def macro_Navigation(macro, scheme=wikiutil.required_arg((u'children', u'siblings', u'slideshow', u'slides')), depth=0): # get HTML code with the links navi = Navigation(macro, scheme, depth).dispatch() if navi: # return links packed into a table return u'<table class="navigation"><tr><td>%s</td></tr></table>' % navi # navigation disabled in plain print mode return u''
def macro_EmbedObject( macro, target=wikiutil.required_arg(unicode), pagename=None, width=wikiutil.UnitArgument(None, float, ['px', 'em', 'pt', 'in', 'mm', '%'], defaultunit='px'), height=wikiutil.UnitArgument(None, float, ['px', 'em', 'pt', 'in', 'mm', '%'], defaultunit='px'), alt=u'', play=False, stop=True, loop=False, quality=(u'high', u'low', u'medium'), op=True, repeat=False, autostart=False, align=(u'middle', u'top', u'bottom'), hidden=False, menu=True, wmode=u'transparent', url_mimetype=None): """ This macro is used to embed an object into a wiki page """ # Join unit arguments with their units if width: if width[1] == 'px': width = '%dpx' % int(width[0]) else: width = '%g%s' % width if height: if height[1] == 'px': height = '%dpx' % int(height[0]) else: height = '%g%s' % height request = macro.request _ = macro.request.getText fmt = macro.formatter # AttachFile calls always with pagename. Users can call the macro from a different page as the attachment is saved. if not pagename: pagename = if not wikiutil.is_URL(target): pagename, fname = AttachFile.absoluteName(target, pagename) if not AttachFile.exists(request, pagename, fname): linktext = _('Upload new attachment "%(filename)s"') % { 'filename': fname } target = AttachFile.getAttachUrl(pagename, fname, request, do='upload_form') return (fmt.url(1, target) + fmt.text(linktext) + fmt.url(0)) url = AttachFile.getAttachUrl(pagename, fname, request) mt = wikiutil.MimeType(filename=fname) else: if not url_mimetype: return fmt.text( _('%(extension_name)s %(extension_type)s: Required argument %(argument_name)s missing.' ) % { "extension_name": extension_name, "extension_type": extension_type, "argument_name": "url_mimetype", }) else: url = target mt = wikiutil.MimeType() # initialize dict try: mt.major, mt.minor = url_mimetype.split('/') except ValueError: return fmt.text( _('%(extension_name)s %(extension_type)s: Invalid %(argument_name)s=%(argument_value)s!' ) % { "extension_name": extension_name, "extension_type": extension_type, "argument_name": "url_mimetype", "argument_value": str(url_mimetype), }) mime_type = "%s/%s" % ( mt.major, mt.minor, ) dangerous = mime_type in request.cfg.mimetypes_xss_protect if not mime_type in request.cfg.mimetypes_embed or dangerous: return "%s: %s%s%s" % (fmt.text( _("Current configuration does not allow embedding of the file %(file)s because of its mimetype %(mimetype)s." ) % { "mimetype": mime_type, "file": target }), fmt.url(1, url), fmt.text(target), fmt.url(0)) if not alt: alt = "%(text)s %(mime_type)s" % { 'text': _("Embedded"), 'mime_type': mime_type } embed_src = '' if mt.major == 'video': if not width and not height: width = '400px' height = '400px' embed_src = ''' <object %(ob_data)s %(ob_type)s %(ob_width)s %(ob_height)s %(ob_align)s %(ob_standby)s %(ob_stop)s> %(wmode)s%(movie)s%(play)s%(stop)s%(repeat)s%(autostart)s%(op)s%(menu)s <p>%(alt)s</p> </object>''' % { "ob_data": _check_object_value("data", url), "ob_type": _check_object_value("type", mime_type), "ob_width": _check_object_value("width", width), "ob_height": _check_object_value("height", height), "ob_align": _check_object_value("align", align), "ob_standby": _check_object_value("standby", alt), "ob_stop": _check_object_value("stop", stop), "wmode": _check_param_value("wmode", wmode, "data"), "movie": _check_param_value("movie", url, "data"), "play": _check_param_value("play", play, "data"), "stop": _check_param_value("stop", stop, "data"), "repeat": _check_param_value("repeat", repeat, "data"), "autostart": _check_param_value("autostart", autostart, "data"), "op": _check_param_value("op", op, "data"), "menu": _check_param_value("menu", menu, "data"), "alt": wikiutil.escape(alt), } elif mt.major in ['image', 'chemical', 'x-world']: embed_src = ''' <object %(ob_data)s %(ob_type)s %(ob_width)s %(ob_height)s %(ob_align)s> %(name)s <p>%(alt)s</p> </object>''' % { "mime_type": mime_type, "ob_data": _check_object_value("data", url), "ob_width": _check_object_value("width", width), "ob_height": _check_object_value("height", height), "ob_type": _check_object_value("type", mime_type), "ob_align": _check_object_value("align", align), "name": _check_param_value("name", url, "data"), "alt": wikiutil.escape(alt), } elif mt.major == 'audio': if not width and not height: width = '400px' height = '100px' embed_src = ''' <object %(ob_data)s %(ob_type)s %(ob_width)s %(ob_height)s %(ob_align)s> %(audio)s%(repeat)s%(autostart)s%(op)s%(play)s%(stop)s%(hidden)s<p>%(alt)s</p> </object>''' % { "ob_data": _check_object_value("data", url), "ob_width": _check_object_value("width", width or "60"), "ob_height": _check_object_value("height", height or "20"), "ob_type": _check_object_value("type", mime_type), "ob_align": _check_object_value("align", align), "audio": _check_param_value("audio", url, "data"), "repeat": _check_param_value("repeat", repeat, "data"), "autostart": _check_param_value("autostart", autostart, "data"), "op": _check_param_value("op", op, "data"), "play": _check_param_value("play", play, "data"), "stop": _check_param_value("stop", stop, "data"), "hidden": _check_param_value("hidden", hidden, "data"), "alt": wikiutil.escape(alt), } elif mt.major == 'application': # workaround for the acroread browser plugin not knowing the size to embed # we use a width of 100% for the case that there is no width given. # A height of 100% gives a fullscreen pdf file view without embedding it into the wikicontent. if mt.minor == 'pdf': width = width or '100%' height = height or '800px' embed_src = ''' <object %(ob_data)s %(ob_type)s %(ob_width)s %(ob_height)s %(ob_align)s> <p>%(alt)s</p> </object>''' % { "ob_data": _check_object_value("data", url), "ob_width": _check_object_value("width", width), "ob_height": _check_object_value("height", height), "ob_type": _check_object_value("type", mime_type), "ob_align": _check_object_value("align", align), "alt": wikiutil.escape(alt), } else: embed_src = ''' <object %(ob_data)s %(ob_type)s %(ob_width)s %(ob_height)s %(ob_align)s> %(movie)s%(quality)s%(wmode)s%(autostart)s%(play)s%(loop)s%(menu)s<p>%(alt)s</p> </object>''' % { "ob_data": _check_object_value("data", url), "ob_width": _check_object_value("width", width), "ob_height": _check_object_value("height", height), "ob_type": _check_object_value("type", mime_type), "ob_align": _check_object_value("align", align), "movie": _check_param_value("movie", url, "data"), "quality": _check_param_value("quality", quality, "data"), "wmode": _check_param_value("wmode", wmode, "data"), "autostart": _check_param_value("autostart", autostart, "data"), "play": _check_param_value("play", play, "data"), "loop": _check_param_value("loop", loop, "data"), "menu": _check_param_value("menu", menu, "data"), "alt": wikiutil.escape(alt), } return fmt.rawHTML(embed_src)
def _test_invoke_choice_required(self, i=wikiutil.required_arg((u'b', u'a'))): assert i == u'a'
def _test_invoke_float_required(self, i=wikiutil.required_arg(float)): assert i == 1.4
def macro_EmbedObject(macro, target=wikiutil.required_arg(unicode), pagename=None, width=wikiutil.UnitArgument(None, float, ['px', 'em', 'pt', 'in', 'mm', '%'], defaultunit='px'), height=wikiutil.UnitArgument(None, float, ['px', 'em', 'pt', 'in', 'mm', '%'], defaultunit='px'), alt=u'', play=False, stop=True, loop=False, quality=(u'high', u'low', u'medium'), op=True, repeat=False, autostart=False, align=(u'middle', u'top', u'bottom'), hidden=False, menu=True, wmode=u'transparent', url_mimetype=None): """ This macro is used to embed an object into a wiki page """ # Join unit arguments with their units if width: if width[1] == 'px': width = '%dpx' % int(width[0]) else: width = '%g%s' % width if height: if height[1] == 'px': height = '%dpx' % int(height[0]) else: height = '%g%s' % height request = macro.request _ = macro.request.getText fmt = macro.formatter # AttachFile calls always with pagename. Users can call the macro from a different page as the attachment is saved. if not pagename: pagename = if not wikiutil.is_URL(target): pagename, fname = AttachFile.absoluteName(target, pagename) if not AttachFile.exists(request, pagename, fname): linktext = _('Upload new attachment "%(filename)s"') % {'filename': fname} target = AttachFile.getAttachUrl(pagename, fname, request, do='upload_form') return (fmt.url(1, target) + fmt.text(linktext) + fmt.url(0)) url = AttachFile.getAttachUrl(pagename, fname, request) mt = wikiutil.MimeType(filename=fname) else: if not url_mimetype: return fmt.text(_('%(extension_name)s %(extension_type)s: Required argument %(argument_name)s missing.') % { "extension_name": extension_name, "extension_type": extension_type, "argument_name": "url_mimetype", }) else: url = target mt = wikiutil.MimeType() # initialize dict try: mt.major, mt.minor = url_mimetype.split('/') except ValueError: return fmt.text(_('%(extension_name)s %(extension_type)s: Invalid %(argument_name)s=%(argument_value)s!') % { "extension_name": extension_name, "extension_type": extension_type, "argument_name": "url_mimetype", "argument_value": str(url_mimetype), }) mime_type = "%s/%s" % (mt.major, mt.minor, ) dangerous = mime_type in request.cfg.mimetypes_xss_protect if not mime_type in request.cfg.mimetypes_embed or dangerous: return "%s: %s%s%s" % (fmt.text( _("Current configuration does not allow embedding of the file %(file)s because of its mimetype %(mimetype)s.") % { "mimetype": mime_type, "file": target}), fmt.url(1, url), fmt.text(target), fmt.url(0)) if not alt: alt = "%(text)s %(mime_type)s" % {'text': _("Embedded"), 'mime_type': mime_type} embed_src = '' if mt.major == 'video': if not width and not height: width = '400px' height = '400px' embed_src = ''' <object %(ob_data)s %(ob_type)s %(ob_width)s %(ob_height)s %(ob_align)s %(ob_standby)s %(ob_stop)s> %(wmode)s%(movie)s%(play)s%(stop)s%(repeat)s%(autostart)s%(op)s%(menu)s <p>%(alt)s</p> </object>''' % { "ob_data": _check_object_value("data", url), "ob_type": _check_object_value("type", mime_type), "ob_width": _check_object_value("width", width), "ob_height": _check_object_value("height", height), "ob_align": _check_object_value("align", align), "ob_standby": _check_object_value("standby", alt), "ob_stop": _check_object_value("stop", stop), "wmode": _check_param_value("wmode", wmode, "data"), "movie": _check_param_value("movie", url, "data"), "play": _check_param_value("play", play, "data"), "stop": _check_param_value("stop", stop, "data"), "repeat": _check_param_value("repeat", repeat, "data"), "autostart": _check_param_value("autostart", autostart, "data"), "op": _check_param_value("op", op, "data"), "menu": _check_param_value("menu", menu, "data"), "alt": wikiutil.escape(alt), } elif mt.major in ['image', 'chemical', 'x-world']: embed_src = ''' <object %(ob_data)s %(ob_type)s %(ob_width)s %(ob_height)s %(ob_align)s> %(name)s <p>%(alt)s</p> </object>''' % { "mime_type": mime_type, "ob_data": _check_object_value("data", url), "ob_width": _check_object_value("width", width), "ob_height": _check_object_value("height", height), "ob_type": _check_object_value("type", mime_type), "ob_align": _check_object_value("align", align), "name": _check_param_value("name", url, "data"), "alt": wikiutil.escape(alt), } elif mt.major == 'audio': if not width and not height: width = '400px' height = '100px' embed_src = ''' <object %(ob_data)s %(ob_type)s %(ob_width)s %(ob_height)s %(ob_align)s> %(audio)s%(repeat)s%(autostart)s%(op)s%(play)s%(stop)s%(hidden)s<p>%(alt)s</p> </object>''' % { "ob_data": _check_object_value("data", url), "ob_width": _check_object_value("width", width or "60"), "ob_height": _check_object_value("height", height or "20"), "ob_type": _check_object_value("type", mime_type), "ob_align": _check_object_value("align", align), "audio": _check_param_value("audio", url, "data"), "repeat": _check_param_value("repeat", repeat, "data"), "autostart": _check_param_value("autostart", autostart, "data"), "op": _check_param_value("op", op, "data"), "play": _check_param_value("play", play, "data"), "stop": _check_param_value("stop", stop, "data"), "hidden": _check_param_value("hidden", hidden, "data"), "alt": wikiutil.escape(alt), } elif mt.major == 'application': # workaround for the acroread browser plugin not knowing the size to embed # we use a width of 100% for the case that there is no width given. # A height of 100% gives a fullscreen pdf file view without embedding it into the wikicontent. if mt.minor == 'pdf': width = width or '100%' height = height or '800px' embed_src = ''' <object %(ob_data)s %(ob_type)s %(ob_width)s %(ob_height)s %(ob_align)s> <p>%(alt)s</p> </object>''' % { "ob_data": _check_object_value("data", url), "ob_width": _check_object_value("width", width), "ob_height": _check_object_value("height", height), "ob_type": _check_object_value("type", mime_type), "ob_align": _check_object_value("align", align), "alt": wikiutil.escape(alt), } else: embed_src = ''' <object %(ob_data)s %(ob_type)s %(ob_width)s %(ob_height)s %(ob_align)s> %(movie)s%(quality)s%(wmode)s%(autostart)s%(play)s%(loop)s%(menu)s<p>%(alt)s</p> </object>''' % { "ob_data": _check_object_value("data", url), "ob_width": _check_object_value("width", width), "ob_height": _check_object_value("height", height), "ob_type": _check_object_value("type", mime_type), "ob_align": _check_object_value("align", align), "movie": _check_param_value("movie", url, "data"), "quality": _check_param_value("quality", quality, "data"), "wmode": _check_param_value("wmode", wmode, "data"), "autostart": _check_param_value("autostart", autostart, "data"), "play": _check_param_value("play", play, "data"), "loop": _check_param_value("loop", loop, "data"), "menu": _check_param_value("menu", menu, "data"), "alt": wikiutil.escape(alt), } return fmt.rawHTML(embed_src)