def testParameterParser(self):
        tests = [
            # trivial
            ('', '', 0, {}),

            # fixed
            ('%s%i%f%b', '"test",42,23.0,True', 4, {0: 'test', 1: 42, 2: 23.0, 3: True}),

            # fixed and named
            ('%s%(x)i%(y)i', '"test"', 1, {0: 'test', 'x': None, 'y': None}),
            ('%s%(x)i%(y)i', '"test",1', 1, {0: 'test', 'x': 1, 'y': None}),
            ('%s%(x)i%(y)i', '"test",1,2', 1, {0: 'test', 'x': 1, 'y': 2}),
            ('%s%(x)i%(y)i', '"test",x=1', 1, {0: 'test', 'x': 1, 'y': None}),
            ('%s%(x)i%(y)i', '"test",x=1,y=2', 1, {0: 'test', 'x': 1, 'y': 2}),
            ('%s%(x)i%(y)i', '"test",y=2', 1, {0: 'test', 'x': None, 'y': 2}),

            # test mixed acceptance
            ("%ifs", '100', 1, {0: 100}),
            ("%ifs", '100.0', 1, {0: 100.0}),
            ("%ifs", '"100"', 1, {0: "100"}),

            # boolean
            ("%(t)b%(f)b", '', 0, {'t': None, 'f': None}),
            ("%(t)b%(f)b", 't=1', 0, {'t': True, 'f': None}),
            ("%(t)b%(f)b", 'f=False', 0, {'t': None, 'f': False}),
            ("%(t)b%(f)b", 't=True, f=0', 0, {'t': True, 'f': False}),

            # integer
            ("%(width)i%(height)i", '', 0, {'width': None, 'height': None}),
            ("%(width)i%(height)i", 'width=100', 0, {'width': 100, 'height': None}),
            ("%(width)i%(height)i", 'height=200', 0, {'width': None, 'height': 200}),
            ("%(width)i%(height)i", 'width=100, height=200', 0, {'width': 100, 'height': 200}),

            # float
            ("%(width)f%(height)f", '', 0, {'width': None, 'height': None}),
            ("%(width)f%(height)f", 'width=100.0', 0, {'width': 100.0, 'height': None}),
            ("%(width)f%(height)f", 'height=2.0E2', 0, {'width': None, 'height': 200.0}),
            ("%(width)f%(height)f", 'width=1000.0E-1, height=200.0', 0, {'width': 100.0, 'height': 200.0}),

            # string
            ("%(width)s%(height)s", '', 0, {'width': None, 'height': None}),
            ("%(width)s%(height)s", 'width="really wide"', 0, {'width': 'really wide', 'height': None}),
            ("%(width)s%(height)s", 'height="not too high"', 0, {'width': None, 'height': 'not too high'}),
            ("%(width)s%(height)s", 'width="really wide", height="not too high"', 0, {'width': 'really wide', 'height': 'not too high'}),
            # conversion from given type to expected type
            ("%(width)s%(height)s", 'width=100', 0, {'width': '100', 'height': None}),
            ("%(width)s%(height)s", 'width=100, height=200', 0, {'width': '100', 'height': '200'}),

            # complex test
            ("%i%sf%s%ifs%(a)s|%(b)s", ' 4,"DI\'NG", b=retry, a="DING"', 2, {0: 4, 1: "DI'NG", 'a': 'DING', 'b': 'retry'}),

        for format, args, expected_fixed_count, expected_dict in tests:
            argParser = wikiutil.ParameterParser(format)
            fixed_count, arg_dict = argParser.parse_parameters(args)
            assert (fixed_count, arg_dict) == (expected_fixed_count, expected_dict)
 def testWrongTypeNamedArgument(self):
     args = 'flag=0.0'
     argParser = wikiutil.ParameterParser("%(flag)b")
     py.test.raises(ValueError, argParser.parse_parameters, args)
 def testWrongTypeFixedPosArgument(self):
     args = '0.0'
     argParser = wikiutil.ParameterParser("%b")
     py.test.raises(ValueError, argParser.parse_parameters, args)
 def testMalformedArguments(self):
     args = '='
     argParser = wikiutil.ParameterParser("%(width)s%(height)s")
     py.test.raises(ValueError, argParser.parse_parameters, args)
 def testTooMuchWantedArguments(self):
     args = 'width=100, height=200, alt=Example'
     argParser = wikiutil.ParameterParser("%(width)s%(height)s")
     py.test.raises(ValueError, argParser.parse_parameters, args)
Exemple #6
def execute(macro, args):
    import re
    from MoinMoin import wikiutil

    def escape(x):
        if x is None:
            return x
            return wikiutil.escape(x)

    parser = wikiutil.ParameterParser(
    (count, dict) = parser.parse_parameters(args)
    (section, toshow, tohide, show, bg, inline, image, speed, seesaw, addclass,
     type) = (dict[x]
              for x in ('section', 'toshow', 'tohide', 'show', 'bg', 'inline',
                        'image', 'speed', 'seesaw', 'addclass', 'type'))

    if section is None:
        section = 'section'

    if speed is None:
        speed = 0
        speed = int(speed)
        speed = "'%s'" % speed

    if seesaw is None or seesaw:
        seesaw = 'true'
        seesaw = 'false'

    if show is None:
        show = False

    if tohide is None and toshow is None:
        if inline is None:
            toshow = 'Show'
            tohide = 'Hide'
            toshow = u'»»'
            tohide = u'««'
    elif tohide is None and toshow is not None:
        tohide = toshow
    showpart = 'showpart'
    showstyle = '''style="display:inline"'''
    hidepart = 'hidepart'
    hidestyle = '''style="display:none"'''
    if show:
        showstyle, hidestyle = hidestyle, showstyle

    if addclass is None:
        addclass = ""

    if type is None or type == 'link':
        openaction = 'a href=""'
        closeaction = 'a'
        openaction = closeaction = 'button'

    regex = re.compile(r'(.*)<<(.*)>>(.*)')
    preshw = postshw = prehd = posthd = ""
    matches = regex.match(toshow)
    if matches is not None:
        preshw, toshow, postshw = matches.groups()
    matches = regex.match(tohide)
    if matches is not None:
        prehd, tohide, posthd = matches.groups()

    showimage = hideimage = ""
    img = False
    if image is not None:
        imagepair = imageset.get(image)
        if imagepair is not None:
            (showimage, hideimage) = (img_prefix.rstrip("/") + "/" + x
                                      for x in imagepair)
            img = True

    if img:
        toshow = '''<img src="%s" style="vertical-align:middle"/>''' % showimage
        tohide = '''<img src="%s" style="vertical-align:middle"/>''' % hideimage

    sections = section.strip().replace(' ', '/')
    sections = sections.split('/')
    defining = [
        x.encode("iso-8859-1") for x in sections
        if not re.compile(r'^[%+-].*').match(x)
    toggling = [
        x.lstrip('%').encode("iso-8859-1") for x in sections
        if x.startswith('%')
    showing = [
        x.lstrip('+').encode("iso-8859-1") for x in sections
        if x.startswith('+')
    hiding = [
        x.lstrip('-').encode("iso-8859-1") for x in sections
        if x.startswith('-')
    sectionarg = '''{toggle:%s, show:%s, hide:%s}''' % (defining + toggling,
                                                        showing, hiding)
    section = ' '.join(defining)

    section, preshw, postshw, prehd, posthd, bg, inline = (escape(x)
                                                           for x in (section,
    if not img:
        toshow = escape(toshow)
        tohide = escape(tohide)

    inlinesection = divstyle = ""
    if inline is None:
        if bg is not None:
            divstyle = '''<input class="seesaw" type="hidden" value="%(section)s-bg:%(bg)s">''' % locals(
        inlinestyle = hidestyle
        if section != "comment" and bg is not None:
            inlinestyle = inlinestyle[:
                                      -1] + ''';background-color:%(bg)s"''' % locals(
        inlinesection = '''<span class="seesaw %(section)s %(addclass)s %(hidepart)s" %(inlinestyle)s>%(inline)s</span>''' % locals(

    prepost = '''<span class="seesaw %s %s %s" %s>%s</span>''' % (
        section, addclass, '%s', '%s', '%s')
    preshow = prehide = postshow = posthide = ''
    if preshw != '': preshow = prepost % (showpart, showstyle, preshw)
    if prehd != '': prehide = prepost % (hidepart, hidestyle, prehd)
    if postshw != '': postshow = prepost % (showpart, showstyle, postshw)
    if posthd != '': posthide = prepost % (hidepart, hidestyle, posthd)

    html = '''
<%(openaction)s onClick="seeSaw(%(sectionarg)s,%(speed)s,%(seesaw)s);return false;">
<span class="seesaw %(section)s %(addclass)s %(showpart)s" %(showstyle)s>%(toshow)s</span>
<span class="seesaw %(section)s %(addclass)s %(hidepart)s" %(hidestyle)s>%(tohide)s</span>
''' % locals()

    return macro.formatter.rawHTML(html)