Exemple #1
 def visit_moinpage_table(self, elem):
     attrib = Attributes(elem).convert()
     ret = html.table(attrib=attrib)
     caption = 1 if elem[0].tag.name == 'caption' else 0
     for idx, item in enumerate(elem):
         tag = None
         if item.tag.uri == moin_page:
             if len(elem) > 1 + caption and html(
                     'class') in attrib and u'moin-wiki-table' in attrib[
                 # moinwiki tables require special handling because
                 # moinwiki_in converts "||header||\n===\n||body||\n===\n||footer||" into multiple table-body's
                 if idx == 0 + caption:
                     # make first table-body after caption into header
                     tag = html.thead
                 elif len(elem) > 2 + caption and idx == len(elem) - 1:
                     # make last table-body into footer
                     tag = html.tfoot
                     tag = html.caption if (caption
                                            and idx == 0) else html.tbody
             elif item.tag.name == 'table-body':
                 tag = html.tbody
             elif item.tag.name == 'table-header':
                 tag = html.thead
             elif item.tag.name == 'table-footer':
                 tag = html.tfoot
             elif item.tag.name == 'caption':
                 tag = html.caption
         elif item.tag.uri == html and \
                 item.tag.name in ('tbody', 'thead', 'tfoot'):
             tag = item.tag
         if tag is not None:
             ret.append(self.new_copy(tag, item))
     return ret
Exemple #2
 def visit_moinpage_span(self, elem):
     # TODO : Fix bug if a span has multiple attributes
     # Check for the attributes of span
     attrib = Attributes(elem)
     # Check for the baseline-shift (subscript or superscript)
     generate = attrib.get('baseline-shift')
     if generate:
         if generate == 'sub':
             return self.new_copy(html.sub, elem)
         elif generate == 'super':
             return self.new_copy(html.sup, elem)
     generate = attrib.get('font-size')
     if generate:
         if generate == '85%':
             attribute = {}
             key = html('class')
             attribute[key] = 'moin-small'
             return self.new_copy(html.span, elem, attribute)
         elif generate == '120%':
             attribute = {}
             key = html('class')
             attribute[key] = 'moin-big'
             return self.new_copy(html.span, elem, attribute)
     generate = attrib.get('element')
     if generate:
         if generate in self.direct_inline_tags:
             return self.new_copy(html(generate), elem)
             attribute = {}
             key = html('class')
             attribute[key] = "element-{0}".format(generate)
             return self.new_copy(html.span, elem, attribute)
     # If no attributes are handled by our converter, just return span
     return self.new_copy(html.span, elem)
Exemple #3
 def visit_xhtml_hr(self, element, min_class=u'moin-hr1', max_class=u'moin-hr6', default_class=u'moin-hr3'):
     <hr /> --> <separator />
     hr_class = element.attrib.get(html('class'))
     if not (min_class <= hr_class <= max_class):
         element.attrib[html('class')] = default_class
     return self.new_copy(moin_page.separator, element, {})
Exemple #4
 def visit_xhtml_hr(self, element, min_class=u'moin-hr1', max_class=u'moin-hr6', default_class=u'moin-hr3'):
     <hr /> --> <separator />
     hr_class = element.attrib.get(html('class'))
     if not (min_class <= hr_class <= max_class):
         element.attrib[html('class')] = default_class
     return self.new_copy(moin_page.separator, element, {})
Exemple #5
    def visit_image(self, node):
        Processes images and other transcluded objects.
        whitelist = [
        attrib = {}
        for key in whitelist:
            if node.get(key):
                attrib[html(key)] = node.get(key)

        # there is no 'scale' attribute, hence absent from whitelist, handled separately
        if node.get('scale'):
            scaling_factor = int(node.get('scale')) / 100.0
            for key in ('width', 'height'):
                if html(key) in attrib:
                    attrib[html(key)] = int(
                        int(attrib[html(key)]) * scaling_factor)

        # "align" parameter is invalid in HTML5. Convert it to a class defined in userstyles.css.
        userstyles = {
            'left': 'left',
            'center': 'center',
            'right': 'right',
            'top',  # rst parser creates error messages for top, bottom, and middle
            'bottom': 'bottom',
            'middle': 'middle',
        alignment = userstyles.get(node.get('align'))
        if alignment:
            attrib[html.class_] = alignment

        url = Iri(node['uri'])
        if url.scheme is None:
            # img
            target = Iri(scheme='wiki.local', path=node['uri'], fragment=None)
            attrib[xinclude.href] = target
            new_node = xinclude.include(attrib=attrib)
            # obj
            new_node = moin_page.object(attrib)
            new_node.set(xlink.href, url)

Exemple #6
    def inline_object_repl(self, stack, object, object_url=None, object_item=None,
                           object_text=None, object_args=None):
        """Handles objects included in the page."""
        if object_args:
            args = parse_arguments(object_args).keyword  # XXX needs different parsing
            args = {}

        query_keys = {}
        attrib = {}
        whitelist = ['width', 'height', 'class']
        for attr, value in args.iteritems():
            if attr.startswith('&'):
                query_keys[attr[1:]] = value
            elif attr in whitelist:
                attrib[html(attr)] = value
        if object_text:
            attrib[html.alt] = object_text
        if object_item is not None:
            # img tag
            query = url_encode(query_keys, charset=CHARSET, encode_keys=True)
            att = 'attachment:'  # moin 1.9 needed this for an attached file
            if object_item.startswith(att):
                object_item = '/' + object_item[len(att):]  # now we have a subitem
            target = Iri(scheme='wiki.local', path=object_item, query=query, fragment=None)
            attrib[xinclude.href] = target
            element = xinclude.include(attrib=attrib)
            # object tag
            target = Iri(object_url)
            attrib[xlink.href] = target
            element = moin_page.object(attrib)
Exemple #7
    def inline_object_repl(self, stack, object, object_url=None, object_item=None,
                           object_text=None, object_args=None):
        """Handles objects transcluded within the page."""
        if object_args:
            args = parse_arguments(object_args).keyword  # XXX needs different parsing
            args = {}

        query_keys = {}
        attrib = {}
        whitelist = ['width', 'height', 'class']
        for attr, value in args.iteritems():
            if attr.startswith('&'):
                query_keys[attr[1:]] = value
            elif attr in whitelist:
                attrib[html(attr)] = value
        if object_text:
            attrib[html.alt] = object_text
        if object_item is not None:
            # img tag
            query = url_encode(query_keys, charset=CHARSET, encode_keys=True)
            # TODO: moin 1.9 needed this for an attached file; move functionality to script/migration/moin/import19.py
            att = 'attachment:'
            if object_item.startswith(att):
                object_item = '/' + object_item[len(att):]  # now we have a subitem
            target = Iri(scheme='wiki.local', path=object_item, query=query, fragment=None)
            attrib[xinclude.href] = target
            element = xinclude.include(attrib=attrib)
            # object tag
            target = Iri(object_url)
            attrib[xlink.href] = target
            element = moin_page.object(attrib)
Exemple #8
    def visit_docbook_formalpara(self, element, depth):
          --> <p html:title="Heading">Text</p>
        for child in element:
            if isinstance(child, ET.Element):
                if child.tag.name == 'title':
                    title_element = child
                if child.tag.name == 'para':
                    para_element = child

        if not title_element:
            # XXX: Improve error
            raise SyntaxError("title child missing for formalpara element")
        if not para_element:
            # XXX: Improve error
            raise SyntaxError("para child missing for formalpara element")

        children = self.do_children(para_element, depth + 1)[0]
        attrib = {}
        attrib[html('title')] = title_element[0]
        return self.new(moin_page.p, attrib=attrib, children=children)
 def visit_docbook_informalfigure(self, element, depth):
     <informalfigure> --> <div html:class="figure">
     attrib = {}
     attrib[html("class")] = "db-figure"
     return self.new_copy(moin_page("div"), element, depth, attrib=attrib)
Exemple #10
 def visit_docbook_informalequation(self, element, depth):
     <informalequation> --> <div html:class="equation">
     attrib = {}
     attrib[html("class")] = "db-equation"
     return self.new_copy(moin_page("div"), element, depth, attrib=attrib)
Exemple #11
 def visit_docbook_literallayout(self, element, depth):
     <literallayout> --> <blockcode html:class="db-literallayout">
     attrib = {html('class'): 'db-literallayout'}
     return self.new_copy(moin_page.blockcode, element,
                          depth, attrib=attrib)
Exemple #12
 def convert_attributes(self, element):
     result = {}
     for key, value in element.attrib.iteritems():
         if key in self.standard_attributes:
             result[html(key)] = value
         if key == 'id':
             result[xml('id')] = value
     return result
Exemple #13
 def visit_docbook_informalfigure(self, element, depth):
     <informalfigure> --> <div html:class="figure">
     attrib = {}
     attrib[html('class')] = 'db-figure'
     return self.new_copy(moin_page('div'), element,
                          depth, attrib=attrib)
Exemple #14
 def convert_attributes(self, element):
     result = {}
     for key, value in element.attrib.iteritems():
         if key in self.standard_attributes:
             result[html(key)] = value
         if key == 'id':
             result[xml('id')] = value
     return result
Exemple #15
 def visit_docbook_informalequation(self, element, depth):
     <informalequation> --> <div html:class="equation">
     attrib = {}
     attrib[html('class')] = 'db-equation'
     return self.new_copy(moin_page('div'), element,
                          depth, attrib=attrib)
Exemple #16
 def visit_docbook_inline(self, element, depth):
     For some specific tags (defined in inline_tags)
     We just return <span element="tag.name">
     key = html("class")
     attrib = {}
     attrib[key] = "".join(["db-", element.tag.name])
     return self.new_copy(moin_page.span, element, depth, attrib=attrib)
Exemple #17
 def visit_xhtml_inline(self, element):
     For some specific inline tags (defined in inline_tags)
     We just return <span element="tag.name">
     key = html('class')
     attrib = {}
     attrib[key] = ''.join(['html-', element.tag.name])
     return self.new_copy(moin_page.span, element, attrib)
Exemple #18
 def visit_xhtml_inline(self, element):
     For some specific inline tags (defined in inline_tags)
     We just return <span element="tag.name">
     key = html('class')
     attrib = {}
     attrib[key] = ''.join(['html-', element.tag.name])
     return self.new_copy(moin_page.span, element, attrib)
Exemple #19
    def visit_image(self, node):
        Processes images and other transcluded objects.
        whitelist = ['width', 'height', 'alt', ]
        attrib = {}
        for key in whitelist:
            if node.get(key):
                attrib[html(key)] = node.get(key)

        # there is no 'scale' attribute, hence absent from whitelist, handled separately
        if node.get('scale'):
            scaling_factor = int(node.get('scale')) / 100.0
            for key in ('width', 'height'):
                if html(key) in attrib:
                    attrib[html(key)] = int(int(attrib[html(key)]) * scaling_factor)

        # "align" parameter is invalid in HTML5. Convert it to a class defined in userstyles.css.
        userstyles = {
            'left': 'left',
            'center': 'center',
            'right': 'right',
            'top': 'top',  # rst parser creates error messages for top, bottom, and middle
            'bottom': 'bottom',
            'middle': 'middle',
        alignment = userstyles.get(node.get('align'))
        if alignment:
            attrib[html.class_] = alignment

        url = Iri(node['uri'])
        if url.scheme is None:
            # img
            target = Iri(scheme='wiki.local', path=node['uri'], fragment=None)
            attrib[xinclude.href] = target
            new_node = xinclude.include(attrib=attrib)
            # obj
            new_node = moin_page.object(attrib)
            new_node.set(xlink.href, url)

Exemple #20
 def visit_moinpage_table(self, element):
     # TODO: Attributes conversion
     title = element.get(html('title'))
     if not title:
         # TODO: Translation
         title = "Table {0}".format(self.table_counter)
     self.table_counter += 1
     caption = ET.Element(docbook('caption'), attrib={}, children=[title])
     children = [caption]
     return self.new(docbook.table, attrib={}, children=children)
Exemple #21
 def visit_docbook_tag(self, element, depth):
     <tag class="class.name" namespace="ns.address">TAG</tag>
       --> <span class="db-tag-class.name">{ns.address}TAG</tag>
     # We get the attributes
     class_attribute = element.get("class")
     namespace_attribute = element.get("namespace")
     # We create the attribute for our final element
     attrib = {}
     children = []
     if class_attribute:
         attrib[html("class")] = "".join(["db-tag-", class_attribute])
         attrib[html("class")] = "db-tag"
     if namespace_attribute:
         namespace_str = "".join(["{", namespace_attribute, "}"])
     children.extend(self.do_children(element, depth))
     return self.new(moin_page.span, attrib=attrib, children=children)
Exemple #22
    def visit_docbook_block(self, element, depth):
        Convert a block element which does not have equivalence
        in the DOM Tree.

        <tag.name> --> <div html:class="db-tag.name">
        attrib = {}
        key = html("class")
        attrib[key] = "".join(["db-", element.tag.name])
        return self.new_copy(moin_page.div, element, depth, attrib=attrib)
Exemple #23
 def visit_moinpage_table(self, element):
     # TODO: Attributes conversion
     title = element.get(html('title'))
     if not title:
         # TODO: Translation
         title = "Table {0}".format(self.table_counter)
     self.table_counter += 1
     caption = ET.Element(docbook('caption'), attrib={}, children=[title])
     children = [caption]
     return self.new(docbook.table, attrib={}, children=children)
Exemple #24
 def visit_docbook_tag(self, element, depth):
     <tag class="class.name" namespace="ns.address">TAG</tag>
       --> <span class="db-tag-class.name">{ns.address}TAG</tag>
     # We get the attributes
     class_attribute = element.get('class')
     namespace_attribute = element.get('namespace')
     # We create the attribute for our final element
     attrib = {}
     children = []
     if class_attribute:
         attrib[html('class')] = ''.join(['db-tag-',
         attrib[html('class')] = 'db-tag'
     if namespace_attribute:
         namespace_str = ''.join(['{', namespace_attribute, '}'])
     children.extend(self.do_children(element, depth))
     return self.new(moin_page.span, attrib=attrib, children=children)
Exemple #25
    def visit_docbook_block(self, element, depth):
        Convert a block element which does not have equivalence
        in the DOM Tree.

        <tag.name> --> <div html:class="db-tag.name">
        attrib = {}
        key = html('class')
        attrib[key] = ''.join(['db-', element.tag.name])
        return self.new_copy(moin_page.div, element,
                             depth, attrib=attrib)
Exemple #26
 def visit_moinpage_span(self, elem):
     # TODO : Fix bug if a span has multiple attributes
     # Check for the attributes of span
     attrib = Attributes(elem)
     # Check for the baseline-shift (subscript or superscript)
     generate = attrib.get("baseline-shift")
     if generate:
         if generate == "sub":
             return self.new_copy(html.sub, elem)
         elif generate == "super":
             return self.new_copy(html.sup, elem)
     generate = attrib.get("text-decoration")
     if generate:
         if generate == "underline":
             return self.new_copy(html.ins, elem)
         elif generate == "line-through":
             return self.new_copy(html("del"), elem)
     generate = attrib.get("font-size")
     if generate:
         if generate == "85%":
             attribute = {}
             key = html("class")
             attribute[key] = "moin-small"
             return self.new_copy(html.span, elem, attribute)
         elif generate == "120%":
             attribute = {}
             key = html("class")
             attribute[key] = "moin-big"
             return self.new_copy(html.span, elem, attribute)
     generate = attrib.get("element")
     if generate:
         if generate in self.direct_inline_tags:
             return self.new_copy(html(generate), elem)
             attribute = {}
             key = html("class")
             attribute[key] = "element-{0}".format(generate)
             return self.new_copy(html.span, elem, attribute)
     # If no any attributes is handled by our converter, just return span
     return self.new_copy(html.span, elem)
 def visit_moinpage_span(self, elem):
     # TODO : Fix bug if a span has multiple attributes
     # Check for the attributes of span
     attrib = Attributes(elem)
     # Check for the baseline-shift (subscript or superscript)
     generate = attrib.get('baseline-shift')
     if generate:
         if generate == 'sub':
             return self.new_copy(html.sub, elem)
         elif generate == 'super':
             return self.new_copy(html.sup, elem)
     generate = attrib.get('text-decoration')
     if generate:
         if generate == 'underline':
             return self.new_copy(html.ins, elem)
         elif generate == 'line-through':
             return self.new_copy(html('del'), elem)
     generate = attrib.get('font-size')
     if generate:
         if generate == '85%':
             attribute = {}
             key = html('class')
             attribute[key] = 'moin-small'
             return self.new_copy(html.span, elem, attribute)
         elif generate == '120%':
             attribute = {}
             key = html('class')
             attribute[key] = 'moin-big'
             return self.new_copy(html.span, elem, attribute)
     generate = attrib.get('element')
     if generate:
         if generate in self.direct_inline_tags:
             return self.new_copy(html(generate), elem)
             attribute = {}
             key = html('class')
             attribute[key] = "element-{0}".format(generate)
             return self.new_copy(html.span, elem, attribute)
     # If no any attributes is handled by our converter, just return span
     return self.new_copy(html.span, elem)
Exemple #28
 def visit_moinpage_h(self, elem):
     level = elem.get(moin_page.outline_level, 1)
         level = int(level)
     except ValueError:
         raise ElementException('page:outline-level needs to be an integer')
     if level < 1:
         level = 1
     elif level > 6:
         level = 6
     ret = self.new_copy(html('h{0}'.format(level)), elem)
     ret.level = level
     return ret
 def visit_moinpage_h(self, elem):
     level = elem.get(moin_page.outline_level, 1)
         level = int(level)
     except ValueError:
         raise ElementException('page:outline-level needs to be an integer')
     if level < 1:
         level = 1
     elif level > 6:
         level = 6
     ret = self.new_copy(html('h{0}'.format(level)), elem)
     ret.level = level
     return ret
Exemple #30
    def visit_moinpage_list(self, elem):
        attrib = Attributes(elem)
        attrib_new = attrib.convert()
        generate = attrib.get('item-label-generate')

        if generate:
            if generate == 'ordered':
                style = attrib.get('list-style-type')
                if style:
                    if style == 'upper-alpha':
                        attrib_new[html('class')] = 'moin-upperalpha-list'
                    elif style == 'upper-roman':
                        attrib_new[html('class')] = 'moin-upperroman-list'
                    elif style == 'lower-roman':
                        attrib_new[html('class')] = 'moin-lowerroman-list'
                    elif style == 'lower-alpha':
                        attrib_new[html('class')] = 'moin-loweralpha-list'
                start_number = attrib.get('list-start')
                if start_number:
                    attrib_new[html('start')] = start_number
                ret = html.ol(attrib_new)
            elif generate == 'unordered':
                style = attrib.get('list-style-type')
                if style and style == 'no-bullet':
                    attrib_new[html('class')] = 'moin-nobullet-list'
                ret = html.ul(attrib=attrib_new)
                raise ElementException(
                    'page:item-label-generate does not support "{0}"'.format(
            ret = html.dl(attrib=attrib_new)

        # TODO: ReST parser creates definition list classifiers but they are ignored here.
        # TODO: An extraneous  "<dd></dd>" is created given " object::\n :: desc 1\n :: desc 2\n" -- moinwiki_in error?
        for item in elem:
            if isinstance(item, ET.Element):
                if item.tag.uri == moin_page and item.tag.name == 'list-item':
                    if not generate:
                        for label in item:
                            if isinstance(label, ET.Element):
                                if label.tag.uri == moin_page and label.tag.name == 'list-item-label':
                                    ret_label = self.new_copy(html.dt, label)
                    for body in item:
                        if isinstance(body, ET.Element):
                            if body.tag.uri == moin_page and body.tag.name == 'list-item-body':
                                if generate:
                                    ret_body = self.new_copy(html.li, body)
                                    ret_body = self.new_copy(html.dd, body)
        return ret
Exemple #31
 def visit_moinpage_p(self, element):
     If we have a title attribute for p, we return a para,
     with a <title> child.
     Otherwise we return a <simpara>.
     title_attr = element.get(html('title'))
     if title_attr:
         print title_attr
         children = []
         title_elem = self.new(docbook('title'), attrib={},
         return self.new(docbook.para, attrib={}, children=children)
         return self.new_copy(docbook.simpara, element, attrib={})
Exemple #32
 def visit_docbook_trademark(self, element, depth):
     Depending of the trademark class, a specific entities is added
     at the end of the string.
     <trademark> --> <span element="trademark">
     trademark_entities = {"copyright": "&copy;", "registred": "&reg;", "trade": "&trade;"}
     trademark_class = element.get("class")
     children = self.do_children(element, depth)
     if trademark_class in trademark_entities:
     elif trademark_class == "service":
         sup_attrib = {moin_page("baseline-shift"): "super"}
         service_mark = self.new(moin_page.span, attrib=sup_attrib, children=["SM"])
     attrib = {html("class"): "db-trademark"}
     return self.new(moin_page.span, attrib=attrib, children=children)
Exemple #33
 def visit_moinpage_p(self, element):
     If we have a title attribute for p, we return a para,
     with a <title> child.
     Otherwise we return a <simpara>.
     title_attr = element.get(html('title'))
     if title_attr:
         print title_attr
         children = []
         title_elem = self.new(docbook('title'), attrib={},
         return self.new(docbook.para, attrib={}, children=children)
         return self.new_copy(docbook.simpara, element, attrib={})
Exemple #34
    def visit_moinpage_list(self, elem):
        attrib = Attributes(elem)
        attrib_new = attrib.convert()
        generate = attrib.get('item-label-generate')

        if generate:
            if generate == 'ordered':
                style = attrib.get('list-style-type')
                if style:
                    if style == 'upper-alpha':
                        attrib_new[html('class')] = 'moin-upperalpha-list'
                    elif style == 'upper-roman':
                        attrib_new[html('class')] = 'moin-upperroman-list'
                    elif style == 'lower-roman':
                        attrib_new[html('class')] = 'moin-lowerroman-list'
                    elif style == 'lower-alpha':
                        attrib_new[html('class')] = 'moin-loweralpha-list'
                start_number = attrib.get('list-start')
                if start_number:
                    attrib_new[html('start')] = start_number
                ret = html.ol(attrib_new)
            elif generate == 'unordered':
                style = attrib.get('list-style-type')
                if style and style == 'no-bullet':
                    attrib_new[html('class')] = 'moin-nobullet-list'
                ret = html.ul(attrib=attrib_new)
                raise ElementException(
                    'page:item-label-generate does not support "{0}"'.format(
            ret = html.dl(attrib=attrib_new)

        for item in elem:
            if isinstance(item, ET.Element):
                if item.tag.uri == moin_page and item.tag.name == 'list-item':
                    if not generate:
                        for label in item:
                            if isinstance(label, ET.Element):
                                if label.tag.uri == moin_page and label.tag.name == 'list-item-label':
                                    ret_label = self.new_copy(html.dt, label)
                    for body in item:
                        if isinstance(body, ET.Element):
                            if body.tag.uri == moin_page and body.tag.name == 'list-item-body':
                                if generate:
                                    ret_body = self.new_copy(html.li, body)
                                    ret_body = self.new_copy(html.dd, body)
        return ret
    def visit_moinpage_list(self, elem):
        attrib = Attributes(elem)
        attrib_new = attrib.convert()
        generate = attrib.get('item-label-generate')

        if generate:
            if generate == 'ordered':
                style = attrib.get('list-style-type')
                if style:
                    if style == 'upper-alpha':
                        attrib_new[html('class')] = 'moin-upperalpha-list'
                    elif style == 'upper-roman':
                        attrib_new[html('class')] = 'moin-upperroman-list'
                    elif style == 'lower-roman':
                        attrib_new[html('class')] = 'moin-lowerroman-list'
                    elif style == 'lower-alpha':
                        attrib_new[html('class')] = 'moin-loweralpha-list'
                start_number = attrib.get('list-start')
                if start_number:
                    attrib_new[html('start')] = start_number
                ret = html.ol(attrib_new)
            elif generate == 'unordered':
                style = attrib.get('list-style-type')
                if style and style == 'no-bullet':
                    attrib_new[html('class')] = 'moin-nobullet-list'
                ret = html.ul(attrib=attrib_new)
                raise ElementException('page:item-label-generate does not support "{0}"'.format(generate))
            ret = html.dl(attrib=attrib_new)

        # TODO: ReST parser creates definition list classifiers but they are ignored here.
        # TODO: An extraneous  "<dd></dd>" is created given " object::\n :: desc 1\n :: desc 2\n" -- moinwiki_in error?
        for item in elem:
            if isinstance(item, ET.Element):
                if item.tag.uri == moin_page and item.tag.name == 'list-item':
                    if not generate:
                        for label in item:
                            if isinstance(label, ET.Element):
                                if label.tag.uri == moin_page and label.tag.name == 'list-item-label':
                                    ret_label = self.new_copy(html.dt, label)
                    for body in item:
                        if isinstance(body, ET.Element):
                            if body.tag.uri == moin_page and body.tag.name == 'list-item-body':
                                if generate:
                                    ret_body = self.new_copy(html.li, body)
                                    ret_body = self.new_copy(html.dd, body)
        return ret
Exemple #36
    def visit_moinpage_list(self, elem):
        attrib = Attributes(elem)
        attrib_new = attrib.convert()
        generate = attrib.get("item-label-generate")

        if generate:
            if generate == "ordered":
                style = attrib.get("list-style-type")
                if style:
                    if style == "upper-alpha":
                        attrib_new[html("class")] = "moin-upperalpha-list"
                    elif style == "upper-roman":
                        attrib_new[html("class")] = "moin-upperroman-list"
                    elif style == "lower-roman":
                        attrib_new[html("class")] = "moin-lowerroman-list"
                    elif style == "lower-alpha":
                        attrib_new[html("class")] = "moin-loweralpha-list"
                start_number = attrib.get("list-start")
                if start_number:
                    attrib_new[html("start")] = start_number
                ret = html.ol(attrib_new)
            elif generate == "unordered":
                style = attrib.get("list-style-type")
                if style and style == "no-bullet":
                    attrib_new[html("class")] = "moin-nobullet-list"
                ret = html.ul(attrib=attrib_new)
                raise ElementException('page:item-label-generate does not support "{0}"'.format(generate))
            ret = html.dl(attrib=attrib_new)

        for item in elem:
            if isinstance(item, ET.Element):
                if item.tag.uri == moin_page and item.tag.name == "list-item":
                    if not generate:
                        for label in item:
                            if isinstance(label, ET.Element):
                                if label.tag.uri == moin_page and label.tag.name == "list-item-label":
                                    ret_label = self.new_copy(html.dt, label)
                    for body in item:
                        if isinstance(body, ET.Element):
                            if body.tag.uri == moin_page and body.tag.name == "list-item-body":
                                if generate:
                                    ret_body = self.new_copy(html.li, body)
                                    ret_body = self.new_copy(html.dd, body)
        return ret
Exemple #37
    def visit_moinpage_list(self, elem):
        attrib = Attributes(elem)
        attrib_new = attrib.convert()
        generate = attrib.get('item-label-generate')

        if generate:
            if generate == 'ordered':
                style = attrib.get('list-style-type')
                if style:
                    if style == 'upper-alpha':
                        attrib_new[html('class')] = 'moin-upperalpha-list'
                    elif style == 'upper-roman':
                        attrib_new[html('class')] = 'moin-upperroman-list'
                    elif style == 'lower-roman':
                        attrib_new[html('class')] = 'moin-lowerroman-list'
                    elif style == 'lower-alpha':
                        attrib_new[html('class')] = 'moin-loweralpha-list'
                start_number = attrib.get('list-start')
                if start_number:
                    attrib_new[html('start')] = start_number
                ret = html.ol(attrib_new)
            elif generate == 'unordered':
                style = attrib.get('list-style-type')
                if style and style == 'no-bullet':
                    attrib_new[html('class')] = 'moin-nobullet-list'
                ret = html.ul(attrib=attrib_new)
                raise ElementException('page:item-label-generate does not support "{0}"'.format(generate))
            ret = html.dl(attrib=attrib_new)

        for item in elem:
            if isinstance(item, ET.Element):
                if item.tag.uri == moin_page and item.tag.name == 'list-item':
                    if not generate:
                        for label in item:
                            if isinstance(label, ET.Element):
                                if label.tag.uri == moin_page and label.tag.name == 'list-item-label':
                                    ret_label = self.new_copy(html.dt, label)
                    for body in item:
                        if isinstance(body, ET.Element):
                            if body.tag.uri == moin_page and body.tag.name == 'list-item-body':
                                if generate:
                                    ret_body = self.new_copy(html.li, body)
                                    ret_body = self.new_copy(html.dd, body)
        return ret
Exemple #38
 def visit_docbook_trademark(self, element, depth):
     Depending of the trademark class, a specific entities is added
     at the end of the string.
     <trademark> --> <span element="trademark">
     trademark_entities = {'copyright': '&copy;',
                           'registred': '&reg;',
                           'trade': '&trade;',
     trademark_class = element.get('class')
     children = self.do_children(element, depth)
     if trademark_class in trademark_entities:
     elif trademark_class == 'service':
         sup_attrib = {moin_page('baseline-shift'): 'super'}
         service_mark = self.new(moin_page.span, attrib=sup_attrib,
     attrib = {html('class'): 'db-trademark'}
     return self.new(moin_page.span, attrib=attrib, children=children)
Exemple #39
 def visit_docbook_literallayout(self, element, depth):
     <literallayout> --> <blockcode html:class="db-literallayout">
     attrib = {html("class"): "db-literallayout"}
     return self.new_copy(moin_page.blockcode, element, depth, attrib=attrib)
Exemple #40
 def visit_docbook_mediaobject(self, element, depth):
     data_element = self.visit_data_object(element, depth)
     attrib = {html("class"): "db-mediaobject"}
     return self.new(moin_page.div, attrib=attrib, children=[data_element])
Exemple #41
 def visit_docbook_mediaobject(self, element, depth):
     data_element = self.visit_data_object(element, depth)
     attrib = {html('class'): 'db-mediaobject'}
     return self.new(moin_page.div, attrib=attrib,
 def __init__(self, key):
     self.key = html(key)
 def visit_moinpage_admonition(self, elem):
     attrib = {}
     key = html('class')
     # XXX need to add some keyword to protect the class
     attrib[key] = elem.get(moin_page.type)
     return self.new_copy(html.div, elem, attrib)
 def __init__(self, key):
     self.key = html(key)
Exemple #45
 def visit_moinpage_admonition(self, elem):
     attrib = {}
     key = html('class')
     # XXX need to add some keyword to protect the class
     attrib[key] = elem.get(moin_page.type)
     return self.new_copy(html.div, elem, attrib)