def test(): set_java_recorded_version("1.6.0_22") if window('Record Editor'): select_menu('Record Layouts>>Load Copybook') if frame( ' - Load Record Layout using selectedLoaderRecord Edit - hsqldb:0' ): select('User Selected Copybook', commonBits.xmlCopybookDir() + 'wwFile.Xml') select('System', 'Other') click('Go') assert_p( 'JTextArea_40', 'Text', '-->> ' + commonBits.xmlCopybookDir() + 'wwFile.Xml processed\n Copybook: wwFile') click('Close') close() select_menu('Record Layouts>>Edit Layout') if frame('Edit Record Layout - DB - Record Edit - hsqldb:1'): select('Record Name', 'wwF%') select('Description', '%%') assert_content('JTable_23', [['wwFile', 'ww File Def']]) close() close() pass
def test(): from Modules import commonBits java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_22' if window('Record Layout Definitions'): select_menu('Record Layouts>>Load Copybook') select('User Selected Copybook_Txt', commonBits.cobolDir() + 'AmsLocation.cbl') select('Binary Format_Txt', 'Mainframe') assert_p('Copybook Type_Txt', 'Text', 'Cobol Copybook (DB)') select( 'User Selected Copybook_Txt', commonBits.paramDir() + 'CopyBook' + commonBits.fileSep() + 'cb2xml' + commonBits.fileSep() + 'AMSLOCATION.xml') select('System_Txt', 'CSV') assert_p('Copybook Type_Txt', 'Text', 'cb2xml XML Copybook (DB)') select( 'User Selected Copybook_Txt', commonBits.paramDir() + 'CopyBook' + commonBits.fileSep() + 'Csv' + commonBits.fileSep() + 'ams PO Download.Txt') select('Binary Format_Txt', 'Intel') assert_p('Copybook Type_Txt', 'Text', 'RecordEditor Tab Copybook (Tab Seperator)') select('User Selected Copybook_Txt', commonBits.xmlCopybookDir() + 'ams PO Download.Xml') select('System_Txt', 'Ams') assert_p('Copybook Type_Txt', 'Text', 'RecordEditor XML Copybook') ## select('Binary Format_Txt', 'Mainframe') ## select('System_Txt', 'CSV') ## select('Binary Format_Txt', 'Intel') ## select('System_Txt', 'Ams') close()
def test(): from Modules import commonBits java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_22' if window('Record Editor'): select_menu(commonBits.fl('Record Layouts') + '>>' + commonBits.fl('Load Copybook') ) select('User Selected Copybook_Txt', commonBits.xmlCopybookDir() + 'wx1File.Xml') click(commonBits.fl('Go')) select('User Selected Copybook_Txt', commonBits.xmlCopybookDir() + 'wx2File.Xml') click(commonBits.fl('Go')) select('User Selected Copybook_Txt', commonBits.xmlCopybookDir() + 'wx2File.Xml') click(commonBits.fl('Go')) select('User Selected Copybook_Txt', commonBits.xmlCopybookDir() + 'wx3File.Xml') click(commonBits.fl('Go')) select('User Selected Copybook_Txt', commonBits.xmlCopybookDir() + 'wx3File.Xml') click(commonBits.fl('Go')) select('User Selected Copybook_Txt', commonBits.xmlCopybookDir() + 'wx4File.Xml') click(commonBits.fl('Go')) select('User Selected Copybook_Txt', commonBits.xmlCopybookDir() + 'wx4File.Xml') click(commonBits.fl('Go')) select('User Selected Copybook_Txt', commonBits.xmlCopybookDir() + 'wx5File.Xml') click(commonBits.fl('Go')) select('User Selected Copybook_Txt', commonBits.xmlCopybookDir() + 'wx5File.Xml') click(commonBits.fl('Go')) click('BasicInternalFrameTitlePane$NoFocusButton2') select_menu(commonBits.fl('Record Layouts') + '>>' + commonBits.fl('Edit Layout')) select('RecordList.Record Name_Txt', 'wx4File') select('RecordList.Description_Txt', '%%') assert_p('ChildRecordsJTbl', 'Content', '[[, wwProd01, , , , , ], [, wwProd02, , , , , wwProdHead], [, wwProd05, , , , , wwProdHead], [, wwTrailer, , , , , wwHeader], [, wwProdHead, , , , , wwHeader], [, wwHeader, , , , , ], [, wwProd07, , , , , ]]') select('RecordList.Record Name_Txt', 'wx3File') select('RecordList.Description_Txt', '%') assert_p('ChildRecordsJTbl', 'Content', '[[, wwProd01, , RecordType1, P, , ], [, wwProd02, , , , , wwProdHead], [, wwProd05, , , , , wwProdHead], [, wwTrailer, , , , , wwHeader], [, wwProdHead, , , , , wwHeader], [, wwHeader, , , , , ], [, wwProd07, , , , , ]]') select('RecordList.Record Name_Txt', 'wx2File') select('RecordList.Description_Txt', '%%') assert_p('ChildRecordsJTbl', 'Content', '[[, wwProd01, , , , , ], [, wwProd02, , , , , wwProdHead], [, wwProd05, , , , , wwProdHead], [, wwTrailer, , , , , wwHeader], [, wwProdHead, , , , , wwHeader], [, wwHeader, , , , , ], [, wwProd07, , , , , ]]') ## select('ChildRecordsJTbl', '') rightclick('ChildRecordsJTbl', commonBits.fl('Field') + ',2') select_menu(commonBits.fl('View Record Selections Tree') ) assert_p('JTreeTable', 'Content', '[[, , , , , , =, ], [, , ' + commonBits.fl('And') + ' , , , RecordType1, =, P], [, , , , ' + commonBits.fl('And') + ' , RecordType2, =, 01], [, , , ' + commonBits.fl('Or') + ' , , RecordType1, =, P], [, , , , ' + commonBits.fl('And') + ' , RecordType2, =, 02], [, , , ' + commonBits.fl('Or') + ' , , RecordType1, =, P], [, , , , ' + commonBits.fl('And') + ' , RecordType2, =, 05], [, , , , , , =, ], [, , , , , , =, ], [, , , , , , =, ], [, , ' + commonBits.fl('And') + ' , , , RecordType1, =, T], [, , , , ' + commonBits.fl('And') + ' , RecordType2, =, TR], [, , , , , , =, ], [, , ' + commonBits.fl('And') + ' , , , RecordType1, =, P], [, , , , ' + commonBits.fl('And') + ' , RecordType2, =, HD], [, , , , , , =, ], [, , ' + commonBits.fl('And') + ' , , , RecordType1, =, H], [, , , , ' + commonBits.fl('And') + ' , RecordType2, =, HD], [, , , , , , =, ], [, , ' + commonBits.fl('And') + ' , , , RecordType1, =, P], [, , , , ' + commonBits.fl('And') + ' , RecordType2, =, 07]]') click('BasicInternalFrameTitlePane$NoFocusButton2') click('BasicInternalFrameTitlePane$NoFocusButton2') close()
def test(): from Modules import commonBits java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_10' if window('Record Editor'): select_menu('Record Layouts>>Load Copybook') select('FileChooser', commonBits.xmlCopybookDir() + 'yyAms PO Download.Xml') select('BmKeyedComboBox1', 'Other') click('Go') rightclick('TextArea') assert_p( 'TextArea', 'Text', ''' -->> ''' + commonBits.xmlCopybookDir() + '''yyAms PO Download.Xml processed Copybook: yyAms PO Download''') commonBits.closeWindow(click) ##click('BasicInternalFrameTitlePane$NoFocusButton2') click('Reload from DB') select('FileChooser', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'zzAms_PODownload_20041231.txt') select('ComboBox1', 'Other') select_menu('Record Layouts>>Edit Layout') select('TextField', 'yy%') select('TextField1', '%') select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') select('TabbedPane', 'Child Records') commonBits.closeWindow(click) ##click('BasicInternalFrameTitlePane$NoFocusButton2') ## click('ScrollPane$ScrollBar', 12, 112) click('Reload from DB') ## select('ComboBox2', 'yyAms PO Download') commonBits.setRecordLayout(select, 'yyAms PO Download') commonBits.doEdit(click) select('Table', 'cell:3 - 4|DC Number 1,0(4534)') rightclick('Table', '1 - 2|Record Type,0') ## select('Table', 'cell:3 - 4|DC Number 1,0(4534)') select_menu('Edit Record') ## select('Table1', 'cell:3 - 4|DC Number 1,0(4534)') select('Table', 'cell:Data,3(286225)') click('Right') assert_p( 'Table', 'Content', '[[Record Type, 1, 2, D1, D1], [Pack Qty, 3, 9, 7.0000, 000070000], [Pack Cost, 12, 13, 0.0002, 0000000000002], [APN, 25, 13, 2222500000000, 2222500000000], [Filler, 38, 1, , ], [Product, 39, 8, 43314531, 43314531], [pmg dtl tech key, 72, 15, 2075359, 2075359], [Case Pack id, 87, 15, 45614531, 45614531], [Product Name, 101, 50, DONKEY 24-006607 SHWL WRAP CARD, DONKEY 24-006607 SHWL WRAP CARD]]' ) click('TextArea') assert_p( 'TextArea', 'Text', 'D100007000000000000000022222500000000 43314531000000054540000007 2075359 45614531 DONKEY 24-006607 SHWL WRAP CARD ' ) click('Left') select('Table', 'cell:Data,4(040909)') assert_p( 'Table', 'Content', '[[Record Type, 1, 2, H1, H1], [Sequence Number, 3, 5, 45.349, 45349], [Vendor, 8, 10, 6060, 0000006060], [PO, 18, 12, 286225, 286225], [Entry Date, 30, 6, 040909, 040909], [Filler, 36, 8, , ], [beg01 code, 44, 2, 00, 00], [beg02 code, 46, 2, , ], [Department, 48, 4, 200, 200], [Expected Reciept Date, 52, 6, 050102, 050102], [Cancel by date, 58, 6, 050107, 050107], [EDI Type, 68, 1, , ], [Add Date, 69, 6, , ], [Filler, 75, 1, , ], [Department Name, 76, 10, LADIES KNI, LADIES KNI], [Prcoess Type, 86, 1, C, C], [Order Type, 87, 2, FT, FT]]' ) select('Table', 'cell:Data,4(040909)') click('TextArea') assert_p( 'TextArea', 'Text', 'H1453490000006060286225 040909 00 200 0501020501075965 LADIES KNICFT' ) doubleclick('Right') doubleclick('Right') select('Table', 'cell:Data,9(5151)') assert_p( 'Table', 'Content', '[[Record Type, 1, 2, S1, S1], [DC Number 1, 3, 4, 5043, 5043], [Pack Quantity 1, 7, 8, 1, 00000001], [DC Number 2, 15, 4, 5045, 5045], [Pack Quantity 2, 19, 8, 1, 00000001], [DC Number 4, 39, 4, 5076, 5076], [Pack Quantity 4, 43, 8, 1, 00000001], [DC Number 5, 51, 4, 5079, 5079], [Pack Quantity 5, 55, 8, 1, 00000001], [DC Number 6, 63, 4, 5151, 5151], [Pack Quantity 6, 67, 8, 1, 00000001], [DC Number 7, 75, 4, 5072, 5072], [Pack Quantity 7, 79, 8, 1, 00000001], [DC Number 8, 87, 4, , ], [Pack Quantity 8, 91, 8, 0, 00000000], [DC Number 9, 99, 4, , ], [Pack Quantity 9, 103, 8, 0, 00000000], [DC Number 10, 111, 4, , ], [Pack Quantity 10, 115, 8, 0, 00000000]]' ) select_menu('Record Layouts>>Edit Layout') select('TextField', 'yy%') select('TextField1', '%') select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') select('TabbedPane', 'Child Records') select('Table', 'cell:Description,0()') # click('Delete3') select('TextField', 'yyAms PO Download') # select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') # select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') # select('TabbedPane', 'Child Records') click('Delete3') if window('Delete: yyAms PO Download'): click('Yes') close() # select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') # select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') # select('TabbedPane', 'Fields') # select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') # select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') # select('TabbedPane', 'Fields') select('TextField', 'yyAms PO Download%') # select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') # select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') # select('TabbedPane', 'Fields') # select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') # select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') # select('TabbedPane', 'Fields') select('TextField', 'yyAms PO Download: A%') # select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') # select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') # select('TabbedPane', 'Fields') click('Delete3') if window('Delete: yyAms PO Download: Allocation'): click('Yes') close() select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') select('TabbedPane', 'Fields') select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') select('TabbedPane', 'Fields') select('TextField', 'yyAms PO Download: H%') select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') select('TabbedPane', 'Fields') select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') select('TabbedPane', 'Fields') click('Delete3') if window('Delete: yyAms PO Download: Header'): click('Yes') close() select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') select('TabbedPane', 'Fields') select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') select('TabbedPane', 'Fields') select('TextField', 'yyAms PO Download: %') select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') select('TabbedPane', 'Fields') select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') select('TabbedPane', 'Fields') click('Delete3') if window('Delete: yyAms PO Download: Detail'): click('Yes') close() close()
def test(): from Modules import commonBits java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_17' if window('Record Editor'): select_menu('Record Layouts>>Load Copybook') select('FileChooser', commonBits.xmlCopybookDir() + 'zFixedWidth_ams_Store.Xml') click('Go') commonBits.closeWindow(click) ##click('BasicInternalFrameTitlePane$NoFocusButton2') click('Open') select('FileChooser', commonBits.sampleDir() + 'FixedWidth_Ams_Store.txt') click('Reload from DB') select('ComboBox2', 'zFixedWidth_ams_Store') commonBits.doEdit(click) select( 'Table', 'rows:[3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11],columns:[1 - 3|Brand Id,4 - 4|Loc Nbr]' ) select_menu('View>>Table View #{Selected Records#}') ## select('Table2', 'rows:[4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11],columns:[1 - 3|Brand Id,4 - 4|Loc Nbr]') select('Table', 'cell:10 - 35|Loc Name,3(Rockdale)') assert_p( 'Table', 'Content', '[[TAR, 5015, ST, Bankstown, Bankstown, Unit 2, 39-41 Allingham Street, Condell Park, 2200, NSW, A], [TAR, 5019, ST, Penrith, Penrith, 58 Leland Street, Penrith, 2750, NSW, A], [TAR, 5033, ST, Blacktown, Marayong, Dock 2, 11 Melissa Place, Marayong, 2148, NSW, A], [TAR, 5035, ST, Rockdale, Building B, Portside DC, 2-8 Mc Pherson Street, Botany, 2019, NSW, A], [TAR, 5037, ST, Miranda, Westfield Shoppingtown, Cnr. Urunga Pde & The Kingsway, Miranda, 2228, NSW, A], [TAR, 5052, ST, Eastwood, Marayong Offsite Reserve, 11 Melissa Place, Marayong, 2148, NSW, A], [TAR, 5055, ST, Leichhardt, Marketown, Marion Street, Leichhardt, 2040, NSW, A], [TAR, 5060, ST, St Marys, St. Mary\'s, Charles Hackett Drive, St Mary\'s, 2760, NSW, A]]' ) select('Table', 'cell:10 - 35|Loc Name,3(Rockdale)') select('LayoutCombo', 'Full Line') assert_p( 'Table', 'Content', '[[TAR5015STBankstown Bankstown Unit 2, 39-41 Allingham Street Condell Park 2200 NSWA], [TAR5019STPenrith Penrith 58 Leland Street Penrith 2750 NSWA], [TAR5033STBlacktown Marayong Dock 2, 11 Melissa Place Marayong 2148 NSWA], [TAR5035STRockdale Building B, Portside DC 2-8 Mc Pherson Street Botany 2019 NSWA], [TAR5037STMiranda Westfield Shoppingtown Cnr. Urunga Pde & The Kingsway Miranda 2228 NSWA], [TAR5052STEastwood Marayong Offsite Reserve 11 Melissa Place Marayong 2148 NSWA], [TAR5055STLeichhardt Marketown Marion Street Leichhardt 2040 NSWA], [TAR5060STSt Marys St. Mary\'s Charles Hackett Drive St Mary\'s 2760 NSWA]]' ) select('LayoutCombo', 'Hex 1 Line') select( 'Table', 'cell: + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 17 + 18|Hex (1 Line),0([B@1145e2e)' ) ## assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'cell: + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 17 + 18|Hex (1 Line),0([B@1145e2e)') select( 'Table', 'cell: + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 17 + 18|Hex (1 Line),1([B@e0de15)' ) assert_p( 'Table', 'Text', '544152353033335354426c61636b746f776e20202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020204d617261796f6e672020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020446f636b20322c203131204d656c6973736120506c616365202020202020202020202020202020204d617261796f6e67202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020323134382020202020204e535741', ' + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 17 + 18|Hex (1 Line),2' ) select( 'Table', 'cell: + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 17 + 18|Hex (1 Line),2([B@11addf0)' ) assert_p( 'Table', 'Text', '544152353033355354526f636b64616c652020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020204275696c64696e6720422c2020506f72747369646520444320202020202020202020202020202020322d38204d632050686572736f6e2053747265657420202020202020202020202020202020202020426f74616e792020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020323031392020202020204e535741', ' + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 17 + 18|Hex (1 Line),3' ) select( 'Table', 'cell: + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 17 + 18|Hex (1 Line),2([B@11addf0)' ) ## assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'cell: + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 17 + 18|Hex (1 Line),2([B@11addf0)') select( 'Table', 'cell: + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 17 + 18|Hex (1 Line),2([B@11addf0)' ) select('LayoutCombo', 'Hex 2 Lines (Mainframe Style)') assert_p( 'Table', 'Text', '''T A R 5 0 1 5 S T B a n k s t o w n B a n k s t o w n U n i t 2 , 3 9 - 4 1 A l l i n g h a m S t r e e t C o n d e l l P a r k 2 2 0 0 N S W A 54415235303135535442616e6b73746f776e202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202042616e6b73746f776e20202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020556e697420322c2033392d343120416c6c696e6768616d2053747265657420202020202020202020436f6e64656c6c205061726b2020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020323230302020202020204e535741''', ' + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 17 + 18|Hex (2 Lines),0' ) ###T A R 5 0 1 5 S T B a n k s t o w n B a n k s t o w n U n i t 2 , 3 9 - 4 1 A l l i n g h a m S t r e e t C o n d e l l P a r k 2 2 0 0 N S W ###54415235303135535442616e6b73746f776e202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202042616e6b73746f776e20202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020556e697420322c2033392d343120416c6c696e6768616d2053747265657420202020202020202020436f6e64656c6c205061726b2020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020323230302020202020204e535741''', ' + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 17 + 18|Hex (2 Lines),0') assert_p('Table', 'Text', '') assert_p('Table', 'Text', '') select( 'Table', 'cell: + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 17 + 18|Hex (2 Lines),3([B@12e84f4)' ) assert_p( 'Table', 'Text', '''T A R 5 0 3 5 S T R o c k d a l e B u i l d i n g B , P o r t s i d e D C 2 - 8 M c P h e r s o n S t r e e t B o t a n y 2 0 1 9 N S W A 544152353033355354526f636b64616c652020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020204275696c64696e6720422c2020506f72747369646520444320202020202020202020202020202020322d38204d632050686572736f6e2053747265657420202020202020202020202020202020202020426f74616e792020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020323031392020202020204e535741''', ' + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 17 + 18|Hex (2 Lines),3' ) ###T A R 5 0 3 5 S T R o c k d a l e B u i l d i n g B , P o r t s i d e D C 2 - 8 M c P h e r s o n S t r e e t B o t a n y 2 0 1 9 N S W ###544152353033355354526f636b64616c652020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020204275696c64696e6720422c2020506f72747369646520444320202020202020202020202020202020322d38204d632050686572736f6e2053747265657420202020202020202020202020202020202020426f74616e792020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020323031392020202020204e535741''', ' + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 17 + 18|Hex (2 Lines),3') select( 'Table', 'cell: + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 17 + 18|Hex (2 Lines),4([B@3b1633)' ) ## assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'cell: + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 17 + 18|Hex (2 Lines),4([B@3b1633)') select( 'Table', 'cell: + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 17 + 18|Hex (2 Lines),5([B@843edc)' ) ## assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'cell: + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 17 + 18|Hex (2 Lines),5([B@843edc)') ## select('Table', 'cell: + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 17 + 18|Hex (2 Lines),5([B@843edc)') select('LayoutCombo', 'Hex 3 Lines (ISPF Edit Hex)') select( 'Table', 'cell: + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 17 + 18|Hex (SPF Edit Style),3([B@12e84f4)' ) assert_p( 'Table', 'Text', '''TAR5035STRockdale Building B, Portside DC 2-8 Mc Pherson Street Botany 2019 NSWA 54533335556666666222222222222222222222222222476666662422256777666244222222222222222232324625667766257766722222222222222222224676672222222222222222222222222222233332222224554 4125035342f3b41c5000000000000000000000000000259c49e702c000f24394504300000000000000002d80d3008523fe034255400000000000000000002f41e9000000000000000000000000000002019000000e371''', ' + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 17 + 18|Hex (SPF Edit Style),3' ) select( 'Table', 'cell: + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 17 + 18|Hex (SPF Edit Style),4([B@3b1633)' ) ## assert_p('Table', 'Text', 'cell: + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 17 + 18|Hex (SPF Edit Style),4([B@3b1633)') select( 'Table', 'cell: + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 17 + 18|Hex (SPF Edit Style),5([B@843edc)' ) assert_p( 'Table', 'Text', '''TAR5052STEastwood Marayong Offsite Reserve 11 Melissa Place Marayong 2148 NSWA 54533335546777666222222222222222222222222222467676662466767625676776222222222222222233246667762566662222222222222222222222224676766622222222222222222222222222233332222224554 41250523451347ff4000000000000000000000000000d1219fe70f663945025352650000000000000000110d5c933100c135000000000000000000000000d1219fe70000000000000000000000000002148000000e371''', ' + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 17 + 18|Hex (SPF Edit Style),5' ) select( 'Table', 'cell: + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 17 + 18|Hex (SPF Edit Style),3([B@12e84f4)' ) select( 'Table', 'cell: + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 17 + 18|Hex (SPF Edit Style),3([B@12e84f4)' ) commonBits.closeWindow(click) ##click('BasicInternalFrameTitlePane$NoFocusButton2') close()
def test(): from Modules import commonBits java_recorded_version = '1.6.0_10' if window('Record Layout Definitions'): click('*7') select('FileChooser', commonBits.xmlCopybookDir() + 'yyAms PO Download.Xml') #select('BmKeyedComboBox1', '9') select('BmKeyedComboBox1', 'Other') click(commonBits.fl('Go')) assert_p( 'TextArea', 'Text', commonBits.checkCopybookLoad( commonBits.xmlCopybookDir() + 'yyAms PO Download.Xml', 'yyAms PO Download')) ## assert_p('TextArea', 'Text', ''' ## ##-->> ''' + commonBits.xmlCopybookDir() + '''yyAms PO Download.Xml processed ## ## Copybook: yyAms PO Download''') click('BasicInternalFrameTitlePane$NoFocusButton2') click('*') select('TextField', 'yy%') select('TextField1', '%') ## select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') ## select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') ## select('TabbedPane', 'Child Records') assert_p('TextField2', 'Text', 'yyAms PO Download') assert_p('BmKeyedComboBox2', 'Text', commonBits.fl('Group of Records')) select('ChildRecordsJTbl', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Child Record') + ',0(416)') assert_p('ChildRecordsJTbl', 'Text', 'yyAms PO Download: Detail', '' + commonBits.fl('Child Record') + ',0') # select('ChildRecordsJTbl', '416', commonBits.fl('Child Record') + ',0') # select('ChildRecordsJTbl', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Child Record') + ',1(417)') # select('ChildRecordsJTbl', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Child Record') + ',1(417)') assert_p('ChildRecordsJTbl', 'Text', 'yyAms PO Download: Header', '' + commonBits.fl('Child Record') + ',1') # select('ChildRecordsJTbl', '417', commonBits.fl('Child Record') + ',1') # select('ChildRecordsJTbl', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Child Record') + ',2(418)') # select('ChildRecordsJTbl', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Child Record') + ',2(418)') # select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') # select('TabbedPane', 'Child Records') select('ChildRecordsJTbl', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Child Record') + ',0(416)') keystroke('ChildRecordsJTbl', 'Ctrl+C', '' + commonBits.fl('Child Record') + ',0') select('ChildRecordsJTbl', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('Child Record') + ',0(416)') select('TextField', 'yyAms PO Download: D%') select('TextField1', '%') ## select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') ## select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') ## select('TabbedPane', 'Fields') ## select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') ## select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') ## select('TabbedPane', 'Fields') select('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('FieldName') + ',0(Record Type)') assert_p('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'Text', 'Record Type', '' + commonBits.fl('FieldName') + ',0') select('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('FieldName') + ',1(Pack Qty)') assert_p('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'Text', '', commonBits.fl('Description') + ',0') select('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('FieldName') + ',2(Pack Cost)') assert_p('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'Text', 'Pack Cost', '' + commonBits.fl('FieldName') + ',2') select('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('FieldType') + ',1(8)') ## assert_p('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'Text', '8', '' + commonBits.fl('FieldType') + ',1') ## assert_p('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'Text', commonBits.fl('Num Assumed Decimal (Zero padded)'), '' + commonBits.fl('FieldType') + ',1') select('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('FieldType') + ',1(7)') assert_p('TextField8', 'Text', commonBits.fl('Num Assumed Decimal (Zero padded)')) select('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('FieldType') + ',0(0)') ## assert_p('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'Text', '0', '' + commonBits.fl('FieldType') + ',4') ## assert_p('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'Text', commonBits.fl('Char'), '' + commonBits.fl('FieldType') + ',4') select('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('FieldType') + ',4(7)') assert_p('TextField8', 'Text', commonBits.fl('Char')) select('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('FieldType') + ',3(7)') ## assert_p('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'Text', '0', '' + commonBits.fl('FieldType') + ',4') ## assert_p('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'Text', commonBits.fl('Char'), '' + commonBits.fl('FieldType') + ',4') select('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('FieldType') + ',4(7)') assert_p('TextField8', 'Text', commonBits.fl('Char')) select('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('FieldName') + ',8(Product Name)') assert_p('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'Text', 'Product Name', '' + commonBits.fl('FieldName') + ',8') select('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('FieldName') + ',8(Product Name)') ## assert_p('BmKeyedComboBox3', 'Text', '0') assert_p('BmKeyedComboBox3', 'Text', 'Unkown') assert_p('BmKeyedComboBox2', 'Text', commonBits.fl('Record Layout')) select('TextField', 'yyAms PO Download: H%') select('TextField1', '%') ## select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') ## select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') ## select('TabbedPane', 'Fields') assert_p('TextField2', 'Text', 'yyAms PO Download: Header') select('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('FieldName') + ',0(Record Type)') assert_p('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'Text', 'Record Type', '' + commonBits.fl('FieldName') + ',0') select('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('FieldName') + ',2(Vendor)') assert_p('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'Text', 'Vendor', '' + commonBits.fl('FieldName') + ',2') select('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('FieldName') + ',3(PO)') assert_p('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'Text', 'Entry Date', '' + commonBits.fl('FieldName') + ',4') select('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('FieldName') + ',4(Entry Date)') assert_p('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'Text', 'Entry Date', '' + commonBits.fl('FieldName') + ',4') select('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('FieldName') + ',6(beg01 code)') assert_p('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'Text', 'beg01 code', '' + commonBits.fl('FieldName') + ',6') select('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('FieldName') + ',8(Department)') assert_p('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'Text', 'Department', '' + commonBits.fl('FieldName') + ',8') select('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('FieldType') + ',1(8)') ## assert_p('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'Text', '8', '' + commonBits.fl('FieldType') + ',1') ## assert_p('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'Text', commonBits.fl('Num Assumed Decimal (Zero padded)'), commonBits.fl('FieldType') + ',3') select('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('FieldType') + ',3(7)') assert_p('TextField8', 'Text', commonBits.fl('Num Assumed Decimal (Zero padded)')) select('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('FieldType') + ',3(8)') ## assert_p('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'Text', '8', '' + commonBits.fl('FieldType') + ',3') ## assert_p('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'Text', commonBits.fl('Num Assumed Decimal (Zero padded)'), '' + commonBits.fl('FieldType') + ',3') select('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('FieldType') + ',3(7)') assert_p('TextField8', 'Text', commonBits.fl('Num Assumed Decimal (Zero padded)')) select('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('FieldType') + ',3(8)') select('TextField', 'yyAms PO Download: A%') select('TextField1', '%') ## select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') ## select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') ## select('TabbedPane', 'Fields') assert_p('CheckBox', 'Text', 'false') select('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('FieldName') + ',1(DC Number 1)') assert_p('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'Text', 'DC Number 1', '' + commonBits.fl('FieldName') + ',1') select('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('FieldName') + ',2(Pack Quantity 1)') assert_p('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'Text', 'Pack Quantity 1', '' + commonBits.fl('FieldName') + ',2') select('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('FieldName') + ',3(DC Number 2)') assert_p('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'Text', 'DC Number 2', '' + commonBits.fl('FieldName') + ',3') select('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('FieldName') + ',4(Pack Quantity 2)') assert_p('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'RowCount', '19') select('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('FieldType') + ',2(7)') ##assert_p('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'Text', '7', '' + commonBits.fl('FieldType') + ',4') ## assert_p('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'Text', commonBits.fl('Num (Right Justified zero padded)'), '' + commonBits.fl('FieldType') + ',4') select('RecordFieldsJTbl', 'cell:' + commonBits.fl('FieldType') + ',4(7)') assert_p('TextField8', 'Text', commonBits.fl('Num (Right Justified zero padded)')) # commonBits.delete3(click) select('TextField', 'yyAms PO Download') # select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') # select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') # select('TabbedPane', 'Child Records') commonBits.delete3(click) if window(commonBits.fl('Delete: yyAms PO Download')): click('Yes') close() # select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') # select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') # select('TabbedPane', 'Fields') # select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') # select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') # select('TabbedPane', 'Fields') select('TextField', 'yyAms PO Download%') # select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') # select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') # select('TabbedPane', 'Fields') # select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') # select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') # select('TabbedPane', 'Fields') select('TextField', 'yyAms PO Download: A%') # select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') # select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') # select('TabbedPane', 'Fields') commonBits.delete3(click) if window(commonBits.fl('Delete: yyAms PO Download: Allocation')): click('Yes') close() # select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') # select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') # select('TabbedPane', 'Fields') # select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') # select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') # select('TabbedPane', 'Fields') select('TextField', 'yyAms PO Download: H%') # select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') # select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') # select('TabbedPane', 'Fields') # select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') # select('TabbedPane', 'Extras') # select('TabbedPane', 'Fields') commonBits.delete3(click) if window(commonBits.fl('Delete: yyAms PO Download: Header')): click('Yes') close() select('TextField', 'yyAms PO Download: %') commonBits.delete3(click) if window(commonBits.fl('Delete: yyAms PO Download: Detail')): click('Yes') close() click(commonBits.fl('Close')) close()