def DeleteDevice(serial): #first verify if it has relations with another device, that is if in the table exists in connecting with serialp cannot be removed query = "select * from conecta where serialp= '%s'" % serial if Query.ExistElementInDB(query) == 0: print "Is not possible delete element white serial ", serial, " because has relations whit other device" else: #We wonder if it exists in the database... query = "select * from dispositivo where serial = '%s'" % serial if Query.ExistElementInDB(query) == 0: print "Delete connection in table conecta" #first i have to delete it in the table links ... query = "DELETE FROM conecta where serialh = '%s'" % serial Query.DeleteDB(query) print "Delete device in table device" query = "DELETE FROM dispositivo where serial = '%s'" % serial Query.DeleteDB(query) else: print "Device whit serial input not exists in data base"
def DeleteNivel(id_nivel): #first we verify if it doesn't have relation with the table rack query = "select * from rack where id_nivel = %d" % id_nivel if Query.ExistElementInDB(query) == 0: print "Is not possible delete level with id ", id_nivel, " because has relations whit other elements" else: #We evaluate if the level exists in the database... query = "select * from nivel where id_nivel = %d" % id_nivel if Query.ExistElementInDB(query) == 0: #manage the query to delete ... print "Delete level" query = "DELETE FROM nivel where id_nivel = %d" % id_nivel Query.DeleteDB(query) else: print "Not exists a level whit id ", id_nivel, " registered in data base"
def DeleteEdificio(id_edificio): #first we verify if it doesn't have relation with the table rack query = "select * from rack where id_edif = %d" % id_edificio if Query.ExistElementInDB(query) == 0: print "Is not possible delete delete building whit id ", id_edificio, " because has relations whit other elements" else: #We evaluate if the building exists in the database... query = "select * from edificio where id_edif = %d" % id_edificio if Query.ExistElementInDB(query) == 0: #manage the query... print "Delete building" query = "DELETE FROM edificio where id_edif = %d" % id_edificio Query.DeleteDB(query) else: print "Not exists a building whit id ", id_edificio, " registered in data base"
def DeleteCampus(id_campus): #first verify if it doesn't have relation with the table buildings, that is, if building is not referenced to campus with these id... query = "select * from edificio where id_campus = %d" % id_campus if Query.ExistElementInDB(query) == 0: print "Is not possible delete campus whit id ", id_campus, " because has relations whit other elements" else: #We ask if the campus exists in the database... query = "select * from campus where id_campus = %d" % id_campus if Query.ExistElementInDB(query) == 0: #manage the consultation ... print "Delete campus" query = "DELETE FROM campus where id_campus = %d" % id_campus Query.DeleteDB(query) else: print "Not exists a campus whit id ", id_campus, " registered in data base"
def DeleteTipoEnlace(id_tipo_enlace): #first verify if it has no relations with the table conecta query = "select * from conecta where id_tipo_enlace = %d" % id_tipo_enlace if Query.ExistElementInDB(query) == 0: print "Is not possible delete kind link whit id ", id_tipo_enlace, " because has relations whit others elements" else: #We evaluate whether the link type exists in the database... query = "select * from tipo_enlace where id_tipo_enlace = %d" % id_tipo_enlace if Query.ExistElementInDB(query) == 0: #manage the query to delete.... print "Delete kind of link" query = "DELETE FROM tipo_enlace where id_tipo_enlace = %d" % id_tipo_enlace Query.DeleteDB(query) else: print "Not exists kind of link whit id ", id_tipo_enlace, " registered in data base"
def DeleteRack(id_rack): #first verify if it has no relations with the table device query = "select * from dispositivo where id_rack = %d" % id_rack if Query.ExistElementInDB(query) == 0: print "Is not possible delete rack whit id ", id_rack, " because has relations whit others elements" else: #We evaluate whether the rack exists in the database... query = "select * from rack where id_rack = %d" % id_rack if Query.ExistElementInDB(query) == 0: #manage the query to delete.... print "Delete rack" query = "DELETE FROM rack where id_rack = %d" % id_rack Query.DeleteDB(query) else: print "Not exists rack white id ", id_rack, " registered in data base"
def DeleteMarca(id_marca): #first verify if it has no relations with the table modelo... query = "select * from modelo where id_marca = %d" % id_marca if Query.ExistElementInDB(query) == 0: print "Is not possible delete marker whit id ", id_marca, " because has relations whit others elements" else: #we evaluated whether the brand exists in the database query = "select * from marca where id_marca = %d" % id_marca if Query.ExistElementInDB(query) == 0: #manage the query to delete.... print "Delete marker" query = "DELETE FROM marca where id_marca = %d" % id_marca Query.DeleteDB(query) else: print "Not exists marker whit id ", id_marca, " registered in data base"
def DeleteModelo(id_modelo): #first check if it has no relations with the table device query = "select * from dispositivo where id_modelo = %d" % id_modelo if Query.ExistElementInDB(query) == 0: print "Is not possible delete model with id ", id_modelo, " because has relations whit other elements" else: #we evaluated whether the model exists in the database query = "select * from modelo where id_modelo = %d" % id_modelo if Query.ExistElementInDB(query) == 0: #manage the query to delete print "Delete model" query = "DELETE FROM modelo where id_modelo = %d" % id_modelo Query.DeleteDB(query) else: print "Not exists model whit id ", id_modelo, " registered in data base"
def DeleteTipoDispositivo(id_tipo_disp): #first verify if it doesn't have relation with the table modelo query = "select * from modelo where id_tipo_disp = %d" % id_tipo_disp if Query.ExistElementInDB(query) == 0: print "Is not possible delete model whit id ", id_tipo_disp, " because has relations whit other elements" else: #we evaluate whether the device type in the database query = "select * from tipo_disp where id_tipo_disp = %d" % id_tipo_disp if Query.ExistElementInDB(query) == 0: #manage the query to delete ... print "Delete kind of device" query = "DELETE FROM tipo_disp where id_tipo_disp = %d" % id_tipo_disp Query.DeleteDB(query) else: print "Not exists a kind device whit id ", id_tipo_disp, " registered in data base"