Exemple #1
 def testSystemPage(self):
     """wikiutil: good system page names accepted, bad rejected"""
     for name in self.systemPages:
         self.assert_(wikiutil.isSystemPage(self.request, name),
             '"%(name)s" is a system page' % locals())
     for name in self.notSystemPages:
         self.failIf(wikiutil.isSystemPage(self.request, name),
             '"%(name)s" is NOT a system page' % locals())
Exemple #2
 def group_filter(name):
     # aw crap, SystemPagesGroup is not a system page
     if name == 'SystemPagesGroup':
         return False
     if wikiutil.isSystemPage(request, name):
         return False
     return request.user.may.read(name)
Exemple #3
    def search(self, page):
        logging.debug("DomainSearch searching page %r for (negated = %r) %r" % (page.page_name, self.negated, self._pattern))
        checks = {'underlay': page.isUnderlayPage,
                  'standard': page.isStandardPage,
                  'system': lambda page=page: wikiutil.isSystemPage(page.request, page.page_name),

            match = checks[self.pattern]()
        except KeyError:
            match = False

        # Decide what to do with the results.
        if self.negated:
            if match:
                result = None
                result = [Match()] # represents "matched" (but as it was a negative match, we have nothing to show)
        else: # not negated
            if match:
                result = [Match()] # represents "matched" (but we have nothing to show)
                result = None
        logging.debug("DomainSearch returning %r" % result)
        return result
 def group_filter(name):
     # aw crap, SystemPagesGroup is not a system page
     if name == 'SystemPagesGroup':
         return False
     if wikiutil.isSystemPage(request, name):
         return False
     return request.user.may.read(name)
Exemple #5
def sitemap_url(request, page):
    """ return a sitemap <url>..</url> fragment for page object <page> """
    url = page.url(request)
    pagename = page.page_name
    lastmod = page.mtime_printable(request)
    if lastmod == "0": # can happen in case of errors
        lastmod = now()

    # page's changefreq, priority and lastmod depends on page type / name
    if pagename in [u"RecentChanges", u"TitleIndex", ]:
        # important dynamic pages with macros
        changefreq = "hourly"
        priority = "0.9"
        lastmod = now() # the page text mtime never changes, but the macro output DOES

    elif pagename in [request.cfg.page_front_page, ]:
        # important user edited pages
        changefreq = "hourly"
        priority = "1.0"

    elif wikiutil.isSystemPage(request, pagename):
        # other system pages are rather boring
        changefreq = "yearly"
        priority = "0.1"

        # these are the content pages:
        changefreq = "daily"
        priority = "0.5"

    return make_url_xml(request, locals())
    def xmlrpc_getAllPagesEx(self, opts=None):
        Get all pages readable by current user. Not an WikiRPC method.

        @param opts: dictionary that can contain the following arguments:
                include_system:: set it to false if you do not want to see system pages
                include_revno:: set it to True if you want to have lists with [pagename, revno]
                include_deleted:: set it to True if you want to include deleted pages
                exclude_non_writable:: do not include pages that the current user may not write to
                include_underlay:: return underlay pagenames as well
                prefix:: the page name must begin with this prefix to be included
                mark_deleted:: returns the revision number -rev_no if the page was deleted.
                    Makes only sense if you enable include_revno and include_deleted.
        @rtype: list
        @return: a list of all pages.
        from MoinMoin.wikisync import normalise_pagename
        options = {"include_system": True, "include_revno": False, "include_deleted": False,
                   "exclude_non_writable": False, "include_underlay": True, "prefix": "",
                   "pagelist": None, "mark_deleted": False}
        if opts is not None:

        if not options["include_system"]:
            p_filter = lambda name: not wikiutil.isSystemPage(self.request, name)
            p_filter = lambda name: True

        if options["exclude_non_writable"]:
            p_filter = lambda name, p_filter=p_filter: p_filter(name) and self.request.user.may.write(name)

        if options["prefix"] or options["pagelist"]:
            def p_filter(name, p_filter=p_filter, prefix=(options["prefix"] or ""), pagelist=options["pagelist"]):
                if not p_filter(name):
                    return False
                n_name = normalise_pagename(name, prefix)
                if not n_name:
                    return False
                if not pagelist:
                    return True
                return n_name in pagelist

        pagelist = self.request.rootpage.getPageList(filter=p_filter, exists=not options["include_deleted"],

        if options['include_revno']:
            pages = []
            for page in pagelist:
                revno = page.get_real_rev()
                if options["mark_deleted"] and not page.exists():
                    revno = -revno
                pages.append([self._outstr(page.page_name), revno])
            return pages
            return [self._outstr(page) for page in pagelist]
Exemple #7
 def testAllCreate(self):
     package = PackagePages(self.request.rootpage.page_name, self.request)
     temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.zip')
                             filter=lambda name: not wikiutil.isSystemPage(self.request, name)),
     if not package:
         py.test.skip("No user created pages in wiki!")
     assert zipfile.is_zipfile(temp.name)
Exemple #8
    def mainloop(self):
        """ moin-package's main code. """

        # Initalize request
        request = self.request
        _ = self.request.getText

        # Check our command line args
        if self.options.pages and self.options.search:
            script.fatal(_("Options --pages and --search are mutually exclusive!"))
        elif not self.options.output:
            script.fatal(_("You must specify an output file!"))
        elif not self.options.pages and not self.options.search:
            script.log(_("No pages specified using --pages or --search, assuming full package."))

        include_attachments = self.options.attachment or False
        if include_attachments:
            script.log(_("All attachments included into the package."))

        # Sanity checks
        if os.path.exists(self.options.output):
            script.fatal(_("Output file already exists! Cowardly refusing to continue!"))

        # Check for user
        if self.options.package_user:
            request.user = user.User(request, name=self.options.package_user)

        # Import PackagePages here, as we now have an initalized request.
        from MoinMoin.action.PackagePages import PackagePages

        # Perform actual packaging.
        package = PackagePages(request.rootpage.page_name, request)
        packageoutput = open(self.options.output, "wb")
        if self.options.search:
            packagedata = package.collectpackage(
                package.searchpackage(request, self.options.search),
        elif self.options.pages:
            packagedata = package.collectpackage(
                self.options.pages.split(","), packageoutput, include_attachments=include_attachments
            packagedata = package.collectpackage(
                    include_underlay=False, filter=lambda name: not wikiutil.isSystemPage(request, name)
        if packagedata:
 def testAllCreate(self):
     package = PackagePages(self.request.rootpage.page_name, self.request)
     temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.zip')
             filter=lambda name: not wikiutil.isSystemPage(
                 self.request, name)), temp)
     if not package:
         py.test.skip("No user created pages in wiki!")
     assert zipfile.is_zipfile(temp.name)
Exemple #10
    def _get_domains(self, page):
        """ Returns a generator with all the domains the page belongs to

        @param page: page
        if page.isUnderlayPage():
            yield 'underlay'
        if page.isStandardPage():
            yield 'standard'
        if wikiutil.isSystemPage(self.request, page.page_name):
            yield 'system'
Exemple #11
    def _get_domains(self, page):
        """ Returns a generator with all the domains the page belongs to

        @param page: page
        if page.isUnderlayPage():
            yield 'underlay'
        if page.isStandardPage():
            yield 'standard'
        if wikiutil.isSystemPage(self.request, page.page_name):
            yield 'system'
Exemple #12
    def _get_matches(self, page):
        checks = {'underlay': page.isUnderlayPage,
                  'standard': page.isStandardPage,
                  'system': lambda page=page: wikiutil.isSystemPage(page.request, page.page_name),

            match = checks[self.pattern]()
        except KeyError:
            match = False

        if match:
            return [Match()]
            return []
Exemple #13
    def _get_matches(self, page):
        checks = {'underlay': page.isUnderlayPage,
                  'standard': page.isStandardPage,
                  'system': lambda page=page: wikiutil.isSystemPage(page.request, page.page_name),

            match = checks[self.pattern]()
        except KeyError:
            match = False

        if match:
            return [Match()]
            return []
Exemple #14
    def mainloop(self):
        """ moin-package's main code. """

        # Initalize request
        request = self.request
        _ = self.request.getText

        # Check our command line args
        if self.options.pages and self.options.search:
            script.fatal(_("Options --pages and --search are mutually exclusive!"))
        elif not self.options.output:
            script.fatal(_("You must specify an output file!"))
        elif not self.options.pages and not self.options.search:
            script.log(_("No pages specified using --pages or --search, assuming full package."))

        include_attachments = self.options.attachment or False
        if include_attachments:
            script.log(_("All attachments included into the package."))

        # Sanity checks
        if os.path.exists(self.options.output):
            script.fatal(_("Output file already exists! Cowardly refusing to continue!"))

        # Check for user
        if self.options.package_user:
            request.user = user.User(request, name=self.options.package_user)

        # Import PackagePages here, as we now have an initalized request.
        from MoinMoin.action.PackagePages import PackagePages

        # Perform actual packaging.
        package = PackagePages(request.rootpage.page_name, request)
        packageoutput = open(self.options.output, "wb")
        if self.options.search:
            packagedata = package.collectpackage(package.searchpackage(request,
                                                                       self.options.search), packageoutput,
        elif self.options.pages:
            packagedata = package.collectpackage(self.options.pages.split(","), packageoutput, include_attachments=include_attachments)
            packagedata = package.collectpackage(request.rootpage.getPageList(
                                filter=lambda name: not wikiutil.isSystemPage(request, name)),
                                packageoutput, include_attachments=include_attachments)
        if packagedata:
Exemple #15
    def searchpackage(self, request, searchkey):
        """ Search MoinMoin for the string specified and return a list of
        matching pages, provided they are not system pages and not
        present in the underlay.

        @param request: current request
        @param searchkey: string to search for
        @rtype: list
        @return: list of pages matching searchkey

        pagelist = searchPages(request, searchkey)

        titles = []
        for title in pagelist.hits:
            if not wikiutil.isSystemPage(request, title.page_name) or not title.page.getPageStatus()[0]:
        return titles
Exemple #16
    def searchpackage(self, request, searchkey):
        """ Search MoinMoin for the string specified and return a list of
        matching pages, provided they are not system pages and not
        present in the underlay.

        @param request: current request
        @param searchkey: string to search for
        @rtype: list
        @return: list of pages matching searchkey

        pagelist = searchPages(request, searchkey)

        titles = []
        for title in pagelist.hits:
            if not wikiutil.isSystemPage(request, title.page_name) or not title.page.getPageStatus()[0]:
        return titles
Exemple #17
def sitemap_url(request, page):
    """ return a sitemap <url>..</url> fragment for page object <page> """
    url = page.url(request)
    pagename = page.page_name
    lastmod = page.mtime_printable(request)
    if lastmod == "0":  # can happen in case of errors
        lastmod = now()

    # page's changefreq, priority and lastmod depends on page type / name
    if pagename in [
        # important dynamic pages with macros
        changefreq = "hourly"
        priority = "0.9"
        lastmod = now(
        )  # the page text mtime never changes, but the macro output DOES

    elif pagename in [
        # important user edited pages
        changefreq = "hourly"
        priority = "1.0"

    elif wikiutil.isSystemPage(request, pagename):
        # other system pages are rather boring
        changefreq = "yearly"
        priority = "0.1"

        # these are the content pages:
        changefreq = "daily"
        priority = "0.5"

    return make_url_xml(request, locals())
 def testSystemPage(self):
     """wikiutil: good system page names accepted, bad rejected"""
     for name in self.systemPages:
         assert wikiutil.isSystemPage(self.request, name)
     for name in self.notSystemPages:
         assert not  wikiutil.isSystemPage(self.request, name)
Exemple #19
    def _macro_SystemInfo(self, args):
        import operator, sys
        from StringIO import StringIO
        from MoinMoin import parser, processor, version
        from MoinMoin.logfile import editlog, eventlog
        _ = self._
        # check for 4XSLT
            import Ft
            ftversion = Ft.__version__
        except ImportError:
            ftversion = None
        except AttributeError:
            ftversion = 'N/A'

        # Get the full pagelist in the wiki
        pagelist = self.request.rootpage.getPageList(user='')
        totalsize = reduce(operator.add, [Page(self.request, name).size()
                                          for name in pagelist])

        buf = StringIO()
        row = lambda label, value, buf=buf: buf.write(
            u'<dt>%s</dt><dd>%s</dd>' %
            (label, value))

        row(_('Python Version'), sys.version)
        row(_('MoinMoin Version'), _('Release %s [Revision %s]') % (version.release, version.revision))
        if ftversion:
            row(_('4Suite Version'), ftversion)
        row(_('Number of pages'), str(len(pagelist)))
        systemPages = [page for page in pagelist
                       if wikiutil.isSystemPage(self.request, page)]
        row(_('Number of system pages'), str(len(systemPages)))
        row(_('Accumulated page sizes'), str(totalsize))

        edlog = editlog.EditLog(self.request)
        row(_('Entries in edit log'),
            _("%(logcount)s (%(logsize)s bytes)") %
            {'logcount': edlog.lines(), 'logsize': edlog.size()})

        # !!! This puts a heavy load on the server when the log is large,
        # and it can appear on normal pages ==> so disable it for now.
        eventlogger = eventlog.EventLog(self.request)
        nonestr = _("NONE")
        row('Event log',
            "%s bytes" % eventlogger.size())
        row(_('Global extension macros'), 
            ', '.join(macro.extension_macros) or nonestr)
        row(_('Local extension macros'), 
            ', '.join(wikiutil.wikiPlugins('macro', self.cfg)) or nonestr)
        ext_actions = []
        for a in action.extension_actions:
            if not a in self.request.cfg.excluded_actions:
        row(_('Global extension actions'), 
            ', '.join(ext_actions) or nonestr)
        row(_('Local extension actions'), 
            ', '.join(wikiaction.getPlugins(self.request)[1]) or nonestr)
        row(_('Installed parsers'), 
            ', '.join(parser.modules) or nonestr)
        row(_('Installed processors (DEPRECATED -- use Parsers instead)'), 
            ', '.join(processor.processors) or nonestr)
        state = (_('Disabled'), _('Enabled'))
        row(_('Lupy search'), state[self.request.cfg.lupy_search])

        return self.formatter.rawHTML(buf.getvalue())
Exemple #20
def macro_WantedPages(macro):
    request = macro.request
    _ = request.getText

    # prevent recursion
    if request.mode_getpagelinks:
        return ''
    if request.isSpiderAgent: # reduce bot cpu usage
        return ''

    # Get allpages switch from the form
    allpages = int(request.values.get('allpages', 0)) != 0

    # Control bar - filter the list of pages
    # TODO: we should make this a widget and use on all page listing pages
    label = (_('Include system pages'), _('Exclude system pages'))[allpages]
    page = macro.formatter.page
    controlbar = macro.formatter.div(1, css_class="controlbar") + \
                 page.link_to(request, label, querystr={'allpages': '%s' % (allpages and '0' or '1')}) + \

    # Get page dict readable by current user
    pages = request.rootpage.getPageDict()

    # build a dict of wanted pages
    wanted = {}
    deprecated_links = []
    for name, page in pages.items():
        # Skip system pages, because missing translations are not wanted pages,
        # unless you are a translator and clicked "Include system pages"
        if not allpages and wikiutil.isSystemPage(request, name):

        # Add links to pages which do not exist in pages dict
        links = page.getPageLinks(request)
        is_deprecated = page.parse_processing_instructions(
                ).get('deprecated', False)

        for link in links:
            if not link in pages and request.user.may.read(link):
                if is_deprecated:
                if link in wanted:
                    wanted[link][name] = 1
                    wanted[link] = {name: 1}

    for link in deprecated_links:
        if len(wanted[link]) == 1:
            del wanted[link]

    # Check for the extreme case when there are no wanted pages
    if not wanted:
        return u"%s<p>%s</p>" % (controlbar, _("No wanted pages in this wiki."))

    # Return a list of page links
    wantednames = wanted.keys()
    result = []
    for name in wantednames:
        if not name:
        # Add link to the wanted page
        result.append(macro.formatter.pagelink(1, name, generated=1))
        result.append(macro.formatter.pagelink(0, name))

        # Add links to pages that want this page, highliting
        # the link in those pages.
        where = wanted[name].keys()
        if macro.formatter.page.page_name in where:
        wherelinks = [pages[pagename].link_to(request, querystr={'highlight': name}, rel='nofollow')
                      for pagename in where]
        result.append(": " + ', '.join(wherelinks))

    return u'%s%s' % (controlbar, u''.join(result))
Exemple #21
        def has_children(what):
            me = what+"/"
            for p in all_pages:
                if p.startswith(me): return True
            return False

        all_pages = _get_all_pages(macro.request)

        hits = []
        hits_dict = {}
        nm_dict = {}

        cfg = macro.request.cfg

        for page in all_pages:
            is_syspage = wikiutil.isSystemPage(macro.request, page)
            is_special = ( \
                name_matches(cfg.page_category_regex) or \
                name_matches(cfg.page_dict_regex) or \
                name_matches(cfg.page_group_regex) or \
                name_matches(cfg.page_template_regex) \
                ) and not "/" in page
            is_regular = not (is_syspage or is_special)

            locs = {
                # functions:
                'name_contains': name_contains,
                'name_is': name_is,
                'name_startswith': name_startswith,
                'name_endswith': name_endswith,
                'name_matches': name_matches,
Exemple #22
 def filter(name):
     return not wikiutil.isSystemPage(self.request, name)
Exemple #23
    def getInfo(self):
        _ = self.request.getText
        request = self.request

        buf = StringIO()

        row = lambda label, value, buf=buf: buf.write(u'<dt>%s</dt><dd>%s</dd>' % (label, value))

        row(_('Python Version'), sys.version)
        row(_('MoinMoin Version'), _('Release %s [Revision %s]') % (version.release, version.revision))

        if not request.user.valid:
            # for an anonymous user it ends here.
            return buf.getvalue()

        if request.user.isSuperUser():
            # superuser gets all page dependent stuff only
                import Ft
                ftversion = Ft.__version__
            except ImportError:
                ftversion = None
            except AttributeError:
                ftversion = 'N/A'

            if ftversion:
                row(_('4Suite Version'), ftversion)

            # TODO add python-xml check and display it

            # Get the full pagelist of the wiki
            pagelist = request.rootpage.getPageList(user='')
            systemPages = []
            totalsize = 0
            for page in pagelist:
                if wikiutil.isSystemPage(request, page):
                totalsize += Page(request, page).size()

            row(_('Number of pages'), str(len(pagelist)-len(systemPages)))
            row(_('Number of system pages'), str(len(systemPages)))

            row(_('Accumulated page sizes'), self.formatInReadableUnits(totalsize))
            data_dir = request.cfg.data_dir
            row(_('Disk usage of %(data_dir)s/pages/') % {'data_dir': data_dir},
                self.formatInReadableUnits(self.getDirectorySize(os.path.join(data_dir, 'pages'))))
            row(_('Disk usage of %(data_dir)s/') % {'data_dir': data_dir},

            edlog = editlog.EditLog(request)
            row(_('Entries in edit log'), "%s (%s)" % (edlog.lines(), self.formatInReadableUnits(edlog.size())))

            # This puts a heavy load on the server when the log is large
            eventlogger = eventlog.EventLog(request)
            row('Event log', self.formatInReadableUnits(eventlogger.size()))

        nonestr = _("NONE")
        # a valid user gets info about all installed extensions
        row(_('Global extension macros'), ', '.join(macro.modules) or nonestr)
        row(_('Local extension macros'),
            ', '.join(wikiutil.wikiPlugins('macro', self.macro.cfg)) or nonestr)

        glob_actions = [x for x in action.modules
                        if not x in request.cfg.actions_excluded]
        row(_('Global extension actions'), ', '.join(glob_actions) or nonestr)
        loc_actions = [x for x in wikiutil.wikiPlugins('action', self.macro.cfg)
                       if not x in request.cfg.actions_excluded]
        row(_('Local extension actions'), ', '.join(loc_actions) or nonestr)

        row(_('Global parsers'), ', '.join(parser.modules) or nonestr)
        row(_('Local extension parsers'),
            ', '.join(wikiutil.wikiPlugins('parser', self.macro.cfg)) or nonestr)

            import xapian
            xapVersion = 'Xapian %s' % xapian.version_string()
        except ImportError:
            xapian = None
            xapVersion = _('Xapian and/or Python Xapian bindings not installed')

        xapian_enabled = request.cfg.xapian_search
        xapState = (_('Disabled'), _('Enabled'))
        xapRow = '%s, %s' % (xapState[xapian_enabled], xapVersion)

        if xapian and xapian_enabled:
            from MoinMoin.search.Xapian.indexing import XapianIndex
            idx = XapianIndex(request)
            idxState = (_('index unavailable'), _('index available'))
            idx_exists = idx.exists()
            xapRow += ', %s' % idxState[idx_exists]
            if idx_exists:
                xapRow += ', %s' % (_('last modified: %s') %

        row(_('Xapian search'), xapRow)

        if xapian and xapian_enabled:
            stems = xapian.Stem.get_available_languages()
            row(_('Stemming for Xapian'), xapState[request.cfg.xapian_stemming] +
                " (%s)" % (stems or nonestr))

            from threading import activeCount
            t_count = activeCount()
        except ImportError:
            t_count = None

        row(_('Active threads'), t_count or _('N/A'))

        return buf.getvalue()
Exemple #24
def macro_WantedPages(macro):
    request = macro.request
    _ = request.getText

    # prevent recursion
    if request.mode_getpagelinks:
        return ""
    if request.isSpiderAgent:  # reduce bot cpu usage
        return ""

    # Get allpages switch from the form
    allpages = int(request.form.get("allpages", [0])[0]) != 0

    # Control bar - filter the list of pages
    # TODO: we should make this a widget and use on all page listing pages
    label = (_("Include system pages"), _("Exclude system pages"))[allpages]
    page = macro.formatter.page
    controlbar = (
        macro.formatter.div(1, css_class="controlbar")
        + page.link_to(request, label, querystr={"allpages": "%s" % (allpages and "0" or "1")})
        + macro.formatter.div(0)

    # Get page dict readable by current user
    pages = request.rootpage.getPageDict()

    # build a dict of wanted pages
    wanted = {}
    for name, page in pages.items():
        # Skip system pages, because missing translations are not wanted pages,
        # unless you are a translator and clicked "Include system pages"
        if not allpages and wikiutil.isSystemPage(request, name):

        # Add links to pages which do not exist in pages dict
        links = page.getPageLinks(request)
        for link in links:
            if not link in pages and request.user.may.read(link):
                if link in wanted:
                    wanted[link][name] = 1
                    wanted[link] = {name: 1}

    # Check for the extreme case when there are no wanted pages
    if not wanted:
        return u"%s<p>%s</p>" % (controlbar, _("No wanted pages in this wiki."))

    # Return a list of page links
    wantednames = wanted.keys()
    result = []
    for name in wantednames:
        if not name:
        # Add link to the wanted page
        result.append(macro.formatter.pagelink(1, name, generated=1))
        result.append(macro.formatter.pagelink(0, name))

        # Add links to pages that want this page, highliting
        # the link in those pages.
        where = wanted[name].keys()
        if macro.formatter.page.page_name in where:
        wherelinks = [
            pages[pagename].link_to(request, querystr={"highlight": name}, rel="nofollow") for pagename in where
        result.append(": " + ", ".join(wherelinks))

    return u"%s%s" % (controlbar, u"".join(result))
Exemple #25
    def xmlrpc_getAllPagesEx(self, opts=None):
        Get all pages readable by current user. Not an WikiRPC method.

        @param opts: dictionary that can contain the following arguments:
                include_system:: set it to false if you do not want to see system pages
                include_revno:: set it to True if you want to have lists with [pagename, revno]
                include_deleted:: set it to True if you want to include deleted pages
                exclude_non_writable:: do not include pages that the current user may not write to
                include_underlay:: return underlay pagenames as well
                prefix:: the page name must begin with this prefix to be included
                mark_deleted:: returns the revision number -rev_no if the page was deleted.
                    Makes only sense if you enable include_revno and include_deleted.
        @rtype: list
        @return: a list of all pages.
        from MoinMoin.wikisync import normalise_pagename
        options = {
            "include_system": True,
            "include_revno": False,
            "include_deleted": False,
            "exclude_non_writable": False,
            "include_underlay": True,
            "prefix": "",
            "pagelist": None,
            "mark_deleted": False
        if opts is not None:

        if not options["include_system"]:
            p_filter = lambda name: not wikiutil.isSystemPage(
                self.request, name)
            p_filter = lambda name: True

        if options["exclude_non_writable"]:
            p_filter = lambda name, p_filter=p_filter: p_filter(
                name) and self.request.user.may.write(name)

        if options["prefix"] or options["pagelist"]:

            def p_filter(name,
                         prefix=(options["prefix"] or ""),
                if not p_filter(name):
                    return False
                n_name = normalise_pagename(name, prefix)
                if not n_name:
                    return False
                if not pagelist:
                    return True
                return n_name in pagelist

        pagelist = self.request.rootpage.getPageList(
            exists=not options["include_deleted"],

        if options['include_revno']:
            pages = []
            for page in pagelist:
                revno = page.get_real_rev()
                if options["mark_deleted"] and not page.exists():
                    revno = -revno
                pages.append([self._outstr(page.page_name), revno])
            return pages
            return [self._outstr(page) for page in pagelist]
Exemple #26
 def nosyspage(name):
     return not wikiutil.isSystemPage(request, name)
Exemple #27
def execute(macro, args):
    request = macro.request
    _ = request.getText

    # prevent recursion
    if request.mode_getpagelinks: 
        return ''   

    # Get allpages switch from the form
    allpages = int(request.form.get('allpages', [0])[0]) != 0
    # Control bar - filter the list of pages
    # TODO: we should make this a widget and use on all page listing pages
    controlbar = '''<div class="controlbar">
<a href="%(qpagename)s?allpages=%(allpages)d">%(label)s</a>
</div>''' % {
        'qpagename': wikiutil.quoteWikinameURL(macro.formatter.page.page_name),
        'allpages': not allpages,
        'label': (_('Include system pages'), _('Exclude system pages'))[allpages],

    # Get page dict readable by current user
    pages = request.rootpage.getPageDict()

    # build a dict of wanted pages
    wanted = {}       
    for name, page in pages.items():
        # Skip system pages, because missing translations are not wanted pages,
        # unless you are a translator and clicked "Include system pages"
        if not allpages and wikiutil.isSystemPage(request, name):
        # Add links to pages which does not exists in pages dict
        links = page.getPageLinks(request)
        for link in links:
            if not link in pages:
                if link in wanted:
                    wanted[link][name] = 1
                    wanted[link] = {name: 1}

    # Check for the extreme case when there are no wanted pages
    if not wanted:
        return u"%s<p>%s</p>" % (controlbar ,_("No wanted pages in this wiki."))

    # Return a list of page links
    wantednames = wanted.keys()
    result = []
    for name in wantednames:
        if not name: continue
        # Add link to the wanted page
        result.append(macro.formatter.pagelink(1, name, generated=1))
        result.append(macro.formatter.pagelink(0, name))

        # Add links to pages that want this page, highliting
        # the link in those pages.
        where = wanted[name].keys()
        if macro.formatter.page.page_name in where:
        querystr='highlight=%s' % wikiutil.url_quote_plus(name)
        wherelinks = [pages[pagename].link_to(request, querystr=querystr)
                      for pagename in where]
        result.append(": " + ', '.join(wherelinks))

    return u'%s%s' % (controlbar, u''.join(result))
Exemple #28
 def nosyspage(name):
     return not wikiutil.isSystemPage(request, name)
Exemple #29
    def getInfo(self):
        _ = self.request.getText
        request = self.request

        buf = StringIO()

        row = lambda label, value, buf=buf: buf.write(u'<dt>%s</dt><dd>%s</dd>'
                                                      % (label, value))

        row(_('Python Version'), sys.version)
            _('MoinMoin Version'),
            _('Release %s [Revision %s]') %
            (version.release, version.revision))

        if not request.user.valid:
            # for an anonymous user it ends here.
            return buf.getvalue()

        if request.user.isSuperUser():
            # superuser gets all page dependent stuff only
                import Ft
                ftversion = Ft.__version__
            except ImportError:
                ftversion = None
            except AttributeError:
                ftversion = 'N/A'

            if ftversion:
                row(_('4Suite Version'), ftversion)

            # TODO add python-xml check and display it

            # Get the full pagelist of the wiki
            pagelist = request.rootpage.getPageList(user='')
            systemPages = []
            totalsize = 0
            for page in pagelist:
                if wikiutil.isSystemPage(request, page):
                totalsize += Page(request, page).size()

            row(_('Number of pages'), str(len(pagelist) - len(systemPages)))
            row(_('Number of system pages'), str(len(systemPages)))

            row(_('Accumulated page sizes'),
            data_dir = request.cfg.data_dir
                _('Disk usage of %(data_dir)s/pages/') %
                {'data_dir': data_dir},
                    self.getDirectorySize(os.path.join(data_dir, 'pages'))))
                _('Disk usage of %(data_dir)s/') % {'data_dir': data_dir},

            edlog = editlog.EditLog(request)
                _('Entries in edit log'), "%s (%s)" %
                (edlog.lines(), self.formatInReadableUnits(edlog.size())))

            # This puts a heavy load on the server when the log is large
            eventlogger = eventlog.EventLog(request)
            row('Event log', self.formatInReadableUnits(eventlogger.size()))

        nonestr = _("NONE")
        # a valid user gets info about all installed extensions
        row(_('Global extension macros'), ', '.join(macro.modules) or nonestr)
            _('Local extension macros'),
            ', '.join(wikiutil.wikiPlugins('macro', self.macro.cfg))
            or nonestr)

        glob_actions = [
            x for x in action.modules if not x in request.cfg.actions_excluded
        row(_('Global extension actions'), ', '.join(glob_actions) or nonestr)
        loc_actions = [
            x for x in wikiutil.wikiPlugins('action', self.macro.cfg)
            if not x in request.cfg.actions_excluded
        row(_('Local extension actions'), ', '.join(loc_actions) or nonestr)

        row(_('Global parsers'), ', '.join(parser.modules) or nonestr)
            _('Local extension parsers'),
            ', '.join(wikiutil.wikiPlugins('parser', self.macro.cfg))
            or nonestr)

            import xapian
            xapVersion = 'Xapian %s' % xapian.version_string()
        except ImportError:
            xapian = None
            xapVersion = _(
                'Xapian and/or Python Xapian bindings not installed')

        xapian_enabled = request.cfg.xapian_search
        xapState = (_('Disabled'), _('Enabled'))
        xapRow = '%s, %s' % (xapState[xapian_enabled], xapVersion)

        if xapian and xapian_enabled:
            from MoinMoin.search.Xapian.indexing import XapianIndex
            idx = XapianIndex(request)
            idxState = (_('index unavailable'), _('index available'))
            idx_exists = idx.exists()
            xapRow += ', %s' % idxState[idx_exists]
            if idx_exists:
                xapRow += ', %s' % (
                    _('last modified: %s') %

        row(_('Xapian search'), xapRow)

        if xapian and xapian_enabled:
            stems = xapian.Stem.get_available_languages()
                _('Stemming for Xapian'),
                xapState[request.cfg.xapian_stemming] + " (%s)" %
                (stems or nonestr))

            from threading import activeCount
            t_count = activeCount()
        except ImportError:
            t_count = None

        row(_('Active threads'), t_count or _('N/A'))

        return buf.getvalue()