005-03-04-], [RSTAR211853      96010019809740000000220132400000000000015151000000001000000001EQBD180 2005-03-04-], [RSTAR211853      96010019809740000000220132400000000000015173000000001000000001EQBD180 2005-03-04-], [RSTAR211853      96010019809740000000220132400000000000015180000000002000000002EQBD180 2005-03-04-]]')
		#select('Table', 'cell:1|FHSTDREC01TAR05/03/200519:00:09,5(RSTAR211853      96010019809740000000220132400000000000015057000000001000000001EQBD180 2005-03-04-')
		select_menu('Edit>>Change Layout')
		#select('Table', 'cell:1|FHSTDREC01TAR05/03/200519:00:09,5(RSTAR211853      96010019809740000000220132400000000000015057000000001000000001EQBD180 2005-03-04-')
		#select('ComboBox1', 'Ams')
		select('ComboBox2', 'ams Receipt')
		if commonBits.version()  != 'MsAccess':
			select('Table', 'cell:114 - 9|Act Recv Qty Rs,4(3)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[RH, TAR, 297853, 9601, 112204.03., 200520.2, 8.100, 0, 5965IN, , ,           0000000000000000, 0, 00                    00013776000000002800000002800                    NNY0000028 L96010082005-03-04-], [RD, TAR, 211853, 9601, 2201324, 0, 1, EN00, 2800, 100000, 00004920, 0EQBD180 2005-03-04-20.30., 5.644995, 000000014000131760], [RS, TAR, 297853, 9111, 2201324, 0, 1, 5036, 1, 1, EQBD180, 2005-03-04-, 1, ], [RS, TAR, 211853, 9601, 2201324, 0, 1, 5043, 3, 3, EQBD180, 2005-03-04-, 3, ], [RS, TAR, 211853, 9601, 2201324, 0, 1, 5045, 3, 3, EQBD180, 2005-03-04-, 3, ], [RS, TAR, 211853, 9601, 2201324, 0, 1, 5057, 1, 1, EQBD180, 2005-03-04-, 1, ], [RS, TAR, 211853, 9601, 2201324, 0, 1, 5065, 2, 2, EQBD180, 2005-03-04-, 2, ], [RS, TAR, 211853, 9601, 2201324, 0, 1, 5069, 2, 2, EQBD180, 2005-03-04-, 2, ], [RS, TAR, 211853, 9601, 2201324, 0, 1, 5072, 3, 3, EQBD180, 2005-03-04-, 3, ], [RS, TAR, 211853, 9601, 2201324, 0, 1, 5076, 2, 2, EQBD180, 2005-03-04-, 2, ], [RS, TAR, 21153, 9601, 2201324, 0, 1, 5079, 1, 1, EQBD180, 2005-03-04-, 1, ], [RS, TAR, 211853, 9601, 2201324, 0, 1, 5094, 3, 3, EQBD180, 2005-03-04-, 3, ], [RS, TAR, 211853, 9601, 2201324, 0, 1, 5128, 3, 3, EQBD180, 2005-03-04-, 3, ], [RS, TAR, 211853, 9601, 2201324, 0, 1, 5151, 1, 1, EQBD180, 2005-03-04-, 1, ], [RS, TAR, 211853, 9601, 2201324, 0, 1, 5173, 1, 1, EQBD180, 2005-03-04-, 1, ], [RS, TAR, 211853, 9601, 2201324, 0, 1, 5180, 2, 2, EQBD180, 2005-03-04-, 2, ]]')
		if commonBits.version()  != 'MsAccess':
			select('Table', 'cell:114 - 9|Act Recv Qty Rs,4(3)')
		select('ComboBox1', 'Ams')
		select('ComboBox2', 'ams Receipt')
Exemple #2
def test():
    from Modules import commonBits
    java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_22'

    if window('Record Editor'):
        select('File_Txt', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'csv2DTAR020_tst1.bin.csv')
        ##		select('System_Txt', 'CSV')

        if commonBits.version() == 'MsAccess':
            select('Record Layout_Txt',
                   'Comma Delimited, names on the first line')
            select('System_Txt', 'CSV')

        click(commonBits.fl('Edit') + '1')
        ##		select_menu(commonBits.fl('Edit') + '>>' + commonBits.fl('Update Csv Columns'))
        ##		select('FieldChange_JTbl', commonBits.fl('Number'), commonBits.fl('Type') + ',5')
        ##		select('FieldChange_JTbl', commonBits.fl('Number'), commonBits.fl('Type') + ',1')
        ##		select('FieldChange_JTbl', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Type') + ',1(Number)')
        ##		click(commonBits.fl('Apply'))
        ##		click('Filter1')
        ##		select('Fields.FieldRelationship_JTbl', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Field') + ',0(null)')
        ##		select('Fields.FieldRelationship_JTbl', 'SALE-PRICE', commonBits.fl('Field') + ',0')
        ##		select('Fields.FieldRelationship_JTbl', '5.95', commonBits.fl('Value') + ',0')
        ##		select('Fields.FieldRelationship_JTbl', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Field') + ',1(null)')
        ##		click('Filter1')
        ##		assert_p('LineList.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content', '[[60614487, 59, 40118, 878, 1, 5.95]]')
        ##		click('BasicInternalFrameTitlePane$NoFocusButton2')
        select('Fields.FieldRelationship_JTbl', 'SALE-PRICE',
               commonBits.fl('Field') + ',0')
        select('Fields.FieldRelationship_JTbl', '5.95',
               commonBits.fl('Value') + ',0')
               'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Operator') + ',0(Contains)')
        select('Fields.FieldRelationship_JTbl', commonBits.fl('>= (Numeric)'),
               commonBits.fl('Operator') + ',0')
        ##		select('Fields.FieldRelationship_JTbl', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Operator') + ',0(>=)')
            'LineList.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[69684558, 20, 40118, 280, 1, 19.00], [62684671, 20, 40118, 685, 1, 69.99], [61664713, 59, 40118, 335, 1, 17.99], [61684613, 59, 40118, 335, 1, 12.99], [68634752, 59, 40118, 410, 1, 8.99], [60614487, 59, 40118, 878, 1, 5.95], [69624033, 166, 40118, 80, 1, 18.19], [60604100, 166, 40118, 80, 1, 13.30], [68674560, 166, 40118, 170, 1, 5.99]]'

               'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Field') + ',1(null)')
        select('Fields.FieldRelationship_JTbl', 'STORE-NO',
               commonBits.fl('Field') + ',1')
        select('Fields.FieldRelationship_JTbl', '59',
               commonBits.fl('Value') + ',1')
               'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Value') + ',2()')
            'LineList.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[61664713, 59, 40118, 335, 1, 17.99], [61684613, 59, 40118, 335, 1, 12.99], [68634752, 59, 40118, 410, 1, 8.99], [60614487, 59, 40118, 878, 1, 5.95]]'
Exemple #3
def test():
	from Modules import commonBits
	java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_22'

	if window('Record Editor'):
		select('File_Txt', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'csv2DTAR020_tst1.bin.csv')
		if commonBits.version() == 'MsAccess':
			select('Record Layout_Txt', 'Comma Delimited, names on the first line')
			select('System_Txt', 'CSV')
		click(commonBits.fl('Edit') + '1')
		assert_p('LineList.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content', '[[63604808, 20, 40118, 170, 1, 4.87], [69684558, 20, 40118, 280, 1, 19.00], [69684558, 20, 40118, 280, -1, -19.00], [69694158, 20, 40118, 280, 1, 5.01], [62684671, 20, 40118, 685, 1, 69.99], [62684671, 20, 40118, 685, -1, -69.99], [61664713, 59, 40118, 335, 1, 17.99], [61664713, 59, 40118, 335, -1, -17.99], [61684613, 59, 40118, 335, 1, 12.99], [68634752, 59, 40118, 410, 1, 8.99], [60694698, 59, 40118, 620, 1, 3.99], [60664659, 59, 40118, 620, 1, 3.99], [60614487, 59, 40118, 878, 1, 5.95], [68654655, 166, 40118, 60, 1, 5.08], [69624033, 166, 40118, 80, 1, 18.19], [60604100, 166, 40118, 80, 1, 13.30], [68674560, 166, 40118, 170, 1, 5.99]]')
		select('LineList.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:2|STORE-NO,0(20)')
		rightclick('LineList.FileDisplay_JTbl', '1|KEYCODE-NO,0')
##		select('LineList.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:2|STORE-NO,0(20)')
		select_menu(commonBits.fl('Edit Record'))
#		select('LineList.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:2|STORE-NO,0(20)')
#		select('LineList.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:2|STORE-NO,0(20)')
##		click('WindowsInternalFrameTitlePane', 153, 18)
		select('Find.Search For_Txt', '58')
		select('Find.Operator_Txt', '>=')
		select('Find.Field_Txt', 'STORE-NO')

		assert_p('TextField', 'Text',  commonBits.fl('Found (line, field Num, field position)=') + '7, 1, 0')
		select_menu(commonBits.fl('Window') + '>>csv2DTAR020_tst1.bin.csv>>' + commonBits.fl('Record:'))
		assert_p('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content', '[[KEYCODE-NO, 1, , 61664713, 61664713], [STORE-NO, 2, , 59, 59], [DATE, 3, , 40118, 40118], [DEPT-NO, 4, , 335, 335], [QTY-SOLD, 5, , 1, 1], [SALE-PRICE, 6, , 17.99, 17.99]]')
		assert_p('LineFrame.Record_Txt', 'Text', '7')
		select_menu(commonBits.fl('Window') + '>>csv2DTAR020_tst1.bin.csv>>' + commonBits.fl('Find'))
		select('Find.Operator_Txt', '>=')
		select('Find.Field_Txt', 'STORE-NO')

##		click('Find1')
		assert_p('TextField', 'Text',  commonBits.fl('Found (line, field Num, field position)=') + '8, 1, 0')
		select_menu(commonBits.fl('Window') + '>>csv2DTAR020_tst1.bin.csv>>' + commonBits.fl('Record:'))
		assert_p('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content', '[[KEYCODE-NO, 1, , 61664713, 61664713], [STORE-NO, 2, , 59, 59], [DATE, 3, , 40118, 40118], [DEPT-NO, 4, , 335, 335], [QTY-SOLD, 5, , -1, -1], [SALE-PRICE, 6, , -17.99, -17.99]]')
		assert_p('LineFrame.Record_Txt', 'Text', '8')
		select_menu(commonBits.fl('Window') + '>>csv2DTAR020_tst1.bin.csv>>' + commonBits.fl('Find'))
		select('Find.Operator_Txt', '>=')
		select('Find.Field_Txt', 'STORE-NO')


		assert_p('TextField', 'Text',  commonBits.fl('Found (line, field Num, field position)=') + '9, 1, 0')


		assert_p('TextField', 'Text',  commonBits.fl('Found (line, field Num, field position)=') + '10, 1, 0')
		select_menu(commonBits.fl('Window') + '>>csv2DTAR020_tst1.bin.csv>>' + commonBits.fl('Record:'))
		assert_p('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content', '[[KEYCODE-NO, 1, , 68634752, 68634752], [STORE-NO, 2, , 59, 59], [DATE, 3, , 40118, 40118], [DEPT-NO, 4, , 410, 410], [QTY-SOLD, 5, , 1, 1], [SALE-PRICE, 6, , 8.99, 8.99]]')
		assert_p('LineFrame.Record_Txt', 'Text', '10')
Exemple #4
def test():
    from Modules import commonBits
    java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_22'

    if window('Record Editor'):
        select('File_Txt', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'csv2DTAR020_tst1.bin.csv')
        if commonBits.version() == 'MsAccess':
            select('Record Layout_Txt',
                   'Comma Delimited, names on the first line')
            select('System_Txt', 'CSV')
        ##		select_menu('Edit>>Update Csv Columns')
        ##		select('FieldChange_JTbl', 'Number', 'Type,5')
        ##		select('FieldChange_JTbl', 'Number', 'Type,1')
        ##		select('FieldChange_JTbl', 'cell:Type,1(Number)')
        ##		click('Apply')
        #		select('Filter.FieldRelationship_JTbl', 'cell:Field,0(null)')
        select('Filter.FieldRelationship_JTbl', 'SALE-PRICE', 'Field,0')
        select('Filter.FieldRelationship_JTbl', '5.95', 'Value,0')
        #		select('Filter.FieldRelationship_JTbl', 'cell:Field,1(null)')
        #		click('Filter1')
        #		assert_p('LineList.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content', '[[60614487, 59, 40118, 878, 1, 5.95]]')
        #		click('BasicInternalFrameTitlePane$NoFocusButton2')
        #		select('Filter.FieldRelationship_JTbl', 'cell:Operator,0(Contains)')

        select('Filter.FieldRelationship_JTbl', '<= (Numeric)', 'Operator,0')

            'LineList.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[63604808, 20, 40118, 170, 1, 4.87], [69684558, 20, 40118, 280, -1, -19.00], [69694158, 20, 40118, 280, 1, 5.01], [62684671, 20, 40118, 685, -1, -69.99], [61664713, 59, 40118, 335, -1, -17.99], [60694698, 59, 40118, 620, 1, 3.99], [60664659, 59, 40118, 620, 1, 3.99], [60614487, 59, 40118, 878, 1, 5.95], [68654655, 166, 40118, 60, 1, 5.08]]'

        ##		select('Filter.FieldRelationship_JTbl', 'cell:Field,1(null)')
        select('Filter.FieldRelationship_JTbl', '<= (Numeric)', 'Operator,0')
        select('Filter.FieldRelationship_JTbl', 'STORE-NO', 'Field,1')
        select('Filter.FieldRelationship_JTbl', '59', 'Value,1')
        select('Filter.FieldRelationship_JTbl', '<= (Numeric)', 'Operator,0')
        ##		select('Filter.FieldRelationship_JTbl', 'cell:Value,2()')
            'LineList.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[61664713, 59, 40118, 335, -1, -17.99], [60694698, 59, 40118, 620, 1, 3.99], [60664659, 59, 40118, 620, 1, 3.99], [60614487, 59, 40118, 878, 1, 5.95]]'
            'LineList.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[61664713, 59, 40118, 335, -1, -17.99], [60694698, 59, 40118, 620, 1, 3.99], [60664659, 59, 40118, 620, 1, 3.99], [60614487, 59, 40118, 878, 1, 5.95]]'

Exemple #5
def test():
	from Modules import commonBits
	java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_22'

	if window('Record Editor'):
		select('FileChooser', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'csvB_DTAR020.bin.csv')
		if commonBits.version()  == 'MsAccess':
			select('ComboBox2', 'Comma Delimited, names on the first line')
			select('ComboBox1', 'CSV')
		click(commonBits.fl('Edit') + '1')
		select('Table', 'cell:2|STORE-NO,0(20)')
		rightclick('Table', '3|DATE,2')
#		select('Table', 'cell:2|STORE-NO,0(20)')
		select_menu(commonBits.fl('CSV Options') + '>>' + commonBits.fl('Delete Column'))
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[69684558, 20, 280, 1, 19.00], [69684558, 20, 280, -1, -19.00], [69684558, 20, 280, 1, 5.01], [69694158, 20, 280, 1, 19.00], [69694158, 20, 280, -1, -19.00], [69694158, 20, 280, 1, 5.01], [63604808, 20, 170, 1, 4.87], [62684671, 20, 685, 1, 69.99], [62684671, 20, 685, -1, -69.99], [64634429, 20, 957, 1, 3.99], [66624458, 20, 957, 1, 0.89], [63674861, 20, 957, 10, 2.70], [65674532, 20, 929, 1, 3.59], [64614401, 59, 957, 1, 1.99], [64614401, 59, 957, 1, 1.99], [61664713, 59, 335, 1, 17.99], [61664713, 59, 335, -1, -17.99], [68634752, 59, 410, 1, 8.99], [60614487, 59, 878, 1, 5.95], [63644339, 59, 878, 1, 12.65], [60694698, 59, 620, 1, 3.99], [60664659, 59, 620, 1, 3.99], [62684217, 59, 957, 1, 9.99], [67674686, 59, 929, 1, 3.99], [61684613, 59, 335, 1, 12.99], [64624770, 59, 957, 1, 2.59], [69694814, 166, 360, 1, 2.50], [69694814, 166, 360, 1, 2.50], [69644164, 166, 193, 1, 21.59], [62684907, 166, 375, 1, 13.99], [62694193, 166, 375, 1, 13.99], [62694193, 166, 375, -1, -13.99], [62694193, 166, 375, 1, 11.99], [63654450, 166, 320, 1, 13.99], [62664576, 166, 320, 1, 9.72], [63634260, 166, 320, 1, 5.59], [64684534, 166, 440, 1, 14.99], [64674965, 166, 235, 1, 19.99], [64674965, 166, 235, -1, -19.99], [64674965, 166, 235, 1, 12.00], [60624523, 166, 261, 1, 12.00], [66624253, 166, 957, 1, 3.49], [66624253, 166, 957, 1, 3.49], [64654284, 166, 957, 1, 3.99], [60684907, 166, 805, 1, 5.50], [63624299, 166, 870, 1, 10.99], [63624367, 166, 870, 1, 11.19], [62694575, 166, 475, 1, 14.99], [69614011, 166, 905, 1, 6.99], [62634996, 166, 650, 1, 9.99], [67634503, 166, 970, 1, 24.99], [65604476, 166, 830, 1, 19.95], [62694170, 166, 851, 1, 16.99], [63684098, 166, 410, 1, 1.98], [63684098, 166, 410, 1, 1.98], [63684098, 166, 410, 1, 1.98], [64674609, 166, 485, 1, 29.99], [62614014, 166, 366, 1, 14.99], [61694741, 166, 432, 1, 9.06], [62614534, 166, 432, 1, 9.09], [64604876, 166, 801, 1, 29.62], [66624829, 166, 957, 1, 1.99], [62694843, 166, 193, 1, 13.59], [62684580, 166, 265, 1, 19.00], [62664909, 166, 957, 1, 3.29], [62674751, 166, 957, 1, 1.99], [62674492, 166, 957, 1, 1.49], [62674492, 166, 957, 1, 1.49], [62694706, 166, 193, 1, 13.59], [69644602, 166, 265, 1, 19.00], [63634768, 166, 270, 1, 12.00], [62684207, 166, 265, 1, 19.00], [69644961, 166, 230, 1, 9.60], [69604743, 166, 250, 1, 29.95], [63634081, 166, 929, 1, 3.89], [69614229, 166, 902, 1, 15.95], [62654454, 166, 845, 1, 5.95], [64634712, 166, 845, 1, 3.90], [62674092, 166, 851, 1, 15.99], [67664966, 166, 929, 1, 0.89], [67664966, 166, 929, 1, 0.89], [64674633, 166, 220, 1, 15.99], [64624081, 166, 280, 1, 26.24], [69674069, 166, 910, 1, 10.49], [62684028, 166, 520, 1, 29.99], [64604876, 166, 801, 1, 29.62], [68644966, 166, 902, 1, 12.50], [68644966, 166, 902, -1, -12.50], [68644966, 166, 902, 1, 0.01], [62664347, 166, 370, 1, 8.99], [62664231, 166, 370, 1, 8.99], [62694605, 166, 261, 1, 25.00], [69634922, 166, 261, 1, 19.00], [63694928, 166, 904, 1, 11.49], [60624185, 166, 500, 1, 8.99], [60624314, 166, 500, 1, 8.99], [69694959, 166, 270, 1, 11.99], [69624033, 166, 80, 1, 18.19], [62694485, 166, 193, 1, 17.56], [60614646, 166, 60, 1, 6.00], [63654066, 166, 275, 1, 24.99], [62684548, 166, 415, 1, 39.99], [62684548, 166, 415, 1, 39.99], [69694685, 166, 360, 1, 6.99], [63614741, 166, 395, 1, 27.99], [60664302, 166, 270, 1, 9.00], [60664241, 166, 270, 1, 9.00], [66674979, 166, 360, 1, 4.50], [62634862, 166, 355, 1, 11.89], [62604139, 166, 335, 1, 7.99], [62624382, 166, 370, 1, 18.98], [62624382, 166, 370, -1, -18.98], [69694937, 166, 360, 1, 2.50], [62624382, 166, 370, 1, 18.98], [62624382, 166, 370, 1, 18.98], [62624382, 166, 370, -1, -18.98], [62624382, 166, 370, -1, -18.98], [62624382, 166, 370, 1, 18.98], [62624382, 166, 370, 1, 18.98], [61684889, 166, 685, 1, 4.49], [68614651, 166, 370, 1, 3.99], [62664674, 166, 471, 1, 24.99], [61684889, 166, 685, 1, 4.49], [60694417, 166, 929, 1, 0.65], [65694328, 166, 929, 1, 0.59], [63684449, 166, 320, 1, 16.99], [62614815, 166, 405, 1, 20.00], [62664151, 166, 455, 1, 25.00], [64684719, 166, 410, 1, 9.99], [69654084, 166, 60, 1, 6.00], [69644897, 166, 60, 1, 5.08], [68654655, 166, 60, 1, 5.08], [68674560, 166, 170, 1, 5.99], [62694387, 166, 432, 1, 7.99], [62664568, 166, 432, 1, 5.99], [69634261, 166, 261, 1, 12.00], [69634660, 166, 261, 1, 12.00], [69684947, 166, 280, 1, 22.49], [60654072, 166, 905, 1, 4.33], [60654072, 166, 905, 1, 4.33], [69624221, 166, 355, 1, 16.99], [62654800, 166, 355, 1, 19.99], [64644495, 166, 801, 1, 29.65], [67664645, 166, 929, 1, 1.39], [60614265, 166, 395, 1, 15.99], [68604583, 166, 905, 1, 15.99], [60614265, 166, 395, 1, 15.99], [60614265, 166, 395, -1, -15.99], [60614265, 166, 395, -1, -15.99], [68604583, 166, 905, -1, -15.99], [68604583, 166, 905, 1, 15.99], [68604583, 166, 905, -1, -15.99], [68604583, 166, 905, 1, 12.80], [60614265, 166, 395, 1, 15.99], [60614265, 166, 395, -1, -15.99], [60614265, 166, 395, 1, 12.80], [69664661, 166, 904, 1, 14.95], [68664211, 166, 193, 1, 11.19], [60614707, 166, 60, 1, 6.00], [64604513, 166, 235, 1, 16.99], [60624864, 166, 261, 1, 15.00], [69644909, 166, 261, 1, 9.00], [60604100, 166, 80, 1, 13.30], [69634263, 166, 261, 1, 25.00], [69634263, 166, 261, -1, -25.00], [69634263, 166, 261, 1, 12.00], [61674701, 166, 670, 1, 3.99], [63654007, 166, 670, 1, 56.99], [67624103, 166, 801, 1, 16.50], [68614329, 166, 905, 1, 39.99], [67644384, 166, 193, 1, 23.96], [64644495, 166, 801, 1, 29.65], [60684484, 184, 220, 1, 9.00], [60684484, 184, 220, 1, 9.00], [67674299, 184, 905, 1, 4.99], [69664620, 184, 355, 1, 11.89], [69664620, 184, 355, -1, -11.89], [69664620, 184, 355, 1, 9.09], [60674210, 184, 275, -1, -15.00], [60664048, 184, 60, -1, -4.80], [60614866, 184, 60, -1, -4.80], [60664048, 184, 60, -1, -4.80], [60664048, 184, 60, -1, -4.80], [60614866, 184, 60, -1, -4.80], [69654081, 184, 70, 1, 12.99], [63664643, 184, 193, 1, 16.79], [69654135, 184, 70, 1, 12.99], [60644672, 184, 160, 1, 9.09], [62654852, 184, 345, -1, -19.59], [62674960, 184, 490, -1, -16.00], [62674960, 184, 490, 1, 16.00], [65674126, 184, 929, 1, 2.69], [60634192, 184, 500, 1, 24.99], [64634500, 184, 957, -1, -9.99], [66624803, 184, 170, 1, 2.00], [66624803, 184, 170, -1, -2.00], [66624803, 184, 170, 1, 1.04], [66624889, 184, 170, 1, 2.00], [66624889, 184, 170, -1, -2.00], [66624889, 184, 170, 1, 1.04], [60624241, 184, 500, 1, 34.99], [62644079, 184, 650, 1, 9.99], [62664183, 184, 320, -1, -20.99], [64654047, 184, 320, -1, -25.99], [62694327, 184, 375, -1, -10.39], [69604894, 184, 275, -1, -19.00], [67644821, 184, 60, -1, -14.99], [67644118, 184, 60, 1, 16.99], [66664981, 184, 901, 1, 3.09], [66684899, 184, 901, 1, 12.99], [64634942, 184, 270, 1, 15.99], [63654826, 184, 275, 1, 19.00], [69604993, 184, 220, -1, -14.39], [63624118, 184, 250, -1, -15.00], [62684517, 184, 475, -1, -29.99], [67634503, 184, 970, 1, 24.99], [62694782, 184, 193, -1, -16.99], [62694683, 184, 193, -1, -16.99], [62694782, 184, 193, -1, -16.99], [62694782, 184, 193, -1, -16.99], [62684096, 184, 310, 1, 14.00], [69644199, 184, 193, 1, 19.19], [60634366, 184, 904, 1, 7.99], [67654448, 184, 70, 1, 23.00], [67654448, 184, 70, -1, -23.00], [67654448, 184, 70, 1, 19.01], [69654459, 184, 60, 1, 5.08], [60664779, 184, 60, 1, 5.08], [63674002, 184, 310, -1, -29.99], [68604041, 184, 870, -1, -19.99], [67634503, 184, 970, 1, 24.99], [68644941, 184, 60, -1, -10.39], [68644941, 184, 60, -1, -10.39], [68644941, 184, 60, -1, -10.39], [68644941, 184, 60, -1, -10.39], [68644934, 184, 60, 1, 10.39], [62674884, 184, 350, -1, -8.99], [68654381, 184, 235, 1, 14.95], [64644433, 184, 801, 1, 24.99], [64604829, 184, 805, -1, -29.99], [62634996, 184, 650, 1, 9.99], [60624270, 184, 670, 1, 0.95], [63664932, 184, 929, 1, 1.59], [69684804, 184, 851, 1, 9.99], [68664363, 184, 415, -1, -29.95], [62694503, 184, 929, 1, 2.99], [62644205, 184, 590, 1, 24.99], [62604912, 184, 590, 1, 24.89], [64634802, 184, 904, 1, 4.29], [60664257, 184, 901, 1, 2.12], [62684043, 184, 878, -1, -19.95], [62684043, 184, 878, 1, 19.95], [64644860, 184, 805, -1, -3.95], [62644590, 184, 590, -1, -22.99], [64664587, 184, 432, -1, -16.99], [64604930, 184, 801, -1, -35.95], [60604880, 184, 250, 1, 9.00], [68674372, 184, 845, 1, 2.00], [63684755, 184, 845, 1, 2.00], [64684439, 184, 929, 1, 9.99], [67624120, 184, 940, 1, 0.98], [67624120, 184, 940, -1, -0.98], [67624120, 184, 940, 1, 0.49], [67624120, 184, 940, 1, 0.98], [67624120, 184, 940, -1, -0.98], [67624120, 184, 940, 1, 0.49], [66614192, 184, 940, 1, 1.23], [66614192, 184, 940, -1, -1.23], [66614192, 184, 940, 1, 0.69], [66614192, 184, 940, 1, 1.23], [66614192, 184, 940, -1, -1.23], [66614192, 184, 940, 1, 0.69], [67624473, 184, 940, 1, 0.50], [67624473, 184, 940, -1, -0.50], [67624473, 184, 940, 1, 0.19], [67614923, 184, 875, -1, -19.95], [63604715, 184, 432, -1, -6.99], [63604715, 184, 432, -1, -6.99], [63604715, 184, 432, -1, -6.99], [62684102, 184, 310, 1, 14.00], [63654091, 184, 805, 1, 4.95], [68694729, 184, 855, -1, -16.99], [60684563, 184, 220, 1, 9.59], [68664957, 184, 80, 1, 13.99], [67604116, 184, 801, 1, 21.00], [64664047, 184, 801, 1, 22.99], [67634497, 184, 970, 1, 24.99], [64664270, 184, 929, 1, 3.19], [60634150, 184, 160, -1, -14.99], [68684135, 184, 878, -1, -249.00], [68684135, 184, 878, 1, 269.00], [68684135, 184, 878, -1, -269.00], [68684135, 184, 878, 1, 249.00], [69624909, 184, 235, -1, -26.21], [62634962, 184, 530, -1, -6.89], [67614726, 184, 160, -1, -9.95], [68654094, 184, 170, -1, -4.50], [60674335, 184, 485, 1, 19.95], [60674335, 184, 485, -1, -19.95], [60674335, 184, 485, 1, 12.99], [60644305, 184, 929, 1, 0.89], [64604604, 184, 366, 1, 6.99], [63694367, 184, 290, 1, 19.00], [62644079, 184, 650, 1, 9.99], [67674119, 184, 929, 1, 1.89], [69614627, 184, 265, 1, 19.00], [69614740, 184, 265, 1, 19.00], [60614135, 184, 230, -1, -14.25], [69674452, 184, 970, 1, 19.99], [62694272, 184, 957, 1, 2.49], [69614274, 184, 902, 1, 9.95], [60634379, 184, 290, 1, 25.00], [60674904, 184, 261, 1, 19.00], [66614582, 184, 670, -1, -15.99], [64654096, 184, 805, 1, 4.95], [62634605, 184, 405, 1, 29.99], [69694354, 184, 929, 1, 2.99], [69634699, 184, 80, 1, 20.99], [69634712, 184, 80, 1, 20.99], [69664171, 184, 250, -1, -27.95], [69694479, 184, 280, 1, 14.99], [63634656, 184, 929, -1, -5.50], [69664149, 184, 903, -1, -5.99], [69664163, 184, 903, -1, -1.39], [67674341, 184, 901, -1, -19.95], [69644053, 184, 230, 1, 18.74], [63674184, 184, 957, 1, 164.00], [62604338, 184, 870, 1, 69.99], [62644344, 184, 432, 1, 10.99], [66644706, 184, 432, 1, 10.99], [62644528, 184, 432, 1, 10.99], [62644764, 184, 432, 1, 10.99], [62664135, 184, 405, 1, 11.00], [62664244, 184, 405, 1, 11.00], [62664197, 184, 405, 1, 11.00], [62654875, 184, 471, 1, 39.99], [64614653, 184, 265, 1, 34.99], [64614653, 184, 265, 1, 34.99], [61694023, 184, 650, 1, 14.99], [61694023, 184, 650, 1, 14.99], [60694909, 184, 998, 1, 2.00], [68614241, 184, 70, 1, 12.99], [69654638, 184, 60, 1, 6.00], [67634923, 184, 60, 1, 17.59], [64614285, 184, 70, 1, 22.99], [69644389, 184, 193, 1, 17.59], [68614787, 184, 70, 1, 27.99], [69644337, 184, 70, 1, 29.99], [68634061, 184, 70, 1, 27.99], [69644184, 184, 193, 1, 15.99], [63624756, 184, 801, 1, 21.00], [67604116, 184, 801, 1, 21.00], [68654451, 184, 193, 1, 27.99], [62614172, 184, 193, 1, 19.19], [61614174, 184, 620, 1, 49.99], [61614174, 184, 620, 1, 29.99], [62644445, 184, 801, 1, 69.95], [62634323, 184, 905, 1, 149.00], [66674079, 184, 901, 1, 3.95], [66674130, 184, 901, 1, 3.95], [61604095, 184, 902, 1, 12.50], [66664028, 184, 902, 1, 14.95], [68654621, 184, 902, 1, 12.95], [63694264, 184, 830, 1, 19.95], [63604361, 184, 901, 1, 3.99], [62634259, 184, 901, 1, 6.69], [62634259, 184, 901, 1, 6.69], [60684429, 184, 904, 1, 4.89], [60684037, 184, 904, 1, 9.95], [69694875, 184, 904, 1, 19.95], [69694875, 184, 904, 1, 19.95], [69694875, 184, 904, 1, 19.95], [69694875, 184, 904, -1, -19.95], [69694875, 184, 904, -1, -19.95], [69694875, 184, 904, -1, -19.95], [63604108, 184, 901, 1, 3.95], [63694928, 184, 904, 1, 11.49], [60634765, 184, 904, 1, 4.99], [69664668, 184, 903, 1, 8.95]]')
#		select('Table', '')
		rightclick('Table', '3|DEPT-NO,5')
		select_menu(commonBits.fl('Edit Record'))
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[KEYCODE-NO, 1, , 69694158, 69694158], [STORE-NO, 2, , 20, 20], [DEPT-NO, 3, , 280, 280], [QTY-SOLD, 4, , 1, 1], [SALE-PRICE, 5, , 5.01, 5.01]]')
		assert_p('TextArea', 'Text', '69694158,20,280,1,5.01')
		select_menu(commonBits.fl('Window') + '>>csvB_DTAR020.bin.csv>>' + commonBits.fl('Table:'))
#		select('Table', '')
		rightclick('Table', '1|KEYCODE-NO,3')
		select_menu(commonBits.fl('CSV Options') + '>>' + commonBits.fl('Delete Column'))
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[20, 280, 1, 19.00], [20, 280, -1, -19.00], [20, 280, 1, 5.01], [20, 280, 1, 19.00], [20, 280, -1, -19.00], [20, 280, 1, 5.01], [20, 170, 1, 4.87], [20, 685, 1, 69.99], [20, 685, -1, -69.99], [20, 957, 1, 3.99], [20, 957, 1, 0.89], [20, 957, 10, 2.70], [20, 929, 1, 3.59], [59, 957, 1, 1.99], [59, 957, 1, 1.99], [59, 335, 1, 17.99], [59, 335, -1, -17.99], [59, 410, 1, 8.99], [59, 878, 1, 5.95], [59, 878, 1, 12.65], [59, 620, 1, 3.99], [59, 620, 1, 3.99], [59, 957, 1, 9.99], [59, 929, 1, 3.99], [59, 335, 1, 12.99], [59, 957, 1, 2.59], [166, 360, 1, 2.50], [166, 360, 1, 2.50], [166, 193, 1, 21.59], [166, 375, 1, 13.99], [166, 375, 1, 13.99], [166, 375, -1, -13.99], [166, 375, 1, 11.99], [166, 320, 1, 13.99], [166, 320, 1, 9.72], [166, 320, 1, 5.59], [166, 440, 1, 14.99], [166, 235, 1, 19.99], [166, 235, -1, -19.99], [166, 235, 1, 12.00], [166, 261, 1, 12.00], [166, 957, 1, 3.49], [166, 957, 1, 3.49], [166, 957, 1, 3.99], [166, 805, 1, 5.50], [166, 870, 1, 10.99], [166, 870, 1, 11.19], [166, 475, 1, 14.99], [166, 905, 1, 6.99], [166, 650, 1, 9.99], [166, 970, 1, 24.99], [166, 830, 1, 19.95], [166, 851, 1, 16.99], [166, 410, 1, 1.98], [166, 410, 1, 1.98], [166, 410, 1, 1.98], [166, 485, 1, 29.99], [166, 366, 1, 14.99], [166, 432, 1, 9.06], [166, 432, 1, 9.09], [166, 801, 1, 29.62], [166, 957, 1, 1.99], [166, 193, 1, 13.59], [166, 265, 1, 19.00], [166, 957, 1, 3.29], [166, 957, 1, 1.99], [166, 957, 1, 1.49], [166, 957, 1, 1.49], [166, 193, 1, 13.59], [166, 265, 1, 19.00], [166, 270, 1, 12.00], [166, 265, 1, 19.00], [166, 230, 1, 9.60], [166, 250, 1, 29.95], [166, 929, 1, 3.89], [166, 902, 1, 15.95], [166, 845, 1, 5.95], [166, 845, 1, 3.90], [166, 851, 1, 15.99], [166, 929, 1, 0.89], [166, 929, 1, 0.89], [166, 220, 1, 15.99], [166, 280, 1, 26.24], [166, 910, 1, 10.49], [166, 520, 1, 29.99], [166, 801, 1, 29.62], [166, 902, 1, 12.50], [166, 902, -1, -12.50], [166, 902, 1, 0.01], [166, 370, 1, 8.99], [166, 370, 1, 8.99], [166, 261, 1, 25.00], [166, 261, 1, 19.00], [166, 904, 1, 11.49], [166, 500, 1, 8.99], [166, 500, 1, 8.99], [166, 270, 1, 11.99], [166, 80, 1, 18.19], [166, 193, 1, 17.56], [166, 60, 1, 6.00], [166, 275, 1, 24.99], [166, 415, 1, 39.99], [166, 415, 1, 39.99], [166, 360, 1, 6.99], [166, 395, 1, 27.99], [166, 270, 1, 9.00], [166, 270, 1, 9.00], [166, 360, 1, 4.50], [166, 355, 1, 11.89], [166, 335, 1, 7.99], [166, 370, 1, 18.98], [166, 370, -1, -18.98], [166, 360, 1, 2.50], [166, 370, 1, 18.98], [166, 370, 1, 18.98], [166, 370, -1, -18.98], [166, 370, -1, -18.98], [166, 370, 1, 18.98], [166, 370, 1, 18.98], [166, 685, 1, 4.49], [166, 370, 1, 3.99], [166, 471, 1, 24.99], [166, 685, 1, 4.49], [166, 929, 1, 0.65], [166, 929, 1, 0.59], [166, 320, 1, 16.99], [166, 405, 1, 20.00], [166, 455, 1, 25.00], [166, 410, 1, 9.99], [166, 60, 1, 6.00], [166, 60, 1, 5.08], [166, 60, 1, 5.08], [166, 170, 1, 5.99], [166, 432, 1, 7.99], [166, 432, 1, 5.99], [166, 261, 1, 12.00], [166, 261, 1, 12.00], [166, 280, 1, 22.49], [166, 905, 1, 4.33], [166, 905, 1, 4.33], [166, 355, 1, 16.99], [166, 355, 1, 19.99], [166, 801, 1, 29.65], [166, 929, 1, 1.39], [166, 395, 1, 15.99], [166, 905, 1, 15.99], [166, 395, 1, 15.99], [166, 395, -1, -15.99], [166, 395, -1, -15.99], [166, 905, -1, -15.99], [166, 905, 1, 15.99], [166, 905, -1, -15.99], [166, 905, 1, 12.80], [166, 395, 1, 15.99], [166, 395, -1, -15.99], [166, 395, 1, 12.80], [166, 904, 1, 14.95], [166, 193, 1, 11.19], [166, 60, 1, 6.00], [166, 235, 1, 16.99], [166, 261, 1, 15.00], [166, 261, 1, 9.00], [166, 80, 1, 13.30], [166, 261, 1, 25.00], [166, 261, -1, -25.00], [166, 261, 1, 12.00], [166, 670, 1, 3.99], [166, 670, 1, 56.99], [166, 801, 1, 16.50], [166, 905, 1, 39.99], [166, 193, 1, 23.96], [166, 801, 1, 29.65], [184, 220, 1, 9.00], [184, 220, 1, 9.00], [184, 905, 1, 4.99], [184, 355, 1, 11.89], [184, 355, -1, -11.89], [184, 355, 1, 9.09], [184, 275, -1, -15.00], [184, 60, -1, -4.80], [184, 60, -1, -4.80], [184, 60, -1, -4.80], [184, 60, -1, -4.80], [184, 60, -1, -4.80], [184, 70, 1, 12.99], [184, 193, 1, 16.79], [184, 70, 1, 12.99], [184, 160, 1, 9.09], [184, 345, -1, -19.59], [184, 490, -1, -16.00], [184, 490, 1, 16.00], [184, 929, 1, 2.69], [184, 500, 1, 24.99], [184, 957, -1, -9.99], [184, 170, 1, 2.00], [184, 170, -1, -2.00], [184, 170, 1, 1.04], [184, 170, 1, 2.00], [184, 170, -1, -2.00], [184, 170, 1, 1.04], [184, 500, 1, 34.99], [184, 650, 1, 9.99], [184, 320, -1, -20.99], [184, 320, -1, -25.99], [184, 375, -1, -10.39], [184, 275, -1, -19.00], [184, 60, -1, -14.99], [184, 60, 1, 16.99], [184, 901, 1, 3.09], [184, 901, 1, 12.99], [184, 270, 1, 15.99], [184, 275, 1, 19.00], [184, 220, -1, -14.39], [184, 250, -1, -15.00], [184, 475, -1, -29.99], [184, 970, 1, 24.99], [184, 193, -1, -16.99], [184, 193, -1, -16.99], [184, 193, -1, -16.99], [184, 193, -1, -16.99], [184, 310, 1, 14.00], [184, 193, 1, 19.19], [184, 904, 1, 7.99], [184, 70, 1, 23.00], [184, 70, -1, -23.00], [184, 70, 1, 19.01], [184, 60, 1, 5.08], [184, 60, 1, 5.08], [184, 310, -1, -29.99], [184, 870, -1, -19.99], [184, 970, 1, 24.99], [184, 60, -1, -10.39], [184, 60, -1, -10.39], [184, 60, -1, -10.39], [184, 60, -1, -10.39], [184, 60, 1, 10.39], [184, 350, -1, -8.99], [184, 235, 1, 14.95], [184, 801, 1, 24.99], [184, 805, -1, -29.99], [184, 650, 1, 9.99], [184, 670, 1, 0.95], [184, 929, 1, 1.59], [184, 851, 1, 9.99], [184, 415, -1, -29.95], [184, 929, 1, 2.99], [184, 590, 1, 24.99], [184, 590, 1, 24.89], [184, 904, 1, 4.29], [184, 901, 1, 2.12], [184, 878, -1, -19.95], [184, 878, 1, 19.95], [184, 805, -1, -3.95], [184, 590, -1, -22.99], [184, 432, -1, -16.99], [184, 801, -1, -35.95], [184, 250, 1, 9.00], [184, 845, 1, 2.00], [184, 845, 1, 2.00], [184, 929, 1, 9.99], [184, 940, 1, 0.98], [184, 940, -1, -0.98], [184, 940, 1, 0.49], [184, 940, 1, 0.98], [184, 940, -1, -0.98], [184, 940, 1, 0.49], [184, 940, 1, 1.23], [184, 940, -1, -1.23], [184, 940, 1, 0.69], [184, 940, 1, 1.23], [184, 940, -1, -1.23], [184, 940, 1, 0.69], [184, 940, 1, 0.50], [184, 940, -1, -0.50], [184, 940, 1, 0.19], [184, 875, -1, -19.95], [184, 432, -1, -6.99], [184, 432, -1, -6.99], [184, 432, -1, -6.99], [184, 310, 1, 14.00], [184, 805, 1, 4.95], [184, 855, -1, -16.99], [184, 220, 1, 9.59], [184, 80, 1, 13.99], [184, 801, 1, 21.00], [184, 801, 1, 22.99], [184, 970, 1, 24.99], [184, 929, 1, 3.19], [184, 160, -1, -14.99], [184, 878, -1, -249.00], [184, 878, 1, 269.00], [184, 878, -1, -269.00], [184, 878, 1, 249.00], [184, 235, -1, -26.21], [184, 530, -1, -6.89], [184, 160, -1, -9.95], [184, 170, -1, -4.50], [184, 485, 1, 19.95], [184, 485, -1, -19.95], [184, 485, 1, 12.99], [184, 929, 1, 0.89], [184, 366, 1, 6.99], [184, 290, 1, 19.00], [184, 650, 1, 9.99], [184, 929, 1, 1.89], [184, 265, 1, 19.00], [184, 265, 1, 19.00], [184, 230, -1, -14.25], [184, 970, 1, 19.99], [184, 957, 1, 2.49], [184, 902, 1, 9.95], [184, 290, 1, 25.00], [184, 261, 1, 19.00], [184, 670, -1, -15.99], [184, 805, 1, 4.95], [184, 405, 1, 29.99], [184, 929, 1, 2.99], [184, 80, 1, 20.99], [184, 80, 1, 20.99], [184, 250, -1, -27.95], [184, 280, 1, 14.99], [184, 929, -1, -5.50], [184, 903, -1, -5.99], [184, 903, -1, -1.39], [184, 901, -1, -19.95], [184, 230, 1, 18.74], [184, 957, 1, 164.00], [184, 870, 1, 69.99], [184, 432, 1, 10.99], [184, 432, 1, 10.99], [184, 432, 1, 10.99], [184, 432, 1, 10.99], [184, 405, 1, 11.00], [184, 405, 1, 11.00], [184, 405, 1, 11.00], [184, 471, 1, 39.99], [184, 265, 1, 34.99], [184, 265, 1, 34.99], [184, 650, 1, 14.99], [184, 650, 1, 14.99], [184, 998, 1, 2.00], [184, 70, 1, 12.99], [184, 60, 1, 6.00], [184, 60, 1, 17.59], [184, 70, 1, 22.99], [184, 193, 1, 17.59], [184, 70, 1, 27.99], [184, 70, 1, 29.99], [184, 70, 1, 27.99], [184, 193, 1, 15.99], [184, 801, 1, 21.00], [184, 801, 1, 21.00], [184, 193, 1, 27.99], [184, 193, 1, 19.19], [184, 620, 1, 49.99], [184, 620, 1, 29.99], [184, 801, 1, 69.95], [184, 905, 1, 149.00], [184, 901, 1, 3.95], [184, 901, 1, 3.95], [184, 902, 1, 12.50], [184, 902, 1, 14.95], [184, 902, 1, 12.95], [184, 830, 1, 19.95], [184, 901, 1, 3.99], [184, 901, 1, 6.69], [184, 901, 1, 6.69], [184, 904, 1, 4.89], [184, 904, 1, 9.95], [184, 904, 1, 19.95], [184, 904, 1, 19.95], [184, 904, 1, 19.95], [184, 904, -1, -19.95], [184, 904, -1, -19.95], [184, 904, -1, -19.95], [184, 901, 1, 3.95], [184, 904, 1, 11.49], [184, 904, 1, 4.99], [184, 903, 1, 8.95]]')
#		select('Table', '')
		rightclick('Table', '1|STORE-NO,7')
		select_menu(commonBits.fl('Edit Record'))
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[STORE-NO, 1, , 20, 20], [DEPT-NO, 2, , 685, 685], [QTY-SOLD, 3, , 1, 1], [SALE-PRICE, 4, , 69.99, 69.99]]')
		assert_p('TextArea', 'Text', '20,685,1,69.99')
#		select('Table', '')
		rightclick('Table', '4|SALE-PRICE,3')
		select_menu(commonBits.fl('CSV Options') + '>>' + commonBits.fl('Delete Column'))
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[20, 280, 1], [20, 280, -1], [20, 280, 1], [20, 280, 1], [20, 280, -1], [20, 280, 1], [20, 170, 1], [20, 685, 1], [20, 685, -1], [20, 957, 1], [20, 957, 1], [20, 957, 10], [20, 929, 1], [59, 957, 1], [59, 957, 1], [59, 335, 1], [59, 335, -1], [59, 410, 1], [59, 878, 1], [59, 878, 1], [59, 620, 1], [59, 620, 1], [59, 957, 1], [59, 929, 1], [59, 335, 1], [59, 957, 1], [166, 360, 1], [166, 360, 1], [166, 193, 1], [166, 375, 1], [166, 375, 1], [166, 375, -1], [166, 375, 1], [166, 320, 1], [166, 320, 1], [166, 320, 1], [166, 440, 1], [166, 235, 1], [166, 235, -1], [166, 235, 1], [166, 261, 1], [166, 957, 1], [166, 957, 1], [166, 957, 1], [166, 805, 1], [166, 870, 1], [166, 870, 1], [166, 475, 1], [166, 905, 1], [166, 650, 1], [166, 970, 1], [166, 830, 1], [166, 851, 1], [166, 410, 1], [166, 410, 1], [166, 410, 1], [166, 485, 1], [166, 366, 1], [166, 432, 1], [166, 432, 1], [166, 801, 1], [166, 957, 1], [166, 193, 1], [166, 265, 1], [166, 957, 1], [166, 957, 1], [166, 957, 1], [166, 957, 1], [166, 193, 1], [166, 265, 1], [166, 270, 1], [166, 265, 1], [166, 230, 1], [166, 250, 1], [166, 929, 1], [166, 902, 1], [166, 845, 1], [166, 845, 1], [166, 851, 1], [166, 929, 1], [166, 929, 1], [166, 220, 1], [166, 280, 1], [166, 910, 1], [166, 520, 1], [166, 801, 1], [166, 902, 1], [166, 902, -1], [166, 902, 1], [166, 370, 1], [166, 370, 1], [166, 261, 1], [166, 261, 1], [166, 904, 1], [166, 500, 1], [166, 500, 1], [166, 270, 1], [166, 80, 1], [166, 193, 1], [166, 60, 1], [166, 275, 1], [166, 415, 1], [166, 415, 1], [166, 360, 1], [166, 395, 1], [166, 270, 1], [166, 270, 1], [166, 360, 1], [166, 355, 1], [166, 335, 1], [166, 370, 1], [166, 370, -1], [166, 360, 1], [166, 370, 1], [166, 370, 1], [166, 370, -1], [166, 370, -1], [166, 370, 1], [166, 370, 1], [166, 685, 1], [166, 370, 1], [166, 471, 1], [166, 685, 1], [166, 929, 1], [166, 929, 1], [166, 320, 1], [166, 405, 1], [166, 455, 1], [166, 410, 1], [166, 60, 1], [166, 60, 1], [166, 60, 1], [166, 170, 1], [166, 432, 1], [166, 432, 1], [166, 261, 1], [166, 261, 1], [166, 280, 1], [166, 905, 1], [166, 905, 1], [166, 355, 1], [166, 355, 1], [166, 801, 1], [166, 929, 1], [166, 395, 1], [166, 905, 1], [166, 395, 1], [166, 395, -1], [166, 395, -1], [166, 905, -1], [166, 905, 1], [166, 905, -1], [166, 905, 1], [166, 395, 1], [166, 395, -1], [166, 395, 1], [166, 904, 1], [166, 193, 1], [166, 60, 1], [166, 235, 1], [166, 261, 1], [166, 261, 1], [166, 80, 1], [166, 261, 1], [166, 261, -1], [166, 261, 1], [166, 670, 1], [166, 670, 1], [166, 801, 1], [166, 905, 1], [166, 193, 1], [166, 801, 1], [184, 220, 1], [184, 220, 1], [184, 905, 1], [184, 355, 1], [184, 355, -1], [184, 355, 1], [184, 275, -1], [184, 60, -1], [184, 60, -1], [184, 60, -1], [184, 60, -1], [184, 60, -1], [184, 70, 1], [184, 193, 1], [184, 70, 1], [184, 160, 1], [184, 345, -1], [184, 490, -1], [184, 490, 1], [184, 929, 1], [184, 500, 1], [184, 957, -1], [184, 170, 1], [184, 170, -1], [184, 170, 1], [184, 170, 1], [184, 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[184, 432, 1], [184, 432, 1], [184, 432, 1], [184, 405, 1], [184, 405, 1], [184, 405, 1], [184, 471, 1], [184, 265, 1], [184, 265, 1], [184, 650, 1], [184, 650, 1], [184, 998, 1], [184, 70, 1], [184, 60, 1], [184, 60, 1], [184, 70, 1], [184, 193, 1], [184, 70, 1], [184, 70, 1], [184, 70, 1], [184, 193, 1], [184, 801, 1], [184, 801, 1], [184, 193, 1], [184, 193, 1], [184, 620, 1], [184, 620, 1], [184, 801, 1], [184, 905, 1], [184, 901, 1], [184, 901, 1], [184, 902, 1], [184, 902, 1], [184, 902, 1], [184, 830, 1], [184, 901, 1], [184, 901, 1], [184, 901, 1], [184, 904, 1], [184, 904, 1], [184, 904, 1], [184, 904, 1], [184, 904, 1], [184, 904, -1], [184, 904, -1], [184, 904, -1], [184, 901, 1], [184, 904, 1], [184, 904, 1], [184, 903, 1]]')
		select('LayoutCombo', commonBits.fl('Full Line'))
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[20,280,1], [20,280,-1], [20,280,1], [20,280,1], [20,280,-1], [20,280,1], [20,170,1], [20,685,1], [20,685,-1], [20,957,1], [20,957,1], [20,957,10], [20,929,1], [59,957,1], [59,957,1], [59,335,1], [59,335,-1], [59,410,1], [59,878,1], [59,878,1], [59,620,1], [59,620,1], [59,957,1], [59,929,1], [59,335,1], [59,957,1], [166,360,1], [166,360,1], [166,193,1], [166,375,1], [166,375,1], [166,375,-1], [166,375,1], [166,320,1], [166,320,1], [166,320,1], [166,440,1], [166,235,1], [166,235,-1], [166,235,1], [166,261,1], [166,957,1], [166,957,1], [166,957,1], [166,805,1], [166,870,1], [166,870,1], [166,475,1], [166,905,1], [166,650,1], [166,970,1], [166,830,1], [166,851,1], [166,410,1], [166,410,1], [166,410,1], [166,485,1], [166,366,1], [166,432,1], [166,432,1], [166,801,1], [166,957,1], [166,193,1], [166,265,1], [166,957,1], [166,957,1], [166,957,1], [166,957,1], [166,193,1], [166,265,1], [166,270,1], [166,265,1], [166,230,1], [166,250,1], [166,929,1], [166,902,1], [166,845,1], [166,845,1], [166,851,1], [166,929,1], [166,929,1], [166,220,1], [166,280,1], [166,910,1], [166,520,1], [166,801,1], [166,902,1], [166,902,-1], [166,902,1], [166,370,1], [166,370,1], [166,261,1], [166,261,1], [166,904,1], [166,500,1], [166,500,1], [166,270,1], [166,80,1], [166,193,1], [166,60,1], [166,275,1], [166,415,1], [166,415,1], [166,360,1], [166,395,1], [166,270,1], [166,270,1], [166,360,1], [166,355,1], [166,335,1], [166,370,1], [166,370,-1], [166,360,1], [166,370,1], [166,370,1], [166,370,-1], [166,370,-1], [166,370,1], [166,370,1], [166,685,1], [166,370,1], [166,471,1], [166,685,1], [166,929,1], [166,929,1], [166,320,1], [166,405,1], [166,455,1], [166,410,1], [166,60,1], [166,60,1], [166,60,1], [166,170,1], [166,432,1], [166,432,1], [166,261,1], [166,261,1], [166,280,1], [166,905,1], [166,905,1], [166,355,1], [166,355,1], [166,801,1], [166,929,1], [166,395,1], [166,905,1], [166,395,1], [166,395,-1], [166,395,-1], [166,905,-1], [166,905,1], [166,905,-1], [166,905,1], [166,395,1], [166,395,-1], [166,395,1], [166,904,1], [166,193,1], [166,60,1], [166,235,1], [166,261,1], [166,261,1], [166,80,1], [166,261,1], [166,261,-1], [166,261,1], [166,670,1], [166,670,1], [166,801,1], [166,905,1], [166,193,1], [166,801,1], [184,220,1], [184,220,1], [184,905,1], [184,355,1], [184,355,-1], [184,355,1], [184,275,-1], [184,60,-1], [184,60,-1], [184,60,-1], [184,60,-1], [184,60,-1], [184,70,1], [184,193,1], [184,70,1], [184,160,1], [184,345,-1], [184,490,-1], [184,490,1], [184,929,1], [184,500,1], [184,957,-1], [184,170,1], [184,170,-1], [184,170,1], [184,170,1], [184,170,-1], [184,170,1], [184,500,1], [184,650,1], [184,320,-1], [184,320,-1], [184,375,-1], [184,275,-1], [184,60,-1], [184,60,1], [184,901,1], [184,901,1], [184,270,1], [184,275,1], [184,220,-1], [184,250,-1], [184,475,-1], [184,970,1], [184,193,-1], [184,193,-1], [184,193,-1], [184,193,-1], [184,310,1], [184,193,1], [184,904,1], [184,70,1], [184,70,-1], [184,70,1], [184,60,1], [184,60,1], [184,310,-1], [184,870,-1], [184,970,1], [184,60,-1], [184,60,-1], [184,60,-1], [184,60,-1], [184,60,1], [184,350,-1], [184,235,1], [184,801,1], [184,805,-1], [184,650,1], [184,670,1], [184,929,1], [184,851,1], [184,415,-1], [184,929,1], [184,590,1], [184,590,1], [184,904,1], [184,901,1], [184,878,-1], [184,878,1], [184,805,-1], [184,590,-1], [184,432,-1], [184,801,-1], [184,250,1], [184,845,1], [184,845,1], [184,929,1], [184,940,1], [184,940,-1], [184,940,1], [184,940,1], [184,940,-1], [184,940,1], [184,940,1], [184,940,-1], [184,940,1], [184,940,1], [184,940,-1], [184,940,1], [184,940,1], [184,940,-1], [184,940,1], [184,875,-1], [184,432,-1], [184,432,-1], [184,432,-1], [184,310,1], [184,805,1], [184,855,-1], [184,220,1], [184,80,1], [184,801,1], [184,801,1], [184,970,1], [184,929,1], [184,160,-1], [184,878,-1], [184,878,1], [184,878,-1], [184,878,1], [184,235,-1], [184,530,-1], [184,160,-1], [184,170,-1], [184,485,1], [184,485,-1], [184,485,1], [184,929,1], [184,366,1], [184,290,1], [184,650,1], [184,929,1], [184,265,1], [184,265,1], [184,230,-1], [184,970,1], [184,957,1], [184,902,1], [184,290,1], [184,261,1], [184,670,-1], [184,805,1], [184,405,1], [184,929,1], [184,80,1], [184,80,1], [184,250,-1], [184,280,1], [184,929,-1], [184,903,-1], [184,903,-1], [184,901,-1], [184,230,1], [184,957,1], [184,870,1], [184,432,1], [184,432,1], [184,432,1], [184,432,1], [184,405,1], [184,405,1], [184,405,1], [184,471,1], [184,265,1], [184,265,1], [184,650,1], [184,650,1], [184,998,1], [184,70,1], [184,60,1], [184,60,1], [184,70,1], [184,193,1], [184,70,1], [184,70,1], [184,70,1], [184,193,1], [184,801,1], [184,801,1], [184,193,1], [184,193,1], [184,620,1], [184,620,1], [184,801,1], [184,905,1], [184,901,1], [184,901,1], [184,902,1], [184,902,1], [184,902,1], [184,830,1], [184,901,1], [184,901,1], [184,901,1], [184,904,1], [184,904,1], [184,904,1], [184,904,1], [184,904,1], [184,904,-1], [184,904,-1], [184,904,-1], [184,901,1], [184,904,1], [184,904,1], [184,903,1]]')

Exemple #6
def test():
    from Modules import commonBits
    java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_22'

    if window('Record Editor'):
        select('File_Txt', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'csv3DTAR020_tst1.bin.csv')
        ##		select('System_Txt', 'CSV')

        if commonBits.version() == 'MsAccess':
            select('Record Layout_Txt',
                   'Comma Delimited, names on the first line')
            select('System_Txt', 'CSV')

        click(commonBits.fl('Edit') + '1')
        rightclick('BaseHelpPanel', 13, 12)
        select_menu(commonBits.fl('Show Child Record'))

        ##		select_menu(commonBits.fl('Window') + '>>' + commonBits.fl('Show Child Record'))
            'LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[KEYCODE-NO, 1, 63604808, 63604808], [STORE-NO, 2, 20, 20], [DATE, 3, 40118, 40118], [DEPT-NO, 4, 170, 170], [QTY-SOLD, 5, 1, 1], [SALE-PRICE, 6, 4.87, 4.87]]'
        assert_p('LineFrame.Record_Txt', 'Text', '1')
        select('LineList.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:1|KEYCODE-NO,6(61664713)')
        assert_p('LineFrame.Record_Txt', 'Text', '7')
        select('LineList.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:1|KEYCODE-NO,6(61664713)')
            'LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[KEYCODE-NO, 1, 61664713, 61664713], [STORE-NO, 2, 59, 59], [DATE, 3, 40118, 40118], [DEPT-NO, 4, 335, 335], [QTY-SOLD, 5, 1, 1], [SALE-PRICE, 6, 17.99, 17.99]]'
        select('LineList.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:4|DEPT-NO,11(620)')
        assert_p('LineFrame.Record_Txt', 'Text', '12')
        select('LineList.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:4|DEPT-NO,11(620)')
            'LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content',
            '[[KEYCODE-NO, 1, 60664659, 60664659], [STORE-NO, 2, 59, 59], [DATE, 3, 40118, 40118], [DEPT-NO, 4, 620, 620], [QTY-SOLD, 5, 1, 1], [SALE-PRICE, 6, 3.99, 3.99]]'
        select('LineList.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:4|DEPT-NO,11(620)')
            commonBits.fl('Window') + '>>' +
            commonBits.fl('Remove Child Record'))
Exemple #7
def test():
	from Modules import commonBits
	java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_22'

	if window('Record Editor'):
		select('File_Txt', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'csv3DTAR020_tst1.bin.csv')
		if commonBits.version() == 'MsAccess':
			select('Record Layout_Txt', 'Comma Delimited, names on the first line')
			select('System_Txt', 'CSV')
		click(commonBits.fl('Edit') + '1')
		select('LineList.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:2|STORE-NO,0(20)')
		rightclick('LineList.FileDisplay_JTbl', '1|KEYCODE-NO,4')
##		select('LineList.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:2|STORE-NO,0(20)')
		select_menu(commonBits.fl('Edit Record'))
		select('TabbedPane', 'Record:')
		select('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Type') + ',2(Char)')
#		assert_p('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content', '[[KEYCODE-NO, 1, , Char, 62684671, 62684671], [STORE-NO, 2, , Char, 20, 20], [DATE, 3, , Char, 40118, 40118], [DEPT-NO, 4, , Char, 685, 685], [QTY-SOLD, 5, , Char, 1, 1], [SALE-PRICE, 6, , Char, 69.99, 69.99]]')
		assert_p('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content', '[[KEYCODE-NO, 1, , ' + commonBits.fl('Char') + ', 62684671, 62684671], [STORE-NO, 2, , ' + commonBits.fl('Char') + ', 20, 20], [DATE, 3, , ' + commonBits.fl('Char') + ', 40118, 40118], [DEPT-NO, 4, , ' + commonBits.fl('Char') + ', 685, 685], [QTY-SOLD, 5, , ' + commonBits.fl('Char') + ', 1, 1], [SALE-PRICE, 6, , ' + commonBits.fl('Char') + ', 69.99, 69.99]]')
		select('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Type') + ',2(Char)')
		assert_p('LineFrame.Record_Txt', 'Text', '5')
		select('LineFrame.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Type') + ',2(Char)')
		select('TabbedPane', 'Table:')
		select_menu(commonBits.fl('View') + '>>' + commonBits.fl('Sorted Field Tree'))
		select('fields_JTbl', 'STORE-NO', commonBits.fl('Field') + ',0')
		select('fields_JTbl', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Field') + ',0(STORE-NO)')
		select('fieldSummary_JTbl', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Function') + ',1()')
		select('fields_JTbl', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Field') + ',0(STORE-NO)')
		select('fieldSummary_JTbl', commonBits.fl('Maximum'), commonBits.fl('Function') + ',1')
		select('fieldSummary_JTbl', commonBits.fl('Sum'), commonBits.fl('Function') + ',4')
		select('fieldSummary_JTbl', commonBits.fl('Sum'), commonBits.fl('Function') + ',5')
		select('fieldSummary_JTbl', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Function') + ',5(' + commonBits.fl('Sum') + ')')
		click(commonBits.fl('Build Tree'))
		select('TabbedPane', 'Tree View')
		assert_p('LineTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content', '[[, , , 166, , , 4, 42.56], [, , 68654655, 166, 40118, 60, 1, 5.08], [, , 69624033, 166, 40118, 80, 1, 18.19], [, , 60604100, 166, 40118, 80, 1, 13.30], [, , 68674560, 166, 40118, 170, 1, 5.99], [, , , 20, , , 2, 9.88], [, , 63604808, 20, 40118, 170, 1, 4.87], [, , 69684558, 20, 40118, 280, 1, 19.00], [, , 69684558, 20, 40118, 280, -1, -19.00], [, , 69694158, 20, 40118, 280, 1, 5.01], [, , 62684671, 20, 40118, 685, 1, 69.99], [, , 62684671, 20, 40118, 685, -1, -69.99], [, , , 59, , , 5, 35.91], [, , 61664713, 59, 40118, 335, 1, 17.99], [, , 61664713, 59, 40118, 335, -1, -17.99], [, , 61684613, 59, 40118, 335, 1, 12.99], [, , 68634752, 59, 40118, 410, 1, 8.99], [, , 60694698, 59, 40118, 620, 1, 3.99], [, , 60664659, 59, 40118, 620, 1, 3.99], [, , 60614487, 59, 40118, 878, 1, 5.95]]')
		select_menu(commonBits.fl('Window') + '>>' + commonBits.fl('Undock all Tabs'))
##		select('TabbedPane', 'Record:')
##		select('TabbedPane', 'Table:')
		assert_p('LineTree.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content', '[[, , , 166, , , 4, 42.56], [, , 68654655, 166, 40118, 60, 1, 5.08], [, , 69624033, 166, 40118, 80, 1, 18.19], [, , 60604100, 166, 40118, 80, 1, 13.30], [, , 68674560, 166, 40118, 170, 1, 5.99], [, , , 20, , , 2, 9.88], [, , 63604808, 20, 40118, 170, 1, 4.87], [, , 69684558, 20, 40118, 280, 1, 19.00], [, , 69684558, 20, 40118, 280, -1, -19.00], [, , 69694158, 20, 40118, 280, 1, 5.01], [, , 62684671, 20, 40118, 685, 1, 69.99], [, , 62684671, 20, 40118, 685, -1, -69.99], [, , , 59, , , 5, 35.91], [, , 61664713, 59, 40118, 335, 1, 17.99], [, , 61664713, 59, 40118, 335, -1, -17.99], [, , 61684613, 59, 40118, 335, 1, 12.99], [, , 68634752, 59, 40118, 410, 1, 8.99], [, , 60694698, 59, 40118, 620, 1, 3.99], [, , 60664659, 59, 40118, 620, 1, 3.99], [, , 60614487, 59, 40118, 878, 1, 5.95]]')
		assert_p('LineList.FileDisplay_JTbl', 'Content', '[[63604808, 20, 40118, 170, 1, 4.87], [69684558, 20, 40118, 280, 1, 19.00], [69684558, 20, 40118, 280, -1, -19.00], [69694158, 20, 40118, 280, 1, 5.01], [62684671, 20, 40118, 685, 1, 69.99], [62684671, 20, 40118, 685, -1, -69.99], [61664713, 59, 40118, 335, 1, 17.99], [61664713, 59, 40118, 335, -1, -17.99], [61684613, 59, 40118, 335, 1, 12.99], [68634752, 59, 40118, 410, 1, 8.99], [60694698, 59, 40118, 620, 1, 3.99], [60664659, 59, 40118, 620, 1, 3.99], [60614487, 59, 40118, 878, 1, 5.95], [68654655, 166, 40118, 60, 1, 5.08], [69624033, 166, 40118, 80, 1, 18.19], [60604100, 166, 40118, 80, 1, 13.30], [68674560, 166, 40118, 170, 1, 5.99]]')
Exemple #8
def test():
    from Modules import commonBits

    java_recorded_version = '1.5.0_11'

    if window('Record Editor'):
        select_menu('Record Layouts>>Edit Combo Lists')
        if commonBits.version() == 'MsAccess':
            assert_p('ComboBox', 'Text', 'Key / Value Combo')
            assert_p('ComboBox', 'Text', 'Standard Combo')
        assert_p('Label5', 'Text', 'Combo Type')
        assert_p('Label6', 'Text', 'Lines to Insert')
        assert_p('Label2', 'Text', 'System')
Exemple #9
def test():
	from Modules import commonBits

	java_recorded_version = '1.5.0_11'

	if window('Record Editor'):
		select_menu('Record Layouts>>Edit Layout')
		select('Table', 'cell:Record Name,0(ams PO Download)')
		select('TextField', 'ams PO D%')
		select('TextField1', '%')

		#select('TabbedPane', 'Extras')
		#select('TabbedPane', 'Child Records')
		select('Table', 'cell:Record Name,0(ams PO Download)')
		select('ChildRecordsJTbl', 'cell:Child Name,1(0)')
		assert_p('ChildRecordsJTbl', 'Text', '', 'Child Name,1')
		select('ChildRecordsJTbl', 'cell:Child Name,2(0)')
		if commonBits.isVersion82():
##			assert_p('ChildRecordsJTbl', 'Content', '[[, ams PO Download: Detail, 0, Record Type, D1, , ], [, ams PO Download: Header, 0, Record Type, H1, , ], [, ams PO Download: Allocation, 0, Record Type, S1, , ]]')
			assert_p('ChildRecordsJTbl', 'Content', '[[, ams PO Download: Detail, , Record Type, D1, , ], [, ams PO Download: Header, , Record Type, H1, , ], [, ams PO Download: Allocation, , Record Type, S1, , ]]')
			assert_p('ChildRecordsJTbl', 'Content', '[[, ams PO Download: Detail, , Record Type, D1, , ], [, ams PO Download: Header, , Record Type, H1, , ], [, ams PO Download: Allocation, , Record Type, S1, , ]]')
		elif commonBits.isVersion80():
			assert_p('ChildRecordsJTbl', 'Content', '[[, 353, 0, Record Type, D1, , -1], [, 356, 0, Record Type, H1, , -1], [, 357, 0, Record Type, S1, , -1]]')
			assert_p('ChildRecordsJTbl', 'Content', '[[, 353, 0, Record Type, D1, , -1], [, 356, 0, Record Type, H1, , -1], [, 357, 0, Record Type, S1, , -1]]')
			assert_p('ChildRecordsJTbl', 'Content', '[[, 353, 0, Record Type, D1, -1], [, 356, 0, Record Type, H1, -1], [, 357, 0, Record Type, S1, -1]]')
		select('ChildRecordsJTbl', 'cell:Child Name,0(0)')
		assert_p('ChildRecordsJTbl', 'Text', 'cell:Child Name,0()')
		select('TextField', 'ams PO Download: Detail%')
		select('TextField1', '%')

		#select('TabbedPane', 'Extras')
		#select('TabbedPane', 'Fields')
		#select('Table', '')
		select('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'cell:Description,2()')
		assert_p('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'Text', '', 'Description,2')
		select('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'cell:Description,3()')
		if commonBits.version() == 'MsAccess':
			assert_p('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'Content', '[[1, 2, Record Type, , 0, 0, 15, Ams PO Download, , ], [3, 9, Pack Qty, , 8, 4, 0, , , ], [12, 13, Pack Cost, , 8, 4, 0, , , ], [25, 13, APN, , 7, 0, 0, , , ], [38, 1, Filler, , 0, 0, 0, , , ], [39, 8, Product, , 7, 0, 0, , , ], [72, 15, pmg dtl tech key, , 0, 0, 0, , , ], [87, 15, Case Pack id, , 0, 0, 0, , , ], [101, 50, Product Name, , 0, 0, 0, , , ]]')
			assert_p('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'Content', '[[1, 2, Record Type, , 0, 0, 0, , , ], [3, 9, Pack Qty, , 8, 4, 0, , , ], [12, 13, Pack Cost, , 8, 4, 0, , , ], [25, 13, APN, , 7, 0, 0, , , ], [38, 1, Filler, , 0, 0, 0, , , ], [39, 8, Product, , 7, 0, 0, , , ], [72, 15, pmg dtl tech key, , 0, 0, 0, , , ], [87, 15, Case Pack id, , 0, 0, 0, , , ], [101, 50, Product Name, , 0, 0, 0, , , ]]')
		#select('TabbedPane', 'Extras')
		#select('TabbedPane', 'Fields')
		#select('Table', '')
		select('TextField', 'ams PO Download: Header%')
		select('TextField1', '%')
		select('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'cell:Description,4(Format YYMMDD)')
		assert_p('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'Text', 'Format YYMMDD', 'Description,4')
		select('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'cell:Description,9(Format YYMMDD)')
		if commonBits.version() == 'MsAccess':
			assert_p('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'Content', '[[1, 2, Record Type, , 0, 0, 15, Ams PO Download, , ], [3, 5, Sequence Number, , 8, 3, 0, , , ], [8, 10, Vendor, , 7, 0, 0, , , ], [18, 12, PO, , 8, 0, 0, , , ], [30, 6, Entry Date, Format YYMMDD, 0, 0, 0, , , ], [36, 8, Filler, , 0, 0, 0, , , ], [44, 2, beg01 code, , 0, 0, 0, , , ], [46, 2, beg02 code, , 0, 0, 0, , , ], [48, 4, Department, , 0, 0, 0, , , ], [52, 6, Expected Reciept Date, Format YYMMDD, 0, 0, 0, , , ], [58, 6, Cancel by date, Format YYMMDD, 0, 0, 0, , , ], [68, 1, EDI Type, , 0, 0, 0, , , ], [69, 6, Add Date, Format YYMMDD, 0, 0, 0, , , ], [75, 1, Filler, , 0, 0, 0, , , ], [76, 10, Department Name, , 0, 0, 0, , , ], [86, 1, Prcoess Type, C/N Conveyable/Non-Conveyable, 0, 0, 0, , , ], [87, 2, Order Type, , 0, 0, 0, , , ]]')
			assert_p('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'Content', '[[1, 2, Record Type, , 0, 0, 0, , , ], [3, 5, Sequence Number, , 8, 3, 0, , , ], [8, 10, Vendor, , 7, 0, 0, , , ], [18, 12, PO, , 8, 0, 0, , , ], [30, 6, Entry Date, Format YYMMDD, 0, 0, 0, , , ], [36, 8, Filler, , 0, 0, 0, , , ], [44, 2, beg01 code, , 0, 0, 0, , , ], [46, 2, beg02 code, , 0, 0, 0, , , ], [48, 4, Department, , 0, 0, 0, , , ], [52, 6, Expected Reciept Date, Format YYMMDD, 0, 0, 0, , , ], [58, 6, Cancel by date, Format YYMMDD, 0, 0, 0, , , ], [68, 1, EDI Type, , 0, 0, 0, , , ], [69, 6, Add Date, Format YYMMDD, 0, 0, 0, , , ], [75, 1, Filler, , 0, 0, 0, , , ], [76, 10, Department Name, , 0, 0, 0, , , ], [86, 1, Prcoess Type, C/N Conveyable/Non-Conveyable, 0, 0, 0, , , ], [87, 2, Order Type, , 0, 0, 0, , , ]]')
		select('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'cell:Description,9(Format YYMMDD)')
		click('ScrollPane$ScrollBar3', 570, 10)
		click('ScrollPane$ScrollBar3', 523, 10)
		select_menu('Record Layouts>>Create Layout')
		select_menu('Record Layouts>>Layout Wizard')
		##assert_p('Label9', 'Text', 'Data Base')
		##assert_p('Label9', 'Text', 'System')
		assert_p('BmKeyedComboBox', 'Text', 'Default')
		assert_p('Label3', 'Text', 'Record Type')
		assert_p('Label4', 'Text', 'Font Name')

		select_menu('Record Layouts>>Load Cobol Copybook')
		select_menu('Record Layouts>>Edit System Table')
		select('TableListJTbl', 'cell:Details,1(EDI)')
		assert_p('TableListJTbl', 'Text', 'EDI', 'Details,1')
		select('TableListJTbl', 'cell:Details,5(Mainframe)')
		assert_p('TableListJTbl', 'Text', 'Mainframe', 'Details,5')
		select('TableListJTbl', 'cell:Details,5(Mainframe)')
Exemple #10
def test():
	from Modules import commonBits
	java_recorded_version = '1.5.0_11'

	if window('Record Editor'):
		select('FileChooser', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'Ams_PODownload_20041231.txt')
		click(commonBits.fl('Edit') + '1')
		select('Table', 'false', commonBits.fl('Include') + ',0')
		select('Table', 'false', commonBits.fl('Include') + ',2')
		#select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Include') + ',2(false)')


		select('Table', 'cell:8 - 10|Vendor,2(6228)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[H1, 45.349, 6060, 286225, 040909, , 00, , 200, 050102, 050107, , , , LADIES KNI, C, FT], [H1, 45.350, 6228, 222227, 040909, , 00, , 200, 050102, 050107, , , , LADIES KNI, C, FT], [H1, 45.351, 6228, 222243, 040909, , 00, , 200, 050102, 050107, , , , LADIES KNI, C, FT], [H1, 45.352, 5341, 294915, 041013, , 00, , 475, 041231, 050107, P, , , WOMENS SHO, C, FT], [H1, 45.353, 5341, 294987, 041013, , 00, , 475, 041231, 050107, P, , , WOMENS SHO, C, FT], [H1, 45.354, 5341, 295139, 041013, , 00, , 475, 041231, 050107, P, , , WOMENS SHO, C, FT], [H1, 45.355, 5341, 303662, 041110, , 00, , 310, 041231, 050107, P, , , YOUTH SHOE, C, FT], [H1, 45.356, 5341, 304100, 041111, , 00, , 310, 041231, 050107, P, , , YOUTH SHOE, C, FT]]')
		select('Table', 'cell:8 - 10|Vendor,3(5341)')
		assert_p('Table', 'RowCount', '8')
		select('Table', 'cell:8 - 10|Vendor,3(5341)')
		select_menu(commonBits.fl('View') + '>>' + commonBits.fl('Sorted Field Tree'))
##		select('Table1', 'cell:8 - 10|Vendor,3(5341)')
		select('List', 'ams PO Download: Detail')
		select('List', 'ams PO Download: Header')
		select('Table', 'Entry Date', commonBits.fl('Field') + ',0')
		select('Table', 'Vendor', commonBits.fl('Field') + ',1')
		select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Field') + ',1(Vendor)')
		click(commonBits.fl('Build Tree'))
##		select('JTreeTable', 'cell:APN,1(null)')
		select('JTreeTable', 'cell:Record Type,1(null)')
		assert_p('JTreeTable', 'RowCount', '4')
##		select('JTreeTable', 'cell:Pack Qty,1(null)')
##		rightclick('JTreeTable', 'Pack Qty,1')
		select('JTreeTable', 'cell:Vendor,1(null)')
		rightclick('JTreeTable', 'Vendor,1')
		select_menu(commonBits.fl('Expand Tree'))
		select('JTreeTable', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Tree') + ',2(null)')
		assert_p('JTreeTable', 'RowCount', '5')
		select('JTreeTable', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Tree') + ',3(null)')
		rightclick('JTreeTable', commonBits.fl('Tree') + ',3')
		select_menu(commonBits.fl('Expand Tree'))
		select('JTreeTable', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Tree') + ',2(null)')
		rightclick('JTreeTable', commonBits.fl('Tree') + ',2')
		select_menu(commonBits.fl('Expand Tree'))
		select('JTreeTable', 'cell:Record Type,3(H1)')
		select('JTreeTable', 'cell:Record Type,3(H1)')
		select('LayoutCombo', 'ams PO Download: Header')
		select('JTreeTable', 'cell:PO,4(294987)')

		if commonBits.version()  == 'MsAccess':
			assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Content', '[[, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ], [, , D1, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ], [, , H1, 45.352, 5341, 294915, 041013, , 00, , 475, 041231, 050107, P, , , WOMENS SHO, C, FT], [, , H1, 45.353, 5341, 294987, 041013, , 00, , 475, 041231, 050107, P, , , WOMENS SHO, C, FT], [, , H1, 45.354, 5341, 295139, 041013, , 00, , 475, 041231, 050107, P, , , WOMENS SHO, C, FT], [, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ]]')
			assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Content', '[[, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ], [, , H1, 45.352, 5341, 294915, 041013, , 00, , 475, 041231, 050107, P, , , WOMENS SHO, C, FT], [, , H1, 45.353, 5341, 294987, 041013, , 00, , 475, 041231, 050107, P, , , WOMENS SHO, C, FT], [, , H1, 45.354, 5341, 295139, 041013, , 00, , 475, 041231, 050107, P, , , WOMENS SHO, C, FT], [, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ]]')
##		assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Content', '[[, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ], [, , H1, 45.352, 5341, 294915, 041013, , 00, , 475, 041231, 050107, P, , , WOMENS SHO, C, FT], [, , H1, 45.353, 5341, 294987, 041013, , 00, , 475, 041231, 050107, P, , , WOMENS SHO, C, FT], [, , H1, 45.354, 5341, 295139, 041013, , 00, , 475, 041231, 050107, P, , , WOMENS SHO, C, FT], [, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ], [, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ]]')

		select('JTreeTable', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Tree') + ',2(null)')
		rightclick('JTreeTable', commonBits.fl('Tree') + ',2')
		select_menu(commonBits.fl('Collapse Tree'))
		select('JTreeTable', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Tree') + ',1(null)')
		rightclick('JTreeTable', commonBits.fl('Tree') + ',1')
		select_menu(commonBits.fl('Collapse Tree'))
		select('JTreeTable', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Tree') + ',1(null)')
		select_menu(commonBits.fl('View') + '>>' + commonBits.fl('Record View #{Selected Records#}'))
		select('JTreeTable', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Tree') + ',1(null)')
		select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',1(45.352)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[Record Type, 1, 2, H1, H1], [Sequence Number, 3, 5, 45.352, 45352], [Vendor, 8, 10, 5341, 0000005341], [PO, 18, 12, 294915, 294915], [Entry Date, 30, 6, 041013, 041013], [Filler, 36, 8, , ], [beg01 code, 44, 2, 00, 00], [beg02 code, 46, 2, , ], [Department, 48, 4, 475, 475], [Expected Reciept Date, 52, 6, 041231, 041231], [Cancel by date, 58, 6, 050107, 050107], [EDI Type, 68, 1, P, P], [Add Date, 69, 6, , ], [Filler, 75, 1, , ], [Department Name, 76, 10, WOMENS SHO, WOMENS SHO], [Prcoess Type, 86, 1, C, C], [Order Type, 87, 2, FT, FT]]')
		select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',1(45.352)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Text', '')
		assert_p('TextField', 'Text', '3')
		select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',3(295139)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[Record Type, 1, 2, H1, H1], [Sequence Number, 3, 5, 45.354, 45354], [Vendor, 8, 10, 5341, 0000005341], [PO, 18, 12, 295139, 295139], [Entry Date, 30, 6, 041013, 041013], [Filler, 36, 8, , ], [beg01 code, 44, 2, 00, 00], [beg02 code, 46, 2, , ], [Department, 48, 4, 475, 475], [Expected Reciept Date, 52, 6, 041231, 041231], [Cancel by date, 58, 6, 050107, 050107], [EDI Type, 68, 1, P, P], [Add Date, 69, 6, , ], [Filler, 75, 1, , ], [Department Name, 76, 10, WOMENS SHO, WOMENS SHO], [Prcoess Type, 86, 1, C, C], [Order Type, 87, 2, FT, FT]]')
		select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',3(295139)')
		select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',3(294987)')
		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[Record Type, 1, 2, H1, H1], [Sequence Number, 3, 5, 45.353, 45353], [Vendor, 8, 10, 5341, 0000005341], [PO, 18, 12, 294987, 294987], [Entry Date, 30, 6, 041013, 041013], [Filler, 36, 8, , ], [beg01 code, 44, 2, 00, 00], [beg02 code, 46, 2, , ], [Department, 48, 4, 475, 475], [Expected Reciept Date, 52, 6, 041231, 041231], [Cancel by date, 58, 6, 050107, 050107], [EDI Type, 68, 1, P, P], [Add Date, 69, 6, , ], [Filler, 75, 1, , ], [Department Name, 76, 10, WOMENS SHO, WOMENS SHO], [Prcoess Type, 86, 1, C, C], [Order Type, 87, 2, FT, FT]]')
		select('Table', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Data') + ',3(294987)')
		select('JTreeTable', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Tree') + ',1(null)')
Exemple #11
def test():
    from Modules import commonBits
    java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_22'

    if window('Record Editor'):
               commonBits.sampleDir() + 'csv_DTAR1000_Store_file_std.bin.csv')
        select('ComboBox1', 'CSV')
        #select('ComboBox2', 'Comma Delimited, names on the first line, Quote=d')
        #click(commonBits.fl('Edit') + '1')
        ##		select('ComboBox1', 'CSV')
        if commonBits.version() == 'MsAccess':
                   'Tab Delimited, names on the first line, Quote=D')
                   'Tab Delimited, names on the first line, quote=d')
        ##select('ComboBox2', 'Tab Delimited, names on the first line, quote=d')
        click(commonBits.fl('Edit') + '1')
        select('Table', 'cell:2|REGION-NO,0(20)')
        rightclick('Table', '3|STORE-NAME,2')
        ##		select('Table', 'cell:2|REGION-NO,0(20)')
        select_menu(commonBits.fl('Edit Record'))
        ##		select('Table1', 'cell:2|REGION-NO,0(20)')
            'Table', 'Content',
            '[[STORE-NO, 1, , 3, 3], [REGION-NO, 2, , 40, 40], [STORE-NAME, 3, , Q Mackay, Q Mackay], [NEW-STORE, 4, , N, N], [ACTIVE-STORE, 5, , Y, Y], [CLOSED-STORE, 6, , N, N], [DC-TYPE, 7, , N, N], [SRC-TYPE, 8, , N, N], [HO-TYPE, 9, , N, N]]'
        assert_p('TextArea', 'Text', '3	40	"Q Mackay"	"N"	"Y"	"N"	"N"	"N"	"N"')
            commonBits.fl('Window') +
            '>>csv_DTAR1000_Store_file_std.bin.csv>>' +
        select('Table', 'cell:2|REGION-NO,0(20)')
        select('Table', 'cell:2|REGION-NO,0(20)')
            'Table', 'Content',
            '[[1, 20, V Geelong, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [2, 40, Q Coffs Harbour, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [3, 40, Q Mackay, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [4, 20, V Ballarat, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [5, 20, V Albury, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [6, 20, V Wodonga, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [7, 20, V Shepparton, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [8, 20, V Bendigo, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [9, 50, S Centrepoint, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [10, 40, Q Earlville, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [11, 10, N Cessnock, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [12, 20, V Ringwood, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [15, 10, N Bankstown, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [16, 10, N Glendale, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [19, 10, N Penrith, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [20, 40, Q Indooroopilly, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [21, 50, S Tea Tree Plaza, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [23, 20, V Warnambool, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [24, 50, S Newton, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [25, 50, S Fulham Gardens, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [26, 50, S Edwardstown, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [27, 40, Q Runaway Bay, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [28, 20, V Launceston, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [30, 20, V Epping, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [32, 20, V Camberwell, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [33, 10, Y Blacktown (Closed), N, Y, N, N, N, N], [35, 10, N Rockdale, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [36, 60, W Fremantle, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [21, 10, N Miranda, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [38, 40, Q Maroochydore, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [39, 20, V Colac, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [40, 40, Q Tweed Heads, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [42, 20, V Reservoir, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [43, 60, W Morley, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [44, 50, S Mt Gambier, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [45, 60, W Carousel, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [46, 10, N Dubbo, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [47, 50, S Sefton Park, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [48, 40, Q Bundaberg, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [49, 40, Q Rockhampton, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [52, 10, N Eastwood, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [54, 20, V Highpoint City, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [55, 10, N Leichhardt, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [57, 60, W Victoria Park, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [58, 20, V Knox City, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [59, 40, Q Buranda, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [60, 10, N St Marys, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [61, 20, V Waverley Gardens, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [62, 40, Q Castletown, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [64, 20, V Hoppers Crossing, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [65, 60, W Innaloo, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [67, 20, V Morwell Mid Valley, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [68, 40, Q Mt Gravatt, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [69, 60, W Midland, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [70, 10, N Bass Hill, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [72, 60, W Geraldton, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [73, 40, Q Southport, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [74, 10, N Campbelltown, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [75, 20, V Sale, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [76, 60, W Bull Creek, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [77, 50, S Elizabeth, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [78, 10, N Warringah Mall, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [79, 60, W Stirling, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [80, 20, V Sunshine, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [81, 10, N Ashfield, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [82, 20, V Box Hill, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [83, 40, Q Springwood, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [84, 40, Q Brookside, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [85, 10, N Roselands, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [86, 20, V Southland, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [87, 20, V Chadstone, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [88, 20, V Templestowe, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [89, 10, N Erina, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [90, 10, N Carlingford Court, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [91, 10, N Chatswood, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [92, 20, V Malvern, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [93, 10, N Liverpool, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [94, 60, W Whitford City, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [95, 10, N Eastgarden, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [96, 10, N Canberra Civic, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [97, 20, V Fountain Gate, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [98, 20, V Frankston, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [99, 20, V Glen Waverley, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [100, 20, V Waurn Ponds, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [125, 10, N Mt Druitt, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [126, 40, Q Robina, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [127, 50, S Marion, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [128, 60, W Rockingham, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [129, 10, N Macquarie, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [131, 20, V Melbourne City, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [132, 20, V Glenorchy, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [133, 40, Q Browns Plains, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [134, 50, S Reynella, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [135, 40, Q Capalaba, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [136, 10, N Charlestown, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [137, 20, V Dandenong, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [138, 40, Q Cairns Central, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [139, 40, Q Toowoomba, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [140, 40, Q Pacific Fair, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [141, 40, Q The Willows, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [142, 50, S Hollywood Plaza, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [143, 40, Q Hervey Bay, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [144, 10, N Parramatta, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [145, 10, N Port Macquarie, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [146, 40, Q Palmerston, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [149, 20, V Broadmeadows, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [150, 10, N Cowra, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [151, 60, W Perth, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [152, 20, V Mornington, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [153, 20, V Pakenham, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [154, 10, N Shellharbour, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [155, 40, Q Redbank, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [156, 40, Q Morayfield, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [157, 20, V Chirnside Park, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [158, 20, V Brimbank Central, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [159, 50, S Whyalla, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [160, 20, V Watergardens, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [161, 20, V Hobart, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [162, 10, N Tuggeranong, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [163, 10, N Queanbeyan, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [164, 10, N Tuggerah, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [165, 10, N Hurstville, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [166, 40, Q Chermside, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [167, 40, Q Northlakes, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [168, 20, V Airport West, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [169, 10, N Hornsby, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [170, 10, N Bondi, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [171, 10, N Burwood, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [173, 60, W Bunbury, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [174, 40, Q Carindale, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [175, 10, N Tamworth, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [177, 10, N Castle Hill, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [178, 10, N Blacktown, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [179, 20, V Greensborough, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [180, 60, W Joondalup, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [183, 20, V Swan Hill, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [184, 40, Q Brisbane CBD, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [186, 20, B Narre Warren (Closed), N, Y, N, N, N, N], [188, 10, N Macarthur Square, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [189, 20, B Northland Baby Target, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [191, 50, B Golden Grove, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [192, 10, N Wetherill Park, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [193, 60, W Kalgoorlie, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [194, 50, S Mildura, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [195, 40, Q Bribie Island, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [196, 60, W Meadow Springs, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [197, 50, S Unley, N, Y, N, N, N, N]]'
        select('Table', 'cell:2|REGION-NO,0(20)')
            commonBits.fl('Window') +
            '>>csv_DTAR1000_Store_file_std.bin.csv>>' +
        ##		select('Table1', 'cell:2|REGION-NO,0(20)')
            commonBits.fl('Edit') + '>>' + commonBits.fl('Update Csv Columns'))
        ##select_menu(              'Edit>>                         Update Csv Columns')
        select('DelimiterCombo', '|')
        select('QuoteCombo', '\'')
        select('Table', 'STORE NO', commonBits.fl('Field Name') + ',0')
        select('Table', 'REGION NO', commonBits.fl('Field Name') + ',1')
               'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Field Name') + ',1(REGION-NO)')
            commonBits.fl('Window') +
            '>>csv_DTAR1000_Store_file_std.bin.csv>>' +
        ##		assert_p('Table', 'Content', '[[STORE NO, 1, , 3, 3], [REGION-NO, 2, , 40, 40], [STORE-NAME, 3, , Q Mackay, Q Mackay], [NEW-STORE, 4, , N, N], [ACTIVE-STORE, 5, , Y, Y], [CLOSED-STORE, 6, , N, N], [DC-TYPE, 7, , N, N], [SRC-TYPE, 8, , N, N], [HO-TYPE, 9, , N, N]]')
            'Table', 'Content',
            '[[STORE NO, 1, , 3, 3], [REGION NO, 2, , 40, 40], [STORE-NAME, 3, , Q Mackay, Q Mackay], [NEW-STORE, 4, , N, N], [ACTIVE-STORE, 5, , Y, Y], [CLOSED-STORE, 6, , N, N], [DC-TYPE, 7, , N, N], [SRC-TYPE, 8, , N, N], [HO-TYPE, 9, , N, N]]'
        assert_p('TextArea', 'Text', '3|40|Q Mackay|N|Y|N|N|N|N')
        #		select_menu(commonBits.fl('Window') + '>>csv_DTAR1000_Store_file_std.bin.csv>>' + commonBits.fl('Record:'))
        #		select_menu(commonBits.fl('Window') + '>>csv_DTAR1000_Store_file_std.bin.csv>>' + commonBits.fl('Record:'))
            commonBits.fl('Window') +
            '>>csv_DTAR1000_Store_file_std.bin.csv>>' +
            'Table', 'Content',
            '[[1, 20, V Geelong, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [2, 40, Q Coffs Harbour, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [3, 40, Q Mackay, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [4, 20, V Ballarat, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [5, 20, V Albury, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [6, 20, V Wodonga, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [7, 20, V Shepparton, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [8, 20, V Bendigo, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [9, 50, S Centrepoint, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [10, 40, Q Earlville, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [11, 10, N Cessnock, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [12, 20, V Ringwood, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [15, 10, N Bankstown, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [16, 10, N Glendale, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [19, 10, N Penrith, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [20, 40, Q Indooroopilly, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [21, 50, S Tea Tree Plaza, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [23, 20, V Warnambool, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [24, 50, S Newton, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [25, 50, S Fulham Gardens, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [26, 50, S Edwardstown, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [27, 40, Q Runaway Bay, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [28, 20, V Launceston, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [30, 20, V Epping, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [32, 20, V Camberwell, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [33, 10, Y Blacktown (Closed), N, Y, N, N, N, N], [35, 10, N Rockdale, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [36, 60, W Fremantle, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [21, 10, N Miranda, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [38, 40, Q Maroochydore, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [39, 20, V Colac, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [40, 40, Q Tweed Heads, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [42, 20, V Reservoir, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [43, 60, W Morley, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [44, 50, S Mt Gambier, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [45, 60, W Carousel, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [46, 10, N Dubbo, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [47, 50, S Sefton Park, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [48, 40, Q Bundaberg, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [49, 40, Q Rockhampton, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [52, 10, N Eastwood, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [54, 20, V Highpoint City, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [55, 10, N Leichhardt, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [57, 60, W Victoria Park, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [58, 20, V Knox City, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [59, 40, Q Buranda, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [60, 10, N St Marys, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [61, 20, V Waverley Gardens, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [62, 40, Q Castletown, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [64, 20, V Hoppers Crossing, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [65, 60, W Innaloo, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [67, 20, V Morwell Mid Valley, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [68, 40, Q Mt Gravatt, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [69, 60, W Midland, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [70, 10, N Bass Hill, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [72, 60, W Geraldton, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [73, 40, Q Southport, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [74, 10, N Campbelltown, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [75, 20, V Sale, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [76, 60, W Bull Creek, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [77, 50, S Elizabeth, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [78, 10, N Warringah Mall, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [79, 60, W Stirling, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [80, 20, V Sunshine, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [81, 10, N Ashfield, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [82, 20, V Box Hill, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [83, 40, Q Springwood, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [84, 40, Q Brookside, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [85, 10, N Roselands, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [86, 20, V Southland, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [87, 20, V Chadstone, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [88, 20, V Templestowe, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [89, 10, N Erina, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [90, 10, N Carlingford Court, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [91, 10, N Chatswood, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [92, 20, V Malvern, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [93, 10, N Liverpool, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [94, 60, W Whitford City, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [95, 10, N Eastgarden, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [96, 10, N Canberra Civic, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [97, 20, V Fountain Gate, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [98, 20, V Frankston, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [99, 20, V Glen Waverley, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [100, 20, V Waurn Ponds, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [125, 10, N Mt Druitt, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [126, 40, Q Robina, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [127, 50, S Marion, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [128, 60, W Rockingham, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [129, 10, N Macquarie, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [131, 20, V Melbourne City, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [132, 20, V Glenorchy, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [133, 40, Q Browns Plains, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [134, 50, S Reynella, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [135, 40, Q Capalaba, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [136, 10, N Charlestown, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [137, 20, V Dandenong, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [138, 40, Q Cairns Central, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [139, 40, Q Toowoomba, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [140, 40, Q Pacific Fair, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [141, 40, Q The Willows, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [142, 50, S Hollywood Plaza, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [143, 40, Q Hervey Bay, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [144, 10, N Parramatta, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [145, 10, N Port Macquarie, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [146, 40, Q Palmerston, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [149, 20, V Broadmeadows, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [150, 10, N Cowra, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [151, 60, W Perth, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [152, 20, V Mornington, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [153, 20, V Pakenham, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [154, 10, N Shellharbour, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [155, 40, Q Redbank, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [156, 40, Q Morayfield, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [157, 20, V Chirnside Park, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [158, 20, V Brimbank Central, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [159, 50, S Whyalla, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [160, 20, V Watergardens, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [161, 20, V Hobart, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [162, 10, N Tuggeranong, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [163, 10, N Queanbeyan, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [164, 10, N Tuggerah, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [165, 10, N Hurstville, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [166, 40, Q Chermside, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [167, 40, Q Northlakes, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [168, 20, V Airport West, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [169, 10, N Hornsby, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [170, 10, N Bondi, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [171, 10, N Burwood, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [173, 60, W Bunbury, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [174, 40, Q Carindale, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [175, 10, N Tamworth, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [177, 10, N Castle Hill, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [178, 10, N Blacktown, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [179, 20, V Greensborough, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [180, 60, W Joondalup, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [183, 20, V Swan Hill, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [184, 40, Q Brisbane CBD, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [186, 20, B Narre Warren (Closed), N, Y, N, N, N, N], [188, 10, N Macarthur Square, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [189, 20, B Northland Baby Target, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [191, 50, B Golden Grove, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [192, 10, N Wetherill Park, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [193, 60, W Kalgoorlie, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [194, 50, S Mildura, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [195, 40, Q Bribie Island, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [196, 60, W Meadow Springs, N, Y, N, N, N, N], [197, 50, S Unley, N, Y, N, N, N, N]]'
        select('LayoutCombo', commonBits.fl('Full Line'))
            'Table', 'Content',
            '[[1|20|V Geelong|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [2|40|Q Coffs Harbour|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [3|40|Q Mackay|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [4|20|V Ballarat|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [5|20|V Albury|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [6|20|V Wodonga|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [7|20|V Shepparton|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [8|20|V Bendigo|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [9|50|S Centrepoint|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [10|40|Q Earlville|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [11|10|N Cessnock|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [12|20|V Ringwood|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [15|10|N Bankstown|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [16|10|N Glendale|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [19|10|N Penrith|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [20|40|Q Indooroopilly|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [21|50|S Tea Tree Plaza|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [23|20|V Warnambool|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [24|50|S Newton|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [25|50|S Fulham Gardens|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [26|50|S Edwardstown|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [27|40|Q Runaway Bay|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [28|20|V Launceston|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [30|20|V Epping|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [32|20|V Camberwell|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [33|10|Y Blacktown (Closed)|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [35|10|N Rockdale|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [36|60|W Fremantle|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [21|10|N Miranda|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [38|40|Q Maroochydore|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [39|20|V Colac|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [40|40|Q Tweed Heads|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [42|20|V Reservoir|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [43|60|W Morley|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [44|50|S Mt Gambier|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [45|60|W Carousel|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [46|10|N Dubbo|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [47|50|S Sefton Park|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [48|40|Q Bundaberg|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [49|40|Q Rockhampton|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [52|10|N Eastwood|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [54|20|V Highpoint City|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [55|10|N Leichhardt|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [57|60|W Victoria Park|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [58|20|V Knox City|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [59|40|Q Buranda|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [60|10|N St Marys|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [61|20|V Waverley Gardens|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [62|40|Q Castletown|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [64|20|V Hoppers Crossing|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [65|60|W Innaloo|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [67|20|V Morwell Mid Valley|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [68|40|Q Mt Gravatt|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [69|60|W Midland|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [70|10|N Bass Hill|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [72|60|W Geraldton|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [73|40|Q Southport|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [74|10|N Campbelltown|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [75|20|V Sale|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [76|60|W Bull Creek|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [77|50|S Elizabeth|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [78|10|N Warringah Mall|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [79|60|W Stirling|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [80|20|V Sunshine|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [81|10|N Ashfield|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [82|20|V Box Hill|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [83|40|Q Springwood|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [84|40|Q Brookside|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [85|10|N Roselands|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [86|20|V Southland|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [87|20|V Chadstone|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [88|20|V Templestowe|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [89|10|N Erina|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [90|10|N Carlingford Court|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [91|10|N Chatswood|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [92|20|V Malvern|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [93|10|N Liverpool|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [94|60|W Whitford City|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [95|10|N Eastgarden|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [96|10|N Canberra Civic|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [97|20|V Fountain Gate|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [98|20|V Frankston|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [99|20|V Glen Waverley|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [100|20|V Waurn Ponds|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [125|10|N Mt Druitt|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [126|40|Q Robina|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [127|50|S Marion|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [128|60|W Rockingham|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [129|10|N Macquarie|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [131|20|V Melbourne City|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [132|20|V Glenorchy|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [133|40|Q Browns Plains|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [134|50|S Reynella|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [135|40|Q Capalaba|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [136|10|N Charlestown|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [137|20|V Dandenong|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [138|40|Q Cairns Central|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [139|40|Q Toowoomba|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [140|40|Q Pacific Fair|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [141|40|Q The Willows|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [142|50|S Hollywood Plaza|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [143|40|Q Hervey Bay|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [144|10|N Parramatta|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [145|10|N Port Macquarie|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [146|40|Q Palmerston|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [149|20|V Broadmeadows|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [150|10|N Cowra|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [151|60|W Perth|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [152|20|V Mornington|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [153|20|V Pakenham|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [154|10|N Shellharbour|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [155|40|Q Redbank|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [156|40|Q Morayfield|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [157|20|V Chirnside Park|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [158|20|V Brimbank Central|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [159|50|S Whyalla|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [160|20|V Watergardens|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [161|20|V Hobart|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [162|10|N Tuggeranong|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [163|10|N Queanbeyan|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [164|10|N Tuggerah|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [165|10|N Hurstville|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [166|40|Q Chermside|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [167|40|Q Northlakes|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [168|20|V Airport West|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [169|10|N Hornsby|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [170|10|N Bondi|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [171|10|N Burwood|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [173|60|W Bunbury|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [174|40|Q Carindale|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [175|10|N Tamworth|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [177|10|N Castle Hill|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [178|10|N Blacktown|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [179|20|V Greensborough|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [180|60|W Joondalup|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [183|20|V Swan Hill|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [184|40|Q Brisbane CBD|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [186|20|B Narre Warren (Closed)|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [188|10|N Macarthur Square|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [189|20|B Northland Baby Target|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [191|50|B Golden Grove|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [192|10|N Wetherill Park|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [193|60|W Kalgoorlie|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [194|50|S Mildura|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [195|40|Q Bribie Island|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [196|60|W Meadow Springs|N|Y|N|N|N|N], [197|50|S Unley|N|Y|N|N|N|N]]'

Exemple #12
def test():
	from Modules import commonBits
	java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_22'

	if window('Record Editor'):
		select('File_Txt', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'csv3DTAR020_tst1.bin.csv')

		if commonBits.version() == 'MsAccess':
			select('Record Layout_Txt', 'Comma Delimited, names on the first line')
			select('System_Txt', 'CSV')

		click(commonBits.fl('Edit') + '1')
		select('Find.Search For_Txt', '60')
		select('Find.Field_Txt', 'KEYCODE-NO')
		assert_p('TextField', 'Text', commonBits.fl('Found (line, field Num, field position)=') + '1, 0, 2')
		assert_p('TextField', 'Text', commonBits.fl('Found (line, field Num, field position)=') + '11, 0, 0')
		assert_p('TextField', 'Text', commonBits.fl('Found (line, field Num, field position)=') + '12, 0, 0')
		assert_p('TextField', 'Text', commonBits.fl('Found (line, field Num, field position)=') + '13, 0, 0')
		assert_p('TextField', 'Text', commonBits.fl('Found (line, field Num, field position)=') + '16, 0, 0')
		assert_p('TextField', 'Text', commonBits.fl('Found (line, field Num, field position)=') + '16, 0, 2')
		assert_p('TextField', 'Text', commonBits.fl('Found (line, field Num, field position)=') + '17, 0, 6')

		if window(''):

		assert_p('TextField', 'Text', commonBits.fl('Found (line, field Num, field position)=') + '1, 0, 2')
		assert_p('TextField', 'Text', commonBits.fl('Found (line, field Num, field position)=') + '11, 0, 0')
		assert_p('TextField', 'Text', commonBits.fl('Found (line, field Num, field position)=') + '12, 0, 0')
		select('Find.Direction_Txt', commonBits.fl('Backward'))
		assert_p('TextField', 'Text', commonBits.fl('Found (line, field Num, field position)=') + '11, 0, 0')
		assert_p('TextField', 'Text', commonBits.fl('Found (line, field Num, field position)=') + '1, 0, 2')

		if window(''):

		assert_p('TextField', 'Text', commonBits.fl('Found (line, field Num, field position)=') + '17, 0, 6')
		assert_p('TextField', 'Text', commonBits.fl('Found (line, field Num, field position)=') + '16, 0, 2')
		select('Find.Direction_Txt', commonBits.fl('Forward'))
		assert_p('TextField', 'Text', commonBits.fl('Found (line, field Num, field position)=') + '17, 0, 6')

		if window(''):

		assert_p('TextField', 'Text', commonBits.fl('Found (line, field Num, field position)=') + '1, 0, 2')
		assert_p('TextField', 'Text', commonBits.fl('Found (line, field Num, field position)=') + '11, 0, 0')
		select('Find.Direction_Txt', commonBits.fl('Backward'))
		assert_p('TextField', 'Text', commonBits.fl('Found (line, field Num, field position)=') + '1, 0, 2')

		if window(''):

		assert_p('TextField', 'Text', commonBits.fl('Found (line, field Num, field position)=') + '17, 0, 6')