def visit_moinpage_object(self, elem): href = elem.get(xlink.href, None) attrib = {} mimetype = Type(_type=elem.get(moin_page.type_, 'application/x-nonexistent')) # Get the object type obj_type = self.eval_object_type(mimetype, href) # The attribute source attribute for img,video, and audio is the same (src) # <object>'s attribute is 'data' attr = html.src if obj_type != "object" else # The return element new_elem = None if href is not None: # Set the attribute of the returned element appropriately attrib[attr] = href if obj_type == "img": # Images have alt text alt = ''.join(str(e) for e in elem) # XXX handle non-text e if alt: attrib[html.alt] = alt new_elem = html.img(attrib=attrib) else: if obj_type != "object": # Non-objects have the "controls" attribute attrib[html.controls] = 'controls' new_elem = self.new_copy(getattr(html, obj_type), elem, attrib) return mark_item_as_transclusion(new_elem, href)
def macro(self, content, arguments, page_url, alternative): icon = arguments[0] if arguments else '' if not icon: raise ValueError("Missing icon name") src = url_for('static', filename='img/icons/' + icon) reason = _('Icon not rendered, verify name is valid') alt = '<<Icon({0})>> - {1}'.format(icon, reason) return html.img(attrib={html.src: src, html.alt: alt, html.class_: 'moin-icon-macro'})
def visit_moinpage_object(self, elem): """ elem of type img are converted to img tags here, others are left as object tags """ href = elem.get(xlink.href, None) attrib = {} whitelist = ['width', 'height', 'alt', 'class', 'data-href'] for key in elem.attrib: if in whitelist: attrib[key] = elem.attrib[key] mimetype = Type(_type=elem.get(moin_page.type_, CONTENTTYPE_NONEXISTENT)) if elem.get(moin_page.type_): del elem.attrib[moin_page.type_] # Get the object type obj_type = self.eval_object_type(mimetype, href) # The attribute source attribute for img,video, and audio is the same (src) # <object>'s attribute is 'data' attr = html.src if obj_type != "object" else # The return element new_elem = None if href is not None: # Set the attribute of the returned element appropriately attrib[attr] = href alt = convert_getlink_to_showlink(unicode(href)) alt = re.sub('^\/', '', alt) if obj_type == "img": # Images must have alt attribute in html5, but if user did not specify then default to url if not attrib.get(html.alt): attrib[html.alt] = alt new_elem = html.img(attrib=attrib) else: if obj_type != "object": # Non-objects like video and audio have the "controls" attribute attrib[html.controls] = 'controls' new_elem = self.new_copy(getattr(html, obj_type), elem, attrib) else: # is an object new_elem = html.object(attrib=attrib) # alt attr is invalid within object, audio, and video tags , append alt text as a child if new_elem.attrib.get(html.alt): new_elem.append(new_elem.attrib.get(html.alt)) del new_elem.attrib[html.alt] else: new_elem.append(alt) if obj_type == "object" and getattr(href, 'scheme', None): # items similar to {{}} are marked here, other objects are marked in return mark_item_as_transclusion(new_elem, href) return new_elem
def macro(self, content, arguments, page_url, alternative): my_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) icon_dir = os.path.join( os.path.split(my_dir)[0], 'static', 'img', 'icons') headings = (_('Markup'), _('Result')) files = [f for f in listdir(icon_dir) if isfile(join(icon_dir, f))] rows = [] for filename in files: markup = '<<Icon({0})>>'.format(filename) src = url_for('static', filename='img/icons/' + filename) reason = _('Icon not rendered, verify name is valid') alt = '<<Icon({0})>> - {1}'.format(filename, reason) rows.append( (markup, html.img(attrib={ html.src: src, html.alt: filename }))) table = TableMixin() ret = table.build_dom_table(rows, head=headings) return ret
def visit_moinpage_object(self, elem): # TODO: maybe IE8 would display transcluded external pages if we could do <object... type="text/html" ...> href = elem.get(xlink.href, None) attrib = {} mimetype = Type(_type=elem.get(moin_page.type_, CONTENTTYPE_NONEXISTENT)) # Get the object type obj_type = self.eval_object_type(mimetype, href) # The attribute source attribute for img,video, and audio is the same (src) # <object>'s attribute is 'data' attr = html.src if obj_type != "object" else # The return element new_elem = None if href is not None: # Set the attribute of the returned element appropriately attrib[attr] = href if obj_type == "img": # Images have alt text alt = "".join(unicode(e) for e in elem) # XXX handle non-text e if alt: attrib[html.alt] = alt new_elem = html.img(attrib=attrib) else: if obj_type != "object": # Non-objects have the "controls" attribute attrib[html.controls] = "controls" new_elem = self.new_copy(getattr(html, obj_type), elem, attrib) if obj_type == "object" and href.scheme: # items similar to {{}} are marked here, other objects are marked in return mark_item_as_transclusion(new_elem, href) return new_elem